Working on a TV show during daytime shooting. How much can you earn as an extra on filming television series and talk shows?

If you do not have an acting education, and the main roles in films are not destined for you, then there is only one option left, how to get into the crowd on a TV show and filming.

1. Almost everything takes place in Moscow, so if you don’t live there, then you need to come or fly there.

2. The second thing you should do is take good photos. It will be enough to take one photo with a close-up of your face, and one full-length photo. Photos must be of high quality and taken in the studio, and not against the backdrop of a carpet or sofa. You will need photographs both printed on photo paper and on a flash drive in electronic form. On the printed photographs, on the back side you need to write your data, such as: last name and first name, date of birth, education, experience in filming, and of course your phone number and e-mail. Many people forget to sign their photos and then wonder why no one invites them to be part of the crowd.

3. In the article, we have already mentioned the casting portal, the social network of actors and the website, where, in addition to castings, they publish up-to-date information about recruiting extras in cinema and TV. First, you will need to register on these sites in order to gain access to the contact information of the extras foreman, who sign up for the extras. After that, you can go to these sites every day and select suitable crowd shooting for yourself for the coming days. Some extras foremen sign up for filming by phone, some by e-mail, and the most advanced ones by Viber and WhatsApp. Also on these portals you can subscribe to the newsletter for current filming of extras, which will be sent to you by email. Paid registration on casting portals should not scare away those who want to get into the crowd, since even one day of filming will cover the cost of registration on the site, and then you can act as an extra every day, if only you had the time and desire.

4. After you have been signed up as an extra and you have come to shoot for the first time with this extras foreman, ask him if he can leave your photo for future projects. If you establish yourself as an adequate person, then in the future the foreman will be able to call you not to a crowd scene, but to a group or even an episode with words. Groups and episodes pay more than filming as an extra, and filming in them is more interesting than walking in the background. Now you know why we recommended you take good photos in the second paragraph of the article.

5. Also on casting portals you can place your profile, photo and your phone number in the database of actors in crowd scenes, and the crowd foremen themselves will call you and invite you to filming. Your task is to notify as much as possible all the people who select extras for their projects, so you need to use all the possibilities. It often happens that crowd foremen and acting assistants select extras for their projects according to a certain type, so they go to casting portals and look through the entire available database of actors for crowd scenes. When they see your photos and realize that you suit them, they immediately call and invite you to shoot.

6. While filming as an extra, you should also contact your new colleagues, from whom you can learn about other crowd foremen with whom you can sign up for other filming. Each extra actor has a list of foremen, although not everyone shares them.

Now let’s summarize what was said above so that you fully understand how to get into the crowd on TV shows and movies:

1. We take high-quality photographs.

2. Register on casting portals, for example, and (but there are others). We fill out our crowd scene actor form, daily review current offers for filming in crowd scenes and contact the foreman.

3. During the shooting, we behave appropriately and follow all the commands of the extras foreman, after which we hand him our signed photos.

4. Communicate with other extras and exchange information with them about filming and the people who record it.

I have been filming extras in films and TV shows for more than 5 years. I’ll share tips on how to get into the cinema) and how much you can earn.

Extras ru the most popular resource for booking filming in Moscow. There are recordings in other cities, but much less.

Filming in Moscow, sometimes trips to the Moscow region and other events. The organizers are bringing it.

So. The site looks like a forum. Let's figure out where to look and what to do to get into the crowd.

First register. Simple and clear. Add an avatar.

Let's look carefully at the sections of the site.

Questionnaires- there’s no need to even waste time filling it out. Millions of profiles, hundreds of new profiles every day.

Now to the earnings.

Types of earnings in the crowd.

This is the second section. MOSCOW. INVITATION TO SHOOTING

  • filming by viewers in broadcasts.

The task is simple: sit in the hall during filming. Always filming in Moscow. Most often in Ostankino there are sometimes other locations around the city.

How to get:

  • Read the age and appearance requirements carefully.
  • appropriate clothing. If the requirements say dark colors, then if you come in pink, they won’t let you in. Also, the foreman will blacklist you and you won’t get to him.
  • take a passport with registration or registration, if not, then a return ticket.
  • During the filming of programs, viewers are not fed. Take food and water. Most often there is nowhere to buy.

Example of an ad.


  • Arrive half an hour early, you need to check in with the foreman.
  • Replacement shoes are a must. It is more comfortable to sit in pumps and sneakers than in tight shoes.
  • The clothes are comfortable, sitting with your legs clenched for 5 hours in a short skirt is a pleasure.
  • If the program is about health, then it is better not to go on stage. We all know Elena Malysheva and her program has a great life. Yes, they are sure to pay extra for this, but there is no shame)

I also sometimes go to Live Healthy. Several programs are filmed from 9 am to 5 pm. Paid 500r.

The cost varies and depends on the number of programs. But of course, you won’t earn much money here. Up to 1000 rubles.

Interesting projects

  • - filming in New Year's issues. Blue light, etc. Just a great atmosphere. Interesting. Is not boring. But it takes a long time and they pay little.

  • Politics, depending on who you are. I go to Solovyov’s show - one program costs 200 rubles.
  • Live. - usually there are more requirements for clothing. And as in any filming, do not yawn, do not make noise, do not itch, do not sleep, etc.))

    • Shooting as an extra in movies and TV series.

    This is very interesting.

    The projects are different. Filming is ongoing. I can talk about this for hours. Each shoot is unique. There are a lot of locations and images. Most often, filming takes all day and is often delayed.

    Payment immediately after the end of the working day.

    Common roles: passers-by, medical staff, visitors, etc.

    Here I am in the Pyatnitsky series. The role of the journalist.

When filming a movie or television program, you need a “background” against which all the events take place. These are people depicting crowds in markets, stadiums or spectators in a talk show studio. Whatever you may think, they also receive a salary, in some cases it becomes their permanent or additional income.

An original way to generate income

Participation in crowd scenes of films is mainly available only to residents of the capital. If it happens away filming, then provincials or villagers can also get into the frame.

Many people are eager to take part in filming, especially since they also pay for it.

The main motivation lies in the interesting possibilities:

  • see your favorite stars in close proximity;
  • find out how filming takes place from the inside;
  • see what is left behind the scenes;
  • earn a little money.

The table shows the income of extras in various television projects:

Their profits depend on the channel they operate on:

Earnings of extras on the set of feature films and television series:

Name Role performed RUR USD
"History of War" soldiers, orderlies, civilians 700 10,93
"Sklif" patients and clinic visitors 790 12,33
"Jumble" teachers, physical teacher, parents 600 9,37
"Crew" people in the waiting room 600
"Unjured" gay guy 2000 31,72
— / — walrus for christening 2000
"City" shopping center visitor 700 10,93
"Molodezhka" cafe visitor 800 12,19
"Fighter" police officer, secretary 800
"Hotel "Eleon" waiter 1000 15,61

Such amounts are earned in 1 day (8 hours). If a film requires filming a funeral procession, then each extra playing the role of a dejected walker receives 800 rub. ($12.49) per 8 hour shift.

They pay for the image of a corpse in the frame from 4000 to 6000 rubles. ($62 -94). For filming in a commercial, an extra receives from 1000 rub.

In Ukraine, people pay from 50 to 300 UAH($1.89 – 11.35). Very active earn up to 1500 UAH($56.73) per day. These are mainly pensioners, students and schoolchildren who have time but no money.

How to join the world of cinema?

In order to appear in the background in a movie or TV show, you need to register and leave your application on special sites that offer such vacancies. For example, The recruitment of extras is carried out by foremen, selecting them based on their photos.

They have a number of criteria that the candidate must meet.

Each program or series has its own requirements.

If the candidacy is approved, an invitation is sent by email indicating the time of the shooting. You need to arrive early. At the entrance to the studio, the foremen hand out to the participants tokens. After the shooting they will be exchanged for your salary.

Then everyone is invited to the studio, where they must strictly fulfill the directors’ requirements - clap when told, laugh when signaled, etc. Filming continues 12 hours and more, people stay until late at night. The task of extras in a political show is not to laugh and not to sleep.

Sometimes members of the extras are fed during breaks between filming, and sometimes they are asked to take food and water with them from home.

In the studio you can expect some minor troubles:

  • at the last moment they will be refused due to unsuitable appearance;
  • Due to late filming, you may be late for the metro;
  • you cannot leave the studio before other extras;
  • payment is made on a blank statement.

In addition to the extras, there are also individuals who are shown in close-up.

They are allowed to say a few words or make a certain movement.

They pay several times more for this.

One extra is allocated 1200 – 2500 rub.. ($18.7 – 39). Everything that the extras were underpaid ends up in the pockets of the foremen and their patrons.

Revenue in other countries

Regular extras in America have their own guild - S.A.G.. They are taken to filming first of all. According to the law, you cannot hire strangers until you are provided with at least a job 510 people from the guild.

The reasons may vary.

    Get behind the scenes and see how your favorite show is created.

    Look closely at famous personalities. Make sure that Malakhov really speaks so quickly, and that the “live” Urgant is more charming than the “evening” one.

    Get on TV. At least somehow, at least briefly, with one sleeve or left ear, but show yourself to the whole country.

    Earn some extra money. In a desperate situation, even a small amount can make life easier. A huge advantage of working as a viewer on television is that you get paid immediately after filming ends.

    Find out new information, get some bonuses, useful things. For example, on Elena Malysheva’s program “Live Healthy,” sometimes they conduct an examination of viewers as an example.

    Participate in a discussion on a topic that concerns you.

Most often, viewers are needed for the filming of talk shows - to create an environment for the characters of the program.

There are two reliable ways to find such a job:

    Apply for a vacancy on large audience search sites (,, etc.).

    Sign up for the filming of the program on its official website in a special form.

The second option is the most reliable, since you will communicate directly with the editors of the program you want to attend, and not with intermediaries. In addition, everyone has different requirements for viewers, and it is not easy to come up with a general list of conditions. Somewhere they want to see stylishly dressed young people; on other talk shows they invite older people who have formed an opinion on the topic of the program. The only requirement is to have a passport. It is needed to obtain a pass to the set.

Is it profitable to be a spectator?

For filming a program they pay an average of 300-600 rubles. But there are also fees of 800-1000 rubles. And this shooting can last several hours. So consider: time to get to the studio, registration, seating, shooting for 2-4 hours or longer, getting money, going home. An hour will cost an average of 50-100 rubles. Can this be considered work? Rather, it is a part-time job or a pleasant pastime with symbolic rewards and new bright impressions.

How it all happens

Nina Nikolaeva

Student, 20 years old

I took part in the filming of Ice Age. I love this show and have always wanted to see how similar shows work from the inside. I went to the shoot with my friend. We found a site that was recruiting extras, registered, and we were told where and what time we needed to come.

We found the studio easily, but they didn’t let us in right away. It just so happened that we were late and people had already entered. After some time, the woman who was in charge of the audience drew attention to us and led us into the hall. She said that they needed young people with good looks.

There were a lot of people in the studio, the hall was completely filled. The seats were not chosen by ourselves - the spectators were seated depending on their appearance. Those who were prettier were taken to the first and second rows. Also, everyone was distributed by color: so that they wouldn’t sit next to each other in clothes of the same colors. We were lucky - we were seated in the second row.

We waited for more than half an hour for everything to start. The shooting lasted a very long time, more than four hours. The participants had to skate their entrances, after which the presenters were filmed separately. By the way, it was cool in the hall; you couldn’t wear jackets in the front rows. We sat covered with scarves.

I really wanted to eat. It’s good that you took food and water with you, since there was nowhere to buy it. They were allowed to go to the toilet, but they were not allowed to use cell phones. In the middle of filming, a break was announced for 20 minutes. At least we warmed up.

It was interesting to watch the program afterwards. We sat in the center, and each number began right in front of us, so we managed to get into the frame several times.

It was hard to sit for so long, constantly clapping. And since we were in the most visible place, we still had to smile and rejoice all the time. In the end, it was very annoying that the presenter forgot the text, and she was filmed several times.

At about ten o'clock in the evening the filming finally ended, and then the stampede began. It took about twenty minutes to get out, the crowd was terrible, everyone was tired and aggressive. At the exit, each spectator was given 600 rubles. No contracts were signed, no statements were signed. and - free.

I don't regret participating in the filming. Of course, I wanted to take a photo with one of the stars, but they didn’t allow me. 600 rubles is a small payment, considering that you still need to get to the studio and that the shooting lasts 4-6 hours. But as an experience - why not? I would go to other programs, but only those where I would go for free.

If you decide to become a television viewer, be prepared for the following:

    you may have to sit in your place for 3-4 hours (filming the program lasts several times longer than it takes to air),

    you will smile and applaud not when you want, but at the command of your assistant,

    you may be bored, in this case, calm yourself down with thoughts about the fee,

    It may happen that you will not see yourself in the finished program.

How to get into the frame if you still dream of fame and not a fee

If you really want to see yourself on TV, watch a couple of episodes of the program (many can be found on the Internet). Do they show spectators there? Pay attention to what they are wearing, how they are seated around the hall, do they often appear in the frame? Take a close look at the characters who appear most often and compare them with those sitting in the back rows. Do you want to be in the first place? Dress up and try to look the same.

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