The problem of repentance. Is it necessary to repent of shameful actions? (USE in Russian)

We have already raised the topic in the article that the weakness of the foreign policy position of the Russian leadership and the lack of its own understanding political processes in the world leads to the emergence of demands different countries to Russia about compensation for historical grievances from the USSR.

And so new information, a group of Afghan parliamentarians sent a request to the lower house of the Afghan parliament with a proposal to demand compensation from Russia for the “many years of occupation of Afghanistan,” the Daily Telegraph reports. It is worth noting that in the development of the Afghan economy, infrastructure and social sphere The Soviet Union invested up to 60 billion rubles (at the then fixed exchange rate of 0.62 kopecks per dollar). Soviet specialists built the largest enterprises in the country. For the first time in the history of Afghanistan, this country has a real industrial sector in its economy. More than 200,000 Afghans were trained in the USSR and received diplomas higher education and all this at the expense of Soviet citizens.

Publicist from Odessa Yuri Blikov, believes that there can be no talk of any repentance or apology.

“There can be no talk of any repentance or apology. Unlike, for example, Germany, Russia, or more precisely, the Soviet Union, did not start a war, did not capture entire countries, organizing mass genocide of the population. They may object to me that before the war the USSR seized part of the territories under the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. I will not enter into discussions now, I will not talk about the return of territories seized from Russian Empire, on compensation for many years of actions against Russia,” the expert noted.

He is sure that behind the pathetic exclamations about the damage lies ordinary human greed.

“Why, in fact, do such topics arise about state repentance, who benefits from this? There is no need to harbor any illusions here and listen to pompous and pathetic propaganda calls. It's simple: behind this pathos lies ordinary, primitive human greed. The whole point is that a country that makes official apologies and repentance for misanthropic actions in the past pays compensation to the victims of such actions. It is obvious that the same Baltic states, having received a piece Soviet Union, with all the material and property assets of the former Soviet Republics, would not be at all opposed to Russia systematically paying these states. Moreover, this actually legitimized the anti-Russian policy of these states,” said Yuri Blikov.

The publicist believes that the only ones who can count on compensation are citizens former USSR victims of the repressions.

“The only ones who can count on an apology and compensation are citizens of the former USSR who suffered during the years of repression. But even here it arises a large number of questions. Rehabilitation of victims Stalin's repressions was not objective, based on serious research and independent legal assessment. It was the same political and opportunistic process as many others in the USSR. IN a huge number cases, the basis for rehabilitation was the very fact of conviction during Stalin’s times,” the commentator noted. In his opinion, all statements about damage and its recognition are a campaign aimed at discrediting Russia.

Every person at least once in his life committed an act for which he was subsequently ashamed. This could have happened out of stupidity, inexperience, or curiosity, but in any case it remained in the memory. And so that this memory does not hang like a heavy burden on the soul, but becomes a useful lesson, a person must realize his mistake.

It is precisely the problem of repentance shameful acts The text is dedicated to Viktor Petrovich Astafiev, an outstanding Soviet and Russian writer.

And it reminded him of a mistake he made in childhood. Then he insulted the singer, who sang differently from others. And then he “cried while listening to her,” because she became his favorite. He “corrected himself,” which is why many years later at a concert he was so eager to “apologize for everyone.”

Indeed, it is difficult to disagree with the author of the story. I completely share his position and believe that admitting a mistake allows a person not only to free himself from feelings of guilt, but also to learn to respect the people around him, and most importantly, to achieve harmony with himself.

In Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” there is confirmation of the author’s words.

Natasha Rostova, being engaged to Andrei Bolkonsky, accepts the courtship of Anatoly Kuragin. And even falls in love with him. But after some time, the heroine realizes that she made a mistake, feels pangs of conscience and receives forgiveness from Andrei.

Another example is the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “ Stationmaster“, where the protagonist’s daughter leaves her father and leaves with an officer for St. Petersburg. Years later, belated repentance awakens in Dunya’s heart - and the prodigal daughter comes to her father’s grave. She can no longer receive his forgiveness, but by this act she admits her guilt.

Thus, a person who realizes and accepts his mistakes can avoid them in the future, because he, like no one else, can appreciate their severity.

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Repentance is regret that I acted in such and such a way and not in another way. Consequently, it is an involuntary recognition that I could have acted differently, correctly. Repentance is the first stage of repentance. Repentance is regret that a sin has been committed, a firm determination to leave sin, a fight against it, a change of life.

When repenting, a person not only realizes the wrongness, error, sinfulness, but also bitterly regrets the action (thought, statement), grieves, experiences pangs of conscience, suffers, languishes, and is executed.

In repentance, a person does not yet renounce his former self; he repents only of a separate act. With repentance, the mind admits that the goal turned out to be wrong, that the means were wrong, that the result was unexpected. At the same time, emotions ranging from regret to shame are experienced. Repentance is the most powerful form of conscious self-condemnation. Repentance is the sum of the logical statement of a mistake and negative emotions.

Dead-end paths to repentance are despondency or an attempt to calm the conscience in the vanity of affairs or self-justification. The suicide of Judas is an extreme case of repentance without repentance.

In everyday life, as a rule, compatible but by no means synonymous terms are identified - repentance and repentance. Judging by what happened with Judas (see), repentance can be without repentance, that is, useless, or even disastrous. Despite their consonance in the Russian language, in the text of the Holy Scripture these terms correspond to the different root words μετάνοια (throwing) and μεταμέλεια (metamelia). The word μετανοέω (metanoeo) means “to change your way of thinking,” to change your vision, understanding of the meaning of life and its values. And the etymology of the word μεταμέλεια (metamelia) (μέλομαι, melome - to take care) indicates a change in the subject of care, aspirations, concerns. Repentance, in contrast to repentance, presupposes a deep rethinking of everything at its roots, a change not only in the subject of aspirations and concerns, but a qualitative change in the mind itself.

IN Holy Scripture meet, at first glance, unclear words about God's repentance. For example: " And the Lord repented that he created man on earth» () . « The Lord repented of making Saul king over Israel» () , and right there in this chapter above (v. 29) we read: “ and the Faithful of Israel repented not: for he was not a man, that he should repent" This is a classic. You can try to convey this expression as a state of intense grief, but this will also be anthropomorphism. (Cm. )

Olesya Nikolaeva:
Analysis of the background of the sin of Judas and the sin of Peter ultimately leads to a contrast between these gospel characters, one of whom repented, but did not repent in the gospel sense of “change of mind” (“metanoia”) and, continuing to remain in sinful darkness, despaired and hanged himself , and the other - cried bitterly () and, filled with love for Christ, he resorted to His mercy, repented, was forgiven, received the Lord's blessing, became the supreme apostle and testified his fidelity to the Lord by his martyrdom.
This suggests, first of all, that there is a cardinal metaphysical difference between the repentance of Judas and the repentance of Peter. Repentance turns out to be only the torment of a bad conscience, which does not seek or expect, however, forgiveness, which does not believe in the One who has the power to forgive sins, who took upon himself sin of the world (



REPENT, repent, repent, regret your actions, realize that you should have done something wrong, not said or not done something; to be killed by conscience, to be executed for the past. Repentant sinner. And he repented, but you won’t turn it back. They say to repent someone, to force someone to repent, to reassure someone, to induce them to repentance. Remorse, remorse, the state of someone who repents of something, regrets his bad deed. Later repentance doesn't save. Without remorse, there is no forgiveness.

Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dahl. 1863-1866.

See what “REPORT” means in other dictionaries:

    Repent, repent, blame, bring repentance, come (to appear) to confess. Cm … Synonym dictionary

    REPENT, I repent, you repent. imperfect to repent. “I acted smartly and I won’t regret it.” A. Turgenev. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    REPENT, I say, I say; Sov., in what. Feel regret for your actions or misdeeds. R. in his words, in his behavior. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    repent- deeply repent very repent... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

    repent- ▲ condemn one’s own act of regret. regret something. regret. I’m not happy myself (# what I said). and not happy. repentance, self-condemnation of one’s behavior, awareness of one’s guilt. repent of something. repentance. repent of something. confess. repentant (# speech). sayings... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    See repent... Etymological dictionary Russian language by Max Vasmer

    Nesov. nepereh. Feel regret about your action, recognizing it as wrong or bad. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

    Repent, repent, repent, repent, repent, repent, repent, repent, repent, repent, repent, repent, repent, repent, repentant, repentant, repentant,... ... Forms of words

    repent- I repent, I repent, I repent... Russian spelling dictionary

    repent- (I), I’m repenting, I’m repenting, I’m repenting... orthographic dictionary Russian language


  • , Ranevskaya, Faina Georgievna. Continuation of the bestseller “Faina Ranevskaya. A life told by herself." Previously unpublished aphorisms of the great actress, honored swearer, people's mocker of the Soviet Union...
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The article will be useful to many, as simple truths open their eyes to true position things, and make it possible to make the right decisions.
This is very important for everyone; by making the right decisions, we act more effectively. We don’t waste our time on empty people, and we don’t get involved in relationships that we don’t need.

Pay attention, for example, to the business sector. Successful people, never waste their time on stupid and unpromising projects; such decisions lead to effective business management at work, which is why they are considered successful. Such people do not waste their time on fools, otherwise they would not achieve their goals.

The same attitude can be applied in male/female relationships. The principle is the same - do not waste time on fools, traitors and simply unreliable people.

Very often, in quarrels that arise for various reasons, each person waits for an understanding of his claims, waits for dialogue, waits for the guilty party to understand his mistakes, that is, to repent. And here, an important question arises: how can you understand that a person has sincerely repented, understood and realized his guilt, that it has dawned on him and he has drawn conclusions?

Asking questions like these and having the right answers to them is very important. Here, as in the saying “if I knew the purchase, I would live in Sochi”

What are we talking about, what examples?

Yes, about different ones, about those situations when you were cheated on, deceived, did not keep your word, there are a lot of cases. The task is to be able to understand whether a person has realized his mistake or not, after you bring him to light.

This is a strategically important skill, since ballast thrown off in time will not drag you to the “bottom” in a critical situation.

Agree, it is unreasonable to nominate a poor student for the Olympiad and expect from him prize places, or have a relationship with someone who betrayed you and did not repent. You need to be able to understand this and make the right decisions. Remember that knowing the purchase price, you can “live in Sochi”

Well, so, let’s move directly to the “litmus test” - that criterion that clearly and unambiguously makes it possible to understand whether a person has repented or not, whether he has realized his guilt. The answer is so simple that sometimes it’s even funny how we sometimes deceive ourselves by not noticing the obvious.

Answer: A repentant person repents and asks for forgiveness. Such a person will beg for forgiveness because he will be aware of his wrongdoing. Only those who value you, who have realized and understood their guilt, are capable of this.

An unrepentant person makes excuses, blames others, and looks for reasons for his wrongdoing.

In the first case, there are two ways: to forgive or not to forgive. In the second case there are no options. Forgiving those who do not ask for forgiveness and continuing relationships with them is unreasonable and harmful.

Remember: the ability to make the right decisions depends on how well we understand the current situation.

I wish everyone to be able to understand life situations, and be successful!