Unusual people are scary. The most terrible women in the world (photo)

Ideas about appearance are quite standard. There is a certain standard set of criteria that a normal human body has. But, nevertheless, there is a rating of the most terrible people in the world. They even have a special section in the Guinness Book of Records.

People who deliberately worsen their appearance

1. Tom Leppard, age – 80 years. His body is 99% covered in tattoos. This is how he manages to imitate the color of a leopard. In many ways, the behavior of an impressive elderly man resembles the behavior of this noble animal.

2. The second person in our TOP is Kala Kawai. He decided to actively cover his body with tattoos, but this was not enough for him. The young man adorned himself with piercings beyond measure. Hardly 25% remained free on his body. Under the skin, he installed silicone implants that evoke horns. They are complemented by a metal structure. He also performed an operation to cut the tongue.

3. Many would give the championship in our TOP to Dennis Avner. This guy uses the pseudonym “Hunting Cat”, his appearance has been changed beyond recognition. The current image of our TOP participant was obtained by many methods of body modification. There were hardly any techniques left that he had not used. Denis has numerous tattoos, piercings, implants sewn into him, and more. He performed multiple surgeries. With their help, the shape of the ears and upper lip were changed. His teeth are extended and sharpened. A tiger tail is attached to the body, and not only.

4. Next on our list is Etienne Dumont. In fact, he is a literary critic from Geneva. His body is painted from head to toe. He did not stop at placing silicone implants under the skin. This made him resemble a young bull. He has rings implanted into his ear tunnels, and his glasses are on. More than one horror writer would regret not using him as a source of inspiration.

5. It's unfair not to include a "zombie boy" on our list. Rick Genest chose a very inhuman appearance for himself. Screams from oncoming passers-by are guaranteed. Zombie Boy sacrificed a lot to get to the most terrible people in the world. His face is covered with tattoos, and artificial teeth have been implanted to imitate a skull. The black nose seems to be constantly smeared with fuel oil.

6. A sad fate awaited the Brazilian Elaine Davidson. She used her own hands to cover her face with 3 kilograms of piercings. The passionate lady has 2,500 tattoos. Now the top participant’s place of residence is Edinburgh. At home, such antics are punished in a certain way. The inconveniences that she may seem to be enduring from the outside are simply terrifying.

7. Paulie Unstoppable wouldn't seem repulsive if it weren't for his face, disfigured by tattoos. In addition, it is covered with huge rings. There are terrifying tunnels in the ears. Only one upset (intentionally) language leads to a state of shock. He hides his “calling card” behind a very sweet smile.

8. Experiments with language are often carried out among those who like to attract attention. Eric Sprague was the first in the world to make his tongue snakelike. Day after day he stretched the two parts of the tongue, not allowing them to grow together. In addition, his body is covered in green tattoos, and they took 1000 hours to apply. His teeth are sharpened so that their shape is like that of a lizard.

9. Let’s include in the Top the unfortunate person who did not want such a fate for himself. The retired police officer suffered severe burns. So Jason Schechterly barely survived the 2001 accident. When they managed to remove him from the burning car, his face had to be literally removed.

10. Julia Gnuse is often referred to as the ugliest person in the world. The “Illustration Woman” has a body that is 95 percent covered in tattoos. The first tattoos were supposed to hide the scars on the legs that appeared due to the disease porphyria.

Every person is beautiful in their own way, and therefore the concept of beauty is quite subjective. However, there are people on Earth whom it is simply impossible to look at without fear and horror. Some of them have become victims of nature’s cruel jokes and gene mutations, while others deliberately mutilate themselves in the pursuit of fame and popularity. Today we will talk about those who, for various reasons, are included in the list of the most terrible people in the world.

10th place: Julia Gnuse

Today, Julia is considered the most tattooed woman in the world. Only 5% of her body is not covered with tattoos. The decision to paint her body came to the girl at the age of 35, when she developed a terrible disease. Julia's skin has become overly sensitive. Any exposure (including sunlight) caused blisters to appear on the girl’s body, which burst and left terrible scars. To somehow cover them up, the unfortunate woman decided to get tattoos. They did not alleviate the course of the disease, but with them Julia feels more attractive.

9th place: Dede Kosvara

Indonesian resident Dede Koswara is also known as the “Tree Man”. His limbs looked like tree branches. The reason for this appearance was the mutated human papillomavirus. Moles and warts grew on Dede’s body at an alarming rate. Because of his illness, his wife and children turned away from him. He was subjected to ridicule from strangers as soon as he stepped outside. Kosvara died alone and depressed. At that time he was only 42 years old.

8th place: Min An

Vietnamese resident Minh Anh is known as the “Fish Man”. The boy was born with very dry skin, which constantly peeled off and resembled scales. The cause of this anomaly is gene mutations, presumably caused by harmful substances used by the US military during the war in 1965-1974. To somehow alleviate her condition, Min An takes a shower and bathes several times a day.

7th place: Dean Andrews

Dean Andrews was born with a very rare pathology, as a result of which his body ages 8 times faster than that of an ordinary person. At 20, he looked like a decrepit old man. In addition, the guy had a disproportionately large head, a small jaw and a narrow nose. Currently, doctors have not invented a cure for premature aging, and patients with this disease die very early.

6th place: Christina Ray

A resident of St. Petersburg, Christina Ray, became famous for pumping up her lips to incredible sizes. Thanks to this, the girl even got into the Guinness Book of Records. But this was not enough for Christina. She tattooed herself directly on her head and implanted several implants under her skin. Now the naturally beautiful girl has turned into a real monster.

5th place: Kala Kawai

Kala Kawai has been passionate about tattoos since a young age. The guy had absolutely no sense of proportion, and therefore he covered 75% of his body with tattoos. To make the image more shocking, Kala implanted many implants under the skin, made piercings and divided his tongue into 2 halves. In addition, the man made huge tunnels in his nose and ears. The image turned out to be truly terrifying.

4th place: Evgeniy Bolotov

And this guy is a freak from Russia. A resident of Perm deliberately disfigured his face because he thinks it is beautiful. He calls what Zhenya did to himself real art. The guy admitted that his lower lip, similar to the beak of a platypus, doesn’t even stop him from kissing. The only inconvenience is that he has a slight lisp.

3rd place: Elaine Davidson

Another lover of piercings and tattoos is Brazilian resident Elaine Davidson. The woman has decorated her face with multi-colored tattoos, and in addition to this, she wears about 3 kilograms of metal jewelry. The Brazilian also prefers to dye her hair different colors. Elaine considers her image bright and beautiful.

2nd place: Jose Mestre

And this guy entered the list of the most terrible people in the world not of his own free will. Since childhood, he had a large hemangioma on his face, which rapidly grew in size. For religious reasons, the boy's mother refused operations and blood transfusions. As a result, the tumor grew to such a size that the face underneath was practically invisible. Only after the death of his mother did the guy decide to undergo surgery and acquire a normal appearance.

1st place: Joseph Merrick

Joseph Merrick lived back in the 19th century, but to this day is considered the most terrible man in the world. The boy had a congenital deformity, due to which he received the nickname “The Elephant Man.” He was constantly subjected to ridicule from others, and was only able to get a job in a circus to perform in a “freak show.” Despite his appearance, Josev was a very kind and talented person. He wrote poetry and collected paper models of churches and cathedrals. The guy read a lot, loved to visit theaters and collected a collection of flowers. Merrick lived only 27 years. The guy slept sitting up, and one day his head hung down in his sleep, squeezing his neck.

You can find the first part of our selection of the most terrible people in the world here.

Author: Olga Vasilyeva.
Photo: Instagram, Infa-star, YouTube.
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Man is an amazing creature. Just let him change something. Often the object of change is the person’s own appearance, who believes that he suffers from a lack of self-realization. The concept of beauty is very abstract, because everyone has different tastes, and most people form them solely under the pressure of beauty magazines and stereotypes that are common in society. Nevertheless, there are characters who, in their desire to be different from the rest, deliberately disfigure themselves. Sometimes a person loses his beauty by chance, including an accident.

One way or another, the site decided to talk about the most terrible people, with whom the parable that appearance is only a wrapper works with difficulty.

1. Tom Leppard

In 2016, the most tattooed pensioner on the planet died at the age of 80. His name was Tom Leppard, and 99% of his body was covered with a cheetah tattoo. It is not known what prompted Tom to disfigure his body so much, but he still received some fame. Over the years, he has appeared on magazine covers and was able to gain a moment of fame. Tom Leppard also loved to imitate his cheetah inspiration, so he was often photographed on all fours in predatory poses.

2. Etienne Dumont

We already had the Cheetah Man, so meet the Supposedly Bull Man, or simply Etienne Dumont, a literary critic from Switzerland who believes that his life is so boring that another implant tattoo on his face makes it brighter and more colorful.

His bizarre tattoo, implanted horns and ear tunnels make him one of the scariest people on the planet, and stereotypes have nothing to do with it.

3. Rick Genest

Compared to his tattooed colleagues, Rick Genest was able to build a very successful career in show business and is one of the most popular models for famous brands. “Zombie Boy,” as his fans lovingly call him, has covered his entire body with terrifying tattoos that make him look like a corpse. In principle, it suits him.

4. Julia Gnuse

If everything is clear with men, because since ancient times they have been striving to stand out from other males, including with the help of tattoos, then no one expected this from a sweet girl named Yulia Gnuse. The most tattooed woman in the world took such a step not so much out of self-expression, but in order to hide traces of a genetic disease - porphyria. In this way, Julia killed two birds with one stone: she became more relaxed about her appearance, and found fame in the media.

5. Elaine Davidson

Unlike Julia Gnuse, a Brazilian named Elaine Davidson does not suffer from skin diseases. However, it is even difficult to determine her gender based on her everyday appearance. Despite the fact that there are up to 2,500 tattoos on her body, they are not what make this woman the most terrible person. The fact is that Elaine really loves piercings, to some extent even too much. The total weight of the jewelry on her face is about three kilograms. Apparently, the desire to shock the public is much stronger than common sense.

6. Kala Kaivi

Kala Kaivi is famous throughout the world as the man who has the largest tunnels in his ears. In fact, this detail is not the strangest thing in this man’s body, because he managed to cover 75% of his body with tattoos, implant a bunch of implants under his skin in the form of horns, get piercings in a variety of places, and then cut his tongue in half to it looked more like a snake. Kalu is saved by the fact that he is the owner of a tattoo parlor in Hawaii, so he has no end to clients.

7. Paulie Unstoppable

Another handsome guy named Paulie Unstappable (yes, he took a pseudonym), covered his face with tattoos, made holes in his nose, cheeks and ears, inserted tunnels there and is enjoying life. Pauly complemented his appearance with an upset tongue, which he likes to scare passers-by. However, the guy’s friends speak of him exclusively as a kind and sweet person. Let's believe them.

8. Eric Sprague

Snake-lizard man Eric Sprague also found a way to distinguish himself from the gray mass of people living by standards. The man covered his skin with a tattoo stylized as the scales of snakes and lizards, but this seemed not enough to him. He also cut his tongue, making it similar to that of reptiles, and also sharpened his teeth. It’s scary to imagine how this man, whom many consider the most terrible in the world, is having dinner.

9. Lucky Diamond Rich

Meet the most tattooed man in the world, whom even his colleagues recognize as scary. He is so scary that he does not dare appear in public under his real name, preferring the pseudonym Lucky Diamond Rich. Do you think getting a small tattoo on your arm is painful? Imagine what this guy had to endure to shock his friends and people on the street. He even managed to get tattoos on his gums and inside his ears.

There are different ways to achieve popularity. Some work on works of art, some work day and night, and some simply change their appearance. The most terrible people in the world today include those who mutilated themselves, and those unfortunate people who were not lucky enough to be born with an ordinary appearance.

As a child, the sister of the late J. Versace was distinguished by her cuteness. She was a cheerful Italian girl from Calabria. But beauty is a thing of the past, since the passion for plastic transformations has changed Donatella so much that not only those around her, but she herself no longer really remembers what she was like in her natural form.

Terrible, hypertrophied lips, strange nose. Thinness is off the charts, and what can be called skin hangs lifeless. This is such a sad sight presented by one of the very wealthy ladies of Italy.

Marilyn Manson - pop freak

Frightened ordinary people call the American shock rocker a fiend of hell. He is a recognized leader in the category “The most terrible on the stage.” In addition, Marilyn is obsessed with the idea of ​​being ugly, of appearing nastier than she actually is. Always painted in such a way that it would make a normal person’s head spin.

It seems that a man in such combat makeup is going to bed. The public, who often attend performances, have gotten used to the tons of paint on his face. Meeting him on the street at night is, of course, not realistic, but if this does happen to someone, then life and psyche may be in serious danger.

Expressing his immense love for spotted predators, and perhaps even greater for fame, Tom turned his skin into something resembling a leopard skin. He's covered in patterned spots. He walks strangely, sometimes on all fours, like a beloved cat.

Thanks to such features, he is famous enough to be invited to all sorts of shows. The leopard is active and enjoys photo shoots.

Eric Sprague - reptile

To attract increased attention, Sprague began to get used to the image of a lizard. He not only covered himself all over with scale tattoos, but also inserted special incisors into his mouth. The view turned out to be unpleasant and frightening.

In addition, Eric has special implants above his eyes to give him a reptilian look. He also cut his own tongue in half, imitating the tailed idol. However, a man has to not only do exercises in the morning, but also stretch the halves of his tongue to the sides to avoid them merging.

It would seem that a serious specialist with a higher education, a Genevan literary critic, is covered in tattoos. Why bull? He's just horned too. Only the quadruped has two appendages, and the strange writer has one.

And imagine, Etienne Dumont is quite happy. Visitors to cafes in the city center sometimes see this creature, culturally reading the latest press. Some people are shocked by the meeting, while others simply shrug their shoulders.

Jason Shechterly - fire victim

Sometimes the worst people make it to the top despite their wishes, but simply because life turned out that way. This refers to former police officer J. Shechterly. There was an accident: a taxi crashed into an official car while it was moving. The car caught fire, but he couldn’t get out himself. Result: 4th degree burns, the face was left without skin.

The victim was lucky with his wife. She is always there, despite her husband's ugly appearance. She loves and cares for him, helped him overcome psychological difficulties. Relatives and friends also actively supported me. Now the man lives his life to the fullest.

Samaf hairy personality

All fans of the film “Planet of the Apes” would be pleased to see the Chinese Junchan live. He resembles his favorite hero, and is also recognized as the hairiest on the planet. Such abundance is not a joy; he has a rare disease that cannot be fought. Not only the face is covered in hair, but almost the entire body (96%).

It’s hard to imagine what the boy experienced with such a gift from nature. Having matured, he was no longer shy, but showed everyone his shortcomings, which helped him start a new life. He is a local TV star, gives interviews to journalists and dreams of meeting his one and only companion.

One day, a little boy from Indonesia accidentally scratched himself while walking through the forest. From that moment on, Dede Kosvar lost peace. He caught some strange infection, and the wound began to become covered with strange ulcers and growths. Over time, all this was transferred to my hands. The guy was powerless, only realizing with horror that his once pure and flexible body would soon resemble tree bark.

The man made an attempt to recover. The warts were removed by local doctors using a laser, but they began to appear again, causing the circus performer to completely hang his head and lower his hands.

The boy Rick Genest knows how to prepare for the apocalypse and avoid death from monsters. When zombies descend on our planet, he will simply disappear into their crowd and pass for one of his own. He probably carefully modifies his body for this purpose. I must say, it turns out great.

  • The surface of the skin is completely tattooed.
  • An artificial jaw imitates a skeletal smile.

If you look more closely, you will find that he appears to be skinless. Not only bones and muscles are drawn, but even the brain on the head. You can also study the structure of internal organs, each located in its place. Such a vision at night can give an unprepared person a heart attack.

Thanks to such beauty, the guy even starred in a movie.

Metal detector nightmare

Airports, no matter what they are, do not like Elaine Davidson for one simple but significant reason: 3 kg of piercing. The lady from Edinburgh is covered in it. The face is especially decorated, it is difficult to find a place without a metal thing.

To the great joy of lovers of horror stories, Elaine also implanted silicone implants in her tongue; it became like an overcooked dumpling. All this in an overall composition with a couple of thousand tattoos of very different content.

The painted beauty lives in the UK, and returning to her home in Brazil could be dangerous. Not every fellow countryman is able to appreciate its man-made metallic beauty. Why Davidson looks like this is not of interest to many, but a very large number of people ask how she rests at night with such a set of rings on her skin. It is clear that they spend the night with their mistress, so that every time she goes to bed, the woman would have to spend several hours taking them off, and then it’s already morning!

The strangest of the strangest freaks was nicknamed Paulie Unstoppable. The name alone is worth it! Translated as the one you can't stop. So it is, but his passion is not tattoos, there are just not enough of them, but the tunnels cannot be counted.

  • On the ears 4.
  • There's a hole right through my nose.
  • The bridge of the nose is pierced, and the breathing resembles the sound of an average vacuum cleaner.

The experimenter's language simply puts the outsider in a stupor. It is cut into 3 strips, which, when combined with other transformations, sends unpleasant goosebumps throughout the viewer’s body.

It’s hard to call a guy named Lucky Diamond Rich anything else. This is the most tattooed of all living on earth. His body served as a canvas for an entire army of artists and craftsmen. If you look for a piece of clean skin on it, you will hardly be able to find it. Even places such as gums and ears are decorated with patterns.

There are a great many drawings, but they are two-color. Lucky is crazy about red and blue. The result is the effect of coming out of volcanic lava, which is still boiling on the skin. A peculiar glow emanates from the eyes. Horrible, in a word.

Many people like cats. Some people love them. But one gentleman literally reincarnated as a royal tiger. The visual likeness of the world's scariest man leaves a lasting impression. Not only is the whole body covered in striped tattoos, but the face is indistinguishable from a cat’s. The upper lip was redone by the surgeon and split in the middle. The head and face are so stuffed with implants that the guy has a skull completely shaped like a tiger’s. Moreover, the eyes are narrowed.

Not without the teeth and claws of a predator. Well, his teeth are real fangs of a predatory beast. Coming from a tribe where the tiger is a sacred animal, the man is confident that he is doing the right thing. In addition to the historical component, the material one comes as a pleasant bonus. Tigerman is the holder of the title of champion among the most terrible people on the planet.

The reason for the deformity of the most terrible people on the planet lies not only in rare genetic diseases. Some voluntarily disfigure their faces in order to get into the Guinness Book of Records, as American Dennis Avner did. But even despite their terrible appearance, many manage to become happy and not pay attention to the ridicule and bullying of others. American Lizzie Velasquez, who has the rare Wiedemann-Rautenstrauch disease, got married and plans to give birth to a child in the near future.

For those included in this top, the fate of Quasimodo from the novel by Victor Hugo is a unique example. After all, the most terrible people in the world became so not only thanks to nature and genetic mutations. Some took on a terrible form on their own, paying huge sums of money.

10th place. Dennis Avner

As a child, Dennis was an ordinary boy from an Indian family. He considered the leader of the tribe to be the inspiration for transforming his appearance, who advised him to “follow the path of the tiger.” Since then, the main goal of his life has been to transform his face, which should look like an anthropomorphic cat.

A huge number of plastic surgeries made him look the way he is shown in the photograph. Moreover, Dennis himself said that he never counted the total amount that had to be spent on all this. It should be added that the man was not one of the rich or their heirs, but worked as an ordinary programmer.

The body of Cat Man was discovered in his home on November 5, 2012. Although no official cause of death was given, speculation has been made about suicide.

9th place. Javier Botet

The reason for Javier's popularity was Marfan's disease (syndrome), which gives those affected high stature, elongated limbs, and unnatural flexibility.

The man's height is 185 cm and his weight is only 45 kg. However, Javier is not worried about his thinness; he has found a useful use for it. As they sometimes like to joke in Russia, “starring in a horror film without makeup.” The actor brings to life the images of terrible monsters that no one else can play. Thus, he is a true legend of horror films.

8th place. Elaine Davidson

Wikipedia calls her "the woman with the most piercings on her body." Over the years, she continues to decorate her body with metal objects and other elements. The total amount of metal suspended from it is about 3 kg.

The number of Elaine elements is constantly changing due to the emergence of new ones. According to the latest information, today she has 6,005, of which 1,500 are internal piercings.

7th place. Petero Byakatonda

The boy, born in Uganda, was doomed to suffer from a genetic disease called Crouzon syndrome. The bones of his skull are not fused together correctly, causing his head to have an abnormal, eerie shape.

In civilized conditions, the disease is treated within a few months after birth, but the baby, located in the wilderness, was deprived of medical intervention and miraculously lived to his age. Today he is undergoing a course of treatment aimed at restoring the normal shape of the skull.