Female images in I.S. Turgenev's stories about love. The image of Turgenev's girl in the story Asya

In this article we will look at the image of the “Turgenev girls”. This phrase can be heard quite often, but what does it mean? To answer this question we will have to remember. But first, let us note that his contemporaries loved the author very much. He had more admirers than any other Russian writer. Let's try to figure out why Ivan Sergeevich deserved such love?

Personal tragedy and attitude towards love

The image of the “Turgenev girls” was formed thanks to unique worldview writer. It owes its appearance largely to Turgenev’s attitude towards love. All his life the writer had an unrequited passion for Pauline Viardot, famous French singer. This feeling prevented Ivan Sergeevich from getting married; he even entered the diplomatic service to be closer to the object of his desire. But it was all in vain - Viardot was married and loved her husband.

This love failure affected Turgenev's worldview. He stopped believing that feeling can make a person happy. For the writer, love has become an irresistible force that easily breaks even the most resilient personality. This can be seen in the example of Bazarov's fate. Turgenev was sure that, faced with a feeling, a person would not be able to remain the same - love would crush him. In it the author sees doom, an inevitable fate.


The image of Turgenev's girl is a kind of embodiment of fate, which is designed to destroy lives - having known love, the hero is doomed to spiritual and physical death. His character either dies, like Bazarov, or fades away, like Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, who was unrequitedly in love with Princess R. After she died, he loses his inner strength and exists by inertia.

Based on what has been said, one might assume that a woman who dooms a man to death must have something demonic. But Turgenev does not allow himself to place all the responsibility on the heroine. On the contrary, he created practically perfect image a woman like no other Russian writer has been able to create. The names of these perfect young ladies:

  • Elena Stakhova (“On the Eve”);
  • Zinaida (“First Love”);
  • Natalya Lasunskaya (“Rudin”);
  • Lisa (“Diary of an Extra Man”);
  • Asya from the work of the same name;
  • Lisa Kalitina (" Noble Nest»);
  • Vera (Faust).

As for the novel “Fathers and Sons,” she is not suitable for the role of “Turgenev’s young lady.” Rather, Fenechka and Katya can be counted among them.

The image of "Turgenev girls": characteristics

The writer's heroines are different, but they also have common features.

All "Turgenev girls" are very feminine. They may not be beautiful at first glance, but there is something special about them. His heroines are “out of this world” - very romantic, read a lot, impressionable, live in their own world. The description of Natalya (“Rudin”) is indicative in this regard: “she remained motionless... thought... lowered her hands... the work of her thoughts was reflected on her face... she felt strongly and deeply, but secretly.”

Turgenev's girl is very moral and impeccably virtuous. The most important thing for her is to be honest with herself and not go against her conscience. Only then can she be happy. From the outside it may seem that such heroines are helpless and weak, but this is absolutely not the case. They contain great strength which the feeling gives them moral duty. It is impossible to break such a heroine; once she has made a decision, she will not change it.

"Turgenev's young ladies" can easily sacrifice themselves, but only for the sake of a loved one. This again reveals their inner strength. Often the spiritual potential of such heroines is much higher than that of any male hero. Because of their unusual nature, the fate of the “Turgenev girls” is very unusual. For example, Elena from “On the Eve” goes to war, Marianna from “Novi” finds herself in the very center revolutionary events, Lisa Kalitina (“The Noble Nest”) finds peace only in the monastery.

Turgenev's heroine necessarily serves something. It could be a beloved man, a higher idea, or sometimes both. At the same time, they get along perfectly contradictory features character, for example, sobriety of mind and stubbornness, impetuosity.

So, we have examined the main characters. Below you can see the plan. It will be much easier to analyze the image of the “Turgenev girl” based on it. We’ll take Asya as an example.

Inner strength

The writer creates a new female image. In his heroines nothing remains of the beautiful ladies of the Middle Ages, who were considered the ideal. Such women were flexible, humble and expected action from men. The image of the “Turgenev girl” in a story or novel is completely different. You can expect from her that she herself will take the place of the knight and save her lover from all troubles. Therefore, to call such a young lady weak-willed and weak is irreparable error. It is simply not possible to immediately discern its potential. At the same time, Turgenev’s heroines remain true to themselves, they are always internally whole, they are not torn apart by contradictions and doubts. Here, for example, is the description of Lisa Kalitina: “imbued with a sense of duty... with a meek and kind heart... she loved God alone tenderly, enthusiastically, timidly.”

Lisa Kalitina

Let's consider the image of "Turgenev's girls" using the example of the heroine of the novel "The Noble Nest". Lisa Kalitina appears as an ordinary provincial young lady who obeys her mother in everything and plays music all day long. In the future, she was predicted to have a good match, that is, an eligible groom. By accepting this fate, she could live the same life as many of her peers. However, Lisa is ordinary only at first glance. The author himself emphasizes the peculiarity of the heroine. He introduces the reader to each character, describing their past, but Lisa needs to be understood by unraveling the characteristics that others give her. And at the same time, we must take into account that those around her do not immediately manage to understand the girl. So, Lavretsky makes a completely incorrect judgment about her after the first acquaintance. Only over time does he manage to unravel Lisa and find out that they have a lot in common. The only thing that separates them is their faith in God: Lisa is a convinced Christian, and Lavretsky is an atheist. The girl talks very passionately about her faith, forgetting about everything in the world.

Lisa's Love

The image of the “Turgenev girl” is very innocent. This is an inexperienced creature, little familiar with real life. That is why Lisa does not immediately understand that she has fallen in love with Lavretsky. She learned about her affection only after realizing how much she had in common with her lover.

The scene of explanation between the young people is noteworthy. Throughout the conversation, Lisa remains silent. But the writer conveys her feelings through movements, facial expressions and gestures. The heroes are happy. And only after this scene Turgenev tells us about Lisa’s past, which gives the key to understanding her character.

Having accepted her feeling, the heroine no longer doubts anything. But the appearance of Lavretsky’s wife, who turns out to be alive, destroys her happiness. She considers this a punishment and sees one way out for herself - going to a monastery. But even in this decision the girl is true to herself. Faith in God commands one to perform this act.

The image of the “Turgenev girl” in the story “Asya”: plan

To make the process of character analysis easier for yourself, you can create general scheme reasoning. It will look like this:

  1. Brief description of the work: title, theme and issues.
  2. general characteristics main character.
  3. A detailed examination of her traits and actions.
  4. Answer the question whether childhood and upbringing influenced the development of personality.
  5. The heroine's relationship with her lover.
  6. Plot resolution and summing up.

The story "Asya"

Now let's try, using our plan, to make out the image of the “Turgenev girl”. "Asya" was written in 1857. This story tells about a girl born from the relationship of a master and a peasant woman. The writer has seen the fate of such children more than once, so the topic was close and understandable to him.

Now let's move on to the description of Asya. She appears as a typical “Turgenev young lady”. The girl is not particularly beautiful, but she is pretty, graceful, and has a lot of personal charm and uniqueness. This is how the author himself describes her: “there was something special in her dark, large face... with a small thin nose, light eyes, childish cheeks.” There is a lot of light and even childish in her appearance. At the first meeting, she made a strange impression on the hero - there was too much sharpness and impetuousness in her gestures and actions.

As usual, the “Turgenev girl” does not open immediately. It soon becomes clear that her behavior can be explained past life. Despite her age, she understands the duality of her position, and this duality is transmitted to her character.

Asya's feelings

The image of Turgenev’s girl in the story “Asya” is very vivid. This is especially evident at the moment when the heroine realizes that the narrator has paid attention to her. Meetings begin, they talk, and the man realizes how spiritually rich Asya is. The girl opens up more and more, it becomes clear that she firmly believes that a person is capable of doing anything, if only there is a desire. At the same time, Asya is romantic and active, she needs something to do, she cannot sit still. Love gives her new strength, makes her happy, inspires her.

But happiness was not destined to come true - the main character did not recognize love, was afraid of the opinion of the world and abandoned the heroine. That is why Turgenev leaves him unhappy until the end of his days and does not give him another family and love. Asya (the image of the “Turgenev girl” is impeccable) appears as an ideal who was betrayed by her closest person.

The image of Zinaida in the novel “First Love”

I. S. Turgenev’s story “First Love” appeared in 1860. The author especially valued this work, probably because this story is largely autobiographical. It is very closely connected with the life of the writer himself, with the fate of his parents, as well as with beautiful and vivid memories of his first love.

The plot of the story "First Love" has much in common with "Asya". Both here and there old man talks about his first feeling. Reading “Asya,” we can only guess who Mr. N.’s listeners were. In the introduction of “First Love,” both the characters and the situation are concretized. In his work, Turgenev clearly traces the emergence and development of the protagonist’s love. Love is an amazing feeling; it gives a person a whole palette of emotions - from hopeless grief and tragedy to amazing, uplifting joy.

The narrative, in addition to the prologue, includes twenty-two small chapters. Their content does not exceed two or three pages - events and impressions change so quickly, the main character, Volodya, grows so quickly.

After describing the portrait of the young man, the author draws a portrait of the main character. Zinaida appears as a vision, all the more beautiful because before it young hero indulged in a not very poetic hobby. He went out to shoot crows, and suddenly “he saw a girl in pink dress and a handkerchief." Volodya observed her from the side and therefore the heroine appears to us for the first time as a sketch in profile: “... A slender figure, and slightly disheveled blond hair under a white scarf, and this half-closed smart eye, and these eyelashes, and a tender cheek under them.” Volodya caught more than one neighbor, and also for strange occupation: “Four young men crowded around her, and she took turns slapping them on the forehead<…>gray flowers." A game that draws childhood beginnings in the guise of a heroine. And at the same time, one of the main features is revealed: youthful coquetry, the desire to captivate and conquer - “young people so willingly offered their foreheads - and in the movements of the girl<...>there was something so charming, commanding, mocking and sweet.” Volodya will instantly fall into the circle of young men, fascinated by her beauty.

Turgenev focuses not on the beauty of her features, but on their mobility, liveliness, variability, on “cute”, “charming” movements. Therefore, in the description of the portrait there are many verbs: “trembled”, “laughed”, “sparkled”, “rose”. The princess is very lively, relaxed, spontaneous, this is her charm, this is what makes her irresistible and desirable. Together with the girl we find ourselves in some bright and joyful world, where everything blooms and enjoys life, it is no coincidence that summer nature becomes the background of the portrait.

The image of Zinaida is the same as her portrait: the girl is always different, she is never the same, everything about her is constantly changing. At dinner with Volodya’s mother (chapter 6) she is cold and prim, it’s difficult to recognize her as yesterday’s anemone; in playful games with her fans (chapter 7) Zinaida seems completely frivolous, but suddenly in chapter 9 we see her suffering, deeply sad , thinking with bitterness about her difficult fate. Absolute freedom self-manifestations, of course, amazes, but this only confirms that the girl’s character is entirely woven from deep contradictions that torment her, there are many mysteries in it.

The description of Zinaida testifies to her romance and youth; Vladimir sees a girl among the greenery, in the garden - this reveals Zina’s connection with nature, the harmony of her image. Everything about her is good, and Vladimir is ready to give everything so that “those fingers will slap him on the forehead.” Fans are crowding around the girl, who is not yet familiar to the main character; it is clear that she seems like a mystery to Turgenev, and he, perhaps, would submit to her will. Some time after meeting, Vladimir falls in love with Zinaida. The young man’s feeling is obvious: he is trying to stand out from the mass of fans in front of her, fulfilling many of her desires, which Zinaida unconsciously expresses; in the end, this is only his first love, and “what’s in the soul is on the face.”

Zinaida occupies an intermediate position between childhood and adulthood. She is 21. This is evidenced by her actions, which reek of childishness and thoughtlessness (playing forfeits or ordering Voldemar to jump from the wall). The love of her fans amuses her. She also treats Voldemar as just another admirer, not realizing at first that he has never fallen in love before, that he life experience even less than her own.

Of course, the twenty-year-old girl looked down on the sixteen-year-old admirer. In a moment of affectionate frankness, Zinaida says: “Listen, I<…>could be your aunt, really; Well, not an aunt, an older sister.” No wonder she “entrusted me with her brother, a twelve-year-old cadet who came on vacation.” The coincidence of names - the boy who arrived was also called Volodya - speaks of Zinaida’s sisterly, protective feelings for both. Trying to analyze his feelings at that time, Vladimir Petrovich also repeats several times: “I was still a child.” In many episodes, Volodya actually shows childishness. Following the cadet, he happily “whistled” into a homemade pipe. To prove his love for the girl, he is ready, at her request, to jump onto the road from a height of “two fathoms.” Touched by his timid worship, Zinaida, partly playfully, partly seriously, “favors” him as her page. This recognition and the gift of a rose takes you back to chivalrous times, the times of knights and beautiful ladies. In Zinaida’s attitude towards her “page” there is a lot that is unsaid, contradictory, and sometimes cruel. To the fair reproach through tears, “...Why did you play with me?...What did you need my love for?” Zinaida responds with a confession: “I’m guilty before you, Volodya... Oh, I’m very guilty...” “She did whatever she wanted with me,” the hero sums up.

Zinaida sees this love; she is torn between Vladimir and his father, who is also infatuated with her. Turgenev emphasizes Zina’s ability to understand other people’s experiences, her prudence. She carefully weighs the situation before coming to a decision: to become the mistress of a married man, destroying his family, or to love his son, still a boy? Turgenev also conveys the torment before the choice, emphasizing her humanity and sincerity. “Everything disgusts me,” she whispered, “I would go to the ends of the world, I can’t bear it, I can’t cope.... And what awaits me ahead! .. Oh, it’s hard for me.... my God, how hard it is! ”

Zinaida, despite seeming more frivolous, is capable of suffering and serious feelings. She suffers from the “illegitimacy” of her feelings, this pushes her to unpredictable actions. This is the type of “Turgenev girl” - childishness, childish habits with the power of love and the feeling of an adult girl.

In the second plot scene, a cross-cutting and very important motif of light in solving the image of Zinaida will appear. Light shines through Zinaidina’s “sly smile on slightly parted lips,” and the light illuminates the princess’s quick glance at Vladimir. And “when her eyes, for the most part half-squinted, opened to their full size,” then the light seemed to spill over the girl’s entire face.

The feeling of emanating light from Zinaida’s gaze and face belongs to a young knight in love, deifying his ideal, who saw a woman-angel in front of him. But at the same time, the light is a sign of special purity, speaking about the inner purity of Zinaida, the purity of her soul, despite all the contradictory behavior of the princess.

The motif of light reaches its culmination in the portrait description of Zinaida sitting against the background of a window. “She sat with her back to the window, curtained with white curtains, Sunbeam, breaking through this curtain, bathed her fluffy golden hair, her innocent neck, sloping shoulders and tender, calm breasts with a soft light.” Enveloped in the window light, emitting light herself, she seemed to be in a cocoon of light, through which “her face seemed even more charming: everything in it was so subtle, smart and sweet.” “The eyelids quietly rose,” and the girl’s tenderly shining eyes seemed to reflect her soul.

With difficulty and tears, Zinaida enters the world of adults. It is in her character to love a strong person, “who would break me himself.” She is waiting for exactly this kind of love, she wants to submit to her chosen one. She is no longer satisfied with flirting with fans, she is “sick of everything,” and she is ready for something big, strong feeling. Voldemar is the first to understand that she for real fell in love.

In this sense, not only the image of the heroine and her fate are characteristic, but also the image and fate of Volodya’s father, Pyotr Vasilyevich. He, like Zinaida, is far from an ordinary person. In an effort to emphasize the significance of his personality, the writer even surrounds it with an aura of some mystery. He draws attention to Pyotr Vasilyevich’s characteristic lust for power, his despotic egoism. But Pyotr Vasilyevich, this strong and unusual person, also does not find his happiness, wastes his strength and abilities in vain.

At first one can guess about Pyotr Vasilyevich’s deep feelings only from these indirect evidence, but they are more eloquent than words of love. Why has he looked younger, why is his gait so light, why is he drawn to talk to a girl, bending low towards her? Why do the princess’s eyes rise so slowly? There is only one answer: they love and hide their criminal love, but the internal state of the heroes, their emotional experiences are revealed by an external gesture, movement that makes a lot clear. This is a feature of Turgenev’s psychologism. (Psychologism is an image of the inner, hidden life human soul).

Of course, I remember the scene of the heroes’ spied meeting in a house by the river, in which the always calm and ironic Pyotr Vasilyevich loses his composure and hits Zinaida’s hand with a whip (chapter 21). The blow of the whip is an external manifestation internal state Volodya's father. The writer does not tell us anything about the hero’s feelings that boil in the depths of his soul, but through this gesture we guess about them: a blow to the hand is something more than an expression of anger at Zinaida, who does not want to obey his decision. This is the hero’s protest against the circumstances of his life, which mercilessly separate him from the only one he loves; there is despair and pain in him.

The girl’s reaction is striking: “Zinaida shuddered, silently looked at her father and, slowly raising her hand to her lips, kissed the red scar on it.” A gesture filled with selflessness awakens repentance in the soul of the old egoist: “The father threw the whip aside and, hastily running up the steps of the porch, burst into the house...” Most likely, this day became a turning point in the life of Pyotr Vasilich and in his attitude towards people: “ He thought and lowered his head<…>. And then I was the first and almost last time I saw how much tenderness and regret his stern features could express.”

Before us is a new Zinaida, “with an indescribable imprint of devotion, sadness, love and some kind of despair.” This face, the dark, sad dress speaks of how difficult the life of a girl who sacrificed everything for her first love is.

At the end of the story, Turgenev again touches on the theme of time, again recalling how irreparably terrible it is to delay in love. Mr. N. could not catch up with Asya. Vladimir Petrovich was lucky enough to hear about Zinaida “about four years” later. The princess managed to arrange her life, despite secular gossip. This is how one can understand Maidanov’s polite omissions, from whose lips Vladimir learned about the further fate of Zinaida, now Mrs. Dolskaya. They can meet and meet the past. Moreover, she “has become even prettier” and, according to a friend, “will be glad” to see her former admirer.

“Old memories stirred up in me,” says Vladimir Petrovich, “I promised myself the next day to visit my former “passion.” The frivolous word “passion”, which Vladimir Petrovich used when speaking about his first love, instills anxiety in the reader. And indeed, the hero is not in a hurry: “But some things came up; a week passed, then another..." But fate does not want to wait: "...When I finally went to the Demuth hotel and asked Mrs. Dolskaya, I found out that she died almost suddenly four days ago<…>" “It was as if something pushed me into my heart,” says the hero. “The thought that I could have seen her and did not see her and will never see her - this bitter thought sank into me with all the force of an irresistible reproach.

It is also interesting why Turgenev called his heroine the name “Zinaida,” which was so unusual in those days. Having considered its meaning, it becomes clear that this name characterizes a girl like no other.

Zinaida (Greek) - born of Zeus (in Greek mythology Zeus - the supreme deity); from the family of Zeus.

The name Zinaida means divine; belonging to Zeus, i.e. God's; from the family of Zeus; born of Zeus. Bright, light, cheerful and strong name. It sounds internal strength and concentration, demandingness and serious penetration. This name gives the impression of being armed and invulnerable, like knightly armor.

By mental make-up, Zinaida is a leader. But, when necessary, she will submit to a man. This woman with a constant desire for primacy, as they say, has character. A restless and always dissatisfied soul.

Zinaida is the “empress” in the company. In the sea of ​​life - like a fish in water. She is determined and even reckless. She will not compromise her interests, but she is not capable of vile acts. And if he makes a scandal, it’s over trifles and quickly cools down. She knows everyone's responsibility to society, to themselves.

Zinaida is somewhat cold, but men always pay attention to her. It fools their minds.

“Of all my female types“,” Turgenev once said, “I am most pleased with Zinaida in “First Love.” In her I was able to present a real, living person: a coquette by nature, but a really attractive coquette.”

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is a famous Russian writer, whose work is of interest to readers of many countries and generations.

Fame has come to this greatest writer not only thanks to novels and stories. Numerous stories, plays, and prose poems played a major role. He was a very versatile writer.

The author did not chase quantity. It is known that he wrote his works slowly, nurturing the idea for a long time. Despite this, his works regularly appeared on the pages of magazines and as separate books.

Turgenev wrote the famous story “First Love” when he was already 42 years old. In his work, he tried to comprehend the years he had lived and understand his past. Therefore all literary plot imbued with autobiography.

The history of the creation and conception of the story “First Love”

Turgenev's story with beautiful and unusual name– “First Love” was written by the author while he was in the city on the Neva. It is known that the basis for the author’s plot was the events that once happened to the writer himself. And so, being in St. Petersburg from January to March 1860, he took on his new work, the idea of ​​which had long been born in his head.

According to the plot, the author talks about emotional experiences, which aroused new feelings in the main character. A small childhood love on the pages of Turgenev's story turns into adult love, filled with tragedy and sacrifice. It is known that almost every hero of this work had prototypes, since this story was written on the basis of the author’s personal emotional experience and the events that once happened in his family.

As the writer himself later admitted, he tried to portray all events as they are, without hiding or embellishing anything.

“The actual incident is described without the slightest embellishment.”

The author believed that there was nothing wrong with him telling the truth, he had nothing to hide, and someone would take his story as a model and this would help avoid many mistakes and tragedies. This Turgenev story was first published in Russia, the year of its publication was 1860.

The plot of Turgenev's story "First Love" is constructed as if it were a memoir. The story is told from the perspective of an elderly man who remembers his first love. The author took as the main character of his story young man Vladimir, who was barely 16 years old.

In the story, the main character and his family go to relax on a family estate, which is located outside the city. In this rural calm and tranquility, he meets a young and beautiful girl. Zinaida was already 21 years old at that time. But Vladimir is not at all embarrassed by the age difference. This is how the main character appears in Turgenev's story female character– Zinaida Aleksandrovna Zasekina. Of course, she is young and beautiful, so it’s hard not to fall in love. Yes, Vladimir fell in love with Zina, but it turns out that he is not the only one in love. Around a pretty girl there are constantly candidates for her affection.

But the girl’s character turns out to be not the most diligent. Realizing that men really like her, Zina is not averse to sometimes making cruel jokes on them. So she doesn’t like Vladimir at all, but seeing his suffering, she decides to play a little prank on him, showing her capricious and playful disposition. Sometimes Zinaida Alexandrovna makes fun of him in front of everyone because he is too young. But Turgenev’s hero endures all this, because he is deeply in love. And only after some time, Vladimir unexpectedly learns that Zinaida is also very much in love and this object of her love is his father.

One day he witnesses a secret meeting between Zinaida Alexandrova and Pyotr Vasilyevich, his father. From everything he saw and said, he understood that his father had left the girl forever, because the whole family was leaving back to the city from the village. And a week later, Vladimir’s father suddenly has a stroke and dies. Zinaida will very soon marry some Mr. Dolsky. Four years later, the young woman dies in childbirth.

Prototypes of the heroes of Turgenev's story “First Love”

All Turgenev's heroes in his story “First Love” have fictitious names, but according to the memoirs of contemporaries, they all have prototypes. As soon as the story came out, everyone recognized it real people: the writer himself, his mother, father and the girl with whom the author was in love. Let's take a closer look at their prototypes:

♦ Vladimir, Turgenev’s main character, is the author himself, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.

♦ Zinaida Alexandrovna - Princess Ekaterina Lvovna Shakhovskaya, who was a poetess. It is known that the young author was deeply in love with her, but it soon became clear that she was his father’s mistress. Her fate: wedding and death after childbirth was in reality.

♦ Pyotr Vasilyevich, the father of the main character - Sergei Nikolaevich Turgenev, who married a woman for convenience. Varvara Petrovna Lutovinova was much older than him, and he did not love her at all. Hence his affairs with other women.

It is known that due to the fact that the writer’s father’s marriage was not for love, Sergei Nikolaevich’s novels were frequent. His wife, the writer’s mother, took care of the housework and stood firmly on her feet. Therefore, the couple lived on their own. In the story, the author shows such a married couple, from whose relationship their son suffers - completely young creature. The author himself is easily recognizable in it. This whole story takes place at a time when Ivan Turgenev lives in a village in the Moscow region to prepare for exams to enter the university.

The young man is passionately in love, and the girl flirts and jokes with him. Volodya completely forgets about his studies and thinks only about Zinochka. That’s why so much of Turgenev’s story is devoted to describing the experiences and feelings of a young man, which are constantly changing and in some ways even resemble a storm or flash. It is worth noting that Volodya is still happy, although the girl simply laughs at him. But still, anxiety gradually increases, and soon the young man begins to understand that Zina is not so simple: she has secret life and she is also in love with someone.

Soon, not only the hero, but also the readers begin to guess who Zinaida is in love with. The tone of the entire narrative of Turgenev's story changes greatly and the word "love", which before was stormy and enthusiastic, becomes dark and tragic. The girl’s feelings turn out to be much deeper than those of the main character. And Vladimir understands that this is what it is real love. It’s so different, everyone has their own, which is impossible to understand and explain. And as confirmation of this is the ending of the story, where the hero witnesses the explanation of two people in love who cannot be together.

But Volodya is not offended by them, realizing that this love is real and he has no right to condemn or interfere with such true love. This love is multifaceted, beautiful, complex. The author himself tried to find it all his life.

Composition of Turgenev's story

In its composition, Turgenev's story “First Love” is a rather simple work, but deep and meaningful. It contains twenty chapters. The narrative is constructed in the form of memories, so the presentation is sequential and in the first person, since the author is the main character himself, who talks about what happened to him in his youth. Although the name, of course, has been changed: Vladimir Petrovich.

Turgenev's story begins with a short prologue, which shows the background of all these memories and introduces the reader to what they are about to learn. So, Vladimir, being of age, in one of the companies tells the story of his first and tragic love. He does not want to tell his friends it orally, as they did, but tells them that he will definitely write this story and read it to them the next time. new meeting. And he keeps his word. After this comes the story itself.

Detailed analysis of the twelfth chapter of Turgenev's story

The twelfth chapter, which is the culmination of the entire plot, occupies a special place in the entire Turgenev story. It is here, in this chapter, that the hero’s feelings reach their highest intensity. In it, the author describes the feeling that he has never had better in his life. The plot of this chapter allows us to understand a girl who at first seems frivolous and not serious, but it turns out that she is capable of suffering and deep and serious feelings. But only these “illegal” feelings become a real tragedy for her, and, most likely, this pushes her to commit unpredictable and sometimes cruel acts.

The author argued that what he had to experience at the age of 16 was simply bliss, which, unfortunately, would never be repeated. The writer measured a lot of things in life through love, and therefore he puts his heroes in Turgenev’s story through the test of love. Ivan Sergeevich shows that his heroes must be fulfilled as individuals. Turgenev's psychologism is always secret, he does not give them open description, only general hints that helped readers plunge into the depths of sensuality. This chapter contains many experiences of Vladimir, which show his inner world, and this helps to understand the content of the entire work.

With the help of his work, Turgenev was able to relive his youthful excitement and show the reader all the versatility of love.

Alekseeva Evgenia

This work examines some “similarities” in the genre, composition, ideological content, and characterization in I. S. Turgenev’s stories “Asya” and “First Love.”



Municipal educational institution

"Verkhneuslonskaya gymnasium"

Verkhneuslonsky municipal district

Republic of Tatarstan

Comparative analysis

genre-thematic, compositional parallels

In the stories of I.S. Turgenev “Asya” and “First Love”



Alekseeva Evgenia, 9th grade student


Tikhonova T.N., Russian teacher

Language and literature

1 qualification category

1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………..2 pages.

  1. Comparative analysis of stories by I.S. Turgenev

“Asya”, “First Love”…………………………………………………….3 pp.

Genre, plot………………………………………………………………………………..3 pp.

Mr. N.N. and Volodya……………………………………………………………..3 pp.

Female images………………………………………………………………..4 p.

The theme of death in stories…………………………………………………..6 p.

The role of masterpieces of art…………………………………………………………….6 p.

Features of the composition…………………………………………………………..7 p.

3. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………9 p.

4. List of references…………………………………………………………………………………10 pages.

I. Introduction.

Love... This is probably the most mysterious of all human feelings. How to cope with heart disease, how to overcome sadness? Unrequited love- what it is? How this sacrament of love is accomplished, how a miracle happens: the world magically changes for the one who loves! The colors become brighter, the sounds become clearer! Having fallen in love, a person feels more subtly, sees more sharply, his heart opens to beauty and goodness.

Love, like a candle brought into a dark, abandoned room, illuminates life. But is she durable and happy? Yes, the candle of love is short-lived, but it symbolizes both the eternal sun and the unquenchable spirit, warming a person from the outside and from the inside.

I.S. Turgenev, perhaps, one of the few writers with poetic awe, narrates the birth forever youthful feeling– love. Tragically indifferent and at the same time seductively beautiful, his love has its own reverse side. The joy and delight of first love softens its harsh tragedy. In the stories “Asya” and “First Love,” the author considers the feeling of love as inevitable submission and voluntary dependence, a fate that dominates a person.

In "Ace" and in "First Love" the main themes are similar. This is lost happiness, which was so close and so possible, this is bitter and fruitless repentance. Main character in these stories, he is not the organizer of his own destiny. More like a destroyer. Love, in Turgenev’s view, is an element; it is not subject to man’s control; man cannot force it to serve his happiness.

Despite the past century since the stories were written, despite significantly changed relations between people, the position of the author of “First Love” and “Asia” remains clear and close to the modern reader, perhaps because first love is a concept that exists outside of time. Turgenev's talent and skill allow us to be convinced that the feelings experienced by his heroes in the last century are quite relevant today.

Both stories aroused my keen interest and made me want to study them more closely. Therefore, in this work I consider some “similarities” in genre, composition, ideological content, and characters.

II. Comparative analysis.

I.S. Turgenev constructs most of his works as a narrative - a memory. As a result, “there is not only a reproduction, but also a transformation of what has been experienced in memory.” The writer's works are distinguished by a unique tonality - the intonation of elegy, the intonation of light sadness of memories.

“Asya” is structured as a first-person story. A certain Mr. N.N. tells about his love, who, many years later, sums up own life. Already an old man finds it necessary to highlight this small episode as perhaps the most important in the series of years he has lived. He evaluates his words and actions differently, from the height of his experience.

The plot of the story “First Love” has much in common with “Asya”. Both here and there the elderly man talks about his first feeling. Reading “Asya”, we can only guess who Mr. N.N.’s listeners were. In the introduction of "First Love" both the characters and the situation are fleshed out. The characters are named by name - “the owner, and Sergei Nikolaevich, and Vladimir Petrovich.” Telling the story of first love is an option for spending time that the owner of the house offers to guests after a delicious dinner. The decision to record the experience on paper shows its significance for Vladimir Petrovich. Thus, we can classify Turgenev’s story “First Love” as an epistolary genre with a pronounced “story within a story” composition.

Both heroes are united by the tragedy of love and regret about words unsaid in time: “No! not a single eye has replaced those eyes that once looked at me with love, norto whose heart, falling to my chest, did my heart not respond with such joyful and sweet fading! (“Asya”, ch. 22), “Oh, what would I do if I wasted time!”, “And now, when the evening shadows are beginning to creep over my life, what fresher, more precious things do I have left? than the memories of that quickly passing morning spring thunderstorm? (“First Love”, ch. 22), “Oh meek feelings, soft sounds, kindness and subsidence of a touched soul, the melting joy of the first tenderness of love - where are you, where are you?” (“First Love”, ch. 7). Why didn’t the happiness of our heroes take place? Perhaps due to the excessively contemplative attitude towards the world of Mr. N.N. and excessive timidity and obedience to Father Volodya?

This is precisely what does not allow the heroes to comprehend their attitude towards people in time and even to understand themselves; this does not allow them to take the right action. At decisive moments in their lives, both begin to reflect, delve into themselves, analyze their mental and psychological condition. But sometimes one word spoken at the right time is enough for happiness. “... meanwhile my heart was very bitter.” “However,” I thought, “they know how to pretend! But why? Why do you want to fool me? I didn’t expect this from him…” (“Asya”, chapter 6); “My hands were already sliding around her figure... But suddenly the memory of Gagina, like lightning, illuminated me.” (“Asya”, chapter 16). “I suddenly felt very sad... I tried not to cry...” (“First Love”, ch. 4)

N.N. already an adult mature young man of 25 years old, Volodya is an inexperienced enthusiastic young man of 16 years old...

They were both incredibly lucky: fate gave them a rare gift - they loved and were loved. But true love does not pass without a trace. “I am unable to convey the feeling with which I left. I wouldn't want it to ever happen again; but I would consider myself unlucky if I had never experienced it.” (“First Love”, ch. 20).

Female images in Turgenev’s works are covered with special poetry. Thanks to Asya and Zinaida, the famous literary term"Turgenev girl" What unites these heroines?

Asya is an extravagant girl of 17 years old, a man of action, lives in the name of love and people. She “had something of her own, special, in her dark complexion, round face, with a small thin nose, almost childish cheeks and black light eyes.” Asya lives by the direct movement of her heart; not a single feeling in her is half-hearted. Turgenev reveals from the first pages of the story inner world Asi. She is characterized by a subtle experience of beauty. To live, she chose a poetic house, from where “the view was absolutely wonderful.” She knows how to see beauty where no one notices it. (Suffice it to recall the lunar pillar broken by Mr. N.N.). It was with the advent of Asya that Mr. N.N. begins to subtly feel nature: “...I was especially struck by the purity and depth of the sky, the radiant transparency of the air” (chapter 2).

Zinaida appears as a vision between the green raspberry bushes in the garden, thereby Turgenev emphasizes the heroine’s unity with nature, the girl’s inner harmony. It is no coincidence that in moments of sadness she asks her page to read Pushkin’s “On the Hills of Georgia”: “This is why poetry is good: it tells us what is not there and what is not only better than that, which is, but even more like the truth...” (chapter 9). Like Grinov’s Assol, Zinaida “sees more than what is visible.”

Zinaida, who is in love, turns out to be a talented poetess: she proposes a plot for a poem from the times Ancient Greece and Rome, another time the heroine imagines “the purple sails that Cleopatra had on the golden ship when she rode to meet Antony.”

A feeling of rejection breaks through in the proud princess, which makes her and Asya in common. Illegitimate Asya wants

"...to force the whole world forget its origin..." (chapter 8). Because of the false position, “conceit developed in her greatly, and mistrust too; bad habits took root, simplicity disappeared.”; “...but her heart did not deteriorate, her mind survived.” (Chapter 8). Zinaida is also burdened by her mother’s bad manners, her untidiness, poverty, promiscuity in acquaintances: “Look around... Or do you think that I don’t understand this, I don’t feel it?.. and you can seriously assure me that such a life is worth it, so as not to risk it for a moment of pleasure - I’m not talking about happiness” (chapter 10)

Both heroines are not satisfied with an empty and idle existence: Asya dreams of “going somewhere... to prayer, to a difficult feat”, she wants to “not live in vain, leave a trace behind her...” (chapter 9), fly up like birds. Zinaida “... I would go to the ends of the world” (chapter 9) or rush off into the night into the darkness with the bacchantes.

Both heroines crave the strong, sincere feelings. Asya “... is able to get sick, run away, make a date...” (chap. 14), she “... needs a hero, an extraordinary person...” (ch. 8). Zinaida confesses to Volodya: “No; I can’t love people like that, whom I have to look down on. I need someone who would break me himself...” (chapter 9). Indeed, Turgenev’s girls are ready to obey, ready to endure pain for the sake of love, ready to sacrifice themselves. Asya, in a fit of passion, writes a letter to Mr. N.N., inviting him on a date: “... her head quietly lay on my chest, lay under my burning lips...

Yours...” she whispered barely audibly.” (Chapter 16). Zinaida, with reverent gratitude, accepts the blow of the whip: “...slowly raising her hand to her lips, she kissed the scar that had grown red on it.” (chapter 21). And even the signs of falling in love are manifested in the same way: humility, thoughtfulness, sadness, frequent changes of mood and an abundance of questions, as if, by asking others, they want to hear the answer to their feeling.

Perhaps Turgenev's men are superior to Turgenev's women in prudence, but they are immeasurably inferior in vitality and uncompromisingness, giving in to the integral feeling of the heroines.

The theme of death invariably sounds next to love in Turgenev. Asya dies morally, her feelings and life are shattered, Anna Nikolaevna appears on the pages, who will never again look at the world with “light black eyes” and laugh “with a quiet, joyful laugh.” Physical death overtakes Father Volodya and Zinaida. At the end of both stories there is an elegiac philosophizing on the topic of death: “So the light evaporation of insignificant grass survives all the joys and all the sorrows of a person - it survives the person himself.” (“Asya”, chapter 22). Human life is quickly coming to an end. Nature is eternal. In “First Love” there is a slightly different interpretation of this theme: a person is designed in such a way that he loves life and does not want to part with it: “The old body still persisted.” The “horror of death” is largely explained by the consciousness of grave, unrepentant sins. “Lord, forgive me my sins,” the dying old woman did not stop whispering. “And I remember... I felt scared for Zinaida, and I wanted to pray for her, for my father - and for myself.” (“First Love”, ch. 22).

All Turgenev’s heroes are aesthetically developed, hence the strong influence of masterpieces of art and literature on them. The background of the love of Mr. N.N. and Asya serves Lanner's waltz. The heroes remember Pushkin, read “Herman and Dorothea” by I. Goethe. Volodya associates himself with Shakespeare’s Othello, is impressed by Schiller’s “The Robbers,” and recites “On the Hills of Georgia” by A.S. Pushkin by heart.

The composition of the stories is interesting: already at the very beginning the author foreshadows trouble through the details of the landscape: in “Ace” - broken by the boat of Mr. N.N. moon pillar (chapter 2). In “First Love” there is a thunderstorm (chapter 7).

I was also surprised to discover that each of the stories consists of 22 chapters! Is this a coincidence? 22 is an even number, a pair of even numbers. The heroes could be together, the heroes could be happy if they acted in time. Mr. N.N. I put off my happiness “for tomorrow,” but “Happiness has no tomorrow; he doesn’t even have yesterday; it does not remember the past, does not think about the future; he has a present - and that’s not a day - but a moment” (“Asya”, ch. 20). And Volodya had been planning to visit his former “passion” for too long: she died. “The thought that I could have seen her and did not see her and will never see her - this bitter thought stuck into me with all the force of an irresistible reproach” (“First Love”, ch. 22)

III. Conclusion.

I tried to draw parallels between two stories by I.S. Turgenev about first love. After analyzing both works, I saw the similarity of themes: experiences of first love, similarity ideological content: lost happiness, similarity of genres: elegiac memoirs, similarity of compositions: 22 chapters each, narration is told in the first person, similarity in the characters: strong, passionate, gentle women and indecisive men. But nevertheless, each story is charming in its own way. The plots are entertaining, poignant, and the language of the narrative is expressive. Perhaps these stories still attract readers with their autobiographical nature? Turgenev himself highly appreciated his creations: “I wrote it (“Asya”) passionately, almost with tears,” “This (“First Love”) is the only thing that still gives me pleasure, because it is life itself , this is not composed...”

I want to finish my work with the words of N.A. Verderevskaya: “A person who has known love touches the great mystery of life... Turgenev’s hero... cannot stop loving... Since what is experienced is always unique, and the trace it leaves in a person’s soul is a bleeding wound. And here there is no place for skepticism, irony, or emphasized authorial detachment.” Before the power of feeling, Turgenev bows his head.


  1. I.S. Turgenev “Tales. Stories. Poems in prose", Moscow, "Bustard", 2002.
  2. O.V. Timashova “Russian classics of the 19th century”, Saratov, “Lyceum”, 2005.
  3. V.A. Nedzvetsky “Love in the life of Turgenev’s hero” - LVSh, 2006, No. 11.
  4. V.A.Nedzvetsky Sophisticated Harmony” - LHS, 2002, No. 2.

Asya is one of Turgenev’s most poetic female images. The heroine of the story is an open, proud, ardent girl, who at first sight amazes with her unusual appearance, spontaneity and nobility. She is the daughter of a serf peasant woman and a landowner. This explains her behavior: she is shy and does not know how to behave in society. After the death of her mother, the girl is left to her own devices; she early begins to think about the contradictions of life, about everything that surrounds her. Asya is also close to others female images in the works of Turgenev. She is related to them moral purity, sincerity, ability to strong passions, a dream of a feat.
In the image of Asya, the idea of ​​duty receives a peculiar twist. Her demands for life are both very great and very simple. It seems strange and unnatural precisely because usual life She doesn't like people in her circle. She dreams of an active, sublime and noble life. Her attention is attracted by simple people, she, apparently, both sympathizes and at the same time envies them. So, watching a crowd of pilgrims, she remarks: “I wish I could go with them.” She understands life ordinary people as a feat: “Go somewhere to pray, to perform a difficult feat.” She doesn't want her life to pass without a trace. But she feels how difficult it is to achieve this.
Nobody imposed any rules on Asya. Not suppressed from the outside, she was an integral person. But precisely because of this, Asya was considered strange and incomprehensible by people in her circle. In Asa, who was brought up without any rules and spent early childhood V peasant family, the desire to be happy was combined with the desire to fulfill the high duty of a person. She dreams of a feat and of uniting her destiny with a person who would help her accomplish it.
Asya is given in the story through the perception of Mr. N.N., on whose behalf the story is told. N.N. meets her while traveling in Germany, where Asya lives with her brother. Her unique charm awakens love in him. Asya herself is faced with such a feeling for the first time in her life. N.N. seems to her to be an extraordinary person, a real hero. Love inspires the heroine, gives her new strength, and inspires faith in life. Asya thought that she had met “ extraordinary person”, “hero”, and she was ready to subordinate his fate to her own. But she was wrong. The one she thought was a hero was not one. And this meant that her searches and expectations were in vain, that the combination of feat and personal happiness was impossible, that for her a feat was conceivable only as following some rules accepted for oneself, as self-denial.
Her chosen one turns out to be a weak-willed and indecisive man; he cannot adequately respond to her ardent feelings. Asya's determination frightens him, and N.N. leaves her. The heroine's first love turns out to be unhappy.
Delicate image Asi forever remained in N.’s memory, just as the image of the “Turgenev” girl drawn by the writer forever remains in the reader’s memory. It amazes with its beauty, sincerity, and purity. He inspires and drives you crazy, this sweet image of Asya.
Each writer creates in his works unique, special images. Some of them are forgotten, while others remain in the memory of readers for a long time. I. S. Turgenev embodied in several of his works an image that was forever included in world literature like the “Turgenev” girl in the story “Asya”.