Dan balance wiki. Dan Balan - biography

Dan Mihai Balan is a bright star of the stage and show business. Born into a full-fledged family in 1979, on February 6. At the moment, the singer is already 36 years old, but it is quite difficult to give him that age. The singer keeps himself in great shape and looks fit.

The hometown of the famous singer is Chisinau (Moldova). Dan's father Mihai Balan and mother Lyudmila Balan tried to accustom their son to something beautiful from childhood, and thanks to their upbringing, the young talented boy's first public performance took place at the age of 4, when he first appeared on an entertaining television show. It was the parents who made a huge contribution to education and upbringing, for which the singer is eternally grateful to them, talking about this in many interviews with journalists and TV presenters.

First performances and music

Dan Balan's biography is full of various significant events. Some of them happened already in childhood. His parents noticed his passion for singing and contributed to the purchase of an accordion, on which Dan, at the age of 11, composed his own works for waltzes and dances.

Over the years, the young singer gained experience and appeared more and more on the stages of theaters and school halls. At the age of 14, he actively played in the bands Pantheon and Inferialis and performed music in the style of gothic doom metal. These tentative forays into the world of show business turned out to be very productive, and at the age of 20, Dan Balan’s biography was replenished with serious events - performances on the big stage.

O-Zone - formation of the group and the beginning of serious success

In 1999, the singer took another step on the path to success and, together with his faithful friend Peter Zhelikhovsky, created a group. In his group O-Zone (that’s what it was called), the singer was both a producer, a musician, and a singer. The most famous single that has gained popularity in many European countries is Numa Numa Song. Many more albums of the group were able to glorify performers throughout Europe, and O-Zone achieved truly wild success. But in 2005, due to some disagreements, the group broke up and stopped creative activities.

But the biography of Dan Balan is replenished with new events. Dan goes to Los Angeles, where he meets famous producer Jack Joseph Puig. He creates all the conditions for promoting the solo career of his ward.

The first album and unprecedented success: where the solo star journey begins

At first, Dan Balan did not perform on his own behalf, but had the pseudonym Crazy Loop. So he released his first solo album, The Power of Shower. But soon this pseudonym disappeared - the singer began performing under his own name. Dan Balan began filming the songs, and the famous director Chaim Williams worked on his first video for the single Chica Bomb. The hits that occupied the first lines of the charts from Dan Balan came one after another. A duet song with Vera Brezhneva called “Rose Petals” and the compositions Freedom and “Only Until the Morning” made the singer a leader in music show business. His songs remained on the first lines of the charts for an unusually long time.

For fruitful work, the singer goes to New York, where he records new singles and shoots videos. But Dan Balan’s biography is not only his creative activity, but also his personal life.

The special attractiveness of Dan Balan is the reason for great interest from fans who love their idol not only for his beautiful songs, but also for his external features.

Dan Balan: personal life. What is the singer hiding?

No matter how hard the reporters tried to find out who his beloved was, nothing came of it. The singer always speaks briefly and clearly about his heart’s secrets: “I am a free bird, and for now everything remains that way.” The joint work with Vera Brezhneva was interpreted differently by journalists, and the yellow press gave Dan Balan many statuses, including the belief that he and Vera were a couple. But no matter what the newspapers write, Dan Balan still remains an enviable bachelor, and there was no connection, other than creative activity, between the show business stars.

If you still don’t know how old Dan Balan is, you can easily calculate it. From early childhood, the boy showed interest in music and organized concerts from the age of 3. It was at the age of three that he sang his very first song. Being the presenter, the mother helped her son, one day deciding to organize a kind of audition for him. On Moldavian television, the future star performed a song by Nadezhda Chepraga, a famous singer in Chisinau, but the cameras were turned off and the debut failed. However, it was the very first performance on television that gave the boy faith in his abilities!

The boy went to the Mihai Eminescu primary school in 1986, where he began to write his first poems. A year later, one of his poems takes first place in the competition and is published in the most popular magazine “NOI”.

The first real performance of the future star took place when the boy was 9 years old.

on the television show "Semaforul". In 1988, Dan entered a music school to study accordion, graduating in 1994. In 1992, parents bought their son his first guitar, on which he tried to play rock music, which became interesting to the young man. Around this time, Balan began to dance and become interested in the art of war. His idols were Jackie Chan, MC Hammer, and the musicians of the cult band Metallica.

The beginning of the career of singer Dan Balan

As the boy grew older, he continued to organize concerts for his sister and friends. Seeing such a love for creativity, the parents gave their son an accordion for his eleventh birthday. On it Dan began to perform waltzes of his own composition. His talent could not go unnoticed, and at the age of 14 the young talent was already playing in bands performing music in the style of gothic doom metal “Pantheon” and “Inferialis”. Since these timid steps to get to the big stage did not bring tangible results, the musician decided to act differently.

In 1994, he decides to perform a song of his own composition at a school festival, where he receives the first loud applause. At the same time, the young man writes a song for a show hosted by his mother on television and receives national recognition. Dan Balan, whose family is moving to Israel due to his father’s new appointment, continues to be actively involved in music. It was in Tel Aviv that the performer first recorded in a studio and entered the Scottish School. But a year later the young man returns to his native Moldova and graduates from the Gh. Asachi."

Since Dan Balan’s parents wanted their son to study law, the young man fulfills their will and enters the Faculty of Law.

The path to success in the biography of Dan Balan

Dan Balan, whose photo you see on this page, decided, together with Petru Zhelikhovsky, to create the group “O-Zone” in 1999. For this group, the musician composed all the compositions and was also involved in producing. As a result, the single “Dragostea din Tei” (known in Russia as “Numa Numa song”), popular at the beginning of the new millennium, topped the charts in 32 countries around the world! Earning third place in the UK, it sold over 12 million copies, thus becoming the best-selling and most popular in Europe. And even after the collapse of O-Zone, this particular composition is considered Dan’s “calling card”. After the band disbanded in 2005, the musician went to Los Angeles to work on his own career.

The biography of singer Dan Balan, who can be read here, was helped by producer Jack Joseph Puig in his search for himself.

Under the pseudonym “Crazy Loop,” the singer releases his first solo album, recorded in the studio, “The Power of Shower.” However, this did not bring worldwide fame and Balan refuses the pseudonym, preferring to perform under his own name. First, the audience warmly accepts the song “Chica Bomb”, then begins to sing the song “Justify Sex” and “Rose Petals”, which was recorded in a duet with Vera Brezhneva in 2010.

The year 2011 opens for Dan Balan, whose marital status worries millions of fans, with the composition “Freedom”, as well as the song “Only Until the Morning”, which do not leave the leaders of the music charts.

Dan Balan biography, whose photos are presented on our website, currently lives in New York and is working on new hits. From time to time he comes to Russia and performs at various concerts.

Personal life and marital status of Dan Balan

Since Dan is not only a talented performer, but also an attractive man, fans are interested not only in Dan Balan himself, his biography, whether he is married or not, but also in who the artist’s heart is. Unfortunately, the young man is in no hurry to talk about his affairs of the heart.

He was credited with an affair with Vera Brezhneva, but the singer denied this, explaining that the bonds of marriage are sacred to him and Vera, being a married lady, is inviolable for him. If you are interested in the performer Dan Balan, his biography, how old he is and other facts, then we will tell you the most interesting: in 2019, the performer was seen next to a participant in the show “I want to join VIA Gro” - Vardanush Martirosyan, a well-known dancer in narrow circles under the pseudonym "Varda". The girl was predicted to win the show, and the idol of millions actively supported her on the project.

Currently, the celebrity lives in the center of New York and is working on new hits. There are all conditions for creating and recording songs. And, despite the numerous novels attributed to the performer, he more than once hinted that his heart was free. Balan considers himself a complete romantic who has a negative attitude towards one-night stands and fleeting romances. He agrees only to serious relationships and real feelings, emphasizing that he values ​​​​in ladies not external data, but a spiritual connection and naturalness in everything.

In one of his last interviews, the artist said that he managed to conquer America, which tirelessly dances to his songs, and found his beloved girl. But he did not tell who she is, where she lives and who she works for.

Hobbies of singer Dan Balan

In addition to music, the man loves dancing and sports, good red wine, in particular cabernet sauvignon, and natural juices. He doesn't like meat and seafood, but prefers vegetables and fruits. From time to time he re-reads “The Tao of Love” and dreams of a house inhabited by small children. Of the performers, he respects Lady Gaga and will never forgive betrayal of a friend or family member. Friends also believe that Dana is a very calm and balanced person who loves to take risks and travel.

In this article we talked about Dan Balan, biography and other interesting facts about the most popular Moldovan performer.

Dan Balan is an outstanding singer whom even the most famous stars should look up to. His parents prepared for the guy to become a lawyer, but he was able to survive and follow his own path, and the result was that Dan is now a world-class star. He has made his way from an ordinary boy from Chisinau to a popular music artist, whose songs are not only listened to all over the world, but are also placed in first place in all music charts on radio and television. His biography is worth admiring.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dan Balan

Many fans are interested in Dan Balan’s height, weight, age, and how old. He is a very handsome guy and has a special attractive appearance, which attracts fans and makes his popularity even greater. Of course, the guy takes care of his appearance, but he considers the quality of sleep and food to be the main things in this life; Dan lives under the motto “Eat or Die!” With a height of 190, he weighs 73 kg. The singer was born on February 6, 1979, and is currently 38 years old, although he always looks like a young guy under 30 years old.

Biography and personal life of Dan Balan

Dan was born into an artistic family, so it is not surprising that from childhood he loved to play music and eventually devoted his whole life to it. Mom was a popular TV presenter, so the boy became acquainted with the world of show business while visiting her at work. Dan's father was a diplomat, and his mother was busy with her career, both parents were immersed in work and did not have time to raise their son, so little Dan was sent to be raised by his grandmother in a small village, but when he was three years old, his parents took him back to the city.

From early childhood, Dan was interested in music and first performed in front of an audience at the age of 4. And at the age of 11 he was given an accordion, which he quickly learned to play and actually composed his first compositions. At the same age he was sent to study at a music school.

The father took a very responsible approach to his son’s education and sent him to one of the best lyceums in the country, “M.Eminesku,” and then to “Gheorghi Asache.” A little later, Dan’s father was given a promotion and he and his family went to live in Israel. After spending a year and a half in a foreign country, the guy decided to return to his homeland. His father insisted that Dan enter the Faculty of Law and the young talent did not contradict, but asked to give him a synthesizer for successfully passing the exams. He passed the exams, entered law school and now immersed himself in a new instrument. Studying the keys prompted the guy to create his own group, and “Inferialis” appeared in Chisinau. After working with the group a little, the guy left the group and tried himself solo, recording his first work.

This was followed by the creation of the O-Zone group, which gave the world many interesting and popular compositions that occupied leading positions in sales in many countries. Since 2006, Dan finally began his solo career and went to New York, where he bought himself an apartment and still lives, although the guy says that he is there at most 5 times a year, and the rest of the time he travels around countries.

The biography and personal life of Dan Balan is very interesting for the public, and not only fans of his work are interested in his life. The artist’s personal life is very vague, or rather, hidden from the public by real networks. Now the musician remains free and says that he experienced his first and greatest feelings while still a schoolboy, at the age of 16. And throughout his entire life, Dan only experienced strong feelings for girls three times. With his busy schedule and constant work, there is simply no time left for his personal life.

After the release of a joint song with Vera Brezhneva called “Petals of Tears,” journalists for a long time attributed an affair to this duet and hoped to get spicy details, but there was no connection between them. Dan himself admits that he liked Vera as a girl, she is very beautiful and generally interesting, but she has a husband and for the performer this is sacred.

Family and children of Dan Balan

Dan's parents practically did not raise him. The guy admits that mom and dad were constantly at work, and sometimes there wasn’t even time to have dinner together, so the singer grew up on his own. Throughout his childhood, he watched how his peers were raised incorrectly by their parents, instilling in them Soviet rules and norms, and Dan, at that time, decided for himself what was right for him and what was not, making mistakes and trying everything new that interested him. It was thanks to this childhood that Dan grew up to be an open, purposeful and talented person.

Dan Balan’s own family and children are still only in the distant future. The singer doesn’t have enough time to even think about it and doesn’t want to get ahead of himself. He has not yet met the girl with whom he would like to live his whole life, but he is not upset about this either. Now he has a dizzying career and is working hard to hone his talent. Dan devotes all his energy to music and one can say that he lives by his creativity, devoting all his free time to development.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dan Balan

Instagram and Wikipedia Dan Balan will be of interest to his fans. Dan does not use Twitter, but is an active user of VKontakte and Facebook. On VKontakte he has his own fan club in which he communicates with his fans and answers all their questions.

If you look at this young performer, his serious look and cold appearance make him a serious person outwardly, but when communicating with him, it becomes clear how open and kind a guy he is. Dan always communicates openly with fans and journalists, often jokes in interviews and is embarrassed when they tell him that he has a very beautiful appearance and that all his fans simply adore him. Despite the multimillion-dollar stadiums, Dan does not suffer from star fever and all he does is simply live by music, and his fame is only the result of his work on himself and constant rehearsals. One day he simply created a group to do what he loved, he did not pursue fame, it overtook him on its own.

It is worth recognizing that the 2000s gave the world a lot of talented artists. The young singer was also included in this list Dan Balan.

He was born in the city of Chisinau on February 6, 1979. The artist’s mother was a TV presenter, and his father was an ambassador. His parents really wanted their son to develop in all directions. Therefore, from early childhood Dan went to various clubs and sections.

His musical inclinations began to appear at the age of four. Even then, little Dan imagined that he was an artist on stage. As a 3rd grade student, the boy tried his hand at writing poetry and presented his creativity to his peers and teachers.

When Dan turned 11, his father gave him an accordion for his birthday. By the way, it was for him that the singer composed his first compositions. At first, the artist created mainly waltzes. After all, in order to create other modern music, an accordion will not be enough, and this instrument is not suitable for this.

In 1994, due to the transfer of Dan's father, the family moved to Israel. For 1.5 years, the artist tried to get used to the situation, but still he decided to return to his native Chisinau and graduated from the lyceum there. After Dan received secondary education, he entered the Moldavian State University. He decided to study law.

While studying at the university, Dan sang in an almost unknown Pantheon group. After some time, he became passionate about creating his own project. Thus it appeared Inferialis group. But this project soon suffered setbacks and collapsed. In 1998, Dan began working in the studio recording his songs.

A year later, the singer and his colleague organize a new O-Zone group. The first songs aroused great interest not only among listeners, but also among critics. After working together for two years, the guys decided to run away.

At that time, Dan Balan was already quite famous. And taking advantage of this position, he invites you to work with the group Radu Sirbu, Arseniy Toderas. This group simply traveled all over Moldova with their performances.

Already in 2002, the group released its first disc, Number1. Two songs on this album simply drive all listeners in Moldova crazy. After this, the group released the equally successful album DiscO-Zone.

Video O-Zone - Dragostea Din Tei

And already in 2005 this group broke up. Its members began solo careers. And this benefited Dan. After all, he was recognized all over the world.

Dan Balan's solo career

In February 2010, Dan Balan reached a new level of popularity - his single "Chica Bomb" took first place in Russian and world charts.

And in the summer of 2010, Balan’s composition “Justify SEX” took the top of the Russian ratings of the most popular songs.

And of course, joint creativity cannot be ignored Dana Balan and Vera Brezhneva- their light, gentle and sexy duet left no one indifferent - it was a sensation!

The premiere of the joint single by Brezhneva and Balan “Petals of Tears” took place on the Love Radio radio station on October 29, 2010. And this composition immediately topped the official Russian chart.

Dan Balan and Vera Brezhneva - Petals of Tears

Dan Balan did not stop at this success and further hits followed such as “Freedom”, “Love”.

Personal life of Dan Balan

Although Dan Balan is a handsome man and a favorite of girls of all ages, he tries not to make his personal life public.

It is known that Dan dated his sister’s friend for a long time - Christina Russu. They were together for more than 5 years, but it is unknown whether they broke up or are still dating.

Dana Balan's alleged girlfriend Cristina Russu:

This is what Dan Balan himself says about his personal life in one of his interviews:

Your personal life is carefully protected by you, but fans are only concerned with one question: do you have a girlfriend?

Yes, I have a girlfriend. But I don’t give comments about my personal life.

- Is it important for you that your girlfriend is an accomplished person and has weight in society?

No, absolutely. I have had three serious hobbies and relationships in my entire life, and not a single girl was famous or higher in status than me. It doesn’t matter to me at all if a girl is lower in status, poor – that’s not the main thing.

- What is important to you in a girl?

Sincerity, kindness, naturalness, beauty and naturalness.

- Is external beauty important to you?

Yes, definitely. The girl must be beautiful.