Independent in literature. Independent work on literature with methodological recommendations

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Independent work in literary reading lessons

as a means of development cognitive activity

The words of K. D. Ushinsky that “to accustom a child to an intelligent conversation with a book and to develop a desire for such a conversation is, in our opinion, one of the most important tasks of the school” are relevant and significant in modern methods of forming correct reading activity in students, which manifests itself in the reader’s ability to think about a work before reading, during reading and after reading. Literary reading lessons in primary school are designed to develop reading independence in students, develop speech skills associated with reproducing a read work and creating their own statements based on what they read.

Independent comprehension of the material contributes to the development of creativity and is an indicator of the student’s intellectual growth. The development of independence in children is a complex and sometimes contradictory process. Nevertheless, research and the experience of teachers who successfully organize students’ independent work have shown that when it is carried out systematically at the proper level, the quality and strength of knowledge increases and develops. cognitive processes, mental activity, skills and abilities of students.

Working on a work of art in primary school- This is elementary analysis. The simplest types of text analysis allow not only to perceive and understand the events occurring in the work, but also to feel artistic originality text.

To comprehend ideologically - artistic values works, it is necessary to organize the work so that children not only actively participate in the analysis of the work, but also express independent judgments. The nature of independent work is determined by the content of the educational material, didactic purpose and the level of development of students.

Speaking about independent work, we most often note such forms of work as retelling, drawing up a plan, oral compositions, word drawing etc. But if you look at all these forms of work from the point of view of students’ participation in them in preparation for various types of retelling.

Detailed retelling. Children need to reproduce the text completely, without changing or adding anything. In this case, it is mainly the memory that works.

Selective retelling. Now the students have to select only what is relevant to the task and reflect on the text, thereby increasing the children’s level of independence.

Brief retelling - new level difficulties. It is necessary to highlight the most important thing in the work, to trace the main plot line and the main idea of ​​the author.

The same can be said about other forms of work, be it drawing up a plan, speaking or answering questions from the teacher.

Thus, students work at different levels of independence. In this regard, according to the level of independence, work can be divided into groups. The first group includes works of a reproducing nature, which are performed by younger schoolchildren and simply reproduce what they read.

As an example, you can use the questions and tasks in the textbook: independent work lesson

Which poet owns the lines...?

What stories by N. Nosov have you read or heard?

Remember the proverbs about friendship.

What new have you learned about animal life?

The main part of the questions and assignments in the textbook belongs to the second group - these are works that are also reproducing, but with elements of creativity:

Why is the section called “Pick one berry at a time and you’ll get a whole bunch”?

What did you notice that was similar and different in the fairy tales and epics you read?

Why is I. A. Bunin attracted not by the lush blooming of expensive flowers, but by modest wildflowers? This group includes dividing the text into parts, finding each of them, drawing up a plan, i.e., such questions and tasks that require rethinking the educational material, reflecting on events.

A large share of independence takes place in work of a creative nature, during which students analyze new situations with the help of acquired knowledge. This is partly search work.

For what purpose did L.N. Tolstoy write the story “What Dew Happens on the Grass?”

Why was Gerda stronger than the Snow Queen?

Why do fairy tales written by the Russian people a long time ago still live today?

There are quite a lot of similar tasks in textbooks, and it is from them that one can judge the depth of comprehension of the educational material, understanding of the actions of the characters, and the idea of ​​the work.

The highest degree of independence is manifested in the works of the fourth group. These are creative works of a search nature. They are quite possible in primary grades. By the 4th grade, children are already familiar with various genres and some literary concepts, so work is being done to compare works of different genres and different authors. It is also possible literary works own composition: fairy tales, poems, stories, riddles, etc. The work of this group is difficult, but to prepare for it junior schoolchildren necessary, and preparatory tasks are already available in 2nd grade.

Try to talk about how clouds appear. Explain the reasons for the rain.

Come up with a descriptive text.

In what cases can you use the words from the fable “But only a cart is still there?”

Such tasks require complete independence from younger schoolchildren. An indicator of students’ literary development will be their ability to transfer acquired knowledge into new situation, the ability to independently comprehend new material.

However, general assignments for the whole class may not be accessible to all students to the same extent. This is one of the difficulties in organizing and conducting independent work in connection with reading works of fiction in the elementary grades.

This problem can be solved using various cards, which will allow the teacher to differentiate tasks.

Card No. 1

Option 1 (designed for strong students)

Exercise. Divide the proverbs into two groups.

The world is not without good people.

If you hold on to each other, you don’t have to explain anything.

In true friendship, all friends are equal.

They live soul to soul.

It's never too late to do a good deed.

Option 2. (designed for weak students)

Exercise. Divide the proverbs into two groups: in the first, write down proverbs about craftsmen and craftsmen, in the second, about lazy people and talkers. (The proverbs are the same)

Card 2.

Why does Moska “get into a fight with the Elephant”? (I. A. Krylov “Elephant and Moska”. Choose the correct answer and write it down:

a) she really thought that she could cope with the Elephant;

b) wants to make the “crowd of onlookers” laugh

c) strive to create an opinion about herself that she is very strong.

Card number 3.

Why did the boy (L.N. Tolstoy’s story “The Jump”) end up on the mast of the ship?

Choose and write down your answer:

a) wanted to test his will, courage;

b) this is how the circumstances developed;

c) wanted to show off his dexterity.

Card No. 4

Remember the works: “Geese - Swans”, “Lark”, “Kitten”, “Filipok”, “Old Man - Yearling”. What are they about? Divide the titles of the works into groups. Write down each group you identified in a separate column.

Card No. 5.

Read an excerpt from N. N. Nosov’s story “On the Hill”!

The guys worked all day - they built snow slide in the courtyard. They shoveled snow and dumped it in a heap under the wall of the barn. Only by lunchtime the slide was ready. The guys poured water on her and ran home for dinner.

Choose from the words slide, construction, yard, lunch, water those that are most suitable for the name of this passage, and write them down.

What would you call this passage? Write down your name.

Similar cards can be made for many works, especially since the assignments in the indicated textbook contain material suitable for this.

By completing these tasks, children learn to pay close attention to the text; the search for the correct answer forces them to turn to reading again, contributes to the development of logical thinking and, of course, the development of independence.

When planning independent work, the teacher must proceed from this fact that various compositions of independent works will only lead to effective teaching when it does not represent a mechanical set of questions and tasks independent of didactic goals.

Another thing is equally important: if training does not involve difficulties in educational work, then the cognitive powers of schoolchildren will not develop. Knowledge acquired independently is distinguished by its depth and strength, and becomes beliefs.

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Grade 2 Test “Working with text” V. 1

Tiny hummingbirds are one of the most amazing creatures among birds. They have properties that are completely different from other birds. Hummingbirds can make up to eighty-one wing beats per second, fly forward, backward, up and down with equal ease, and also hang motionless, like a helicopter, in the air. Developed pectoral muscles, large lung capacity, and a strong heart make it extremely easy for hummingbirds to fly at high speed.

Different species of hummingbirds differ from each other in size. The giant ones found in South America reach a length of twenty-three centimeters. The size of ordinary hummingbirds does not exceed 114 millimeters. The appearance of the birds is varied, but all of them have unusually bright plumage. Hummingbirds, fragile in appearance, have an extremely warlike character. There are stories of cases where a flock of hummingbirds panicked an eagle and caused it to flee.


Where on the globe can hummingbirds be found? _____________________________________________________________________

How big do giant hummingbirds get? _________________________



What does the number 81 mean in the text?__________________________________________


Giant hummingbirds

Beautiful bird

Did the job_______________________________________________


The baobab plant has one amazing feature - it has a thick trunk, reaching ten meters. The baobab tree stores water in it. Baobab fruits are very juicy and appear on the tree in summer. In order to provide the fruits with moisture and not die from drought, the tree accumulates a lot of liquid. It is necessary to protect the water from the scorching rays of the sun, which is why the baobab has a very thick, soft, steel-colored bark. The entire inner part of the baobab bark consists of strong fibers that are as strong as metal strings. Over time, the baobab either becomes thicker or, on the contrary, decreases. This is due to the fact that in dry years the tree spends its moisture reserve and “loses weight.” And in rainy years the trunk increases its thickness.

The baobab has very sparse leaves. The fact is that baobab leaves are eaten by fruit bats - relatives of bats. And locals prepare a seasoning called couscous.




Why does the baobab tree have thick bark? ______________________________________________________________

Why does the baobab tree have sparse leaves?______________________________


Who are fruit bats?_________________________________________________

What does the number 10 mean in the text_________________________________

Which title best suits the entire text? Emphasize.

Baobab saves animals.

Baobab is losing weight.


3rd grade

Test "Working with text" V. 1

Did the job_______________________________________________


Tiny hummingbirds are one of the most amazing creatures among birds. They have properties that are completely different from other birds. Hummingbirds can make up to eighty-one wing beats per second, fly forward, backward, up and down with equal ease, and also hang motionless, like a helicopter, in the air. Developed pectoral muscles, large lung capacity, and a strong heart allow hummingbirds to fly extremely easily at speeds sometimes reaching eighty kilometers per hour.

Currently, three hundred and nineteen species of hummingbirds are known. Different types of hummingbirds differ from each other in size. The giant ones, found in South America, in the Andes Mountains, reach a length of twenty-three centimeters. The size of ordinary hummingbirds does not exceed 114 millimeters. The appearance of the birds is varied, but all of them have unusually bright plumage. Hummingbirds, fragile in appearance, have an extremely warlike character. There are stories of cases where a flock of hummingbirds panicked an eagle and caused it to flee.

The smallest hummingbird, the fly hummingbird, is found in Cuba. Its length, from the tip of the thin beak to the end of the tail, is only fifty-seven millimeters. The female is slightly larger than the male, whose head and neck are sparkling red. It is bluish below and grayish-white above. The female has a greenish back and a light belly.

Why is hummingbird considered an amazing bird among birds?


In what direction can hummingbirds fly?



How fast can a hummingbird fly?


What body structure allows a bird to fly at high speed?


How many species of hummingbirds are known to scientists?


Where on the globe can hummingbirds be found?_________________________________________________

What size are common hummingbirds?___________________________

In what area South America Do giant hummingbirds live? ____________________________________________________________

How big do they get?_________________________________

What is the peculiarity of the plumage of all hummingbirds? _____________________________________________________

What is the personality of hummingbirds? Give an example.


How do different types of hummingbirds differ from each other?


What is the smallest bird called the hummingbird?


What is her torso size?


Enter the known data from the text into the table “Appearance of hummingbirds and flies”:





What do the numbers in this text mean, sign


1 2 3

Give a title to each part:

  1. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Which title best suits the entire text? Emphasize.


Giant hummingbirds

Amazing creatures among birds

Hummingbird - fly

Beautiful bird

Test “Working with text” B. 2

Did the job_______________________________________________


Huge thick baobab - inhabitant of warm areas Globe. There are two types of this plant. One of them is native to Australia, and the other species grows in Africa.

The baobab has one amazing feature - it is a thick trunk, reaching ten meters. The baobab tree stores water in it. The fruits of the baobab are very juicy and large, appearing on the tree in the driest time - in summer. In order to provide the fruits with moisture and not die from drought, the tree accumulates great amount liquids.
Up to one hundred and twenty thousand liters of liquid can accumulate in the trunk of a baobab tree. It is necessary to protect the water from the scorching rays of the sun, which is why the baobab has a very thick, soft, steel-colored bark. The entire inner part of the baobab bark consists of strong fibers that are as strong as metal strings. Over time, the baobab either becomes larger in volume or, on the contrary, decreases. This is due to the fact that in dry years the tree spends its moisture reserve and “loses weight.” And in rainy years the trunk increases its thickness. But, despite this uneven growth, the baobab tree on average still becomes wider—by about 3 centimeters per year.

With such an impressive trunk size, the baobab has a very sparse crown. The fact is that baobab leaves are eaten by fruit bats - relatives of bats. And local residents cook unique soups from the leaves and prepare a seasoning called couscous. The watery wood of the baobab tree is often used by animals suffering from thirst.

How many types of baobabs are there on Earth?________________

Where does each type of baobab grow?


What is the main feature of the baobab plant?


Why does baobab need to accumulate moisture?


At what time of year does the baobab bear fruit?


Describe what they are?__________________________________________________________

How much water can accumulate in baobab tree trunks?


Why does the baobab tree have thick bark?__________________________________________________________

What color is the bark of a baobab tree?__________________________________________

Why does the baobab trunk change in size, then “lose weight, then get better?”________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Why does the baobab tree have a sparse crown?______________________________


How do locals use baobab?


What is the name of the seasoning that locals make from the crown of a tree?_________________________________________________

How do animals use baobab?

Enter the known data from the text into the table “What does a baobab look like”:




How many parts are there in this text? Emphasize.1 2 3

Give a title to each part:


Which title best suits the entire text? Emphasize.

Baobab saves animals.

Baobab is losing weight.


An amazing plant - baobab.

Two types of baobab.

Independent work on Literature 11kl

Independent work

Kuprin A.I. “Olesya”

1 Theme and idea of ​​the work.

2 Where does the action take place? What is the significance of the action in the story?

3 What role does landscape play in the story? Give examples.

4 Describe Olesya. What is it compared to?

5 What is special about the image of the hero-storyteller? Describe it.

6 How built plot of the story? (no need to retell the content)

7 What color accompanies Olesya? (example from text)

8 What did the old woman tell the hero? (examples)

9What did Olesya tell the hero? (examples)

10 Charms of Olesya (witchcraft) with examples from the text.

11 Why was the happiness of the heroes short-lived?

Independent work

Kuprin A.I. "Duel"

1 Theme and idea of ​​the work.

2 How do you understand the words of A.I. Kuprin: “With all the strength of my soul, I hate the years of my childhood and youth, the years of the corps, the cadet school and service in the regiment. I must write about everything I have experienced and seen. And with my novel I will challenge the tsarist army to a duel?

Is the story relevant today?

3 Main character stories by Romashov. Describe it. How is he different from the other officers of the regiment?

4Romashov’s opinion on the war? What is needed to eliminate it?

6Tell us about officer Osadchy. How does he feel about the soldiers and the duel? (chap. VIII,XIV)

7Attitude towards the soldiers of Captain Plum? (Chapter X)

8 What is Bek-Agamalov boasting about? (example), (chapter I)

9 How are the soldiers depicted (Bondarenko, Arkhipov, Khlebnikov, Fokin (chap. XI))? What is special about the depiction of soldiers in the story?

10 What role did Romashov play in Khlebnikov’s life? (chap.X,XVI)

11 Why is the story called “The Duel”?

Episode Romashov – Captain (Ch. I)

Episode Romashov - non-commissioned officer (chapter X)

Episode Romashov - Bek-Agamalov (chapter XVIII)

12 Name those responsible for Romashov’s death.

13 How could Romashov’s life have turned out? Which hero is he like? Why?

Independent work A

1 Theme and idea of ​​the work.

2 Describe the main character, Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina.

3 Vera’s opinion about love as it should be.

4 Who is G.S.J.? Describe it.

5 What gift did Vera receive from Zheltkov? What is its value? What is the symbolic meaning of this gift?

6 What love story does General Anosov tell?

8 How do you understand the words of A.I. Kuprin: “Individuality is not expressed in strength, not in dexterity, not in intelligence, not in talent, not in creativity. But in love! “?

10 Did the characters love each other? Find the answer in the text and write it down.

11 Which composer’s music is heard in the work? What kind of music is this?

Independent work B

Kuprin A.I. “ Garnet bracelet

1 What time of year does the story take place?

2 Where do the events of the work take place?

3 Who gave Vera a bracelet with garnets? Find a description of the pomegranate and write it down.

4 Who did A.I. write about? Kuprin: “...took after her mother, a beautiful Englishwoman, with her flexible figure, gentle but cold and proud face, beautiful, although rather large hands, and that charming sloping shoulders that can be seen in ancient miniatures...

5 Whose portrait is this: “She was half a head shorter, somewhat broad in the shoulders, lively and frivolous, a mocker. Her face was of a very Mongolian type with quite noticeable cheekbones, with narrow eyes... captivated by some elusive and incomprehensible charm?

6 Who does A.I. write about? Kuprin: “... very pale, with a gentle girlish face, blue eyes and a stubborn childish chin with a dimple in the middle; he must have been about thirty, thirty-five years old?

7 What kind of music is heard in the work?

8 Who is he writing about?

9 Whose portrait is this: “A fat, tall, silvery old man, heavily getting down from the footrest... He had a large, rough, red face with a fleshy nose and with that good-natured, stately, slightly contemptuous expression in his narrowed eyes... which is characteristic of courageous and ordinary people..." ?

10 Who owns the words: “Where is love? Is love unselfish, selfless, not waiting for reward? The one about which it is said – “strong as death”? ..., the kind of love for which to accomplish any feat, to give one’s life, to go to torment is not work at all, but one joy. ...Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world! No life inconveniences, calculations and compromises should concern her.” ?

11 Can Zheltkov’s feeling for Vera be called madness? Find the statement of the hero, Prince Shein, in which he talks about Zheltkov’s true relationship to Vera and write it down.

Independent work

Mayakovsky V.V.

1 To which literary movement does Mayakovsky belong?

A) futurism

B) acmeism

B) egofuturism

2 Which poem is dedicated to sailors and the revolution?

A) “Left March”

B) “Side-sitting”

B) “Yubileinoe”

3 Love poem, “four cries of four parts”

A) “Left March”

B) “Seated”

B) “Cloud in pants”

4 On the purpose of the poet and poetry

A) “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”

B) “About rubbish”

5 Retell the content of the poem “To Comrade Nette - a steamship and a man” (what is the poem about?)

6 Write out the author’s neologisms from “Poem about the Soviet Passport.”

The manual is intended for self-preparation of schoolchildren for the Unified State Exam in literature. It includes material for preparing for tasks with a detailed answer of 5-10 sentences based on the presented text, as well as for an essay on a given topic, formulated in the form of a problematic question.
The manual reveals the technology for writing these types of written works, gives tasks “Test yourself” (with answers) on all topics of the literature course included in the Unified State Examination, as well as reference material, including terms necessary for both short answers to questions and when completing tasks with a detailed answer. In addition, the manual contains a codifier of the Unified State Exam content elements in literature; The criteria for checking and assessing the completion of tasks are given.
The publication is intended for teachers, methodologists and high school students preparing for passing the Unified State Exam on literature.

What is the name of the literary movement, in accordance with the rules of which in the comedy of D.I. Fonvizin "Nedorosl" is used speaking names and the names of the characters?

In “The Captain’s Daughter,” Pushkin describes Pugachev’s appearance as follows: “...he was about forty, of average height, thin and broad-shouldered. His black beard showed gray streaks, living big eyes That’s how they ran.” What is this description called in the literature?

It is known that for the novel “Eugene Onegin” Pushkin came up with a special system for dividing the text, based on combining the same number of poetic lines into groups according to a certain principle: these are groups of 14 lines of iambic tetrameter, consisting of three quatrains with different system rhymes (cross, adjacent, encircling rhymes) and the final couplet. What did they call this division of a poetic text?

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Literature: strategy and tactics
What knowledge is tested on the Unified State Exam in literature?
What is a “Content Element Codifier”
How to repeat theoretical and literary concepts
check yourself
How to repeat literary works
check yourself
Preparing for tasks with a detailed answer
Evaluation criteria: why points are reduced
Preparation for tasks 8-9 and 15-16
check yourself
Preparing for tasks 17.1, 17.2, 17.3
Classification of speech errors
check yourself
Generalization tasks
Option 1
Option 2
A brief dictionary of literary terms
Annex 1
Codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates of general education institutions for conducting a unified state
literature exam
Appendix 2
Criteria for checking and assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer.

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Director of GAPOU IO ATOPT

« ___»_________ 2018

to perform independent extracurricular work by students


02/38/15 Commodity research and examination of the quality of consumer goods______________________

(code and name of specialty or profession)

By academic discipline(or professional module)


(name of academic discipline or professional module)

Angarsk, 2018

Methodological recommendations for carrying out independent extracurricular work for students of GAPOU IO "Angarsk College of Public Catering and Trade" in the specialty of Commodity Science and Expertise of the Quality of Consumer Goods___________ / author. comp. __Count A.R.________-, 2018. - __35___p.


Cyclic methodological commission


Protocol No._____ dated _____________

Chairman _____________________

The methodological recommendations establish the composition, content, order of execution and design of independent extracurricular work performed by students studying in the training program for mid-level specialists in the specialty Commodity Science and Expertise of the Quality of Consumer Goods________________________________ when studying the discipline __Literature_____________________, and also contains a list of references.

Protocol No.____from _______________

Chairman of the Methodological Commission ____________

Explanatory note………………………………………………………..4

List of student’s independent extracurricular work……....……….8

Characteristics and requirements for completing tasks..………………………11

3.5 Analysis of the lyrical work…….……………………………......15

3.6. Working with the text to create a quotation plan for the work…….16

3.7. Writing an essay………………………………………………….…..17

V. Applications…………………………………………………………………………………...30


Independent work of students is a planned educational, educational and research work, carried out according to the instructions and with the methodological guidance of the teacher, but without his direct participation. According to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, extracurricular independent work is mandatory for every student. The forms of organization of extracurricular independent work and the amount of time for its implementation are reflected:

In the working curriculum for each specialty;

In the work programs of academic disciplines.

Methodological recommendations for performing independent work are part of the basic professional educational program Secondary professional education in specialty 38.02.05 Commodity science and examination of the quality of consumer goods, compiled taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic Secondary Education and the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education. The curriculum of GAPOU IO ATOPT provides 58 hours for independent work of students in the academic discipline “Literature”.

Independent work functions:

Information and educational;





Methodological recommendations cover the types and forms of SRS on key topics, systematize the forms of control of SRS and contain methodological recommendations on certain aspects of mastering the discipline: text analysis, text activity, oral and written speech, project activities, the use of educational and auxiliary literature.

The main goal of the methodological recommendations is to provide students with the necessary information, methods and algorithms for successful completion of independent work, in the formation of stable skills and abilities in various aspects of teaching literature, allowing them to independently solve educational problems, perform various tasks, and overcome difficult moments in certain types SRS.

Results of studying the discipline in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard:

the formation of a sustainable interest in reading as a means of learning about other cultures and respectful attitude towards them;

acquaintance with the most important ideas and achievements of Russian literature that had a decisive influence on the development of world literature and culture;

mastering the ability to apply acquired knowledge to explain the phenomena of the surrounding world, perceive information of literary and general cultural content obtained from the media, Internet resources, special and popular science literature;

development of intellectual, creativity And critical thinking in the course of carrying out simple observations and research, analysis of phenomena, perception and interpretation of literary and general cultural information;

fostering confidence in the possibility of knowing the laws of social development and using the achievements of Russian literature for the development of civilization and improving the quality of life;

application of literature knowledge in professional activity and everyday life to ensure life safety; proper use modern technologies; health protection, environment;

mastery of self-analysis and self-assessment skills based on observations of one’s own speech;

possession of the ability to present texts in the form of theses and essays of various genres;

the formation of skills to take into account the historical, historical and cultural context and the context of the writer’s creativity in the process of analyzing a work of art;

ability to identify literary texts images, themes and problems and express your attitude towards them in detailed, reasoned oral and written statements;

possession of skills in analyzing works of art, taking into account their genre and generic specifics; awareness of the artistic picture of life created in a literary work, in the unity of emotional personal perception and intellectual understanding; from the point of view of the presence in it of explicit and hidden, primary and secondary information;

the formation of ideas about the style system of the language of fiction

When studying literature, the goals listed above are supplemented by solving the problems of forming a humanitarian-oriented personality: development imaginative thinking, accumulation of experience in the aesthetic perception of works of art, understanding their connection with each other and with the reader in the context of the spiritual culture of humanity.

The peculiarities of studying literature also include in-depth study historical and literary process, forming an idea of ​​the literary era, the work of the writer, attracting the attention of students to the development of literature of modern times.

Training also involves differentiating the levels of students’ achievement of their goals. Thus, the level of functional literacy can be achieved both in mastering the most common literary concepts and practically useful knowledge when reading works of Russian literature, as well as in mastering ways to competently express one’s thoughts orally and in writing, in mastering communication skills with other people. At the familiarization level, one masters such content elements as fundamental ideas and values ​​that form the basis of human culture and provide the worldview and worldview of a person included in modern public culture.

Independent extracurricular work is a separate stage educational process and is built according to a specific technological cycle, involving the following sequence of stages:

1. Planning.

2. Selection of material to be submitted for independent work.

3. Methodological and logistical support for independent work.

4. Assessment of independent work.

The criteria for assessing the results of independent The student’s extracurricular work is:

The student’s level of mastery of educational material;

Level of development of the ability to use theoretical knowledge when performing practical tasks;

Level of development of general knowledge and skills;

Preparation of material in accordance with the requirements.

Forms of student control: essays, reports, messages, etc.

Types of independent work of students:

Working with primary sources;

Preparation for classes (home preparation, library classes, working with electronic catalogs and Internet information);

Compilation of various texts;

Compiling bibliographic cards on the writer’s work;

Working with dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias

The forms of independent extracurricular work are differentiated and take into account the specifics of the discipline being studied, individual characteristics students, specialty. This:

messages, report, preparation of presentations, working with text, text analysis, crossword puzzle, individual project.

To create conditions for students to successfully complete independent work, methodological recommendations have been developed for organizing extracurricular activities. independent activity, which are included in the appendix.

List of student’s independent works in the academic discipline “Literature”

Name of sections and topics of the training course

independent work

Types and topics of independent work

Number of hours allocated for completion

Section 1 “Literature of the Frontier”XVIII- XIXcenturies"

Topic 1 “Introduction”

Topic 2 “Development of Russian literature and culture in the first halfXIXcentury"

Report “Romanticism. Social and philosophical foundations of its emergence." Doing homework

Preparing the presentation “Importance creative heritage A.S. Pushkin. Pushkin and our modernity", doing homework

Preparation of the presentation “The Mystery of the Death of N.V. Gogol", doing homework

Section 2 “Literature”XIXcentury"

Topic 1-2 “Features of the development of Russian literature in the second halfXIXcentury"

Report “Main features of Russian classical literature of the 19th century century"

Preparation for the essay “Creativity of A.N. Ostrovsky" (collection and study of information on the project topic)

Crossword “Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov. Life and creativity", doing homework

I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons” (collection and study of information on the topic of the project)

Report “Nihilism and nihilists in life and literature”, doing homework

Writer's business card in presentation form, doing homework

N.S. Leskov "The Enchanted Wanderer" ( quotation plan), doing homework

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The History of a City” (quotation plan), doing homework

Work on an individual project “Comparative characteristics of the main characters” (F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”, collecting and studying information on the topic of the project)

Work on an individual project “Spiritual quests of favorite heroes”

Work on an individual project. Crossword “Heroes of the novel “War and Peace”” (collection and study of information on the topic of the project)

Topic 3 “Poetry of the second halfXIXcentury"

Analysis of poems by A.A. Feta, doing homework

Presentation “Poetry of the second half of the 19th century”

Topic 4 “Features of the development of literature and other arts at the beginningXXcentury"

Analysis of the work. The theme of love in the story by I.A. Bunin " Clean Monday", doing homework

Work on an individual project. Prepare the message “Lyrics of Symbolist poets. K. Balmont, A. Bely and others (setting the goal of the project “Lyrics of the 20th century”)

Analysis of poems. Subject scary world in the lyrics of A. Blok. “Stranger”, “Night, street, lantern, pharmacy”, “In a restaurant”, doing homework

Topic 5

Features of the development of literature of the 20s

Work on an individual project. Analysis of poems. The originality of V.V.’s love lyrics Mayakovsky. “Lilichka!”, “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love”, “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”, doing homework

Work on an individual project. Love theme in the lyrics of S.A. Yesenin (collection and study of information on the topic of the project “Lyrics of the 20th century”)

Topic 6

Features of the development of literature of the 30-40s

The message “M.I. Tsvetaeva. in the memoirs of contemporaries"

Crossword “A.A. Platonov. Life and art"

Message “The epic novel by M. Sholokhov “Quiet Don”. The uniqueness of the portrayal of Russian character in the novel", doing homework

Topic 7

Features of the development of literature during the Great Period Patriotic War and the first post-war years

Essay “Lyrics of the Great Patriotic War”, doing homework

Topic 8

Features of the development of literature in the 1950s-1980s

Message “The artistic originality of V. Shukshin’s prose”

The message “V.T. Shalamov. Life and art. Problems and poetics of “Kolyma stories” (“To the show”, “Sentence”), doing homework

Work on an individual project. N.M. Rubtsov. A word about the poet. The main themes and motives of the poet’s lyrics and its artistic originality. “Visions on the Hill”, “Russian Light”, “Star of the Fields”, “In the Upper Room” (collection and study of information on the topic of the project)

Topic 9

Russian literary abroad 1920-1990s

B. Shiryaev “The Unquenchable Lamp” (reading), doing homework

Topic 10

Features of the development of literature in the late 1980s-2000s

Crossword “The Works of M. Gorky”

Crossword “Lyrics of the 20th century”


Message - it is information, often brief, transmitted from one person to another.

Preparing an information message is a type of out-of-class independent work on preparing a small message for presentation at a seminar, practical lesson. The information provided is in the nature of clarification or generalization, is novel, and reflects a modern view on certain problems.

A message differs from reports and abstracts not only in the volume of information, but also in its nature - messages supplement the issue being studied with factual or statistical materials. The assignment must be submitted in writing; it may include elements of clarity (illustrations, demonstration).

Target: learn to select the necessary literature, Internet sites, isolate the main thing from them, systematize the available material.

Message topics:

Theme and originality of the early lyrics of M.Yu. Lermontov, her genres, character traits of the lyrical hero

The social and philosophical essence of the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov “The Demon”, the dialectic of good and evil, rebellion and harmony, love and hatred, fall and rebirth in the poem

M. Sholokhov's epic novel “Quiet Don”. The uniqueness of the portrayal of Russian character in the novel

V.T. Shalamov. Life and art. Problematics and poetics of “Kolyma Tales” (“To the Presentation”, “Sentence”)

Lyrics of symbolist poets. K. D. Balmont, A. Bely and others.

20th century lyrics

Topics of reports:

Romanticism. Social and philosophical foundations of its emergence

Peculiarity creative talent N.V. Gogol and his poetic vision of the world. A.S. Pushkin on the specifics of Gogol’s talent

Main features of Russian classical literature XIX century: national identity, humanism, life-affirming pathos, democracy and nationality

Patriotic poetry and songs of the Great Patriotic War


written work.

Guidelines / instructions for preparing messages

1. Formulate the subject of the message, title your message correctly.

2. Create a short or extended message plan.

3. In accordance with the plan, analyze the necessary literature: texts, articles.

Select quotes and illustrative material.

4. Write down the necessary terms, keywords, figures of speech.

5. The text of the message should consist of simple sentences and be brief.

6. Start your message with phrases: I want to tell o .., we are talking about o ... .

7. In the introduction, outline the main provisions and theses of your message. Justify, prove with facts, illustrate these theses.

8. Having identified semantic segments in your speech, establish semantic connections between them.

9. Emphasize the main points.

10. Finish the message, indicate the result, draw a conclusion, summarize what was said.

11. Express your attitude to the above.

Target: development of cognitive abilities and activity of students: creative initiative, independence, responsibility, organization.

Presentation topics:

The significance of the creative heritage of A.S. Pushkin. Pushkin and our modernity

The mystery of Gogol's death

I.S. Turgenev (business card)

Poetry of the second half of the 19th century

Early lyrics of B. Pasternak

Based on the results of completion, the student must present:

a ready-made presentation on a chosen topic in electronic form. The presentation is compiled taking into account the following requirements:

The presentation is a sequence of slides replacing each other - that is, electronic pages that occupy the entire monitor screen (without the presence of program panels).

The number of slides corresponds to the content and duration of the speech (for example, for a 5-minute speech it is recommended to use no more than 10 slides).

The first slide must present the topic of the speech and information about the authors. The following slides can be prepared using two different preparation strategies:

Strategy 1: put the supporting outline of the speech and key words on the slides in order to use them as a plan for the speech. In this case, the following requirements apply to the slides:

The amount of text on the slide is no more than 7 lines;

A bulleted/numbered list contains no more than 7 items;

Missing punctuation at the end of lines in bulleted and numbered lists;

Significant information is highlighted using color, font size, and animation effects.

It is necessary to check the text especially carefully for errors and typos.

Strategy 2: factual material (tables, graphs, photographs, etc.) is placed on the slides, which is an appropriate and sufficient means of visualization and helps in revealing the core idea of ​​the speech. In this case, the following requirements apply to the slides:

The selected information visualization tools (tables, diagrams, graphs, etc.) correspond to the content;

Illustrations used good quality(high resolution), with a clear image (as a rule, no one present is interested in reading the text on your slides or peering at small illustrations);

The maximum amount of graphic information on one slide is 2 pictures (photos, diagrams, etc.) with text comments (no more than 2 lines for each).

Most important information should be located in the center of the screen.

Presentation design.

If possible, use the same design template for all slides in your presentation.

Type size - for headings - no less than 24 points, for information - no less than 18. It is not customary to hyphenate words in presentations.

It is advisable that the slides have margins of at least 1 cm on each side.

Auxiliary information (control buttons) should not prevail over the main information (text, illustrations).

You can use built-in animation effects only when it is absolutely necessary (for example, sequential appearance of diagram elements)

1. Think about what you want to talk about in your presentation. Make a plan


2. Analyze the necessary literature. Select quotes and illustrative material.

3. Repeat the words needed to comment on the presentation.

4. The text of the slide should be short and simple in grammatical structure


5. Illustrations must reflect the information contained on the slide.

6. Slides should be logically consistent.

7. Do not forget that when presenting a presentation, comments on slides should contain more information than is reflected on the slide itself.

8. The design of the slides should be in the same style and not interfere with the perception of the information contained on it.

Goal of the work:

familiarization with the content of a work of art

development of monologue speech skills and the ability to identify the main thing in the text.

learn to work with text, isolate the main thing from it, systematize the available material.

Text topics:

I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

A.A. Fadeev "Destruction"

B. L. Pasternak. Novel "Doctor Zhivago"

V. G. Rasputin. "Live and Remember"

Based on the results of completion, the student must present:

oral response on the content of the text

Guidelines/instructions for doing independent work:

1. read the work.

2. after reading, based on the plan for analyzing the work, systematize the material.

Work analysis plan.

The main theme of the story.
2. The ideological orientation of the story (what the author wanted to tell or convey to the reader).
3. Location.
4. Main events.
5. Characters(main and secondary)
6. The author’s attention to the spiritual world of the heroes (moral and spiritual development).
7. The role of landscape (for what purpose does the author introduce it).
8. The role of the author in this story.
9. My attitude towards the characters and the story as a whole.

The analysis of the work must be logical and partially have a coherent text. The volume of the analyzed work must be at least 2-2.5 pages.

Text Analysis Topics

A.S. Pushkin “The Bronze Horseman” (analysis of the poem)

Lyrics M.Yu. Lermontov (analysis of your favorite poem)

N.V. Gogol “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, “The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich”, “Taras Bulba”, “Old World Landowners”, “Viy”, “Nevsky Prospekt” (prepare a quotation plan for one of the romantic works)

Heroes of the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Creativity of A.N. Ostrovsky (preparation for the essay, collection and study of information on the topic of the project)

I. A. Bunin “Clean Monday” (analysis of the work)

Analysis of poems The theme of a terrible world in the lyrics of A. Blok. “Stranger”, “Night, street, lantern, pharmacy”, “In a restaurant” (analysis of poems)

The originality of V. V. Mayakovsky’s love lyrics. “Lilichka!”, “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love”, “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva” (analysis of poems)

Image of a working man in poetic works(analysis of poems)

Lyrics by A. A. Akhmatova (write an essay)

3.5 Analysis of a lyric work

When analyzing a poem, it is necessary to show how you understand and perceive the poetic text (ideas, feelings, images, by what means they are created). For a deeper understanding of the text, you need to mobilize your entire cultural horizon, because you need to try to fit the analyzed work into the context of the poet’s creative path, literary movement, into the cultural context of the era, noticing in the poem the signs of the times, the features of the poet’s style. It is fundamentally important to analyze the poem in the unity of form and content.

Target: developing the ability to analyze poetic text.

Based on the results of completion, the student must present: a written analysis of a poem.

Guidelines/instructions for doing independent work:

perform an analysis of a poem (poem) by A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, A. Blok, V. Mayakovsky, A. Akhmatova according to plan

Analysis plan for a lyrical work:

2. Leading theme (what is the poem about?).

3. Main idea (what did the poet want to say in the poem?).

4. What picture does the poet paint in his poem? Describe.

(Pay attention to the details of the picture, their color scheme.)

How do feelings change from the beginning to the end of the poem?

6. The main images of the poem.

7. Lexical means of expressive speech: comparisons, epithets, metaphors, personification, sound writing.

8. Syntactic means of expressive speech: antithesis, appeal, introductory words and sentences, exclamations, homogeneous members sentences, repetitions, parallelism.

9. Own attitude to what you read. What feelings does the poem evoke?

  1. Working with text to create a quotation plan for a work

Quotation plan - This is one of the types of speech development work. The quotation plan is drawn up based on the text. It is used in oral and written work when presenting a text, when working on an essay, and so on.

A quotation is a literal translation of someone else’s statement.

Target: contribute to the formation of skills in compressing source text in the form of abstracts.

Based on the results of completion, the student must present: written outline of a work

Guidelines/instructions for doing independent work:

1. Get acquainted with the content of the work, pay attention to the font emphasis, this hint will help you in your work.

2. Break the text into meaningful blocks (using an outline or underlining).

3. Define main idea each part (can be underlined).

4. Understand the essence of what has been highlighted, formulate it in your own words or find a suitable formulation in the text.

6. Separate one quote from another with a space line - this will make it easier to work with them later.

In order to correctly draw up a quotation plan for a work, you need to learn to find the main thing in the text, in each part of it. Each quotation, unlike the corresponding point in the outline, does not simply reflect one or another part of the text, title it, but very briefly states the idea, the main point contained in this part.

The essay requires a competent, logically consistent, emotional and stylistically correct presentation of one’s thoughts on a given topic, a deep understanding and assessment of a literary work in its connection with social and cultural events in the history of the people and modernity, knowledge of the elements of literary theory, basic literary critical works. This is your interpretation of the author's text.

Goal of the work: developing the ability to write an argumentative essay, the ability to analyze piece of art, observing the norms of literary language.

Based on the results of completion, the student must present:

finished essay in written form

Guidelines/instructions for doing independent work:

think over the logic of revealing the question (topic), think about the topic and its content

use the most convincing evidence of your own position in your essay

select factual material for work

draw conclusions, generalizations

write an essay according to the proposed requirements

Requirements for writing an essay:

Relevance to the topic.

The evidence of the expressed thought, the argumentation of the position put forward.

Plan and logic, sequence of presentation.

Independence of thinking.

Originality, stylistic unity and expressiveness of the narrative.

General requirements for a syllable:

Clarity and purity of language (grammatical correctness of speech, compliance with literary standards);

Accuracy and brevity (selection of words that convey exactly the thoughts that the writer wanted to express, absence of unnecessary words in the sentence);

Simplicity and beauty (accessibility to understanding, perfect speech, sincerity, absence of abstruse phrases, pretentious words and phrases, false pathos, far-fetched emotions, standard, primitive expressions, verbal cliches);

Imagery (expressiveness, emotionality of presentation, evoking visual representations, certain feelings).

Semantic accuracy of epigraphs and quotes.

Reliability in the coverage of literary and historical facts.

Correct usage of words, grammatical and stylistic

literacy, compliance with the norms of the literary language.

Composition of the essay
The composition consists of three mandatory elements: introduction, main part and conclusion. The absence of one of the elements of the composition in the essay is considered an error and is taken into account when assigning a grade.
The difficulty is writing the introduction and conclusion. These two parts play a similar role in the composition of the essay.
Intro function I - introduce the topic, give preliminary, general information about the problem that stands behind the proposed topic. The task of the conclusion is to summarize, summarize what has been said, complete the text, once again drawing attention to the most important thing.
The most common shortcomings when writing an introduction and conclusion:
- presentation general information, not directly related to the topic;
- an expression of one’s own enthusiastic attitude towards a work or author, one’s desire to be like the author or hero (in this case, the conclusion is filled with exclamatory sentences and resembles a spell);
- a very long, drawn-out introduction.
When writing an introduction and conclusion You need to use common sense and constantly ask yourself questions: “How does what I write relate to the topic? For what purpose am I writing all this? It should be remembered that the teacher also asks himself similar questions when reading an essay.

The introduction should not contain all information known to us about the author and his work and begins “from the creation of the world.” The introduction can introduce the topic and analysis of the work.. For example, the essay “The Image of Katerina in the play “The Thunderstorm” by A. Ostrovsky” begins dynamically: Katerina enters the play with the theme of love, first talks about her love for her mother-in-law, then for Varvara. She loves everyone, and she herself needs love and affection, but in the “dark kingdom” no one can give her what she wants.”
This introduction can be regarded as successful. The theme “The Image of Katerina...” is very voluminous and requires an analysis of many elements of the play: the character of the heroine, her attitude, relationships with the outside world, fate, and tragic end. The author of the essay does not waste time on general conversations and from the first phrase proceeds to the analysis of the work: to the first appearance of the heroine in the text. At the same time, in the first sentence of the essay, the author names the main artistic themes, which are associated with the image of Katerina: the theme of Christian love, the theme of loneliness, and sets the basis for explaining her conflict with people.
If the topic title uses literary terms, that is, it makes sense in the introduction to formulate your understanding of these terms. This will help you select material for the main part, strictly following your own theoretical premise. Topics such as “Symbolic images in F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment”, “The Image of Peter I in the works of A. Pushkin” can be developed based on one’s own interpretation of the concept of fate and its components, the term image of a hero and its components , terms symbol and symbolic image. So, for example, the term hero image involves the analysis of such components as character, ideological characteristics, participation in plot story, relationships with other characters, the opinions of other characters and the author, the most general relationship between the image of the hero and the concept of the work.
You can formulate in the introduction the main thesis that you intend to develop and prove in further presentation. An essay on the topic “Man and the State” in A. Pushkin’s “St. Petersburg story” “The Bronze Horseman” begins in a similar way: “Fate little man in a state like unshakable Russia is tragic. State power is in constant conflict with its subjects and is not condescending to the fate of the individual citizen.”
The introduction may contain an answer to the question asked in the topic; your opinion may be presented if the title of the topic contains a reference to the applicant’s opinion; a fact can be given from the biography of the author of a literary work or a feature of a historical period can be characterized if this information is important for subsequent analysis of the text.
Summarize: There is no one-type, ideal, exemplary introduction that would suit any topic. The introduction, like the entire essay, is written individually.

The essay ends with a conclusion.
The main requirement for the conclusion
: it should not be purely formal. The teacher reading the essay should not doubt its necessity. The conclusion should be organically connected with the previous presentation.
In conclusion, it is sometimes appropriate to give an overview of all the points that you comprehended in the main part, especially if the topic required a variety of material or a long chain of evidence.
Some themes suggest a possible overlap between historical eras: some decades of the 19th century may be associated with modern times. Then it would seem natural in conclusion to turn through the problematics of a literary work to modern reality. For example, the essay “Fathers and Sons in I. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”” may end with the following judgment: “Ideal relations between generations in I. Turgenev’s view are as follows: “children” move life forward, develop new ideas, make progress, giving “a new word” for society. Fathers, turning their thoughts to their youth, are indulgent towards their children, abandon the arrogant desire to teach and, while maintaining the curiosity characteristic of youth, are interested in new ideas. It seems to me that now in Russia there is the same problem - a conflict of generations. "Children" deny life ideals“fathers” who grew up under socialism and built communism, “fathers” do not understand “children” who grew up under democracy. We all need to be tolerant and compromise.”
In conclusion, the writer’s personal attitude to the work, its characters, and the problem can be expressed. It must be presented correctly, without affectation, excessive enthusiastic assessments, have a clearly defined meaning, and you should refrain from expressing your opinion.

Main part The essay is an analysis of a literary work in the aspect specified by the topic.
The main thing to avoid when writing the main part is retelling a literary work. Retelling the plot story instead of interpreting the theme, supported by references to the relevant episodes of the work, is a shortcoming of the content of the work and leads to a lower score.
The second common drawback of the main part is a departure from the topic or a substitution of the topic proposed in the exam, unnoticeable to the writer himself. To avoid such misunderstandings, you need to carefully consider the topic you have chosen and not lose sight of it for a minute.

Crossword is a task game in which a figure from rows of empty cells is filled with intersecting words with meanings specified according to the game conditions.

Crossword themes

Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov. Life and art

Heroes of the novel “War and Peace” (collection and study of information on the topic of the project)

Works of M. Gorky

A. P. Platonov. Life and art

Classification of crosswords

according to form:

Crossword - rectangle, square;

Diamond Crossword;

Triangle crossword;

Round (cyclic) crossword puzzle;

Cell crossword;

Figured crossword;

Diagonal crossword, etc.

by location:



With free arrangement of words, etc.





by country name:








Based on the results of completion, the student must present:

Written work or electronic work

Guidelines/instructions for doing independent work:

When composing crossword puzzles, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of clarity and accessibility.

The presence of “blanks” (unfilled cells) in the crossword puzzle grid is not allowed.

Random letter combinations and intersections are not allowed.

The hidden words must be nouns in nominative case singular.

Two-letter words must have two intersections.

Three-letter words must have at least two intersections.

Abbreviations (ZiL, etc.), abbreviations (orphanage, etc.) are not allowed.

All texts must be written legibly, preferably printed.

Design requirements:

1. The crossword picture must be clear.

2. The grids of all crossword puzzles must be completed in two copies:

1st copy - with filled words;

2nd copy - only with position numbers.

Crossword answers:

Answers are published separately. The answers are intended to test the correctness of the crossword puzzle solution and provide an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the correct answers to the unsolved clauses of the conditions.

Formatting answers to crossword puzzles:

For standard crosswords and teawords: on a separate sheet;

For Scandinavian crosswords: filled grid only;

For Hungarian crosswords: a grid with the search words neatly crossed out.

Drawing up conditions (interpretations) of a crossword puzzle:

1. They must be strictly concise. They should not be lengthy, overly exhaustive, verbose, or carrying redundant information.

2. Try to present the word from the least known side.

3. Look through dictionaries: perhaps one of them will contain the best definition. Definitions should not contain cognate words.

Individual design work - work aimed at solving specific problem, to achieve a pre-planned result in the optimal way. The project may include elements of reports, essays, research and other types of independent creative work, but only as ways to achieve the results of the project.

Topics of individual projects:

Comparative characteristics of the main characters. F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment” (compilation of comparative characteristics, collection and study of information on the topic of the project)

Spiritual quests of favorite characters (collection and study of information on the topic of the project)

Heroes of the novel “War and Peace” (compiling a crossword puzzle, collecting and studying information on the topic of the project)

Lyrics of the 20th century (project goal setting)

Love theme in the lyrics of S. A. Yesenin (collection and study of information on the topic of the project “Lyrics of the 20th century”, compile a collection of poems)

N. M. Rubtsov. A word about the poet. The main themes and motives of the poet’s lyrics and its artistic originality. “Visions on the Hill”, “Russian Light”, “Star of the Fields”, “In the Upper Room” (collecting and studying information on the topic of the project, preparing material for the lecture)

Goal of the work: the formation of an active independent and proactive position of students in learning and the development of general educational skills (research, reflective, self-evaluation).

Based on the results of completion, the student must present:

Oral defense of an individual project

Giving a presentation to the teacher

Guidelines/instructions for doing independent work:

Define and formulate the task;

Plan your work;

If necessary, seek help from the teacher;

Find the necessary information;

Apply communication skills;

Use ICT professionally in the process of work and for preparing presentations;

Bring the work to the planned result by the required deadline;

Literary texts

Literature of the 19th century.

V.A. Zhukovsky. Rural cemetery. Evening. Svetlana. A singer in the camp of Russian soldiers. Ivikov's cranes. Theon and Aeschines. Forest king.

K.N. Batyushkov. Happy hour. My Penates. To Dashkov. The passage of Russian troops through the Neman. Travels of Odysseus. On the ruins of a castle in Sweden. Saying of Melchizedek.

A.S. Pushkin. To a poet friend. Memories in Tsarskoe Selo. Licinia. Comrades. Liberty. To Chaadaev. Village. The daylight has gone out... Dagger. Prisoner. Desert sower of freedom... To the sea. I remember wonderful moment... Bacchic song. October 19. Prophet. Stanzas (In the hope of glory and goodness...). Arion. Anchar. To Siberia. Poet. To the poet. October 19, 1827 On the hills of Georgia... A vain gift, an accidental gift... Road complaints. I.I. Pushchina. I loved you... Do I wander along the noisy streets... Echo. Madonna. Demons. Crazy years of faded fun... My family tree. To the slanderers of Russia. Borodino anniversary. I visited again... From Pindemonti. When I wander thoughtfully outside the city... Monument. Ruslan and Ludmila. Prisoner of the Caucasus. Gypsies. Poltava. Bronze Horseman. Boris Godunov. Little tragedies. Moor of Peter the Great. Belkin's stories. History of the village of Goryukhina. Dubrovsky. Captain's daughter. Queen of Spades.

M.Yu. Lermontov. No, I'm not Byron... Sail. Prediction. Two giants. Borodino. Death of poet. When the yellowing field is agitated... Poet. Dispute. 1st of January. Thought. And boring and sad... Motherland. No, it’s not you that I love so passionately... I go out alone on the road... Prophet. Boyar Orsha. A song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young oprichnik and the daring merchant Kalashnikov. Mtsyri. Daemon. Masquerade. Hero of our time.

N.V. Gogol. Nevsky Avenue. Portrait. Nose. Overcoat. Inspector. Dead Souls.

I.A. Goncharov. An ordinary story. Oblomov.

ON THE. Nekrasov. On the road. Moral man. Lullaby. Troika. When out of the darkness of delusion... Yesterday, at about six o'clock... I don't like your irony... You and I are stupid people... Long rejected by you... Schoolboy. A celebration of life - the years of youth... Where is your dark face... Listening to the horrors of war... My poems are living witnesses... There is noise in the capitals, the ornate thunders... Why are you, my heart, at odds... Poet and citizen. Reflections at the front entrance. Song to Eremushka. Knight for an hour. Songs about free speech. Newspaper. I will die soon... The enemy rejoices, remains silent in bewilderment... Why are you tearing me apart... Green noise. My heart breaks with agony... In memory of Dobrolyubov. Don’t cry so madly over him... Prophet. Three Elegies. Zina (You still have the right to life...). Calm down, my perky muse... Zina (Two hundred days already...). To the sowers. Muse. To friends. Last minute letters. Baiushki bye. O muse, I am at the door of the coffin... Peddlers. Railway. Frost - Red nose. Grandfather. Russian women. Contemporaries. Who lives well in Rus'?

N.G. Chernyshevsky. What to do?

I.S. Turgenev. Rudin. Noble Nest. The day before. Fathers and Sons. New. Poems in prose (5-6 optional).

A.N. Ostrovsky. Our people - we will be numbered. Poor bride. Poverty is not a vice. Plum. Storm. For every wise man, simplicity is enough. Warm heart. Crazy money. Wolves and sheep. Dowryless. Forest. Guilty without guilt.

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Provincial essays. The story of one city. Mr. Golovlev. Abroad. Fairy tales (3-4 optional).

N.S. Leskov. The Enchanted Wanderer. Lefty (The Tale of the Tula Oblique Lefty and the Steel Flea).

F.I. Tyutchev. A kite rose from the clearing... Spring thunderstorm. Not what you think, nature... There is in the primordial autumn... Cicero. Fountain. Don’t believe, don’t trust the poet, maiden... Russian woman. These poor villages... Oh, how murderously we love... last love. All day she lay in oblivion... On the eve of the anniversary of August 4, 1864 Russia cannot be understood with the mind... We cannot predict... I met you...

A.A. Fet. Don’t wake her up at dawn... Share your living dreams... Whispers, timid breathing... The night was shining... How poor our language is... I won’t tell you anything... I still love, I still languish...

A.K. Tolstoy. My little bells... If you love, it’s crazy... In the middle of a noisy ball... Not the wind, blowing from above... A tear trembles in your jealous gaze... Autumn! Our entire poor garden is crumbling... The heroic stream. Sometimes happy May. Against the stream. Vasily Shibanov. Popov's dream. History of the Russian State... Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich.

F.M. Dostoevsky. Poor people. White Nights. Crime and Punishment.

L.N. Tolstoy. Childhood. Adolescence. Youth. Cossacks. War and Peace. Anna Karenina. Death of Ivan Ilyich. Kreutzer Sonata. Resurrection. After the ball. Hadji Murat.

A.P. Chekhov. Death of an official. Chameleon. Unter Prishibeev. Thick and thin. Intruder. Yearning. Grief. Enemies. Steppe. Boring story. Duel. Jumper. Darling. House with mezzanine. Ward No. 6. Case from practice. Guys. In the ravine. Man in a case. Gooseberry. About love. Lady with a dog. Ionych. Bride. Gull. Three sisters. Uncle Ivan. The Cherry Orchard.

Literature of the late nineteenth - early twentieth centuries.

L.N. Andreev. Bergamot and Garaska. Life of Vasily of Fiveysky. Red laughter. Judas Iscariot. The Story of the Seven Hanged Men.

A.A. Akhmatova. Gray-eyed king. In Tsarskoye Selo. I clasped my hands under a dark veil... I see a faded flag above the customs office... Song last meeting. Walk. We are all hawkmoths here, harlots... I escorted my friend to the front hall... I heard a voice... The secrets of the craft. There is a cherished quality in the closeness of people... Petrograd, 1919. Oath. Courage. Requiem.

K.D. Balmont. I caught the departing shadows with a dream... I am the free wind... Disgraced angels. I came into this world to see the Sun... I am the sophistication of Russian slow speech... In houses. I don’t know wisdom... There is a tired tenderness in Russian nature...

A. Bely. My words. In the fields. Declaration of love. Abandoned house. Troika. Despair. From the carriage window.

A.A. Block. Retribution. Nightingale Garden. Twelve. Lyrics.

V.Ya. Bryusov.To the young poet. The Coming Huns. Close ones. Dagger. We have a test. To the happy ones. Enough. Assarogadon. The horse is pale. Mason. Job. The principle of relativity.

I.A. Bunin. Leaf fall. Antonov apples. Village. Sukhodol. Mister from San Francisco.

M. Gorky. Makar Chudra. Old Isergil. Chelkash. For the sake of boredom. Song about the Falcon. Twenty six and one. Foma Gordeev. Song about the Petrel. Bourgeois. At the bottom. Mother. The town of Okurov. Stories from the collection “Across Rus'”. Untimely thoughts.

Z.N. Gippius. Song. Inscription on the stone. Sonnet. Spiders. Seamstress. Everything is all around. December 14. December 14, 17. Damn doll.

N.S. Gumilev. Captains. Worker. Baby elephant. Telephone. Lost tram. Lake Chad. Giraffe. Telephone. South. Scattering stars. About you. Dagomys. Word.

B.K. Zaitsev. Agrafena. Lanin's estate. Blue Star.

A.I. Kuprin. Moloch. Olesya. Duel. Gambrinus. White poodle. Garnet bracelet. Shulamith.

V.V. Mayakovsky. Myself (autobiography). Listen! Mom and the evening killed by the Germans. Hymn to the Judge. A cloud in pants. Ode to revolution. Left march. Oh crap. Those who sat for a long time. An Extraordinary Adventure... ROSTA windows.

D.S. Merezhkovsky. Parks. Children of night. Double abyss. Prayer for wings. Foreign land is homeland. God. About the reasons for the decline and about new trends in modern Russian literature.

F. Sologub. You can’t see a thing in the field... I love to wander over the quagmire... Captive animals. Damn swing.

A.N. Tolstoy. Mishuka Nalymov. The Adventures of Rastegin. Lame gentleman.

M. Tsvetaeva. To my poems, written so early... The snake is justified by the star... On my right shoulder... Here is the window again... Who is created from stone, who is created from clay... White Guard, your path is high... To Mayakovsky. If the soul was born winged... Obscurantism. Tornado. Sodom. She opened the veins: unstoppable... So many of them fell into this abyss... Poem of the air. Pied Piper. My Pushkin.

I.S. Shmelev. The man from the restaurant. Fearful silence.

Literature of the 20th century.

M. Gorky. Old Isergil. Chelkash. Foma Gordeev. At the bottom.

V. Mayakovsky. Night. From street to street. Could you? A few words about myself. Here you go. To you. Listen. Jacket veil. The hell of the city. Violin and a little nervous. Left march. Order for the army of art. Good attitude towards horses. Those who sat for a long time. Lilichka! Love. Letter to Comrade Kostrov... Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva. It must have been the second time you went to bed... About this. Fine! In a loud voice. Bug. Bathhouse.

S. Yesenin. Winter is singing and calling... The scarlet light of dawn is woven on the lake... The Lord has come to torture people in love... Goy you, Rus', my dear... Letter to the mother. The golden grove dissuaded me... O Rus', flap your wings... Cow. Song about a dog. I'm tired of living in my native land... I won't deceive myself... I am the last poet of the village... The fields are compressed, the groves are bare... Yes, now it's decided, no return... I have only one game left... Not I’m sorry, I’m not calling, I’m not crying... I asked the money changer today... Shagane, you are mine, Shagane... Let you be drunk by others... You don’t love me, you don’t regret me... To Kachalov’s dog. I walk through the valley, On the back of my cap... You are my fallen maple, icy maple... Now we are leaving little by little... Goodbye, my friend, goodbye... Soviet Rus'. Rus' is leaving. Letter to a woman. Anna Snegina.

M. Bulgakov. White Guard. dog's heart. Master and Margarita.

I. Babel. Cavalry.

A. Fadeev. Defeat. Young guard.

M. Sholokhov. Quiet Don. The fate of man.

A. Tolstoy. Peter the First.

I. Shmelev. Summer of the Lord.

A. Platonov. Pit. Jan. Return.

A. Akhmatova. Gray-eyed king. She clenched her hands under a dark veil... You drink my soul like a straw... Song of the last meeting. In the evening. IN last time we met then... I accompanied my friend to the front hall... It would be better if I cheerfully called out ditties... He loved... I learned to live simply, wisely... We are all hawk moths here, harlots... Confusion. I came to visit the poet... We thought: we are beggars... I am not with those who abandoned the earth... Everything was stolen, betrayed, sold... Requiem.

B. Pasternak. February. Get some ink and cry!.. Marburg. My sister - life is in flood today... Spring. August. Explanation. Winter night. Hamlet. Nobel Prize. On Strastnaya. Doctor Zhivago.

O. Mandelstam. Voronezh poems.

V. Nabokov. Luzhin's defense. Invitation to execution.

M. Tsvetaeva. You, walking past me... To my poems, written so early... So many of them fell into this abyss... No one took anything away... Yesterday I looked into my eyes... Poems to Blok. I like that you are not sick with me... Poet. Hamlet's dialogue with conscience. I keep repeating the first verse... I know I will die at dawn...

M. Zoshchenko. Aristocrat. Marriage of convenience. Love. Happiness. Bathhouse. Nervous people. A crisis. Administrative delight. Monkey tongue. The thieves. Husband. A strong remedy. Galoshes. The delights of culture. Bourgeois. Operation. Minor incident. Serenade. Wedding. Blue Book.

I. Ilf, E. Petrov. Twelve Chairs (or Golden Calf).

P. Antokolsky. Son.

A. Surkov. Beats in cramped stove fire…

K. Simonov. Poems from Sat. "War". With you and without you... The Living and the Dead (Book 1).

A. Tvardovsky. I was killed near Rzhev... On the day the war ended... Vasily Terkin. Beyond the distance is the distance.

M. Isakovsky. Enemies burned down my home... Migratory birds are flying... In the forest near the front. Katyusha.

V. Nekrasov. In the trenches of Stalingrad.

A. Solzhenitsyn. One day of Ivan Denisovich. Matrenin Dvor. Tiny ones.

V. Grossman. Life and destiny.

Yu. Bondarev. Hot Snow.

V. Vasiliev. And the dawns here are quiet.

V. Bykov. Sotnikov. A sign of trouble.

V. Astafiev. Tsar-Fish (stories “The Drop”, “Ear on Boganida”, “Tsar-Fish”, “Dream of the White Mountains”, etc.). Cursed and killed.

V. Shukshin. Weird guy. Microscope. Boots. Stuck. Cut it off. Tough man. Oratorical reception. I believe. Master. Dancing Shiva. Red viburnum.

V. Belov. It's a common thing.

V. Rasputin. Farewell to Matera. Unexpectedly.

Yu. Trifonov. Exchange.

V. Makanin. Exchange strip. Caucasian prisoner.

L. Petrushevskaya. The time is night. Three girls in blue.

T. Tolstaya. Stories.

Yu. Dombrovsky. Faculty of unnecessary things.

V. Erofeev. Moscow - Petushki.

S. Dovlatov. Suitcase.

N. Rubtsov.Plantain.

I. Brodsky. Part of speech.

Yu. Kuznetsov. After an eternal battle.

G. Aigi. Poetry.

YES. Prigov. Poetry.

L. Rubinstein. Poetry.

A. Arbuzov. Cruel games.

V. Rozov. Capercaillie nest.

A. Vampilov. Duck hunting. Provincial jokes.

Features of love lyrics by F.I. Tyutchev, its dramatic tension (“Oh, how murderously we love…”, “Last Love”, “On the eve of the anniversary of August 4, 1864”, etc.).

Immediacy artistic perception peace in the lyrics of A.A. Feta (“Don’t wake her up at dawn…”, “Evening” “How poor our language is!..”, etc.).

Genre diversity of creativity of A.K. Tolstoy. The main motives of the poet’s lyrics (“Among the noisy ball...”, “Not the wind, blowing from above...”, etc.).

Socio-political and cultural life of Russia in the 1870s - early 1880s. Formation of the ideology of revolutionary populism.

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin is a contributor and editor of Sovremennik and Otechestvennye zapiski.

“Fairy Tales” by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, their main themes, fantastic orientation, Aesopian language.

Roman F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment", the formulation and solution in it of the problems of moral choice and human responsibility for the fate of the world.

Raskolnikov and his theory of crime. The essence of “punishment” for a lost person and her path to spiritual rebirth in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment".

N.S. Leskov and his tales about truth-seekers and people's righteous people (“Soborians”, “The Enchanted Wanderer”, “Lefty”).

“War and Peace” L.N. Tolstoy. Concept, issues, composition, system of images.

Spiritual quests of L.N. Tolstoy in the novel Anna Karenina.

Search for a positive hero and ideals of A.P. Chekhov in his stories (“My Life”, “House with a Mezzanine”, “The Jumper”).

Innovation of Chekhov's dramaturgy.

Cognitive, moral, educational and aesthetic role Russian literature of the 19th century, its global significance and a relevant sound for modern times.

The end of the nineteenth - the beginning of the twentieth century

Modernist movements. Symbolism and young symbolism. Futurism.

Motives of the immortality of the soul in the works of I.A. Bunina.

A.I. Kuprin. Affirmation of the high moral ideals of the Russian people in the writer’s stories.

Moral and social quests of the heroes of I.S. Shmeleva.

The concept of society and man in the dramatic works of M. Gorky.

Autobiographical stories by M. Gorky “Childhood”, “In People”, “My Universities”

Ideals of serving society as interpreted by V. Ya. Bryusov.

The theme of the historical destinies of Russia in the works of A.A. Blok.

Acmeism as a movement in literature; representatives of Acmeism.

Fate and Creativity M.I. Tsvetaeva.

M. Sholokhov's epic novel “Quiet Don”. The uniqueness of the depiction of Russian character in the novel.

Novels and stories about the war “Young Guard” by A. Fadeev, “Star” by E. Kazakevich, “In the Trenches of Stalingrad” by V. Nekrasov.

Soviet historical novel “Peter the Great” by A. Tolstoy.

Satirical novels and stories by I. Ilf and E. Petrov.

Reflection of the tragic contradictions of the era in the works of A. Akhmatova, O. Mandelstam.

Development of the traditions of Russian folk culture in the poetry of the 30s by A. Tvardovsky, M. Isakovsky, P. Vasiliev.

Patriotic poetry and songs of the Great Patriotic War.

M.A. Sholokhov - creator of the epic painting folk life in "Don Stories".

Military theme in the works of M. Sholokhov.

The originality of the composition of the novel “The White Guard” by M.A. Bulgakov.

The tragedy of the image Civil War in dramaturgy M.A. Bulgakov (“Days of the Turbins”, “Running”, etc.).

The novel “Other Shores” by V.V. Nabokov as a novel-memoir of Russia.

Early lyrics of B. Pasternak.

A. Tvardovsky “Vasily Terkin”. A book about a fighter - the embodiment of a Russian national character. I. Bunin about “Vasily Terkin”.

A. Tvardovsky’s poem “House by the Road”: issues, images of heroes.

“Camp” prose of A. Solzhenitsyn “The Gulag Archipelago”, novels “In the First Circle”, “Cancer Ward”.

Philosophical novels by Ch. Aitmatov: “Stormy Stop”, “And the Day Lasts Longer than a Century”, “The Scaffold”.

Depiction of the difficult path of the Soviet intelligentsia in Yu. Bondarev’s novels “The Shore”, “Choice”, “The Game”.

Philosophical fantastic prose by A. and B. Strugatsky.

Historical novels by L. Borodin, V. Shukshin, V. Chivilikhin, B. Okudzhava.

Realistic satire by F. Iskander, V. Voinovich, B. Mozhaev, V. Belov, V. Krupin.

Neomodernist and postmodernist prose by V. Erofeev “Moscow - Petushki”.

Artistic exploration of the everyday life of modern man in the “cruel” prose of T. Tolstoy, L. Petrushevskaya, L. Ulitskaya and others.

The image of a working man in the poetic works of Y. Smelyakov, B. Ruchev, L. Tatyanicheva and others.

The spiritual world of the Russian person in the lyrical verses and poems of N. Rubtsov.

Lyrics by poets of the front generation M. Dudin, S. Orlov, B. Slutsky and others.

An epic understanding of the Patriotic War in V. Grossman’s novel “Life and Fate.”

Philosophical and parable narrative about the war in V. Bykov’s stories “Sotnikov”, “Obelisk”, “Sign of Trouble”.

Manifold folk characters works of V. Shukshin.

Early stories by A. Solzhenitsyn: “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”, “Matrenin’s Yard”.

Poetry of the 60s XX century.

N. Rubtsov. The development of Yesenin’s traditions in the books “Star of the Fields”, “The Soul Keeps”, “The Noise of Pines”, “Green Flowers”, etc.

I. Brodsky's Nobel lecture is his poetic credo.

Books of poems by I. Brodsky “Part of Speech”, “The End of a Beautiful Era”, “Urania”, etc.

Social and psychological dramas by A. Arbuzov “Irkutsk History”, “Tales of the Old Arbat”, “Cruel Intentions”.

Theater of A. Vampilov: “The Eldest Son”, “Duck Hunt”, “Provincial Anecdotes”, “Last Summer in Chulimsk”.

Conventional metaphorical novels by V. Pelevin “The Life of Insects” and “Chapaev and Emptiness.”

Literary criticism of the mid-80s-90s. XX century

Development of the detective genre at the end of the twentieth century.

Ch. Aitmatov. “The White Steamer” (After the Fairy Tale)”, “Early Cranes”, “Piebald Dog Running by the Edge of the Sea”.

D. Andreev. "Rose of the World"

V. Astafiev. "The Shepherd and the Shepherdess."

A. Beck. "New appointment."

V. Belov. "Carpenter's Stories", "The Year of the Great Turning Point".

A. Bitov. "Georgian Album".

V. Bykov. “Roundup”, “Sotnikov”, “Sign of Trouble”.

A. Vampilov. "Eldest Son", "Farewell in June".

K. Vorobiev. "Killed near Moscow."

V. Vysotsky. Songs.

Yu. Dombrovsky. "Faculty of unnecessary things."

V. Ivanov. “Primordial Rus'”, “Great Rus'”.

B. Mozhaev. "Men and women."

V. Nabokov. "Luzhin's Defense"

V. Nekrasov. “In the trenches of Stalingrad”, “A little sad story”.

E. Nosov. “Usvyatsky Helmet Bearers”, “Red Wine of Victory”.

B. Okudzhava. Poetry and prose.

B. Pasternak. Poetry.

V. Rasputin. “Farewell to Matera”, “Live and Remember”.

V. Shalamov. “Kolyma stories.

Poetry of the 60-90s and the last decade (A. Kuznetsov, N. Tryapkin, G. Aigi, D. Prigov, V. Vishnevsky, etc.).

A. Pushkin. Poems of your choice

M. Lermontov. “Loneliness”, “I am not for angels and heaven...”, “Prayer”

N. Gogol “The Nose”, “Selected passages from correspondence with friends”

V. Belinsky “Literary dreams”

A. Herzen “On development revolutionary ideas in Russia"

D. Pisarev “Realists”, “Motives of Russian Drama”

A. Ostrovsky “Dowry”

I. Goncharov “Break”

N. Dobrolyubov “What is Oblomovism?”

I. Turgenev “The Noble Nest”, “Prose Poems” (optional)

N. Chernyshevsky “The aesthetic relationship of art to reality” (review)

N. Leskov “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District”

M. Saltykov-Shchedrin “Gentlemen Golovlevs”, “Fairy Tales” (optional)

F. Dostoevsky “Humiliated and Insulted” (review)

L. Tolstoy " Sevastopol stories", "Anna Karenina"

A. Chekhov “At Home”, “Lady with a Dog”, “Ward No. 6”

A. Maikov, Y. Polonsky, A. Grigoriev. Poems (optional)

F. Tyutchev “Dreams”, “What are you fighting about, night wind?” and etc.

A. Fet “Evening”, “I won’t tell you anything”, “A wavy cloud...” and others.

A. Tolstoy “A tear trembles in your lazy gaze...”, “Not the wind, howling from on high...”, etc. N. Nekrasov “Shut up, muse of revenge and sadness...”, “Modern ode”, “Zina”, etc.

M. Gorky “Man”, F. Sologub “Little Man”

I. Bunin “Easy Breathing”, “Grammar of Love”, “We Met by Chance on the Corner”

A. Kuprin “Duel”, “Shulamith”

Poems by symbolist poets (optional)

Declaration-Manifesto of the Futurists “A Slap in the Face of Public Taste”

N. Klyuev “Osinushka”, “I love gypsy nomads...”, “From basements, from dark corners...”

Poems by poets of the turn of the century (optional)

M. Gorky. "Makar Chudra", "Mother"

A. Blok “Kite”, “Oh, I want to live madly...”, cycle “Carmen”

V. Mayakovsky “About this”, “Yubileinoe”. "Bug"

S. Yesenin “We are all leaving little by little”, “Soviet Rus'”

M. Tsvetaeva “Poems grow like stars and like roses”, “Poems to Blok”

O. Mandelstam “Rome”, “Europe”, “Admiralty”, “Nature is the same Rome...”

A. Platonov “Pit”

I. Babel “Cavalry” (optional)

M. Bulgakov “The White Guard”

A. Tolstoy “Peter the Great”

M. Sholokhov “Don Stories”

A. Akhmatova “A dark-skinned youth wandered through the alleys...”, “Why did you poison the water...”, “Everything was stolen, betrayed, sold...”

B. Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago"

V. Dudintsev “Not by bread alone”

V. Grossman “Life and Fate”

Y. Bondarev “Hot Snow”

Ch. Aitmatov “Stormy stop”

M. Svetlov. Poems (optional)

N. Zabolotsky. Poems (optional)

Yu. Drunina. Poems (optional)

R. Rozhdestvensky. Poems (optional)

E. Yevtushenko. Poems (optional)

Yu. Kuznetsov. Works of choice

B. Akhmadulina. Poems (optional)

V. Nekrasov. Works of choice

V. Vysotsky. Poems (optional)

G. Aigi. Works of choice

D. Prigov. Works of choice

A. Eremenko. Works of choice

I. Brodsky. Poems (optional)

A. Arbuzov “Irkutsk History”

A. Tvardovsky “Beyond the distance - the distance”

A. Solzhenitsyn “The Gulag Archipelago” (fragments)

A. Vampilov “Last summer in Chulimsk”

I. Shmelev “Summer of the Lord”

B. Zaitsev. Works of choice

V. Rasputin. Stories

S. Dovlatov. Stories

V. Voinovich. "Moscow-2042"

T. Tolstaya. Stories

L. Petrushevskaya. Stories

G. Vladimov. "The General and His Army"

V. Pietsukh “New Moscow Philosophy”


Annex 1

Sample design of the title page of a message (report)


State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution

Irkutsk region

"Angarsk College of Public Catering and Trade"


by discipline…

subject: ………………………………………………….





Place of publication, year of publication

Appendix 2

Sample presentation design

First slide:

Second slide

Fourth slide, etc.

Appendix 3

Template and cliche for an essay on literature



Topic statement (including quote)

Topic - keywords (nominative sentence)

How do you understand the meaning of the words “honor” and “dishonor”?

Of course, each person will answer this question differently. I will try to give my definition of these concepts.

Of course, each person will answer this question differently. In my opinion, ...(answer to the question).

I think there may be different answers to this question, but I believe that... (answer to question)

Reflecting on these questions, one cannot help but come to the answer: ... (answer to the question)

“Take care of your honor from a young age,” says a Russian proverb. One cannot but agree with folk wisdom. Really,…

"Honor is true beauty! - stated R. Rolland. One cannot but agree with his statement. Really,…

Life is more valuable than honor... It is difficult to disagree with this idea. Really, …

The path of honor and the path of dishonor... What does it mean to follow the path of honor or the path of dishonor? (further see topic-question)

Probably every person has thought at least once about what it means to follow the path of honor or the path of dishonor. In my opinion, …

Every person wondered: what does it mean to follow the path of honor or the path of dishonor? (further see the topic-question)


Everyone understands that... (the main idea of ​​the essay). For a soldier, choosing the path of honor means dying with dignity, but not betraying the oath. The path of dishonor is the path of betrayal.


Access to the work

So, in lyric poem(title) poet (name) addresses the topic...

The theme (nature, etc.) is touched upon in the novel...(author, title).

The theme (suffering of the people during the war, etc.) is revealed in the work... (author, title).

The problem (barbaric attitude towards nature, etc.) worried many writers. He addresses her and...(name of the writer) in...(title of the work).

The idea (of the unity of human nature, etc.) is expressed in the poem... (author, title).

The idea of ​​the need (to protect nature, etc.) is also expressed in the novel... (author, title).

Interpretation of a work or its fragment

The author talks about...
The author describes...
The poet shows...
The writer reflects on...
The writer draws our attention...
The writer draws our attention to...
He focuses the reader's attention on...
He condemns...
He sets an example for us...
The author emphasizes...
Pushkin claims...

Intermediate output

The writer believes that...
Thus, the author wants to convey to us the idea of...


Conclusion, expression of hope for the best, appeal

Summing up what has been said, we can conclude...
The conclusion involuntarily suggests itself...
Thus, we come to the conclusion: ...
So, we can conclude that...
In conclusion, I would like to encourage people to...
So let's not forget about...! Let's remember...!
In conclusion, I would like to express my hope that...
I would like to believe that...
To sum up what has been said, I would like to express the hope that...

Appendix 4

Samplequotation plan (based on the story by V. Rasputin “French Lessons”:

1. "I went to fifth grade in '48"

2. “But as soon as I was left alone, longing immediately fell upon me - longing for home, for the village”

3. "I started playing chica"

4. “And finally the day came when I won.”

5. “Because of the wild homesickness that left me with no desires, I had not yet gotten along with any of the guys.”

6. "Now I have money"

7. “They hit me in turns, one and two, one and two.”

8. “I couldn’t imagine how to go to school like this, but somehow I had to, I didn’t dare skip classes for some reason.”

9. “I could put up with it here, I’d get used to it, but I can’t go home like that.”

10. “To be fair, I must say that in those days I had a very bad time.”

11. “But what drove me most was hunger.”

12. “On the fourth day, when, having won a ruble, I was about to leave, they beat me again.”

13. “I went there like it was torture”

14. “If I were a thousand times hungry, my appetite would jump out of me like a bullet.”

15 “Lidiya Mikhailovna pretended that she didn’t understand anything”

16. “Our lessons have not stopped”

17. "We played wall games"

18 "Well, let's play for real, Lidia Mikhailovna, if you want"

19. “Of course, accepting money from Lydia Mikhailovna, I felt awkward, but every time I reassured myself that it was an honest win.”

20. “Before, I only saw apples in pictures, but I guessed that these were them.”

Appendix 5

Crossword puzzle on literature on the topic “Novel by I.A. Goncharov.” "Oblomov"


2. What was the name of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov’s beloved?

5. Which one? literary direction refers to the novel "Oblomov"?

8. To what class did Stolz belong?

9. Name Ilya Oblomov’s unique double in the novel

12. Where does the novel take place?

13. The work of “Oblomov” is...

14. Oblomov’s childhood friend


1. Marital status of Agafya Matveevna before meeting Oblomov

3. On what street does Oblomov live?

4. Zakhar marries...

6. The images of Oblomov and Stolz are introduced into the novel according to the principle...

7. Oblomov Land?

10. What was the name of Oblomov’s best friend?

11. Which of the novel’s heroes is closest to the author’s ideal?