How the character of Peter Grinev was formed. Formation of the character of Pyotr Grinev, the main character of A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter”

In my essay I want to talk about the development of the personality of Pyotr Grinev, the main character of the story by A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter".

The childhood of our hero was no different from the childhood of other children of a noble family. He was surrounded by love and care from all family members. He was instilled with such qualities as kind-heartedness, sincerity, and respect for other people. From the age of five, Petrusha was raised by Savelich, thanks to whom he learned to read and write. But at the age of sixteen his fate changed dramatically. His father decides to send him to Orenburg so that he can become a worthy man (“... He’s done running around girls’ rooms and climbing dovecotes...”) - this was the beginning of Grinev’s adult life.

Having taken a ticket to adult life, Petrusha, together with Savelich, heads to Orenburg for service, while stopping in the small town of Simbirsk to purchase the necessary things.

Meeting General Zurin on his way, Grinev, having lost to him at billiards, arbitrarily manages the money, behaves indecently with Savelich, thereby showing that he is an adult and can do whatever he wants. But, possessing such a feeling as conscience, he sincerely asks Savelich for forgiveness. The second act committed by Petrusha shows that he is merciful. Finding yourself in the steppe strong storm, they (Peter, Savelich and the coachman) meet a counselor who helped them get to the nearest hotel. For the help he provided, Petrusha shows mercy to the poor man - he gives him his rabbit sheepskin coat.

Arriving at the Belogorsk fortress, Peter found himself in a friendly, family atmosphere, reminiscent of his home.

He treated the owners of the house (Ivan Kuzmich and Vasilisa Egorovna) with respect; Grinev does not yet pay attention to Masha the captain’s daughter. Shvabrin becomes his closest friend, describing with cheerfulness all members of the Mironov family. Speaking about Masha as a complete fool, Shvabrin appears before us as a dishonest person.

A little time passed, and Peter and Masha met. In her he saw a prudent and sensitive girl, completely different from the one that Shvabrin described to him. Nobility and honor do not allow our hero to accept slander from the name-caller. The result of this is a duel. Risking his life, Grinev defended the honor of his beloved. We will meet with the love story for Masha more than once.

A.S. Pushkin subjects Pyotr Grinev to numerous tests. Finding himself, by the will of fate, in a situation where he had to choose: either go over to the side of the enemy (Pugachev), or keep his oath and die rather than betray. In critical conditions, Peter managed to remain faithful to the officer’s oath and remain honest, worthy, noble man. Having witnessed the death of Ivan Kuzmich and Vasilisa Egorovna, he shows great strength spirit and courage. Pyotr Grinev, knowing that Masha is captured by Shvabrin (since Pugachev appointed him in charge), is very worried about her and understands that he could lose her forever. At the end of the story, Grinev is tried, supposedly he is a traitor and a traitor, but main character does not give up ("...I have not lost either my courage or my hope..."). Peter told everything that really happened, without resorting to lies. His salvation becomes his faithful beloved, Masha, who is ready to defend the honor of her Petrusha.

Let's return again to the execution scene during the Pugachev riot. Why didn’t the Cossack execute Peter? Thanks to Savelich, Pugachev recognizes our hero and keeps his promise (“... thank you, your honor! I will never forget your mercies...”). The Cossack respected Peter for not becoming a traitor, because no one loves or respects them. While at Poachev’s, our hero is not at all afraid of him, he talks with him openly and directly. At the third meeting with the enemy, we no longer see that fierce, evil Cossack. He sings his favorite song, tells a tale about an eagle and a raven, understands what a dangerous game he has started, and that there is no point in retreating. Grinea was present at the execution of Pugachev, who recognized him in the crowd and nodded his head, which a minute later, dead and bloody, was shown to the people.

In my essay, I did not mention some of the qualities of our hero. One of the main ones, of course, is honor. Schadenfreude was not typical for him - the scene with Shvabrin ("... I did not want to triumph over the destroyed enemy and turned my eyes in the other direction..."). Also his positive quality there was sincerity. This was manifested in the way he simply and directly spoke to Pugachev, repented before Savelich (“... I felt guilty before Savelich. All this tormented me...”). And, of course, conscience.

In the end, it should be said that fate failed to break Pyotr Grinev, to force him to change his views and values. We have witnessed the entire life journey of our hero - from a “minor” to an adult who knows how to make his own serious decisions.

Teacher of Russian language and literature Ivanova Galina Borisovna.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Basic comprehensive Kaplin school"

Literature lesson in 9th grade based on the work of A.S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”.

Subject:“Formation of the character and views of Pyotr Grinev.”
Goals: to instill a skill analytical reading works; reveal the image of the main character of the novel; follow the stages of P. Grinev’s character formation; to form students' ideas about moral values.

Equipment: the last lifetime portrait of A.S. Pushkin; Dictionary V.I. Dahl; magnetic board, a table with the names of the columns is posted, which are filled in as the children answer, from the teacher

During the classes.

1. introduction teachers.

We are learning the first Russian realistic novel about what could not have happened, and simply could not have happened, a novel about a miracle performed by love. This work is a symbol of perfect art. For example, A.T. Tvardovsky said to one writer: “You have extensive experience, but you lack writing culture. You probably never re-read The Captain's Daughter after childhood. No? And you need to re-read it - and suffocate with delight.” And if Tvardovsky wanted to reproach someone, he always said: “Yes, he hasn’t read The Captain’s Daughter.”

Therefore, as you understand, the real, deep understanding of the novel will most likely come to you later, years later, when you want to return to it again and re-read it. But even now none of you, I think, having read this work for the first time, could remain indifferent to it.

2. Staging educational goal, problematic issue.

So, today we will turn the pages of the novel and watch one of its main characters - Pyotr Grinev, how his character and views are formed young man. And as an epigraph to the lesson, I would like to take the words of A.S. Pushkin: “A person’s independence is the guarantee of his greatness...”, which fit the image of the main character perfectly.

While reading, you may have noticed that in the narrative there are so-called key words, which the author himself highlights and repeats in the most important points and thereby reveals their ambiguity and depth. What do you think these words are? Tell me one thing that you think is the most important key word a story directly related to the fate of the main character? (this is the word “honor”, ​​the author points to it already in the epigraph of the novel)

V.I. Dal, who, by the way, accompanied A.S. Pushkin on a trip to Pugachev’s places, in his Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language defines the word “honor” as follows: 1) the internal moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and pure conscience; 2) conditional, secular, everyday nobility, often false, imaginary (the meaning of the word “honor” is written on the board)

In what meaning is the word used in the story, what meaning is dominant and applicable to the image of the main character? I invite you to answer this question at the end of today's conversation.
III. Analysis of the work.

1. Discussion of the first stage in the formation of Grinev’s character.

We can distinguish several stages in the formation of the character and views of Pyotr Grinev. What time period do you think will be included in Stage 1? (childhood and adolescence)

Name Petrusha's environment at that time. (father, mother, Savelich, Beaupre, yard boys)

What influence did they have on the formation of the hero’s character?

Grinev’s independent life is a path of loss of illusions, but as a result his inner world is enriched. Prove the correctness of these words by analyzing various episodes from the hero’s life.

(A table is posted on the magnetic board with the names of the columns, which are filled in as the children answer; the teacher has prepared in advance the correct answers to which he must lead the students)

The first episode is a meeting with Zurin. How did Grinev remember her? (lose)

What hero's dream was destroyed here? (hope for a fun, carefree life)

What feelings did the hero experience after these events? (shame, remorse)

Has the hero's inner world been enriched as a result of these feelings?

The discord between dreams and reality continues in Belogorsk fortress. Let's analyze how. In what episodes do we see this?

Let's conclude how all this enriched the hero's inner world?

Sample table.

Independent life.


The path of loss of illusions

Enrichment inner world



Meeting with Zurin

Fun, carefree life

Humiliating loss

Shame, remorse


sky fortress

1.Formidable bastions

2. Strict boss

3. Deadly weapons

4. Military service, reviews, parades

5. Heroic halo

1. A village surrounded by a fence

2. Commandant in a cap

3. Cannon clogged with debris.

4.Conversations with ordinary people. Literature classes, love

5. “nonsense”, “poking with iron skewers”

Disappointment, formation of a sober outlook on life.
Revisiting the concept true honor nobleman

3. Analysis of Grinev’s participation in hostilities.

The fifth chapter ends with these words: “My spirit has fallen. I was afraid of either going crazy or falling into debauchery. Unexpected events suddenly gave my soul a strong and beneficial shock.”

On what paths did Grinev’s soul receive a strong and beneficial shock? Maybe in ways of protecting noble honor? While participating in hostilities against Pugachev?

Let's remember the episode of the defense of the Belogorsk fortress, maybe our hero commits there heroic deed? (no, he was knocked down, he entered the city with the crowd, he was tied with sashes, everything is simpler and less impressive)

Let us remember the episode on the square in front of Pugachev. Maybe there our hero repeated the answer of his generous comrades? (No. Savelich intervened, the matter took a different turn.)

From the Belogorsk fortress the hero goes to Orenburg, maybe the defense of this city allowed him to show his prowess? Remember the episode of the meeting with the police officer. (Grinev takes part in horseback riding, sees an enemy, decides to destroy him, but recognizes him as a good friend)

Conclusion. Do we see the strong and beneficial shock that could have occurred in Grinev’s soul during participation in hostilities, in the defense of noble honor? (No)

4. Analysis of episodes where Grinev and Pugachev meet.

What is the reason for that “strong and good shock” that Grinev talks about? (the fight for the release of his beloved girl. Meeting with Pugachev)

What are they talking about?

What side of your character is revealed in this episode?

Can you note any shortcomings in Grinev’s views on current events, on Pugachev (social narrowness, bias)

(we draw love triangle and indicate on it the character traits of the heroes)

What is the reason for the first clash between the heroes? (Shvabrin - lies, slander. Grinev - nobility, defense of the girl’s honor.)

How does Grinev behave with Shvabrin after the duel? (generous forgiveness)

What other unworthy acts does Shvabrin commit towards Masha? (imprisonment, intention to marry by force)

How does Grinev behave in this situation? (frees the orphan)

After some time, our heroes collide again. When? (in prison)

What other dirty business belongs to Shvabrin? (denunciation to the government)

How does Grinev behave before the trial? (refuses self-defense, because he is based on his human rightness. He leaves the sphere of noble laws, he is afraid to drag Masha in)

Is there at least something for which Grinev is still grateful to Shvabrin?

6. Finding the main difference in Grinev’s character (comparison with Shvabrin)

Each of you has already come to a certain conclusion about what is the main difference between the two heroes. But let's look at the artistic fabric of the story (we fill out the diagram gradually)

In it (art fabrics) two layers are distinguished: noble and peasant. Where would you place Shvabrin? (Shvabrin fits perfectly into the play of social forces. He “fell” into both camps (he is a nobleman with noble prejudices, with purely class contempt for another person, and he also becomes Pugachev’s servant)

Where could we place Grinev?

(He did not belong to any camp. The government is on suspicion as a friend of Pugachev, among the Pugachevites - as a nobleman and intercessor for the daughter of the enemy)

What is the reason for this situation of Grinev? (It has a humane human organization, going beyond his time. He's too human)

Sample of filling out the diagram:

The artistic fabric of the work.

He (Grinev) is too human
- Where is the right way? How should you live? Maybe, like Shvabrin, we can move from one camp to another in a timely manner?

(I draw on the board what the hero finds himself between and determine his choice)

Legality Humanity

Justice Mercy

What saves our heroes? ( The right way is to rise above " cruel century", preserving humanity, humanity, dignity, respect for the life of another person)

IV Reply to problematic issue, placed at the beginning of the lesson.

What meaning of the word “honor” dominates in the work and is applicable to the image of the main character?

V Final word teachers.

The popular idea of ​​honor, love, kindness, and mercy united in the story people who confront enmity, hatred, and death.

A person in conflict can act not only as a victim, but also as a hero, rising to the greatness of the forces that oppose him.

The life of Pushkin's heroes is a feat of preserving oneself as an individual under the onslaught of the elements of nature and history, at the point of death. “The Captain's Daughter” is a kind of testament of Pushkin, revealing to readers the hard-won truth about the Russian people.

VI Homework. Essay “Take care of your honor from a young age (Grinev in life’s trials)”

Cool! 7

IN this essay the character of Pyotr Grinev is revealed, his formation as a person.

Story by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" was written in the thirties of the nineteenth century. In this work the author touched on the topic moral education younger generation. Therefore, as an epigraph to the story, Pushkin took a shortened version of the Russian proverb: “Take care of your honor from a young age.” Using the example of Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, the author revealed the formation of personality, the manifestation of his best human qualities.

The main character of the story, Pyotr Grinev, was the son of a military man, Andrei Petrovich Grinev, who retired. At the age of five, Peter was given to be raised by Savelich, a serf. When the boy was twelve years old, his father hired a Frenchman for him, who was supposed to teach Peter French, German and other sciences. But such a teacher was of little use. The Frenchman was “a kind fellow, but flighty and dissolute,” for which he was expelled from the estate. That was the end of Peter's education.

He lived as a teenager, running around with the yard boys. This continued until I was sixteen. When he got to the Belogorsk fortress, his life changed dramatically. The young rake is a thing of the past. In the fortress, Grinev met his love - Masha Mironova, the daughter of the commandant. Of course, there were actions that Peter recalled with shame. These are the money lost to Captain Zurin, rudeness and lordly manners towards Savelich, who did not want to pay his debt. By his behavior, Peter wanted to prove that he was an adult. But there was also an act that later saved his life. On the way to the fortress, having gotten lost during a snowstorm, Grinev and Savelich met a random passer-by who led them to the inn. In gratitude, Peter gave the peasant his sheepskin coat, without thinking that his kindness would be repaid to him a hundredfold.

When the fortress was captured by Pugachev, Peter chose the most terrible execution, but not betrayal, he remained faithful to the oath he took to the empress. But the faithful Savelich saved his master by reminding Pugachev of the hare’s sheepskin coat. In a face-to-face conversation, Pugachev called Peter a man of honor, since he stood up for his ideals to the end, distinguished by valor, dignity and loyalty. And Pyotr Grinev, over several meetings, saw a human being in the rebel and villain, and was able to appreciate in him his ingenuity, love of will, talent and originality.

He began to understand the doom of the rebellious peasants and learned to sympathize with them.
While in besieged Orenburg, having learned about Masha who was in trouble, he rushed to her aid. Of course, love and duty fought in his heart. As a nobleman and an officer, he turned to the general for help, but he refused him, citing his own arguments. A sense of responsibility and love for Masha pushed him into the camp of the enemy. He saw no other way out.

Risking his life, career, noble honor, he saved Masha. And even when he was accused of treason, he did not justify himself before the court, not wanting to involve Masha in his troubles. This suggests that from the undergrowth it was formed a real man. And although Pyotr Grinev did not accomplish great feats, he remained faithful to the instructions of his father, for whom the most important values ​​were duty and honor. Despite the fact that Peter's actions have no historical significance, but the human exploits he accomplished are more important than any significant state events.

Even more essays on the topic: “The character of Pyotr Grinev”:

Along with other important issues, the novel “The Captain's Daughter” poses the problem of educating the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism. How does the writer propose to educate true citizens of the country? Pushkin is too smart to give ready-made recipes. In the images of Grinev and Shvabrin, he shows examples of diametrically opposed characters, and the readers themselves must draw their own conclusions.

The novel is written in the form of memoirs of Pyotr Andreich Grinev, where he recalls his youth and meetings with the “robber Pugachev”. Grinev’s childhood and youth were no different from the lives of other underage bards, so this is mentioned in passing in the novel, but Grinev talks in detail about his upcoming service in the army, because he dreamed of serving in St. Petersburg, in the guard, and hoped for a fun and carefree life. His father gave him something else: “What will he learn in St. Petersburg? Wander and hang out? No, let him serve in the army, let him pull the strap, let him smell gunpowder, let him be a soldier, not a shamaton.” It was not customary to argue with the father; he decides what “Petrusha” should do; in his parting words to his son there is a serious order, which the son did not even try to challenge in his thoughts.

The authority of the father is the basis of the family. For Pyotr Grinev, this is a kind of oath of allegiance to the family, which he will never betray. The father instructs: “Farewell, Peter. Serve faithfully to whom you pledge allegiance; obey your superiors; Don’t chase their affection; don’t ask for service; do not dissuade yourself from serving; and remember the proverb: “Take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age.”

Grinev learned his father's lesson well. He understands perfectly well that a lost debt must be paid for. Pyotr Andreich responds to Savelich’s objections with insolence, but returns the money to Zurina. He presents the counselor with a hare's sheepskin coat, that is, according to Savelich, he behaves “like a foolish child,” but, in our opinion, nobly.

Service in the fortress is not burdensome for Grinev, and after he became interested in the captain’s daughter, it is even pleasant. The duel with Shvabrin adds positive traits Grinev. He is not some kind of incompetent, but a man who has an idea of ​​​​how to handle a sword. And, don’t be mean to Shvabrin, it is still unknown how the duel would have ended.

His love for Masha Mironova played an important role in the formation of Grinev’s character. In love, a person opens up to the end. We see that Grinev is not just in love, he is ready to take responsibility for his beloved. And when Masha remains a defenseless orphan, Pyotr Andreevich risks not only his life, but also his honor, which is more important to him. He proved this during the capture of the Belogorsk fortress, when, without swearing allegiance to the “villain,” he awaited reprisals. “Pugachev waved his handkerchief, and the good lieutenant hung next to his old boss. The line was behind me. I boldly looked at Pugachev, preparing to repeat the answer of my generous comrades.”

Grinev never deviated from his father’s order, and when the turn came to answer for Shvabrin’s slander, Pyotr Andreich did not even think of justifying himself in Masha’s name. From the beginning to the end of the novel we see a mature, gradually maturing hero who sacredly observes his father’s oath and covenant. This character, sometimes youthfully dissolute, but kind and persistent, arouses the sympathy of readers. We are filled with pride in the knowledge that our ancestors were like this, having won many glorious victories.

Reading a novel, we not only admire it the best heroes, but I want to imitate them. Pushkin saw this as the main purpose of literature.


The main character of the family and everyday part of the story is Pyotr Andreevich Grinev. The son of a landowner, Grinev received home education according to the custom of that time - first under the guidance of Uncle Savelich, then under the Frenchman Beaupré, a hairdresser by profession. Grinev's father, domineering to the point of tyranny, but honest, alien to seeking before senior officials, wanted to see a real nobleman in his son, as he understood it.

Looking at military service As a nobleman’s duty, old man Grinev sends his son not to the guard, but to the army, so that he “pull the strap” and become a disciplined soldier. Saying goodbye to Peter, the old man gave him instructions, in which he expressed his understanding of the service: “Serve faithfully to whom you pledge allegiance; obey your superiors; Don’t chase their affection; don’t ask for service, don’t talk yourself out of service, and remember the proverb: take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age.”

Pyotr Grinev strives to fulfill his father’s wishes. During the defense of the Belogorsk fortress, he behaves like a brave officer, honestly performing his duty. After a moment’s hesitation, Grinev responds to Pugachev’s offer to enter his service with a decisive refusal. “My head is in your power,” he said to Pugachev: “if you let me go, thank you; If you execute, God will be your judge.” Pugachev liked Grinev’s directness and sincerity and endeared him to the magnanimous leader of the rebellious people.

However, duty did not always win in Grinev’s soul. His behavior in Orenburg is determined not by the duty of an officer, but by a feeling of love for Masha Mironova. Having violated military discipline, he goes without permission to the Belogorsk fortress to save his beloved girl. And only after freeing her, moreover, with the help of Pugachev, he returns to the army again, joining Zurin’s detachment.

Pyotr Grinev shares the noble point of view on the peasant uprising. He sees in him a “senseless and merciless rebellion,” and in Pugachev a robber. In the scene when he demands money from Savelich to pay his loss to Zurin, he behaves like a serf-owner.

But by nature Grinev man soft and kind. He is fair and admits to himself his frivolity. Feeling guilty before Savelich, he asks him for forgiveness and gives his word to obey his uncle in the future. Grinev loves Savelich. At the risk of his life, he tries to rescue Savelich when he fell into the hands of the Pugachevites of the Berdskaya Sloboda. Grinev is gullible and does not understand people of this type like Shvabrin. Grinev has sincere and deep love for Masha. He is drawn to the simple and good Mironov family.

Despite the noble prejudice against Pugachev, he sees in him an intelligent, brave, generous person, a defender of the poor and orphans. “Why not tell the truth?” Grinev writes in his notes. “At that moment, strong sympathy attracted me to him. I passionately wanted... to save his head..."

The image of Grinev is given in development. His character traits develop and are gradually revealed to the reader. His behavior, in each case, is psychologically motivated. Of the representatives of the nobility depicted in the story, he is the only positive person, although in his views and beliefs he remains the son of his time and his class.


“Take care of honor from a young age” - this covenant is the main one in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". This is exactly what Pyotr Grinev follows.

The hero's parents were poor nobles who doted on Petrusha, because they had him only child. Even before his birth, the hero was enrolled as an officer in the Semenovsky regiment.

Petrusha received an unimportant education - under the guidance of Uncle Savelich, “in my twelfth year I learned Russian literacy and could very sensibly judge the properties of a greyhound dog.” The most interesting activity the hero considered “chasing pigeons and playing leapfrog with the yard boys.”

But at the age of sixteen, Grinev’s fate changed dramatically. He ends up in military service - in the Belogorsk fortress. Here the hero falls in love with the daughter of the commandant of the fortress, Masha Mironova. Here Grinev becomes a participant in the peasant uprising led by Emelyan Pugachev.

From the very beginning, the hero of the novel is distinguished by kindness, good manners, and respectful attitude towards people: “The husband and wife were the most respectable people.” Peter values ​​his own most of all good name and the honor of other people.

That is why he does not swear allegiance to Pugachev: “I am a natural nobleman; I swore allegiance to the Empress: I cannot serve you.” While communicating with him, the hero treats Pugachev as a criminal who wants to seize the sacred - state power.

Grinev behaves very honorably, even when he finds himself under investigation. He behaves calmly, thinks not only about himself, but also about Masha’s honest name: “I calmly looked at Shvabrin, but didn’t say a word to him.”

Pushkin shows that only by caring about your honor can you emerge victorious from all trials: in the end, Grinev is completely acquitted, and Shvabrin is rightly sentenced to imprisonment.

Thus, in Pushkin’s novel “The Captain’s Daughter” Grinev is positive hero. He is a “living person”, with his own merits and demerits (remember how he lost at cards or offended Savelich). But according to his “views,” this hero always remains on the side of good. That is why the author and we, the readers, sympathize with him.

The purpose of the lesson: create conditions for determining genre features works; trace through the text the stages of formation of the character of Pyotr Grinev; promote the development of text analysis skills in schoolchildren

Methodical techniques: analytical conversation, a condensed retelling of the contents of the chapters.

Theory: memoirs, genre, plot.

Vocabulary work: duty, honor, dignity, irony.

Equipment: demonstration material on literature for VII class; artistic text any publication.



8th grade

TOPIC: Formation of the character of Peter Grinev.

Analysis of chapters 1 and 2

The purpose of the lesson: create conditions for determining the genre features of a work; trace through the text the stages of formation of the character of Pyotr Grinev; promote the development of text analysis skills in schoolchildren

Methodical techniques:analytical conversation, condensed retelling of the contents of the chapters.

Theory: memoirs, genre, plot.

Vocabulary work:duty, honor, dignity, irony.

Equipment: demonstration material on literature for grade VII; literary text of any publication.

During the classes

I. Checking homework.

Conversation on the article by V.A. Kozhevnikov " Historical era, developed in a fictional narrative."

II. Teacher's word.

IN critical literature were repeatedly collected different opinions about Pushkin’s work: some saw in it a story about two lovers, others - only an image of Pugachev and the Pugachev uprising, others - stages spiritual formation young man on life path which constantly arises the problem of choosing honor: who is right? We will try to answer all these problems - questions during the study of the work. Also, there is still no unity in defining the genre of a work. What is this story? novel? historical novel? family notes? chronicle? memoirs? (students read the definitions of these literary terms from dictionaries).

“The Captain's Daughter” can rightfully be called both a novel and a story. Indeed, such definitions exist in literary criticism. But can we talk about her as historical novel, family notes or memoirs? Probably, in the strict sense of the word, “The Captain’s Daughter” is neither a chronicle nor a memoir, since the work contains fiction. But it is written in the form of memoirs, family notes, shows past destinies, the lives of private people, at the same time, images of historical events and historical figures are given (like Emelyan Pugachev and Catherine II), and therefore contains the features of all these genres.

But it's still a story. It closely intertwines themes of personal relationships between the characters and the depiction of historical events. All the depicted pictures of life and events pose before us, the readers, the problem of honor and duty.

III. Conversation with students.

What cycles can the story be divided into?

(Three cycles of chapters: I-V depict the formation of the narrator’s personality before unexpected incidents that had big influence for his entire life and led to serious changes and upheavals; VI-VII - pictures in which Pugachev appears and under whose influence the inner world of the narrator changes;

XII - XIV - the role of an extended epilogue.)

Researchers believe that the epigraphs in “The Captain's Daughter” play the role of a kind of notes for each chapter. Prove the correctness (or incorrectness) of this opinion by rereading the epigraphs along with the chapter titles.

Briefly tell us about Grinev’s life in parental home. And in what conditions was Petrusha brought up?

What good and what bad did Grinev learn from his childhood and adolescence?

What did Petrusha have to experience at this time?

Petrusha had to experience a variety of influences at this time. My father coexisted with high ideas about the duty and honor of a nobleman, contempt for careerists and secular young rakes, and sincere cordiality that noted the “people of the old century” and the habits of the serf owner.

A soft but weak-willed mother; honest, devoted, but narrow-minded Savelich; the kind but dissolute Monsieur Beaupré; yard boys - this is Petrusha’s environment in his childhood. Therefore, it is not surprising that knowledge at the end of the course home education were limited to the ability to judge “the properties of a greyhound dog”, somehow read French and fight with swords, and in moral concepts The most incredible confusion reigned. “He considered service in the guard to be the pinnacle of human well-being, and the greatest happiness to be have a fun life In Petersburg.

(It cannot be said that Petrusha completely assimilated his father’s views, although, of course, many and most important things sunk into his soul. It is not for nothing that, although in an ironic form, but in the spirit of his youthful views, he explains to the Orenburg general the meaning of the saying “Hedgehog gloves.” Having grown up on rural freedom, far from secular society, Grinev learned to judge people impartially. He adopted some serf manners from his father, but at the same time directness and honesty.)

When do you think the second stage of Grinev’s formation begins?

(From the moment of leaving his home. Grinev’s independent life is the path of losing many illusions and prejudices, and at the same time enriching his inner world. The father deals the first blow to illusions, as he decides to send his son to the army (students read the relevant episodes). Two sides of the character of young Grinev are revealed in the episodes of meetings with Zurin and the tramp - “counselor”, since the dream of a cheerful, selfless life quickly disappears after meeting Zurin, replaced by deep repentance and shame.But the meeting with the “counselor” gives an impetus to awaken in Grinev’s soul the good, bright things that the hero brought from his parents’ home.)

Find words that express the feelings of a faithful servant towards the counselor.

(“He’ll drink it, dog, in the first tavern... You’re not afraid of God, you robber!”, “You see that the child doesn’t understand, but you’re glad to rob him...”, “And it would be good for someone, but then a naked drunk").

So, Savelich is afraid of the stranger, sees in him a thief, a robber, a drunkard.

How does a tramp react to the “master’s gift”?

(“His honor bestows upon me a fur coat from his shoulder..”; He somehow managed and put on a sheepskin coat, opening the seams. “The tramp was extremely pleased with my gift. He led me to the tent and said with a low bow:

“Thank you, your honor! May the Lord reward you for your virtue. I will never forget your mercies.")

Why does the counselor say such kind words for a sheepskin coat that doesn’t suit him?

(This is not about the sheepskin coat. Here, for the first time, something else flashed between Grinev and the runaway Cossack. The author shows two attitudes towards the person:

for one “dog”, “naked drunkard”, for another - “brother”. “Two truths”: one boorishly points a finger at the sinful nakedness of the other, the other, seeing everything, seems to say: but he is also a man... Grinev’s nobility is not just nobility. There is more here, there is pity, mercy and respect for man, for dignity. But the person is cold... And if we indifferently walk past a person who is cold, then this, generally speaking, is blasphemy, writes V. Kasatonov).

What is mercy? Are you merciful?

(The desire to come to the rescue out of a feeling of philanthropy, compassion, help caused by these same feelings. Mercy is always responded to with mercy.)

Why are many people today ashamed of their true feelings?

(Many are ashamed because people have become indifferent to each other, money and position in society have become the measure of a person’s values, which is probably why our morality is falling. And we, readers, must learn to be human from the example of good, true manifestations of the feelings of the heroes of the story.)

IV. Homework:

2. Briefly talk about Grinev’s life before the start of the Pugachev uprising

V. Lesson summary

Pyotr Grinev is one of the main characters of A. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter”. WITH early childhood the formation of his character and views was greatly influenced by his parents - honest and decent people who have seen a lot in their life's journey. They managed to instill in Petrusha love for his homeland, loyalty to his duty and this word, respect for elders, courage, desire for justice.

A father, sending his son to serve in the army, is primarily guided by the goal of raising him not to be a dissolute scoundrel, a spendthrift and a rake, but a real soldier, a brave and noble man. He thus denotes life guidelines for Petrusha: “Serve faithfully to whom you swear allegiance; obey your bosses, don’t chase their affection; don’t ask for service; don’t talk yourself out of serving and remember the proverb: take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age.”

The lessons learned were not in vain for Peter Grinev. Living in the Belogorsk fortress, he established himself as a brave officer and a good comrade, a man who values ​​honor above all else. With a sword in hand, taking risks own life, he defends the good name of Masha Mironova, slandered by the hypocritical and cowardly Shvabrin.

Grinev in love reveals himself to us from a new side. It becomes clear that he is an ardent and tender admirer, ready to sacrifice his life for the happiness of his beloved.

However, the author, considering that true essence person is revealed in critical situations, subjects his hero to numerous tests. Having witnessed the heroic death of people dear and respected by him - Ivan Kuzmich and Vasilisa Egorovna Mironov, forced to be separated from Masha, leaving her in the hands of a hated suitor, Pyotr Grinev shows great fortitude and courage, impeccable decency. Fate fails to break him, to force him to renounce his own views. The character of a young man becomes more tempered, true values human life.

I believe that Petr Grinev is a person worthy of emulation.

    The novel “The Captain's Daughter,” published in the fourth book of the Sovremennik magazine for 1836, is Pushkin’s final work. The “farewell” novel grew out of Pushkin’s works on the history of Russia. From the beginning of the 1830s. Pushkin's focus was on the XVIII...

    Historical story“The Captain's Daughter” is the last work of A.S. Pushkin, written in prose. This work reflects the most important topics Pushkin's creativity late period– the place of the “little” person in historical events, moral...

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    A. S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter” was published in December 1836 in the Sovremennik magazine. She became last work, published during the writer’s lifetime. “The Captain's Daughter” is a kind of illustration to the history of the Pugachev uprising...

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    The place of Grinev and Pugachev in the story. (Grinev and Pugachev are the main characters of the story, although one of them is fictional character, and second - historical figure. The reader sees Pugachev through the eyes of Grinev under various, sometimes unusual circumstances. Grinev's view...