Continuing education program for theater activities in pre-schools. Additional education program for children in theatrical activities

IN middle group preschoolers are at the beginning of a long and have an interesting journey knowledge and skills development creative activity. The teacher’s task is to use the whole range of methods and techniques for children’s development. artistic taste, aesthetic perception surrounding world, interest in creating your own small masterpieces: from the most simple lines and forms to more complex compositions. The topic being studied should be reflected in classes on visual arts(drawing, appliqué, sculpting) combined with the use of traditional and non-traditional techniques. In our case, we will talk about the topic “Simple and golden testicles.”

Pedagogical advice on organizing drawing classes in the middle group

Secondary children preschool age begin to show cognitive interest in creativity. Using various figures of speech, children learn to express their opinion regarding the picture they like and give basic arguments in favor artistic means, which were used to transmit images.

The teacher begins to introduce the children to folk toys: Dymkovskaya, Filimonovskaya. They are so bright and expressive that they immediately attract children with their colorful images. In the middle group classes are introduced on decorative drawing, in which, during a preliminary conversation, the teacher shows works of Russian traditional folk crafts. Children decorate doll dresses, scarves, aprons, sundresses for matryoshka dolls with different patterns. To develop children's imagination, we can advise cutting out white cardboard or paper outlines of Dymkovo or Filimonov toys, which children place on sheets of paper decorated with patterns. Children will see an interesting painted toy, reminiscent of a folk one.

Before depicting an object, the teacher teaches children the ability to master its shape, study the image as a whole, without losing sight of the details important for this object. To add expressiveness to children's drawings, you can offer them paper different shapes and colors. The teacher offers compositional and plot options, since for four-year-old children this task presents a certain difficulty, especially at the beginning school year. However, in the second half of the year, the teacher should gradually involve children in the process of coming up with the plot and compositional structure of the drawing. Thus, the teacher sets the task of motivating children to portray not only characters, but to supplement the plot with other details. For example, when drawing chickens, draw grass and flowers.

Can be used in drawing classes traditional techniques drawing with colored pencils, wax crayons, gouache, watercolor paints. You can combine drawing media: watercolor and wax crayons. Among non-traditional techniques, finger painting and poking (for decorating testicles) may be interesting.

Develop interest in visual arts

The theme “Simple and Golden Testicles” allows you to develop interest in various types visual activity, that is, along with drawing, the teacher can use modeling, for example, on the theme “The Ryaba Hen laid eggs”, and appliqué on the theme “Multi-colored Easter eggs”, “Let’s decorate eggs for grandma.” One of the most interesting non-traditional techniques is sculpting from salt dough, which has a number of advantages over using plasticine. Salt dough is completely safe, molds well without sticking to your hands, does not stain the work surface and is easy to clean, and the main thing is that crafts made from such dough can be dried and painted during drawing classes or during joint activities teacher and children. The tradition of modeling from salt dough, already known in Rus', is being revived, providing opportunities for creativity.

The teacher can offer individual assignments children who have a special interest and ability in drawing. For example, decorate the testicles with a pattern using non-traditional drawing techniques (finger painting, drawing cotton swabs). You can also draw a chicken that has hatched from an egg using the palm painting technique. Children should find the idea of ​​using semolina fascinating, drawing the outline of a testicle, then smearing it with glue and sprinkling it with semolina. These kinds of tasks turn training session to the present creative process, and the guys feel like artists.

Learn to come up with compositions

The composition is playing important role V artistic development children starting from early preschool age. In each subsequent age group compositional solutions become more complicated, artistic design, which the child tries to express through different types of visual activities. Children 4–5 years old need sensitive pedagogical guidance, that is, the teacher offers them various compositional solutions, creative tasks, coming up with something new every time. When children at the beginning of the school year master simple techniques images of objects various forms, then in a lesson on drawing simple and golden eggs it is difficult to talk about great variability compositional solutions. However, in the second half of the year, children already master the skill of decorative drawing, mastering different techniques painting with a brush, then we can talk about the complication of the plot and compositional lines. One of interesting options can be collective composition from Easter eggs or colorful eggs in a basket. The composition can be complemented by a chicken or an Easter bunny.

Motivate creativity

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher takes a few minutes to activate cognitive activity children using various gaming techniques. Combining the rich world of the game with educational process, the teacher makes completing any task interesting. Thus, children should have play motivation. You can use it as a motivating start shadow theater with the production of the fairy tale “Hen Ryaba”, didactic game with your favorite characters. The teacher, together with the children, can act out a scene based on a fairy tale, or when a hen and chicks come to visit. Children will be interested, as they themselves will be involved in the production. The teacher can start the lesson by telling a fairy tale or reading a story, learning poetry, or using musical accompaniment.

Examples of author's notes for drawing classes in the middle group

When drawing up lesson notes, you need to pay attention to the sequence and types of work that are planned to be involved and correctly allocate time for each educational stage:

  1. Preliminary work (2–3 minutes)
  2. Main part (10–13 minutes)
  3. Physical education minute (1–2 minutes)
  4. Final part (summarizing) (2 minutes)

HE. Mishchuk. Drawing lesson on the topic “Simple and golden eggs for the Ryaba chicken”

By developing an interest in creativity, we cultivate personality.

Example of drawing lesson notes

Kind of activity Topic/Materials
Drawing “The egg is simple and golden”
White, yellow gouache, sheets of light green, light blue paper, brushes, jars of water.
To consolidate knowledge about the oval shape, the concepts of “sharp” and “blunt”.
Learn to draw oval objects. Practice the ability to paint over an image without going beyond the outline.
Develop children's imagination.
Lesson stage GCD content
Preliminary work Consider Feature appearance testicle in order to consolidate the knowledge that one end is sharp and the other is blunt.
Main part Conversation with children
The teacher tells the children that today Ryaba the chicken came to visit them for class. She came straight out of a fairy tale. Invites children to remember its contents by showing a shadow theater. Children remember that at the end of the fairy tale, the mouse broke an egg, and the hen promised to lay a golden egg for their grandparents.
The teacher says that since the chicken was not simple, but fabulous, she decided to come to visit you guys so that you, too, would feel like heroes of a fairy tale and draw eggs for your grandparents. One plain and one gold.
The teacher offers to read a poem to the chicken.
Pied Hen, kind plump one,
He walks around the yard and calls the children:
- Ko-ko-ko, guys, where are you chickens?
Yellow lumps, daughters and sons?
Hurry to mom: we’ll eat with you
Seeds and crumbs, get out the spoons.

Here are some more riddles to solve.

Leads chickens
Like a nanny in kindergarten.
She cackled: “I’m a big bird!
Look, she brought a yellow egg!”
And went outside
Boast... (Chicken)
“Chick-chick-chick! Where, where, where!” –
We hear it on the street.
Calls all the chickens
Ryabenkaya... (Chicken)

Now let's draw our chicken's testicles.
The teacher asks what shape the egg is. (Oval).
Show pictures of eggs, Ryaba chicken with eggs.
Remember that they have already drawn and sculpted oval-shaped objects. First, the teacher offers to show the movement with a finger or brush in the air, how they will draw an egg.

Explanation of the drawing scheme.

Physical education minute Gymnastics “Little Chicken”
A mischievous chicken lived
I was turning my head all day.
Turned left, right,
He bent his left leg,
Then he raised the right one
And he stood up on both again.
Started to flap his wings
Raise and lower.
Up, down, up, down.
Leaned left, right.
It's good in the world, really!
Let's look at how beautiful your testicles turned out. Do you like your drawings? Ryaba the hen is also happy, cackling: “Ko-ko-ko, what great guys! Grandfather and grandmother will be happy with such testicles.”
The hens give away their drawings.
Exhibition of children's works. In the center of the composition is an image of Ryaba the hen, surrounded by children's works. You can place it on a large sheet of paper or on a stand.

Steps for Drawing Plain and Golden Eggs Explained

The teacher should pay special attention to explaining all the stages of drawing an egg.

  1. Place a sheet of paper horizontally. On the left side of the sheet we draw a simple egg, on the right - a golden one. You can draw a simple egg on one sheet, and a golden one on the other. (Figure 1, 2).
  2. Start painting a simple testicle from above with white gouache, rounding the tip, move the brush smoothly, without stopping, expanding the testicle at the bottom (blunt tip of the testicle), return to top point, narrowing the testicle from above.
  3. Paint the egg with white gouache. Remind that you need to paint carefully, in one direction, without going beyond the contour. (Figure 3).
  4. Using the same technique, draw a golden egg with yellow gouache. (Figure 4).

Tinted light blue sheet of paper
Toriated light green sheet of paper

Pictures to show children

The hen Ryaba laid eggs, simple and golden.

The hen laid a simple egg A white egg A brown egg A hen laid a golden egg Sparkles in the sun A fairy egg for grandparents Fairy eggs

If in the first half of the school year children draw objects that are fairly simple in shape, then by spring they already have the skill of decorative drawing, that is, they can decorate their drawings with patterns (dots, circles, stripes, strokes). Therefore, on the eve of the celebration of the bright spring holiday Easter, the teacher has a great opportunity not only to tell children about the holiday - history, features of the celebration, symbols - but also to organize interesting thematic lesson. The first stage is sculpting Easter eggs, then painting them. You can sculpt the eggs during a sculpting class or during joint activities between the teacher and children. Paint sculpted testicles during a decorative drawing class.

HE. Mishchuk. Decorative drawing lesson on the theme “Getting ready for Easter”

Lesson notes on decorative drawing

Organizational educational activities
Kind of activity Topic/Materials Objectives/Program content
Drawing Decorative drawing
Gouache different colors, salt dough egg preparations, brushes, jars of water.
Learn to decorate oval-shaped objects.
Expand your horizons, knowledge about Russian holidays, culture, traditions.
Develop imagination.
Cultivate neatness.
Lesson stage GCD content
Preliminary work Talk about Easter, traditions of its celebration, symbolism.
Look at the pictures with painted eggs.
Discuss what pattern elements can be used to decorate Easter eggs.
Main part Conversation with children
Drops are dripping loudly
Near our window.
The birds sang merrily,
Easter has come to visit us.
K. Fofanov

The teacher talks about Easter.
Easter is main holiday all Christians, very bright and kind. On this day all people bake Easter cakes, make cottage cheese Easter and paint eggs.
The egg is a symbol of life and its rebirth. Eggs are painted in different colors and give it to relatives and friends with the words: “Christ is risen!” In response, you need to say: “Truly he is risen!”, kiss each other as a sign of forgiveness and love for loved ones.
The teacher reads a poem about the Easter egg.
Look what a miracle it is
Did mom put it in the dish?
There is an egg, but not a simple one:
Golden painted,
Like a bright toy!
There are stripes, curls,
Lots of little rings
Stars, circles and hearts.
What are all these colors for?
Like in the old one good fairy tale?
Mom gave everyone the answers:
– Easter is the brightest holiday!
And the egg, I know,
Symbol of life on earth!
T. Lavrova

Easter is a symbol of spring, faith, love.
And today the Easter bunny came to visit us, which is a symbol of Easter in other countries. He came a long way to come visit us. Let's, guys, please him and paint the eggs that you and I made from dough. They have already dried and are waiting for us to beautifully decorate them with Easter patterns.

The teacher shows pictures with painted Easter eggs. Discusses with children what elements can be used for decoration. The teacher asks you to show imagination and accuracy while painting the testicles.

Explanation of the drawing scheme.

Physical education minute Gymnastics “Little Kids”
We use our hands to “clap-clap”
With our feet we “top-top”
We shrug our shoulders - “chick-chick”
With our eyes - “moment-moment”,
Once there, once there
Turn around yourself.
One sat down, two stood up,
Everyone raised their hands up.
One, two, one, two
It's time for us to get busy.
Final part (summarizing) The teacher invites the children to look at how beautiful their eggs are and arrange an exhibition so that moms and dads can look at their work.
If the eggs were voluminous, then after drying they can be put in a basket and placed next to the Easter bunny.
If the eggs are flat in shape, then you can tie multi-colored ribbons and, together with the children, decorate the willow branches that the Easter bunny brought them for the holiday.

Explanation of the stages of decorating Easter eggs

The teacher should pay special attention to explaining all the stages of painting an Easter egg.

  1. The teacher is kneading salty dough, and the children sculpt eggs that they will decorate during the drawing lesson. You can add gouache or natural dyes (carrot or beet juice) to the dough, then the eggs will turn out colored. (Figures 1, 2).
  2. Depending on the general level of preparation of children and individual characteristics, they can sculpt flat, egg-shaped or volumetric blanks. If the blanks are flat, then the teacher can make holes at the top so that later finished works could be hung on a stand. (Figures 3, 4, 5).
  3. Flat blanks are placed on the work surface, voluminous children hold both ends with the fingers of their left hand and paint. Then the teacher helps them turn the piece over, and the children decorate the egg on the other side. At the end of the work, place the eggs on a stand to dry further. You can use plastic bottle caps as a stand. (Figures 6, 7).
  4. When drawing stripes, move the brush smoothly, without lifting off the surface.
  5. We draw flowers using the dipping technique.
  6. We draw dots and circles with the tip of the brush. You can also run them in unconventional technology poking with a cotton swab.

Kneading salt dough Modeling dough Eggs from dough Molded eggs Blanks for decoration Painting Easter eggs Painting Easter eggs

Pictures to show children

Rabbit and chick The rabbit decorates an egg The rabbit goes to visit The rabbit is preparing for Easter The rabbit gives an Easter egg The cheerful rabbit is waiting for guests

Painted Easter eggs

Bright patterns Red-beautiful dots-flowers
Delicate daisies Colored Easter Curls Stripes Tenderness Joyful Easter Circles Stripes and dots Different patterns

It's no secret that we have to learn again celebrate our traditional holidays . Once upon a time, traditions were passed down in the family from generation to generation - "word of mouth", "heart to Heart". Folk holidays introduce children to existing traditions and customs of the Russian people, help convey to the child high moral ideals. We, adults, must introduce children to the history of our Motherland and teach them how to use the wealth of cultural traditions.



Decorative drawing in the middle group

" Easter Egg "

Tasks : cultivate interest in RussiansEaster traditions;

create conditions for children to develop the ability to paint three-dimensional wooden egg , independently come up with an ornament according to idea or design;

coordinate hand and eye movements;

develop creative imagination and fantasy.

Material: decorative basket with paintedEaster eggs; teaching aid « Easter traditions in Rus'» ; visual material "Pysanky and paints"; blanks in the form of wooden eggs for each child; gouache paints; brushes different sizes, cotton buds; glasses of water; napkins and oilcloths;

phonogram « bell ringing» .

Progress of the lesson

I. Introductory word teacher

Educator: Easter - foremost Christian holiday in Rus'. Both old and young carefully prepare for this holiday. They bake Easter cakes and Easter cakes, and most importantly they paint and paint them, but try to guess what...

Small, round, white,

If it breaks, no carpenter can fix it.

White sheepskin coat, sewn without a rib.

There is food in the house, but the door is locked.

His grandfather beat and beat him, but didn’t break him

Baba beat and beat, but didn’t break it,

But the mouse ran

She waved her tail.

It fell and broke.

That's right, guys, of course. egg !

II. Teacher's conversation. Introduction to the topic.

The phonogram sounds"bell ringing"the teacher puts it on the table decorative basket with painted and paintedEaster eggs.


How joyfully the sounds of birds sound to us again,

They melt warmth within themselves, the spring ringing is playful.

And the domes shine again, and the sun sparkles.

Magic Easter cakes outfit, oh Proclaims Easter!

Guys, I suggest you remember the elements of rituals and traditions Easter , handed down from ancient times from time immemorial and surviving to this day.

For Easter It was customary to congratulate each other on the Resurrection of Christ. Christing. And who knows what it means to take Christ?(children's answers : kiss, hug).

Educator : - Right. And at the same time greet each other and treat others"pysanka" or "painted eggs" . It just so happenedEaster eggs to paint, and then give them to each other. Egg considered a symbol of life and the sun. How do you think people could express deep respect for an egg?(children's answers).

Of course, decorate. This is how they arose"krashenki" and later "pysanky" . Krashenki are eggs painted in one color.

Pysanky are eggs with a symbolic pattern applied to them.

There are two types of eggs in our basket, I suggest sorting them into two baskets: in one - “Pysanki”, and in the other - “Krashenki”. Well done!

Educator : - There was another tradition that has survived to this day, an ancient pastime - skating eggs:

A low slide was built and a groove was installed. The children took turns launching theirEaster eggs. Whose egg rolled the farthest, he won. The winner could take it all"losing" eggs.

I want to offer you another version of the game.

Please note that near our slide there are small prizes : sweets and small souvenirs. Now, each of you will take turns launching youregg from the slide and if the eggtouches some prize, then the owner of the egg takes this prize for himself. The game is being played.

III. Practical part.

Educator : - We rested a little, played, and now it’s time to color and decorate our egg preparations.

Demonstration of painting methods and techniques eggs :

1) coloring the entire egg with one color;

2) the simplest pattern - dots and stripes, wavy lines and crosses;

3) complex pattern - flowers and petals;

IV. Independent work children.

Educator : - Guys, I want to draw your attention to the fact that you need to put a little paint on the brush so that excess paint does not flow from the brush to work, be careful. I will definitely help anyone who needs my help. You can begin to complete your creative task.

V. Reflection.

Educator : Guys, look at your work.

Do you like your souvenirs?(children's answers)

What colors did you choose to paint the eggs?(children's answers)

With what feelings did you describe? Easter eggs ? (children's answers)

I really like yours"Pysanki" and "Krashenki" , they are simply wonderfully designed.

Well done guys, you worked very hard, and the result of your work is your souvenirs that you will give to your closest people - moms and dads on holiday Easter.

(sounds Easter bells)

Here are some painted eggs for you

Complex, golden

Who gives an egg to each other

Happy, whole year It happens!

Goodbye. I wish you joy and peace.


Happy Easter holiday

Project participants: Middle group children , parents, teachers groups .

Target : Introducing children to Christianthe holiday of Easter and its customs.

Tasks : Introduce children to the Orthodox holiday "Svetloye" Resurrection of Christ", with its history.

Develop interest in the culture of ancestors.

Talk about the customs and rituals associated with holiday

Foster patriotic feelings for Orthodox traditions Russian people, to folk art.

Play activity

Easter games “Egg rolling”, “Who will find the most eggs?”, "Egg Relay", "Clinking eggs".

Fairy tale dramatization games“Chicken Ryaba”, “Chicken”.

Round dance games "Bucket Sun", “You go around in circles, find yourself a friend”.

Cognitive development

Lesson on the topic “What is Easter?”

Lesson on the topic “How in the old days people prepared for Easter holiday."

We bake spring buns Zhavoronki.

Planting grass for decorationeaster egg.

Cooking cottage cheese Easter.

Speech development

Conversation on the topic “Why do we paint eggs?”

Composing stories"How we are at home celebrated Easter

Reading Easter tale"Little Red Riding Hood"in processing, poems about Easter holiday.

Folklore works.

Productive activity

An unconventional way of finger painting on a theme"Decorating Easter eggs".

Modeling from clay “Testicles for the holiday”.

Working with parents

Project “How are you at home with the children?celebrate Easter

Consultations “How and with what can you please a child in holiday " , " Easter customs in Rus'» .

Exhibition of children's works"How we are at home celebrated Easter» .

Project presentation

Festive matinee"Bright Easter".

Exhibition of projects "How do we celebrate Easter".

Exhibition of drawings and crafts on this topic.

Children begin to get acquainted with traditions and main holidays as early as kindergarten And primary school. As a rule, this acquaintance occurs within the framework creative lessons drawing and labor. It has long been known that with the help of various thematic crafts and drawings dedicated to a particular holiday, children remember information about it much better and at the same time develop fine motor skills and creative abilities. In today's article we will touch on the topic of children's drawings for Easter. Agree, it is quite difficult to explain the whole essence and traditions of this bright holiday to young children. And with the help of a beautiful pencil drawing with images of eggs, easter bunny or a holiday cake, it’s much easier to make. How to draw step by step simple and original drawing Find out how to do it yourself for Easter in the following master classes with photos.

Beautiful children's drawing of Kulich for Easter with a pencil in kindergarten step by step

Kulich for Easter is a variant of a beautiful and simple drawing pencil, which is perfect even for junior group kindergarten. You can draw it using a simple pencil, and then, if desired, color with watercolors or felt-tip pens. So beautiful children's drawing“Kulich for Easter” in pencil for kindergarten can be used as an independent gift or as decoration for a holiday card.

Necessary materials for children's drawing of Easter cake with a pencil step by step

  • album sheet
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • paints

Instructions on how to draw a beautiful picture of an Easter cake for kindergarten

A simple drawing for Easter “Easter basket with eggs” for children step by step

Another option for a very simple Easter themed design for children is an Easter basket with eggs. Since the egg is one of the main symbols of this holiday, its image is always relevant on Easter cards and drawings. And krashankas in a wicker basket look very festive! Read on to learn how to draw a simple drawing for children for Easter in the form of an Easter basket with eggs.

Necessary materials for drawing a basket with eggs for children for Easter

  • simple pencil
  • paper
  • eraser
  • black marker
  • colour pencils

Instructions for a simple drawing of an Easter basket with eggs for children for Easter

How to draw a beautiful picture for Easter for school with a pencil step by step

A fairly popular symbol is the Easter chicken, hatched from a krashanka or pysanka. At first glance, drawing such a picture with a pencil, for example, for school on Easter, is difficult. But thanks to the following step by step instructions, how to draw beautiful drawing on Easter to school with a pencil, it’s not difficult to do.

Necessary materials for a beautiful Easter drawing for school

  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • black marker
  • felt-tip pens, paints optional

Instructions on how to draw a beautiful drawing for school for Easter step by step

DIY children's drawing “Rabbit” on the theme of Easter, step-by-step master class with photos

Another famous symbol Easter holiday, which can decorate any children's drawing with their own hands, is a rabbit. In the next step-by-step master class The photo describes in detail how you can easily and simply learn to draw a rabbit. This DIY children's drawing “Rabbit” on the Easter theme is aimed at elementary school students.

Necessary materials for a child's DIY drawing on the theme of Easter

  • paper
  • watercolor paints and brush
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • black felt-tip pen

Instructions on how to draw a children's drawing with your own hands “Rabbit” for Easter

  1. The Easter Bunny is traditionally painted with paints. Our bunny will be holding a whole basket of Easter eggs. At the first stage, we make a sketch and mark on the sheet the basis for the head, torso and basket.
  2. Draw the rabbit's cheeks and fur on the head.
  3. Add ears.
  4. We draw the features of the muzzle in detail.
  5. Let's move on to drawing the body. We designate two front paws that will hold the basket, and one hind paw.
  6. Then we draw the basket and the second hind leg.
  7. Fill the basket with Easter eggs. Add a fluffy tail to the rabbit.
  8. We outline the drawing with a black felt-tip pen and remove the pencil strokes with an eraser.
  9. We color the children's drawing for Easter “Rabbit” with our own hands bright pencils, Special attention paying attention to Easter eggs in a basket. Now you know how to draw a beautiful picture on the theme of Easter in kindergarten or school. And the video tutorial below will tell you step by step how to draw the Easter bunny with gouache!

Valentina Pashukova
Decorative drawing in the middle group “Easter egg”

Decorative drawing in the middle group

« Easter Egg»

Tasks: cultivate interest in Russians Easter traditions;

create conditions for children to develop the ability to paint three-dimensional wooden egg, independently come up with an ornament according to idea or design;

coordinate hand and eye movements;

develop creative imagination and fantasy.

Material: decorative basket with painted Easter eggs; teaching aid « Easter traditions in Rus'» ; visual material "Pysanky and paints"; blanks in the form of wooden eggs for each child; gouache paints; brushes of different sizes, cotton swabs; glasses of water; napkins and oilcloths;

phonogram "bell ringing".

Progress of the lesson

I. Introductory speech by the teacher.

Educator: Easter- the most important Christian holiday in Rus'. Both old and young carefully prepare for this holiday. They bake Easter cakes and Easter cakes, and most importantly they paint and paint them, but try to guess what...

Small, round, white,

If it breaks, no carpenter can fix it.

White sheepskin coat, sewn without a rib.

There is food in the house, but the door is locked.

His grandfather beat and beat him, but didn’t break him

Baba beat and beat, but didn’t break it,

But the mouse ran

She waved her tail.

It fell and broke.

That's right, guys, of course. egg!

II. Teacher's conversation. Introduction to the topic.

The phonogram sounds "bell ringing" the teacher puts it on the table decorative basket with painted and painted Easter eggs.


How joyfully the sounds of birds sound to us again,

They melt warmth within themselves, the spring ringing is playful.

And the domes shine again, and the sun sparkles.

Magic Easter cakes outfit, oh Easter proclaims!

Guys, I suggest you remember the elements of rituals and traditions Easter, handed down from ancient times from time immemorial and surviving to this day.

On Easter It was customary to congratulate each other on the Resurrection of Christ. Christing. And who knows what it means to take Christ? (answers children: kiss, hug).

Educator: - Right. And at the same time greet each other and treat others "Pysanky" or "colors". It just so happened Easter eggs to paint, and then give them to each other. Egg considered a symbol of life and the sun. How do you think people could express deep respect for an egg? (children's answers).

Of course, decorate. This is how they arose "colors", and later "Pysanky". Krashenki are eggs painted in one color.

Pysanky are eggs with a symbolic pattern applied to them.

There are two types of eggs in our basket, I suggest sorting them into two baskets: in one - "Pysanki", and in the other - "Krashenki". Well done!

Educator: - There was another tradition that has survived to this day, an ancient pastime - skating eggs:

A low slide was built and a groove was installed. The children took turns launching their Easter eggs. Whose egg rolled the farthest, he won. The winner could take it all "losers" eggs.

I want to offer you another version of the game.

Please note that near our slide there are small prizes: sweets and small souvenirs. Now, each of you will take turns launching your egg from the slide and if the egg touches some prize, then the owner of the egg takes this prize for himself. The game is being played.

III. Practical part.

Educator: - We rested a little, played, and now it’s time to color and decorate our egg preparations.

Demonstration of painting methods and techniques eggs:

1) coloring the entire egg with one color;

2) the simplest pattern - dots and stripes, wavy lines and crosses;

3) complex pattern - flowers and petals;

IV. Independent work of children.

Educator: - Guys, I want to draw your attention to the fact that you need to put a little paint on the brush so that excess paint does not flow from the brush to work, be careful. I will definitely help anyone who needs my help. You can begin to complete your creative task.

V. Reflection.

Educator: Guys, look at your work.

Do you like your souvenirs? (children's answers)

What colors did you choose to paint the eggs? (children's answers)

With what feelings did you describe? Easter eggs? (children's answers)

I really like yours "Pysanki" And "Krashenki", they are simply wonderfully designed.

Well done guys, you worked very hard, and the result of your work is your souvenirs that you will give to your closest people - moms and dads on holiday Easter.

(sounds Easter bells)

Here are some painted eggs for you

Complex, golden

Who gives an egg to each other

I'm happy all year long!

Goodbye. I wish you joy and peace.

Khlebnikova Olga Gennadievna

MBDOU "Child Development Center - d/s 3 387"

Middle group


Decorative drawing "Easter eggs".

Target: creating conditions for the development of arts and crafts drawing skills by mastering egg painting techniques.

Educational: develop creative potential child, his cognitive activity, imagination.

Educational: cultivate responsiveness and independence.

Educational: introduce children to Easter traditions, continue to teach how to make a pattern from familiar elements on the proposed shape - the silhouette of an egg.


Vase with willow branches;

Easter eggs from various materials(Paper - 2 pcs., wooden, plastic, etc.), decorated different ways: (beading, embroidery, painting, sequins and sequins, ribbons and braid, etc.);

White egg-shaped paper blanks;

Gouache paints;

Brushes of different sizes;

Cotton buds;



Colored paper eggs for reflection.

Preliminary work: conversation on the topic “Easter Holiday”, looking at various Easter eggs, watching the presentation “Dear egg for Christ’s Day”

Progress of direct educational activities.

The teacher stands near the table, in front of him is a vase with willow branches, Easter eggs made of various materials, decorated in various ways. He looks upset and confused. After asking the children what happened, the teacher tells the children about his problem:

The holiday is coming soon - Easter. I wanted to decorate our group for Easter and thought that willow branches would work well for this. But the branches alone don’t look very festive. How to decorate them? I can't think of one!

The teacher listens to the children's suggestions and together with them comes to the conclusion that it is possible to decorate the branches with Easter eggs. But are they all suitable for this? The teacher invites the children to hang eggs on branches and experimentally determine which ones weigh well and which ones are heavy for these branches. It turns out that painted paper eggs are suitable. They are light, beautiful, bright and the branches under them do not bend or break; you can easily tie a ribbon to them.

Thanks for the tip, guys! I'll have to paint a lot more paper eggs because two won't be enough. Of course, this will take a lot of time, but what can you do, you need to decorate the group for the holiday!

If the children do not offer their help immediately, the teacher leads them to this decision.

The teacher invites the children to remember how to decorate an Easter egg using paints, what such eggs are called (krashenka, pysanka). You can show children several samples (illustrations, pictures).

Draws their attention to egg blanks cut out of paper, gouache paint, various brushes and cotton swabs. The teacher invites the children to suggest which brushes are suitable for a given size of workpiece, which can be used to draw various elements (for example, it is convenient to draw dots with cotton swabs, fine lines– thin brushes, etc.)

Guys, we have another problem. To make the decoration beautiful and bright, our “eggs” must be decorated on both sides. But the paint takes a long time to dry and you will have to wait before turning the workpiece over. Perhaps there is another way to solve this problem? (Split into pairs, glue the colored “eggs”)

Next, the teacher helps the children divide into pairs (at the children’s request), prepare workplace and get to work. While drawing, you can turn on quiet, calm music or the ringing of bells. Remind children that when a person paints Easter eggs, he thinks about good and bright things, wishes health to all his family and friends.

When all the blanks are painted and dry, the teacher helps the children glue them together, tie a ribbon to them and hang them on willow branches. Pay attention to children’s creative discoveries, technique and neatness.