Fortune telling on paper with a pen. Free written fortune telling for girls

The future is a mystery that everyone so wanted to get a glimpse of, and doing so was not such an easy task.

If you ask a person on the street: “What can you use to tell fortunes?” There is a ninety-nine percent chance that he will answer, “With the help of cards.” However, what to do if there are simply no cards? It turns out that fortune telling without cards is quite possible: with the help of a simple piece of paper and a pen. You can extract a lot of useful information from paper!

With one sheet of paper and pen you can find out your future!

Fortune telling on paper is very simple and does not require special skills, but it gives a reliable answer to many important questions: from love affairs to success in life.

Fortune telling about your betrothed: does he love you?

This is a special fortune telling with a piece of it.

The difference between fortune telling and similar ones is that it gives an answer only from the series yes or no, and the question must certainly contain this tricky particle.

This fortune telling in some sources is also presented as Fortune telling with a sheet and a pen for a guy and for love. As has already been said, the question must be asked strictly with the particle whether.

Fortune telling method

To carry out fortune telling for your betrothed, write your question on a piece of paper, to the right of it your date of birth in the format: “”. Cross out all the same letters and count the number of remaining characters in the question. Remember or write down this number. Calculate your number.

To do this, add the numbers of the month to the numbers of the birthday, and the numbers of the year to the resulting amount. Remember this number, it will be useful in many other fortune telling. Add these two numbers. If the number is two digits (ten or more), sum the digits of the resulting number. Repeat this action until you get a number from one to nine.

For example, you asked the question: “Does guy (name) love me?” Your date of birth: 05/12/1998. By crossing out the same letters, we get: “Yubt me par?” The number of letters in the phrase is nine. Your number: 1+2+0+5+1+9+9+8=35=3+5=8.

After calculation, use the table to see the answer:

  • 1 – yes;
  • 2 – no;
  • 3 – more likely yes than no;
  • 4 – more likely no than yes;
  • 5 – intuition will tell you;
  • 6 – some person is interfering;
  • 7 – yes, but now;
  • 8 – unlikely;
  • 9 – everything is in your hands.

Number 9 says - relationships are in your hands. Take action!

Fortune telling for the betrothed

With the help of fortune telling on a sheet, you can find out the name of the guy you are destined for; it is with him that you will find happiness and be able to create family comfort.

The method of fortune telling for a betrothed is somewhat reminiscent of the previous one, but provides more information. You don’t have to guess the attitude of a particular guy towards you; you will immediately know your fate. Before you begin, remember a very important rule: no one should know about fortune telling for your betrothed, not even your closest people.

The ritual of fortune telling for girls will require some mathematical calculations. To tell fortunes about your betrothed, do the following:

  1. Write down your name, surname and patronymic on a piece of paper.
  2. Count the number of letters in your full name (CH).
  3. Count the number of letters in the full name (h).
  4. Remember these numbers.
  5. Count the number of each letter.
  6. Remember at least two numbers (ch1, ch2, ch3,..., chn).
  7. Carry out the following mathematical operation: Ch- (ch+ch1+ch2+ch3+..chn).
  8. Use the table to interpret the results.

For example, your name is Victoria Valerievna Petrova. There are twenty-five letters in the full name, that is, H = 25. The name has eight letters: h=8. Accordingly, ch1=3 (number of letters E), ch2=2 (number of letters T), ch3=3 (number of letters P), ch4=2 (number of letters O), ch5=4 (number of letters B), ch6=3 (number of letters A), ch7=2 (number of letters I). Thus, we get the number │25-(8+3+2+3+2+4+3+2)│= │-2 │=2.

To find out the name of your betrothed, use the list below:

  • One - Adam, Dmitry, Evgeny, Nikita, Sergey.
  • Two - Alexey, German, Denis, Nikolay, Semyon.
  • Three - Anton, Gennady, Egor, Nazariy, Said.
  • Four - Andrey, Vasily, Ilya, Oleg, Timur.
  • Five - Arkady, Vladimir, Ivan, Omar, Fedor.
  • Six - Antip, Bogdan, Cyril, Pavel, Philip.
  • Seven - Anatoly, Victor, Mikhail, Peter, Edward.
  • Eight – Arthur, Vitaly, Mark, Ruslan, Yuri.
  • Nine - Arseny, Boris, Matvey, Rustem, Yaroslav.

Now you know how to guess a boy's name on paper with a pen.

Fortune telling about a guy and his attitude

The easiest way to find out a guy's feelings towards you is to tell fortunes in a notebook about your loved one by name and date of birth. Write down your name and date of birth on the left on a blank sheet of paper, and the same data about your passion on the right.

Using a notepad and pen, you can find out a guy's true attitude

For example, you are Ioanna, born on March 12, 1997, and your boyfriend is Vlad, born on February 14, 1998. Your name has six letters, your loved one has four. The nominal number of your relationship: 6+4=10=1+0=1.

You can get a prediction and determine the main characteristics of your relationship using the list:

  • One - you are suitable for each other only for a temporary relationship, you should not expect anything serious.
  • Two - you are made for each other, you will easily get along together, create a strong family, despite all the hardships and problems.
  • Three - in a relationship, he is unlikely to respect you and fulfill any of your whims, the relationship will be difficult and will not bring anything good, you should not even try.
  • Four - your heart and the heart of the young man beat in the same rhythm, in marriage you will understand each other perfectly, and your parents will get along well with the groom’s parents.
  • Five - you do not sit still, you are looking for adventures and the opportunity to have a great time, you have a lot in common and it is easy for you to find a common language, but your relationship is too flighty and can easily be destroyed by betrayal.
  • Six - you prefer to stand firmly on your feet and be confident in the future, but neither you nor your lover are deprived of imagination, which will help you create a strong marriage.
  • Seven - life together will be easy and comfortable, your mutual love will help you avoid any difficulties, create home comfort and warmth.
  • Eight - you are both highly intelligent and comprehensively developed people, but together you will be bored - you will not have enough passionate feelings and a little romance.
  • Nine - a spark of passion will always be between you, you will never be bored, although you will often encounter quarrels and jealousy, this will only improve your relationship.

Number 9 suggests that there is a constant spark of passion running between you

Fortune telling on a sheet of paper with a pen also involves working with dates of birth.

Add up all the numbers included in the birth dates of both partners. In your example it will be like this: 1+2+0+3+1+9+9+7+1+4+0+2+1+9+9+8= 66=6+6=12=1+2 =3.

We are looking for an interpretation:

  • One is the final stage of your relationship, then there are two options: marriage or separation.
  • Two - don’t expect a simple development of events; both partners will have to try hard to not only maintain, but also take them to a new level.
  • Three - all responsibility for your relationship will fall on your betrothed, the outcome of your relationship depends on him;
  • Four - you will probably become a mother very soon.
  • Five - very soon your partner may make you happy with a proposal; an alliance with this person promises you only happiness.
  • Six - not everything is as smooth as we would like, fight for your lover and beware of betrayal.
  • Seven is just what the doctor ordered; success awaits you not only in family matters, but also in career and financial matters.
  • Eight - in such a relationship you will lose yourself and remain unhappy.
  • Nine - your partner loves gambling, and this can ruin your relationship, try not to get involved with gambling.

Interpretation 9? Partner Is Committed To Gambling, Which Will Ruin Your Relationship

Fortune telling for love on paper gives not only truthful, but also accurate results.

Fortune telling with a piece of paper and a pen for a guy

A simple fortune telling on a guy for girls, allowing you to find out the real attitude of a person dear to your heart.

Take a piece of paper in the box and write the guy's name on the right. If you are right-handed, then do this and subsequent actions with your left hand; if you are left-handed, do the opposite. Cut out a heart from paper.

Count the number of cells inside the heart. Divide them by six and write the remainder of the division on the left. For example, you have 34 cells in your heart, then when divided by six you get 5 (the rest is 4).

Using the resulting number, you can quickly find out how the young man treats you:

  • 0 – loves;
  • 1 – respects;
  • 2 – does not notice;
  • 3 – thinks about you;
  • 4 – jealous;
  • 5 – indifferent to you.

Fortune telling on a piece of paper

In addition to love, you can also tell fortunes about the fulfillment of a wish. In order to perform fortune telling on a wish, you will need a piece of paper in a cage.

The principle of fortune telling is the same as in the first fortune telling: write down the question, underline the same letters and count the number of remaining ones.

Using the received number, “read” the results:

  • One, eight - the wish will come true.
  • Two, six - it won't come true.
  • Three, five - you should make an effort to implement it.
  • Four, nine - you will need help.
  • Seven - you will be disappointed in your desire.

Number 7 says that you will be disappointed in your desire

Fortune telling for the day and the future

Fortune telling with pen and paper allows you to find out what awaits you in the distant and not so distant future.

To know what to expect from the day, write your name and date of birth in letters on a piece of paper. Cross out the repeated letters and count the number of remaining ones. If it is two-valued, reduce it to one-valued using the methods described earlier. Such fortune-telling for the day of the meeting can be easily combined with other methods of prediction; such a ritual and ritual fortune-telling in the name of the betrothed will go well together.


  • 0 – acquaintance;
  • 1 – laughter;
  • 2 – disappointment;
  • 3 – road;
  • 4 – news;
  • 5 – surprise;
  • 6 – success;
  • 7 – despondency;
  • 8 – insult;
  • 9 – love.


Since guys don’t care much about “magical affairs,” the article mainly offers fortune telling for girls: they are simple and help answer a lot of important questions, such as finding out your betrothed’s name by full name and date of birth, predicting the future and finding out whether your wish will come true. Indeed, you can extract answers to any question from paper.

Fortune telling for love, including fortune telling for your future husband, is quite accurate and tested by several generations.

It should be remembered that the best fortune-telling period is late evening and night, therefore, when conducting fortune-telling on paper at home, choose the right time for the sacrament.

We wish you success!

Cards - ordinary and Tarot, runes, candles and many other devices for fortune telling require a special environment and a certain skill. And it is not always possible to use their “services”.

But a pen and a page from a notebook or notebook are almost always at hand - in transport, during a lunch break at work, at home watching TV. So why not use these simple tools and tell your fortune?

Many “paper and pen” fortune telling have been familiar to us since school days. We exchanged them in “questionnaires”, copied them secretly from teachers in class, started the day with them and believed in them unconditionally... We grew up, the methods of fortune telling became more serious and more thorough, but sometimes you really want to “relapse into childhood.”

Of course, you won’t get any transcendental revelations from these fortune-telling, but you will still answer a few questions. And you'll pass the time. Let's get started?

Card reading"

For this fortune telling you will need a piece of paper in a box and a pen. Think of a young man you are interested in and mentally ask how he feels about you, and then draw a rectangle - nine cells long, four cells wide. Now arrange an imaginary deck of 36 cells in a random order, but so that the “cards” of the same value do not touch each other, that is, they are not next to each other on the same line and under each other. “Cards” are designated by numbers and first letters. It looks something like this:

Do not repeat this grid - this is just an example, make up your own options.

Now separate the three right columns with a thick line:

And start writing out six characters at a time without disturbing the resulting order of “cards”:

Now look for coincidences, that is, for identical “cards” to be next to each other. In this grid we see two matches - two “eights” and two “aces”.

If you also have matches, then see the interpretation of “duplicates”. If there are no coincidences, it means that either your young man has not yet decided on his attitude towards you, or is completely indifferent to you.

Interpretation of "takes"

  • Two sixes (6 and 6) - he wants to go somewhere or travel with you;
  • Two sevens (7 and 7) - he wants to date you;
  • Two eights (8 and 8) - he is going to confess his love to you;
  • Two nines (9 and 9) - he loves you;
  • Two tens (10 and 10) - he is interested in you;
  • Two jacks (B and B) - he likes you;
  • Two ladies (D and D) - he has someone, but he will leave this woman for you;
  • Two kings (K and K) - he is ready to fight for you;
  • Two aces (T and T) - he will propose to you;

If you get two matches of cards of the same value, it means that your boyfriend is constantly thinking about you.

Divination by lines

There are a great variety of fortune telling on lines. We'll talk about two. The simplest requires nothing more than paper and pen. But for more complex ones, you will need to remember several meanings in order to guess when you want it.

Simple fortune telling by wish

Make a wish. Take paper and pen and draw (draw) an arbitrary number of lines. But don't count them out. Focus solely on your desire and stop when you internally feel that enough is enough:

// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /

Cross off two sticks at a time. If all your sticks are crossed out, then the answer is “no”, that is, the wish will not come true. But if one stick remains, as in this example, then the answer is “yes,” that is, the wish will come true.

Fortune telling for the future

The principle of this fortune telling is the same as the previous one - draw the sticks, but not in one row, but in six. And you cross out not two lines at a time, but three at a time. If you have crossed out all the sticks in a row, then write down 0, if there is one stick left, then write down 1, and if there are two left, then, accordingly, write down the number 2.

Now add up the resulting numbers. If you get more than 9, then add it up again. For example, the result is 11. So 1+1=2. And look what awaits you in the near future:

0 – no changes are expected;

1 – changes will bring troubles;

2 – problems may arise with a partner (business or love);

3 – unexpected joy awaits you;

4 – you will break some rules;

5 – a change of job or place of residence awaits you;

6 – a trip or journey awaits you;

7 – some meeting will change your life;

8 – you will receive important news;

9 – love awaits you;

Fortune telling by name

This fortune telling will tell you what awaits you with the person you care about.

For fortune telling, write on one line your full name, patronymic, surname, and on the other line the full name of your lover. Now cross out all the repeating letters here and there - for each, their own. Count how many letters will remain untouched on your line, and how many on the line with the name of your loved one.

If you crossed out all the letters in one of your full names, it means that this person (you or your loved one) will completely dissolve in his beloved.

Add both numbers, even if all the letters are crossed out, and you just get zero. If you get a two-digit number, then roll it up to a simple number from 1 to 9.

And see the interpretations:

0 – you will be happy with each other, as you will find your soulmate in each other.

1 – one of you will love, and the second will allow himself to be loved;

2 – you will be a wonderful couple;

3 – you have a happy rival;

4 – you both will find your happiness, but not with each other;

5 – you are not suitable for each other;

6 – you will be together, because everyone will find their own benefit in this;

7 – everything will be decided by the next meeting;

8 – he wants to be with you, but is shy in front of you;

9 – you love each other, everything will work out just fine for you;

Fortune telling by names, surnames and schedule

This fortune telling will tell you how your relationship with this or that man will develop. It is interesting because of all such fortune-telling it is the most truthful. And also because it is extended over time, that is, it gives an idea not only of a specific moment, but of life in general.

For this fortune telling you will need checkered paper and two pens of different colors (or a pen and a pencil).

At the top of the sheet write your first and last name, and below them - the first and last name of the young man you are interested in. Now cross out all the repeating letters from your last name. Also cross out all the repeating letters from your lover’s last name. Then cross out the letters that are repeated in both surnames. Do the same with names. That is, first for each name separately, and then the letters repeated in both names.

Now make a graph. This is where the squares on paper come in handy. At the bottom of the sheet with names, closer to the left edge, draw a bold dot. Take a pen of the same color and, starting from a point, draw a graph for yourself. Each crossed out letter in your last name, and then in your first name, is a square up to the right diagonally, each uncrossed out letter is a square to the right in a straight line. Now take a pen of a different color and draw a graph for your lover in the same way.

By the way the lines of the two graphs intersect, touch, and go side by side, you can judge whether you will be together with your loved one, and how long it will last.

For example: from a point, your lines go one after another for several cells, which means that after meeting this person you are destined, one way or another, to be together. Then the lines diverge, which means that fate will take you in different directions. If there are more contacts, it means you will converge and diverge. The ideal option is when, at the end of the graphs, the lines do not run parallel to each other, but seem to overlap one another. This means that you and this person will live together until the very end.

Fortune telling on paper and a pen is the simplest and at the same time not the most “deep”. However, they help not only to have fun, but also to recharge with optimism, get food for thought, and draw some conclusions. And the last fortune-telling, at least for the author of this article, never failed. So while you're having fun, remember that every joke has some humor in it.

Nadezhda Popova

A long time ago, talented seers performed fortune telling using a mirror, a crystal ball, or a dish of water. A variety of objects, tarot cards and even playing cards were used to reveal the future. However, everything has changed, and today you can guess with just a pen and paper. From this article you can learn about what kinds of paper predictions for love there are.

Fortune telling on paper for love “Chamomile”

The simplest and most popular today is the “Chamomile” fortune telling. It is based on the famous chamomile fortune-telling “Loves - does not love.” However, the image of a daisy is drawn on a sheet of paper, and the number of its petals must match the number of letters in the name of your loved one.

The name of your loved one and your name are written into the petals, and if it is very long, then you do not need to write the last letters, but this only applies to your own name. Now we need to analyze how many petals have two different letters, that is, one consonant and the second vowel.

If the result is zero, then there is and never will be love in such a couple.

If there is only one petal, then this indicates a successful union, but only if it is possible to maintain respect after the passion goes away.

If there are two petals, then the relationship will end.

Three petals are mutual understanding.

If there are four or more petals, then you are just a perfect couple.

Fortune telling by first and last name

This fortune telling is also carried out on paper. It is based on the first and last name of the guy and girl. To tell fortunes in this way, you need to write the details of your loved one in the first line, and the girls - in the second. Next, you need to cross out those letters that are repeated in the written lines. Then you need to count the number of letters that remain and add them until you get a simple number from 1 to 9.

The interpretation looks like this:

1 – your couple will have a wonderful future.

2 – nothing good will happen in the relationship.

3 is just love, which will quickly pass.

4 is not love.

5 – your relationship has mercantile interests.

6 is a perfect pair.

7 – friendly relations.

8 – you understand each other, so you will feel good together.

9 - you need to work more on your feelings in order to be together.

Fortune telling on paper for a guy's love

This fortune telling is suitable for those who want to find out what feelings a guy has for you and how your relationship with him will develop. For this fortune telling, you only need a piece of paper and a pen.

The question you are interested in is written on a piece of paper, the answer to which should be “yes” or “no”. Now you need to count the number of letters in this question. The resulting figure must be added until you get a single-digit number. If the number is even, the answer is “yes”, and if it is odd, the answer is “no”.

Other fortune telling for love

There are ancient fortune telling for the betrothed, which were used in ancient times. Here is one of them.

On small pieces of paper you need to write all the men's names, and leave one piece blank. You need to roll these pieces up and put them under your pillow. Before going to bed, the following words are repeated three times: “A birch tree with an ash tree, a swan with a winch, a well with a bucket, so are you and I, my betrothed.”

As soon as the girl wakes up, she pulls a piece of paper with a name from under her pillow. If the piece of paper is empty, then the desired name simply was not on the list. It is worth noting that you cannot talk to anyone during the period between pronouncing the words and pulling out the piece of paper. If you did talk to someone, then under no circumstances should you touch the pieces of paper, otherwise there will be trouble.

Chinese fortune telling "Formula of Love"

There is a Chinese fortune-telling “Formula of Love”, with which you can find out what the future holds for your relationship with your loved one.

To start fortune telling, you need to prepare a pen and a piece of paper, as well as this table.

  1. letters A, K, B, U.
  2. letters B, L, F, E,
  3. V, M, X, Yu.
  4. G, N, C, Ya.
  5. D, O, Ch.
  6. E, P, Sh.
  7. Zh, R, Shch.
  8. Z, S, L.
  9. AND YOU.

Answers must be in numerical form. When all seven numbers are received, you can calculate the formula (L – 7) x 2.

L – sum of answers to questions.

The result that is obtained must be converted to a prime number.

Such fortune telling will help you look into the future and learn a little about your relationship with your loved one.

Video selection

Do you want to know your destiny? To do this, you don’t have to peer into magical crystal balls, master the secrets of Tarot cards and gut an innocent chamomile. You can tell fortunes at your leisure using the most ordinary objects - paper and pencil. Whether or not to believe in the forecasts obtained using this method is a personal matter for everyone.

Like sotka fortune telling, answers to fortune telling, the formula for love on paper and all the means for this are presented online for free. It is truthful, and the rules by which the table is filled out, the letters and pictures are easy to understand. It is done on a sheet (leaflet), as in VK (VKontakte) for a guy and a girl for love and other feelings (we cross out three lines). A decoding of the obtained meanings is proposed (hedgehog and saucer, ring, hat, lungs, etc.).

Fortune telling for love using paper and pen for a guy or a girl (girl)

Count how many letters are in the full name of your chosen one. Draw a daisy with the same number of petals. Write one letter of your loved one's name in each flower petal. Write your name below it. As a rule, it will be shorter than a man's name, but if your name is longer than a man's name, just leave it out.

If the opposite sounds do not match, you are too different to be together.

One coincidence - your union is possible if you treat each other with respect.

Two - you are not destined to be together and you will soon separate.

Three coincidences of vowels and consonants - your love is based on mutual understanding.

Four or more - you can become an ideal couple.

Fortune telling on paper love graph

To build a love graph you need:

1. Write your last name and full name on paper in a box (a letter in each box). Below it is the name and surname of your beloved guy.
2. Cross out the paired letters that appear first in each surname. Look carefully at the remaining letters of both surnames and if among them there are two matching letters, they should also be crossed out.
3. We do the same with names. First, we cross out the paired letters of each name, and only then we compare and cross out the repeating letters in both names.
4. It remains to build the love graph itself from one starting point (pencils of different colors are used for each name and surname).
To do this, we will conventionally draw an uncrossed letter in the form of a horizontal line one cell to the right, and a crossed out letter in the form of a line directed upward one cell diagonally.

For an ideal couple, the love lines should coincide at the end point of the plotted graph.

Fortune telling for love on paper at Christmas time, at Christmas, at baptism

These days it is considered not a sin to guess.

For fortune telling, select a large sheet of paper or newspaper - it must be crumpled up, put on a plate and set on fire. After this, carefully, so as not to disturb the outlines of the burnt ashes, the plate is brought to the wall and, based on the outlines of the cast shadow, they try to determine what the shadow is associated with. The meaning of the association seen can be found in the dream book. This will be your future.

Love fortune telling on paper yes no I don’t know

2 people take part in fortune telling. It is advisable for this to be your friend.

The fortune tellers sit with their backs to each other. Everyone takes a sheet of paper and divides it into three columns - “yes”, “no”, “I don’t know”. At the top they write the name of the guy that each of you will guess about.

Now alternately ask each other neutral questions that can be answered “yes,” “no,” or “I don’t know.” It is advisable to formulate questions vaguely. For example: “Green?” or the day after tomorrow?".

The number of questions asked should be equal to the number of letters in the full name of the person you are guessing for. You need to answer as quickly as possible, without hesitation, only then will you get the correct forecast.

Now it remains to summarize. To do this, subtract the number of answers with the value “no” from the number of answers with the value “yes” and add the number of answers received in the “I don’t know” column.

If in the end the number comes out with a negative or zero value, then you should forget this guy, since your relationship is doomed to failure.

Love fortune telling on paper for girls, for boys

This method of fortune telling is reminiscent of a game of tic-tac-toe.

Think of a question you would like to have answered. Formulate the question clearly so that it can be answered: “Yes” or “No.”

Draw a 3x3 square and place one cross and one zero in its cells alternately until you fill the entire square. Do it quickly, without thinking, as if mechanically.

Now determine whether your drawing has 3 crosses or 3 zeros arranged in a row. If these are crosses, then the wish will come true, but if they are zeros, it will not come true. If you happen to have 3 x’s and 3 o’s in a row in the picture, leave it to chance and make some effort on your part, and your wish will definitely come true.

Fortune telling with sticks on paper for love

You can find out whether your chosen one loves you or not by telling fortunes on sticks. To do this you will need a piece of paper and a pencil. Mentally imagine your loved one and start drawing sticks while repeating his name 7 times. After repeating the name one last time, don’t draw any more sticks.

Now you need to cross them out 3 pieces together. As a result, it turns out that all the sticks will be crossed out, or one or two of them will remain uncrossed.

The remaining two uncrossed sticks mean that you will be together, one means you are not destined to be together.

In the case when there are no uncrossed sticks left, you will be together for some time, but then a third person will appear who will break up your couple.

Fortune telling on love on paper under the pillow

They tell fortunes on the night from Friday to Saturday. Take 9 small pieces of paper. Two of them are left blank, and the other seven are written with the guys' names. Then they roll up all the leaves into a tube and, before going to bed, put them under their pillow, saying: “I’m sleeping in the old place, I dream of the bridegroom.”

In the morning, pull out the first piece of paper you come across and read the name of your betrothed on it. If you pull out an empty piece of paper, it means your time has not come yet.

Fortune telling for love on paper using numbers (digits) from 1 to 100

Take a piece of paper in a box and in each box write numbers from 1 to 99 without zeros.
For example, having written 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, they write not 10, but 1. Then 11,12... etc.

The first line is made of arbitrary length, the subsequent ones are of the same length as the first. At the end of the number series you should write the date of fortune telling. If there are zeros in it, we don’t write them, the next digit is written.

Now you need to cross out all paired numbers that are adjacent, both vertically and horizontally, as well as two adjacent numbers, if in total they give a result equal to 10.

After this, rewrite all the remaining numbers so that the first line is long, equal to the number of letters in the full name of the chosen one. For example, if your loved one's name is Yaroslav, then the first line should consist of 7 digits. Rewrite the remaining numbers again and do all the deletions again.

Add the remaining uncrossed numbers together. If the result is an even number, you will be together; if the result is odd, you are not a couple. If the sum of the numbers ends at 0, it means that your relationship is hopeless and someday you are still destined to part.

Many girls and young girls are constantly guessing about something - either about the name of their betrothed, or about love and relationships, or about marriage. Also, girls often turn to family, children, future, destiny, etc.

Therefore, it is not surprising that written fortune telling for girls about a guy’s love has such a huge target audience. These fortune tellings are simple, reliable, and therefore arouse great interest among women.

Written fortune telling for girls for a guy's love - from simple to complex

For the vast majority of girls, written fortune telling is a very unique way to cheer themselves up, to make sure again that someone definitely loves them. Almost all methods of written fortune telling for girls are simple and straightforward, but there are also quite complex methods of predicting fate, as well as what awaits a girl in the near future in terms of love and relationships.

Written fortune telling on sticks for a guy's sympathy

This simple and interesting written fortune-telling will help you find out about the true attitude of the mysterious young man towards you. In order to find out the truth, you only need a piece of squared paper, a pen and a little time.

Draw short vertical sticks in a line, then at any moment of fortune telling say to yourself: “Stop!” Fill in the next row of sticks, and so on, up to four rows. In each row you need to cross out 3 sticks several times so that there are either two, or one, or no sticks left in the row. After this, you count the number of remaining sticks in each row and, having interpreted the result according to the interpreter, you will find out exactly how your lover treats you.

Independent fortune telling for love - written Love Chart

A written fortune-telling for a guy’s love called the Love Graph is very popular among girls. It is intended for those girls who definitely want to know who they are with the guy they like.

Take a piece of paper and write your last name and full name on it. Under your surname you should write the surname of your chosen one, and under your name - his full name. Cross out the same pairs of letters in surnames and given names.

Now take a blank piece of squared paper and construct a graph according to this principle: each crossed out letter is interpreted as a horizontal line, and each uncrossed out letter is a vertical line. Both graph lines must originate from the same point.

When interpreting the results of a written fortune-telling for girls about a guy’s love - the Love Graph, you should look at the points of intersection of the graph lines. They show the development of love relationships. If the lines intersect, true love and deep feeling await you. If the lines diverge, this indicates cooling towards each other.