Examples of tolerant behavior. Tolerance - what is it and what is the level of tolerance in Russia

, General pedagogical technologies

Tolerance is the willingness to favorably recognize and accept the behavior, beliefs and views of other people that differ from one’s own. Moreover, even in the case when these beliefs and views are not shared by you. Example Tolerance of others' lifestyles, behavior, customs, feelings, opinions, ideas, beliefs .

Using the meaning of the concept of tolerance.

In politics it is used as respect for other political movements, ideas, government systems.

In culture it is used as a perception of works of different religious and historical properties, as well as respect for the culture of other peoples.

In society it is used as a complementary identity of various peoples and other social groups. RESPECT FOR OTHERS' CUSTOMS AND MORES.

History of tolerance

More than 70 years ago, a wave of Jewish pogroms swept through Nazi Germany, called " Kristallnacht". Those terrible events laid the foundation Holocaust- one of the most terrible crimes against tolerance in the history of mankind. In memory of this, in 1996, the UN proclaimed November 16 as the International Day of Tolerance...

The significance of the day of tolerance for all humanity.

Greetings from President of Russia D. A. Medvedev to the participants of the requiem evening dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Kristallnacht “We must not only remember the past, but also clearly understand the threats to the modern world from ethnic hatred, racial intolerance and disregard for human dignity And the collapse of fascism is the most threatening warning to all who today preach these dangerous ideas and try to justify the crimes of the Nazis...

Tolerance task.

The task will help determine the degree of tolerance and respect for other people's opinions. Answer quickly, without hesitation.

1. Coming role-playing game. What suits you:

A) for those who do not know the rules to play.
B) for those who recognize and know the rules to participate.

2. Do you calmly face life's failures?

A) yes.
B) no.

3. Is the situation painful for you: when you have to abandon your project because similar project your classmates suggested:

A) yes.
B) no.

4. Do you dislike classmates who violate the rules of social behavior:

A) you are not interested at all if they do not cross acceptable boundaries.
B) you don’t like them because they don’t know how to control themselves.

5. Can you easily find contact with classmates who have different beliefs, customs, and intentions than you?

A) it is always difficult for you to do this.
B) relatively easy.

6. How do you react to a joke you are the target of:

A) you can’t stand jokes or the jokers themselves.
B) trying to find an answer in the same humorous form.

7. Do you agree with the popular opinion that many classmates are trying to do “not their own business”, trying to seem “better than they are”:

A) yes.
B) no.

8. You bring an acquaintance to the company, who becomes the object of general attention. Your reaction:

A) it’s unpleasant for you that attention is paid to him and not to you.
B) you are happy for your friend.


Count up the points. Record 2 points for answers

1 – B, 2 – B, 3 – B, 4 – A, 5 – B, 6 – B, 7 – A, 8 – B.


From 0 to 4 points. You have a high degree of stubbornness and intolerance, and you often try to impose your opinions on others. Your personality makes it difficult to maintain normal relationships with people who think differently than you and disagree with what you say and do.

From 5 to 12 points. You are able to firmly defend your beliefs and can engage in dialogue. If you think it necessary, then change your beliefs. But sometimes you are capable of disrespect for your interlocutor who thinks differently than you. You don't know how to put forward convincing arguments.

From 14 to 16 points. You have strong opinions combined with a flexible mind. You can accept any idea with understanding. You are critical of yourself and do not consider your opinion to be the “ultimate truth.” You are able to abandon your erroneous views.

1) Compare the concepts: 1) tolerance– the ability to understand and respect other people’s opinions, 2) patience– the ability to agree against one’s will, 3) kindness– responsiveness, in which there is a desire to help others, 4) respect- recognition of someone's merits.

What do they have in common and what are different? Which definitions are closer to the concept of tolerance?

2) Give examples of tolerant behavior in your life.

3) Do we need tolerance in our lives?

(Give reasons for your answer).

Sources : dictionary S.I. Ozhegov, Big Encyclopedic Dictionary, speech by D.M. Medvedev, DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES OF TOLERANCE, approved by UNESCO.

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Federal agency of Education

Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University

Department of Theoretical and Experimental Psychology


Bytopic"Psychological and pedagogical foundations of tolerance"

Ekaterinburg 2009


Tolerance has always been considered a human virtue. It meant tolerance for differences among people, the ability to live without disturbing others, the ability to have rights and freedoms without violating the rights and freedoms of others. Tolerance is also the basis of democracy and human rights. Tolerance is peacefulness, tolerance of ethnic, religious, political, interpersonal differences, recognition of the possibility of equal existence of the “other”. At the same time, tolerance is not a concession, condescension or indulgence, but an active life position based on the recognition of something different.

In Paris on November 16, 1995, 185 member states of UNESCO, including Russia, adopted the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance. The Declaration defines tolerance not only as a moral duty, but also as a political and legal requirement for individuals, groups of people and states. It defines the position of tolerance in relation to international instruments for the protection of human rights. The Declaration emphasizes that states should develop new legislation when the need arises to ensure equality of treatment and opportunity for all groups of people and individual members of society.

Formation of attitudes of tolerant behavior, religious tolerance, peacefulness, opposition and constructive prevention various types extremism has for multinational Russia special relevance. This is due to persistent social tension in society, ongoing interethnic conflicts, attempts to use these conflicts for the political regime, the growth of separatism and national extremism, which is a direct threat to the country's security.

2003 was declared by UNESCO as the Year of Tolerance, as the number of religious conflicts and racial discrimination is increasing in the world.

At this time, in Russia, by order of the Ministry of Education, a federal target program was developed “Formation of attitudes of tolerant consciousness and prevention of extremism in Russian society» for 2001-2005

In the new millennium, tolerance is given Special attention, since this is the path to the survival of humanity and harmonious relationships in society.

Exercise 1

1. N based on theoretical analysis reference and information literature to provide several definitions of the concept of “tolerance” from the point of view of different cultures.

Tolerance (from Latin TOLERANTIA - patience).

a) an immunological state of the body in which it is unable to synthesize antibodies in response to the introduction of a certain antigen while maintaining immune reactivity to other antigens. The problem of tolerance is important in organ and tissue transplantation.

b) the body’s ability to tolerate the adverse effects of one or another environmental factor.

c) tolerance for other people's opinions, beliefs, and behavior.

"Big Russian encyclopedia", M 2002

Tolerance - in sociology, psychology - tolerance to other kinds of views, customs, morals, traditions, habits, ideological convictions, beliefs, values. The second meaning of tolerance is the absence or weakening of the body’s response to some unfavorable factor as a result of a decrease in its sensitivity to external influences.

“Dictionary of terms and concepts in social science”, M 2007.

Tolerance is the absence or weakening of a response to any unfavorable factor as a result of decreased sensitivity to its effects. For example, tolerance to anxiety is manifested in an increase in the threshold of emotional response to a threatening situation, and externally - in endurance, self-control, and the ability to endure adverse influences for a long time without reducing adaptive capabilities.

"The latest psychological dictionary", 2007.


a) tolerance for other people’s opinions, beliefs, behavior, condescension towards something or someone.

b) complete or partial absence of the body’s immunological reactivity.

c) the body’s ability to tolerate the adverse effects of one or another environmental factor.

"Dictionary foreign words and expressions", 1998.

Tolerance is tolerance for other people's opinions, beliefs, behavior, and shortcomings.

« Universal Dictionary Russian language", 2007

2. Construct a synonymous series of concepts that are close in meaning to the phenomenon of tolerance.


tolerance, toleration,

recognition, acceptance, understanding,

restraint, tact, calmness,

respect, wisdom, trust,

humanity, peacefulness, mercy,

goodwill, goodwill, friendliness,

communication skills

loyalty, political correctness.

3. Compare the concepts of “tolerance” and"restraint".

Restraint is the absence of manifestation of one’s attitude towards something, the ability to hide one’s feelings.

Each person has his own temperament, emotionality, and at some moments there is a desire to show them when communicating with other people. For example, laugh or cry, express anger or joy. But most often we hold ourselves back. If we want to be angry, weep, or scream, we don’t scream, we don’t get angry, we don’t cry. We can, feeling hostility towards a person, pretend to smile, hiding and hiding what we are experiencing. Almost throughout our lives we show restraint.

At work, we show restraint towards our colleagues, because, probably, everyone has had situations when they wanted to scream, cry, drop everything and leave, but we tried to restrain ourselves so that others would not see our true face the way it is at the moment.

At home we also try to show restraint towards our loved ones. Although sometimes their actions cause irritation, you won’t constantly yell at your child because he is playing noisily, or at your spouse for not putting away the dishes, or at your mother who sat down to watch a TV series instead of working with her. grandson. Sometimes, of course, you can’t restrain yourself, but mostly you show restraint, try to explain everything calmly, because if you don’t restrain your emotions, you can humiliate a person, insult them, and then regret it.

There is another extreme - incontinence, when we get angry, irritated, and throw out everything we feel in the face of another person. But this only demonstrates our immaturity and destroys our relationships with other people.

Tolerance is the ability to accept without aggression the thoughts, behavior and lifestyle of another person that differ from one’s own. First of all, tolerance means a friendly and tolerant attitude towards something. According to modern scientists dealing with this problem: “tolerance is not passive, unnatural submission to the opinions, views and actions of others; not submissive patience, but active moral position and psychological readiness for tolerance in the name of mutual understanding between ethnic groups, social groups, in the name of positive interaction with people of a different cultural, national, religious or social environment" I believe that “tolerance” and “restraint” are not identical concepts, they do not mean the same thing, but at the same time, an unrestrained person cannot be tolerant, since in any case we are people, we are different from animals and must restrain our emotions. Sometimes, of course, it is very difficult. There are different situations, but shouting and fighting won’t solve anything. For example, someone insulted you, a conflict situation arose, but you showed restraint and did not respond in kind in response to rudeness. Thus, you put yourself as if higher, but having avoided a scandal, you did not respect your offender, you simply hid your feelings. I believe that a tolerant person should not be tolerant of everything, for example, violation of human rights, should not show slavish tolerance, but at the same time should be restrained in his emotions, at least in front of the people around him. A tolerant person must rise above his emotions, always have common sense and give an objective assessment in any situation.

Task 2

After reading the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, indicate the main provisions that correspond to the principle of tolerance.

Art.3 Labor Code RF. “Prohibition of discrimination in the world of work.”

Everyone has equal opportunities to exercise their labor rights.

No one can be limited in labor rights and freedoms or receive any advantages, regardless of gender, race, skin color, nationality, language, origin, property, family, social and official status, age, place of residence, attitude to religion, political beliefs, belonging or not belonging to public associations, as well as from other circumstances not related to the employee’s business qualities.

Article 11 “Actions of labor legislation and other acts containing labor law norms.”

In the territory Russian Federation rules established Labor legislation and other acts containing labor law standards apply to labor Relations with the participation of foreign citizens, stateless persons, organizations created or established by foreign citizens, stateless persons or with their participation, international organizations and foreign legal entities, unless otherwise provided international treaty RF.

Article 342 “Parties employment contract in a religious organization." - The employer is religious organization, registered in the manner prescribed federal law, and has concluded an employment contract with the employee in writing.

Art. 409 “Right to strike”. -In accordance with Article 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the right of workers to strike is recognized as a way to resolve a collective labor dispute. Participation in the strike is voluntary. No one can be forced to participate or refuse to participate in a strike.

Article 414 “Guarantees and legal status of workers in connection with a strike” Participation of an employee in a strike cannot be considered a violation labor discipline and grounds for termination of the employment contract. During the strike, the workers participating in it retain their place of work and position.

Task 3

Give 3-4 examples of tolerant or intolerant human behavior towards people of different ages, described in literary sources.

Everyone has probably read D. Dontsova’s ironic detective stories; I want to give an example from the novel “Concert for Kolobok with Orchestra.”

This novel describes the life of her heroine Viola Tarakanova, she lives in the same apartment with her friend Tamara, besides them, Tamara’s two children, Viola and Tamara’s husbands live in the apartment. So I think that a shining example Viola's friend is a tolerant person. Tomochka does not work, takes care of the house and takes care of her little son. Her responsibilities include cooking, washing, cleaning, probably every woman imagines how much strength and energy it takes to always have hot food, cleanliness in the house, plus another Small child, but despite this, Tamara never conflicts with anyone, she is not subject to sudden mood swings and hysterics, she never sobs or screams: “Here, she put her life on you, where is the gratitude?” Tamara always treats her loved ones with understanding and finds a compromise in any situation. For example, when the electricity in their house was suddenly turned off, and as luck would have it, the gas ran out, her daughter Christina wanted fried potatoes, the daughter began to whine and scream:

- “Why don’t you want to fry what I ask! Out of harm? “You see,” Tamara said carefully, “eating fried foods is extremely harmful. You're going to be a model, right?" “Yes,” Christina nodded. - “Then you should take care of your health and figure” Tamara did not try to prove to the teenager that there was simply nothing to cook with, she found the most convincing arguments, more compelling arguments, isn’t this a manifestation of tolerance? When Viola lost her wallet with money and told Tamara about it, she replied: “Well, don’t be upset, you can earn money, we’ll cook buckwheat.” And again, instead of oohing and ahhing, she tried to calm down and support her friend, that is, she again showed tolerance towards to a loved one. The same applies to my husband, who works in a newspaper publishing house. He lives a completely different life, his life is full of various events, but Tamara will always listen to him, understand the situation, give advice if necessary, and thanks to her, it would seem that such different people, people with different interests get along under one roof. Tamara can serve as an example of a woman who knows how to find a compromise in almost any situation. I believe that this is a manifestation of tolerance.

In the book by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons", also reflects the theme of tolerance. The main character is Evgeny Bazarov, a nihilist who denies all traditions, is engaged only in scientific experiments, forgetting about respect for the older generation. His friend Arkady, who in many ways does not share the views of the brave nihilist, is nevertheless his devoted and faithful friend, that is, he shows tolerant attitude in relation to other people's opinions, other people's views. Also, Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, with whom Bazarov falls in love, shows a tolerant attitude, although she does not always agree with Bazarov. She cannot reciprocate his love, he seems to her a savage and barbarian in the manifestation of his feelings, but still, due to her upbringing, she shows patience and respect for Bazarov, although he holds different views.

Kuprin's story "Blue Star" also touches on the theme of tolerance. The plot of the story reminds us of The Ugly Duckling, but the main character Princess Erna is here. Her parents consider the girl ugly, everyone in the kingdom considers the poor girl ugly, the girl, however, respects her parents, for many years she accepts the society in which she is and shares the views of this society. Also, the inhabitants of Ernoterra, even considering the princess ugly, treated her kindly, tried not to pay attention to the girl’s external ugliness, but all the courtiers of Ernoterra praised her inner world: Erna's intelligence and kindness. Here we can see the tolerant attitude of both sides towards each other. When Erna meets a handsome prince, it turns out that there is a whole kingdom of people similar to Erna. Only after giving birth to a child for what she considers an ugly husband, Erna realizes that this baby is beautiful, despite the fact that he looks like his parents.

Task 4

Write a short essay- essay on the topic “Tolerant teacher”

Tolerant teacher.

I believe that the relationship between student and teacher should be based on tolerance. The teacher must accept the child as he is and must be patient with the student, even if the latter does not meet his requirements and expectations. A tolerant teacher must be able to recognize the child’s right to be different from him, must treat each individual kindly, must be tactful and calm towards students. A tolerant teacher must show restraint, even in relation to the child’s wrong actions. A tolerant teacher must be able to win over students and earn their respect. At the core pedagogical activity there must be a living meaning and living communication based on a living word, a living concept, which, in turn, is important not in itself, but as a path not just to tolerance, understanding, but a path to tolerant interaction, mutual understanding. If a teacher is tolerant, he is confident, open, and friendly. He acts as a mentor to the student. It is easy to learn from such a teacher, as he is an example for his students. In their classes, schoolchildren are more interested, students are attracted to various stages of the lesson, the assessment of knowledge is perceived by children as fair, and it is easier to study in class. Homework causes positive emotions, students have a desire to receive additional task for a deeper study of the topic. The children perceive such a teacher as a person and adopt his positive qualities.


Based on the material studied, I concluded that if relations between people were based on tolerance, we would have a completely different level of culture, we would be more civilized. So, tolerance is a human virtue: the art of living in peace different people and ideas, the ability to have rights and freedoms, without violating the rights and freedoms of other people. At the same time, tolerance is not a concession, condescension or indulgence, but an active life position based on the recognition of something different.

I would like to end my work with an opinion that I fully support, S.V. Smirnova, Moscow, State University Management: “Tolerance - patience, tolerance, understanding, the ability to penetrate and understand the feelings of other people. Friendliness, calmness, adequate perception. Peaceful mood. The antipode of aggressiveness, anger and irritability. Tolerance acts as a characteristic of the personality of a person or a certain subject represented by people. All this is now lacking in some people and nations.


1. “Great Russian Encyclopedia”, M 2002.

2. “Dictionary of terms and concepts in social science”, M 2007.

3. “The latest psychological dictionary”, 2007.

4. “Dictionary of foreign words and expressions”, 1998.

5. “Universal Dictionary of the Russian Language”, 2007.

6. Nicholson P. Tolerance as moral ideal"Bulletin" UrMION 2002

7. Asmolov A. Historical culture and pedagogy of tolerance // Memorial. 2001., No. 24, pp. 61-63.

8. Stepanov P. How to cultivate tolerance? // Public education, 2001, No. 9; 2002, no. 9.

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There are many peoples in the world, and each has its own culture and traditions. Often representatives of different ethnic groups live very close, even next door, and this is the norm for a modern multicultural society. Therefore, from childhood, every person must be taught to respect the customs of other people, to accept their views and differences, that is, to be tolerant.

Etymology of the concept

Translated from Latin, “tolerantia” means tolerance, acceptance. Tolerance is a patient attitude towards someone else’s lifestyle, views, and habits. Of course, it does not mean accepting a different worldview, but it does mean giving other people the right to their own worldview. Forbearance towards a different way of life, lack of hostility towards other religions and cultures, respect for the opinions of other people - these and many other qualities are united by this concept. Today, tolerance has become the main principle in relation to representatives of various peoples and countries. It is not surprising that even the International Day of Tolerance has been approved - November 16th.

Types of tolerance

  1. Natural.

It is comparable to the natural curiosity of a child. He is trusting of everyone around him, so his relationships with others are built well. A child loves his parents, despite all their shortcomings, simply because they exist. Having no experience communicating with people, he shows natural (natural) tolerance towards everyone.

  1. Moral.

This type involves accepting others with their worldview, without imposing own opinion them and while preserving their inner world.

  1. Moral.

This type refers to people who show tolerance towards someone only because external signs, based on his good manners and politeness, regardless of his true feelings.

  1. Ethnic.

Condescension towards representatives of another culture, with their customs, religion and way of life. Manifests itself when communicating or living close.

Tolerance in psychology

To characterize a person’s attitude towards other people and determine the degree of tolerance shown, the concept of communicative tolerance is used. This phenomenon combines all factors of a person’s upbringing and development, his values, culture, temperament, thinking and communication experience.

IN Everyday life All people interact with others differently, so the degree of tolerance for each individual in a given situation will vary. But the higher a person’s indicator, the easier it is for him to find mutual language with others.

Communicative tolerance is divided into the following subtypes:

- situational, which manifests itself in relation to a specific person. The direction of emotions is constant: the object is either sympathetic or unpleasant;

- typological, manifested in relation to a group of people (nation, profession). When communicating with representatives of a certain type, positive or negative emotions, relating to the entire group of people;

— professional tolerance is associated with a person’s specific profession and the types of people with whom he interacts in the work process. An example is the tolerance of a doctor dealing with different patients: capricious, aggressive, disruptive, and others;

- general, which predetermines previous types and manifests itself in a person’s attitude towards people in general, taking into account the properties of his character, morality and life experience.

Signs of a tolerant personality

A tolerant person can be defined by many indicators that determine his life position. He reasonably evaluates the people around him, is critical of himself, sees his shortcomings, but at the same time. This person is looking for himself in some activity, is engaged in creativity, educates himself, sees and accepts the world in all its diversity, and has an active life position. He is characterized by responsibility for his actions. He is empathetic, reserved and compliant. Such a personality has good feeling humor, does not get annoyed by jokes addressed to him.

The problem of tolerance in modern society

Not all people adhere to tolerant views. Groups are often created among young people that are intolerant of people of other nationalities or certain nations (skinheads).

There are also people who are aggressive against people gay. However, there is also the opposite picture if we consider family relationships in the modern world (meaning some European countries), then you can see that there are some laws according to which it is prohibited to use the concepts “husband” and “wife” officially and in documentation, so as not to infringe on the rights of same-sex couples. The terms “partners” and “spouses” are used as replacements for these words.

But many people accuse Russia of intolerance, since in our country there is a ban on the promotion of homosexuality among persons under the age of majority.
As for Ukraine, where neo-fascism flourishes, which has nothing to do with tolerance towards different peoples, the government’s attitude towards manifestations of homosexuality is striking in its tolerance. These are just a few of the contradictions in the modern world associated with manifestations of tolerance.

Therefore, it is not enough to declare yourself a tolerant person; you need to develop this property, learn to live in a complex and diverse society. It should also be noted that it should only apply to those phenomena that do not go beyond the boundaries of morality, sanity and humanism, which, unfortunately, does not always happen.

Oksana Gorskina
Tolerance. Means of instilling tolerant behavior. Formation of tolerance in preschool age.



« Formation of tolerant behavior in preschool children»

Made up: Gorskina O. A.

Tolerance(from Latin - patience) manifests itself in tolerance towards other people's opinions, beliefs, behavior.

Tolerance considered a sign of high spirituality and intellectual development individuals, groups, society as a whole. All religions of the world preach tolerance towards other people, that is tolerance.

In Christianity tolerance is concretized through the concepts of humility and mercy.

IN commandments of Jesus Christ"Judge not lest ye be judged" not only calls for tolerance, but also implies its spiritual basis - the existence of the Supreme Court, which pronounces the final and fairest verdict on every person.

In life a person communicates with people different nationalities, religions, language families, different races so it is important to learn to respect cultural values both their own people and representatives of others, learn to find compromises.

Besides, tolerance as a personality quality considered necessary for life in new unexpected conditions.

People who don't have tolerance, showing categoricalness, turn out to be incapable of the changes that life requires of us.

Word definition tolerance on different languages globe sounds like differently:

IN spanish language it means the ability to recognize ideas or opinions different from one's own;

In French, an attitude in which it is accepted that others may think or act differently than oneself;

In English - willingness to be tolerant, condescending;

In Chinese - allow, accept, be generous towards others;

In Arabic - forgiveness, forbearance, gentleness, mercy, compassion, benevolence, patience, goodwill towards others;

In Russian - the ability to tolerate something or someone.

Tolerance as a fundamental principle morality: "We are doomed to tolerance» . Definition tolerance can be formulated as follows: to help people with different worldviews and different from each other live in peace next to each other.

The modern world is cruel. Children also became cruel. And the norm of life for every person – adult and child – should be tolerance.

1) formation the child’s ideas about himself as a unique, self-esteem, unrepeatable personality.

2) Development of ideas about other people based on comparison with them, highlighting similarities and differences.

3) Communicating knowledge about the world around us in accordance with the basic program (features of culture, life, way of life, family life and so on.).

4) Upbringing active life position on basis:

The child’s awareness of his needs (physical, spiritual, development of the ability to satisfy them - not to the detriment of others;

Awareness of your capabilities; formation the ability to act in accordance with them, the desire to develop them;

Awareness of your strengths and weaknesses; manifestations of criticality;

Awareness of your rights and responsibilities to yourself and other people;

Developing the ability to evaluate one’s own actions and the actions of others; the ability to make choices and decisions; listen to the opinions of others; resolve emerging problems peacefully and without conflict;

Deepening understanding of the significance and value of each person’s life;

Interest in the lives of other people;

- formation the ability to defend one’s rights and take into account the rights of others, to show tolerance, respect for the traditions and culture of others;

Definitions together with children of the rules and norms of human society (familiarity with the concepts "rules", "law", "norm", "requirements", "traditions").

Means of instilling tolerant behavior:

Comprehensive development and upbringing child in all types of activities in a humanistic environment environment, creating an atmosphere of kindness and mutual understanding;

Harmonization of relationships (child-child, child-adult, kindergarten-family, family-child-school-society) with the goal of children comprehending a complex science - the science of living among people;

Cultivating the values ​​of a different point of view through play as a natural childhood need;

Concentrating children's attention on common cultures different nations in the process of getting to know them fiction, folklore and art of the countries of the world;

Usage commandments world religions for education in children of kindness and mercy;

Interaction kindergarten with the family based on the development of assistance programs for each child;

Examples of the great brotherhood of peoples, feats in the name of of people: warriors and their consequences;

Organization of children's parties – richest material For education of goodness, as well as showing concern for children. The best education is education goodness in children based on sincere human relationships.

Today tolerance involves showing respect for the honor and dignity of every people and every person, convincing them that no people are better or worse than others. The main thing in everyone is what he is "Human", and not to what nationality he belongs. The advantages and disadvantages of people are their own, and do not belong to to this people. To boast of belonging to one or another nationality is a sign of lack of culture, bad manners. We must look not for vices, but for the values ​​of a person or a people and rely on them in communication and activity.

At present, difficult times, the need for manifestation tolerance becomes increasingly active in relation to other people. The closest thing to us is understanding tolerance as respect for someone else's position combined with an attitude toward mutual change in positions as a result of critical dialogue. Finding a compromise in situations that allow this.

IN socially tolerance means respect, acceptance and correct understanding of the rich diversity of cultures of our world, our forms self-expression and ways of showing human individuality.

The basis tolerance– recognition of the right to difference.

Responsibility for introducing ideas and principles into society tolerance lies, for the most part, on pedagogy.

Formation of tolerance– the process is very long and it needs to start as early as possible. Already in preschool age everything arises prerequisites so that work can begin on formation of tolerance. Such personal new formations as voluntary behavior, subordination of motives, ability of emotional anticipation; the social development situation changes; The child begins to be attracted to the relationships between people, their social positions, and their own functions.

An adult singles out as a sample, therefore in formation of tolerance He has a huge responsibility. It is necessary that adults themselves personal example showed tolerant attitude and showed it in behavior, targeted involvement educators and parents in the process formation of tolerance in preschool children allows them to activate their pedagogical position and contributes to the revision by adults of their own evaluative attitude and behavior.

Formation of tolerance in preschool age it is necessary to start by familiarizing the child with the rights and responsibilities of people, using adapted texts for this "convention on the rights of the child" And "Declaration of Human Rights", and also using leading activities - play and productive activities.

At the second stage, it is important that the acquired knowledge is emotionally colored, consolidated in the child, becomes a motive for actions, and acquires motivating power.

At the third stage, the child already pays attention to his own behavior, analyzes and evaluates it. Here, the adult will only be required to have an invisible presence, a coordinating, directing function.

An adult must help a child form positive self-esteem and the ability to reflect on one’s actions.

In the second younger group thematic block presented "Me and my loved ones", ensuring the implementation of content educational process in specially organized activities through game form organizing activities for adults and children.

Topic 1. "Me and my friends".

Topic 2. "I trust someone else"

Topic 3. "I like listening to you".

Topic 4. "I'm playing with you".

Topic 5. “I love this book (cartoon, picture, etc.)».

IN average content is presented to the group in a thematic block “I and the image of another”, realizable through traditional, culturally established ways of communication, dialogue, interaction with others.

Topic 1. "Another like me".

Topic 2. “Me and Dad (Mother) understand each other".

Topic 3. "Compassion for Another".

Topic 4. "Sympathy for a Friend".

Topic 5. “Value is anti-value”.

Topic 6. "We played and discovered...".

IN senior group content is presented by thematic block "In my family and in the culture of others", realizable through scripts, the plots of which are episodes from literary works "lively" fragments fine works, invented by children as their creativity and actually experienced.

Topic 1. "Conflict in the Family".

Topic 2. "Children's Quarrel".

Topic 3. « Cultural tradition receiving guests".

Topic 4. “Good and Evil in Fairy Tales of Various Nations”.

Topic 5. "Understand the Other".

Topic 6. “You are not like me (nationality)».

Topic 7. “I accept you (where, which, how)».


Kondratyev M. Yu., Ilyin V. A. ABC of a social psychologist-practitioner.

Tolerance, S. G. Ilyinskaya

Tolerance. Introduction to the problem, S. K. Bondyreva, D. V. Kolesov