Name is Eileen. Family relationships and marriage

“Whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail” - this saying arose for a reason. A name is powerful about a person. Surely you have noticed that people with the same names are somewhat similar to each other: they have some common habits, something similar in their way of life, sometimes the similarity even manifests itself in appearance. At birth, a person is given a name, and already from childhood, on a subconscious level, the formation of one’s own “I” begins in accordance with its sound. Consider, for example, the female Eileen: the meaning of the name, its origin and characteristic features.

Name meaning, origin

Translated from Turkic, the name Aylin means “moonlight”. The first part of the name "ay" can also be interpreted as "moon" and "inspiration". The Koran says that the name Aileen means "a stream in paradise." The name is common among the Turks, Tatars, and it is also used among the English-speaking population, in particular among the Scots and Irish.

Due to the difference in the pronunciation of Russian names by Europeans, it may well be that Aileen is just one of the pronunciation options for other names, for example, Alina, Elena, Alena, Elina.

Characteristics of the name

So, what does the name Eileen mean? Fidgety, fidgety - these words accurately characterize little Eileen. True, little changes with age - she loves to change places, does not want and does not want to value stability, which often becomes the cause of loneliness. Although loneliness does not bother her at all, she perceives it as the main component of freedom. From birth, the girl is endowed with Eileen - gentle and craves everyone's admiration, but not out of vanity, but out of a desire to teach others a lesson in good behavior.

What can you say about Eileen's character? The meaning of the name suggests that this is a strong and strong-willed personality. She is disciplined and ambitious; if she needs to achieve a certain goal, she will do it. Eileen is kind and generous, she is sensitive and always cares about others. Excessive gullibility can lead to deception, so it is important to always have true, devoted friends nearby.

Career and hobbies

The meaning of names and character are subtly dependent on each other. Eileen is attracted by beauty and harmony in everything, she strives to create a world around herself filled with beauty. Most often, she realizes herself in creative activities: art, music, cinema, if sports - then rhythmic gymnastics, dancing, or In the social field, she will also easily achieve success, because she enjoys contact with people. For Eileen, such concepts as justice and responsibility are important, so she will be able to realize herself in the field of jurisprudence or politics.

Love and compatibility, requirements for a partner in family life

If this girl happens to sincerely fall in love, then this feeling becomes an urgent, sometimes unconscious necessity. What is characteristic of Eileen? The meaning of the name characterizes the girl as a tactful and sensitive person, somewhat thoughtful and not without ingenuity; she will not take rash steps. A girl with this name can be quite demanding of her partner - this happens due to the fact that she respects the feelings of others and demands that she be treated accordingly. If a partner treats her with due attention, the girl will surround him with warmth, tenderness and care.

So who will Eileen be happy with in her family life? The meaning of the name suggests good compatibility when creating a marriage with Yaroslav, Timur, Vladimir, Ivan, Andrey, Leonid, Timofey.

It happens that the owner of this name is overly suspicious, touchy and vulnerable, especially in cases of prolonged absence of a loved one next to her. Then she is visited by a feeling of loneliness and abandonment. The union will be long-lasting and harmonious if she manages to find a person who will appreciate her affection, devotion, warmth and care.

Famous Eileen: name in history

A famous person in the history of world cinema is the talented actress from Los Angeles, Eileen Brennan. She starred in the films "Private Benjamin", "Dinner with a Murder", "The Sting", "Cheap Detective".

It is impossible not to mention another American actress - Eileen Heckart, born in 1919. She won various film awards: Oscar, Golden Globe, Emmy. She starred in such films as “Sudden Love”, “The First Wives Club”, “The Last Betrayal”.

English actress Eileen Atkins has starred in more than 80 films and TV series.

There are representatives of this name in the field of music. Armenian-Lebanese singer Aileen Khachaturian performed songs of various genres: from jazz to rock and traditional national works.

Eileen Edwards, better known as Shania Twain, performs pop and country songs. She is the winner of numerous awards, in addition, she is the only performer whose albums have won the Diamond title three times in a row.

Measure seven times - this is the golden rule of the so-called girl who does nothing rashly. Being delicate, generous and resourceful, she uses these qualities to benefit herself and everyone around her. The desire to surround oneself with friends is dictated not only by altruism and sociability; the meaning of the name Eileen implies the need for advice and support from a more practical person.

When emotions take precedence over common sense, she risks becoming a victim of her own gullibility. At the same time, this female name imparts insight and intuition. The refined nature is not devoid of artistry; most Eileens have pleasant appearance. In her case, beauty is not a tool of vanity, but a means to make the world around her better.

Behind the gentle, refined appearance lies a fairly strong, very disciplined personality who is capable of leading a team if circumstances require it.

The meaning of the name Eileen for a girl promises parents or guardians a minimum of trouble: she simply does not have a craving for all sorts of tricks. Hand her a box with multi-colored buttons and you can go about your business for at least half an hour - the girl, mesmerized by its beauty, will look at and study the treasure that has fallen into her hands. When Eileen gets older, she will certainly become interested in several types of needlework at once.

The meaning of the name Eileen for a child suggests that the girl’s need for privacy and communication with other children and adults is developed approximately equally. Based on this, you should plan a daily routine in which there is room for games with peers and for independent creativity.

The interpretation of the name includes a sea of ​​charm, which someone should certainly appreciate. The little perfectionist sings and dances with pleasure in front of the audience, demonstrates her knowledge and skills, and also maintains exemplary order in her room - this habit continues for life.


For Eileen, romantic relationships with the opposite sex do not primarily mean passion, but mutual respect. This girl is one of those who can fall in love with her mind, not her heart. She herself chooses the ideal partner, who, as a rule, is unable to resist her charm and ability to understand.


After the wedding, the desire to become an ideal family in all respects sometimes means a minus, and not the expected plus. In family life, it would not hurt to remember more often that the ideal is unattainable and allow yourself to relax a little. Over time, the spouse will be able to find a compromise in the domestic sphere, but where relationships are concerned, she will most likely remain adamant: devoting herself entirely to the family, she will also demand complete dedication from her husband.

Business and career

The most suitable specialty or position will be one that offers prospects for growth, both career-wise and professionally. Acting, linguistics, tourism, journalism, sports, design - that is, areas in which talent and erudition mean a lot. These are the ones Eileen should pay attention to when deciding who to be.

Origin of the name Eileen

Researchers attribute British and Muslim origins to the name Eileen. The versions where it came from mention Irish and Scottish sources.

Some experts argue that this is a phonetic variety of Evelyn, Helen and even Alina and Alena.

When figuring out whose name this is, one should also mention the male forms, for example, Alan or the biblical Abel, the etymology refers to the Hebrew version Hevel, which is translated as “breath”.

The secret of the name lies in its Turkic origin from the word “ay”, which has several lexical meanings: “moon” and “inspiration”. The interpretation may indicate Turkish or Tatar origin, or have the beautiful meaning of “moon halo.”

Magnificent actresses, who were called that way at one time, went down in the history of theater and cinema.

Characteristics of Eileen

Analyzing the meaning of naming, one cannot help but recall the character traits with which it partly endows its owner. Its pros and cons often depend on whether emotionality develops into impulsiveness, under the influence of which a usually reasonable girl is capable of an unpredictable act. As a rule, optimism and resourcefulness make it possible to eliminate the undesirable consequences of such suddenness.

The pursuit of the ideal can also play a cruel joke. On the one hand, this character trait helps improve the quality of life, on the other hand, it interferes with enjoying it if the abstract bright future is more important than the real present. In this case, it would be unnecessary for her to cultivate a little pragmatism.

The secret of the name Eileen

  • Stone - emerald, sapphire, peridot, aquamarine, carnelian, beryl.
  • Name days - March 19, May 31, June 3, July 29.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Taurus, Libra.

Famous people named Eileen

  • Eileen Brennan, whose “calling card” was the supporting role of Doreen Lewis in the film “Private Benjamin,” for which she received an Emmy, a Golden Globe and an Oscar.
  • Aylin Tezel is a German actress, winner of prestigious international film festivals.
  • Aylin Mujica Ricard, Cuban actress, known for the American TV series “Aurora” in 2010-2011, “Braveheart” (Corazon Valiente) in 2012, “Les Miserables” (2014).
  • Eileen Atkins, b. 16 June 1934) - English actress and screenwriter, Dame of the Order of the British Empire. She is widely known to London and New York theatergoers.
  • Eileen Essell is an Oxford theater actress. After finishing her acting career, she began teaching drama.
  • American actress Eileen Ryan can be called the ancestor of a family acting dynasty - her son is the famous Sean Penn.

Eileen in different languages

The translation of the name Eileen has various meanings. “Moonlight”, “soaring in the sky”, “inspired” - this is how Eileen is translated from different languages ​​of the world. Find out how it is written in Eastern languages: in Chinese 常变形为 Eilian、and in Japanese 张爱玲.

Forms of the name Eileen

  • Full name: Eileen.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Eileen, Elena, Evelyn, Evelina, Elina, Alana, Alina, Alena.
  • Declension of a name - the original form is not subject to declension, diminutive and derivative variants are declined according to the rules of the Russian language.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Julia, Elena.

The sophisticated female name Eileen is common in both the East and the West. It gained the greatest popularity among representatives of Turkish and Tatar families. Girls named by this name can also be found in Europe. Most of them live in Ireland and Scotland.

Experts have differing opinions about the origin of the girl's name Eileen. Trying to clarify this issue, researchers put forward several versions at once. According to one of them, this name is . Translated into Russian it means “inspiration” or “moon”. According to the second version, the meaning of the girl’s name Eileen corresponds to the concept of “sunny”, and the name itself is the Irish form of the ancient German Helen.

Interpretation of the girl's name Eileen

Influenced meaning of the name Eileen The girl is growing up as a very restless and restless child. She loves active games and cannot stand the monotony of life. The inexhaustible energy of this child named Eileen pushes her to a variety of adventures and adventures. From early childhood, the girl shows a desperate desire for independence. She gladly accepts advice from other people, but she rarely listens to them, preferring to always act at her own discretion.

Over time, the character of a girl named Eileen practically does not change. In adulthood, a woman’s behavior remains as unpredictable and arrogant as in virginity. This woman named Eileen demonstrates a desperate desire to understand the world around her. She loves traveling very much and tries to constantly change her life in search of new vivid impressions.

The meaning of the name Eileen makes a woman a rather ambitious and vain person. This girl loves to be the center of attention, arousing sympathy and admiration from those around her. This circumstance does not prevent her from demonstrating great generosity and sensitivity, caring about other people and readily responding to calls for help.

A girl with the female name Eileen most often connects her professional destiny with creative activity. In addition, she can achieve significant success as a politician, lawyer, athlete or journalist.

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Characteristics of the female name Eileen

  1. The female name Eileen is highly compatible with the male names Kamil, Rustam, Marat, Arthur, Timur, Vladimir, Andrey and Timofey. This circumstance serves as a prerequisite for stable and harmonious relationships. As for Eileen’s union with men named Ramil, Jamal, Murat and Victor, it may turn out to be too fragile and short-lived.
  2. Analysis of the meaning of the name Eileen according to the horoscope allows us to say that this name is most suitable for such zodiac signs as Libra and Taurus and much less suitable for Cancer and Pisces.
  3. Different countries use different derivative forms of the female name Eileen. The most popular of them are Eileen, Alana, Elina, Elline, Alini, Alin, Alena, etc.

Female name Eileen It is quite difficult to interpret, since it has not only several versions of origin, but also several pronunciation options, which makes it difficult to identify one form or another, and therefore the meaning.

Origin and meaning of the name Eileen

The name has Turkic roots: the “ay” part can have two interpretations - “moon” and “inspiration”, the second is interpreted as “light”.

The name is also used among Europeans, and in this case it may be a variant of the names Evelyn, Eileen, Helen, Helen, Elena.

It is possible that the female name Eileen has common roots with the male name Alan.

And finally, the Russian names Alena and Alina often sound like this in English-speaking countries.

The name is not Christian, so name days are not celebrated. It is considered Muslim and most often this is the name given to girls of Tatar or Kazakh nationality, and is more common in Islam.


Common name options: Eileen, Elena, Evelyn, Evelina, Elina, Alana, Alina, Alena.

Diminutive names: Ailynka, Ailina, Lina, Linka, Ailinchik, Ailinochka, Ailinushka, Ailinonka, Linochka, Linushka, Linonka.

The artistry of your nature implies a certain pretentiousness in clothing. You like to decorate yourself. To do this, you use jewelry, unusual, eye-catching accessories, and all kinds of stylistic delights. Well, this is quite consistent with your friendly, open character.

It is only important to observe moderation and not go to extremes, since the border between brightness and vulgarity is quite ephemeral.


Measure seven times - this is the golden rule of the so-called girl who does nothing rashly. Being delicate, generous and resourceful, she uses these qualities to benefit herself and everyone around her.

The desire to surround oneself with friends is dictated not only by altruism and sociability, but Eileen simply expresses the need for advice and support from a more practical person.

When emotions take precedence over common sense, she risks becoming a victim of her own gullibility. At the same time, this female name endows its owner with insight and intuition.

The refined nature is not devoid of artistry; most Eileens have pleasant appearance. In her case, beauty is not a tool of vanity, but a means to make the world around her better.

Behind the gentle, refined appearance lies a fairly strong, very disciplined personality who is capable of leading a team if circumstances require it.

A girl named Eileen promises her parents or guardians a minimum of hassle: she simply has no desire for all sorts of tricks.

Hand her a box with multi-colored buttons and you can go about your business for at least half an hour - the girl, mesmerized by its beauty, will look at and study the treasure that has fallen into her hands.

When Eileen gets older, she will certainly become interested in several types of needlework at once.

The girl's need for privacy and communication with other children and adults is developed approximately equally. Based on this, you should plan a daily routine in which there is room for games with peers and for independent creativity.

Eileen has a sea of ​​charm that someone should definitely appreciate. The little perfectionist sings and dances with pleasure in front of the audience, demonstrates her knowledge and skills, and also maintains exemplary order in her room - this habit remains for life.

Success in studies and sports

Eileen is a good student, in which her curiosity plays a significant role. The student easily masters new disciplines, but not all school subjects are given equally easily to her.

She is more inclined towards the humanities, and in general prefers creative areas of activity. Eileen usually finds hobbies outside of school.

We can say that this girl is a creatively gifted child. If she puts in enough effort in this direction, she will be able to achieve very serious success.

For Eileen, romantic relationships with the opposite sex do not primarily mean passion, but mutual respect.

This girl is one of those who can fall in love with her mind, not her heart. She herself chooses the ideal partner, who, as a rule, is unable to resist her charm and ability to understand.

After the wedding, the desire to become an ideal family in all respects sometimes means a minus, and not the expected plus. In family life, it would not hurt to remember more often that the ideal is unattainable and allow yourself to relax a little.

Over time, the spouse will be able to find a compromise in the domestic sphere, but where relationships are concerned, she will most likely remain adamant: devoting herself entirely to the family, she will also demand complete dedication from her husband.

Compatibility of the name Ailina, manifestation in love

Ailina, your characteristic qualities are charm, romanticism and the ability to express your feelings in forms that can’t help but cause a response.

The state of being in love gives you a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. Your gift for finding beauty in every prospective partner is amazing and delightful.

However, as soon as the relationship loses the charm of novelty, becomes ordinary and obligatory, your interest in us quickly fades away. But although you often tolerate the breakup easily, the memories of it remain quite painful for you for a long time, since you like to go through and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.


You are gifted with a bright personality, and all your spiritual aspirations are aimed at realizing your existing abilities in one way or another. This desire often determines your choice.

But there are many abilities, and they are very diverse. Accordingly, there may be several ways to implement them. Therefore, quite often you find yourself having to give up one opportunity in favor of another.

It’s good if you have the prudence to focus on a specific goal and direct all your efforts towards achieving it. It’s bad if you are trying to “chase two birds with one stone”, not wanting to sacrifice even small chances of success.

In this case, you risk wasting all your spiritual potential, “spraying” it, letting it go to waste. And - to be left with nothing.

You should trust your heart more. He doesn’t care about external shine, all the tinsel that usually decorates the life of artistic people. Therefore, it is precisely this that will tell you the only right decision at the right moment. Try to “hear” him.

There are no impossible tasks for her in her work. She implements the most complex projects and knows how to negotiate with colleagues and clients.

Her career advancement is possible thanks to her attentiveness and professional skills. Relations with colleagues are smooth, but true friendship is unlikely.

Willingly participates in corporate events and public life, showing off his talents. From the variety of fields of activity, he is more likely to choose law, journalism, politics, where he can obtain leadership positions due to his innate leadership qualities and assertiveness. Discipline has been evident in her since childhood.

Girls named Eileen love to travel to exotic places and they also enjoy learning about foreign cultures and languages.

Working in a responsible position, they need relief and impressions. Extreme sports, dancing and other similar hobbies are suitable for this, with the help of which you can relax and relieve stress.

The most suitable specialty or position will be one that offers prospects for growth, both career-wise and professionally:

  • acting art,
  • linguistics,
  • tourism,
  • journalism,
  • sport,
  • design

In other words, these are areas in which talent and erudition matter a lot. These are the ones Eileen should pay attention to when deciding who to be.


Eileen’s health can be called average, as is her vitality. She doesn’t get sick often, but she has a hard time dealing with the painful condition.

He never understands his peers who want to get sick just to stay out of school. If Eileen plays sports, her vitality will noticeably increase, but still it will not become particularly high.

The meaning of the letters in the name Eileen

A- activity, selfishness, ambition, impulsiveness, creative inclinations, sincerity.
Y- emotionality, kindness, uncertainty, independence, secrecy, asceticism.
L- sociability, talkativeness, balance, intelligence, creative inclinations, hard work.
AND- emotionality, kindness, intelligence, creative inclinations, uncertainty, pessimism.
N- sociability, talkativeness, creative inclinations, pessimism, hard work, conflict.

Name number 5 indicates spiritual freedom and independence of action. They value acquired and accumulated experience more than outside advice.

Most of all they love travel and adventure, which is what their mental restlessness pushes them towards. Symbolizes an enthusiastic nature, loving adventure and risky activities, prone to everything unusual. How effective this energy is when it is directed to everyday work!

Often the number 5 also indicates a philosophical way of thinking, sometimes it indicates happy accidents with unpredictable consequences. They quickly and easily learn foreign languages ​​and traditions of other peoples.

Often their actions and behavior are completely sudden and unexpected, with unpredictable consequences. Despite all the difficulties, they come out unscathed. In many ways, their resourcefulness and wit, their cheerfulness, help them in life.

The love of frequent changes prevents them from appreciating the present and seeing real prospects. They are always focused only forward and do not see what is at hand.

How to choose a name for a girl according to the horoscope

  • Zodiac: Pisces.
  • Patron Planet: Jupiter

The mystery of the name

Eileen's secret is her consumerist attitude towards many of her acquaintances. She does not hesitate to use people, although she does it very carefully.

She manipulates people so skillfully that they are even happy about it. At the same time, she herself does not like to help her comrades, she has few real friends, and those who mistakenly consider themselves such may subsequently be very disappointed.


  • The stone is carnelian.
  • Color - sea wave.
  • The plant is mimosa.
  • The totem animal is the pelican. Read more:

Famous people with this name

  • Eileen Brennan is an actress who became famous for her role as Doreen Lewis in the film Private Benjamin, for which she received an Emmy, a Golden Globe and an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress.
  • Eileen is a pseudonym, real name is Pilar Jimenez Garcia; Spanish singer, vocalist of the gothic metal band Sirenia.
  • Eileen Heckart is an American actress, winner of the Oscar (1973), Golden Globe (1957), Emmy (1994), Tony (2000) awards.
  • Aileen Khachaturian is an Armenian-Lebanese singer, performer of songs in various genres - from jazz and rock to folk and traditional folk songs, winner of the Armenian Music Awards in the “Best Rock Album” category.
  • Eileen Chaiken is an American screenwriter and producer, winner of the 2008 GLAAD Media Awards.

Residents of Turkey often call girls by the name Aylin. It is believed that it came from antiquity and is associated with the Turkic peoples. There are other hypotheses about European and Israeli origins. He is sometimes confused with Ailina. They have a lot in common, but the second is a derivative of the first and refers to the words of the same nationality.

In Arab countries, the name Aileen is found frequently and means “lunar halo” according to one interpretation. In other variations it is interpreted as a combination of the moon and inspiration or light. In Turkey, it is customary to name a child, taking into account the time of birth and circumstances. To carry out the baptism ceremony according to Orthodox customs, the parishioner is named Elena. The Arabs adopted many words from the Turks and named their children after the great foreigners.

The Scots and Irish also claim to be the original source. There, the name Eileen means changed or Helen - “fire”, and the Europeans added their own meaning - “blond beauty”.

And what does the name Eileen mean among the Israelis? Strong and kind-hearted- this is the interpretation of the Jewish people. Some explain its origin in this vein with the male name Abel.

The unconventional meaning of the name Eileen can be found in the Elvish dictionary. Available sources write about “lake”, “puddle”. Such dictionaries are compiled by fans of Tolkien and his works.


Girls named Eileen are energetic and inquisitive. As children, they explore the world at a rapid pace, and there are no problems with their studies. Along with an insatiable desire for accomplishment, they have determination and amazing perseverance. For them, the best activity will be a game with many small details, which requires painstaking work and increased attention.

For Eileen, the meaning of the name at the stage of growing up turns out to be prophetic. Inspiration does not leave its owners and accompanies them in all matters. They make talented needlewomen and creative individuals. However, the strong-willed qualities of the “lunar halo,” which means the name Eileen, make it possible to achieve authority in the team without making much effort. Such a student masters foreign languages ​​from the first lessons.

Independence is an important character trait of all women named Eileen. They build relationships with complete dedication, but do not open up to everyone they meet. Solitude makes it possible to maintain composure and direct energy towards achieving your goals. With age, character becomes stronger, but principles and life positions do not change.

Family relationships and marriage

Any girl named Eileen needs reciprocity, which she always tries to achieve. She creates the best conditions for her loved one, sometimes exhausting herself and sacrificing her own plans. Internal self-confidence and perseverance help her realize her plans. Her weak point is excessive sensitivity, which her ill-wishers can take advantage of.

Life for a married woman named Eileen is always a joy. Her chosen one can hope for a clean home and delicious home-cooked food. She chooses a reliable man as a partner, guided by logic and pragmatism. Despite the small number of truly close people, Eileen will not refuse to help relatives and those in need.

Career and personal growth

There are no impossible tasks in work for a person named Eileen. She implements the most complex projects and knows how to negotiate with colleagues and clients. Her career advancement is possible thanks to her attentiveness and professional skills. Relations with colleagues are smooth, but true friendship is unlikely. Willingly participates in corporate events and public life, showing off his talents. From the variety of fields of activity, he is more likely to choose law, journalism, politics, where he can obtain leadership positions due to his innate leadership qualities and assertiveness. Discipline has been evident in her since childhood.

Girls named Eileen love to travel to exotic places. They also enjoy learning about other cultures and languages. Working in a responsible position, they need relief and impressions. Extreme sports, dancing and other similar hobbies are suitable for this, with the help of which you can relax and relieve stress.

Famous personalities from different countries

Success for actress Eileen Heckart came from her roles in the films “Butterflies Are Free,” “The First Wives Club,” and “Sudden Love.” For these works, Heckart received more than one award from famous film awards and recognition from venerable artists. Lived and worked in the USA.

A fighter for women's equality, Aylin Aslym has embarked on the path of success as a performer. Aslym was born in Germany, but her ancestors came from Turkey. As a teenager, she left with her parents for their homeland, where she continued to study vocals, and now performs successfully.

Eileen Collins showed all skeptics that the weaker sex can control space missions and ships. She took part in three expeditions and aroused respect among male astronauts.

The name Eileen was given to a girl with the surname Bernen, who in the future will become an Emmy and Oscar winner. She can be seen in the films “Divorce, American Style” and “Cheap Detective.”

Children's performer Eileen McDogo was a favorite of many viewers. Her life was spent in the United States.

In Spain, the songs of singer Eileen were popular among rock musicians and their fans. She preferred the Gothic style in her work. He continues to work today, inspiring fans with his brilliant performances.

Aileen Zhang devoted herself to writing dozens of romantic and melodramatic stories. Often, books by her were used as scripts by American and Chinese directors. At the same time, she was engaged in translations of personal works into her native language.