Art is forever, life is short. “Life is short, art is eternal” (Ancient aphorism) (Unified State Examination Social Studies)




The other day I read on the Internet how a certain blogger, I won’t mention his name, in a fit of criticism of the departed Soviet government, quoted the line “ ”, accusing the Bolsheviks of destroying everything and singing about it in a song. Unfortunately, he is not the only one today who quotes this line in a similar way and accuses Soviet power in the destruction of the past. But before we talk about the justice or falsity of such an accusation, let’s look at the quoted line itself.

I am not just a writer, but a researcher and I love the accuracy of the definitions and the accuracy of the quotes given. Another incorrectly presented phrase distorts the meaning of the author’s statement, changing it literally to the opposite. Sometimes this happens by accident, and often on purpose, as, for example, in this case I am considering.

The Bolsheviks never sang " we will destroy the whole world to the ground“for the simple reason that this line in the communist anthem “Internationale” sounds differently, namely as it was written by the Frenchman Eugene Potier back in 1871, when there was no sign of the Bolsheviks. True, Eugene Potier wrote on French, and the Russian translation, which became widespread, was first published in London in 1902. Then this line, often quoted these days, sounded different, namely “ We will destroy the whole world of violence" Word " let's dig"soon someone replaced it with a more accurate and capacious one" let's destroy"and already in 1906 the song to the music of Pierre Degeyter in this part sounded like this:

We will destroy the whole world of violence

Down to the ground and then

We are ours, we are new world let's build...

He who was nothing will become everything.

And here I want to draw the reader’s attention to the fact that neither the communists, who continue to perform this song and consider it their anthem, nor the author Eugene Potier himself ever meant the destruction of the entire world, which is what they are constantly accused of, but they say and sing about destruction world of violence, no more and no less. Modern advocates of democracy will immediately object to me, saying that the communists did not do without violence. And I agree with them. No revolution can happen without violence. But the anthem talks about violence over violence. And here we are talking about building a new world, which should be without violence, in which no one becomes someone. That's the main thing.

What is so famous about this anthem, written more than one hundred and fifty years ago, but still performed in many countries around the world? Who is he addressing? Let's think about his words.

Arise, branded with a curse,
The whole world is hungry and slaves!
Our indignant mind is boiling
And ready to fight to the death.

We are talking about all the hungry people of the world and, of course, the words of the anthem call them not to passivity and humility, but to mortal combat. Someone will say that he is calling for war, not peace. Yes, but why? The author of the song immediately explains:

No one will give us deliverance -

Neither god, nor king, nor hero.

We will achieve liberation

With my own hand.

That is, Eugene Potier believed, and this was accepted by communists of all countries, that it was impossible to achieve freedom and equality for everyone by prayers to God or petitions to the tsar. This was proven on Bloody Sunday 1905 Senate Square Petersburg, in April 1912, by the shooting of demonstrators at the Lena mines and thousands of other violence against workers and peasants. For some reason, denigrators of the Soviet past forget about this, but the words of the anthem remind us of this, one line from which is often quoted, omitting the most important thing from it - “ world of violence", not the whole world.

Of course, if you say that the communists wanted and want to destroy the whole world to the ground, then it sounds terrifying. But it’s interesting to know what Eugene Potier actually wrote Furthermore, which is sung here in Russia. In the Russian version, only the first, second and sixth stanzas are most often performed. Meanwhile, in 1923, the text of the anthem was published in M. Arik’s brochure, the third stanza of which, in my opinion, is very relevant today. Here's what it looks like:

Lords of mines and locomotives,
You are arrogant, vile and vile!
Having filled my pockets with the labor of others,
Whose benefits are you reaping?
Your depravity, drunkenness has consumed
The bloody labors of slaves,
You, impudent bloodsuckers, won’t take it down,
In retribution the hour of their heads.

This is the fourth stanza, which is also rarely sung here. This again talks about violence, but against whom? Over those who line their pockets (read bank accounts) using the labor of others. Do we have these today? Unfortunately, there is. Will they voluntarily give up their loot? Of course not. Read the beginning of the article.

But in our reasoning we imperceptibly reached the fifth stanza, written by Eugene Potier. Interestingly, it was banned in France. For this reason, it was not in the first interlinear translation into Russian, which was done by Ekaterina Barteneva back in 1896. This fifth stanza was published in Russian only in 1917 in Irkutsk in the collection “Songs of the Great Russian revolution" These are the lines:

The kings can persecute us like our brothers, -
But peace between us is war for them!
We need to lead a strike in the troops,
The country is calling butts up.
The bourgeoisie is free to interfere with the struggle -
Then they will go to beat...
Enough bullets for generals:
They will never interfere!

These lines were banned because they called for rebellion in the army. It should be noted that the author again emphasizes that it is the kings who push brother against brother, but the song calls for war with the kings and the establishment of peace between brothers.

In the version I mentioned earlier, published in Arik’s brochure, the fifth stanza was published in a different translation and its meaning was slightly changed:

Isn't it too early to trumpet victory?
Friendly in the leg - down with the enemy!
The army is ready for us,
Long live the hero of labor!
You cannibals, get out of the way!
Otherwise we will take you with hostility...
To the leaders of the working people rifles,
Create workers' regiments!

We see from the above verses different options translations that the anthem written by the French revolutionary reflects the interests of the working people and does not call for senseless violence, does not call for the destruction of the world in general. And this was the credo of revolutionaries not only in France, but also in Russia, which until 1944 performed the anthem of Eugene Potier as the official anthem of Russia. This was the general goal of the communists for all workers, which is confirmed by the last sixth stanza of the anthem widely known to fans"Internationale":

At that time, the Prime Minister, and now the President of the Russian State, continuing the conversation, drew attention to the unusual transition from one economic formation to another, when billionaires suddenly appeared in the country, as follows: “ Somewhere in market economies such fortunes accumulated from generation to generation, but in our country they arose as a result of some kind of loans-for-shares auctions, incomprehensible to a normal person even with a decent education».

Indeed, what even educated person can understand and accept the sudden enrichment of some at the expense of the impoverishment of others? This is robbery in broad daylight. And it is important that the first person of the state understands this himself. But what did he propose when going to the presidential elections? He told reporters the following in this speech: “ And now, of course, this situation needs to be changed somehow. It is necessary that the overwhelming majority of citizens accept with their hearts and souls and heads that the engine of the country’s development is private initiative, but of course, fair distribution of public resources, public finances and various instruments related to development. So I believe that this is our common task with you. This is the task of the state, the task of the means mass media, this is the task of the business itself».

So, it turns out that in order to correct the current situation, it is necessary, in the opinion of the head of state, not to put in their place the presumptuous thieves who gangsterically stole billions, but to convince the citizens of the country to accept the situation “ heart and soul and head" There is a clear discrepancy here with both the International and the policies pursued by the communists in the Soviet country. Putin understands the injustice of the situation very well and therefore he himself tells the media: “ when citizens see that after this unfair privatization, hundreds of millions and billions of money earned are spent on purchasing sports clubs and abroad, instead of investing the same money in the development of sports in Russian Federation, are spent on excess consumption, including abroad, this aggravates the negative attitude towards business. This does not contribute to creating a favorable climate».

This is where our leader sees the problem - the improper spending of stolen money. If Abramovich had used this money not to buy an English club, but, say, the Russian Spartak or Dynamo, and then bought the most expensive yacht or something else not abroad, but in his own country, if Prokhorov had walked with girls, drinking millions, not in a foreign sports hotel in Courchevel, but in Moscow - that would be normal. Yes, who can argue, Russia would be better off if the money of billionaires did not go abroad, but would it be easier for those from whom this money was taken away overnight? This reminds me of a story when one person suggests to another: Come on, first we’ll eat yours together, and then honestly we’ll each eat ours. Billionaires ate people's good, and now they offer to honestly eat what everyone has left, and they see justice in this.

However, billions of people around the world do not agree with this approach and therefore they sing, calling for a fight against the world of violence, they sing words that cannot be erased from the song.

During the Great Patriotic War our people sang " Get up, huge country, get up for mortal combat" There will be critics who will say: “ Here they are again calling for battle" But there is a continuation in the song. The author of the song V. Lebedev-Kumach called for battle “ With the dark fascist force, With the damned horde“and the people rose as one and defended their freedom. At the cost of many victims, but he defended.

That is why you cannot throw out words from a song, especially if they are about the people and their right to a happy life.

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Life is short - artforever. Ancient aphorism

art spiritual philosopher aesthetic

The ancient aphorism I chose: “Life is short - art is eternal” refers to philosophy. Philosophy is the science of the universal laws of development of nature, society and man, exploring the cognitive, value, moral and aesthetic attitude of man to the world around him and aimed at developing a system of views on the world and man’s place in it.

The general theme of this ancient aphorism is art. Art is a kind of spiritual practical activities, aimed at artistic awareness and aesthetic exploration of the world. The emergence of art goes back to its origins human history. In this regard, art includes a group of varieties human activity- painting, music, theater, fiction etc., united because they are specific - artistic and figurative - forms of reproducing reality. In more broad meaning the word “art” refers to any form of practical activity when it is performed skillfully, masterfully, skilfully, not only in a technological, but also in an aesthetic sense.

Many great people have thought about art. For example, an essay by the Spanish philosopher and sociologist José Ortega y Gasset talks about the opposition between “art for the elite” and “art for the masses.” Russian philosopher European culture and art, Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin wrote: “Art and life are not the same thing, but must become one in me, in the unity of my responsibility.”

The ancient aphorism “life is short, but art is eternal” refers to eternal values. When we look at ancient sculptures, we understand that they never lose their great meaning, or when they rise in literature eternal themes, for example: love, friendship, death, they also never lose their relevance at any time. Already cave drawings primitive hunter embodied the nascent aesthetic abilities of a person: fantasy and imagination were born in them, and the ability to communicate developed. This was the prehistory of art, paving the way for its formation and development.

In ancient times, people lived on average 30-40 years. If we compare human life and throughout the existence of the earth, it turns out that human life is very short. For example, you can take Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, who lived only 27 years, but for his short life wrote great amount literary works which we are still proud of today.

Homer’s poems “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey” have survived to this day, although Homer himself lived in the 13th century BC. At that time, he read his works, and people memorized them and then wrote them down or passed them down from memory. Nowadays they are very revered all over the world.

I completely agree with this ancient aphorism. For example, we can recall Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, who lived only 38 years, but left a huge literary heritage, revered throughout the world to this day, and all this thanks to the eternal themes that he wrote about in his works: love, friendship, death, loneliness.

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