Daria Subbotina: “If I stop smiling, the program’s rating will drop. Daria Subobina - presenter with a radiant smile Daria Subobina biography personal life

At first she worked as a VJ, then she traveled to about thirty countries with the “Around the World” program, and now for a year she has been improving dachas near Moscow in the “Dachny Response” program.

During this time, Daria Subbotina herself had a dream of a country house, and the TV presenter was happy to tell MK-Boulevard how she sees it.

— Daria, you’ve been hosting the “Dachny Answer” program for a year now. Did you celebrate your anniversary?

- Yes, I celebrated. We had our first broadcast last fall, so it turns out that a little more than a year has passed.

— Do you remember how you received the offer to become the host of the program?

- Of course, with enthusiasm. Like any person, I like the effect of magic. I always enjoyed watching the magical transformations of people or interiors in other programs and did not even imagine that I would someday be able to take part in this myself.

— Did you quickly understand the terms related to construction?

“I don’t consider myself a stupid person and I know that if you want, you can learn anything.” I can’t say that now I’m a great expert on building materials and other things, but I can already distinguish larch from other wood. And everything else doesn't scare me. I tried a large number of television genres - I hosted a travel program, a cooking program, a music show, and a reality show. So it was just another genre that I learned.

— Has country life captivated you during this time?

- Absolutely. Of course, you need to draw a certain line between the uncomfortable, almost Spartan country life and the one when you try to do everything for your comfort. I won’t say anything new, but by the way people treat their home, you can immediately see what kind of people they are. There are people who are not ready to even lift a finger in order to improve their life, although they earn good money. And others, at minimal cost, create such charming homes, into which we then gladly add something designer. It’s immediately obvious that they are simply in love with the country lifestyle, and such people, of course, you simply admire.

— Surely you yourself have a dream of a country house?

- I have a dream, but there is no money.

- How do you see your home? Large and spacious or the main thing is that the house is just cozy?

- Of course, rather big. In general, I hate cubicles - when the house is small, and at the same time it is divided into many small rooms. You walk in and there, like in a train carriage, there is only one bed, which you can’t even call a bed. This is what I want least of all, which is why I don’t buy myself a dacha. I don’t agree to anything, I only want the best.

- But a big house will probably also need a big family?

- Certainly. In general, I imagine dacha life as a kind of family nest, where you can settle all generations of one family at once - grandmothers, mother, aunt. Ideally, I imagine the whole family should be gathered under one roof. Because now our whole family is scattered in different parts of Moscow, and we barely have time to see each other through traffic jams. And the dacha is a place where everyone can find something to do.

- And if your future spouse says: I don’t want to live with my mother-in-law, I only want to live with you.

- I completely agree with this. As for my personal life, I believe that it is impossible for everyone to live together all the time. You can only visit each other. Ideally, I imagine country life like this: one large plot on which there are several houses, each family lives its own life, and periodically everyone goes to visit each other. But this is probably a fantasy. Although recently I was visiting a friend who lives exactly like this. There are three houses on the site - she lives with her child in one, her parents live in the other, and the nanny lives in the third. I think it's great.

- Let's get back to your work. You find yourself in demand in absolutely different projects and say that a professional journalist should not stagnate in one genre. What do you think is your strong point?

— I’m unlikely to be able to work in all roles. For example, the last thing I imagine myself to be is a serious news presenter and I never will be. My worldview is different - I don’t know how to put on a serious face. The main thing for me is to laugh all the time. Probably, there is also a demand for this on the screen, because people lack positivity, and I have it by nature. I try to look at any problem from a positive point of view. When I hosted the “Around the World” program, this positivity was simply bursting out of me, so my bosses even made a remark to me: don’t talk with a smile all the time, be serious at least sometimes. But as soon as I became serious, my rating dropped. And they told me: okay, be yourself.

— When you worked on the Around the World program, you said that in the end you were very tired of traveling, and besides, your personal life suffered from endless travel. Do you have more time for it now?

- Certainly. In general, it seems to me that all these flights and transfers are not good. Therefore, now the situation, of course, has completely changed. But I can honestly say that lately I keep falling in love with someone, then very quickly “fall out of love” and fall in love again. There is always a period of spring in my soul. I don’t know, maybe I’m starting to return to childhood?

— Representatives of the older generation, your mother and grandmother, do not insist that you quickly arrange your personal life?

- Of course they want it. But, probably, like my mother and grandmother, I am terribly demanding of men. My grandmother was always offended by my grandfather, it always seemed to her that he did not correspond to her ideal, they fought to the last, and she reproached him: “But you did such and such 30 years ago. I remember you saying that." My mother is exactly the same. Probably, I also have this female gene, which is inherited. In addition, in some things I am an absolute maximalist, so my parents do not expect me to find a person who will be completely suitable for me right away tomorrow. They understand that there are too many demands in my head. Lately, I’ve generally begun to notice a terrible quality in myself - I get tired of people very quickly. I can start dating a person, and after a week I already want to run away from him. I don't know what to do with this.

— You can often be seen at various parties and, as a result, on the last pages of glossy magazines in reports on events. Is the expression “glamorous girl” a compliment or an insult to you?

— Maybe I’ll tell you harshly now, but at least the truth: lately I haven’t been going to events for free. I only attend parties if they offer me something for it, and I consider it part of my job. If it were up to me, I would instead sit at home in the warmth or meet with friends. But now for me this is really one of the ways to make money. I have a manager who deals with such offers, and I don’t see anything wrong with it: if people want to see me and are ready to offer something in return, why not? And just going to clubs, breathing in smoke, talking to just anyone - well, I’m not crazy. This is absolutely not interesting to me.

— Have you been disappointed in the profession of a TV presenter during all this time?

“I asked myself the question many times: what am I doing?” I remember when I was a VJ on a music channel and fulfilling requests from TV viewers, after a while I thought - my God, this is simply unbearable. Then this happened more than once in “Around the World” - every time I was getting ready to leave somewhere, I thought that I didn’t want to do this anymore. That's why I like to change roles. It's difficult, but interesting.


Daria herself is a maximalist by nature and says that her dream house should be large and stand on Nikolina Hill.

At the same time, the TV presenter honestly admits that she does not have enough money or patience for serious construction. The experience of Dacha Otvet suggests that builders need constant supervision. And Daria is a lazy person in this regard.

Daria Nikolaevna Subbotina was born in 1976, on January 21 in Moscow. Her mother, Tatyana Syrova, worked as an announcer at the Gosteleradio television company. The girl spent most of her childhood with her grandparents, who spoiled their granddaughter in every possible way.

Childhood and youth

Dasha's aptitude for languages ​​manifested itself early. The parents decided to send the girl to a special language school. The girl took an active part in school life, wrote texts for Author’s Television programs.

While studying, the schoolgirl filmed her first reports. Then her career as a television journalist and presenter began: she conducted interviews. After a little time, Dasha already ran her own column, which was very popular among her friends and acquaintances.

When the girl decided that it was time to change jobs, she received an invitation from the Vremechko program. Subbotina has always been interested in journalism. Realizing that she wanted to connect her life with her, yesterday’s schoolgirl decided to get an education at Moscow State University, choosing the desired faculty. Simultaneously with her studies, Daria continues her creativity in “Vremechka”. Later she moved to the Veter television studio. Dasha gained popularity by becoming the host of the MUZ-TV channel. The girl successfully passed the selection and became one of the most recognizable faces of television programs.

At first she got the “MuzMetel” column, then “Evening Bells” followed. For a short time, Dasha participated in the work on the PlayMenu program.

The girl's model appearance and natural charm attract everyone's attention. Dasha received the “Most Romantic” award from the MUZ-TV channel. Subbotina worked there for seven years. During this time she gained valuable experience. She successfully realized herself as the host of “Siesta”, helped to gather people in the 1996 presidential elections, holding thematic events, organizing concerts.


Then came an invitation from the Rossiya TV channel. Dasha was offered to become a correspondent for the popular program “Around the World”. Since the journalist loves to travel, she agreed with pleasure. In three years, Subbotina visited three dozen countries.

The presenter admits that she loves Italian cuisine, but she doesn’t know how to cook at all. Therefore, her chosen one will have to be content with restaurant dishes.

At the invitation of the management of the Domashny TV channel, Subbotina began hosting the program “Useful Morning”. Then the girl released her own series of programs, “Women’s Property.”

Daria is constantly improving and mastering new things. It is not surprising that since October 2015, the pretty presenter, with a touch of sentimentality in her appearance, has become the lead singer of the group “Kraski”. Every month, the popular group, produced by Andrei Voronov, gave up to ten concerts in the Commonwealth countries.


Since 2008, Dasha has hosted “Dachny Answer” on NTV, talking about various options for improving country houses. Since 2010, the journalist began hosting the show “Ride of the Valkyries” at Mayak.

The girl performed for the first time as a radio presenter in 2007. Listeners liked her work so much that the program quickly took the top positions in the ratings.

Starting in 2011, Dasha disappeared from the channels for three whole years. She spent this time in Bali, enchanted by the beauty of the island on one of her previous trips. Currently, Subbotina has returned to Moscow to prepare new programs.

The charming journalist is often invited to corporate events, she hosts concerts, and sometimes appears at private parties.

Dasha does not say anything about her personal life. However, Subbotina dreams of family and children. The girl does not hide from her fans that she considers independence and inaccessibility unfashionable, enjoying freedom and expecting true love.

On the cover of the December issue of Top Beauty magazine was Daria Subbotina, whose photos were accompanied by her frank confessions and answers to questions.


This TV presenter was born in 1976 in Moscow. Her childhood was spent with her grandparents. Daria's mother, Tatyana Syrova, was a State Television and Radio announcer. After twenty years of working at Foreign Broadcasting, she became a DJ on Nostalgie radio. Her daughter studied in a special school where they studied foreign languages ​​in depth. During her school years, Daria Subbotina wrote texts for a program called “A.M. in Russia" for foreigners living in Russia. There she began filming her first reports, conducting interviews and running her own column. Then she moved to the Vremechko program.

At the Ekho Moskvy radio station, Daria Subbotina hosted her own column. At the same time, the girl entered the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. The future TV presenter combined her studies with work as a reporter for the Vremechko program, later moving to the Veter television company.


Daria successfully passed the casting and became a presenter on Muz-TV. It was this youth channel that made her popular. At first she was the host of the MuzMetel program, where she worked together with Aurora, and then the daily Evening Ring.

In addition, Daria Subbotina hosted PlayMenu on Muz-TV. After some time, their tandem with Aurora could be watched and listened to on “The Juicer”.

This purposeful and very pretty girl was awarded the title of “Most Romantic” on the TV channel. Here she worked for seven whole years. She conducted many hours of broadcasts, the “Siesta” program, and even participated in the election campaign during the year in the “Vote or Lose” project, within the framework of which she held concerts and events.

In 2002, the Rossiya TV channel invited Daria to become a correspondent in the Around the World program. She worked there for two and a half years. During this time, together with the film crew, the girl traveled to more than thirty countries on the planet. In 2005, she was invited to the Domashny channel as the host of the morning “Useful Morning”. Then Daria Subbotina released her own author’s project - a cycle called “Women’s Property”.

Favorite program

“The World's Grandmothers” - the presenter calls this program her favorite. Released in the format of an excursion into the historical past with heroines - women of the former Soviet space, it talked about everything that worried Armenian and Dagestan, Moldavian and Kazakh, and, of course, Russian grandmothers, about their families, professions, grandchildren. Daria and her program visited women living abroad - Japan, Latin America, etc.

In 2008, she went to work for NTV. “Dacha Answer,” which she led, covered all issues related to landscaping. Since January 2010, she moved to “Ride of the Valkyries” - a show on Mayak radio. At the same time, Daria Subbotina, whose personal life has not yet developed, writes her own column in the magazine.

For the last two years, this presenter has lived in Bali with a radiant smile, because, having visited here once during her vacation, she fell in love with the nature of these places. And recently she returned to Moscow to prepare a new series of programs.


The girl really likes Italian and In addition, she loves to spend her holidays in Rome, where she is attracted by absolutely everything, including culture and food. She knows many national dishes well and happily orders them in a restaurant, but at home she can only cook spaghetti.

TV presenter Daria Subbotina disappeared from television for a long time. Subbotina's reason for retiring for a while was serious and did not require delay - the presenter left to fulfill her dream. For three whole years, Daria lived on the island of Bali and only occasionally visited the capital. Now, full of strength, Subbotina has returned to Moscow, moved to a new apartment and is ready to take on new projects. In an exclusive interview, the presenter talked about her dream of becoming a mother, compiled a personal list of wonders of the world and gave some women's advice in the style of Carrie Bradshaw.

- Tell us where you were this summer and what impressions you brought back from your trip?

I spent this summer in Moscow with great pleasure and now I’m going to rest. After all, for three whole years I lived on a paradise island, and I had the opportunity to swim in the ocean every day, sunbathe and travel to the most exotic places. I miss my city, where summer is the most wonderful time. This summer has been very bright, eventful and fun!

- Tell me, as an avid traveler, can I surprise you with something?

Of course you can! I try to choose places for my travels so that what I see can, as they say, bring tears to my eyes. So far it’s always been successful (smiles).

One of the most vivid impressions in recent times was a night climb to the world's largest Buddhist temple, Borobudur on the island of Java. There, at the top of the temple, I watched the sunrise, surrounded by active volcanoes, exotic birds and mystical jungle.

- Could you make a personal list of wonders of the world? What miracles would you name?

Borobudur Temple in Java, Lake Tamblingan in Bali, Mount Etna in Sicily, Oia town in Santorini, Ha Long Bay in Vietnam, Iguazu Falls on the border of Brazil and Argentina, Glacier Lagoon in Iceland.

- If you had to choose a country for a permanent place residence, which one would you choose?

I've lived in Bali and think it's the perfect place to live.

Photo: from the personal archive of Daria Subbotina

Now I would like to live in Rio de Janeiro and Rome.

- For quite a long time you were the host of “Dachny Otvet”, you began to understand construction better. What would your dream home be like?

Honestly, I don’t understand construction at all! First of all, because it doesn't interest me. This was the main reason why I left the Dacha Answer project. It was incredibly boring for me to talk over and over again about something from which I was so far away. Of course, I am always pleased with interesting designs, and in this sense I found use for my modest knowledge in Bali. I rented the most beautiful villas on the island and decorated them to my liking.

In the age of information technology, everyone can easily find out any information. Thanks to the Internet, you can watch the stories of famous people and also send them messages on social networks. In the article we will talk about the biography of Daria Subbotina, her participation in the group “Paints” and life on television.

Where was I born and raised?

The girl was born in 1976 in the city of Moscow, which at that time was part of the RSFSR. The parents loved their first-born and paid her a lot of attention. She was especially loved by her grandparents, with whom she spent most of her childhood.

They took care of her and taught her a lot, and also gave her basic education: the ability to count, write, and so on. Grandfather and grandmother loved their granddaughter and often spoiled her with sweets, which Daria herself was incredibly happy about.

The girl’s mother, Tatyana Syrova, worked as a director at the popular state radio station Gosteleradio. But one day I realized that I needed to change my profession, retrained as a DJ and began working on Nostalgie radio.


The parents decided to send Daria Subbotina to a special school where they studied foreign languages ​​in depth. Even in early childhood, she showed abilities for them. Therefore, Daria was sent to study at this educational institution.

She actively participated in school life and even wrote texts for the Author’s Television program. Directly at school, she began filming her first serious reports: she interviewed foreigners or compatriots. After some time, Daria Subbotina was already running her own column, which was popular among the girl’s friends. But soon she needed to change her job, and she switched to the Vremechko program.

Studying at a university

The girl realized that she wanted to become a famous journalist or TV presenter. To fulfill her dream, she goes to study at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism. Along with her studies, she continues to work on the “Vremechko” program, and then left it and moved to the “Veter” television studio.

How did she become popular?

Daria Subbotina gained her fame as a presenter on the MUZ-TV channel. She was able to successfully pass the casting and become one of the most recognizable presenters of the program. At the beginning of her career, she led a column in MuzMetel, and then she was transferred to Evening Bell. For a short time I worked on the PlayMenu program.

This pretty girl of model appearance with a touch of sentimentalism was awarded the honorary award “The Most Romantic” on the MUZ-TV channel. Which is not surprising, her facial features reveal the pathetic nature of the girl’s soul.

She worked on the channel for seven whole years, during this long period of time, she managed to make a large number of acquaintances and gain valuable experience. She hosted the “Siesta” program and helped gather people during the presidential elections in 1996: she held thematic events, organized concerts, etc.

Daria decides to invite the famous TV channel "Russia", which belongs to the state media. She was offered to work as a correspondent for the popular television program “Around the World,” where she had to travel to different countries.

She readily agreed because she loved to travel. She worked on the program for about three years, Daria visited thirty countries around the globe.

But in 2005 she moved to the Domashny TV channel at the invitation of management. She began hosting the “Useful Morning” program, which, as is understandable, aired early in the morning. After which Daria released her series of programs “Women’s Property”.

Daria Subbotina and the group "Kraski"

For some time, Daria was the soloist of the popular Russian pop group "Kraski". She joined the group relatively recently, in October 2015, and managed to win the respect of her colleagues.

The group performs frequently and is very popular. Every month they give more than ten concerts, touring the Commonwealth countries. The leader and producer is Andrey Voronov.


Almost nothing is known about Daria Subbotina’s personal life. She is not dating anyone and so far the girl has no children. But Daria dreams of becoming a mother. Let's hope her hopes come true soon. In the meantime, Daria is enjoying her free life and improving herself.