How to learn club dancing at home. Learning to dance modern dances at home - video lessons

A large number of people want to know the answer to the question: how to learn to dance at home modern dance? After all, not everyone can visit different dance sections in order to train under the guidance experienced teachers. But many people have a dream - to become a dance floor star. And if you don’t have the money or time to visit specialized studios, then nowadays you can learn this at home.

It doesn’t matter what style of dance you prefer, it is important that it is in harmony with musical preferences and you liked it.

At the same time, modern dancing is an ideal way to take care of yourself, as it helps to get rid of excess weight.

You won't get the skills of professionals at home, but it is quite possible to improve your skills so that you can feel confident at any party.
And besides, it is better to start learning with modern dances, since they are well accepted by the current generation. But don't forget about the classics.

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Sensuality, flexibility and plasticity - this is what attracts the attention of men, making women seductive and irresistible. Therefore, most women want to learn this dance of liberation. Special technique staging movements hides flaws and emphasizes the strengths of the figure, increases self-esteem and teaches you to move beautifully. At the same time, for many it is enough to learn only basic movements:

  • Seductive sitting on a chair
  • Graceful squats with a sexy stand-up
  • Seductive hip rotations
  • Flexible and slow tilts

To improve your striptease skills, you should check out this video lesson

Go go

Enjoying the rhythm, improvisation, freedom and emancipation - this is the essence of Go Go dance. The main thing for you is to learn to move well to almost any music. After all, this dance direction combines all kinds of movements from a variety of styles:

  • Hip-hop
  • Brakedance
  • Tectonic
  • Strip of plastic
  • Latina

Therefore, first, you need to learn the basic movements of other styles, and only then move on to Go Go. And you can feel the character and mood of this dance by watching this video

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This style is whole dance culture, energetic and self-sufficient. It is preferred by creative and freedom-loving young girls and boys. There are no active arm movements or sudden jumps, but it is important to work well with your legs and body. Hip-hop technique consists of the following movements:

  • Power elements that require good physical training and endurance
  • Half-bent legs and body, which gives the impression that you are relaxed
  • Soft turns and jumps

It is quite possible to learn all this at home. In addition, the training is quite interesting. And to make it more effective, you can watch these video lessons


This is a dynamic extreme dance style that is part of hip-hop culture. There are 2 types of break dancing: lower and upper. To learn how to dance this style at home, every dancer must have considerable physical training, endurance and virtuoso abilities. TO basic elements include:

  • up rock or top – regrouping of the legs before starting the lower movements
  • footwork - so-called races, foot movements
  • freeze – while performing some elements, the body position is recorded
  • power moves or spining - various twisting elements and ligaments that connect them: rotations on the hands, rotations on the head, jumps on the hands, and so on

You can see the amazing ingenuity with which the dancers perform various power movements, friezes and footwork in these video lessons


Those who dream of learning how to dance tectonics at home must wear a certain style of clothing and become involved in the culture. Movements in tectonics include elements of the following styles: techno, rave, break dance, hip-hop. Tectonic can ensure success at almost all parties. The dancer can improvise using different pieces in any order. The main thing is to follow the basic principles:

  • Add movement of the feet and knees
  • Rhythmically engage your hips along with your arm movements.
  • But put the main emphasis on your hands

Ideally, the performer needs to move to the rhythm of the music. To better understand each movement and then combine them, you need to watch video tutorials

Drum and bass (drum step)

Now everything in clubs is becoming more people who dance to Drum And Bass. And that's why dance studios include this style of dance in their programs. There are several substyles of this dance: x-outing, Hungarian, hardstep, old school. All other substyles are formed from the last one. In essence, drum and bass is a complete improvisation; there are no clearly defined movements in it. Therefore, in order to learn how to dance in the Drum And Bass style, it is enough to study the supporting elements:

  • Elements of turns and torsion at high speed
  • Heel turns done on the floor, and also, for real professionals, turns in the air
  • Crossing and alternate leg swings
  • Alternate foot placement - toe-heel

You can get a complete understanding of the technique of drum step or drum and bass movements by watching these training videos

For people who are seriously interested in learning how to dance in a club, it's hard not to be jealous. The search for an answer to a question is strong evidence of free time, which they spend a lot of fun.

At the core good dance lies musical composition. In any city great amount night clubs. Pop music is heard in them occasionally, in the first place is Electonic music. Many people don't know how to move their body when electronic music is playing. They sit at a table and drink liquor, waiting for the right motive.

There are two ways to solve the problem. The first involves changing your own attitude towards the music played in clubs. The second suggests finding a night establishment where the DJ works taking into account the wishes of the crowd.

Modern club youth, despite loyalty to popular musical styles, enthusiastically welcomes retro sets and cleverly remade pop music.

DJs strive to satisfy the wishes of young people, and administrators are worried about the attendance of establishments. Find night club with suitable music, it's easy. But another question arises - “how to dance to it”?

Step-by-step action plan

  • Start by getting to know popular club music. Download a few songs and listen for a few days. The player will help. Accompany your audition with dancing. Let it sound when you work or communicate.
  • You will have several favorite works and decide own direction. If you want to move while the music is playing, do it for fun. You can't force yourself.
  • Then move on to more active actions. Visit a nightclub and take a close look at the dance floor. Surely, there will be a dancer whose movements you will like. It will remain unnoticed to adopt them.
  • After such a “soray”, take the time Special attention homework. At home, carefully work out the movements borrowed from experienced dancer. Try to improvise, because the character and atmosphere of the dance depend on the DJ and the dancers.
  • Over time, you will learn to dance well. If this doesn’t seem enough, enroll in a dance school and take your skills to the next level.

You will achieve great success in the club, if you loosen up and feel how to manage own body. Sometimes a person is not given the opportunity to become a dancer. I think there are only a few of them. Almost every nightclub lover can conquer the pinnacle of club dancing.

Many guys want to learn how to dance cool in clubs because they don’t want to look ridiculous in front of their friends. Even people who occasionally go to nightclubs dance well if they follow the rules.

Club dances are varied, it’s not difficult to choose suitable style, which will allow you to look decent on the dance floor.

You can bring originality and uniqueness to your style by successfully combining elements of various dances.

Professional dance schools

  1. Lessons in the direction you choose yourself will teach you how to dance, introduce you to people, help you lose a few kilograms, improve your physical health and have fun.
  2. Constant training will teach you to relax, make your movements free and relaxed. If there was stiffness and embarrassment, such ballast will pass.
  3. Choose your school carefully. If you like a certain option, be sure to attend a free lesson and look around dance hall and chat with teachers.
  4. You won't be able to dance professionally right away. To prepare for dancing at a disco you will need no more than ten lessons. Just repeat the movements you learned in class at home.

Workouts for guys at home

  1. If you don’t have time for dance school, practice at home. In terms of effectiveness, homeschooling is slightly worse. The main thing is the desire to learn dancing.
  2. You can find it on the Internet wide choose educational videos, watching which you will learn secrets professional dancers.
  3. During home workouts, constantly look at yourself in the mirror to control your movements and make them perfect. Home training alone is not enough; constant practice on a real site will be required.

Lesson for Beginners

How a guy should behave in a club

  1. If you find yourself in a club, try to relax. Don't think that the dance will be unfashionable. Release your emotions and have fun. You will be able to move beautifully if your movements are relaxed and confident.
  2. On the dance floor, listen to the rhythm. Strive to make sure your movements match it. Improvise. If you constantly dance according to a pattern, it will quickly get boring.
  3. Only a person with a flexible body and excellent plasticity can dance beautifully. Stay fit by playing sports and exercising.

By using simple recommendations Any guy can quickly learn to dance. If you manage to put your soul into the dance, the fair sex will definitely shower you with admiring glances. Beautiful dance will help you get to know your body better and get to know inner world.

Club dances are amazing in variety. They help girls establish contact with guys, which often leads to the start of romantic relationships. Some fashionistas use dancing to try to stand out from the crowd, moving attractively and gracefully.

Let's imagine that you find yourself in a beautiful nightclub. You are sitting at a table, drinking tequila, and your favorite musical composition starts playing. Under the influence of unknown forces, you slowly rise and move towards the dance floor. What's next?

  • Listen carefully to the rhythm. If you manage to penetrate them, the dance will turn out elegant and graceful. A person who is out of rhythm brings disharmony to the court.
  • Get rid of your insecurities and relax. Uninhibited movements look beautiful. While dancing, have fun without filling your head with thoughts.
  • The first movements are always slow. During the first beat, do not swing your arms, such movements are very tiring. Towards the middle dance program you will get tired.
  • While dancing, it is not recommended to shoot your eyes around. Use this weapon carefully in nightclubs.
  • Don't copy the movements of other dancers. Dare to improvise, make your movements original and unique.

Let me add that only girls with flexibility and flexibility can move beautifully. plastic body. If everyday life not very active, at work I have to sit at a desk for hours, the body’s reaction to going to a club can be unpredictable. It's easy to avoid this. Do it daily morning exercises and stick to healthy image life.

Video lesson for beginners

Based on personal experience, I note that girls behave more relaxed and free on the dance floor. Sometimes there are shy people. If you are one of them, enroll in a dance school. By attending classes under the guidance of a teacher, you will get rid of complexes and free your body.

The benefits of dancing

Any girl wants her leisure time to be eventful, interesting and useful. Many representatives of the fair sex attend dance school. Very good, because this is the key to good physical and psychological health.

According to doctors, dancing should be practiced regardless of profession, age and gender. Movements tone blood vessels, muscles and joints, which has a positive effect on well-being. Scientists have proven that people who regularly attend dance classes or dancing houses, have strong immunity and stable metabolism.

Dancing classes help eliminate problems associated with the spine. Your posture becomes perfectly straight. If you are interested,

Each modern girl dreams of learning how to move beautifully. Dance is one of the ways of self-expression, an elegant and unique language of communication with others, an opportunity to demonstrate the attractiveness of your forms and simply have a pleasant time in a bright and cheerful company.

In order to become a dance floor star, it is not at all necessary to delve into the complex canons and rules of choreography as an art. It is enough to master several techniques of modern club dances, allow your body to relax and get rid of insecurity.

Where can I learn the basics of modern dance? There are two solutions this issue. The first is to go to a specialized center or fitness club. The second is to take advantage limitless possibilities Internet and take lessons from the world's leading dancers and even show business stars.

Many domestic and foreign resources offer dance courses. In order to start any training program you like, you don’t have to be proficient foreign language, because the language of movements is understandable to absolutely everyone. The main thing is to carefully observe the trainer and repeat the movements after him.

To remove all doubts about dance video lessons on the Internet, let's go over the advantages and disadvantages of this method.

Learning to dance without leaving home: advantages

Let's start with the positive aspects of teaching modern dance at home.

Save timeThere is no need to waste time on the road (after all, there may not be any nearby dance studio), subordinate the usual daily schedule to the task at hand, sacrifice others for it important events. You can study at home at any convenient time, be it morning, afternoon or late evening
Saving financesLearning to dance in a club is not a cheap pleasure, and you also need to add travel expenses. Home “self-education” will allow you to save money for other pleasant purchases
Psychological comfortNot all girls are naturally gifted with the ability to move beautifully and smoothly. Some people have to work hard to achieve their goal. The presence of other group members can be embarrassing and prevent full relaxation and self-disclosure. And these are very important components of success in mastering dance. Alone with yourself, you can experiment with your own body as much as you like, learning the basics of dance and then honing the acquired skills

Home dance training: cons

As in any business, in teaching modern dances within the walls own home, there are also disadvantages. However, they are not so great as to become a serious obstacle to the implementation of the plan.

Lack of spaceFor dancing you will need a free space of at least two by two meters. If the room is too small, dedicating even a small area for active movement can be a problem. However, the advantage of club dances is that they have many modifications. Many of them allow you to move beautifully and rhythmically practically while standing in one place.
Lack of mirrorsThe process of learning to dance is more effective if you look at your reflection in the mirror. However, this nuance will not become an obstacle if you have an ardent desire and firm confidence in your intentions. The learning process can be divided into two parts - first, repeat the movements of the virtual teacher, looking at the monitor or TV screen, and then practice the acquired skills in front of a mirror in the place where there is one in the apartment
Lack of a critical view from the outsideClasses without a teacher are fraught with mistakes that no one will point out. Therefore, you need to prepare to spend more time on self-study. On the other hand, complete freedom of action and personal pace of mastering movements will allow you to feel the dance from the inside and get used to the process with all the cells of the body

Where to begin

So, if the decision in favor of teaching modern dance at home has been made, you need to determine the sequence of actions.

  1. Find dance lessons online. At first glance, this task will seem simple, because for the request “Modern dance lessons”, the search engine will offer dozens of thematic resources. In fact, you can spend several hours and even days until you find the course that you need. The criterion by which you can understand this is sympathy for everything that you see and hear in these video lessons. The voice and manner of presenting information of the presenter, his appearance, ability to move, musical accompaniment, image and sound quality, environment the studio from which the recording is being made - all this should inspire confidence and respect in you. As long as you have doubts about the correct choice, continue your search. Your personal success in mastering dance skills directly depends on your willingness to perceive information with ease and pleasure.
  2. Define a clear schedule. Maintaining discipline is not an easy, but very important point in homeschooling. “Pull yourself together” and go to the training center, even in the absence of inspiration, is much easier if you have paid money for a subscription and asked specific framework training regimen. When learning on your own, you will have to train your willpower at the same time. Postponement individual lessons for later, skipping scheduled lessons without a good reason is unlikely to lead to success.
  3. Buy a uniform for classes. It is a mistake to believe that when dancing in home environment, you can do without special clothing and shoes. In fact, dance “equipment” plays a huge role in moving towards success. Firstly, the “right” appearance sets the tone for the lesson and creates a certain mood. Secondly, dancewear perfectly emphasizes the figure and gives the girl an elegant look, which, in turn, has a positive effect on self-esteem and makes her move forward. However, it is not at all necessary to immediately buy a dance uniform. To begin with, you can get by with sports leggings and a T-shirt, but it is important that the clothes are beautiful and fit well on your figure. Stretched sweatpants and slippers certainly won’t inspire the look of a dance floor star. But as for shoes, it’s better to wear low-rise shoes from the very beginning. stable heels. In this way, the legs and body will get used to dance moves in the shoes that are usually used in the club dress code.

After the necessary preparations, you can safely begin to master seductive and bewitching movements.

What else should you pay attention to?

Dancing is not only about technically correct body movements. it's the same radiant smile, sparkle in the eyes, general charm and charm. Therefore, before each home lesson, you should set yourself in the right mood. If you are not in the mood or are overcome by laziness, you can listen to your favorite music or spontaneously move to fiery rhythms.

Practicing looks and smiles in front of a mirror, reading articles on the rules of coquetry, communication, and the secrets of seduction are encouraged. Also, do not forget about the gait and royal posture. Besides dance lessons You can perform exercises to straighten the spine and stretch the back muscles, the ability to stand beautifully, and hold your head correctly.

Drawing conclusions, it remains to add that to master the art of modern dance, heavy sacrifices and hardships are not at all necessary. But patience, hard work, systematicity and discipline in this noble cause will not be superfluous.

After some time of hard work, every girl will be able to not only have fun in a whirlwind of bright club life, but to catch the admiring glances of others and be one hundred percent confident in your own irresistibility. And all this thanks to the ability to dance!

Video – Dance hall

Video - Nightclub combination for girls

Video - How to Learn Twerking

Video - G0-G0

Video - How to learn to dance beautifully in a club

Who among us has not felt at least secret admiration when looking at people who know how to dance well? For some people, such a sight also evokes a feeling of joy and inspiration, because a beautiful and well-executed dance is a real art. And some people, after seeing it, decide that they will definitely take up dancing. But how do you learn to dance? What should you do and where to start?

The purpose of training

If you're interested in learning how to dance just so you don't have to stand in the corner at a party, you don't have to sign up for a dance school. All you need is to learn how to listen to music correctly, relax and move to the rhythm. The Internet is full of videos with which you can learn a couple of simple club movements, and even more, which will allow you to feel comfortable at discos.

But if you want to learn how to dance a specific style, then you will have to seriously try.

How to choose a dance style

If you don't have it in your head specific style, which you are planning to learn, then think: perhaps you like classic motifs combined with innovative ideas? Then choose the jazz-modern style. You are fascinated by the culture of American ghettos - dance one of the styles of hip-hop. If you like classic graceful movements, learn ballroom dancing.

You can think about what kind of songs you like. This way, you will sooner decide what kind of music, and therefore what style, you will like to dance to the most.

Search for videos of a variety of dances on the Internet and try to understand the basics of the different styles. Perhaps not every type of dance will suit you. Some styles require a certain amount of physical stamina, such as breakdancing. People with bad knees or other health problems, unfortunately, may also find themselves limited in their choice of dance options.

Learning from professionals

If you decide to study with a teacher, then first you need to choose a school or dance studio where they can teach you exactly the style that you have chosen.

Classes in dance school discipline, and the teacher will immediately give you an idea of ​​how the training will proceed, what stages await you and what you will do, and will provide timely assistance in correcting mistakes that you will certainly make at first.

The competitive spirit among newcomers to dance school encourages them to work harder, and dancing with other students is much more fun than dancing alone at home.

Let's dance at home

If you don’t have the opportunity to take dance courses or study with a teacher, but you still have a desire to dance, then don’t despair - you can learn dancing at home. But if you study on your own, you will have to put a lot more effort into your studies.

Where to begin

To practice dancing, you need to acquire the appropriate equipment - comfortable shoes and clothing. This could be sneakers, a T-shirt and leggings. But depending on the dance you are learning, the style of clothing may also change: for hip-hop classes, for example, wide sweatpants are suitable, and for classical dances need special shoes

It may happen that before taking dance classes you will have to improve your ear for music. At first you will dance to the count, but then you will have to navigate the music and coordinate movements on your own, and therefore the ability to correctly hear the music and rhythm will come in handy.

Dance warm-up

Each workout begins with a warm-up and stretching. If you don't prepare your body for training, you are more likely to suffer various injuries when unexpected stress is placed on your muscles and joints.

A set of warm-up exercises in different styles dance sometimes differs and, depending on the parts of the body that are used in this dance, focuses on them. But the general warm-up and stretching for dancing follows the same pattern: a couple of minutes of active movement - running, walking, freestyle dancing; turns and tilts the head to the side, lifting the shoulders, abducting/spreading the shoulder blades, bending the torso, squats, stretching the back and legs.

We invite you to watch a video with warm-up exercises before dancing.

There is no need to do a too intense warm-up. Its task is not to leave you without strength at the very first stage of training, but to prepare your body for dancing.

Body work

Perhaps not a single dancer can answer the question of how to learn to dance and not take care of your body, because it is impossible. For many types of dances, one warm-up will not be enough to cope with all the accompanying loads - it is necessary to develop endurance, strengthen your body and prepare it for performing power elements, such as lifts. ballroom dancing, stands in breakdancing, active footwork in tap dancing, etc.

Don't forget about proper nutrition and hydrating your body to control your weight and replenish the moisture you lose during your workouts.

Learn to dance

And remember: mastery only comes with practice and experience. All the wonderful performances you have seen from dancers hide behind them hundreds and thousands of hours spent in training and training.

These people, just like you, doubted whether they should start dancing and whether they would achieve such success, but look what they have achieved now. All in your hands!

Many people dream of learning to dance beautifully, but not everyone has the opportunity to attend special dance classes. However, it is not at all necessary to go somewhere, because basic things You can also learn at home.

What are the benefits of learning to dance at home?

Where should I start?

First you need to make room for classes. Clear out the space in your room: remove unnecessary chairs and other furniture that gets in the way. It is advisable that there is no carpet on the floor. This will help you glide while doing some dance moves.

You must also see yourself, so there should be a large mirror or any other reflective surface in front of you in which you will see your reflection. If you do not have the opportunity to see yourself while training, then film your movements. This way you can analyze them in the future and achieve optimal results. And of course, you need a computer screen on which you will study.

Don't skimp on buying special clothes in which you will dance. This could be, for example, tight-fitting leggings or shorts, in which you can clearly see the movements of your legs, as well as a T-shirt or T-shirt.

Before starting the class, a warm-up is required, for which you will need a mat. Also, do not forget to choose for yourself a complex of several simple exercises for stretching.

Which dance style should you choose?

Next important step will determine what style you want to start dancing in. There are many different areas that you can start mastering without a coach.

Let's list some of them:

From theory to practice

Once you have decided on a dance style, or even chosen several, develop a schedule according to which you will practice. Try to study 2-3 times a week for an hour and a half. During training, you should be completely focused on practicing your skills, forgetting all your household chores for a while. To fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the dance, you can also learn more about its history: founders, origins, movements, etc.

Next, look for your favorite video lessons on the Internet or buy a CD with a video course. Don’t be lazy to find out more information about the course choreographer, since for home training it is important that he is a professional in his field. The main indicator of a good workout will be muscle pain. Don't let this scare you. It just means you worked hard on the dance and your time was well spent. With regular exercise, the pain will not be as severe.

Remember the main 4 components of effective training:

  • Warm up.
  • Practicing old movements.
  • Learning new movements.
  • Improvisation (implies free dance, which you build on the basis of the dance experience acquired during training).

You should start with basic movements and ligaments, so that the classes do not seem too difficult to you in the first couple. Try to follow the trainer’s instructions as clearly as possible, because only you can control the correctness of your movements during home lessons. Don't be discouraged if you don't do well at first. The key to success is constant practice. Train no more than 10 movements in combination until you perfect their execution.

Another important point is to hear the music. Try to get into its sound, catch the beat in which your movements should fall, and you will immediately feel more confident, and your movements will become more relaxed. As your skills develop, you can create your own combinations of individual movements to make your workout more intense and interesting.

We hope that this article was useful and motivated you to finally start exercising if you have been wanting to do this for a long time!