Among all the shameful actions. An example of an Unified State Exam essay based on the text by V.P.

Essay on the Unified State Exam according to the text:" Among many shameful acts that I have accomplished in my life, one is most memorable to me.In the orphanage, there was a loudspeaker hanging in the corridor, and one day a voice was heard from it, unlike anyone else, and for some reason - most likely just the dissimilarity - irritated me..." (ByV.P. Astafiev) .

Full text

(1) Among the many shameful acts that I have committed in life, one is most memorable to me. (2) In the orphanage, there was a loudspeaker hanging in the corridor, and one day a voice was heard from it, unlike anyone else, and for some reason - most likely just the dissimilarity - irritated me. (3) “Ha... Yells like a stallion!” - I said and pulled the speaker plug out of the socket. (4) The singer’s voice broke off. (5) The kids reacted sympathetically to my action, since in childhood I was the most singing and reading person. (6) ...Many years later in Essentuki, in a spacious summer hall, I listened symphony concert. (7) All the musicians of the Crimean orchestra, who had seen and experienced in their time, with the glorious, ant-like, young conductor Zinaida Tykach, patiently explained to the public what and why they would play, when, by whom and on what occasion this or that musical composition was written. (8) They did this, as it were, with an apology for their intrusion into the life of citizens so oversaturated with spiritual values, being treated and simply fattening at the resort, and the concert began with Strauss’s dashing overture in order to prepare listeners overtired by culture for the second, more serious part. (9) But the fabulous Strauss, the fiery Brahms, and the flirtatious Offenbach did not help - already from the middle of the first part of the concert the listeners, crowded into the hall for musical event just because it was free, they began to leave the hall. (10) Yes, if they just left him like that, silently, cautiously - no, they left him with indignation, shouting, and abuse, as if they had been deceived in their best desires and dreams. (11) Chairs in concert hall old, Viennese, with round wooden seats, knocked together in order, and every citizen, rising from his seat, considered it his duty to slam the seat indignantly. (12) I sat, huddled in myself, listening to the musicians strain themselves to drown out the noise and swearing in the hall, and I wanted to ask forgiveness for all of us from the dear conductor in a black tailcoat, from the orchestra members, who work so hard and persistently to earn their honest , poor bread, apologize for all of us and tell us how I was in childhood... (13) But life is not a letter, there is no postscript in it. (14) What does it matter that the singer whom I once insulted with a word, her name is the great Nadezhda Obukhova, became my most favorite singer, that I “corrected” and cried more than once while listening to her. (15) She, the singer, will never hear my repentance and will not be able to forgive me. (16) But, already elderly and gray-haired, I shudder at every clap and rattle of a chair in the concert hall... when musicians with all their strength, capabilities and talent try to convey the suffering of an early-suffered myopic young man wearing defenseless round glasses. (17) He, in his dying symphony, the unfinished song of his aching heart, has been stretching out his hands into the hall for more than a century and pleadingly crying out: “(18) People, help me! (19) Help!.. (20) Well, if you can’t help me, at least help yourself!..”

Everyone has their own business in this life. It seems to me that the work of any person should be respected, be it the work of a carpenter, engineer, teacher or musician. Every diligent and dedicated person to his work is worthy of attention and respect. The problem of impoliteness, rudeness, and indifference towards human labor is raised in this text.

Reflecting on the problem, the author tells us a story about a Crimean orchestra that played for free for vacationers in Essentuki. Most listeners did not like it classical works, and people behaved rudely, noisily leaving their seats right during the musical event: “...they left with indignation, shouts, and abuse, as if they had been deceived in the best desires and places.” Lyrical hero felt ashamed for the behavior of the vacationers, who do not respect the musicians who “... are trying with all their strength, capabilities and talent to convey the suffering of the composer.”

I completely agree with the author. To support my words, I would like to cite a parable that I once heard from my grandmother. The story told about a father who invited his son to throw money honestly earned by the head of the family into the fireplace. The son hesitated, but after his father’s insistence he burned the bills, then the father suggested throwing away the money the son himself had earned. The hero could not, citing the fact that he spent too much effort on earning them. This is how badly we sometimes treat other people’s hard work. The parable makes you think about respect for other people's work.

Undoubtedly, a person’s work evokes respect from others. The hero of Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" Evgeny Bazarov is a true worker. He believes that only back-breaking work can achieve a goal. Bazarov, by birth, is the son of a simple doctor, so he achieved a lot only through his own efforts and boundless thirst for knowledge. Despite controversial views on life and some reckless actions, it is impossible not to feel respect for our hero. So both the yard boys and the servants of the Kirsanov family, with whom Bazarov was visiting, were drawn to Evgeniy, although he did not think of seeking their favor. Indeed, one may not love this hero, but one cannot help but respect him, because work is not easy for anyone.

It seems to me that a person should be judged not only by his own work, but also by how he treats others. The ability to honor the work of others is what truly inspires respect.

(341 words, not including quotes)

Why do some people like classics, while others like fashionable pop songs? Is it really that important? What is the reason for such different attitudes towards music? These and other questions arise in my mind after reading the text by V.P. Astafiev.

The writer raises in his text the problem of different attitudes towards music. He gives two examples. The first is a “shameful act” from childhood, when orphanage from the loudspeaker he heard a “unlike” voice. “With words of indignation,” the narrator pulled the plug from the socket. Subsequently, this singer, whose voice caused such irritation, Nadezhda Obukhova, became his favorite singer.

The second example occurred several years later, in Essentuki. “I listened to a symphony concert in a spacious summer hall.” The musicians tried their best, playing Strauss, Brahms, Offenbach, but the listeners, who came to the concert for free, left, cursing loudly and slamming their seats. He felt ashamed and wanted to “ask for forgiveness for everyone.” The problem that the author raises made me think deeply about why people treat serious classical music so differently.

It has always been this way. Not everyone can hear, feel, understand. But you don’t need to explain your deafness as the fault of others. The music is not good enough, the musicians are not playing well. You need to see the problem in yourself and respect those who are able to understand the classics.

I share the author's point of view. Today many of my peers download famous works great musicians, listen to them. It's a shame not to know Mozart, Bach, Tchaikovsky. By listening, they discover new world music, captivating and bewitching. Of course, there are those who do not take music seriously. I believe that there is no need to force this on them. You need to respect both. Well, and, of course, understand that the classics will be popular at all times, that’s why they are classics. This is music that evokes real feelings, real experiences. Music that helps you look at the world, life, and yourself differently. We find examples of this in works of fiction.

In the great epic novel by Leo Tolstoy “War and Peace,” the Rostov family often plays music and sings. I especially remember the episode when Nikolai Rostov, having lost a fortune to Dolokhov, comes home and finds his family in the living room. They listen to Natasha sing. Nikolai sat down and listened. He was surprised how well and sincerely his sister sang. How to the sounds of her voice you forget about everything, carried away somewhere far from the earth, where there is no meanness and lies. He saw that everyone, like him, felt the same. Music is part of the life of the Rostov family. Every day is filled with the sounds of real serious music.

They also played music in another amazing family, the Turkins, in A.P. Chekhov’s story “Ionych”. Daughter Ekaterina Ivanovna often numerous guests I was playing the piano and was planning to go to study at the conservatory. Everyone praised her and assured her of her undoubted talent. In fact, she played very noisily and for a long time. The guests, delighted, could not wait for it to be completed before going to dinner. Nothing worked out for the heroine with her career as a pianist, as well as with Startsev, whom she once refused. The cat, as her family called her, at the end of the story has grown old, is often sick and plays the piano for four hours every day. Music is also a part of her life, but music of a different kind. In her performance, she becomes artificial, not filled with real experiences, because the heroine has not experienced them.

Thus, we see that everyone has a passion for music different attitude. It depends on the family, on upbringing, on the person’s hobbies and the versatility of his nature. All tastes must be accepted. But those who are able to appreciate and understand real serious music must be respected. Learn to listen real music Anyone can do it, you just have to put in the effort. Appreciate the classics, love them!

Effective preparation for the Unified State Exam (all subjects) - start preparing

Updated: 2018-01-03

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In the center of our attention is the text of Viktor Petrovich Astafiev, an outstanding Soviet and Russian writer, which describes the problem of repentance.

Reflecting on this problem, the author tells us a story about a man who, all his life, regretted one shameful act that happened to him in childhood. It happened in an orphanage, suddenly a voice came from the loudspeaker, unlike any other, and this angered the hero. He pulled the device out of the socket, but the children reacted sympathetically to this. Many years have passed since then, the already matured hero enjoyed a symphony concert in summer garden, but the rest did not like the music, they jumped up and slammed their chair covers, swore loudly, thereby showing complete disrespect for the musicians.

And, listening to how the musicians strained themselves to drown out the noise, the hero realized that in his childhood he treated the singer who over time became his favorite with the same disrespect. The man mentally felt sorry for the musicians and paid them his respects.

So in the work of Vasily Bykov “Sotnikov” it is told how the partisan Rybak betrays Sotnikov, his comrade, to the Germans, and during the execution he knocks the bench out from under his feet.

But soon the traitor punishes himself and takes his own life.

And in the work of Ivan Bunin “ Dark alleys"The author talks about a man who realized his mistake late, and also did not want to correct it. Nikolai Alekseevich, main character, in his youth he deceived a serf girl, played with her and abandoned her. She continued to love him and lived in splendid isolation, not allowing anyone to love her. But fate cruelly punished the hero for his mistake; he, too, remained alone: ​​his wife cheated on him, and his son grew up to be a scoundrel. But, despite this, the hero believes that it is too late to correct what he has done, and, having said goodbye to the woman, he leaves.

Thus, a person who is able to realize his own mistakes will never repeat them again.

Effective preparation for the Unified State Exam (all subjects) - start preparing

Updated: 2016-12-06

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Useful material on the topic

All people make many mistakes in life. But not everyone is able to admit their guilt in them and ask for forgiveness from the offended. Is it necessary to repent of shameful actions? It is this problem that V.P. thinks about. Astafiev in the proposed text.

The author recalls one of the mistakes he made as a child. At the same time, the writer says: “The kids were sympathetic to my action...”. But V.P. still has an aftertaste from the childhood incident. Astafieva for life. Witnessing disrespectful attitude spectators to the musicians at a symphony concert, he wants to “ask for forgiveness from the cute conductor,” “apologize for all of us.”

V.P. Astafiev leads readers to the conclusion that all people should be able to repent of their mistakes.

After all, only in this case will each of us be able to prevent their repetition in the future.

I can't help but agree with the author's opinion. Indeed, when a person realizes his guilt in something and asks for forgiveness from those whom he offended, it immediately becomes easier not only for the offended, but also for himself. It is then that discord does not occur between conscience and a person.

How long sometimes people do not realize their guilt before others. It is enough to recall V. Zheleznikov’s story “Scarecrow” to understand this. Lenka Bessoltseva's classmates considered her a traitor, and therefore they allowed themselves to mock this fragile girl. But only when she left the city did the guys realize that it was not Lenka who committed the shameful act, but they.

Let us turn to L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”. Natasha Rostova does not remain faithful to Prince Bolkonsky, accepting signs of attention from Anatoly Kuragin. But the heroine quickly realizes her guilt, feels pangs of conscience for what she did and receives forgiveness from Andrei. This distinguishes her from the Kuragin family, whose members have always been indifferent to everything that happens.

After reading the text, I come to the following conclusion: each of us needs to realize the wrongness of our actions and admit shameful mistakes. Only then will a person be able to live in harmony with himself and with his conscience.

Option 2

Revealing this problem, the author reflects on how important it is to be able to repent of one’s actions. V.P. Afanasyev draws attention to the fact that as a child, he committed a very shameful act. He pulled the plug of the loudspeaker out of the socket in front of the guys, for which for the rest of his life he really repented of the singer who was singing at that moment. The writer also notes that people left the event dissatisfied with indignation and screams. musical performance listeners for whom the author wanted to apologize.

So the writer convinces us that no matter how terrible the act is, it is necessary to correct and repent. Even if a person will not always be forgiven, he will at least not commit such actions again.

It is difficult to disagree with the author’s opinion; first of all, I would like to emphasize the idea that people learn not only from their own mistakes, but also from the mistakes of others. Having repented and let go of the whole situation, you understand all the guilt that has fallen on you.

I am ready to confirm my position with an argument from the literature. In the work of F.M. Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment” after the murder of the old woman Rodion Raskolnikov is tormented by his conscience, an insurmountable barrier with society arises in his mind, all this becomes the main punishment of the hero and only in hard labor, having abandoned his own theory, he repents and takes the path of purification.

Let us turn to the work of A.S. Pushkin " Stationmaster“Dunya Vyrina left her father, and after his death, arriving at his grave, she cried for a long time, repented and regretted what she had done.

In conclusion, I would like to note that repentance helps to cope with various troubles, therefore the ability to admit one’s mistakes is a very important trait for a person.

Option 3

Why do many people today disrespect each other? It is the problem of disrespectful attitude towards others that V.P. Astafiev raises in this text. It has existed for quite a long time, but is still relevant today.

To draw the reader's attention to this issue, the author tells us about an incident that occurred at a musical event. Crimean musicians gave a concert in Essentuki. They wanted the audience to listen to the prepared performance and appreciate their efforts and enormous work, but, unfortunately, no approving actions followed from them. The audience considered the concert boring, uninteresting and, showing disrespect, began to leave it “with indignation, shouting”, “slamming their seats”.

Bright literary example D.I. Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor” can serve as confirmation of my position. Mrs. Prostakova is a rude, cruel, uneducated, ill-mannered woman. She does not respect anyone around her. Her son Mitrofanushka grows up to be the same person as her, he takes the example of his mother.

In A.S. Griboyedov’s work “Woe from Wit,” Famusov is an official for whom only nobility and wealth are important. He only communicates with people highest rank. Famusov treats ordinary peasants with disrespect. He insults and humiliates them in every possible way.

Victor Astafiev. Story "Postscript" *
Among the many shameful acts that I have committed in my life, one is most memorable to me. In the orphanage, there was a loudspeaker hanging in the hallway, and one day a voice was heard from it, unlike anyone else, and for some reason, most likely just because of its dissimilarity, it irritated me.

“Ha, blimba! Yells like a stallion!” - I said and pulled the speaker plug out of the socket. The singer's voice broke. The kids reacted sympathetically to my action, since in childhood I was the most singing and reading person.

...Many years later in Essentuki, in a spacious summer hall, I listened to a symphony concert. All the musicians of the Crimean orchestra, who had seen and experienced in their time, with the glorious, ant-like young conductor Zinaida Tykach, patiently explained to the public what and why they would play, when, by whom and on what occasion this or that musical work was written. They did this, as it were, with an apology for their intrusion into the life of citizens so oversaturated with spiritual values, being treated and just fattening at the resort, and the concert began with Strauss’s dashing overture in order to prepare listeners overtired by culture for the second, more serious part.

But the fabulous Strauss, the fiery Brahms, and the flirtatious Offenbach did not help - already from the middle of the first part of the concert, the listeners, who had crowded into the hall for the musical event only because it was free, began to leave the hall. Yes, if they just left him like that, silently, cautiously - no, they left him with indignations, shouts, abuse, as if they had been deceived in their best lusts and dreams.

The chairs in the concert hall are old, Viennese, with round wooden seats, knocked together in a row, and every citizen, rising from his seat, considered it his duty to slam the seat indignantly.

I sat, huddled in myself, listening to the musicians strain themselves to drown out the noise and swearing in the hall, and I wanted to ask forgiveness for all of us from the dear conductor in a black tailcoat, from the orchestra members, who work so hard and persistently to earn their honest, poor bread. , apologize for all of us and tell how I was as a child...

But life is not a letter; there is no postscript in it. What does it matter that the singer whom I once insulted with the word , her name is the great Nadezhda Obukhova, became my most favorite singer, that I “corrected myself” and cried more than once while listening to her.

She, the singer, will never hear my repentance and will not be able to forgive me. But, already elderly and gray-haired, I shudder from every clap and rattle of a chair in the concert hall. The swear words hit me in the face at the moment when the musicians, with all their strength, capabilities and talent, are trying to convey the suffering of an early-suffered, myopic young man wearing defenseless round glasses.

In his dying symphony, the unfinished song of his aching heart, he has been stretching out his hands into the hall for more than a century and calling out in prayer; “People, help me! Help!.. Well, if you can’t help me, at least help yourself!..”

  • POSTSCRIPTUM, -a, m. (book). A postscript in a letter after the signature, denoted by the letters P. S. [from the Latin post scriptum “after what is written”].

Victor Astafiev.

Story "Postscript"

Of course, an understanding of art is not given to every person, but one must strive for this understanding. Enrich spiritual world , everyone should expand the horizons of their worldview cultured person . And it is very sad for those people who, confining themselves only to the material side of life, do not feel the need for spiritual enrichment. As a result, personality degradation, display of boorish behavior, aggressive attacks. Lack of spirituality can be militant when she furiously denies everything she has no idea about.
