Draw how children play with their hands. Drawing with palms, fingers and legs (photo report)

Anastasia Sazhina

Drawing with palms, fingers and legs contributes to the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, curiosity and interest in children's work. The depiction of objects helps children develop imagination, memory, and helps the child to better understand the world around him. Besides, it's very fun and interesting (getting dirty with paint).

During the lessons, children learn to name and distinguish colors. The dots drawn with your fingers can be raindrops, or they can also be grains for the chickens. The handprint can be a bullfinch, or it can turn into a goldfish that grants wishes. All this contributes to the formation of artistic and imaginative thinking.

Special finger paints are safe for children. They contain only natural ingredients.

When a child is still small, it is difficult for him to draw with brushes, felt-tip pens, or pencils. Therefore, arms, legs, and fingers are best suited for babies. Thus, even at an early age, an adult will, without much effort, help the child cultivate a love of creativity and show the child new, unconventional drawing techniques.

Drawing with fingers, palms, legs is a permitted game with dirt, which allows you to rid an individual of aggression. Moreover, no one criticizes this game, but on the contrary, everyone admires it.

Drawing with finger paints is a preparatory stage for the transition to painting with a brush, it teaches you to feel the boundaries of the sheet, and has a positive effect on the development of imaginative thinking.

I would like to present to your attention the work of the children of the first junior group:

These are the very first masterpieces of children, finger painting:

- raindrops:

-cherry jam for Masha:

Drawing with palms:

- Fishes swimming in the aquarium:

- Bullfinches pecking a rowan tree:

- Trees covered with snow:

- Merry sunshine:

- The first flowers are snowdrops:

Drawing with palms and legs:

Thanks to all!

Publications on the topic:

Creativity is the most productive activity in preschool childhood. Children draw, sculpt, sing, dance and this is vital. To kid.

Photo report. Finger painting in the second junior group “Airplane”. Finger painting is a very interesting and amazing activity.

Dear colleagues! The other day I was replacing a colleague in a pre-school group. In addition to conducting a shaping class.

We all know that creativity plays a huge role in a child’s life. But how to present this to a little person so that his development will occur.

I am interested in unconventional drawing techniques and try to involve my preschoolers in this. Interestingly, you can draw not only with...

Our children love to draw with plasticine. We somehow liked this type of activity. Or maybe because children love to do things.

If your baby is still too small and cannot handle a brush, this does not mean that he cannot draw and create original masterpieces. He has the most important thing - these are children's palms, and with their help you can depict many bright and funny drawings! The main thing is that children get a lot of pleasure from such activities, because what child doesn’t like to draw with their own palm or fingers? In addition, in the process of creativity, the baby develops fine motor skills, learns to fantasize and think abstractly, as well as distinguish colors and shapes.

For painting with palms, special finger paints are sold, which are made on a water or vegetable basis. They do not contain toxic substances and are absolutely safe even for the smallest artists who love to taste everything.

Techniques for drawing with palms and fingers

To paint by hand, the paint should be diluted with water to the consistency of liquid sour cream and poured onto a flat plate. Then dip your child's hand into the plate or apply paint using a wide brush directly onto the child's palm. Help me position my palm correctly on a piece of paper and make an imprint. Using fingerprints, you can bring the drawing to the intended image.

By drawing with his palms and fingers, a child can depict quite recognizable, simple objects. These can be various animals - for example, a giraffe, an octopus or a camel; in addition, handprints can make a sun, a flower or a Christmas tree.

Draw flowers with your palms

One of the simplest drawings that your little one can draw is a flower. Using a finger of green paint, help your child paint a stem on a piece of paper. And the imprint of a child’s hand will pass for a beautiful open bud and two green leaves on a stem. You can also draw a daisy or sunflower by turning the leaf and leaving handprints in a circle. Using your finger, place yellow dots to represent the core of a chamomile, or black dots to represent sunflower seeds.

Draw a Christmas tree with your palms

Following the same drawing technique, you can easily depict a Christmas tree. Using a small child's hand, make several green handprints in three rows. At the bottom of the sheet, the first row is one palm, then two and at the top three. Turn over your masterpiece. Use your finger to draw a brown trunk and multi-colored balls.

Imagine and create together with your children, because drawing with palms and fingers is not just an exciting game, but also an activity that develops and enriches the child’s imagination. And don’t forget to keep your young artist’s masterpieces as souvenirs!

Tasks: introduce children to an unconventional drawing technique (palm); learn how to independently come up with the composition of a drawing; develop creative imagination, attention, fine motor skills and hand coordination.

Equipment: a simple pencil; set of gouache paints; brushes; palette; jars of water; napkins.


Teacher: Today I offer you a new way of drawing. You've never drawn like this before. We will trace the palms and come up with interesting designs from them.
(Then the lesson is conducted with a demonstration of drawing diagrams.)

Baby dinosaur
Smiles sleepily:
Mom is nearby, dad is nearby -
What else do you need for happiness?

Take a closer look:
This is a cactus. It's prickly.
And when the rains come,
All the thorns will bloom.

The elephant gave flowers to the baby elephant,
And then she said in my ear:
“You eat better, my glorious son,
So that you can grow up strong, like dad.”

How many stars are there in the sky?
I wish I could get at least one,
You won't get one -
Let's bark at the moon.

There is a stump in the clearing,
He is neither short nor tall.
Look, guys,
What grows on it? Honey mushrooms!

The octopus dad couldn't catch up with his son for an hour.
The octopus barely calmed down a little,
Because I need to sleep
Your legs need to rest.

Rushing fast, as fast as he can
Underwater seahorse.
Here I am stuck in the thick grass,
I shout: “Gotcha, stop!”

My friend and I are drawing a riddle,
Let's press one palm and the other in order.
Let's add circles and decorate them again -
And now our butterfly is ready.

A scarlet flower blossomed in the thicket,
Every petal shines like a firebird.
This is such a miracle. On my sheet
A fairy tale comes to life in complete darkness.

- Do you want to try? Take a close look at your hands. Place your palm on a piece of paper. Turn it, move it.
- Look! Imagine! Let your imagination run wild! Our palms can turn into whoever we want! Did you come up with it? Then press your palm and trace with a simple pencil.
- And then fill in the missing details.
- Well, now you can color your drawing using pencils, crayons or paints.


Guys, we're a little tired, let's take a rest:
We painted today
Our fingers are tired.
Let's shake our fingers
Let's start drawing again.

Teacher: Well done boys! Look, we tried our best, and we came up with beautiful drawings. Guys, did you like turning your palm? (Children's answers). Today we will arrange an exhibition so that parents can also admire your work.

This is the kind of exhibition of “funny palms” we got.

(PART 1)

Many children love to draw. But what if the baby is still small and doesn’t know how to draw? There are many techniques with which you can create original works and crafts for children, even without any artistic skills. Both you and your child will not only get pleasure from such activities. In these games he will get acquainted with color, the properties of paints, he will develop artistic taste and spatial imagination, imagination and hard work. And he will also gain respect for parents who know how to do such things! Here are games with paints that will attract interest in drawing and help in the development of the baby.

1. Finger stamps

In his wonderful book "Ed Emberley's Complete Funprint Drawing Book" the author describes the technique of drawing with fingerprints.You will need paint of different colors, water, a sponge, paper and a felt-tip pen.
By applying several colors on a sponge with a shift, you can create a gradient of colors.

Leo is a more complex figure, but not so difficult that your little one cannot cope with it.

Using this technique you can draw funny faces




A little artist can use fingerprints to color coloring pictures. Only coloring should be large, without small details.

(PART 2)

2. Handprints and footprints

You can draw not only with your fingers, but also with your palms and even your legs. Such interesting works can be made from hand and foot prints, if you apply a little imagination.

3. More prints

You can make prints with anything. For example, you can paint the wheels of a toy car and drive it around on paper. An interesting rose-shaped print is made from the remains of a head of Chinese cabbage.

Using ordinary woolen threads you can create very interesting surprise designs. This technique is called thread painting. To do this, take a sheet of paper or cardboard and fold it in half. Dip the end of a woolen thread 10 cm into the gouache, then clamp the colored thread between the folded paper and move it there. We remove the thread, unfold the paper and marvel together with the baby at the unusual combination of lines and strokes. You can simultaneously dye several threads with different colors and get multi-colored abracadabra. Look at the resulting image together with your baby, think about what it looks like, give it a name. Maybe it's fireworks or a colorful meadow, or just a good mood?

You can also draw with soap bubbles! To do this, you need to add paint or food coloring to any soap-foaming solution, bubble up more foam and place paper on top of it.
You can use this paper to make greeting cards for relatives and friends.

Now on sale there are play sets of stamps for children's creativity. Thanks to them, the child can decorate a greeting card and add the necessary elements to his drawing. By playing with stamps, you can introduce your baby to concepts such as logical sequence of symbols (pattern) and symmetry. Sets with stamps in the form of geometric shapes, from which you can make various pictures, contribute to the development of creative thinking. For example, a set of “Tangram” stamps.

Sometimes it is so difficult to draw an animal, and even more difficult to teach a child to draw himself, so that it really looks like it. We have selected lessons for you that will help you draw beautiful animals using your palms. Try it yourself!

You will draw adult animals, and the baby, due to the size of his palm, will draw their children. It should be a whole zoo. Take note if your child often asks to draw an animal, and you don’t know how to start.

Dodo bird

Squeeze your fingers together and move your thumb perpendicularly away from the entire palm. Let's circle. All that remains is to finish drawing the paws, beak and wing.


We press in the middle finger, move the rest to the sides and circle. All that remains is to decorate and you will get a giraffe with horns and ears.


From the usual combination of fingers when we show “Cool!” you just need to bend your fingers outward a little. We outline, draw thin long legs and teach the ostrich.


We take turns tracing the right and left hands, spreading our fingers freely. We circle the thumb only halfway. A peacock with a loose tail learned.


Bend four fingers halfway. We move the big one a little to the side. We get a full-fledged body for the turtle.


Again, remember the fingers with the “Class” combination, and move the little finger away from this combination. We outline and color - we get a snake.


We bend four fingers, move the slightly bent little finger, and also move the thumb to the side. We turn it over and decorate the future elephant.


We keep four fingers bent tightly together, move the thumb slightly to the side - we get a snail with a house, which only needs to be finished drawing the horns.


We repeat the combination of fingers as on the Giraffe, add fur and get the face of a fox.


Straighten four fingers and tuck the thumb under them. We get the head of a horse whose mane needs to be completed.


We hold our fingers in a “Pistol” shape and trace it on paper. We finish drawing the ear and mustache - and we get a mouse face, almost like Jerry in profile.


We repeat the combination from the Mouse, that is, we again outline the palm assembled in the “Pistol” and finish drawing the sharp teeth. We get the Crocodile.


We trace the fingers in the same way as for the Snail. We decorate the animal’s house differently and turn it into a shell from which a Mollusk can be seen.


We press our thumb and circle the hand twice: first, four fingers together, turn it over and squeeze the two middle fingers a little. We circle and get the whole body of the Frog.