Graphic tests for adults. Psychological interpretation of selected color-pictures of the Luscher test online

Psychological test: House-Tree-Person. How to decipher it correctly?

Psychological test is a tool that helps specialists understand the state of the psyche of an adult or child. The most simple method testing is considered an ordinary drawing. If you know how to decipher it correctly, you can find out about all the fears and problems of the person who drew it.

Psychological test based on drawings - house, tree, person: decoding with interpretation for children

Psychological test on drawings for children
  • If you want to find out how your baby really feels, then ask him to draw a house, a tree, a person, and then carefully examine the drawing, paying attention to everything, even the most small details. The first thing you should pay attention to is how hard your little one presses the pencil when creating her masterpiece. If the lines are weakly expressed and barely noticeable, then this indicates that you are growing up a timid and somewhere passive person who is trying to be invisible.
  • It is also a bad sign if the child uses an elastic band very often. This indicates uncertainty and excessive anxiety. If a son or daughter draws with strong pressure, this indicates that they are quite tense. In addition, you must pay attention to what colors the picture is made of. The ideal option is to use pastel colors.
  • Typically, this indicates that you have been able to develop a personality that lives in harmony with its environment. But still remember, so that the moral state of the children remains the same, it is extremely important for them to feel your love, and it will be better if you show it tactilely. To do this, it will be enough to hug and kiss your child a couple of times a day.

Decoding the colors of the picture

Interpretation of the colors of the picture:

  • Red. This color scheme should not alarm you as it is most often used by open and restless children. Yes, sometimes they may not obey or even act mischievously, but this speaks more of individual characteristics, not about mental disorders.
  • Blue. Most often this color scheme They prefer calm, balanced children who sometimes like to be alone with themselves.
  • Green. This color scheme should alert young parents as it indicates that your baby lacks attention. If you do not try to correct this state of affairs, then high probability we can say that your child will grow up withdrawn and will be afraid to trust people.
  • Yellow. The predominance of such a color scheme indicates that a dreamy person is growing in your home, who looks at the world through rose-colored glasses.
  • Dark shades(black, brown, gray). The use of such a color scheme indicates that your child has quite serious psychological problems, which without proper correction can turn into a rather severe depressive state.

Decoding the location of the house
  • Another criterion that you must pay attention to is the placement of the house, tree and person in the drawing. If the child drew the figures you suggested as very large and cumbersome, this indicates that your baby’s anxiety is quite high, and he cannot relax even when he knows for sure that nothing threatens him. True, in this case there is one exception to the rule. If it grows in your house hyperactive child, then such an arrangement of figures on a piece of paper can be considered quite normal.
  • If the house, tree and person are located at the very top of the leaf (as a rule, the lower part remains completely clean), then this indicates that you raised a child with very high self-esteem. In the future, such a child may have problems at home, in kindergarten or at school. Due to the fact that the son will consider himself better than everyone else, he will not be able to find true friends and, worst of all, will not be able to fit into the children's team.
  • A negative signal is very small figures located at the bottom of the sheet. Most often, children who have psychological problems draw this way. It is likely that your child is depressed or has very low self-esteem. Ideally, all the details of the drawing should be drawn as proportionally as possible and in no case overlap each other.

  • Well then last stage swipe general analysis what your child drew. Be sure to pay attention to how he depicted the person and where he placed him. If a person comes out very sad and very small compared to other objects, then this indicates that your child is very lonely and feels unnecessary to anyone. It is likely that you simply spend little time with your child, and in his subconscious there is an opinion that he is not that important to you.
  • Also a bad signal is the complete absence of facial expressions in a person. This means that your baby is quite unwell. emotional condition, indicating terrible moral well-being. As for the house, it should also be as realistic as possible. Of course, a small child is unlikely to be able to draw an ideal home, but still, because he does this, you can understand how comfortable he feels in the family. So, if the house turns out to be very small and located as if far away, then it is likely that your baby feels rejected or alien.
  • If the house has normal dimensions and is placed proportionally in the picture, then this indicates family harmony and openness of your baby. Also a good signal is the presence of doors and windows at the painted home. A reason to be wary is a tree that seems to be hiding behind the house. Most often, children of very strict and dominant parents who try to control every step of their child arrange their vegetation this way.

Psychological test based on drawings - house, tree, person: decoding with interpretation for adults

Psychological test based on drawings for adults

As you probably already understood, a drawing can tell a lot about a person. True, in the case of adults, more attention should be paid to the small details of the resulting picture. Unlike children, they can already control their emotions and very often try to deceive a specialist by using the right color scheme or drawing with the right pressure. Therefore, the first thing you should pay attention to is whether there is a wisp of smoke above the house.

If a very thin stream comes from the chimney, then this shows that the person is emotionally exhausted and does not feel warmth and care from his loved ones. Too thick smoke coming from the chimney indicates that a person is under very strong moral stress. And the thicker and darker the smoke coming out, the worse it is internal state person taking the test.

Deciphering the house

Decoding the drawing of the house
  • If a person draws a beautiful, proportional house that has all the windows and doors, then this indicates that he is in harmony with himself and with those around him. If the building is depicted without windows and doors, this is a sign of a closed person, which is most often provoked by quite strong problems at work. In this way he is trying to show that he is not going to let anyone into his life. Also a bad signal is the presence of steps or stairs that are not located near the door or window, but simply near a blank wall. As a rule, this is how a long-standing conflict manifests itself, which requires an immediate solution.
  • Also pay attention to how the walls of the home are drawn. If they are clear and clearly visible, then the person does not have any special problems. But if the lines denoting the outline of the house are very thin, almost transparent, then the person feels some kind of danger and is afraid that he will not be able to protect himself from it. Open doors at home indicate that a person has no problems either at home or at work, and is always happy to have guests. But if the doors are too big and take up most walls, then this indicates that the man or woman has problems with self-esteem and this moment they are trying to show their importance and indispensability.
  • Another negative sign is the lock on the door, especially if it is very large. As a rule, in this way a person’s subconscious shows his hostility, closedness and aggressiveness. Windows can also tell a lot about a person. If they are of normal size and there are flowers on them, then this indicates that the person does not have any psychological pressures that interfere with his life. If the windows are almost completely covered with curtains, it means that it is difficult for a person to interact with the outside world, and he is trying to isolate himself a little from it.

Decoding a drawing of a person

Decoding a drawing of a person
  • Most often, the presence of problems in men and women is indicated by the size of the person they depict in the picture. The smaller and more noticeable it is, the more insecure the person being tested feels. In this case, proportions are also very important. After all, if, for example, the depicted little man has a very big head, then this indicates a desire to dominate others. A head that is too small shows that the person has problems with intellectual development, and he is very worried about this. If a man or woman does not like criticism and tries to distance themselves from unpleasant words, then the picture will depict a man without ears.
  • The dimensions of the neck can also tell about the internal psychological problems Oh. A wide, but at the same time short neck indicates that males and females have character traits that they do not like, but they are trying to get rid of them. A neck that is too long and thin is usually depicted by people who are prone to aggressive behavior and who do not know how to keep their emotions under control. And, of course, don’t forget to pay attention to the person’s arms and legs. If they are drawn as clearly as possible, with bright lines, then this indicates that in front of you there is a man or woman who stands firmly on the ground and is not afraid of any difficulties arising.
  • As for the eyes, they also play a huge role in deciphering the drawing. If a person draws very small eyes, this indicates that he is too immersed in his internal problems. Availability too big eyes indicates the rudeness and assertiveness of the person being tested. But beautiful and fluffy eyelashes reveal a flirtatious person, loving attention of the opposite sex.

Decoding the tree drawing

Decoding the tree drawing
  • The more symmetrical and beautiful the tree is depicted in the picture, the more harmonious a person feels. If somehow part of the tree is larger or smaller than necessary, then this indicates the presence of psychological problems. For example, if a person draws a small tree and very massive roots, then this sure sign that he has some problems that he is trying to hide from strangers.
  • Very often in a picture you can see a tree whose leaves are poorly drawn, but at the same time the trunk is very brightly painted. This state of affairs indicates that the test taker is not afraid to face difficulties. Branches hanging down seem to tell us that a person has given up and is not even trying to deal with the problems that arise on his life’s path.
  • Pay special attention to the lines used to draw the tree. If all the lines are clear, smooth and are not interrupted anywhere, then we can definitely say that in front of you is an individual who is not afraid life difficulties and always goes towards the set goals. If the lines are crooked and periodically interrupted, then this is evidence of indecision, cowardice and inhibition.

Description of the drawing according to the method of house, tree, person: how to draw and draw correctly?

Recommendations for taking the test
  • If you decide to conduct a similar psychological test on your child or simply one of the adult family members, remember that in order to get the most accurate result, you need to give the person complete freedom of thought. You have no right to tell him how to draw this or that part of the drawing. It is also strictly forbidden to push the test taker to choose a certain color. The entire time the person is completing the task, you will have to sit silently on the sidelines. And it will be even better if you leave the room altogether for a while. This way you will allow the person to be alone with you.
  • Also be sure to take care of the place where the testing will take place. You must create conditions in which the person will be as comfortable as possible. This means that on the table on which he will draw there should be no objects that distract attention. Ideally, only a piece of paper, pencils and an eraser should be on the table. If a child is being tested, then in addition to the above-mentioned things, you can also place markers and paints on the table.
  • With their help, the baby will be able to reveal his personality as well as possible. inner world. As for drawing, there are no clear rules. You just have to give the person a task, and he must decide for himself where he will start creating the drawing. All that will be required of you in this situation is to silently observe and wait patiently for him to finish.

Drawing of an adult man

Drawing of a child

While the person is being tested, you will need to record:

  1. His reaction to the task
  2. How quickly did he figure out what was required of him?
  3. How quickly does a test taker decide on a color?
  4. How long did it take for the person to complete the task?

After the drawing is ready, you can ask your child or adult questions that will help you get the most accurate result. But remember, you must do this in the most relaxed manner possible. In general, a conversation with a child is best done in game form. After all, the more relaxed he is, the more reliable information his subconscious will give out.

Test questions:

  • Who did you depict in the drawing, boy or girl (man or woman)?
  • Is it you or your relative?
  • Do you like what you drew?
  • What kind of tree did you draw?
  • Why do you like it so much?
  • Is this your house?
  • What is your home made of?

In principle, the questions can be different, as long as they are relevant to the picture. For example, during a post-drawing survey, you can ask the test taker why there are some missing elements in his drawing. significant details(leaves on a tree, windows and doors on a house, or ears on a head). You should also be interested in the not entirely correct arrangement of the elements of the picture.

For example, obliquely growing trees or very skewed walls of a house. A person must definitely try to explain why he sees his world in a slightly distorted form. After you find out all the details that interest you, you can begin the final analysis of what the person has drawn.

Video: Psychoriunok. An example of analysis of the drawing test “House Tree Man”

Psychological color and drawing tests for adults and children Shevchenko Margarita Aleksandrovna

Test "Elephant"

Test "Elephant"

The test allows you to assess the physical, moral, and emotional state of a person. Mainly used for adults or children over 12 years of age.


Provide the subject with a sheet of paper, a simple pencil and ask him to draw (and, if desired, color) an elephant.

Just as when drawing a tree, a person applies it to his life, so when drawing an elephant, he draws himself, his problems and his vision of life.

Interpretation of an elephant drawing

The elephant has a rounded head; in general, there are many roundnesses in the drawing itself. Roundness indicates the presence of energies of the feminine principle - this is gentleness, kindness.

Large, upturned tusks indicate the ability and willingness to stand up for oneself.

If the tusks, although drawn, are small and not raised up, this indicates that the artist is not aggressive.

If an elephant has well-drawn ears, eyes, a mouth, the tip of its trunk, everything connected with the senses, it means that the person who drew it is quite sensitive to life, knows how to see and hear it.

The ears are drawn in a calm state, which is important for inferring an even or nervous character. If an elephant’s ears are raised up, it is possible that the author of the drawing is constantly anxious, expecting tricks and troubles from life.

If an elephant is drawn with raised ears, raised tusks, an elongated tail and a raised trunk, the person has excessive nervousness and aggressiveness. He needs to be reassured, instilled in him with the idea that the world is not always a jungle and it is hardly worth being overly mobilized.

Although the sense organs are drawn out, they are done somewhat carelessly; the trunk is drawn somehow. This is a sure sign that a person is not neat, not thorough, does not pay special attention to the quality of life, and does not see small things in it.

Where the elephant's head meets the body, we see a notch. If it is written out clearly, it means that the person drawing is vulnerable; he would like to forget about many things in life.

All four legs are the same length. This means that a person is quite stable in life, is used to relying mainly only on himself and feels confident and stable.

The tail and trunk are lowered down. In principle, this indicates a thoughtful, sad, quiet character. But if, along with this, the drawing had a lot of all sorts of roundness and enthusiasm, one could assume that the author is prone to frequent changes of mood.

Analysis of drawings

Love, 40 years old

After one important event was completed successfully, and the woman was given a reward and flowers, I asked her to draw an elephant. Love with a smile on your face, in good mood She began to draw, saying that she really loved elephants. The elephant turned out to be very positive, with his trunk raised up, holding a flower, and his tail raised. How else could it turn out if they are the same? positive emotions was the woman experiencing at the moment (see color plate, Fig. 9)?

Tatyana, 23 years old

The girl is not married, but is dating a guy.

He worries that somehow their relationship is not going well, and blames himself, or rather, his character, for this. What did her drawing of the elephant that she drew tell her? The elephant turned out to be somewhat similar to the girl, he clearly has a calm and even character without a shadow of aggression (tusks, tail and trunk are lowered down), with well-drawn sense organs, and this suggests that the girl can feel life quite well. All four legs are the same length, which only complements it good qualities, namely, the elephant moves confidently through life. And why doubt yourself and your character (see color plate, Fig. 10).

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Every person would like to know the secrets of his character and see himself from the outside. In the best way for self-knowledge is a psychological projection drawing that will reflect all the features of your personality.

When we do something we don't think about, the result shows not the logical side of the brain, but the emotional side of the brain. Our experiences, joy, anger and everything else can break through and are unconsciously projected on paper.

To take the test below, you need privacy. No one should distract you from the process. Take piece of paper, preferably A4, handle or pencil. Divide the sheet into equal four parts and number them so that it looks something like this:

The final preparation of the sheet will look like this:

  • in the first sector draw a dot in the middle
  • in the second sector draw a small square or rectangle
  • the third sector should contain something similar to the “=” sign
  • the fourth sector remains empty

You should end up with something similar to this:

So, free your thoughts, there will be no difficult tasks - draw only what comes to your mind right away.

In the first three sectors, just finish drawing what you want. Draw what you feel without thinking. There is no need to draw anything complicated - spend about 10 seconds per sector. After that, move on to the last task.

In the fourth sector, draw a boat that floats on the waves. The drawing should also be primitive - also don’t spend a lot of time on it.

Interpretation of drawings

Sector one

This sector represents your isolation or openness. If there are round figures in this sector, then you are a closed person. The same applies, for example, to a drawn spiral leading to the center (point). If you just drew a lot of dots, then you are very sociable and open. Roughly speaking, than more elements you applied, the better. The only exception is circles. There should be as few of them as possible.

Sector two

This sector shows your kindness and responsiveness, as well as the level selfishness. You can consider yourself kind person, if what you drew is somehow connected to the original rectangle. The smaller the contact area, the more selfish you are. Open people often draw a wall, which indicates their focus on the company and team. Many people draw a house, which is also very good. If your drawing does not touch the rectangle, then this indicates that you need to think about it - maybe you are an egoist.

Sector three

This sector will show how much you consider yourself successful or successful with the opposite sex - is it easy for you to communicate and flirt. There should be as few additional drawing elements as possible and they should not touch the equal sign (as most people call it). People who are satisfied with their relationships with the opposite sex usually add a smiling emoticon to make it look like “=).” The worst thing is if the drawing turns out to be symmetrical and heavily cluttered - this is an indicator of your lack of self-confidence in communicating with the opposite sex.

Sector four

Everything here is extremely simple. This sector shows you what you are like love and in relationships. If the sea turns out to be turbulent, then you prefer dynamic love that blows your mind. If the sea is calm, then love for you is calm, warmth and only pleasant, orderly emotions. As for the boat itself, you should pay attention to whether it is complexly drawn, as well as what is happening around it. Any excesses like sails or people (which were not discussed), stars, living creatures, the Moon, the Sun - speak of your romance. If you don’t have any of this, then you are strong in character and romance is alien to you.

Thus, the simplest test at first glance can show every person his true face. Psychological personality tests this kind the most accurate, since the subject does not need to think - he is driven only by the emotional part of the brain. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Let us pay special attention to some subtleties of interpretation of the drawings in the first position. The subject can turn the point into the central semantic element of the drawing, but take a passive position in relation to it (for example, draw a person looking at it through a telescope). This type of pattern is often found in people with psychasthenic character traits. They carefully strive for every element of the surrounding world, but are extremely indecisive and anxious, do not believe in their own strength, which leads to a detailed, but purely contemplative and passive orientation.

In another version, the subject can, as it were, “disguise” the point (for example, draw a mass of snowflakes, raindrops, stars, etc. in the form of points). Such drawings are usually found among people who strive to obtain the maximum complete information about the environment, exaggerating its importance. Doesn't happen for them unnecessary information, “little things”, so they collect any information about others. They carefully analyze, accumulate and use this information in social interaction.

In the second position of the test, the presence of aggressive tendencies in a person is revealed, which is very important for criminological research. In people's minds, the crocodile is usually associated with a trait such as aggression. Therefore, his drawing is a projection of aggressive character traits, attitudes, rancor, and suspicion. When analyzing the picture, you need to pay attention to the presence of direct symbols of aggression: an open mouth, teeth, claws, an aggressive pose (especially indicative when a crocodile is eating something or someone. The presence of aggression will also be indicated by pointed elements of the picture and big sizes drawn crocodile. The careful drawing of the crocodile, in comparison with other drawings, also indicates the presence of actual aggression. The eyes in this drawing have an informative value; their outline speaks of increased susceptibility, suspicion and the search for manifestations of aggression on the part of others. The tail symbolizes the presence of such a trait as rancor. The more it is expressed in the drawing, the stronger this trait manifests itself. Sometimes there are drawings in which the crocodile seems to be camouflaged (swimming in the water, hiding in the thickets, etc.), which indicates the presence of latent aggression. This usually occurs when for one reason or another it cannot be openly implemented

The following variant of the drawing is also possible: the crocodile is drawn as extremely aggressive (open mouth, many teeth, etc.), and in the verbal description the subject describes it as kind, soft, lazy. This occurs in people who declare their friendly attitude towards others, hiding the presence of aggression. Those convicted of violent crimes give this different impression.

In the third position of the test, the characteristics of a person’s behavior in a social group and the extent to which he adheres to conventional norms are revealed. Undoubtedly, such information is important for predicting the behavior of a convict in a correctional facility. If the drawing of an elephant goes beyond the rectangle, as if breaking it, then this usually indicates a tendency to violate norms. This is explained by the fact that the rectangle itself is a limitation, symbolizing the effect of norms. Naturally, neglect of these restrictions, despite the instructions, which is also a model of the imperative action of norms, indicates a person’s inability or unwillingness to adhere to normative instructions in his behavior. The study of criminals using ART suggested that this position reveals a person’s tendency to violate not any specific types of norms (legal, moral, etc.), but rather the psychological tolerance of any external restrictions on behavior, formal and informal. Most often, as our research has shown, the elephant pattern goes beyond the rectangle for criminals who, while in prison, are malicious and active violators of the regime.

Since most people imagine an elephant as an animal not solitary, but living in a group, that is why the author of the test chose it as a stimulus material for indirectly identifying the characteristics of human behavior in a group. In addition, in our opinion, it is also important that for a European an elephant is a fairly neutral concept that does not evoke personal emotions or associations associated with past experience of interaction, unlike, for example, a horse, a cow and other herd animals.

Thus, the drawing of an elephant is a direct analogue of human behavior in a group. Aggressive behavior in a group it manifests itself in cases where the elephant’s tusks are drawn, the elephant is in a threatening pose. The meaning of such a detail as ears is direct: interest in information, the importance of the opinions of others about oneself.

People who have a particularly pronounced trait draw an elephant with its ears raised, as if the elephant is listening. Other details determine whether the subject is taking any actions to gain the recognition of others. A raised trunk is a desire to attract those around you, to be the center of attention. Eyes - interpreted in the same way as in the crocodile drawing. Eyelashes are a sign of the presence of hysterical-demonstrative traits (if they occur in men, then they indicate the presence of “feminine” behavior patterns). The tail symbolizes the attitude towards oneself, one’s own actions, self-esteem. A raised tail is a positive assessment of oneself and one’s actions in the group. Downward - dissatisfaction with oneself, one's social actions, and position in the group.

The location of the elephant in the rectangle is of great informative value. If the drawing occupies the entire rectangle, the elephant seems to be “cramped” in it, this indicates a desire for dominance in the group. Small size of the picture - lack of a tendency to dominate, underestimation of one’s own social status. More often the elephant is depicted from the side, but there are other options: it is drawn from the front or from behind. The side view does not have any special informative load. The image of him from the front is interpreted as egocentrism in interactions. Rear image - disdain to a social group. Sometimes it can be defensive reaction or reflect a reaction of withdrawal from social contacts.

Of particular interest are drawings when an elephant is depicted within the boundaries of a rectangle, but a painting, photograph, lithograph, etc. is made from the rectangle itself. Such drawings are more often found in people who perceive the social environment (or their group) as something unchangeable, frozen, and familiar. During social interaction, they are passive and do not strive to change their socio-psychological position, and at the same time their behavior is stress-typical, it consists of the same forms. Quite often, such drawings are found in people who are not accepted by the social group or they themselves usually do not quite justifiably believe that the group does not accept them. But in any case, the behavior of such persons will consist of certain social cliches, which are defensive reactions.

This behavior is most typical for schizoid individuals who strive for psychological isolation from social environment. This behavior is also typical for many convicts who are poorly adapted to correctional institutions. Their behavior in the group is devoid of naturalness, they are closed and try to avoid any obligations and responsibilities. Criminals serving sentences in penal colonies often draw an elephant as if behind bars, thereby reflecting in their drawings the impossibility of what they want social behavior, problems of separation from the usual environment, social isolation.

The fourth position of the test is intended to identify the peculiarities of communication. People who adhere to formalized and regulated communication usually put their signature not in the center of the square. If the signature is located at the top of the square, then this is interpreted as a desire to emphasize one’s social (and sometimes socio-psychological) status. The signature made at the bottom is found among people who strictly adhere to social-role communication. Sociable people who easily establish contacts put their signature in the middle of the square; the presence of the initial letters of the name and patronymic in the signature indicates a pronounced tendency towards self-affirmation. Excessive emphasis on the length of the signature compared to the number of letters making up the surname has a similar meaning and is found in people suffering from a lack of social recognition. For example, in persons who committed a crime motivated by overcoming a distance with a reference group. A signature can also serve as a subject for graphological handwriting.

The fifth position of the test is the features of subjective perception and assessment of reality. Since the fifth position contains a real contradiction (the moon and the sun), the drawing in it is a model of a person’s subjective attitude to the ambiguity of life situations. There are several basic options for this type of relationship. There are people whose perception is completely determined by polar assessments (good - bad; good - evil; light - dark, etc.), and such a division is also present in their drawings. For example, they draw a line dividing the space of the fifth position in half according to the principle: day - night or similar.

The opposite type of assessment and attitude to the situation is found among people who strive to combine or reconcile this contradiction in their drawings. For example, they depict the state of nature that occurs in the evening or early morning, when you can see both the sun and the moon at the same time. Such people have a flexible system of assessments, do not strive to unambiguously define the situation (good - bad), they are not embarrassed by existing contradictions, and they perceive life as it exists in reality, regardless of their subjective attitude.

In this position there are also drawings that are in no way related to the stimulus material, i.e. the original contradiction seems to go unnoticed. Such a pattern, as our research has shown, occurs in people with an unformed approach to reality, who are passive and do not strive to understand and comprehend what is happening around them.

Egocentrism, assessment and analysis of reality only from the standpoint of one’s own needs and desires find manifestation in the drawing in the form of a subjective combination of the original stimulus material. For example: you draw a house in which some events take place from morning to evening, or you draw your own pastime (for example, “in the afternoon I sunbathe under the sun”, “in the evening I go on a date”).

When analyzing drawings in the fifth position, it is also necessary to take into account that the personal problems of the subject, his desires and aspirations can be projected into them. In this case, the interpretation can also be the presence of a specific current situation, its subjective meaning for the subject.

The sixth position of the test is aimed at fulfilling the current personal situation of the subject in the field of relationships with persons of the opposite sex. It is clear that information of this kind is important for understanding sexual crimes or other violent acts with sexual overtones. In this position, the original stimulus material expresses, as it were, two opposing elements: maximum stability (land, shore) and maximum instability (water, sea, river). Therefore, water symbolizes, as a rule, the emotional and sensual aspect of relationships, constantly changing in time and in degree of intensity, and the shore personifies stability, certainty, limitation, which can be roughly correlated with stability family relations. As a stimulus material, a tree growing on the shore is aimed at identifying the presence of tendencies in everyday relationships. These conditional values ​​are the starting point for interpreting the drawings in the sixth position. But special meaning here is a description of the drawing by the subject. As our experience has shown, the drawings of this position, especially their descriptions, really reflect the problems and characteristics of relationships with people of the opposite sex. Below is an interpretation of the most common elements of the picture.

Sometimes the subject perceives the image of water as solid soil (field, sand, arable land). This is usually due to the lack of emotional and sensory experience of relationships or extreme dissatisfaction with them. The image of birds, especially seagulls flying over the waves, has the meaning of hopes, dreams, etc. A ship, boat, sailboat assumes the presence actual problem, which is solved in one way or another depending on the direction of movement of the vessel. If the ship is moving towards the shore, then this means a desire for maximum stability in relations: if from the shore, then this has the opposite meaning. Obviously, “ship” takes on such meaning because it is the only means of transportation in such an unstable element as water. And therefore, if there is a need to change the emotional and sensory aspect of relationships (toward stability or, conversely, instability and instability, as well as in the case of unfulfilled aspirations in this area), then in the drawing this can be conveyed using a ship or some other vessel , since the initial stimulus material is water. In the absence of problems and difficulties in the emotional and sensory aspect of the relationship, the subject does not need to change his personal situation. The ship or any other floating vessels are not drawn, and the current situation is fully conveyed in the description of the drawing.

Such additional details pattern, like foliage on a tree, bushes on the shore, etc. found in people who give great importance everyday formalization of personal relationships. The intensity of drives in the sphere of relationships with the opposite sex in men, for example, is evidenced by drawings with aggressive manifestations (an airplane diving at a target, a pirate or warship, etc.). It is significant that such drawings are most often found in people who have been isolated from society for a long time. A drawing of a person in this position is of great informative value. When describing something, subjects often endow it with their own problems, traits and desires.

The seventh position of the test reveals the characteristics of a person’s behavior in an unstable conflict situation, which, like previous data, is of great criminological and penitentiary significance. The inclined figure, which is the stimulus material here (see figure), already by virtue of its spatial position symbolizes instability. The following behaviors may appear in the drawings. People who choose an aggressive path to resolve unstable situations, going towards conflict, mistake the tilted figure for a Christmas tree and draw a person cutting it down or chopping it. But in this case, a person’s conflict is most often limited to the sphere of everyday relationships. For example, in our study, this type of pattern was found among persons who committed a violent crime on domestic grounds.

If a person is conflicted and aggressive both in everyday life and in social spheres, then in the drawing this manifests itself as follows: several similar inclined figures are drawn, one of which is supported by a similar inclined figure. Such drawings can be interpreted as a desire to resolve the conflict by exacerbating it. The opposite meaning is given to drawings of faces that try in any way to stabilize the instability of the figure. For example, they can draw a support or a person supporting a figure, draw a root system, etc. People who show a desire for a rational solution to an unstable situation usually draw straight figures or trees next to an inclined figure, thereby, as it were, showing an example of what should really be. Sometimes an inclined figure is made, for example, into a rocket or a flock of cranes flying into the sky, which is usually found among people who try to psychologically neutralize any unstable situation by displacing it from their consciousness. An extremely passive attitude towards an unstable situation is evidenced by pictures such as: “mushrooms grow under the tree”, “hedgehog runs away from under the tree”, “mushrooms are picked next to the tree”, etc. Sometimes such drawings are found in infantile individuals who are incapable of perceiving a situation that is unstable or conflicting for themselves.

There are also drawings where the stabilization of a tilted figure is carried out by someone putting it on their shoulders (“Santa Claus is carrying a Christmas tree”) or carrying it in his hands or in another way. Such drawings are typical of people who, without actively trying to resolve a conflict situation, become involved in it as much as possible, hoping to neutralize it in this way (literally “pulling the conflict on their shoulders”). Sometimes the drawings show paradoxical and unusual reactions to an unstable situation. For example, an inclined figure turns into a Christmas tree and is decorated in every possible way, or it is set on fire, or a person is depicted collecting fruits from it.

The first version of the picture can be found in people who receive a kind of emotional satisfaction from being in a conflict-unstable situation. In the second option, a person resolves conflict situations by completely exiting them, psychologically destroying the source of the conflict. And in the latter case, the drawing symbolizes the use of a conflict situation to obtain certain emotional benefits. All these three variants of the pattern are often found among various categories of criminals, especially among selfish and selfishly violent ones, which suggests that the so-called “selfish motive” does not play the main role in the genesis of this type of crime.
The initial test material in the eighth position stimulates the subject to image a person or only his face. The interpretation of this position is based on the fact that the subject creates his own self-portrait in it or projects the most character traits of your personality. If a person or a person’s face is drawn, it is necessary to ask the subject to characterize him as fully as possible, talk about this person’s problems, character traits, habits, inclinations, etc. A person's facial expression is a characteristic of the subject's personality type.

As our experience shows, in this position of the test there are often drawings of animals or inanimate objects. Such drawings are also a direct characteristic of the subject’s personality and require careful additional questioning. For example, the following can be drawn: a doll, a snowman, fairy tale hero. In all these cases, a correctly constructed survey of the subject will lead to the fact that he will endow the character he has drawn with his own traits and problems. But the very nature of the depicted object can also be of great informative value. For example, a snowman in the eighth position is most often drawn by people who are soft, passive, and feminine. The dolls depict infantile personalities with an unstable self-image. No matter how paradoxical the drawing in this position may be in terms of characterizing the personality, it must be considered as the subject’s idea of ​​himself, and not necessarily a conscious one. But sometimes there are cases when the subject projects in his drawing only the most pressing personal problem, which becomes clear during the conversation.

Our experience in using the ART technique shows that it is most advisable, due to its extremely applied nature, to be used to study a specific individual, and not social groups, in order to obtain information about him that allows us to reveal some of his characterological characteristics, and most importantly, personal problems and needs that have criminological and correctional labor significance.

By its nature, this test is indicative and cannot be used as the only research method, since its validity is completely determined by the experience of the researcher and his skills in interpreting drawings. Therefore, when conducting scientific research using this test, it is necessary to have additional information about the personality obtained through the use of other psychodiagnostic techniques, study of materials, etc. Test material This technique, as our experience has shown, has a high stimulus potential for activating projection mechanisms. The particular value of the methods, including in the criminological aspect, in our opinion, lies in the fact that it makes it possible to obtain fairly complete information about those aspects of a person’s personality and life that he usually hides from others. The technique is easy to use, belongs to the category of express methods and allows in a relatively short period of time (10-15 minutes) to get an idea of ​​a person’s character and his current life situation. The technique is quite reliable, since the instructions and the initial stimulus material do not cause any fears or “withdrawal” reactions in the subject. Its value in the aspect of studying the personality of a criminal, in our opinion, is primarily in the fact that it provides information that allows us to construct a probable module of human behavior in one way or another, especially in critical situation, and also allows you to evaluate the overall psychological condition, the presence of pathological traits and drives.

In psychology, there are many ways to diagnose personality. An experienced psychologist will be able to tell a lot by simply analyzing a person’s body language, his manner of speaking, and his handwriting. In psychodiagnostic practice they are also widely used psychological tests: personality questionnaires, achievement tests, situational and projective techniques.

Psychology in pictures

Psychological tests based on pictures belong to projective methods of psychodiagnostics. That is, they are based on the interpretation of the subject’s projections onto the stimulus material in the form of weakly structured graphic images and color drawings. Projection is a protective mechanism of the psyche, which consists in attributing one’s own feelings, thoughts, aspirations, qualities, beliefs to someone or something. A person thinks out what fills his consciousness and subconscious and gives unique interpretations of what he sees. For example, think about it: what was the first thing you saw in the picture above - a butterfly, pistols in blood splatters, or something else?

Review of popular psychological tests with pictures

There are many posted on the Internet. Most of them serve a purely entertainment function. The results obtained from such questionnaires should not be taken seriously. We will look at the most interesting and frequently used professional techniques using drawings .


A widely popular method of psychodiagnostics using pictures is the thematic perceptual test (TAT). The subject is presented with black and white images, most of which can be seen of people in everyday situations. A person must come up with a plot for each picture, describe what the characters think and feel.

By writing a story describing, the subject involuntarily identifies with one of the characters depicted and talks about his own problems and internal conflicts.

For example, try to guess what is happening in this photo. What is eating the child and how will he get out of this difficult situation?

Thematic Perceptual Test

Depending on the interpretation option that you prefer, we can draw a conclusion about your psycho-emotional state and characteristic way of solving problems.

Do you think your child is bored? Is he tired of honing his violin skills? Don't you feel in Lately Is it the same for your work? Maybe you need a rest, new experiences? Will the child still take up classes or run off to play? Depending on which assumption you are inclined to, you can judge what is more strongly expressed in your character - a sense of duty or a love of freedom.

Or does it seem to you that the boy really wants to play the instrument, but he was asked not to make noise? Are all your desires satisfied? Do you feel that others put undue pressure on you?

Or maybe the boy is experiencing creative pangs, he is unable to compose a melody? Has any problem been bothering you lately? Do you doubt your ability to solve it, are you afraid of not being able to cope with your obligations?

The violin doesn't belong to the boy, and he's just pining for its owner? Do you become very attached to your loved ones? Is your biggest fear being separation from your loved one?

Wagner hand test

The technique was developed to determine the level of aggressiveness. The stimulus material is nine images of a hand, which can be interpreted ambiguously. Depending on the quantitative ratio in which the subject perceives gestures as aggressive and peaceful, a conclusion is drawn about his tendency to aggressive behavior.

Wagner hand test

Rorschach test

Probably the most famous psychodiagnostic drawing test is the Rorschach inkblot technique. The subject must give an interpretation of ten ink blots.

Rorschach test

The ability to see a symmetrical figure in a shapeless spot indicates the realism of perception, high level self-criticism and self-control. Seeing images of moving figures in the blots speaks of a rich imagination. Seeing paired images of animals and people in most drawings indicates significance for humans

Rorschach test

Most people see an animal skin or male figure looking from top to bottom. Less often they see images in separate fragments of the image - the head of a dog, horse face. Perceiving the inkblot as a dominant figure indicates fear of those in positions of power and authority, including the father. On the other hand, the inability to see on the card this image may indicate a lack of self-control.

Professional psychological tests based on drawings with comprehensive answers in free access No. After all, the effectiveness of psychodiagnostic techniques is achieved due to the subject’s ignorance of the principles of analyzing test data.

Advantages and disadvantages of psychological tests in pictures

The results of projective tests are more difficult to falsify, since the pictures presented by the psychologist are neutral in content, and there is simply no single correct answer. Most other types of testing are characterized by a “learning effect” when taking a test task repeatedly.

Psychological tests with pictures, on the contrary, can and even should be used repeatedly when diagnosing the same person. A new reading of psychological pictures by the subject indicates a change in his psycho-emotional state and can serve as a criterion for successful psychotherapy. If, after passing psychological tests, you have identified increased anxiety or aggressiveness, try listening to audio hypnosis every day for a week to develop confidence and compare the test results before and after. If the problem is deeper, then it is better not to hesitate and seek help from a psychologist, for example, Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

Of course, psychological tests based on drawings also have disadvantages. First of all, there is no significant scientific evidence that projective psychodiagnostic methods have an acceptable level of validity (correspondence of the results obtained to the stated testing goals). The interpretation of a subject's reactions to pictures in psychology cannot be as unambiguous as, for example, in tests with quantitative indicators.

However, many practicing psychologists are not embarrassed by the lack of “scientific” nature of the method and they find it quite informative for their work. We can say that the success of using pictures in psychology to diagnose personality depends on skill and