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Why do you need to learn Russian? (Essay-reasoning)

Russian language is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world. She belongs to the number eight international languages. This means that people different nationalities communicate with each other in Russian.
I study in Russian speaking school. All subjects are taught in Russian. All my relatives, friends and acquaintances speak Russian. I think in Russian. This means this language is my native language.
Of course, the more languages ​​a person knows, the more cultured and developed she is. However, knowing the language in which you communicate and think is simply necessary! That's why I want to study Russian further.
I also think it is very important to have a good command of the Russian language because great works have been created in this language. Pushkin and Gogol, Tolstoy and Chekhov, Blok and Yesenin wrote in Russian.
My grandfather was a Russian language teacher. He spoke beautifully and wrote competently. I want to be like my grandfather. And for this I also need to know the Russian language very well and study it.

Why do you need to learn Russian? Not only foreigners who are starting to learn the Russian language are puzzled by this question. Some Russians are also perplexed why they need to know the complex rules of grammar, why learn to put accents correctly, when they can do without it.

Quite weighty arguments can be made in defense of the Russian language. For a foreigner, the main reasons for learning the Russian language will be five main factors:

1. It is the Russian language that, in addition to French and English, is one of the three world languages ​​in which all existing international standards can be read.

2. Russian language is one of the most melodic and beautiful spoken languages in the world.

3. Knowledge of the Russian language makes it possible to read scientific treatises of great Russian scientists and works of literary classics in the original.

4. Russian is spoken in Russia, a country that is larger in area than any other country on the globe.

5. For foreigners, a serious argument will be that the Russian language, along with English, is used for communication on the international space station.

A foreigner who begins to study Russian should be warned in advance about the complexity of the language. What seems normal for any Russian speaker who has been listening to this language since the cradle presents a serious difficulty for foreigners. Russian has many more rules to learn than English or German.

But the most surprising thing is that it is sometimes more difficult to convince a person living in Russia and being a native speaker than a foreigner that the Russian language needs to be studied and known. Many Russians, instead of beautiful Russian speech, are content with an unintelligible mixture of vulgarisms and interjections interspersed with slang words and unacceptable figures of speech.

To convince such a person, you should let him hear his own speech, having first recorded it on a voice recorder. It is necessary to provide a person with the opportunity not only to listen to his own awkward chatter, but also to compare it with the speech of a professional reader or actor. To do this, just play the recording of the reading classic story or poems. Perhaps, having caught a clear difference, a person will understand how much he needs deep study native language.

Many explain the uselessness of literacy by the presence of spell check functions in computer programs. Like, the computer will check everything itself. Of course, text editors and browsers do this check. But their databases do not include all words of the Russian language, which can often cause considerable problems.

And on mobile phones Usually there are no such functions at all. And today many people go online and communicate using mobile communications. Thus, the T9 system simply does not recognize an incorrectly entered word. Therefore, it will be very difficult for an illiterate person to write a text using such a technique.

The conclusion is that in the age of computerization, being literate is just as important as before. If an illiterate person has a question about publishing his articles somewhere, he is unlikely to find a publishing house that would like to correct his countless mistakes - or he will have to pay a lot of money for such a service. Sometimes it is easier for an editor to refuse such an author.

So, maybe it’s worth learning the rules of your native language so as not to complicate life for yourself or others?