Eclipse September 1 astrology time. Eclipse and New Moon Chart in Virgo

The motto of the eclipse: inspiration and work to see the picture of true things.

On September 1, 2016, we will experience the thirty-ninth solar annular eclipse of 135 Saros. Since the eclipse is annular, its influence will be felt for the next 18.5 years. That is, somewhere until 2035. You need to think about how you want to see yourself in 2034-2035 now. And an eclipse is the best time for this. The main time points about the eclipse are displayed in the table. If you live in another city, then simply add the time difference for your city and UTC time.

UTC is Coordinated Universal Time or Greenwich Mean Time. You can easily find it on the Internet.

But for Kyiv and Moscow I have already indicated local time in the table.

Prepare a space for practice and meditation:

It is advisable to wear white or purple ritual clothing.

Stones that can be used for cleansing during this eclipse: amethyst

Helping stones for planning are beryl-emerald.

Candles: 1 wax for cleansing ritual, 1 purple or 1 white for planning practice.

It is good to put a citrine crystal on the altar, place a figurine of a female deity and decorate it with hazel branches.

Let me remind you that a solar eclipse makes it possible to change external and internal settings. Allows you to change old programs to new ones, more suitable for the new time. Everything that you lay down these days will begin to manifest itself by the lunar eclipse on September 16th.

It is advisable not to make important decisions and not to sign contracts and agreements starting a week before the eclipse and until a week after the end of the eclipse corridor.

During a lunar eclipse, what appears in the eclipse corridor must be worked out so that it does not interfere with the implementation of new plans. General recommendations for practicing lunar eclipses can be read.

During this eclipse, it is advisable to pay attention to training programs. The ones where you are a teacher and where you are a student. At this time, there is a unique opportunity to remove obstacles that prevent you from mastering new things, learning to teach and learn.

For teachers and educators, this is a time to open the door to new programs and career opportunities. And for everyone else, the recommendation is to learn for yourself and teach others what you can do yourself.

In all areas, this eclipse offers opportunities for career and social growth, provided you work through your fears of acquiring a high social level and pride.

Please note that the transition of the eclipse will occur from the 30th lunar day. Thus, we get a rare opportunity to move to a new level and radically change our lives.

IMPORTANT: Prepare thoroughly for the eclipse. Think through all plans in advance down to the smallest detail and write them down step by step.

The eclipse passes through the 10th house. This is the only one of the earthly houses that is daytime. And he is responsible for our involvement in the world system.

By working through this house, we can make changes in social status. This is fame and success in society. This is what we owe the world, and the world owes us. If an eclipse falls in this house, then changes in social status are inevitable. Working through the eclipse can make this situation take off instead of falling. It's time to plan changes in social status.

Nodes ascending Rahu in the 10th house, descending Ketu in the 4th house. We can rely on connections with the land on which we live, but not become attached to real estate. Do not cling to the family egregor and do not “violate” the will of those who leave. What we have achieved has already been accomplished. This is where bills are paid. Therefore, remove the bindings in this area and let go. This will provide opportunities to change social status in all areas.

I draw the attention of women that marriage is also a social status. Let your ex go and then another will come to take the vacant place. But look at it as a change in social status rather than romantic love and passion.

Look at your value system. Now is the time to expand the scope in this area and try to go beyond old limitations. Try not to be fanatical in the religious and spiritual sphere. Because otherwise, there is a high chance of losing your individuality and starting to work like a robot for the system.

If your area of ​​interest is art or science in your plans, you can turn to the issue of the appearance of patrons and sponsors in your life.

Important: determine what is valuable to you, especially in the material sphere. Why are you valuable to this world? What value does your existence bring to this world? How can you make money? If necessary, seek help from a psychologist in advance so that you can come to the eclipse with an inner sense of your value to the material world. Increase your value!!! Find resources that give you freedom.

I would like to draw your attention to the increased emotional aggressiveness during this period. Moreover, outbursts of aggression will be inappropriate and at the wrong time. There will be a lot of emotions. Engage in balancing practices. so as not to regret what happened later.

When practicing cleansing, pay attention to giving up bad habits, such as smoking or laziness in exercising, or overeating.

By the way, during this eclipse you can help yourself learn to say “no” and defend your boundaries. Great time to practice working with boundaries. Try to draw mandalas with clear, clear boundaries during the eclipse corridor.

But, once again, I draw your attention to the fact that these are general recommendations and trends for those who are in these places at the time of the eclipse. And you definitely need to look at your personal aspects: where the eclipse falls in your personal horoscope and where the nodes of your personal astrological chart will be at that moment. You also need to take into account what intense personal squares will be in your chart and which you must definitely work through.

Eugenie McQueen © 2016

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Annular solar eclipse on September 1st at 10 degrees Virgo with a rather powerful tau square from the Sun, Moon, Rahu, Ketu, Neptune to Saturn and Mars, softened only by Pluto.

The 2nd dean of Virgo, ruled by Venus, will affect relationships with personal and business partners, love feelings and experiences, as well as financial stability.

The deanery itself is described as a ship with broken masts, caught in a storm, but continuing to resist the elements and eventually arriving at port. The symbolism of the dean is obstacles, unexpected problems, the collapse of plans and hopes, wounds of pride that are smoothed over over time, the need to continue the fight and not give up.

The 10th degree of Virgo adds fuel to the fire, in which the Sun and Moon are the degree of losers in an alliance, marriage, business partnership, contracts, is responsible for the destruction of agreements, and also foreshadows the danger of disasters.

The eclipse can be observed in most of Africa, Yemen, Iraq, Madagascar, the Indian Ocean, South Asia, Saudi Arabia, as well as parts of Georgia, Armenia and Turkey, and not far from Syria.

These are the regions that will be restless. Especially the Saudis will muddy the waters of Neptune and arrange an intrigue with oil, which will result in a change in prices for both black gold and exchange rates.

Since we are talking about African countries, I repeat that the conflicting effect of the square of Saturn and Neptune is still in effect, affecting interstate relations, primarily on problems with migrants in Europe.

Since Saturn is now burning out on Antares and turning on the axis of disasters, then 10 degrees Virgo has a chance to bring a couple more terrorist attacks and cataclysms in the world, look at what is happening at least in Europe during the summer, not one, but another! The terrorist attacks alone are worth it!

On a global scale, international conflicts, political problems, revelations and scandals within power structures, government control, border closures, interracial conflicts, changes in power structures, financial reforms, changes in the economic course, misleading the masses of the population, fraudulent schemes with big money, are expected. ideological turning point.

Antares includes man-made disasters, religious disputes, problems with large vehicles, environmental pollution, increased injuries, terrorist attacks, seismic and tectonic activity, which increases the risk of mass casualties. Mars and Saturn, in principle, tend towards increased aggression. Plus Lilith in aspects to the eclipse itself.

15 Sunny day - the use of soft power will be required to establish harmony and recreate well-being, is responsible for creating alliances.

How the eclipse will work on a personal level:

The eclipse will primarily affect the mutable signs - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Especially with regards to relationships, you need to be very careful.

Retrograde Mercury, the ruler of the sign of Virgo, will require you to turn on your head and analyze situations, look for ways out of existing problems, relying on the old.

Also, the eclipse itself on a personal level will affect realism, awareness of old situations, a new approach to previous problems that were not realized. Virgo rules order and calm; she does not like noisy showdowns provoked by tense aspects from Saturn and Mars.

Many people who were previously in blissful illusions and built castles in the air will face harsh reality and realize the scale of deception and self-deception. Therefore, the higher you flew, the more painful it will be to land when your eyes open, situations, relationships with people will appear in a new light and gain transparency.

Review your plans for life from the point of view of realism and healthy planning, calculate what you already have and what you lack, criticism in this matter will increase your chances of winning, because this quality corresponds to the sign of Virgo.

But those who engage in magical and occult practices and meditation during eclipses should be careful - the tension from Neptune to the two luminaries will give an unpredictable result, there is a risk of not only not achieving what you want, but also of fooling yourself.

The aspect from Pluto will give strength to change the situation and transformation, if, of course, you follow the right path and not wander in the fog. Even if you are disappointed in the situation, you can benefit from it and move on, changing the conditions.

The annular solar eclipse on September 1, 2016 occurs at 9 degrees of the zodiac sign Virgo. It can be observed in Africa, Madagascar, Antarctica, and the Indian and Atlantic oceans. It will not be visible on Russian territory.

Maximum phase at 09:01 UTC or 12:01 Moscow time

Ends at 10:55 UTC or 13:55 Moscow time

Impact of a solar eclipse

During solar eclipses, the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, temporarily blocking (eclipsing) the sunlight for us. These celestial phenomena mark new beginnings, which can be realized on an external level, in the form of events, or on an internal level, expressed in personal growth.

The impact of the eclipse on September 1, 2016 will be felt more than others by representatives of the mutable zodiac signs: Virgo, Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius. It will noticeably affect those whose birth dates fall on August 26 - September 6 (Virgo), February 23 - March 5 (Pisces), May 25 - June 4 (Gemini), November 26 - December 6 (Sagittarius). Those who have personal planets and important points (Asc, MC) in their natal chart between 4 and 14 degrees of mutable signs will also experience big changes.

Pay attention to the events happening on this day, even if they seem insignificant to you. They will hint at the nature of the changes or what will be your focus in the coming months. Anything new or unusual that you hear or see should not be ignored because it may be a harbinger of the future.

The meaning of an eclipse from an astrological point of view

The eclipse on September 1, 2016 occurs in Virgo, the sign of work, service, order and health. In astrology, this zodiac sign is associated with prudence, the desire for perfection and order. Being a sign of the earth element, it welcomes a practical approach to life, a lot of attention is paid to work and everyday affairs. From the Virgo point of view, caring for one's neighbor and attention to detail is practical service to the Divine.

The symbolism of the eclipse hints that it is time to “separate the wheat from the chaff.” This may concern ideas, plans, personal beliefs, relationships, or anything else. You need to be especially picky in order to choose among them the truly valuable ones. Virgo is a very practical sign, inviting us to figure out what we really want and then take responsibility for implementing our plans. If you don't, someone else will step in to fill the void, but then the results won't be what you want. Virgo encourages purity of mind, body and spirit, suggesting weeding out toxic people, places and things from your life. Another theme of the eclipse is health and the environment. Perhaps many will think about how to lead a healthier lifestyle.

Under the influence of this celestial phenomenon, the spheres of life mentioned above are activated. It can become a catalyst for the healing process, both on the physical and spiritual plane. Maybe your health will prompt you to change your lifestyle. Perhaps circumstances will arise that will force you to become more organized. Or something else will happen that will make you more practical, insightful and sensible.

The planetary configurations of the eclipse on September 1, 2016 are quite intense. The Sun and Moon conjunction in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces, which speaks to the importance of healing on an emotional level. To overcome internal conflict, you need to find balance in your soul, mind and body. Moreover, there is a negative aspect of Mars and Saturn in Sagittarius with Neptune in Pisces, which indicates a conflict between the ideal and the real, or between the impulses of the heart and the dictates of the mind. To get what you want, you need to get rid of fantasies and illusions, and analyzing situations will help dispel uncertainty.

Neptune's strong position brings inspiration and big dreams, but all this energy is sharply focused on Saturn, which tends to create obstacles. On the other hand, Saturn serves as a necessary anchor that does not allow you to fly too far in your fantasies. It helps you clearly define boundaries, know your limitations, and take responsibility. Ultimately, it is better to give up on pipe dreams and work on what is realistic, then you will get tangible results. The Virgo Sun Moon trine with Pluto in Capricorn has a softening effect. Pluto is the planet of transformation, and the more faith you have in yourself, the easier the transformation process will be.

This solar eclipse occurs on September 1 and coincides with the Day of Knowledge in Russia, which is quite symbolic. In an astrological sense it does relate to knowledge, as Mercury (information, learning) is conjunct Jupiter (ideas, higher knowledge), emphasizing the role of knowledge on various levels. This gives impetus to comprehend the truth. Mercury, the dispositor of the eclipse, is retrograde, i.e. moves in the opposite direction, hinting at a return to themes of the past. Maybe you will return to past ideas and find something worthwhile in them.

The Solar Eclipse in Virgo highlights the theme of health, so it's good to take time for wellness practices or meditation to help relieve physical tension and stress. Don't plan too much for this day, because eclipses often bring unexpected things that require urgent attention. Try not to do anything important (important events, meetings, trips, etc.), it is better to do your usual things.

The day has strong energy, because at this time the program for the future is laid. You, too, can lay down your personal program, and the forces of the Universe will support it. For example, you can set an intention and state it out loud, or better yet, write it down on paper or illustrate it with images that show your dream. To attract the positive energies of Virgo, you can use stones of this zodiac sign (agate, jade, carnelian), wear them in jewelry or meditate with them.

The best way to work with the energies of the Virgo Sun eclipse is to form a clear goal and back it up with a thoughtful plan of action. Devote time to thinking about the past and future, developing plans. However, before taking drastic steps, it is better to wait a week or two for the energies to settle.

A solar eclipse is a particularly powerful new moon and is conducive to new beginnings. On such a day it is good to carry out a new moon ritual to fulfill a wish. It can relate to love, money, work, business, real estate and anything else you want to attract into your life.

Traditionally, the eclipses of this series of saros (19, With the North Node, in the sign of Virgo) speak of realism. This is the beginning of a new awareness of the old situation, the opportunity to see it as it is. A pause is always a constructive moment for the affirmation of true understanding (let’s remember this old song - “Let’s pause in words”). A hangover is always not easy, to survive the destruction of illusions, because in a state of absorption, in the flow, there is simply no time to think about it.. And if you look at it, all activities carried out in an unconscious state are simply a wasted resource and a vanity of vanities.

But every pause has a certain subtext, it is always a kind of hint for us, which leads to the revelation of the meaning.

The line of these eclipses has already appeared in 1908, 1926, 1944, 1962, 1980, 1998

The eclipse occurs at 10 degrees Virgo: * 10th degree
A bag of money on the table. Near him is a black-eyed woman in a fancy dress. Degree of SEDUCTIVE LUCK. Passion and money slip through your fingers. Greater role of women.

The abstract challenge this eclipse poses is to discover where your place is in the larger scheme of things and then live it. Instead of trying to find a place where you fit in, wait to see what people or communities invite you.
The moment categorically insists on justice. If the agreements and relationships that will be made in the aura of this Eclipse are not established clearly and openly, they will be destroyed. The currency of this moment is not money, but affection, love, respect, a sense of belonging and support.
And this is what is directly related to Will, the sense of one’s own Ego. Therefore, all questions and topics that appear now will have a personal, personal connotation. Especially like what this person has done for the community, what can he do? How useful can he (I) be?

And what is very important for us to understand in this context is that the Ego, the Will, can never work continuously. Willpower can be exercised for quite a long time in certain circumstances, but then it must give up its efforts. In the same way, the heart needs a pulse. It cannot be kept in tension all the time. There must be the right moment for action, effort, expression of will. And it’s very natural to wait to recognize the right moment, the context that will be right for you.

The eclipse occurs during Mercury retrograde - which will require you to sort through tools, ideas, rules and methods in search of working and effective ones. Something necessary here and now contains past experience.

There is confrontation and unsatisfactory external conditions, competition between mutually exclusive programs leads to conflict (Saturn and Mars in Sagittarius), as a result of which the spark of a new understanding is struck.

Mars is faced with the need to choose, being at 15 degrees of Sagittarius, changing moods and fluctuations - “Flying arrow”. Theme: DIRECTIONS. Potentially, this is an opportunity to do the best possible under existing conditions, to accurately express a personal position.

The astrological picture that emerges at the time of the Eclipse is a mutable tau square. The opposition of the Eclipse point (Sun, Moon and Rahu) with Neptune, and the planet that is the focus of this opposition is Saturn. Frustration and frustration are something that will have to be dealt with and must be corrected. The key to change lies in the details and proper focus.

The exact square of Saturn and Neptune remains throughout September, and is activated by transits. (situations of confusion, lack of abilities, energy, lack of the necessary attunement make the circumstances of this period subject to disappointments and frustrations. You can feel a lack of energy and resources, difficulties in practical implementation. Complex mental states) All this can be compared as if you were in an alien stream people and circumstances. And this is not to punish, but so that everything foreign and alien to you will be carried away in this stream.

The picture of reality formed on the previous cycle of nodes (over 19 years) finally dissolves. Inconsistencies may be visible to the naked eye.

Transit situations for September:

From the beginning of the month until the 22nd, Mercury is in retrograde motion, bringing order to its sign Virgo.

On September 2-3, the Moon passes through the planetary stellium, Jupiter, retro Mercury, Venus, which gives a lot of meetings and impressions, exchange of opinions, changes in perspectives.

September 6-7 – trine of the Sun and Pluto, accentuated by the nodes. New conditions are established for the transformation of certain aspects of life, greater concentration (of effort, tension) leads to a result (renewal). New rules and conditions may be introduced, especially with regard to financial affairs and institutions, regulatory authorities, banks, and big businesses.

September 9 is a disharmonious situation that reveals hidden tensions, weaknesses and shortcomings. Square of the Sun and Mars, transit of the Moon on Mars. Jupiter enters Libra

September 12-13 – conjunction of retro Mercury with the Sun. Important and resonant information, decisions that change the rules of the game.

September 14 – Sun/Mars square, “bisextile” configuration Mars/Uranus/Moon, Venus/Moon/Mars, sets a strong incentive and motivation for change

September 22-23 – Grand square Saturn/Neptune/Mercury/Moon. The sun moves into the sign of Libra. Turning and cardinal moments. Mercury turns direct. Three Mercury and Pluto.