Beautiful names for boys, modern Russian. Strong names for boys in the year of the dog

Expecting a baby is one of the most important events in life. And of course, young parents try to think through everything down to the smallest detail, especially the name for the child. Very often this topic becomes the subject of the most heated debates in the family. Mom wants to name her by one name, dad by another, but grandparents don’t like either option and each of them has their own suggestions.

In the old days everything was simpler. The child was given the name of the saint with whom the baby's birthday was associated. Some religious people still use this practice today. But more often, modern parents still choose modern names, and when it comes to baptism, they give the child another name. By the way, there are such ridiculous prejudices that if you name a child after a martyr, he will suffer for the rest of his life.

But as practice shows, this is only a superstition that has nothing to do with reality. After all, let’s say, there is the martyr Daniel, and the king, and the prophet, and all Daniels have very different fates, among them there are no less happy ones than unhappy ones.

Therefore, you should not be guided by such signs when choosing a name for a child. The fate of a child is influenced not so much by the name as by the atmosphere in which he was born, grew up and brought up and the people who surrounded him.

Masha or Dasha, Mitya or Sasha: how to choose a name?

There are several options for choosing a name for the expected miracle: choose the one you like, choose a name according to the calendar (we have already mentioned this above), choose a name according to the meaning of names, or choose a name according to date of birth (here you will need to involve numerologists), you can season or by the letters of the name.

You can choose any of these options, but according to psychologists, it is important that the first name goes well with the middle name and relatively well with the last name.

You should not choose names that will shock the public. Because for you this will be a way to stand out and attract attention, but for a child this can become a real problem, which he will be able to get rid of only after he comes of age. And he’s unlikely to thank you after that.

Therefore, if you really love football and Pele is your ideal, love it, but be prudent. Pele Nikolaevich or Yuryevich will definitely not share your love for football with you in the future.

Even if you really like some foreign name, still think carefully, imagine your baby as an adult and imagine how he is addressed by his first name and patronymic. And then put a picture on yourself, if your parents called you that, you would be happy about it and would be perceived normally in society.

On the one hand, naming a child according to the calendar (Orthodox calendar) is very convenient; you won’t have to rack your brains and argue with your family. But on the other hand, the calendar contains quite a lot of ancient, long-forgotten names that are very unusual for our time, for example, Syncletius.

Therefore, it is also worth thinking about and, if you still want to use the calendar, the church has the following practice... If for some reason the name of the saint on the day on which the child was born is not suitable, look up the names of the saints a few days in advance.

Selecting a name by meaning is perhaps one of the best options. Still, you will choose the one that you like and if the meaning of the name promises the child qualities that you would really like him to have, then everything will come together perfectly.

Regarding choosing a name based on your date of birth, these are also some kind of superstitions, but if you believe in it, then why not. The same applies to choosing a name based on the decoding of letters.

Choose a name based on the time of year? Maybe. The technology is simple. Children born during the harsh winter months are encouraged to be given "soft" names to restore harmony and balance, so to speak.

It is also worth noting that fashion in names, like clothes, always goes in circles. And it turns out in the end that the modern popular name has actually existed since pre-Christian times.

Turning to statistics, let's try to list the names that are considered the most modern, the most beautiful and the most interesting, which will be especially relevant in.

Top 15 Modern Popular Boy Names

  • Adam is a very popular name these days, although it dates back to the creation of the world. From Hebrew literally - a man created from red earth. Adams are vulnerable and unstable as children, but they are also friendly. Given their activity, boys should be sent to sports. There is a high probability that you will be a proud world champion in the future.
  • Artem – translated as “unharmed, in excellent health.” Since childhood, he has shown leadership qualities, diligence, hard work and the ability to achieve goals. This is a future politician or businessman, although Artyom will also make a wonderful doctor.

  • Albert – translated as “brilliant”. This is a confident, purposeful skeptic who prefers not to show people his true emotions. But at the same time, he can also be the “life of the party,” although he will not exchange the comfort and silence of his home for her. Alberts are precise in details, and therefore a doctor, jeweler, architect, financier is his path to success.
  • Arseny – translated as “mature man”. A gentle, good-natured dreamer, but at the same time he has a lot of energy. He is adored by all his friends, whom he finds very easily. This is definitely a person who will be associated with creativity.
  • Bogdan – “Given by God.” Reserved, reserved, prone to narcissism, however, diligent and purposeful. He knows what he needs and how to achieve it. Bogdans are most suited to “harsh” professions, for example, steelmaker or miner.
  • Benjamin – translated as “beloved child”. A romantic and a pragmatist rolled into one. But if there is a question about the promotion of him and his friend, he will certainly give way to his friend. The kind, gentle and dreamy Veniamin is most likely to be an artist, sculptor or poet.

  • Vsevolod is “the owner of everything.” Balanced, purposeful leader. Prudent, unlikely to take risks. The Vsevolods make excellent politicians, businessmen, and economists.
  • Gleb is “God’s favorite.” Since childhood, he has been very independent and wants to achieve everything himself. And his decisions, which he knows how to make with lightning speed, are usually correct. Gleb will grow into an excellent leader in almost any field of activity.
  • Daniel - "God's judgment." Reasonable, unhurried, decent, honest, kind, smart and hardworking - that's all about Daniel. These are future researchers, design engineers, and architects.
  • Demyan - “conquering, pacifying.” Sociable, emotional, possessing a sharp mind, but sometimes he can be harsh, impetuous and selfish. Demyans are careerists and can achieve excellent success in any field.

  • Egor - “farmer”. Practical, hardworking, diligent, stubborn, and at times boring, but these are precisely the traits that help him achieve significant heights in his career.
  • Elisha – “God’s salvation.” A dreamer, an inventor, with a subtle organization of the soul. He gravitates towards the arts, especially music. This is a future musician, composer, poet or actor.
  • Ignat – “fiery”. Willful, erudite, proactive. In the future, he should choose professions that will allow him to choose his own work schedule, then the chances of a successful career are high.
  • Kamil - “servant of God.” Completely opposite qualities coexist in him: complaisance and bullying, disorganization and neatness. However, he is disciplined, organized, enterprising and practical. Kamilya's greatest successes await her in business areas.

  • Myron – “exuding myrrh.” Generous, kind, soft, good-natured, unfussy, but at the same time with iron willpower and strong character. Persistent in achieving goals. And Mirona often chooses a profession based on the work of her family; most often they become successors of the line.

Top 15 most beautiful modern names for girls

  • Angelina – “angel-like, messenger.” Temperamental, emotional, bearer of a bright personality. Willful, vain, but at the same time caring and sacrificial. Angelinas can be perfectly realized both in creative professions and in the political field or in business areas.
  • Viola – “violet, violet.” Secretive, mysterious and very inquisitive person. An activist, she has a lot of energy. Resourceful, smart, purposeful, but very freedom-loving. Without personal space and freedom, one begins to “suffocate.” Her strong point is research and scientific areas.
  • Diana – “divine”. An energetic owner of excellent intuition and an analytical mind. Sensitive, with a subtle organization of the soul. Dianas in the future will be excellent writers, journalists or diagnosticians in the medical field.

  • Darina – “given by God.” Charming, sweet, but at the same time stubborn and headstrong. Diligence is not her strong point; she often does not finish what she starts. With a successful combination of circumstances, he can become a professional in many fields.
  • Daniela – “my judge is God.” Impulsive, quick-tempered, easy to communicate, loving to attract attention. She is a creative person and achieves the greatest success in creative professions.
  • Eve is the “giver of life.” Strong-willed, balanced, restrained, attentive, has her own opinion about everything, often not coinciding with the generally accepted one. Eves are excellent linguists, teachers, doctors, and fashion designers.
  • Evangelina – “bringer of good news.” Evangelines combine the incongruous: activity and passivity, laziness and hard work, shyness and assertiveness, everything depends on the mood and interest in goals. In the future, these will be excellent administrators, managers, social workers, and psychologists.

  • Kira - “Mistress, the sun.” Stubborn, strict, practical, sensible, straightforward Kira will be an excellent economist, accountant, and businesswoman in the future.
  • Ksenia – “hospitable”. Charming, sociable, touchy, a fighter for the truth with excellent intuition and intelligence. Ksenia is so persistent and purposeful that she often achieves leadership positions in various fields.
  • Milana - “sweetheart, beloved.” Affectionate, gentle, calm, diligent, hardworking. Milanese can master any field, from a kindergarten teacher to a businesswoman and politician.
  • Sophia - “wise.” Active, sociable, emotional, good-natured, easy-going, frank. Sofia is an excellent psychologist, actress, social educator, and journalist.

One of the most responsible and very important responsibilities of new parents is choosing a name for the baby. Among a large number of options, they need to choose the option that is not only sonorous, beautiful and fashionable, but also which will act like a guardian angel to protect its wearer. In this article we will talk about what lucky names you can choose for boys and girls in 2018.

The most popular names for boys in 2018

When choosing a name for a boy, parents need to think carefully. It is important that the name brings masculinity, determination, and courage to the child’s character. It is necessary to dwell on such an option so that the name helps to soften the negative character traits of the boy.

The distinctive features of boys born in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog are: a desire for communication, movement, the ability to find a common language with everyone, curiosity, developed intelligence - these qualities will become the main features of your future heir. They will not only have a desire to surround themselves with many friends, but also an incredible ability to unite all people, finding common goals for them. The guiding star of each boy will be his talent, like a magnet, to attract others to himself, arousing their sympathy from the very first minutes of communication.

Consider these features that will be inherent to your child, and also pay attention to:

  • As you know, all men should be courageous, brave, decisive, strong and courageous. Of course, it is impossible to bestow these qualities on a boy with the help of a name alone, but a correctly chosen name will help the child become more self-confident. Courageous popular boy names in 2018 in Russia- This Alexander, Anton, Maxim, Andrey, Dmitry, Vladimir, Mark, Miron and others.
  • The most beautiful name chosen must necessarily be in harmony with the boy’s middle name and surname. It is not advisable to name a child unusual names if his last and patronymic names are quite simple. It is not recommended to choose difficult-to-pronounce combinations for a child, for example, Robert Emmanuilovich, since such options will contribute to the emergence of significant problems both in childhood and in adulthood.
  • ​ All beautiful Russian names for boys published in the Orthodox calendar. Believing parents always pay attention to the recommendations of religion, because by acquiring a Guardian Angel, the baby becomes protected from various evils, evil spirits and enemies. Today you can often find such “old” names as Arkhip, Luka, Gordey, Evdokim, Demid, Fedot, David, Solomon, Seraphim and others. Such names, on the one hand, look quite unusual, but on the other hand, they are not alien to our ears.
  • It is recommended not to name your son the same as your father or grandfather. Parents often name their own sons after relatives, but such options are very undesirable from the psychological standpoint. Psychologists are sure that boys always set their own fathers or grandfathers as examples; they strive to resemble them in appearance and do the same things. In addition, naming sons in the same way as the father’s name often results in an unpronounceable combination, for example, Alexander Alexandrovich. In addition, superstitious parents are not recommended to name their baby after the name of one of their deceased relatives. It is believed that a child named after a deceased person can take over his fate. And if she was not too happy, your parents will reproach themselves for a long time for such a choice of name.

Choosing a name for a boy according to the church calendar by month in 2018

Since ancient times, parents have believed that if they name their baby after a saint, he will receive a strong guardian angel who will protect him from all adversity. But one should be careful with this approach, because it is believed that a child can repeat the fate of the person whose name he is named. Because of this, it is not recommended to give children the names of great martyrs. The list contains the most common boys' names.

January – Ignat, Daniel, Timofey, Ignat, Pavel, Kirill, Anton, Mark, Konstantin, Pavel, Yuri, Nikolai, Nifont, Fadey, Prokop, Fedor, Semyon, Sergey, Nikanor, Anton, Emelyan, Valentin, Veniamin, Peter, Athanasius , Proclus, Ivan, Sevastian, Mikhail, Maxim, Nikita, George, Efim, Naum, Philip, Egor, Theoktist, Vasily, Stepan, Yakov, Trofim, Seraphim, Theodosius, Clement, Elizar, Savva, Adam, Prokhor, Sebastian.

A name is a gift from parents to a child who remains with him for life, so it is very important not to make a mistake with the choice. Today we will choose names for boys - rare and beautiful, Slavic and foreign, and we will deal with fashion trends.

When choosing a name for your son, you should not be led by emotions, follow exclusively fashion trends, you have a whole 9 months to make a choice. The first name should go well with the middle name, last name, even the initials should be harmonious so that there are no double interpretations in the future.

Individuality - you should not name your son in honor of relatives or famous people. Subconsciously, you will have high hopes for your child; not every child can bear such a load. For you, this is fraught with a particularly acute conflict between fathers and children in adolescence.

Avoid “neuter” names – Valya, Zhenya. Boys with such names often have to listen to a lot of ridicule from their peers, and if there is a namesake girl in the class, then your son’s life can turn into a complete nightmare.

Solid masculine names with a predominance of consonants - Egor, Grigory, Dmitry, endow the boy with strength and stubbornness.

In soft names there are more vowel sounds (Ilya, Veniamin), such children are distinguished by their calmness and easy-going character.

Neutral (Andrey, Arkady, Pavel) boys with such names will be moderately purposeful and wise.

Russian names for boys are rare and beautiful

Russian and Orthodox names always remain relevant; you can choose to name your son according to the calendar if you doubt your choice.

Orthodox and ancient names for boys are rare and beautiful:

  1. - this is the name given to hardworking, persistent children, but they can be somewhat reserved, so you will have to respect their personal space from an early age. Men named Matvey often choose professions that require painstakingness, meticulousness, and concentration; they make excellent surgeons, bank employees, and athletes.
  2. Jaromir - a boy with this name will be strong, diligent, devoted.
  3. Zakhar - children are distinguished by good nature and sentimentality, compassion, very caring, with an easy-going, non-conflict character. Such boys often choose jobs that involve technology, construction, and farming.
  4. Vsevolod is prudent, lucky, his innate humor, diplomacy and sense of tact allow him to nip any unpleasant situation in the bud. From an early age, such boys get along well with people, occupy leading positions, they are stubborn but fair, and are not afraid of losing to a more worthy opponent.
  5. Gordey is the embodiment of peacefulness and optimism, outwardly modest, but inside there is a core that allows you to achieve success in life. Boys with this name are good storytellers and attentive listeners, so they never suffer from loneliness, they always have many friends.
  6. Luka is an honest, purposeful, but sometimes overly impulsive person. Boys are good tacticians, carefully think through each step, confidently move towards their intended goal, and can be uncompromising when defending their rightness.

The names still remain relevant: Platon, Mikhail, Pavel, Denis, Andrey, Nikolay, Dmitry, Lyubomir, Radomir.

Among the rare and original Old Church Slavonic names, the following can be distinguished: Lucheslav, Svetozar.

Modern names for boys are rare and beautiful

The meaning and choice of a name for a child - these queries occupy leading positions in all search engines; this problem never ceases to be relevant. According to the statistics of traffic to such resources, a rating of the most popular male names was compiled.

So, the most beautiful and popular names for boys are:

  1. Diaz or Yakov is a name for an ambitious boy, as it means “one who follows on the heels.”
  2. Matvey - gifted by God.
  3. Robert is famous, of unfading fame.
  4. Ernest is serious and strict.
  5. Janis is God's grace.
  6. Damir, Timur – translated means “iron”.
  7. Demid - ruler, ruler.

Among modern names, many are of German origin - Benedict, Waldemar, Heinrich, Arnold, Karl. Such boys are distinguished by rigor, isolation, incredible determination and efficiency, which allows them to become successful businessmen, politicians, and diplomats.

Often parents, following the example of popular people, began to call their sons with English names - Justin, Gary, David, Matthew. Italian names are also gaining popularity - Alessandro, Matteo, Riccardo.

Abdullah, Ali, Rustam, Omran remain popular Islamic names.

What name to choose for a boy

Boys who will be born in the coming year will be distinguished by their hard work, perseverance, and will clearly move towards their goal. They will be good family men, caring fathers, wonderful husbands. To enhance all these positive qualities, you need to choose the right name for your son; simple, Slavic, biblical, uncomplicated names are coming into fashion.

Rare and beautiful names for boys:

  1. Arseny - for such men, the family will always come first; they are happy to deal with everyday issues, raising children, and always treat their parents with respect and reverence. Boys are distinguished by courage, they always fight for justice, and do not know how to lie.
  2. Daniil is a sociable, creative child; in the future he often chooses a profession related to people. Men are distinguished by loyalty and constancy, choosing a life partner once and for all.
  3. Elisha is a boy with a fine mental organization, loves literature and art, but at the same time chooses work related to intellectual activity.
  4. Konstantin is a smart, inquisitive boy who, from an early age, strives to broaden his horizons as much as possible, a leader, leader and organizer. People are always drawn to such men, they consult with him, they listen to him.
  5. Kirill is a rather selfish person, but this trait will help the boy achieve success in any endeavor. Among men with this name there are many successful businessmen and tough leaders.
  6. Laurus, Lavrentiy - this name gives the boy pride, even some vanity, energy; such children achieve success in various sports because they constantly strive for recognition.

The following male names will also be popular this year: Clementy, Bogdan, Semyon, David, Efim, Gabriel.

Among the rare names, the leading positions are occupied by: Oles, Bronislav, Walter, Lev, Rinat.

Name and time of birth

Parents wonder how to choose a name depending on the time of year, and how to guess the name “according to the season.” Here are the tips.

Winter boys stubborn and domineering, if you want to soften these character traits somewhat, name your son Pavel, Vasily, Leonid.

For romantic and sublime spring boys Traditional names that give them strength and courage are suitable - Egor, Sergey, Stepan.

If your baby is due in the summer, he will be brave, fair, kind-hearted. A correctly chosen name will help strengthen these qualities; the best choice would be: Philip, Elizar, Yuri.

Autumn boys distrustful and self-centered, to make them more sociable and friendly, name your son Tikhon, Semyon, Nazar.


Today we figured out how to choose a rare and beautiful name for a boy, what you need to consider, how not to make a mistake.

Choosing a name for a girl begins during the exciting period of pregnancy, after the sex of the baby is determined by ultrasound. Future parents go through hundreds of options in search of the most beautiful one, ideal for their daughter. In this article you will find the most common and most unusual names suitable for girls born in 2019.

What to name a girl in 2019? Name rating

According to Russian registry offices, certain trends are observed when issuing birth certificates. Based on statistics and ratings, the following names will be trending in 2019:

  • Traditional: Anastasia, Alisa, Sofia, Ksenia, Polina, Alexandra, Anna, Alina.
  • Vintage: Agnia, Evdokia, Ustinya.
  • Biblical: Eva, Leah, Dina, Seraphim, Sarah.
  • Cultural(in honor of the heroes of books, TV series and films): Arya, Ellaria, Theona.
  • Historical(in honor of outstanding philosophers, actors, politicians, characters of myths and legends): Juno, Serena, Ophelia, Athena.

According to statistics, girls in Russia were most often called Sofia in 2018. This option has maintained a leading position in our country over the past 10 years. In second place in terms of the number of registrations in 2018 is Maria. Daria takes third place in the ranking. The top ten also includes Alisa, Polina, Anastasia, Victoria, Alexandra, Ekaterina, Ksenia.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Justice, the list of the most popular names of 2018 in Russia included: Sofia, Veronica, Anastasia, Milana, Zlata, Victoria, Eva, Maria, Anna, Polina, Solomiya.

Among the rarest, most unusual names in last year's ranking: Uma, Ophelia, Faustina, Olympiada, Bellatrix, Priscila, Doll, Cinderella, Princess, Aiyar, Eulalia, Madonna, Yapila, Nuh, Tissande, Panna, Osiyohon, Veveya, Caroline, Elizabeth , Francesca, Iris, Zinaida.

  • When deciding what to name a girl born in 2019, you should strive for a consonant combination with the patronymic and surname, in order to protect the child from the ridicule of peers. Nemytova Isabella Ivanovna or Pedalkina Aelita Petrovna will feel like black sheep in modern society. Exotic names are best combined with similar surnames and patronymics. It should be remembered that a woman can change her last name after marriage, but her middle name will remain with her for the rest of her life.
  • In 2019, it’s worth naming your baby a name that won’t make other children tease her. Among the unsuccessful options: Noyabrina, Pear, Pisada, Svenya, Guadeloupe, Gabunia, Conchita, Sosipatra, Khavronia, Gorgonia.
  • When choosing a name for a woman in 2019, some parents are guided by patriotic tendencies, the origins of which are rooted in the Soviet Union (Olympics, Dazdraperma, Gertrude, Vladlena, Tractorina, Kommunara, etc.) In our times, girls live in Russia, Prepuzasta (Putin’s successor is a guarantee stability), Mumeramka (dream man Ramzan Kadyrov), Plapura (Putin’s plan works), Gryzloslisa (Gryzlov and Sliska), Medmiya (in honor of Dmitry Medvedev). The imagination of parents does not stand still, and new unimaginable options appear every month. But still, when determining the fate of your child, it is better to be guided not by patriotic motives, but by common sense. It is unlikely that a mature girl will be grateful for an ugly, albeit unusual name.
  • 2019 is not the best time to name a newborn after one of your relatives: mother, grandmother or aunt. There is some belief that in this case the woman will live the fate of the person whose namesake she is. Many will agree that it is better to have your own special destiny, so they prefer to choose a unique name for the baby.
  • Psychologists do not advise calling girls born in 2019 with masculine sounds (Valeria, Kira, Anatoly, Bogdan, Pavel). It is possible that the girl will be teased, and overly masculine traits will appear in her character.

Fashionable female names of 2019 in Russia

Following modern fashion, parents began to more often choose ancient, rare names for newborns. The desire to stand out and name a child in a special way leads to the fact that on modern playgrounds you are more likely to meet Aurora or Bella, rather than Olya and Katya.

For women born in 2019, the following names are suitable: Natalya, Ulyana, Eva, Milana, Marina, Vasilisa, Victoria, Elizaveta, Margarita, Lada, Clara, Zlata.

The fashion is returning to name children after celebrities: Diana, Ksenia, Emilia, Alla, Linda, Olga, Natalya, Irina. Psychologists assure: by naming a child after a famous person, you automatically program him for success.

In 2019, beautiful foreign names are popular in Russia: Michaela, Dominica, Inessa, Amalia, Yesenia, Bella, Agata, Agnia, Paola, Julia, Juno, Serena, Beatrice.


According to professional psychologists, the name assigned at birth of a person influences his entire life path. It carries a certain energy and sacred meaning. It is believed that the choice of name determines the future fate and dominant character traits, so it is worth paying attention to its characteristics - this will help the girl live in harmony with herself and the outside world.

Lucky female names 2019

Names intended to bring good luck to those born in 2019: Milana, Taisiya, Lilia, Nadezhda. Parents should take a closer look at such options as Anita, Nicole, Camilla.

According to the eastern calendar, 2019 is a period of determination and creativity. The dog symbolizes determination and imparts wisdom. To activate the power of the totem animal, astrologers advise using the letter “R”: Arina, Christina, Ruslana, Margarita, Victoria, Irina, etc.

What not to name your daughter in 2019

Among the unlucky names for girls in the coming year are the following options: Vera, Alexandra, Nadezhda, Inna, Elvira, Lyudmila, Tamara. Their owners may face a difficult fate and many trials.

Orthodox names for girls according to the church calendar for 2019

Since ancient times, it has been customary to call newborns by their church name according to the calendar. Newly-made parents turned to the clergy for help to find out which saints’ name days were celebrated on the feast day of the baby’s birth. Even though this tradition has become less popular now, some parents still follow Orthodox customs. This method is especially convenient in cases where family members cannot decide and come to a unanimous decision on what to name the girl, and turning to the calendar will help to compromise and resolve family disagreements.

Church names by calendar calendar by month 2019

January 2019

Anastasia, Vasilisa, Evgenia, Maria, Antonina, Natalya, Polina, Anna, Elena, Neonila, Akulina, Tatyana, Nina, Ksenia

February 2019

Anna, Ekaterina, Inna, Ksenia, Maria, Vasilisa, Irina, Valentina, Vera, Olga, Svetlana, Galina, Zoya, Sofia

March 2019

Anastasia, Kira, Olga, Nadezhda, Maria, Natalya, Akulina, Anna, Daria, Alexandra, Elena, Marfa, Antonina, Vasilisa, Ksenia, Galina, Ekaterina, Christina

April 2019

Daria, Galina, Marfa, Vasilisa, Maria, Alexandra, Larisa, Taisiya, Irina, Sofia, Anastasia, Alla, Lydia, Nika, Anna

May 2019

Alexandra, Glafira, Tamara, Irina, Maria, Evdokia, Anna, Ulyana, Zoya, Nika, Christina, Valeria, Anastasia, Julia

June 2019

Antonina, Valeria, Maria, Vera, Sofia, Elena, Anastasia, Anna

July 2019

Anastasia, Alexandra, Veronica, Inna, Angelina, Elizaveta, Anna, Tatyana, Evdokia, Vasilisa, Olga, Elena, Valentina, Yulia

August 2019

Daria, Evgenia, Maria, Tatyana, Anna, Evdokia, Christina, Ksenia, Iraida, Praskovya, Angelina, Anfisa, Elena, Irina, Anastasia, Sofia, Serafima, Eva

September 2019

Tatyana, Anna, Ekaterina, Fekla, Marfa, Natalya, Elizaveta, Vasilisa, Maria, Ksenia, Anfisa, Evdokia, Lyudmila, Natalya, Love, Nadezhda, Vera, Sophia

October 2019

Raisa, Vera, Ustinya, Pelageya, Alexandra, Sophia, Irina, Anna, Veronica, Praskovya, Taisiya, Zinaida

November 2019

Elena, Anna, Anastasia, Marfa, Dominica, Claudia, Maria, Elizaveta, Ulyana, Olga

December 2019

Kira, Anna, Vera, Ariadna, Zoya, Angelina, Tamara, Ekaterina, Anfisa, Sophia.

If the option you like is not in the calendar, at baptism you can write something similar or consonant into the certificate. Name days are celebrated even if the month of birth does not coincide with the day of remembrance of the saint - according to modern church canons, this is not necessary.

When choosing a name for a newborn, you don’t have to rely entirely on fashion trends or Orthodox calendars. Make sure that it is harmoniously combined with the surname, patronymic and generally suits the child. And most importantly, give your daughter your care and love. Then the baby’s fate will definitely be successful, despite life’s difficulties.