What role does art play in the life of society? The role of art in human life: what the world of beauty has in store for us

The result of the transformation of collective and state farms in the mid and late 90s of the last century was the emergence of more than 11 million land owners. The issuance of a decree on the reorganization of agricultural enterprises was aimed at creating a significant number of owners of land shares. The adoption of the decree gave the land into the possession of the owners, and they could dispose of the shares at their own discretion. For example, combine them into some organizational form.


Selling land shares is now very popular.

Agricultural land is the main component of the development of the agricultural industry. IN in this case, transfer of these shares to private property is the most effective form of management, since it allows the agricultural sector to develop upward.

The transfer of land from one category to another became possible after the adoption of RSFSR Law No. 374-1.

Forms of ownership

At the same time, equality was proclaimed following forms property:

  • collective-share;
  • state;
  • private;
  • collective farm-cooperative.

Privatization land plots and the reorganization of enterprises in the agricultural sector was carried out by a special on-farm commission in the mid and late 90s of the 20th century. As a result of this process, agricultural land was privatized and became the property of various owners. Mostly they tried to transfer the land to people who both worked and had an idea of ​​what to do with it. Obtaining a land share was carried out by application to the collective farm or state farm commission. In the application, the citizen indicated the form of use of the share. The average size the share was 10 hectares. Currently, legal relations related to land shares seem quite complex in all aspects, but today we will talk about the hereditary transfer of an agricultural share.

Agricultural land - what is it?

Each owner of a share of agricultural land has a certificate in hand.

This state document containing various characteristics share, for example, such as type of agricultural land, size of plot, valuation. This document in legal force comparable to entries in the Unified State Register.

According to the law, a share of agricultural land is a land plot that is the property of a citizen. The word “share” in this case is identical to the word “share”.

When, for example, a farm is organized, each participant is required to contribute their share.

The area of ​​agricultural land shares is calculated in point-hectares. Land shares are not divided, but the shares are indicated in the documents. Their owners own the land by right of shared ownership.

How to manage the share?

The owner of the land in this case has the right to dispose of it at his own discretion. The following options are possible: pledge, sale of land shares, bequest to another person, transfer to trust management, execution of a gift agreement, exchange, allocation against a land share. We are interested in inheritance.


The transfer of ownership of a share is a very specific case. Even heirs of the second and third priority can enter into inheritance. The inheritance is opened for six months. During this period, all applicants must write a corresponding application for participation in accepting a share of the deceased’s property. Relatives who claim property legalize their claims in a statement. The allotment can either be divided between the participants or be registered as joint ownership.

Six months after the opening of the inheritance, applicants take possession of the property of the deceased, which allows them to begin registering land shares. If there was no will, then the land is accepted by the heirs of the first priority: spouses, children, parents. If there are grandchildren or other relatives, they must reach an agreement among themselves. If there are several applicants, registration proceeds as follows: the area of ​​the plot is taken over collectively (shares may or may not be allocated); the applicant must renounce other property in exchange for the share; the land plot is transferred to the first heir in order, or to the person who received it under the will.

If relatives and other heirs are unable to reach an agreement, they resolve their disputes in court. A citizen who has received a share by court decision formalizes it according to the same scheme.

So, you can transfer this property by inheritance using two options: inheritance by law and will. If the owner did not leave a will, then inheritance is carried out using the mechanism of inheritance by law. The law provides equal rights relatives during inheritance. If there is a will, then the heir collects a package of documents and enters into the inheritance after the expiration of the normative period.

The will is drawn up in compliance with legal norms and registered with a notary. In the case where there is a mandatory share in a share of agricultural land for inheritance, it is necessary to apply a different scheme. Since it is assumed that close relatives of the deceased have the opportunity to receive a share, a transfer of land from one category to another is necessary.

To receive a land share by inheritance you must:

  1. Confirm the right to land with the help of a notary.
  2. Write a statement to government agency dealing with land issues.
  3. Contact the tax authorities.

Package of documents

When entering into an inheritance, you need to have a prepared package of documents on hand, consisting of:

Other certificates may also be required. After preparing all the documents, you must contact a notary to obtain a certificate confirming the right to a land share.

The price of a plot depends on the specific situation and certain parameters. One of the fundamental parameters is the location of the site (for commercial construction). If land is purchased for the purpose of its further use, main factor- this is the fertility of the land, which is determined by experts. The price is set at the time of conclusion of the contract.

Opening an inheritance

The inheritance is opened at the notary at the place of residence.

In addition, in almost all regions of the country you can use the services of an office operating under the “Inheritance Without Borders” program. You have the right to contact any of them for advice on inheritance issues. So, after confirming the fact of the citizen’s death, all interested parties come to the notary who opens the inheritance. If there is a will, then the procedure is carried out in accordance with the instructions in it. If it is not there, then the inheritance for relatives is opened in order of priority.

The situation with the inheritance of a share mainly depends on the decision of local executive bodies. Since this is not a plot of land that was allocated in kind, it cannot be transferred without hindrance, and only a previously formalized right can be transferred. Of course, this causes some difficulties when registering an inheritance. The situation is more favorable for those citizens who have identified the boundaries of the site in kind, demarcated it and drawn up documents in agreement with the local administration.

Share rental

Often, land shares can be rented through auctions or land sales.

Renting out land is easy and fairly quick. If there are several owners, you will need to allocate a share plot and sign a lease agreement. Rent changes are not permitted more than once a year.

To draw up a lease agreement for a land share, you need to collect the following documents:

  • Passport of the lessor and the borrower.
  • Statement.
  • Document on the allocation of land.
  • Cadastral land passport.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register and Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • Confirmation of ownership of the site.

The agreement specifies: lease terms, taxes and rent payments, conditions under which the agreement is extended, and the possibility of purchasing the site.

So, we looked at how to register a land share as an inheritance.

You can inherit any property of a deceased person, including a land share. In this article we will talk about the procedure for registering and entering into an inheritance.

One of the main features of receiving a land share by inheritance is the existence of property rights. For example, when writing a will, the testator has the right to include in the list of his inheritance only the property that officially belongs to him. When drawing up a will, the notary must have the title documents.

When registering an inheritance according to the law, difficulties may arise if the land allocation is not formalized. Therefore, in order to recognize an object as a hereditary estate, it is necessary to register ownership rights. You can register a plot in the following order:

  • Write an application to the district administration about your desire to receive a land plot.
  • Obtain consent from the municipality to register land ownership.
  • Conduct land surveying and contact the state registration authority.

After completing all stages of registration, the owner will be able to receive a certificate of ownership. It is best to register a share while the testator is still alive. This will avoid additional problems upon entering into inheritance.

Rights of heirs to shares

One of the main aspects of inheritance is determining the rights of relatives to receive property after the death of a relative. The Civil Code regulates two types of inheritance rights: by law and by will.

Legitimate successors are determined on the basis of succession. The first to register can be the parents, children and spouses of the deceased. The inherited property, including the share, will be divided equally between the specified recipients.

The spouse has the right to receive half of the inheritance if the property of the deceased was jointly acquired during the marriage.

In the absence of the main legitimate applicants, rights to join pass to the next circle of relatives. If none of the candidates has accepted, then the inheritance is transferred to the state.

The second type of inheritance is . The rights of the successors are determined by documents that were drawn up personally by the testator during his lifetime. The persons who were indicated as recipients in the text of the will can receive the property.

Stages of registration of inheritance for land

Where to start registering a share in the land as an inheritance? First, the relatives of the deceased need to decide on the place where the inheritance case will be opened. This can be done with a notary who operates in the area:

  • Last residence (registration) of the testator.
  • Locations land plot or other large object of the hereditary mass.

After presenting their rights to receive the property of the testator, his relatives must prepare a package of documents. Basic list of required papers:

  • Applicant's passport and application for entry.
  • Death certificate of the giver.
  • An extract about the place of last residence of the testator.
  • Evidence of family relationship or will.

You can prove your relationship with the deceased on the basis of documents such as: birth certificate, marriage certificate, court order on guardianship or adoption. In some situations, recognition of kinship with the deceased can be proven through court.

The second part of the documents that are required are the title papers in relation to the property of the deceased. When inheriting a land share, you need to prepare:

  • Property documents, a plan from the cadastre, an extract from the decision to allocate the site for use.
  • Statements confirming the absence of arrears in taxes and other land payments.
  • Certificates confirming the absence of encumbrances imposed on the property.
  • Estimation of the value of land.

If necessary, the notary has the right to request from the receivers other documents that are not included in our list. After reviewing all the documents, the specialist will determine the size of the shares of each candidate for entry and issue them with certificates of inheritance.

Entry and registration deadlines

Inheritance of a land share in the procedure for registering its acceptance or the timing of registration does not differ from the acceptance of other property after death loved one. The period established by law for the possibility of presenting the rights of all applicants is one of the important conditions that should be paid attention to.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation: the inheritance must be accepted within 6 months from the date of death of the testator.

Later than the established deadline, the notary cannot accept a new candidate for inheritance. The opening of the inheritance occurs on the day of the death of the testator. Review of all documents and rights of recipients is carried out over six months.

After this period, the specialist issues inheritance certificates to all candidates, which are supporting documents for the inheritance. After receiving this paper, recognized recipients can contact the registration authorities for the subsequent re-registration of ownership of the land plot in their favor.

Restoration of rights in court

Receiving a land share as an inheritance is often associated with some difficulties, which can only be resolved in court. Registration of inheritance is strictly regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes certain procedures for entry and deadlines for the implementation of such an opportunity.

One of the common reasons for going to court is the division of property inherited after the death of a relative, which cannot be physically divided. For example, a plot of land is difficult to distribute among several applicants. It is possible to divide property without court, but only with the consent of all parties involved. There are two possibilities for resolving such disputes:

  • Redemption by one of the heirs of all shares that belong to other recipients.
  • Sale of inherited property and distribution of the amount received in accordance with the shares of each recipient.

If an amicable settlement could not be concluded, then a claim for division of the inheritance between several recipients should be prepared in court. The decision of this authority on the presented dispute will be based on various factors, including: the relationship between the receivers, their financial situation. Often the court may deprive someone of their share.

A court decision on the division of land may be to approve the right of purchase of all shares by one heir. During the consideration of the claim, the applicant or defendants can conduct an appraisal examination and determine the amount of compensation for their share of the inheritance.

You can also receive an inheritance share through the court for other reasons. For example, if you miss the deadline allotted for registration. Receivers who did not contact the notary in time for entry must prepare a claim to restore the deadlines for accepting the inheritance. The court will make a positive decision only if there is a good reason why the applicant was unable to carry out the acceptance on time.

Entering into an inheritance through court or other disputes - all this always raises additional difficulties and questions. On our website, you can at any time receive a free consultation from a professional lawyer who will suggest options for resolving the current situation.

(406 words) Art is perhaps one of the most important areas human existence. It has given us a great variety of beautiful, timeless creations: elegant music, majestic masterpieces of architecture, thoughtful books and much, much more. In my opinion, the influence of art on the history of mankind in general and the human soul in particular is truly enormous. Confirmation of this can be found not only in Russian, but throughout world literature.

For example, O. Henry in his story “Pharaoh and the Chorale” tells us about the New York beggar Soapy. This degraded, immoral man pursues one single goal - to go to prison in order to spend the winter in warmth and comfort, without doing anything. To implement his plan, Sopi commits many dubious acts: he steals, brawls and debauchs, but the doors of the treasured prison remain closed to him. Already completely desperate, main character suddenly hears the sounds of a chorale coming from the church. The music strikes Sopi to the core, and the unscrupulous tramp realizes how low he has fallen. A new beginning arises in his soul, which calls him to stand on the right way. He is reborn and firmly decides to start life with clean slate. The power of art is truly limitless, because just a melody can transform a person beyond recognition.

N.V. Gogol in the story “Portrait” depicts before us the fate of the artist Andrei Petrovich Chartkov. A talented but poor young man, by the will of Providence, becomes the owner huge amount money. Andrei’s first noble impulse is to throw himself into his work and bring his talent to perfection. But plunging into the cycle social life, the main character eventually moves away from real art, turning into a servant of the rich. He creates beautiful, ideally shaped, but dead and meaningless crafts, losing his talent in exchange for fleeting fame. After some time, the painting is brought to Russia former comrade Chartkov, who devoted his entire life to art, sacrificing everything for it. Just once looking at the creation of a true artist, Andrei realizes the meaninglessness of his life, he understands that in the pursuit of fame he killed his talent. The main character tries in vain to revive the creator within himself, but his attempts turn out to be meaningless, the muse has left him. In desperation, Chartkov begins to buy and destroy the most beautiful paintings and then gets sick and dies. According to Gogol, without true art, human life has no meaning.

Art contains great power, capable of not only elevating a person to the height of bliss, making him better, but also overthrowing him, turning him to dust. It all depends on the individual himself and his willingness to listen to the call of beauty that heals the world. She plays the strings human soul, controlling us, tuning and frustrating us, like an instrument, which is why the results of creative efforts occupy an important place in the lives of each of us.

Interesting? Save it on your wall!

In the very simple understanding art is a person’s ability to translate something beautiful into reality and receive aesthetic pleasure from such objects. It can also be one of the ways of knowledge, called skill, but one thing is certain: without art, our world would be insipid, boring and not at all exciting.

Terminological stop

In the very in a broad sense art is a kind of skill, the products of which bring aesthetic pleasure. According to records in Encyclopedia Britannica, the main criterion of art is the ability to evoke a response in other people. In turn, Big Soviet encyclopedia says that art is one of the forms public consciousness, which is the main component of human culture.

No matter what anyone says, the debate around the term “art” has been going on for a very long time. For example, in the era of romanticism, art was considered to be a feature human mind. That is, they understood this term in the same way as religion and science.

Special craft

In the very first and most widespread sense, the concept of art was deciphered as “craft” or “composition” (aka creation). Simply put, art could be called everything that was created by man in the process of inventing and comprehending a certain composition.

Until the 19th century, art was the ability of an artist or singer to express his talent, captivate an audience and make them feel.

The concept of “art” can be used in the most different areas human activity:

  • the process of expressing vocal, choreographic or acting talent;
  • works, physical objects created by masters of their craft;
  • the process of consumption of works of art by the audience.

To summarize, we can say the following: art is a unique subsystem of the spiritual sphere of life, which is a creative reproduction of reality in artistic images. This is a unique skill that can inspire admiration among the public.

A little history

In world culture people began to talk about art back in ancient times. Primitive art(namely fine arts, it's the same rock art) appeared together with man in the Middle Paleolithic era. The first objects that can be identified with art as such appeared in the Upper Paleolithic. The oldest works of art, for example, shell necklaces, date back to 75 thousand years BC.

In the Stone Age they called art primitive rites, music, dancing, decorations. In general, modern art originates from ancient rituals, traditions, games that were determined by mythological and magical performances and beliefs.

From primitive man

In world art, it is customary to distinguish several eras of its development. Each of them adopted something from their ancestors, added something of their own and left it to their descendants. From century to century art acquired an increasingly complex form.

The art of primitive society consisted of music, songs, rituals, dances and images that were applied to animal skins, earth and other natural objects. In the world antique art took on a more complex form. It developed in Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Persian, Indian, Chinese and other civilizations. Each of these centers arose its own unique style of art, which has survived more than one millennium and even today influences culture. By the way, ancient greek artists were considered the best (even better modern masters) in the image human body. Only they were able, in some incredible way, to thoroughly depict muscles, posture, select the correct proportions and convey natural beauty nature.

Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages, religions had a significant influence on the development of art. This is especially true in Europe. Gothic and Byzantine art based on spiritual truths and biblical stories. At this time, in the east and in Islamic countries, it was believed that drawing a person was nothing more than the creation of an idol, which was prohibited. Therefore, in the fine arts there was architecture and ornaments, but there was no person. Calligraphy and jewelry making developed. In India and Tibet, the main art form was religious dance, followed by sculpture.

A wide variety of arts flourished in China, without any influence or pressure from any religion. Each era had its own masters, each of them had their own style, which they perfected. Therefore, each work of art bears the name of the era in which it was created. For example, a vase from the Ming era or a painting from the Tang era. The situation in Japan is the same as in China. The development of culture and art in these countries was quite original.


During the Renaissance, art returned to material values and humanism. Human figures they acquire lost physicality, perspective appears in space, and artists strive to reflect physical and rational certainty.

During the Romantic era, emotions appeared in art. The masters try to show human individuality and the depth of experience. Multiple ones begin to appear art styles, such as academicism, symbolism, fauvism, etc. True, their life was short-lived, and the previous trends, spurred by the horror of the wars they had experienced, could be said to be reborn from the ashes.

On the way to modernity

In the 20th century, masters were looking for new visual possibilities and beauty standards. Due to ever-increasing globalization, cultures have begun to interpenetrate and influence each other. For example, the impressionists were inspired Japanese prints, Picasso's work was significantly influenced by art India. In the second half of the 20th century, the development different areas art was influenced by modernism with its relentless idealistic search for truth and rigid norms. The period of modern art began when it was decided that values ​​are relative.

Functions and properties

At all times, theorists of art history and cultural studies have said that for art, like for any other social phenomenon, characterized by different functions and properties. All functions of art are conventionally divided into motivated and unmotivated.

Unmotivated functions are properties that are an integral part of human nature. Simply put, art is what a person's instincts drive him towards and what goes beyond the practical and useful. These functions include:

  • Basic instinct of harmony, rhythm and balance. Here art is manifested not in material form, but in a sensual, internal desire for harmony and beauty.
  • Feeling of mystery. It is believed that art is one of the ways to feel connected to the Universe. This feeling arises unexpectedly when contemplating paintings, listening to music, etc.
  • Imagination. Thanks to art, a person has the opportunity to use his imagination without restrictions.
  • Appeal to many. Art allows the creator to address the whole world.
  • Rituals and symbols. In some modern cultures there are colorful rituals, dances and performances. They are original symbols, and sometimes just ways to diversify the event. By themselves, they do not pursue any goal, but anthropologists see in each movement the meaning inherent in the process of development of national culture.

Motivated Features

Motivated functions of art are the goals that the creator consciously sets for himself when starting to create a work of art.

In this case, art can be:

  • A means of communication. In its own simple version art is a way of communication between people, through which information can be conveyed.
  • Entertainment. Art can create the appropriate mood, help you relax and take your mind off problems.
  • For the sake of change. At the beginning of the twentieth century, many works were created that provoked political change.
  • For the sake of psychotherapy. Psychologists often use art for therapeutic purposes. A technique based on pattern analysis makes it possible to make a more accurate diagnosis.
  • For the sake of protest. Art was often used to protest against something or someone.
  • Propaganda. Art can also be a way of disseminating propaganda, through which one can subtly influence the formation of new tastes and attitudes among the public.

As can be seen from the functions, art in the life of society plays far from last role, influencing all areas human life.

Types and forms

Initially, art was considered an undivided, that is, a general complex of creative activity. For primitive man There were no separate examples of art such as theater, music or literature. Everything was merged together. Only after a while different types of art began to appear. This is what they call historically established forms artistic reflection world, which use different means to create.

Depending on the means used, the following art forms are distinguished:

  • Literature. Uses verbal and written means to create examples of art. There are three main types here - drama, epic and lyric.
  • Music. It is divided into vocal and instrumental; sound means are used to create examples of art.
  • Dance. Plastic movements are used to create new patterns. There are ballet, ritual, ballroom, modern and folk art dance.
  • Painting. With the help of color, reality is displayed on a plane.
  • Architecture. Art is manifested in the transformation of the spatial environment with structures and buildings.
  • Sculpture. Represents works of art, which have volume and three-dimensional shape.
  • Decorative and applied arts. This form is directly related to application needs, it is art objects, which can be used in everyday life. For example, painted dishes, furniture, etc.
  • Theater. With help acting a stage action of a specific theme and character is played out on stage.
  • Circus. A kind of spectacular and entertaining action with funny, unusual and risky numbers.
  • Movie. You could say it's evolution theatrical action, when modern, audiovisual means are still used.
  • Photo. It involves capturing visual images using technical means.

To the listed forms you can also add such genres of art as pop, graphics, radio, etc.

The role of art in human life

It’s strange, but for some reason it is believed that art is intended only for the upper strata of the population, the so-called elite. This concept is supposedly alien to other people.

Art is usually identified with wealth, influence and power. After all, these are the people who can afford to buy themselves beautiful, obscenely expensive and absurdly useless things. Take, for example, the Hermitage or the Palace of Versailles, which preserve rich collections of monarchs of the past. Today, such collections can be afforded by governments, some private organizations and very rich people.

Sometimes it seems that the main role of art in a person’s life is to show others social status. In many cultures, expensive and elegant things show a person's position in society. On the other hand, two centuries ago attempts were made to make high art more accessible to the general public. For example, in 1793 the Louvre was opened to everyone (until that time it was the property of the French kings). Over time, this idea was picked up in Russia ( Tretyakov Gallery), USA (Metropolitan Museum) and other European countries. And yet, people who have their own art collection will always be considered more influential.

Synthetic or real

IN modern world there is a wide variety of art. They gain different kinds, forms, means of creation. The only thing that has remained unchanged is folk art, in its primitive form.

today even simple idea considered art. It is thanks to the ideas public opinion and critical acclaim, works such as Black Square, a tea set covered in real fur, or a photograph of the Rhine River, which sold for $4 million, have enjoyed enduring success. It is difficult to call these and similar objects real art.

So what is real art? By and large, these are works that make you think, ask questions, and look for answers. Real art attracts, you want to get your hands on this item at any cost. Even in literature, Russian classics wrote about this attractive force. Thus, in Gogol’s story “Portrait,” the main character spends his last savings on purchasing a portrait.

True art always makes a person kinder, stronger and wiser. Possessing invaluable knowledge and experience that has been collected over many generations, and is now available in an understandable form, a person has the opportunity to develop and improve.

Real art always comes from pure heart. It doesn’t matter what it will be - a book, a painting, music, a play. The viewer will feel it. You will definitely feel what the creator wanted to convey. She will feel his emotions, understand his thoughts, and go with him in search of answers. Real art is an inaudible conversation between the author and a person, after which the listener/reader/viewer will no longer be the same. This is what real art is. A real concentrated bundle of feelings. As Pushkin wrote, it should burn the hearts of people, and no matter what - a verb, a brush or musical instrument. Such art should serve people and inspire them to change, entertain them when they are sad, and instill hope, especially when it seems that there is no way out. This is the only way it can be, it can’t be any other way.

Today there are many strange, sometimes even ridiculous objects that are called works of art. But if they are not able to “hit the nerve,” then they cannot relate to art a priori.

Art- one of the main forms of spiritual culture of humanity, which arose in ancient times. So, already in the era Upper Paleolithic, 40 thousand years ago, there was “cave art” - wonderful rock engravings and paintings in which our distant ancestors depicted animals and hunting scenes.

Later sculpture, music, architecture, theater, fiction. This classic types art that is thousands of years old. The development of forms and types of art continues in our time. In the modern world, thanks to the development of technology, some new types of art have appeared, for example, the art of cinema, artistic photography, and now the art of computer graphics is emerging.

All this suggests that human life is impossible without art, that it meets some of his deepest needs. To explain her character, we need to remember that man is an active being. Through their activities, people learn the world and transform it.


practically active- it is regulated by such general needs and goals as benefit and benefit;

educational- its goal is truth;

artistic- its value is beauty.

Therefore, we can define art as a way of mastering and transforming the world according to the laws of beauty.

The specificity of art is to reflect reality through artistic images, that is, in a concrete sensory form, and not with the help of concepts and theories as in scientific knowledge. This is obvious in painting or sculpture. But even literature, although its figurative side is not striking, differs significantly from knowledge. For example, historians or sociologists, studying noble society V Russia XIX, describe and explain it using concepts such as “class”, “serfdom”, “autocracy”, etc. In contrast, Pushkin and Gogol brilliantly depicted the essence of this society in the images of Onegin and Tatyana, Chichikov and a series of landowners from " Dead souls" These are two different, but complementary ways of cognition and display of reality. The first is aimed at discovering the general, natural in the reality being studied, the second - at expressing reality through individual images, through the consciousness and experiences of individual characters.

The role of art in the life of man and society is determined by the fact that it is addressed to the consciousness of man in his integrity. Artistic creativity and the perception of works of art gives a person a deeper understanding and knowledge of life. But at the same time, art influences his feelings, experiences, and develops his emotional sphere. The great role of art in the formation of a person’s moral ideas has already been noted above. And, of course, the perception of works of art gives people aesthetic enjoyment, the experience of beauty, and also makes them involved in the artist’s work.

In all these respects, art has great power; it is not for nothing that Dostoevsky said: “Beauty will save the world.”

Ideas about the role of art have changed throughout history. Important role art was already realized in ancient society. For example, Plato and Aristotle believed that art should cleanse the soul of base passions and elevate it. Special role in this they devoted music and tragedy.

In the Middle Ages The main role of art was seen to be subordinate to the tasks of worship. Art played, for example, a very significant role in the design of temples and religious rites Orthodoxy.

During the Renaissance art, especially painting, took central place in spiritual culture. Leonardo da Vinci viewed art as a “mirror” of the world and even put painting above science. Many thinkers of this era saw in art the most free and creative activity person.

During the Age of Enlightenment The moral and educational function of art was emphasized above all.

In the 20th century many thinkers began to talk about the crisis of art, that contemporary art was losing its functions in society. For example, German philosopher culture of the early twentieth century. O. Spengler believed that modern western culture enters the period of sunset. High classical art is giving way technical arts, mass spectacles, sports. Modern Art loses harmony and imagery, appears abstract painting, in which the holistic image of a person disappears.

Social structure(from lat. structure- structure, location, order) of society - the structure of society as a whole, a set of interconnected and interacting social groups, as well as the relationships between them.

At the core social structure lies the social division of labor, the presence of specific needs and interests, values, norms and roles, lifestyle and other various social groups.

The role of social structure:

1) organizes society into a single whole;

2) contributes to maintaining the integrity and stability of society.

Social relations - these are certain stable connections between people as representatives of social groups.