“Honor and dishonor” Official commentary.


1 Official comment: “Honor and dishonor” The direction is based on polar concepts associated with a person’s choice: to be faithful to the voice of conscience, to follow moral principles or follow the path of betrayal, lies and hypocrisy. Many writers have focused on the image different manifestations person: from loyalty to moral rules to various forms compromise with conscience, up to a deep moral decline of the individual. Guidelines: Honor is that high spiritual force that keeps a person from meanness, betrayal, lies and cowardice. This is the core that strengthens the individual in choosing an action; this is a situation where conscience is the judge. Life often tests people, giving them the choice to act honorably and take the blow or be cowardly and go against their conscience in order to gain benefit and avoid trouble, possibly death. A person always has a choice, and from it moral principles depends on how he will act. The path of honor is difficult, but retreat from it, the loss of honor is even more painful. Being a social, rational and conscious being, a person cannot help but think about how others treat him, what they think about him, what assessments are given to his actions and his entire life. At the same time, he cannot help but think about his place among other people. This spiritual connection between a person and society is expressed in the concepts of Honor and Dignity. “My honor is my life,” Shakespeare wrote, they have grown into one, and to lose honor is equal to the loss of life for me.” Moral decay, the decline of moral principles leads to the collapse of both an individual and an entire nation. That is why the importance of the great Russian classical literature, which is the moral foundation for many generations of people. Aphorisms and sayings famous people: Do not gain honor by vanity, nor by the beauty of clothes or horses, nor by decoration, but by courage and wisdom. Theophrastus Every brave man, everyone truthful person brings honor to his homeland. R. Rolland Shame and honor are like a dress: the more shabby they are, the more careless you treat them. Apuleius

2 True honor cannot tolerate untruth. G. Fielding The value and dignity of a person lies in his heart and in his will; it is here that the basis of his true honor lies. Michel de Montaigne Never leave the path of duty and honor - this is the only thing from which we will find happiness. Georges Louis Leclerc Code of Noble Honor on the pages literary works The history of the Russian duel of the 19th century is history human tragedies, high impulses and passions. The dueling tradition is associated with the concept of honor in noble society that time. There was even a code of noble honor. The willingness to pay with one's life for the inviolability of one's personal dignity presupposed an acute awareness of this dignity. A.S. Pushkin, a “slave of honor,” defending the honor of his wife and his own, challenged Dantes to a duel, who with dubious behavior could discredit the name of the Pushkin couple. The poet could not live “slandered by rumor” and put an end to dishonor at the cost own life. M.Yu. Lermontov also fell victim to dishonest and evil envious people. Among the duelists there were not uncommon people who flaunted their readiness and ability to fight anywhere and with anyone. The risk of the raider was of an ostentatious nature, and the killing of the enemy was part of his calculations. It was a mixture of posturing and cruelty. Such negative versions of the duel are depicted in the story by A.S. Pushkin "Shot". The hero of the story, Silvio, “the first brawler in the army,” is looking for an excuse for a fight in order to assert his primacy in the hussar regiment. He boasts of his superiority and luck, demonstrates contempt for death, eats cherries at gunpoint to please his pride. His goal is not to kill, but to prove that he is strong and can dominate people. He is sick with narcissism and selfishness. Leaving the shot behind him, the hero did not kill the count, but was content with making him tremble. The question of honor, as the reader understands, is not even worth the hero’s courage. Duels often broke out at the slightest provocation. Due to unreasonable jealousy, Lensky challenges his friend Onegin to a duel. In the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Hero of Our Time" Pechorin kills Grushnitsky in a duel, standing up for the honor of the slandered lady. Grushnitsky's cowardice and cowardice found expression in his dishonest behavior towards Princess Mary and his comrade, whom he envied. In the drama M.Yu. Lermontov's "Masquerade" Arbenin, defending his honor, kills his own wife, believing in a skillfully woven intrigue. A selfish and villain ruined an innocent soul for the sake of his ambitions. Painful pride

3 and a false idea of ​​honor made him a toy in the hands of ill-wishers and pushed him into villainy. The duel between Pierre Bezukhov and Dolokhov in the epic novel by L.N. also deserves attention. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Pierre sincerely trusted his old friend, brought him into his house, helped with money, and Dolokhov disgraced his name. The hero stood up for his honor. But, realizing that stupid, “fake” Helen does not deserve to have a murder happen because of her, he is ready to repent not out of fear, but because he is confident in his wife’s guilt. Literary heroes eras of the 19th century called offenders to the barrier and sometimes took desperate actions, defending their honor, the price of which was life itself. Honor as the embodiment of the hero's spiritual strength Russian literature is characterized by a very serious and close look at the concept of honor and dishonor. But the heroes’ understanding of honor may be different. An example of this is “The Captain’s Daughter” by A.S. Pushkin. Pyotr Andreevich Grinev understands honor as an act of conscience. The main component of his honor is his duty to the Empress, to the Motherland, to the Fatherland, and the duty that his love for the daughter of Captain Mironov imposes on him. And Shvabrin? He is also a Russian officer. But, breaking the military oath, he went over to Pugachev’s side and betrayed his homeland. He is selfish and cowardly, cynical and indifferent. He knows no nobility. Pugachev has a completely different understanding of honor. It rests solely on the level of feelings, mostly friendly. It is this narrow understanding of honor that allows Pugachev to commit atrocities in robbed conquered villages and fortresses, without feeling remorse, and at the same time help Grinev save Masha, remembering his kindness in the old days. “Which of my people dares to offend an orphan?” In a conversation with Pugachev, Grinev admits to himself that between cowardice, betrayal and certain death he makes a choice dictated by his conscience: “A sense of duty has triumphed in me over human weakness.” His straightforwardness will make Pugachev sincerely admire him and let the hero go on all fours. Another example of Pushkin’s work is the story “Dubrovsky”. The eldest Dubrovsky is a hereditary nobleman, whose honor comes from his position and the history of the family; for Troekurov this means wealth and power. Dubrovsky’s son, Vladimir, like Grinev, main aspect The motive of honor is a duty, first of all, to his father, which forces him to take revenge on Kirila Petrovich. Later, the debt to the father is reborn into a debt towards the object of his love, Troekurov’s daughter. Honor, honesty Is it a coincidence that these words sound like “pure”, “purity”, “honor”? Honesty, like purity of soul, untarnished reputation, is one of the aspects of the direction under consideration. “But your honor is my guarantee, and I boldly entrust myself to her,” lines from Tatyana Larina’s letter from the novel by A.S. Pushkin " Eugene Onegin»,

4, which conclude a declaration of love, do not simply express the young girl’s hope for the decency and dignity of her chosen one. They also convey faith that the honor of the heroine herself will not be violated. For Larina, the concept of honor, moral purity the basis of worldview. Guided by her idea of ​​duty, she remains faithful to her husband, rejecting Onegin’s love. It is possible to sacrifice love, but not to sacrifice honor. The hero of Lermontov's “Hero of Our Time” Pechorin is not a typical character, but an exceptional one. Therefore, Pechorin’s honor is a different, exceptional honor. In fact, Pechorin has no honor in the traditional sense of the word. The glimpses of nobility and kindness that sometimes overshadow him are caused by a sense of the exclusivity of his own destiny. Pechorin is in some way the forerunner of Raskolnikov, the hero of the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment”, for whom the concept of honor is also very personal and original. It is in no way compatible with the public understanding of honor, and sometimes is a deterrent. Raskolnikov does not recognize the laws of society and wants to live only by his own. Svidrigailov has a different understanding of honor. Here, on the contrary, it is not honor that gives birth to love, as in Pushkin’s “ The captain's daughter", and love revives the previously lost concept of honor. In another aspect, the theme of honor is revealed in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Idiot". Using the example of the image of Nastasya Filippovna, the author shows how human and female honor can be violated. Being by nature a highly moral and pure being, the heroine began to despise and hate herself, although everything that happened was not her fault. We can say that, having lost her honor, the heroine lost her life. N.V. Gogol deeply mourns for the crippled and perishing soul of man, without honor and conscience: “and to what insignificance, pettiness, and disgust a person could condescend! Could have changed so much! And does this seem true? Everything looks like the truth, anything can happen to a person” (“Dead Souls”). And it is impossible not to recall Leo Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace. The Bolkonskys are an old aristocratic family. They are rightfully proud of their services to the Fatherland. A high concept of honor, pride, independence, nobility and mental acuity old prince passed it on as an inheritance to his son Prince Andrey. Both despise upstarts and careerists like the Drubetskys, Kuragins, Bergs, for whom the concept of honor does not exist. Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky cannot imagine any other path for his son other than the path of honor. He will accept the pain that the news of Prince Andrei's death will bring. But the news of dishonor “I will be ashamed!” Let's think: shame worse than death. For the Bolkonsky family, the category of honor and moral purity is fundamental. Is it not this purity that makes Princess Marya’s gaze radiant? Another heroine of Tolstoy, who lives by her heart, the sincere, straightforward Natasha Rostova one day finds herself one step away from dishonor. Passion for Anatoly Kuragin, preparation for escape. Why is this story given through

5 Pierre's perception? It is he who sees Natasha as angry and cruel, and he who takes her letters from Anatole and takes care of maintaining the secret shameful act. The author trusts him to become Natasha's savior. Perhaps because Pyotr Kirillovich Bezukhov himself had the misfortune of encountering a “vile, heartless breed” and gained strength in opposing the evil and depravity that the Kuragins sow around themselves. Tolstoy shows honor and dishonor by drawing images of two commanders, the defender of the Fatherland, Kutuzov, and the invader, Napoleon. An invading enemy cannot be honest. The essence of his act is the seizure of someone else's property that does not belong to him, and murder. Napoleon is depicted in the novel as selfish and narcissistic, arrogant and arrogant. The figure of Kutuzov is opposite to Napoleon. He is depicted as the leader of a just people's war, as a man of honor and high morality. Boris Drubetskoy and Dolokhov are not guided by love for the Motherland (they simply don’t have this love!). The first studies the “unwritten chain of command” in order to make a career, the second tries to distinguish himself in order to regain his officer rank, then receive awards and ranks. A military official, Berg, in Moscow, abandoned by residents, buys things on the cheap. War, as Tolstoy shows, severely tests a person. The antithesis of honor and dishonor in the literature of the 20th century In the literature of the 20th century Special attention given to the military class. After all, the hard times of revolutionary unrest hit him hard. What does it mean to remain honest, how to remain faithful to duty, if there is confusion and chaos around? Everyone makes their own choice. While saving the cadets entrusted to him, Nai-Tours dies. Now we understand: it is no coincidence that Alexey Turbin saw the colonel in a dream in the form of a Holy Knight. As if obeying the laws of knightly honor, Colonel Malyshev also acts, dissolving the division: “I saved everyone of my own. I didn’t send you to slaughter! I didn’t send it for shame!” Nikolai Turbin considers it his duty, a matter of honor, to tell the Nai-Tours family about the heroic death of the colonel and help his loved ones bury the hero with dignity. How far from them are Talberg (“a damn doll, devoid of the slightest concept of honor!”), the hetman, the staff officers who abandoned the City, and the cowards who secretly fled. As if on their behalf the “little nightmare in a large cage” from Turbin’s dream declares: “For a Russian man, honor is only an extra burden” (M.A. Bulgakov “ White Guard"). The literature about the Great Patriotic War does not shy away from the problem of preserving honor. Patriotic War. To become a coward, to dishonor himself by betrayal and to continue to live with it is the choice made by the Fisherman. He agrees to serve as a policeman, knocks the support from under the feet of his former fellow soldier and becomes the executioner of the one with whom he fought shoulder to shoulder just yesterday. He remains to live and suddenly catches a look full of hatred. Hatred towards him, a coward and a traitor, dishonest man. Now he is an enemy both for people and for himself too. Fate deprives Rybak of the opportunity

6 commit suicide, he will live with his stigma of dishonor (V. Bykov “Sotnikov”). Family honor as a category of folk morality Russian folklore has preserved popular ideas about honor, truth, and dignity for many centuries. Heroes of Russian fairy tales who commit treason, like the older brothers of Ivan Tsarevich, invariably experience the shame of exposure. They are driven out of the kingdom. Hero until the end tested, without losing his dignity, ultimately receives a reward. Since ancient times, the concept of honor in Russian culture has been decisive for assessing a person. It is impossible to imagine the epic Ilya Muromets, Svyatogor, Mikula Selyaninovich outside the category of honor. Thus, in the epic “Ilya Muromets and Kalin Tsar,” Ilya Muromets, imprisoned for three years in a cellar by order of Prince Vladimir, although he holds a grudge, in a moment of danger he puts on armor and goes to defend his native land from the enemy. Moreover, finding himself in Tatar captivity, he does not accept the offer to serve Kalin. After all, this means betraying your people, dishonoring yourself. Continuing folklore traditions, Old Russian literature connects the concept of honor with the protection of interests native land, his family, his kind. Thus, in “The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan by Batu,” the antithesis “honor and dishonor” is embodied in the images of the Ryazan prince Fyodor Yuryevich and the “godless Tsar Batu.” Fyodor Yuryevich accepts death, refusing to give Batu Princess Eupraxia. Martyr's death. But how could he transgress? moral law, dishonor your family, give your wife away to be mocked? Moral choice obvious to the hero. The Ryazan residents, inspired by the prince, also perform feats of honor. For five days the inhabitants of the city have been fighting against successive detachments of conquerors. They don’t give up, they don’t ask for mercy. They don't trade their honor. The defender of popular ideas about honor and dignity is the merchant Kalashnikov in the famous “Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov” by M.Yu. Lermontov. Having based the plot on a real event, Lermontov fills it with deep moral sense. Kalashnikov comes out to fight “for the holy mother truth”, for family values, for the honor. Who, if not he, should save his wife from dishonor? Alena Dmitrievna is faithful to her husband, does not hide her misfortune, and asks him for protection from shame. The image of the merchant Kalashnikov is close to the people's ideal. Just like the heroes folk epics and legends, Stepan fights for honor and justice, defends Eternal values. The duel of honor will unfold in front of all the people. Hearing the merchant's accusations, Kiribeevich became frightened. He came out to have fun, but there was a fight to the death. Stepan Paramonovich is calm and ready to accept death, because the honor of his family, the honor of the Kalashnikov family is at stake. It is noteworthy that all his brothers are in the square, ready to follow Stepan in defending the mother truth. Please note that Kiribeevich delivers the first blow. Prowess or meanness again?.. And now the battle is over. The winner answers to the king. The answer IN CONSCIENCE touched Ivan the Terrible. Executed

7 Stepan Paramonovich “a cruel, shameful death” and was buried between three roads, in an unmarked grave. Not at all like a good Christian. But the royal court diverged from the people's court. Buried as a robber, the merchant Kalashnikov truly became a folk hero.

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In love, as in art, there is no need to say what others have said; you need to say what you feel; and he who is in a hurry to speak when he still has nothing to say runs the great risk of never saying anything.

Every thought that does not strive for action is a bastard and a traitor.

Every courageous, every truthful person brings honor to his homeland.

Even in the most hopeless, struggle remains hope.

Goodness is not a science, it is an action.

Friends exist to help each other.

If oblivion is late, they meet it halfway.

If selfish well-being is the only goal of life, life quickly becomes purposeless.

There are dead people in whom more life than alive. But there are also living ones who are deader than any dead.

Pity for the executioners becomes cruelty towards the victims.

Desire blinds us and we are often deceived. But if we gave up desires, our whole life would be a mistake.

In one minute of love you learn more about a person than in a month of observation...

Health is as contagious as disease.

The player must have self-control and, if he loses, not overturn the chessboard.

Art is inexhaustible, like life. And nothing allows us to understand this better than inexhaustible music, than the ocean of music that fills the centuries.

Art cannot be distracted from the aspirations of its time.

Every person carries in the depths of his self a small cemetery where those he loved are buried.

What happiness is the inexhaustible ability to love and believe! Everything that is overshadowed by love is not subject to death.

Only bankrupt states resort to war as a last resort. War is the last trump card of a lost and desperate player, a disgusting speculation of swindlers and swindlers.

When love is damaged, how the shadows and outlines change! Familiar outlines are distorted, the funny and ugly sticks out.

He who does not truly hate evil does not truly love good.

He who carries the sun and life within himself will not look for light somewhere on the side.

A hypocrite is always a slave.

It's better to know the truth halfway, but on our own, than to know it entirely, but to learn it from other people’s words and learn it like a parrot.

Love is, in essence, an act of endlessly renewed faith.

Love is worth exactly as much as the person who experiences it is worth. Everything is pure for pure people.

Music, like rain, seeps into the heart drop by drop and revives it.

The world feeds on grains of truth and a lot of lies.

You must have the courage to save people in spite of themselves.

You only need to stop for a night's rest to regain your strength. Stopped life is death.

There is nothing more exciting than the will conquering an unruly body.

There is no fog from which there is no way out. The main thing is to hold on and move forward.

No reasoning can show a person a path he does not want to see.

No one can return the past. We must go, continue our path, and it is useless to look back.

No one has the right to sacrifice duty for the sake of the heart.

Nothing is over for the one who lives.

It is necessary for a person to understand that he is the creator and owner of the world, that he is responsible for all the misfortunes on earth, and that he also has the glory for all the good things in life.

There is only one happiness - to create. Only the one who creates lives. All the joys of life are creative joys.

Passivity is the most hated of all vices.

The first law of art: if you have nothing to say, be silent. If you have something to say, say it and don't lie.

The fruits of true science and true art are the fruits of sacrifice, not of material gain.

The truth is the same for everyone, but every nation has its own special lie, which it calls its ideals.

Work absorbs shame and pain like a sponge. Work renews both the skin and the blood of the soul.

Absence only increases the power of those we love.

An artist's complacency is the surest sign of the decline of art.

The most cowardly dog ​​bites when a bone is pulled out of his mouth.

Modern great scientists are true poets.

It is impossible to argue with someone who believes that he has the truth and does not seek it.

The desire to live and overcome dying is wiser than the mind, stronger than the will.

Where moral character is not great, there is no great man.

To create means to kill death.

He is not a man who did not fight life and did not leave tufts of his fur in its lair.

Labor is the only title of true nobility.

Among friends, misunderstandings are never serious until a third party comes between them.

A man of great passions does not know how to pretend.

Honor is true beauty!

Andre Maurois


Marriage without love is legalized prostitution.

A great writer must cover all aspects of human existence.

The writer's imagination is born from a real feeling.

Whatever suits our desires seems right. Anything that contradicts them makes us furious.

If you dig deep enough, you can discover the base motives that underlie even the most praiseworthy actions; Thus, even in the cleanest air, a chemist finds traces of an unbreathable gas. It's all about proportions.

The art of aging is to be a support for the young, not an obstacle, a teacher, not a rival, understanding, not indifferent.

Everyone is convinced that others are mistaken when they judge him, and that he is not mistaken when he judges others.

You can become a novelist or a historian, but playwrights are born.

It's not enough to be smart. You need to be smart enough not to allow yourself to become overly smart.

There is no enemy more cruel than an old friend.

One should never regret that a person is overwhelmed by passions. It's as if we began to regret that he is a person.

Nothing binds you like jealousy.

Reverence almost always ends in insulting the one being venerated.

The most difficult thing in an argument is not so much to defend your point of view as to have a clear idea of ​​it.

Old age begins the day courage dies.

Old age does not forget its tender experience and loves to give good advice, since he can no longer show bad examples.

A rich man has companions and hangers-on, a powerful man has courtiers, a man of action has comrades, and they are also his friends.

A successful marriage is a structure that needs to be reconstructed every time.

The efforts that you make to make up for the tactlessness committed towards your interlocutor are much more painful for him than the tactlessness itself.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery


Writer, poet, professional pilot.

To be human is to feel responsible. Feel shame in front of poverty, which, it would seem, does not depend on you. Be proud of every victory won by your comrades. To realize that by laying your own brick, you are helping to build the world.

You will not find immortality within yourself.

Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, they enjoy you without knowing what you are. It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You fill us with joy that cannot be explained by our feelings.

War is not real feat, war is a surrogate for heroism. The basis of a feat is the wealth of connections it creates, the tasks it sets, the accomplishments it encourages. Simple game turning heads or tails will not turn into a feat, even if the stake in it is life or death. War is not a heroic deed. War is a disease. Like typhus.

The only real luxury is the luxury of human communication.

If, feeling sorry for myself, I attribute my troubles to evil fate, I submit myself to evil fate; if I attribute them to treason, I subject myself to treason; but when I take full responsibility upon myself, I thereby defend my human capabilities.

We breathe deeply only when we are connected with our brothers and have a common goal; and we know from experience: loving does not mean looking at each other, loving means looking together in the same direction.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Final essay. Thematic direction“Honor and Dishonor” Prepared by: Shevchuk A.P., teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU"Secondary school No. 1" Bratsk

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Official comment: The direction is based on polar concepts associated with a person’s choice: to be faithful to the voice of conscience, to follow moral principles, or to follow the path of betrayal, lies and hypocrisy. Many writers focused their attention on depicting various manifestations of man: from loyalty to moral rules to various forms of compromise with conscience, right up to the deep moral decline of the individual.

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Methodical recommendations: Honor is that high spiritual force that keeps a person from meanness, betrayal, lies and cowardice. This is the core that strengthens the individual in choosing an action; this is a situation where conscience is the judge. Life often tests people, presenting them with a choice - to act honorably and take the blow or be cowardly and go against their conscience in order to gain benefit and avoid troubles, possibly death. A person always has a choice, and how he will act depends on his moral principles. The path of honor is difficult, but retreat from it, the loss of honor is even more painful.

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Being a social, rational and conscious being, a person cannot help but think about how others treat him, what they think about him, what assessments are given to his actions and his entire life. At the same time, he cannot help but think about his place among other people. This spiritual connection between a person and society is expressed in the concepts of Honor and Dignity. “Honor is my life,” wrote Shakespeare, “they have grown into one, and to lose honor is for me the same as losing life.” Moral decay, the decline of moral principles leads to the collapse of both an individual and an entire nation. That is why the importance of the great Russian classical literature, which is the moral foundation for many generations of people, is so great.

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Aphorisms and sayings of famous people:  Gain honor neither by vanity, nor by the beauty of clothes or horses, nor by decoration, but by courage and wisdom. Theophrastus  Every courageous, every truthful person brings honor to his homeland. R. Rolland  Shame and honor are like a dress: the more shabby they are, the more careless you treat them. Apuleius  True honor cannot tolerate untruth. G. Fielding  The value and dignity of a person lies in his heart and in his will; it is here that the basis of his true honor lies. Michel de Montaigne  Never leave the path of duty and honor - this is the only thing from which we will find happiness. Georges Louis Leclerc

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The Code of Noble Honor on the pages of literary works The history of the Russian duel of the 19th century is a history of human tragedies, high impulses and passions. The dueling tradition is associated with the concept of honor in the noble society of that time. There was even a code of noble honor. The willingness to pay with one's life for the inviolability of one's personal dignity presupposed an acute awareness of this dignity. A.S. Pushkin, a “slave of honor,” defending the honor of his wife and his own, challenged Dantes to a duel, who with dubious behavior could discredit the name of the Pushkin couple. The poet could not live “slandered by rumor” and put an end to the dishonor at the cost of his own life. M.Yu. Lermontov also fell victim to dishonest and evil envious people. Among the duelists there were not uncommon braters - people who flaunted their readiness and ability to fight anywhere and with anyone. The risk of the raider was of an ostentatious nature, and the killing of the enemy was part of his calculations. It was a mixture of posturing and cruelty.

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Such negative versions of the duel are depicted in the story by A.S. Pushkin "Shot". The hero of the story, Silvio, “the first brawler in the army,” is looking for an excuse for a fight in order to assert his primacy in the hussar regiment. He boasts of his superiority and luck, demonstrates contempt for death, eats cherries at gunpoint to please his pride. His goal is not to kill, but to prove that he is strong and can dominate people. He is sick with narcissism and selfishness. Leaving the shot behind him, the hero did not kill the count, but was content with making him tremble. The question of honor, as the reader understands, is not even worthwhile - the hero’s courage is also in doubt. Duels often broke out at the slightest provocation. Due to unreasonable jealousy, Lensky challenges his friend Onegin to a duel.

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In the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Hero of Our Time" Pechorin kills Grushnitsky in a duel, standing up for the honor of the slandered lady. Grushnitsky's cowardice and cowardice found expression in his dishonest behavior towards Princess Mary and his comrade, whom he envied. In the drama M.Yu. Lermontov's "Masquerade" Arbenin, defending his honor, kills his own wife, believing in a skillfully woven intrigue. A selfish and villain ruined an innocent soul for the sake of his ambitions. Morbid pride and a false idea of ​​honor made him a toy in the hands of ill-wishers and pushed him into villainy.

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The duel between Pierre Bezukhov and Dolokhov in epic novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Pierre sincerely trusted his old friend, brought him into his house, helped with money, and Dolokhov disgraced his name. The hero stood up for his honor. But, realizing that stupid, “fake” Helen does not deserve to have a murder happen because of her, he is ready to repent not out of fear, but because he is confident in his wife’s guilt. Literary heroes of the 19th century called offenders to the barrier and sometimes took desperate actions, defending their honor, the price of which was life itself.

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Honor as the embodiment of the hero's spiritual strength. Russian literature is characterized by a very serious and close look at the concept of honor and dishonor. But the heroes’ understanding of honor may be different. An example of this is “The Captain’s Daughter” by A.S. Pushkin. Pyotr Andreevich Grinev understands honor as an act of conscience. The main component of his honor is his duty to the Empress, to the Motherland, to the Fatherland, and the duty that his love for the daughter of Captain Mironov imposes on him. And Shvabrin? He is also a Russian officer. But, breaking the military oath, he went over to Pugachev’s side and betrayed his homeland. He is selfish and cowardly, cynical and indifferent. He knows no nobility.

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Pugachev has a completely different understanding of honor. It rests solely on the level of feelings, mostly friendly. It is this narrow understanding of honor that allows Pugachev to commit atrocities in robbed conquered villages and fortresses, without feeling remorse, and at the same time help Grinev save Masha, remembering his kindness in the old days. “Which of my people dares to offend an orphan?” In a conversation with Pugachev, Grinev admits to himself that between cowardice, betrayal and certain death he makes a choice dictated by his conscience: “A sense of duty has triumphed in me over human weakness.” His straightforwardness will make Pugachev sincerely admire him and let the hero go on all fours.

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Another example of Pushkin’s work is the story “Dubrovsky”. The elder Dubrovsky is a hereditary nobleman, whose honor comes from his position and the history of the family; for Troekurov this means wealth and power. For Dubrovsky’s son, Vladimir, like Grinev, the main aspect of the motive of honor is duty, first of all, to his father, which forces him to take revenge on Kirila Petrovich. Later, the debt to the father is reborn into a debt towards the object of his love, Troekurov’s daughter. Honor, honesty... Is it a coincidence that these words sound like “pure”, “purity”, “honor”? Honesty, like purity of soul, untarnished reputation, is one of the aspects of the direction under consideration

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. “But your honor is my guarantee, and I boldly entrust myself to her,” - lines from Tatyana Larina’s letter from the novel by A.S. Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin,” which concludes a declaration of love, not only expresses the young girl’s hope for the decency and dignity of her chosen one. They also convey faith that the honor of the heroine herself will not be violated. For Larina, the concept of honor and moral purity is the basis of her worldview. Guided by her idea of ​​duty, she remains faithful to her husband, rejecting Onegin’s love.

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It is possible to sacrifice love, but not to sacrifice honor. The hero of Lermontov's “Hero of Our Time” Pechorin is not a typical character, but an exceptional one. Therefore, Pechorin’s honor is a different, exceptional honor. In fact, Pechorin has no honor in the traditional sense of the word. The glimpses of nobility and kindness that sometimes overshadow him are caused by a sense of the exclusivity of his own destiny. Pechorin is in some way the forerunner of Raskolnikov, the hero of the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment”, for whom the concept of honor is also very personal and original. It is in no way compatible with the public understanding of honor, and sometimes is a deterrent. Raskolnikov does not recognize the laws of society and wants to live only by his own. Svidrigailov has a different understanding of honor. Here, on the contrary, it is not honor that gives birth to love, as in Pushkin’s “The Captain’s Daughter,” but love that revives the previously lost concept of honor.

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In another aspect, the theme of honor is revealed in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Idiot". Using the example of the image of Nastasya Filippovna, the author shows how human and female honor can be violated. Being by nature a highly moral and pure being, the heroine began to despise and hate herself, although everything that happened was not her fault. We can say that, having lost her honor, the heroine lost her life. N.V. deeply mourns. Gogol about the crippled and perishing soul of a person, without honor and conscience: “And to what insignificance, pettiness, and disgust a person could condescend! Could have changed so much! And does this seem true? Everything looks like the truth, anything can happen to a person” (“Dead Souls”).

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And it is impossible not to recall Leo Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace. The Bolkonskys are an old aristocratic family. They are rightfully proud of their services to the Fatherland. The old prince passed on his high concept of honor, pride, independence, nobility and sharpness of mind to his son, Prince Andrei. Both despise upstarts and careerists like the Drubetskys, Kuragins, Bergs, for whom the concept of honor does not exist. Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky cannot imagine any other path for his son other than the path of honor. He will accept the pain that the news of Prince Andrei's death will bring. But the news of dishonor... “I will be... ashamed!” Let us think: shame is worse than death. For the Bolkonsky family, the category of honor and moral purity is fundamental. Is it not this purity that makes Princess Marya’s gaze radiant?

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Another heroine of Tolstoy, who lives by her heart, the sincere, straightforward Natasha Rostova one day finds herself one step away from dishonor. Passion for Anatoly Kuragin, preparation for escape. Why is this story told through Pierre's perception? It is he who sees Natasha as angry and cruel, he who takes her letters from Anatole and takes care of preserving the secret of the shameful act. The author trusts him to become Natasha's savior. Perhaps because Pyotr Kirillovich Bezukhov himself had the misfortune of encountering a “vile, heartless breed” and gained strength in opposing the evil and depravity that the Kuragins sow around themselves.

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Tolstoy shows honor and dishonor by drawing images of two commanders - the defender of the Fatherland Kutuzov and the invader Napoleon. An invading enemy cannot be honest. The essence of his act is the seizure of someone else’s property that does not belong to him, and murder. Napoleon is depicted in the novel as selfish and narcissistic, arrogant and arrogant. The figure of Kutuzov is opposite to Napoleon. He is depicted as the leader of a just people's war, as a man of honor and high morality.

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Boris Drubetskoy and Dolokhov are not guided by love for the Motherland (they simply don’t have this love!). The first studies the “unwritten chain of command” in order to make a career, the second tries to distinguish himself in order to regain his officer rank, then receive awards and ranks. A military official, Berg, in Moscow, abandoned by residents, buys things on the cheap. War, as Tolstoy shows, severely tests a person.

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The antithesis of honor and dishonor in the literature of the 20th century. In the literature of the twentieth century, special attention is paid to the military class. After all, the hard times of revolutionary unrest hit him hard. What does it mean to remain honest, how to remain faithful to duty, if there is confusion and chaos around? Everyone makes their own choice. While saving the cadets entrusted to him, Nai-Tours dies. Now we understand: it is no coincidence that Alexey Turbin saw the colonel in a dream in the form of a Holy Knight. As if obeying the laws of knightly honor, Colonel Malyshev also acts, dissolving the division: “I saved everyone of my own. I didn’t send you to slaughter! I didn’t send it for shame!” Nikolai Turbin considers it his duty, a matter of honor, to tell the Nai-Tours family about the heroic death of the colonel and help his loved ones bury the hero with dignity. How far from them are Talberg (“a damn doll, devoid of the slightest concept of honor!”), the hetman, the staff officers who abandoned the City, and the cowards who secretly fled. As if on their behalf the “little nightmare in a large cage” from Turbin’s dream declares: “For a Russian man, honor is only an extra burden” (M.A. Bulgakov “The White Guard”).

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Literature about the Great Patriotic War does not shy away from the problem of preserving honor. Become a coward, dishonor yourself with betrayal and continue to live with it - this is the choice Rybak makes. He agrees to serve as a policeman, knocks the support from under the feet of his former fellow soldier and becomes the executioner of the one with whom he fought shoulder to shoulder just yesterday. He remains to live and suddenly catches a look full of hatred. Hatred towards him, a coward and a traitor, a dishonest person. Now he is an enemy - both for people and for himself too... Fate deprives Rybak of the opportunity to commit suicide, he will live with his stigma of dishonor (V. Bykov “Sotnikov”).

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Family honor as a category of folk morality Russian folklore has preserved popular ideas about honor, truth, and dignity for many centuries. Heroes of Russian fairy tales who commit treason, like the older brothers of Ivan Tsarevich, invariably experience the shame of exposure. They are driven out of the kingdom. The hero who passes the test to the end without losing his dignity ultimately receives a reward. Since ancient times, the concept of honor in Russian culture has been decisive for assessing a person. It is impossible to imagine the epic Ilya Muromets, Svyatogor, Mikula Selyaninovich outside the category of honor.

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Thus, in the epic “Ilya Muromets and Kalin Tsar,” Ilya Muromets, imprisoned for three years in a cellar by order of Prince Vladimir, although he holds a grudge, in a moment of danger he puts on armor and goes to defend his native land from the enemy. Moreover, finding himself in Tatar captivity, he does not accept the offer to serve Kalin. After all, this means betraying your people, dishonoring yourself. Continuing folklore traditions, ancient Russian literature connects the concept of honor with protecting the interests of one’s native land, one’s family, one’s clan.

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Thus, in “The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan by Batu,” the antithesis “honor and dishonor” is embodied in the images of the Ryazan prince Fyodor Yuryevich and the “godless Tsar Batu.” Fyodor Yuryevich accepts death, refusing to give Batu Princess Eupraxia. Martyr's death. But could he have broken the moral law, dishonored his family, or given his wife over to shame? The moral choice for the hero is obvious. The Ryazan residents, inspired by the prince, also perform feats of honor. For five days the inhabitants of the city have been fighting against successive detachments of conquerors. They don’t give up, they don’t ask for mercy. They don't trade their honor.

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The defender of popular ideas about honor and dignity is the merchant Kalashnikov in the famous “Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov...” M.Yu. Lermontov. Having based the plot on a real event, Lermontov fills it with deep moral meaning. Kalashnikov comes out to fight “for the holy mother truth,” for family values, for honor. Who, if not he, should save his wife from dishonor? Alena Dmitrievna is faithful to her husband, does not hide her misfortune, and asks him for protection from shame. The image of the merchant Kalashnikov is close to the people's ideal. Just like the heroes of folk epics and legends, Stepan fights for honor and justice, defends eternal values. The duel of honor will unfold in front of all the people. Hearing the merchant's accusations, Kiribeevich became frightened. He came out to have fun, but there was a fight to the death. Stepan Paramonovich is calm and ready to accept death, because the honor of his family, the honor of the Kalashnikov family is at stake.

Do you agree with the statement of the writer R. Rolland: “Every courageous, every truthful person brings honor to his homeland”?

Famous French writer R. Rolland once said: “Every courageous, every truthful person brings honor to his homeland.” I do not agree with his position, since I understand the word “honor” as good name a person, his dignity, his pride. The fatherland cannot demand from its son dishonorable act, meanness, and make him a liar and a criminal? Then it is no longer a homeland, but a state, and a totalitarian one, that is, indifferent to the fate of its citizens. We feel love for our homeland, we can give our lives for love, but if we salute, we will commit moral crime. Will we then be worthy of reciprocal love? Will we be able to look people in the eye, having betrayed or deceived, even for the sake of the fatherland? I think no.

To argue my position, I will give examples from fiction. In N. D. Kondratiev’s story “Sashka,” the author tells us about the main character, who in the first battle took a German “language” and took him to headquarters. On the way, he promised the prisoner that his life would be spared. But the battalion commander, the senior in rank, lost his beloved and hated all the invaders. This was the attitude of the entire Russian people, who had seen enough of the Nazi atrocities. The commander ordered the German to be shot. Sashka couldn’t break his word, even given to the enemy. He did not kill an unarmed man. So it's honestly turned out to be stronger than the fear of death and the call of the homeland. The hero realized that if Soviet soldiers did not value their moral character, the Germans will half win. They will succeed in turning the Russian people into the beast they consider them to be. In order not to break his promises and not lose his dignity, Sashka went against the order and soldier’s duty. He is not a coward and not a Vlasovite, because every day he resignedly risked his life for the sake of the fatherland, but, having saluted, the hero will lose the strength contained in the moral rightness of the defender. It was she who brought Soviet soldiers to victory.

In Bulgakov’s novel “The White Guard,” Alexey Turbin, a white officer, after the Bolshevik coup turns out to be an outcast and almost an enemy own people. He is forced to hide in the city, which, according to the conditions peace of Brest-Litovsk did not belong to the new government. There he takes part in the defense, because Petliura’s army is already advancing. Realizing the difficulty of the situation, Turbin and his family rejoice at rumors of the approach of French troops who were supposed to help the volunteers. Reading the novel, we understand that Alexey is a truthful and courageous person, but did he honor his homeland? No. He is faithful to the royal oath, that is, his word given to the emperor, so he is waiting for an intervention that should free Russia from the Reds, and this is not betrayal, but loyalty to his duty. He swore an oath to serve Russian Empire, but does he have the right to refuse the promise if his homeland began to be called “RSFSR”? He decided for himself that he had no right to do this. Such an act devalues ​​his service and deprives him of honor. If he betrays for the sake of his homeland, will he be worthy of it? No, he won’t even be able to live if he commits a moral failure.

I remember a quote from my favorite childhood film, “Midshipmen, Forward”: “Life is for the Motherland, honor is for no one!” I believe this statement to be true. A person, first of all, must take care of his good name and keep his promises. If the homeland calls, honest and courageous people will not spare their lives for it, but scoundrels and cowards, as a rule, do not spare honor, because this is typical for them with or without reason.

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A fairy tale for children and adults.

She turned out to be white...
“I knew it,” said the mother, “it had to happen sooner or later.” The father was thoughtfully silent, looking at his newborn child, whom he loved long before he was born. Now, when she appeared in this huge world, he tried to come to terms with the idea that she life path It won't be the easiest.
Their family has always been distinguished by a special position among the numerous crow tribe. The matte blackness of the feathers did not seem to suggest the possibility of offspring not corresponding to the generally accepted color. But...
For the time being, the parents hid the baby in the nest, but even among her brothers and sisters she stood out for her strange dissimilarity: she never snatched food from someone else’s beak, did not take part in fights, and pitied the weak, although she herself could hardly be considered strong. And at the same time, she had enviable resilience in matters of experience - both her own and those of others. She behaved like a queen who grew up in complete ignorance of the secret of her birth, but received all the dignity due to her by birth.
The time has come to release the children into adult life. The parents had a conversation with each of their offspring with instructions on how not to lose the honor of the family and not to stain their own. Finally, they called Belaya to their place.
“We must tell you about the secret of our family. The time has come,” - this is how the father and mother began their conversation, and Belaya, as befits Belaya, prepared to listen to them from beginning to end. “A long time ago, when neither we nor our parents were in the world, in one black-and-raven family it happened amazing event- They gave birth to a completely white bird. She was not like everyone else. Not like that at all! And it cannot be said that she was worse. No. I just didn’t want to be like everyone else, and it turned out to be very inconvenient. She was ridiculed, but she did not change. They teased her, but she didn’t even bow her head. And she waited. All the time she was waiting for a raven to come to her, who would not be afraid to go against the displeasure of the crowd, who would accept her as she is - White. It was not easy at all, but her resilience could be the envy of the most strong-willed creature in the world. And there was a raven who loved her with all his heart. And he took her as his wife. But strange White crow, the next morning she simply ran away, leaving the raven unhappy for the rest of her life. He could never love anyone else.

This was your great-great-great-grandmother. She went to distant lands, where her children appeared. These were the children of the black raven, but he never knew about it. Luckily they were all black. But before her death, your great-great-great-grandmother gathered all the children around her and told the story of her life, warning that any of them could have a black crow in their offspring. And so that they will certainly tell her secret word.
Child, you were born white. And the secret word is very simple: You will always be white if you want. But the main thing is that your soul remains white and pure, otherwise you will neither remain white nor become black.”
That's what my parents said parting words daughter, and released her from the nest.
It’s not worth describing how difficult her life was. After all, other parents also told their children that ancient story, only each one described it as best he could and as he wanted.
Belaya never did harm to anyone, and even moreover, when help was needed, they most often turned to her, and she did not refuse anyone, despite the fact that ingratitude was a more frequent payment for her responsiveness than kind word. “Well, I’m White. And if my soul cannot otherwise feel white, then it means that I am doing the right thing, as a white crow should,” - this is how she explained the events of life to herself... And she waited.
In the flock, the most enviable groom was considered a proud raven named Black. His feathers shone blue, and his strong beak gave no one any reason to doubt his fearlessness. And he always behaved with dignity, never got involved in fights, but did not give in, even in small attempts to offend himself. As soon as he saw White, he was captivated by her softness and proud posture, her unusualness, beauty, self-control and complete dissimilarity from all the other crows of the numerous crow tribe. One day, when, out of his habit of bullying for no reason, one of the townsfolk began to laugh at our poor thing, Black simply silently came up and stood next to her, letting everyone know that she was not alone now. Thus was born a love that closed many evil beaks, and naturally ended with a wedding.
“Well, thank God,” Belaya thought to herself, “I’ll be happy, like all the crows.”
Sitting next to her beloved, clinging to him, under the protection of a mighty black wing, she did not immediately understand what he was telling her about. The voice itself was caressing and lulling. And the trees swayed under the wind of the night sky, bringing languor and tranquility.

“Darling, now you and I are not afraid of anything. I'm no longer lonely. You are with me, I am with you, my WHITE CROW. I'm also white. Only I learned to be black to everyone. I will teach you too, and we will be in absolute safety, white for each other, and for everyone as they are comfortable...”
It seemed as if the world had collapsed.
White barely restrained herself from screaming.
“You are not black - you are dirty! – that’s all she found to say. “I’ll leave in the morning.”
Now Black was struck to the very heart.
It was a long, long night. And early in the morning the young were not found in the nest. They disappeared. Idle gossips made guesses, and, of course, accused Belaya of witchcraft.
Only the horizon knew that the two dark bird silhouettes flapping their wings over the distant forest were actually white birds.