Scenarios for KVN environmental events in kindergarten. KVN on ecology in kindergarten

Taking an integrated approach to the problem of development creativity Through testoplasty, I have developed a system of activities that covers educational, independent and joint activities of preschoolers with the teacher.

When organizing classes on testoplasty, I take into account a unique feature of a child’s worldview - it is unusual, extraordinary to perceive and depict everything that adults do not notice, to imagine what does not exist in reality. I carry out my work in a specific system. For this purpose, I developed long-term plan, which determines the time of classes according to the curriculum, tasks with an emphasis on creative development and the topics of classes in accordance with age characteristics.

What knowledge should children receive about sculpture in a preschool setting?

In the first younger group. Show interest in folk toys and have a desire to play with them.

In the second junior group. Not only to show interest in folk toys, but also to see the variety of shapes, colors of painting, and understand that this is not a toy, but an object for decorating a group.

IN middle group. Know some folk toys (Dymkovo, Bogorodskaya), be able to talk about them; be able to show a small sculpture that is in a group, treat it as a work of art; know that a sculpture is created by a sculptor.

In the older group. Know what material folk toys are made from, understand their means of expression (be able to talk about shape, proportions, movement, additional details that make the toy more beautiful and interesting). Be able to listen carefully to the teacher’s story about sculpture; recognize sculpture in photographs, slides; engage in a conversation about sculpture.

In the preparatory school group. Understand and love folk toys; know and distinguish between individual crafts, be able to independently talk about a folk toy, its content and expressive aspects; know what kind of sculpture there is (folk, small forms, monumental); be able to examine a sculpture (walk around from all sides, pay attention to its means of expression).

Thus, sculpture with its deep content, expressive means enriches the child with social experience, develops the ability to perceive beauty, lays the initial foundations artistic taste.

Speaking of sculpting in kindergarten, we mean visual activity, during which children depict objects of the reality around them, create an elementary sculpture using salt dough or plasticine.

A child's creation of even the simplest sculptures - creative process. So, spherical lump tests small child is represented by a ball, an orange, an apple, and a column bent until the ends connect - a ring, a steering wheel. While working with the dough, the child experiences aesthetic enjoyment from its plasticity, volume, from the forms that are obtained during the modeling process.

At the same time, the child becomes aware of the various properties of dough and plasticine, gets acquainted with the three-dimensional shape, structure and proportions of objects, he develops the accuracy of hand movements and eye, and constructive abilities are formed. If this type of activity is done correctly, then modeling can become a favorite activity for children.

During modeling classes, teachers are given certain tasks: developing children's creativity, enriching children with visual and technical skills, creating interest in this species activities. The education system in kindergarten is structured in such a way as to prepare children for school.

Modeling sometimes requires a special approach to organizing the activity. So, depending on the amount of work, one topic can be divided into 2-3 lessons. Modeling an object and painting it with engobe requires a somewhat longer lesson - 30-35 minutes. To display a sculpted figurine, you need a stand with a turning circle so that you can view the object from all sides.

Considering that it is easier for a child to create an image in modeling than in drawing, it is better to start depicting many objects with a plastic solution, and only then move on to a conventional representation of it on paper with a pencil or paint.

Modern research and the practice of the kindergarten suggest that as a result of training, preschool children can create an expressive image, since during modeling they use many visual and technique, which the sculptor has (convey volume, movement, enrich the concept with additional details), but use them in a unique way, which depends on the degree of knowledge and skills of the children. For example, the form in their works is simplified: the human head is depicted as a ball, arms and legs as cylinders. When depicting additional details, the child almost does not select them according to the degree of expressiveness, sometimes omits the main ones and carefully sculpts the secondary details.

The content of children's modeling is also unique. If the content of the sculptor’s work is mainly living creatures, then children sculpt almost all the objects around them. This is explained by the fact that preschoolers often do not understand the meaning of depicting an object in plastic, they do not yet feel the beauty of plastic forms, and often during sculpting they have one goal - to create an object with which they can play.

With appropriate training and guidance from the teacher, preschoolers use a stack, consciously select frames - sticks and use them not only to fasten parts, but also to convey the characteristic features of the form.

When working with children, three types of modeling are used: object modeling, plot and decorative. Each of these types has its own characteristics and tasks and can be carried out both according to the instructions and the ideas of the children.

In object modeling, the image of individual objects is simpler for a child than, for example, in drawing, since in modeling the child deals with real volume, and he does not need to resort to conventional means of representation. Children sculpt figures of people and animals with interest. However, they quickly master the image of objects with a constructive rather than a plastic form. Research shows that as a result of training, children can be brought to a relatively correct image of man and animal, first in a constructive and then in a plastic way. In this regard, the kindergarten is faced with the task of teaching children the ability to depict in modeling the basic shape of objects and their most striking, characteristic features.

The plot modeling also has its own specifics compared to the drawing. If in drawing the plot composition is often associated with the use of conventional depiction techniques (for example, the image of a person from the side is conveyed in drawing from one visible side; objects in the foreground are depicted large in comparison with figures in the background, etc.), then in modeling they are actually sculpted figures do not require a conditional change in shape and reduction in proportions to create an idea of ​​space.

Children usually do not strive to depict a detailed plot - this can be observed in the younger, middle, and sometimes even in the older groups. A child may, for example, limit himself to the image of a girl and a chicken in a static state, but he immediately begins to play with them. Moving figures around the table and accompanying actions with speech fills the child’s modeling with real dynamics, making the sculpted figures participants in an imaginary episode. Usually, plot modeling begins with a game like this. As their interest in this type of modeling develops and they master the techniques of depiction, children perform detailed scenes.

Subject modeling requires a lot of work from children, since it is necessary to sculpt each item included in the composition, install it in the desired position on a stand or without it, and supplement the modeling with details.

To compose a plot composition, first of all you should think about the stand, its volume and shape, and then sculpt it, distribute and strengthen objects on it. At first, as a rule, children do not think about the volume and shape of the stand, do not attach objects to it, and often make it thin. The shape and dimensions of the stand are not subject to the general design, shape and size of the figures. This happens because for children of this age a stand is just a surface (floor, ground) on which objects are placed. The teacher must teach children the ability to make a dense, sufficiently voluminous stand and beautifully, logically distribute objects on it. This will allow you to successfully solve compositional problems. The subject for modeling can be episodes from surrounding life, the content of some fairy tales, stories.

Expressiveness plot compositions depends not only on how children are able to depict a form, but also on how they connect the figures with each other by depicting an action. In the process of sculpting, the children develop work skills and habits: working with their sleeves rolled up and maintaining workplace clean and tidy, with a turntable and understand the need to use it when processing an object from all sides.

The main tasks when teaching plot modeling are the following: to teach children to conceive and depict stucco compositions from 2-3 objects; learn to approach the plot creatively, highlighting the main points; during sculpting, use knowledge of the shape, proportions of objects, your observations of the actions of living objects, and various sculpting techniques.

Plot modeling is carried out only in the senior and preparatory groups. This is due to the fact that the child needs to know a lot about objects and be able to use them. in different ways Images. In previous groups, children are only introduced to plot modeling and accumulate necessary knowledge and skills.

Decorative modeling. One of the means aesthetic education is to introduce children to folk applied arts, with its different types, including small decorative plastic craftsmen. Beautiful generalized forms depicting dolls, animals, birds with conventional bright paintings delight children and have a positive effect on the development of their artistic taste, expanding their ideas and imagination. The kids love the decorative vessels created by potters different nations. Children willingly examine the simple and sometimes intricate shapes of mugs, salt shakers, flower pots and other products.

By observing the small decorative plastic arts of folk craftsmen, older preschoolers can create interesting products themselves, which can later be used for games, to decorate a room, as souvenirs. The children are good and willing to sculpt beads and pendants for dolls, make decorative vessels: salt shakers, egg cups and vases for small spring flowers, glasses and trays for pencils. These products can be in the shape of leaves, flowers, animals, and can be interestingly painted with gouache. This type of modeling also includes the creation of decorative birds with painted wings and tails.

Decorative modeling allows you to teach children to first think about a topic, create a sketch in advance in the form of a drawing, and conditionally decide on the shape of an object and painting. For example, a salt shaker in the shape of a flower, the wings of a bird or a beetle are painted with an ornament that includes various decorative elements: geometric shapes(circles, squares, diamonds, triangles, etc.), plant shapes (berries, leaves, herbs, flowers, etc.). It is helpful to encourage children to decorate plaques and other wall decorations with patterns.

Working on a decorative plate teaches children how to use a tool, various techniques modeling, and most importantly - beautiful decorative filling of space. Some elements can be applied with a special stack - a signet in the form of a tube, square, triangle, etc. Using pointed stacks, they draw a pattern on a clay plate, and then paint it with gouache or lay out a relief on it, which is the most complex look decorative molding. When creating a relief, a drawing is applied to the plate and a molded ornament is laid out according to the drawing, protruding somewhat above the general surface of the plate. Working on a molded ornament affects the development of small muscles of the hand, teaches the child to work with his fingertips, making them more flexible and sensitive to shape.

Practical part. Notes on various types sculpting:

1. Abstract of object modeling “Hedgehogs”

  • ? develop children's interest in modeling;
  • ? for children 3 years old, improve the ability to roll clay in a circular motion, learn to pull with their fingers individual parts and use a stack to depict thorns;
  • ? Children 4 years old should be taught how to sculpt a hedgehog from an idea, to achieve an expressive representation of the image.

Material: hedgehog - small sculpture or toy, dough, boards.

Progress of the lesson:

Game motivation

The teacher says: 9

“One day, the mother bunny ordered the hedgehog a new dress for Zap. The time came and they went to the fitting. They knocked on the door of the hedgehog's house, they knocked, but no one opened it. Then they hear, hedgehog in a weak voice speaks:

Push the door, it's not locked.

We entered the house - the hedgehog was lying in bed, sick. The room is not tidy. The food is not prepared. There is no one to even give water to the sick person - the hedgehog has neither a wife nor children.

  • - Oh, what a disaster! - says the mother bunny. “Why didn’t you call us, we would have come to help you long ago - they would have brought medicine and prepared food.”
  • - How will I call? - the hedgehog answers. - I'm sick. I couldn't even open the door for you.
  • “Come and live with us,” says the mother bunny. - You can’t do it alone - it’s boring and there’s no one to help.
  • “Thank you very much for the invitation,” said the hedgehog. - It's bad to live alone. Only you have your own family, a hare family. Now, if I had children, I would teach them how to sew dresses and fur coats. And at night I would tell stories. I would give them gifts - for their birthdays and just like that. The hares felt very sorry for the hedgehog. They themselves have a large and friendly family.”

Staging the game and educational tasks.

The teacher asks if the children would like to sculpt a lot of ezhat out of clay, so that the forest tailor will also have his own large and friendly family. Having received consent, he offers to teach them how to sculpt hedgehogs.

Guiding the completion of the task and the subsequent game.

The modeling method is demonstrated after the children, together with the teacher, examine a toy hedgehog or a small sculpture of a hedgehog. In the process of perception, the teacher draws children's attention to the shape of the body, small muzzle, short legs. Children 4 years old show how the position of the hedgehog’s body and its spines changes when it is looking for something, examining it, etc.

Children 4 years old (1-2 children) can remind the younger ones the sequence and techniques of modeling, explain how to scratch thorns with a stack.

When the children finish modeling, the teacher pretends to take telephone handset and talking to someone. He reports that a hedgehog is calling, who is very worried and asks whether he will really now have many smart, beautiful and obedient children. Having learned from the children (choir answer) that this is true, he expresses a desire to immediately come and take the hedgehogs to his forest house.

The teacher organizes the arrival of a hedgehog (toy) in a large truck. The hedgehog thanks the children and asks for advice on what names to give the hedgehogs. Then he says that, unfortunately, in his house there are no cribs, benches, or plates, and asks the children to make building material everything necessary for his family.

When the children begin to lose interest in the game, the teacher takes the hedgehog and begins to talk to them. The hedgehog greets the child, asks what his name is, how old he is. He gives advice on what is best to feed his children and where he can get food. He is interested in what he can play with the hedgehogs. Asks you to name the most interesting tales and the most beautiful poems. At the end of the conversation, the hedgehog asks what the child built for his son (daughter). Then he thanks and invites him to come and visit him in the forest.

2. Summary of the plot modeling “Border Guard with a Dog”

Program content. Teach children in modeling to create a composition of two objects united by one content, to depict these objects in a certain state; transmit characteristics forms; install the figures on the stand.

Equipment. Dough, turntable, stacks.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. The day before the lesson, the teacher warns the children that they will be sculpting a border guard with a dog, and invites them to think about what situation the border guard and his dog might be in when they are on duty. During the lesson, the teacher asks the children about this and asks them to independently decide the composition and place the figures on the stand. During sculpting, the teacher monitors how the children work and helps them, with leading questions, convey the features in the structure of the human and animal figure.

Note. A few days before class, read a story about border guards to children, look at illustrations, sculptures small form“Border Guard with a Dog”, clarify what means of expression the sculptor used.

3. Summary of decorative modeling based on Dymkovo toys

Program content: Continue to teach children to sculpt birds based on Dymkovo folk toys, notice and reflect in work distinctive features rooster and hen: the rooster has a crown comb and rich plumage, the hen has a small tail, a small comb. Strengthen the ability to sculpt birds from a whole piece, adding details to the product. Practice the ability to sculpt wings and tail feathers in a wave-like, curved manner. Develop a desire to sculpt clay toys, make them beautiful, expressive, and look like real ones.

Material: dough, rags, Dymkovo toys - samples.

Preliminary work: Getting to know the Dymkovo craft, looking at Dymkovo toys, sculpting birds.

Progress of the lesson: The clatter of hooves and the ringing of bells are heard.

  • - Children, someone galloped towards us on a horse! Let's get a look! Yes, this is a bird house from the village of Dymkovo! Look how beautiful and elegant she is (The teacher brings in a stand with Dymkovo toys: a poultry house, a rooster and a hen)
  • - Children, who did the bird lady come with?
  • - With a rooster and a chicken.
  • - That’s right, today we will sculpt such roosters and hens, and at the end of the lesson the hen lady will tell us how successful our toys were. Children, we have already sculpted a rooster and a hen, let's remember what interesting and special things do Dymkovo toys have?
  • - They are beautiful, their tails are curved, fluffy, their wings are wavy.
  • - Right. Dymkovo birds have rich plumage, wavy, like the fur of an accordion. But the appearance of a chicken and a rooster is different. What differences did you notice?
  • - The rooster has a large, wavy tail, while the hen has a small tail. The hen's comb is still stretched upward, and the cockerel's is still capped.
  • - Yes, the rooster’s tail is richer, there are more wavy wings, and the comb is like a crown. Now I will show you how to sculpt wings. I take a small piece of clay, roll it out, and then flatten it a little (accompanying the display), I divide the plate in half to make two side wings. Then I attach the wing to the body of the bird, carefully smear it and only then pinch the edges so that it turns out wavy. Who can tell you how to sculpt a scallop crown?
  • - First you need to mold the plate, then stick it to the head, connect and pinch the edges.
  • - Right, where do you start?
  • - By dividing the clay into a large piece, for the body, and a smaller piece, for the wings and scallop.
  • - How are we going to sculpt the bird?
  • - First, the oval body is molded, then the head with neck and tail are pulled out, and then the comb and wings are attached.
  • - What do you guys need water and rags for?
  • - To smooth the surface of the toy, make it smooth and even.
  • - Well done boys. I see that you are ready to sculpt Dymkovo birds. Get to work. (The teacher checks whether the children use modeling techniques correctly, gives hints, helps with advice, guides individual work).

After the children finish modeling, an exhibition of their work is organized. The teacher with the children and the poultry house examine the cockerels and hens and note the most successful ones.

  • - Sardaana has a beautiful cockerel, he stretched out his neck, opened his beak, and wants to sing with joy. His wings are wavy, well attached and smoothed, the cockerel has an important appearance.
  • - Misha made a crested chicken, he tried to carefully smooth the surface with a cloth, everyone wants to play with such a chicken.

At the end of the lesson, the birder thanks the children for their good work and says goodbye to them.

By modeling salt dough with children, I solve a number of very important problems: stimulate creative activity, freedom, emotional freedom of children; I cultivate interest in visual arts and an emotionally positive attitude towards it; I develop visual skills and abilities; I develop mental operations: analysis, comparison, likening (what it looks like), identifying characteristic features; I develop perception, imagination, memory, attention, fine motor skills.

What gives them particular satisfaction is creating general pictures, compositions where images of all children or a small group are combined. This form of work makes it possible to develop skills and abilities to work together and develop the habit of mutual assistance. The themes of such compositions can be different: “In the meadow”, “In the yard”, “At the bottom of the sea”, etc.

To maintain interest in activities, I also conduct classes: travel games, story classes, dialogue classes, riddle classes, surprise classes, etc. I consider the unity of cognition and empathy, the activation of all thought processes, and fine motor skills to be fundamentally important in organizing classes. fingers, ensuring the receipt of high-quality products for children's activities.

Making crafts from salt dough, preschoolers express impressions of what they see in their own “creative product”, fully and meaningfully communicate with each other and with adults, comprehend own capabilities. Little creators are able to independently conceive a plot and define it compositional solution, select and coordinate the most expressive color, shape, and movement of the character for a given image.

I widely use musical accompaniment as a factor that relieves stress and stimulates children’s activities in classes; this creates a special emotional background and opens up opportunities for development. artistic culture pupils.

To educate preschoolers about the importance and usefulness of their work, I use children's creativity products as gifts for parents and younger students, souvenirs for holidays, equipment for theatrical activities, and attributes for role-playing games.

The work I do reveals creative potential, enriches the inner world, develops the interests and abilities of each child, taking into account the world of feelings, needs and emotions of the pupils.

According to the cyclogram of joint with the teacher and independent artistic and creative activities of preschoolers, I conduct events that stimulate creativity: games - dramatization using figures-characters made of salt dough, organizing exhibitions in matinees, decorating “Beauty shelves” in groups, decorating the hall children's works.

This approach to organizing work is the key to an active and successful mental and artistic education children, the development of their giftedness and talent, the prospect of the future manifestation of personality as active, active, creative.

Osulenko Elena Valerievna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MADO kindergarten No. 6 "Bell"
Locality: Prokopyevsk city, Kemerovo region.
Name of material: Article
Subject: Story modeling as a means of developing the creative abilities of older preschoolers
Publication date: 18.03.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Subject modeling as a means of developing creative abilities

senior preschooler.

TO preparatory group children have the necessary set

visual images. The children's hand muscles have become stronger. Further

Speech and thought processes developed. During observations, children

6 years old perceive the phenomena of the surrounding reality more fully and

shape of objects. They are better oriented in space and begin

understand how objects can be arranged in relation to each other. U

children have a desire to more accurately convey shape and proportions; starts them

captivate the image of details and objects that complement the image.

Plot modeling requires a lot of work from children, since

you need to sculpt each item included in the composition, install it in

in the desired position on a stand or without it, add details to the sculpting.

The subject for modeling can be episodes from the surrounding life,

The expressiveness of plot compositions depends not only on how

children know how to represent a shape, but also on how they connect the shapes

each other with an image of action.

The main tasks when teaching plot modeling are as follows: teach

children to conceive and depict stucco compositions of 2-3 objects; learn

take a creative approach to solving the plot, highlighting the main points; use in




actions of living objects, various sculpting techniques.

The depiction of the plot in modeling has its own specifics compared to

drawing. In the latter, the image of the plot composition is often





on the ground and in the air.

In modeling this is not always possible. For example, depict flying






frame, but this conditional technique cannot always be used, especially

if in the plot there is not one object in the air, but several. Working on the story

modeling requires a lot of mental effort from children, since for

the composition needs to select the most expressive objects.

Subject modeling is carried out with children of older groups.

Children of the older group can already sculpt not

one subject, but several, i.e. they are able to work on the plot.





homogeneous objects, where forms and techniques are repeated, for example: “Cat

with kittens”, “Dog with puppy”. Modeling homogeneous objects is not connected

Only to ensure that the children were able to complete the task was this or that


repetitions, -






placed objects on a stand.

As topics for classes, you can take stories where one subject




images, other items are simple in structure and

form and include no more than 1-2 parts, for example: “The hare met

kolobok”, “Boy makes a snowman”, “Girl feeds the birds”. Figures



children are familiar with the image: modeling a bun, a snowman and a bird should not

cause difficulties.



arrangement of objects on the stand. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor

ratio of quantities, it is easy to convey the dynamics of figures.

Children should be able to depict figures of people and animals in motion,

they are offered topics that include familiar in form and structure

objects (“Bears are playing”, etc.). A child can sculpt two similar

figures, but give them different positions, place them on the stand so

so that they are connected by one plot.

Typically, children 5-6 years old are no longer limited to modeling only given





sculpt grass, tree, stump, bench, etc. But at the same time very carelessly







items should not be, but it is necessary to demand from them more accurate and

complete image of the shape of the main objects and tight connection

parts. If you don’t pay attention to this at this stage of learning, then children

will get used to the careless depiction of the form, excessive clutter





further skills of children and their creativity.






visual and technical techniques, in planning the entire work.

Children of this age are already familiar with the techniques of sculpting different shapes,




character in sculpting. Age and visual features children 6-7 years old

allow us to formulate the following tasks:

teach children to independently select subjects for modeling based on

familiar fairy tales and stories, as well as from the surrounding life;

use familiar modeling techniques to depict the plot, place

items on a stand;

depict a change in shape depending on the action of an object.

With the skillful guidance of a teacher, children 6-7 years old can learn

pre-select and think about the topic, and not only the content,

but also partially the materials for it: volume of clay, length and number of sticks -


The plot modeling program in this group is associated not only with

by depicting a form - preschoolers learn to convey the dynamics of objects.





expressiveness. For this purpose, children are taught to depict sculptural compositions

passing on




practice shows that children convey the dynamism of figures with interest,

but, carried away by the depiction of movement, they forget about the form, to which they must

pay attention to the teacher. Contents for modeling can be taken from

surrounding life: games and fun for children on a walk, at home, based on stories


For example:


command”, “The Fox and the Geese”.

In plot modeling, the guys must depict clearly for others

interaction. The main material for modeling in the preparatory group is


details, you can give them colored plasticine. When using it you need

remember that new things are coming visual medium- the color that

makes the work more expressive, but can also distract from the most important

in modeling - forms.

In the preparatory group, a lot of space is given to collective modeling,







comrades, rejoice in common success, help each other, decide together,

what additional details are needed for greater expressiveness of the whole


surrounding life, stories, fairy tales, giving compositions of 3-4 or more

figures. It is important that the work is complete and does not look like a model.

pick up

were located on a stand close to each other, and sometimes touched one

For example,

the characters, holding each other, pull it or everyone stands near the pulled out

turnips, and from “The Three Bears” - the moment when the bears approach their

hut. From the fairy tale “The Goat and the Seven Little Goats” - an episode is taken when the little goats

goats are standing around.

Children can sculpt the teacher and themselves during games, on the street, in the forest

For example,

first graders,


it is important that the children's figures are in autumn or winter clothes, and in

I felt energy and vigor in my movements. During collective sculpting

children should work together, consult, discuss the progress of work.

Mastering the visual and technical means of modeling is very difficult for a child, and this forces the teacher to approach the task with special responsibility. selection of material for modeling, content and teaching methods.

Usually used in kindergarten clay and plasticine . Clay is the most valuable material. It is elastic, obedient in the hands and has a pleasant neutral color: brown, white, gray with shades of blue and green.

Children in the older group can paint raw or semi-dried products with liquid clay - engobe, and then, after drying well, fire them in a muffle furnace. Engob - This is a ceramic paint that is obtained by diluting clay with water until it becomes thick like sour cream.

Plasticine - elastic material that requires special preparation before work. Can be used for modeling with preschoolers salty dough, which the teacher prepares. Auxiliary materials for modeling include frames. These can be ordinary sticks of different lengths and thicknesses. With the help of a frame, the figures become more stable and dynamic. During the sculpting process you need to be able to use stacks. The surface of the molded product is treated with a damp cloth.

To successfully teach children to model, it is good to have small boards that are placed on the table. The most convenient board shape is a circle, but it can also be square.

Three types of modeling are used when working with children: modeling subject, subject and decorative.

Methods and techniques of sculpting: To depict forms consisting of several parts, you can use in several ways: Modeling an object from individual parts , Modeling an object using the plastic method - This is modeling from a whole piece. COMBINED sculpting method includes both of the above methods.

Techniques for transferring the shape into molding: rolling, rolling, flattening,

In order for the sculpted work to be durable and the parts not to fall apart, you need to know methods of connecting them : tight press one form to another and cover up place of fastenings; make recesses into which the attached parts are inserted, smoothed out connection lines.

8. Methodology for guiding modeling in groups of different ages.

Such scientists as Khalezova N.B., Gorunovich L.B., Kosminskaya V.V. and others studied the peculiarities of the development of a preschooler in modeling.

Each type of visual activity develops certain qualities in children. By doing sculpting, a child gets acquainted with the three-dimensional shape of an object, the relationship of its parts, he develops the skills of working with two hands, coordination of movements, the small muscles of the fingers very actively develop, and this contributes to the development of thinking, eye, and spatial thinking.

The uniqueness of modeling lies in the fact that children learn three-dimensional images of objects. Children emotionally perceive the things they have fashioned and immediately begin to play with them. Even the landscape is perceived by them “as real” if it is sculpted and not painted.

The main expressive means of modeling are plasticity, transmission of shape and movement .

Specially organized activity modeling with younger preschoolers last 15 minutes, in older preschool age - 30-35 minutes. Conducted once a week.

Junior preschool age. Modeling classes in the younger group are substantive nature , that is, children sculpt individual figures that are not related to the plot.

First they learn to portray cylindrical shape : column, sticks The next stage is to teach children to depict spherical forms : ball, ball, orange. When children master the image of a ball, they learn to sculpt disk ( flatbread, cookies).

As sample d For sculpting children 2 - 3 years old, natural things are used (ball, sphere, apple, mushroom, etc.), toys of simple shapes, but fascinating for children: stylized birds, tumbler dolls of various sizes, clay and wooden shaped toys, molded products, prepared by the teacher.

When examining a sample special attention is paid to its emotional perception.

Showing methods of action carried out individually: children must see every movement of the teacher’s hands. In general, the process of practical mastery of sculpting techniques is quite complex, so it is recommended to use passive movement method .

Widely used in modeling method joint creativity and various gaming techniques.

In modeling classes, at the beginning of training, it is best to unite children groups of 5-b catcher .

Initial classes are conducted for 5-8 minutes with each subgroup.

Middle preschool age. Modeling subject, plot

4-5 years. Starting from the middle group, children need teach to performfingers do basically all the work.

Children learn to sculpt an oval from a spherical or cylindrical shape, to convey the characteristic details of the shape of objects such as an apple, carrot, mushroom, cucumber, zucchini, lemon.

Further training is related with the formation of children's mindsability to depict objects consisting of several parts. They get acquainted with the image of a person and an animal.

Senior preschool age. Subject, subject, decorative modeling.

Improve the ability to sculpt in constructive and mixed ways;

To introduce the sculptural, plastic method of modeling (from a whole piece) - in subject and subject modeling; with pottery and tape methods of sculpting dishes - in decorative sculpting; with ways to decorate a molded product: relief (high and deep), molding, use stacks different shapes to create texture.

Takes up more space in the older group team naya modeling.

Full show of techniques in the older group it is almost not used, since children are familiar with the image of the original forms. Only those methods of representation that children have not yet encountered require demonstration. Problem-based creative tasks . When working with older preschoolers, the teacher uses productive methods - heuristic and research .

In the older group, the teacher gives children more independence in choosing a topic and the opportunity to think about it in advance. Children are taught to plan my job during observations, looking at illustrations, listening to literary works.

At senior preschool age, children master modeling representation, from nature, from memory.

The results of sculpting are influenced motivation, which the teacher creates.

Analysis of works At the end of the lesson it takes place in the form of a conversation.

Introduction. Theoretical part

2 Materials and equipment for modeling

3 Organization and methodology of classes. Practical part

1 Abstract of object modeling “Hedgehogs”

2.2 Summary of the plot modeling “Border Guard with a Dog”

3 Summary of decorative modeling based on Dymkovo toys




Visual activities It has great importance in solving the problems of aesthetic education, since by its nature it is an artistic activity.

In the process of drawing, modeling, designing, such important qualities personality, such as activity, independence, initiative, which are the main components of creative activity. The child learns to be active in observation, doing work, showing independence and initiative in thinking through content, selecting materials, and using a variety of means. artistic expression. Equally important is the cultivation of purposefulness in work and the ability to complete it.

During modeling classes, teachers are given certain tasks: developing children's creativity, equipping children with visual and technical skills, and creating interest in this type of activity. The education system in kindergarten is structured in such a way as to prepare children for school.

In the system of aesthetic education of children, modeling, like drawing, occupies specific place and has its own specifics.

When working with children, three types of modeling are used: object modeling, plot and decorative. Each of these types has its own characteristics and tasks.

In object modeling, the image of individual objects is simpler for a child than in drawing. Children sculpt figures of people and animals with interest.

As a result of teaching, children can be brought to a relatively correct image of a person and an animal, although when sculpting these objects they give only the most vivid, characteristic features, and the form of the main parts remains generalized.

In this regard, the kindergarten is faced with the task of teaching children the ability to depict in modeling the basic shape of objects and their most striking, characteristic features.

I. Theoretical part

1 Features of modeling in kindergarten

Modeling is of great importance for the training and education of preschool children. It promotes development visual perception, memory, imaginative thinking, instilling the manual skills and abilities necessary for successful learning in school. Modeling, just like other types of visual activity, shapes aesthetic tastes, develops a sense of beauty, the ability to understand beauty in all its diversity. “...In the family of fine arts,” noted the sculptor I. Ya. Ginzburg, “modeling plays the same role as arithmetic in the mathematical sciences. This is the ABC of understanding an object. This is the first reading, an exposition of the subject.

In drawing, the subject is depicted relatively. Because of perspective, the essence of the properties of an object, its main meaning, is often diminished and sometimes completely lost. The correct relationship of parts, the difference between the main and the secondary - the body from the attached parts - all this is clearly expressed when depicting an object through modeling. A small child has a special acuity of perception. What is emotionally perceived in childhood is remembered for a lifetime. The perception of beauty forms in children an aesthetic sense, respect and respect for art. Works of art broaden a child’s horizons by conveying certain information. They also influence the formation moral feelings.

The need to introduce children to sculpture is connected not only with its educational side. In the process of perception, children learn the language of sculpture, its means of expression and methods of depiction. In addition, the child comprehends the social experience accumulated by humanity.

Children can be introduced to sculpture in all age groups. In junior and secondary classes, these are mainly objects of decorative and applied arts, art and small sculpture. In older preschool age, children can also be introduced to monumental sculpture.

What means of expression does a child learn in the process of perceiving a sculpture and which of them can he use in sculpting?

Creating a molded image is always associated with the transfer of plasticity, which children do not immediately comprehend. But already in older preschool age, children begin to understand the smoothness of the outlines of the form. To do this, when viewing a sculpture, children are taught to show the line of transition from one volume to another by moving their hands in the air. Producing a visual coverage of the entire sculpture, they isolate its parts. Under the guidance of an adult, a preschool child comes to the conclusion of how to achieve smooth transition one shape into another - by smoothing the shape with your fingers or by gradually increasing the volume.

Sculpture opens up great opportunities for teaching children composition. Examination of multi-figure compositions leads children to the ability to see the relationship between objects and independently place them on a stand.

Under the influence of sculpture, preschoolers quickly master the depiction of figures in action. Their works become brighter and more expressive.

In the system of aesthetic education of children, modeling, like drawing, occupies a certain place and has its own specifics.

Each type of visual activity allows children to develop mental activity, creativity, artistic taste and many other qualities, without which the formation of the initial foundations of a socially active personality is impossible. In modeling classes, the development of the above qualities has its own characteristics. Thus, any object has volume and is perceived by the child from all sides. Based on the perception of an object, an image is formed in the mind of a preschooler. During sculpting, based on knowledge of reality, the child depicts all sides of the object, and not just one, as in drawing or appliqué. Consequently, he does not have to resort to conventional depiction, which is necessary in other types of visual activity. In addition, modeling, to a greater extent than drawing or appliqué, develops and improves the natural sense of touch of both hands, the active action of which leads to a more accurate representation of the form. Thanks to this, children quickly learn ways of depicting and move on to independent activity without showing an adult, which in turn leads to intensive development of creativity.

Children's rapid mastery of depiction methods allows them to move on to plot modeling of 2-3 figures earlier than in appliqué or drawing. Creating a plastic composition does not require a preschooler to take into account the laws of perspective. So, in the drawing, the object in the foreground is depicted at the bottom of the sheet and large in size. The sculpted figures are placed in a real-life space on a board or clay stand.

All types of activities form an independent approach to the search for new ways of depicting. In the process of sculpting, with appropriate training, the ability to search for something new develops more clearly, since it is possible to correct mistakes by directly correcting the shape with your fingers, a stack, by molding or removing excess clay. A child can redo forms several times, which cannot be done in a drawing or appliqué.

Different types fine arts activities shape the child’s artistic taste, and if drawing and appliqué influence aesthetic education through the precision of lines and colorful colors, then in modeling the volumetric shape of the object, plasticity and rhythm come first. All three components actually exist in space, which forms in the child the ability to quickly perceive and recognize the beauty of the plastic form of objects, the relationship of their parts, and develops attentiveness and interest in the surrounding reality.

Modeling as an activity, to a greater extent than drawing or appliqué, leads children to the ability to navigate in space and to master a number of mathematical concepts. So, in the younger group, the child sculpts fence posts. He moves them from one place to another, places them in a row, around the house, counts them, etc. While sculpting a human figure, older preschoolers look for a place to attach each part. At the same time, they directly compare the parts with each other and with the entire figure as a whole, determine the dimensions (length, thickness), which in the drawing is carried out only visually.

One more specific feature modeling is its close connection with the game. The volume of the completed figure stimulates children to game actions with her. Children begin to play with their products immediately during the lesson. This. age feature allows you to connect many topics with the game, for example, making dishes and treats for dolls, sculpting figures for playing at the cosmodrome, zoo, hockey, etc. Organizing activities in the form of a game deepens children’s interest in sculpting and expands the opportunity to communicate with adults and peers.

The specifics of modeling are determined by the materials. Clay colored with engobe (liquid clay) can be fired in a muffle kiln, and the child produces real ceramics. As a result, he gets acquainted with the techniques of creating dishes and other ceramic products, and this expands the scope of his ideas about the environment.

In the process of modeling, the children develop work skills and habits: work with their sleeves rolled up and keep the workplace clean and tidy, be able to use a machine with a turntable and understand the need to use it when processing an object from all sides.

1.2 Materials and equipment for modeling

Usually in kindergarten they use clay and plasticine for modeling.

Since ancient times, people have been making pottery. Clay entered human life. Dishes are made from clay, and roofs, walls and floors in houses are covered with clay, fired tiles. Clay is an earthy mass that when mixed with water turns into a plastic material. Dried clay retains the shape it is given and becomes hard when fired. These features of clay allow a person to use it in construction, as well as for the manufacture of ceramic and clay products.

Clay is usually a product of rock destruction. Mined in different places, it has its own color: yellowish-brown, reddish, grayish-white, greenish-blue, brown.

The color depends on the coloring substances that make up the clay; in addition, it contains soluble iron compounds, resins, wax, and often an admixture of sand. If there is little sand, then the clay is considered fatty and more plastic; if there is a lot, then it is called lean (or loam). You cannot sculpt from thin clay - it crumbles. Clay is very expressive as a material. Potters understand this and, working on products, try to reveal its beauty and plasticity.

Clay should be the main material for teaching children how to sculpt, primarily because it is plastic, monochromatic, beautiful as a material and gives the child the opportunity to understand the integrity of the shape of objects.

A large lump of clay allows you to work on large masses and compositions of several figures, which is almost impossible in plasticine. Clay has one more advantage over plasticine: clay products can be further processed in a muffle furnace or, after drying well, painted with gouache with the addition of egg yolk or tempera.

The use of plasticine usually leads to the depiction of small forms from colored parts, which is not always desirable, since it interferes with the holistic perception of the form. This happens because the teacher does not have the opportunity to give the child a single-color lump of plasticine of sufficient size for detailed, interesting modeling. In addition, this is a colored material, and color, as an additional means of representation, often distracts children from depicting the main one - the form. All this makes it difficult to implement important task kindergarten programs - teach children to see and create the basic shape of objects.

It should also be taken into account that it is difficult for children 2-4 years old to process this material, even if it is warmed up before class. Plasticine is good to use when working with children 5-7 years old, who have sufficiently developed fine muscles of the hand and already have a desire to depict small details of objects: decorations on clothes of figures, plant forms in plot modeling. But even in older groups, plasticine should be used only in some classes.

Thus, the main material for working with children is clay. Where can I get clay for modeling?

Clay can be selected directly from the soil. Good beds of alluvial oily clay are found near rivers and streams. Therefore, you need to look for clay in the summer, when the kindergarten goes to the country.

Educators find it difficult and often scary to prepare clay for modeling. It's actually not that difficult. You only need to prepare it correctly once, and throughout the year the clay will be suitable for work.

First of all, dry clay, if it is not clogged, is broken with a hammer, poured into a vessel and filled with water so that the top layer remains dry. The same applies to old children's works that are not needed for further preservation and have not been fired in a muffle furnace. When the clay absorbs water (after a day or two), then, as far as possible, you need to mix it with a stick and, after adding water, knead it well with your hands so that you get a thick clay mass, similar to kneaded dough that lags behind your hands (in the preparatory group this part of the work children can do).

The clay prepared in this way must be placed in a plastic tank, and if there is none, then in a piece of plastic film, tied tightly to prevent air from passing through, and placed in a box, barrel, bucket, etc. In this state, the clay can be stored for a whole year . From time to time the clay is checked and sprayed with water.

It happens that the clay is clogged with pieces of wood, stones or metal particles. In this case, the clay is “soaked”. They do it as follows. It is crushed with a hammer, placed in a vessel and filled with water so that a fairly liquid mass is obtained. Then take another vessel and pour all the contents of the first vessel into it, passing the entire mass through a sieve, sieve or elastic cloth.

All debris remaining in the fabric or sieve is thrown away, and the clay mass is placed in a warm place to evaporate. The elutriation process is lengthy, and therefore it is better to carry it out in the summer.

Any purified clay lends itself well to firing in a muffle furnace.

Modeling equipment includes frames. When working with preschoolers, these are ordinary sticks of different lengths and thicknesses. Using a frame helps to better depict the legs of animals, making the figures stable and dynamic. Clay figures made on frames often crack, so as soon as the work dries, it is better to carefully remove the frame so that further drying can proceed without it.

During the sculpting process you need to use stacks. They can be wooden or metal. Wooden ones are easy to make yourself. The most simple shapes stacks are a stick, pointed on one side and rounded on the other, a spatula-shaped stack and a loop stack.

The stack is used to work out details in cases where it is difficult to do by hand; excess clay is removed from the mold using a stack and cuts are made.

The quality of a child’s work largely depends on how his workplace is organized. For this, it is good to have small boards (square or round) that are placed on the table. The size of the board is determined by the size of the molding. If the figure is 10-15 cm in size, then the board can be 22 X 35 cm in size. If the figure is larger, then the board bigger size.

Instead of boards in older groups, you can use rotary machines, which are convenient during work and give children the opportunity to carefully turn the product and work on it from all sides.

3 Organization and methodology of classes

Before starting work on introducing children to sculpture, the kindergarten staff should expand their knowledge about sculpture (visiting exhibitions, museums, reading relevant literature); replenish the teaching cabinet with small-form sculpture and folk sculpture, purchase books on sculpture.

Introducing children to small sculpture and folk sculpture can begin by organizing a small exhibition consisting of several sculptures, different in material and content. After viewing the exhibition, children have a conversation about what sculpture is, who makes it, and from what material.

Children look at the monumental or park sculpture, which is located near the kindergarten, together with the teacher during the excursion. But first, the teacher must get acquainted with the sculpture himself, outline questions that can be asked to the children, and think through the entire process of examining the sculpture with the children.

A lot of work Parents can also introduce children to the sculpture. They can photograph a sculpture that is located in the city and make large photographs or color slides. The image should be taken from three or four sides. However, this material can be used as a visual aid only when talking about the sculpture again, that is, after the children have visited it during an excursion or walk with their parents. If acquaintance with sculpture begins with the perception of visual aids, then children understand what is depicted not as a three-dimensional object, but as a simple flat picture. They understand photographs of the sculpture from different sides as unrelated images.

What knowledge should children receive about sculpture in a preschool setting?

In the first junior group. Show interest in folk toys and have a desire to play with them.

In the second junior group. Not only to show interest in folk toys, but also to see the variety of shapes, colors of painting, and understand that this is not a toy, but an object for decorating a group.

In the middle group. Know some folk toys (Dymkovo, Bogorodskaya), be able to talk about them; be able to show a small sculpture that is in a group, treat it as a work of art; know that a sculpture is created by a sculptor.

In the older group. Know what material folk toys are made from, understand their means of expression (be able to talk about shape, proportions, movement, additional details that make the toy more beautiful and interesting). Be able to listen carefully to the teacher’s story about the sculpture during an excursion to a nearby park (square); recognize sculpture in photographs, slides; engage in a conversation about sculpture.

In the preparatory school group. Understand and love folk toys; know and distinguish between individual crafts, be able to independently talk about a folk toy, its content and expressive aspects; know what kind of sculpture there is (folk, small forms, monumental); be able to examine a sculpture (walk around from all sides, pay attention to its means of expression).

Thus, sculpture, with its deep content and expressive means, enriches the child with social experience, develops the ability to perceive beauty, and lays the initial foundations of artistic taste.

The creation of even the simplest sculptures by a child is a creative process. Thus, a spherical lump of clay appears to a small child as a ball, an orange, an apple, and a clay column bent until the ends connect - as a ring, a steering wheel. While working with clay, the child experiences aesthetic pleasure from its plasticity, volume, and from the shapes that are obtained during the modeling process.

At the same time, the child becomes aware of the various properties of clay and plasticine, gets acquainted with the three-dimensional shape, structure and proportions of objects, he develops the accuracy of hand movements and eye, and constructive abilities are formed. If this type of activity is done correctly, then modeling can become a favorite activity for children.

During modeling classes, teachers are given certain tasks: developing children's creativity, enriching children with visual and technical skills, and creating interest in this type of activity. The education system in kindergarten is structured in such a way as to prepare children for school.

Modeling sometimes requires a special approach to organizing the activity. So, depending on the amount of work, one topic can be divided into 2-3 lessons. Modeling an object and painting it with engobe requires a somewhat longer lesson - 30-35 minutes. To display a sculpted figurine, you need a stand with a turning circle so that you can view the object from all sides.

Considering that it is easier for a child to create an image in modeling than in drawing, it is better to start depicting many objects with a plastic solution, and only then move on to a conventional representation of it on paper with a pencil or paint.

Modern research and the practice of kindergarten work indicate that as a result of training, preschool children can create an expressive image, since during sculpting they use many of the visual and technical techniques that the sculptor has (convey volume, movement, enrich the design with additional details) , but they use them in a unique way, which depends on the degree of knowledge and skills of the children. For example, the form in their works is simplified: the human head is depicted as a ball, arms and legs as cylinders. When depicting additional details, the child almost does not select them according to the degree of expressiveness, sometimes omits the main ones and carefully sculpts the secondary details.

The content of children's modeling is also unique. If the content of the sculptor’s work is mainly living creatures, then children sculpt almost all the objects around them. This is explained by the fact that preschoolers often do not understand the meaning of depicting an object in plastic; they do not yet feel the beauty of plastic forms; often during sculpting they have one goal - to create an object with which they can play.

With appropriate training and guidance from the teacher, preschoolers use a stack, consciously select frames - sticks and use them not only to fasten parts, but also to convey the characteristic features of the form.

When working with children, three types of modeling are used: object modeling, plot and decorative. Each of these types has its own characteristics and tasks and can be carried out both according to the instructions and the ideas of the children.

In object modeling, the image of individual objects is simpler for a child than, for example, in drawing, since in modeling the child deals with real volume, and he does not need to resort to conventional means of representation. Children sculpt figures of people and animals with interest. However, they quickly master the depiction of objects in a constructive,

rather than plastic form. Research shows that as a result of training, children can be brought to a relatively correct image of man and animal, first in a constructive and then in a plastic way.

In this regard, the kindergarten is faced with the task of teaching children the ability to depict in modeling the basic shape of objects and their most striking, characteristic features.

The plot modeling also has its own specifics compared to the drawing. If in drawing the plot composition is often associated with the use of conventional depiction techniques (for example, the image of a person from the side is conveyed in drawing from one visible side; objects in the foreground are depicted large in comparison with figures in the background, etc.), then in modeling they are actually sculpted figures do not require a conditional change in shape and reduction in proportions to create an idea of ​​space.

Children usually do not strive to depict a detailed plot - this can be observed in the younger, middle, and sometimes even in the older groups. A child may, for example, limit himself to the image of a girl and a chicken in a static state, but he immediately begins to play with them. Moving figures around the table and accompanying actions with speech fills the child’s modeling with real dynamics, making the sculpted figures participants in an imaginary episode. Usually, plot modeling begins with a game like this. As their interest in this type of modeling develops and they master the techniques of depiction, children perform detailed scenes.

Subject modeling requires a lot of work from children, since it is necessary to sculpt each item included in the composition, install it in the desired position on a stand or without it, and supplement the modeling with details.

To compose a plot composition, first of all you should think about the stand, its volume and shape, and then sculpt it, distribute and strengthen objects on it. At first, as a rule, children do not think about the volume and shape of the stand, do not attach objects to it, and often make it thin. The shape and dimensions of the stand are not subject to the general design, shape and size of the figures. This happens because for children of this age, a stand is just a surface (floor, ground) on which objects are placed. The teacher must teach children the ability to make a dense, sufficiently voluminous stand and beautifully, logically distribute objects on it. This will allow you to successfully solve compositional problems.

The subject for modeling can be episodes from the surrounding life, the content of some fairy tales and stories.

The expressiveness of plot compositions depends not only on how children are able to depict a form, but also on how they connect the figures with each other by depicting the action.

In the process of modeling, children develop work skills and habits: work with their sleeves rolled up and keep the workplace clean and tidy, be able to use a machine, a turntable and understand the need to use it when processing an object from all sides.

The main tasks when teaching plot modeling are the following: to teach children to conceive and depict stucco compositions from 2-3 objects; learn to approach the plot creatively, highlighting the main points; during sculpting, use knowledge of the shape, proportions of objects, your observations of the actions of living objects, and various sculpting techniques.

Plot modeling is carried out only in the senior and preparatory groups. This is due to the fact that the child needs to know a lot about objects and be able to use different depiction techniques. In previous groups, children are only introduced to plot modeling and accumulate the necessary knowledge and skills.

Decorative modeling. One of the means of aesthetic education is to introduce children to folk applied art, its different types, including small decorative plastic arts by folk craftsmen. Beautiful generalized forms depicting dolls, animals, birds with conventional bright paintings delight children and have a positive effect on the development of their artistic taste, expanding their ideas and imagination. The children like decorative vessels created by potters of different nations. Children willingly examine the simple and sometimes intricate shapes of mugs, salt shakers, flower pots and other products.

By observing the small decorative plastic arts of folk craftsmen, older preschoolers can create interesting products themselves, which can later be used for games, to decorate a room, as souvenirs. The children are good and willing to sculpt beads and pendants for dolls, make decorative vessels: salt shakers, egg cups and vases for small spring flowers, glasses and trays for pencils. These products can be in the shape of leaves, flowers, animals, and can be interestingly painted with engobe and gouache. This type of modeling also includes the creation of decorative birds with painted wings and tails.

Decorative modeling allows you to teach children to first think about a topic, create a sketch in advance in the form of a drawing, and conditionally decide on the shape of an object and painting. For example, a salt shaker in the shape of a flower, the wings of a bird or a beetle are painted with an ornament that includes various decorative elements: geometric shapes (circles, squares, rhombuses, triangles, etc.), plant shapes (berries, leaves, herbs, flowers, etc.) .

It is helpful to encourage children to decorate plaques and other wall decorations with patterns.

Working on a decorative plate teaches children how to use a tool, various modeling techniques, and most importantly, beautiful decorative filling of space. Some elements can be applied in a special stack - a signet in the form of a tube, square, triangle, etc. Nails and screws with heads of different shapes are used as such signets. Using pointed stacks, they draw a pattern on a clay plate, and then paint it with gouache or lay out a relief on it, which is the most complex type of decorative modeling. When creating a relief, a drawing is applied to the plate and a molded ornament is laid out according to the drawing, protruding somewhat above the general surface of the plate. Working on a molded ornament affects the development of small muscles of the hand, teaches the child to work with his fingertips, making them more flexible and sensitive to shape.

II. Practical part. Notes on various types of modeling

2.1 Summary of object modeling “Hedgehogs”

Goal: to develop children's interest in modeling;

For 3-year-old children, improve the ability to roll clay in a circular motion, learn to pull off individual parts with your fingers and use a stack to depict thorns;

Children 4 years old should be taught how to sculpt a hedgehog from an idea, to achieve an expressive representation of the image.

Material: hedgehog - small sculpture or toy, clay, boards.

Progress of the lesson:

Game motivation

The teacher says: 9

“One day, the mother bunny ordered the hedgehog a new dress for Zap. The time came and they went to the fitting.

They knocked on the door of the hedgehog's house, knocked, but no one opened it. Then they hear the hedgehog say in a weak voice:

Push the door, it's not locked.

We entered the house - the hedgehog was lying in bed, sick. In the room

not tidy. The food is not prepared. There is no one to even give water to the sick person - the hedgehog has neither a wife nor children.

Oh, what a disaster! - says the mother bunny. - Why didn’t you call us, we would have come to help you a long time ago - they would have brought medicine and prepared food.

How will I call? - the hedgehog answers. - I'm sick. I couldn't even open the door for you.

Come live with us, says the mother bunny. - You can’t do it alone - it’s boring and there’s no one to help.

“Thank you very much for the invitation,” said the hedgehog. - It's bad to live alone. Only you have your own family, a hare family. Now, if I had children, I would teach them how to sew dresses and fur coats. And at night I would tell stories. I would give them gifts - for their birthdays and just like that. The hares felt very sorry for the hedgehog. They themselves have a large and friendly family.”

Setting game and educational tasks

The teacher asks if the children would like to sculpt a lot of ezhat out of clay, so that the forest tailor will also have his own large and friendly family. Having received consent, he offers to teach them how to sculpt hedgehogs.

Guiding the completion of the task and the subsequent game

The modeling method is demonstrated after the children, together with the teacher, examine a toy hedgehog or a small sculpture of a hedgehog. In the process of perception, the teacher draws children's attention to the shape of the body, small muzzle, short legs. Children 4 years old show how the position of the hedgehog’s body and its spines changes when it is looking for something, examining it, etc.

Children 4 years old (1-2 children) can remind the younger ones the sequence and techniques of modeling, explain how to scratch thorns with a stack.

When the children finish modeling, the teacher pretends to pick up the phone and talk to someone. He reports that a hedgehog is calling, who is very worried and asks whether he will really now have many smart, beautiful and obedient children. Having learned from the children (choir answer) that this is true, he expresses a desire to immediately come and take the hedgehogs to his forest house.

The teacher organizes the arrival of a hedgehog (toy) in a large truck. The hedgehog thanks the children and asks for advice on what names to give the hedgehogs. Then he says that, unfortunately, he has no cribs, benches, or dishes in his house, and asks the children to make everything necessary for his family from building material.

When the children begin to lose interest in the game, the teacher takes the hedgehog and begins to talk to them. The hedgehog greets the child, asks what his name is, how old he is. He gives advice on what is best to feed his children and where he can get food. He is interested in what he can play with the hedgehogs. Asks to name the most interesting fairy tales and the most beautiful poems. At the end of the conversation, the hedgehog asks what the child built for his son (daughter). Then he thanks and invites him to come and visit him in the forest.

2 Summary of the plot modeling “Border Guard with a Dog”

Program content. Teach children in modeling to create a composition of two objects united by one content, to depict these objects in a certain state; convey the characteristic features of the form; install the figures on the stand.

Equipment. Clay, turntable, stacks.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. The day before the lesson, the teacher warns the children that they will be sculpting a border guard with a dog, and invites them to think about what situation the border guard and his dog might be in when they are on duty. During the lesson, the teacher asks the children about this and asks them to independently decide the composition and place the figures on the stand. During sculpting, the teacher monitors how the children work and helps them, with leading questions, convey the features in the structure of the human and animal figure.

Note. A few days before the lesson, read to the children a story about border guards, look at the illustrations, the small sculpture “Border Guard with a Dog,” and clarify what means of expression the sculptor used.

2.3 Summary of decorative modeling based on Dymkovo toys

Program content: Continue to teach children to sculpt birds based on Dymkovo folk toys, to notice and reflect in their work the distinctive features of the rooster and hen: the rooster has a crown comb and rich plumage, the hen has a small tail, a small comb. Strengthen the ability to sculpt birds from a whole piece, complementing the product with details by molding. Practice the ability to sculpt wings and tail feathers in a wave-like, curved manner. Develop a desire to sculpt clay toys, make them beautiful, expressive, and look like real ones.

Material: clay. water, rags, Dymkovo toys - samples.

Preliminary work: Getting to know the Dymkovo craft, looking at Dymkovo toys, sculpting birds.

Progress of the lesson: The clatter of hooves and the ringing of bells are heard.

Children, someone galloped towards us on a horse! Let's get a look! Yes, this is a bird house from the village of Dymkovo! Look how beautiful and elegant she is,

(The teacher brings in a stand with Dymkovo toys: a poultry house, a rooster and a chicken)

Children, who did the bird lady come with?

With a rooster and a chicken.

That’s right, today we will sculpt such roosters and hens, and at the end of the lesson the bird lady will tell us how successful our toys were. Children, we have already sculpted a rooster and a hen, let's remember what interesting and special things do Dymkovo toys have?

They are beautiful, their tails are curved, fluffy, their wings are wavy.

Right. Dymkovo birds have rich plumage, wavy, like the fur of an accordion. But the appearance of a chicken and a rooster is different. What differences did you notice?

The rooster's tail is large and wavy, while the hen's is small. The hen's comb is still stretched upward, and the cockerel's is still capped.

Yes, the rooster's tail is richer, there are more wavy wings, and the comb is like a crown. Now I will show you how to sculpt wings. I take a small piece of clay, roll it out, and then flatten it a little (accompanying the display), I divide the plate in half to make two side wings. Then I attach the wing to the body of the bird, carefully smear it and only then pinch the edges so that it turns out wavy. Who can tell you how to sculpt a scallop crown?

First you need to mold the plate, then stick it to the head, connect and pinch the edges.

Right, where do you start?

By dividing the clay into a large piece for the body, and a smaller piece for the wings and scallop.

How will we sculpt the bird?

First, an oval body is molded, then the head with neck and tail are pulled out, and then the comb and wings are attached.

What do you guys need water and rags for?

To smooth the surface of the toy, make it smooth and even.

Well done boys. I see that you are ready to sculpt Dymkovo birds. Get to work.

(The teacher checks whether the children use modeling techniques correctly, gives hints, helps with advice, and conducts individual work).

After the children finish modeling, an exhibition of their work is organized. The teacher with the children and the poultry house examine the cockerels and hens and note the most successful ones.

Tanya has a beautiful cockerel, he stretched out his neck, opened his beak, and wants to sing with joy. His wings are wavy, well attached and smoothed, the cockerel has an important appearance.

Petya made a crested chicken, he tried to carefully smooth the surface with a cloth, everyone wants to play with such a chicken.

At the end of the lesson, the birder thanks the children for their good work and says goodbye to them.


When we talk about modeling in kindergarten, we mean visual activity, during which children depict the objects of the reality around them, create an elementary sculpture using clay or plasticine.

The creation of even the simplest sculptures by a child is a creative process.

Thus, a spherical lump of clay appears to a small child as a ball, an orange, an apple, and a clay column bent until the ends connect - as a ring, a steering wheel. While working with clay, the child receives aesthetic pleasure from its plasticity, volume, and from the shapes that are obtained during the modeling process.

At the same time, the child becomes aware of the various properties of clay and plasticine, gets acquainted with the three-dimensional shape, structure and proportions of objects, he develops the accuracy of hand movements and eye, and constructive abilities are formed.

If this type of activity is done correctly, then modeling can become a favorite activity for children.

List of used literature

Ivanova T.E. Modeling lesson in kindergarten. - M.: TI Sfera, 2010. - 96 p.

Kosminskaya V.B. et al. Theory and methodology of visual activity in kindergarten. - M.: Education, 1977. - 105 p.

Komarova T.S. Fine art preschoolers in kindergarten. - M.: Pedagogy, 1984. - 190 p.

Sakulina N.P., Komarova T.S. Visual activities in kindergarten. - M.: Education, 1997. - 208 p.

Khalezova N. B., Kurochkina N. A., Pantyukhina G. V. Modeling in kindergarten: Book. for a kindergarten teacher garden.- M.: Education, 1986.- 144 ill.

Khalezova N.B. Folk plastic and decorative molding in kindergarten. - M.: Education, 1994. - 112 p.

modeling children's activity material


Rice. 1 Modeling techniques Fig. 2 The spines of a hedgehog can be depicted using a stack

Equipment for modeling: machine with turntable. 2. turntable for displaying the model. 3. boards for modeling. 4. stacks for processing clay. 5. signets for decorating stucco works. 6. saucers for water. 7. cloth. 8. paint. 9. brush.


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— Continue to help children develop the fundamentals ecological culture: correct attitude the child to the nature that surrounds him;

— Summarize children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature;

— To consolidate initial ideas about undeservedly persecuted animals; about the wrong relationship between man and the plant world. Reinforce the idea of ​​the purpose of the Red Book.

— Develop environmental thinking based on ideas about nature reserves and laws that regulate human behavior.

— Continue to instill in children a caring attitude towards nature based on specific knowledge; evoke a feeling of empathy. Create a joyful mood in children and parents and create a desire to participate in the event.

Preliminary work:

— Reading fiction(A. Pleshakov, G. Skrebitsky, E. Charushin, V. Bianki, M. Prishvin, N. Sladkov, G. Snegirev, K. Paustovsky, Red Book of the RSFSR (animals and plants), Encyclopedias for children).

— Didactic, outdoor games on this topic.

- Conversations, use of riddles, observations.

— Examination of paintings about the nature of reserves at different times of the year.

— Participation in a competition of drawings about nature.


— “Magic Sun” — 10 colored game paths converging to big circle.

— Cards with thematic issues.

— Didactic game “Where, whose house?”

— Illustrations depicting animals and plants.

— Ecological signs.


— magazines: “Child in kindergarten” No. 6/2008, “Preschool pedagogy” No. 6/2006.

— “In union with nature” — educational and methodological manual.

- G.N. Mochalova, L.I.Shapeeva “Familiar Strangers” - game programs for children.

— A. I. Volkov “Meetings with plants of Kamchatka.”

KVN "Ecological assorted"

Educator:- Hello, friends! Hello nature! Hello, forests, rivers, seas and lakes, fields and mountains! Hello birds and animals!

If a person said hello every day like this not only to his family and friends, but also to all living beings that surround him, perhaps all those animals and plants that we will never see again would still live on earth - people destroyed them.

Sometimes you hear: man is the king of nature. But who put man above nature? The man himself! And who is a person without nature? Without air, water, birdsong, the aroma of meadows, the rustle of leaves. Nature generously gives us all this, and in return asks only for careful, kind treatment!


Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet.

Educator:- Today I invited you guys and your parents to play a game called "Ecological assortment" . We have to find out how well you know native nature. Today, more than ever, she needs protection, care, and love.

The winner in the game is the one who knows the life of animals, plants, birds well, knows how to behave correctly in nature, and is ready to protect it. Parents and children of the older group take part in the game. Each player has his own playing track with colored sectors. I will ask each player a question that corresponds to the "thematic" sector. If the player answers the question correctly, he moves on to the next sector. If the answer is incorrect, it stays where it is. The winner is the one who reaches the circle first and answers the super game question. Ready? Then go ahead!


Questions for parents:

1. — Why is the book, which contains rare, endangered plants and animals, red? ( red color is a signal of danger, a sign of trouble that threatens the green, living side of the planet).

2. - Name in one word the plants and animals listed in the Red Book? (rare, endangered, protected).

3. — Who exercises control and supervision over protected areas? (state).

4. — Who and what is protected in the nature reserves and sanctuaries of Kamchatka? (waterfowl and semi-aquatic birds, game animals, bighorn sheep, Canadian beaver, geysers, graceful fir groves, rookeries of marine animals).

5. — Is there a month of silence in nature reserves? (Yes).

Questions for children:

1. — What is the name of the book in which rare, endangered plants and animals are listed? (Red Book).

2. — What are the territories protected by law called? (reserves, sanctuaries, national parks).

3. — Name the nature reserves of Kamchatka (Kronotsky, Komandorsky).

4. - From a set of illustrations, select animals and plants listed in the Red Book of the Kamchatka Region.




The pogrom begins.

We go out into nature,

How many people are there in the forest!

There's a fire here and there's a fire there,

Banks, bottles, all sorts of rubbish...

Educator:-Imagine that you find yourself in a forest or on the shore of a lake and in front of you great amount scattered garbage, but animals and birds live in the forest and this causes irreparable harm. Here are environmental signs. Think about what each sign means and give it a name. Explain why.


Task - “Guess the melody”

Educator:— I will offer each participant in the game a musical excerpt from familiar works about nature to listen to. Remember their names.


Educator:-It's time to rest. Now let each of you wish for a bird or an animal that he would like to turn into. Stand behind the line and portray your animal, and the audience will try to guess it.


If I pick a flower -

If you pick a flower...

If everything is me and you,

If we pick flowers,

They will be empty

And trees and bushes.

And there will be no kindness

If it's just me and you

If we pick flowers.

Educator:-Look at these illustrations (showing an exhibition of plants that are listed in the Red Book of the Kamchatka Region). What a magnificent variety of herbs!

Assignment for parents:

— Which Kamchatka plants’ leaves are depicted here? – leaves are depicted in autumn attire.

Task for children:

— Find out a plant that grows in Kamchatka from a fragment.

Suggestive questions:

1 - A relative of the pine tree.

2 - Tall grass, called "bear root".

3 - Queen of the Kamchatka forests.

4 - Shrub with wrinkled leaves.

5 - Very rare orchid.

6 - Grass 3 meters high, which bears feed on in the spring.


Everyone in the world is needed.

And no less midges

Needed more than elephants.

You can't do without ridiculous monsters

And even without predators

Evil and ferocious.

We need everything in the world

Everything you need:

Who makes honey

And who makes the poison!

Assignment for parents:

1 - What kind of fish is this that becomes humpbacked in old age? ( pink salmon).

2 - This is a large animal, lives in the tundra, has wide hooves, they allow him to run in the snow, and with them he rake the snow to get food for himself (reindeer).

3 - Divide the proposed animals into two groups:

Who doesn't change their fur coat according to the seasons?

Who changes their fur coat according to the seasons?

4 - I offer the illustration “On an Ice Floe”. Find where the error is?

5 - Sparkling with scales like fire, we are red - always red where our flock walks, it seems the water is burning (red salmon).

Task for children:

1 - This animal is a resident of the Far North. This is an excellent catcher, hunting for fish and seals (polar bear) .

2 - Who is the odd one out here and why? (giraffe, polar bear, walrus, deer).

3 - I offer pictures with animal “houses”. We need to determine who lives in which house. (didactic game“Where is whose house?”).

4 – He surfaced with his mother and had a light breakfast. I immediately drank 10 liters of milk in a minute. (kit).

5 - Thought it was a cat. He shouted: “Shoot!” It turned out to be... Lynx.

Educator:-After the participants in the final game have been determined, I propose to conduct GAME WITH SPECTATORS:

1 - What conifer tree does it lose its needles in winter? ( larch).

2 — What can you feed birds? ( grains, sunflower seeds, seeds).

3 - Name it folk signs related to weather events ( the cat curled up into a ball - it’s getting colder. Frogs croak - it means rain. Swallows fly low above the ground - it will rain).

4 - Why does a tiger have stripes and a giraffe spots? (d for camouflage. The variegated pattern makes them invisible among trees and grass).

5 — Why do flowers need bright petals and a pleasant smell? ( they attract insects).

6 - What plant is said to burn? (nettle).

7 — Which plant is rich in vitamin C? (rose hip).

8 — Which plant produces flowers before leaves? (coltsfoot)

9 - They say the whale has a mustache. Where are they located? (in the mouth).

10 - What do trees and books have in common? (leaves).

Spectators who answer the questions correctly are awarded incentive prizes.


Educator:- Now the time has come for the most difficult question of our KVN. Listen carefully: “The source of physical and spiritual strength, flora, fauna, man - all this can be called in one word. Which one?


Educator:- Our KVN has come to an end. No matter who is ahead, we can say with confidence: friendship, ingenuity and resourcefulness won today. I think that our meeting today was not in vain; you are real defenders of nature.

We live in the same family,

We live in the same circle,

Walk in the same line

Fly in one flight...

Let's save the daisy in the meadow,

Water lily on the river

And cranberries in the swamp.

A friend of nature is a person who loves, studies, protects and protects it. I present you all with awards - medal "Friends of Nature"

(children and parents are awarded medals to the music).



Ragwort hemp-leaved



Thistle Kamchatka

Alder dwarf



Cedar elfin wood

Palmate root ( orchid)

Leafless muzzle ( orchid, which is listed in the Red Book of Russia)

Rose wrinkled ( rose hip)


Angelica bear( bear root)


1-“In the cold” lyrics. A. Barto, music. M. Kraseva

2-“Bee” lyrics. V. Viktorova, music. V. Gerchik

3-“Apple tree” lyrics. I. Tokmakova, music. Yu. Tugarikova

4-“Walk in the Woods” lyrics. M. Tanich, music. B. Savelyeva

5-“Woodpecker” lyrics. A. Fatkina, music. N. Levi

6-"Larks, come over"

7-“There was a birch tree in the field”

8-“Why does the bear sleep in winter” lyrics. A. Kovalenkova, music. L. Knipper

9-"Penguin" lyrics. L Dymovoy, music. D. Lvova-Kompaneitsa