Jane Austen description. Jane Austen biography

To this day, Miss Austen Jane is one of the most famous English writers. She is often called the First Lady English literature. Her works are required reading in all British colleges and universities. So who was this woman?

Brief biographical information

Jane Austen was born on December 16, 1775. Her family's home was in the small provincial town of Steventon, in the county of Hampshire. Her father George, a truly educated and enlightened man, came from an old Kentish family and was a parish priest.

The writer's mother, Cassandra Lee, also came from an old but impoverished family. In addition to Jane, the family had seven more children - brothers James, George, Edward, Henry, Francis and Charles, as well as sister Cassandra. The writer was especially close to her sister. It was from their correspondence that some facts about Jane’s life and hobbies became known.

Childhood and youth of the famous writer

In fact, not much is known about Miss Austen’s childhood and youth. The same applies to her appearance, because descriptions from different sources sound different. However, it is generally accepted that Jane was an elegant, graceful and pretty girl with an inquisitive mind, a subtle sense of humor and incredible curiosity. Moreover, the girl loved fashion, was interested in gentlemen, attended balls, adored joyful walks and playful skirmishes with family and friends.

Where was Miss Austin educated?

The writer’s works demonstrate not only extraordinary talent, but also considerable intellectual development Miss Austin. Jane was educated at several different institutions. In 1783, the future writer, together with her sister Cassandra, began studying at Oxford. But here the sisters were unlucky, as they suffered due to the despotism of the headmistress, and then became infected. Then there was a school in Southampton, after which the girls changed schools again. Educational institution in Reading also did not suit an inquisitive girl, because the kindness of the headmistress was combined with absolute indifference to the education of children.

After so many failures, Jane returned home, where her father took care of her education. George Austin managed to instill in his daughters not only a love of reading, but also a subtle literary taste. The girl grew up and developed in an intellectual atmosphere, and her evenings were spent reading and discussing classic books.

Influence on the writer’s work

Undoubtedly, home education and her father’s literary knowledge left an imprint on the writer’s work. But there were other factors that influenced the process of creating the novels of the famous Miss Austen. Jane, after all, lived during the time of well-known historical events - this was the revolution in France, in England, uprisings in Ireland, the War of Independence in America, etc.

Although most Jane spent her life in the provinces, she actively corresponded with her relatives and acquaintances, who vividly described to her historical events in which they participated. It was these letters that became an inexhaustible source of ideas and useful information for the young girl.

Jane Austen: Early Works

Not all fans of the writer know that she created her first works at the age of fifteen. For example, one of these works was the epistolary novel “Love and Friendship,” which was created as a kind of parody of the English romance novels popular at that time.

At the same time, she also worked on the “History of England,” which, in fact, was a parody, a pamphlet on O. Goldsmith’s textbook. Here Jane skillfully and wittily satirized the author's claims to objectivity, while at the same time presenting some real historical facts. Another parody of the traditional ones was the short story “The Beautiful Cassandra”.

Famous novels by the writer

Surely almost every person has had the opportunity to become familiar with the works of Jane Austen at least once in their life. Her novels are extremely popular among fans of classical literature.

Jane Austen's first work, Sense and Sensibility, was published in 1811. By the way, she published this book under the pseudonym “Lady”. This is a simple and at the same time exciting story about two sisters with different characters. Marianna is an emotional and sensitive girl who wants to find true love, while Elinor is more reserved, reasonable and practical.

The success of this work allowed the writer to publish next book- everyone famous novel called "Pride and Prejudice", which, by the way, was written much earlier. It is said that this work was written immediately after the breakup with Tom Lefroy, but because the publishers initially rejected it, it waited fifteen years for its turn. The love story, which has to go through a lot of prejudice and overcome pride, is one of the most written by writers today.

The next published work was the book Mansfield Park. Jane Austen worked on it for three years. By the way, this work belongs to the so-called educational novel. The story about a girl who has to choose between her heart, the rules of decency and reasonable arguments became the plot for a mini-series.

In 1816, another famous novel was published, Emma. Jane Austen here, in a humorous manner, described the story of a cheerful, perky girl who has fun helping her friends get married. Busy with the role of matchmaker, which, by the way, she doesn’t cope with very well, Emma almost overlooked her own happiness.

In 1817, another book entitled “Arguments of Reason” was published posthumously. Jane Austen told the reader the sad story of how Anne Elliot, guided practical advice friends of her mother, rejected the only person she loved. By the way, this particular book is often considered a kind of autobiography of the writer herself.

A year later, another novel was published - Northanger Abbey, which is a cheerful and witty parody of mystical Gothic novels.

Jane's Work in Progress

In fact, not all of the famous writer’s works were completed. For example, during Miss Austen's lifetime, a short epistolary novel called Lady Susan was not published. Written between 1803 and 1805, the story is about a cunning and treacherous intriguer trying to find herself a suitable husband, raises important issues morals and ethics.

The same theme of hunting for suitors was touched upon in another unfinished novel by the writer called “The Watsons.” By the way, this work was subsequently completed by Jane’s niece and published under the title “The Younger Sister.”

There is another popular work by the British writer, which she never managed to complete. Jane began working on the novel Sanditon several months before her death and only managed to compose a fragment of it. In 2000, this work was completed by the English writer Julia Barrett - a novel published under the title “Charlotte”.

Personal life of the writer

It's no secret that, despite her rather pleasant appearance, Jane Austen remained lonely. In her youth, she received a marriage proposal from the nephew of the wealthy Lady Gresham Weasley, but refused because she did not have any feelings for him.

In 1795, poor law student Thomas Lefroy and Miss Austin met. Jane mentioned these events several times in her letters to her sister. Mutual feelings immediately flared up between the young people, but they had to part. After all, the young people came from poor families, and only a profitable marriage with rich heirs could correct the situation. By the way, Thomas eventually became Lord Chief Justice of Ireland. And Jane, at the age of 30, put on an old maid's cap, informing the whole world that she was not going to get married.

After the death of her father, the writer helped her mother with housework, since the family’s financial situation was extremely difficult. In 1817, Jane moved to Winchester, where she received treatment while working on the novel Sanditon. She died here on July 18.

Jane Austen: film adaptations of novels

In fact, the works of the English writer have always aroused great interest. For example, the book “Pride and Prejudice” alone has been filmed ten times. The film based on the novel first appeared on screens in 1938. Latest TV version famous novel was released in 2005 - the role of Elizabeth Bennet went to Keira Knightley, and Mr. Darcy was brilliantly played by Matthew Macfadyen.

The novel Sense and Sensibility has been filmed five times. Another popular work entitled “Emma” formed the basis of the plot for eight paintings. Of course, these are not all Jane Austen films. For example, there are four films based on the novel Persuasion. And "Northanger Abbey" was filmed twice - in 1986 and 2006. There are also three film adaptations of Mansfield Park. As you can see, all of Jane Austen's completed novels became the basis for the plot of many films. And despite the time, changes way of life and traditions, these simple stories about love, friendship and morality are still of great interest to viewers and readers.

Films about the life of the writer

In fact, the object of interest on the part of cinema gurus was not only the works of Jane Austen, but also her life itself. To date, three films have been shot, the plot of which is in one way or another based on the biographical data of the famous writer. For example, in 2002 it was released documentary entitled “The Real Jane Austen,” which was based on well-known biographical data and the remaining letters of the writer to her sister Cassandra.

In 2007, a drama appeared on the screens called “Jane Austen's Love Misfortunes,” which tells the story of the last years of the life of a talented but lonely writer and her relationship with one of her nieces. Here the role of Jane went to Olivia Williams.

Also in 2007, the melodrama “Jane Austen” (“Becoming Jane”) was filmed, the plot of which is based on sad story the love of an aspiring writer and the poor, arrogant but charming lawyer Tom Lefroy.

AUSTIN, JANE(Austen, Jane) (1775–1817), also Austen, was an English novelist renowned for her witty and insightful depictions of provincial society. Born on December 16, 1775 in Steventon (Hampshire), in the family of a priest. In the priest's house there were not at all prim morals; amateur performances were staged there; read novels with enthusiasm when reading novels was still considered a dubious activity; enthusiastically listened to Jane's youthful comic writings. Having received almost no formal education, Jane read widely and, at the age of fourteen, could write funny and edifying parodies of various recognized examples of 18th-century literature. – from sentimental novels before Stories of England O. Goldsmith.

In Austen’s work, two periods of fruitful activity are clearly visible, separated by a rather long break: 1795–1798, when they created early novels, and 1811–1816, an amazingly eventful period of early dizzying successes and deepening mastery, when they were revised and prepared for publication Sense and sensitivity And Pride and Prejudice and the last three completed novels were written - Mansfield Park, Emma And Reasons. Since all of Jane Austen's novels were published anonymously, on behalf of a certain "lady", a loud literary fame she, of course, could not use it, but three novels went through two editions during her lifetime; especially praised Pride and Prejudice, and about Emma Walter Scott himself responded approvingly.

However, her success and creativity do not seem to have had much influence on Miss Austen’s life. As far as one can judge from her letters and the memories of her relatives, until the very end she remained, first of all, a cheerful, attentive, gentle and affectionately ironic daughter, sister and aunt in her great and loving family. Jane Austen died in Winchester on July 18, 1817.

Jane Austen's youthful works differ from the first experiences of most other authors in that they are often funny in themselves, regardless of the features of her discernible in them. later creativity. For example, Love and friendship (Love and Friendship), the work, composed at the age of fourteen, is a hilarious parody of melodramatic opuses of the 18th century. Among Jane's youthful writings, preserved by her family and published in three volumes more than a hundred years after her death, there are other rather witty works. These, without detracting from its literary merits, include Northanger Abbey (Northanger Abbey, publ. 1818), since this novel was written as a parody of the then very popular “Gothic novel” and in style, material and time of writing is close to the youthful works of Jane Austen. IN Northanger Abbey we're talking about about a naive young lady who went crazy reading “Gothic novels” and imagined that in real life, if you look closely, an ominous mysticism also reigns.

Sense and sensitivity (Sense and Sensibility, 1811) begins as a parody of melodramatic writings last century, which the writer had already ridiculed in Love and friendship, but then develops in a completely unexpected direction. The message of the novel, lying on the surface, is that sensitivity - enthusiasm, openness, responsiveness - is dangerous if it is not tempered by caution and prudence - a warning that is quite appropriate from the lips of a writer who grew up in a priest's house. Therefore, Marianne, the embodiment of sensitivity, passionately falls in love with a charming gentleman, who turns out to be a scoundrel; meanwhile, her sensible sister Elinor chooses the completely reliable young man, for which he receives a reward in the form of a legal marriage in the finale.

Pride and Prejudice (Pride and Prejudice, 1813) is one of the most famous English novels. This is Jane Austen's undisputed masterpiece. Here, for the first time, she is in complete control of her passions and capabilities; moralizing considerations do not intrude into the analysis and characterization of characters; the plot gives scope to her sense of the comic and the author's sympathies. Pride and Prejudice is a novel about hunting for suitors, and this theme is illuminated by the author from all sides and explored in all outcomes - comic, ordinary, emotional, practical, hopeless, romantic, common sense and even (in the case of Mr. Bennet) tragic.

In the interval between two periods, when large-scale works were created one after another, in 1803–1805, Jane Austen wrote two unique opuses: Lady Suzanne (Lady Susan) - a short novel in letters, in the spirit of the merciless humor of her youthful works, a bright, caustic portrait of a heartless society lady; Watsons (The Watsons) is a not very interesting fragment of the novel, again touching on the theme of hunting for suitors, but in the most serious, strict tone, anticipating her next completed novel. Mansfield Park (Mansfield Park, 1814) - the largest work of Jane Austen, with a heterogeneous composition characters and wide thematic coverage.

Emma (Emma, 1815) is considered the pinnacle of Jane Austen's work, the clearest example of her comic writing. The theme of the novel is self-deception. The reader is given the opportunity to follow the changes that occur with the charming Emma, ​​turning from an arrogant, narcissistic young commander into a humble, repentant young lady, ready to marry a man who is able to protect her from her own mistakes.

Reasons (Persuasion, publ. 1818), Jane Austen's last completed novel, is again radically different from its predecessor. But this is not a turn away Mansfield Park, but an appeal to areas not yet explored, only touched upon in passing in the image of Marianne Dashwood in Feeling and sensitivity. Novelty Reason consists of a serious and compassionate attitude towards feeling. And in Sanditon (Sanditon, publ. 1925), a work that Jane Austen undertook a few months before her death and which remains an intriguing fragment, speaks of the deceitfulness of appearances and the difficulty of making fair judgments, all with such technical fearlessness and such plasticity that it seems one would expect even more from this book than was achieved in Pride and Prejudice and in Emma.

Jane Austen (also spelled Jane Austen) is a popular British writer and satirist. According to critics, her novels are outstanding and are required to be studied in English educational institutions.

The biography of Jane Austen will be extremely interesting to all literature lovers.

short biography

Jane Austen was born on December 16, 1775. Her father was a poor priest, an educated man with progressive views. The family belonged to social class gentry (English untitled nobility). There were eight children in the family, Jane was the second to last.

Her older sister Cassandra became an artist, her brother James wrote prose and poetry, but chose a career as a priest. The remaining children from the Austin family did not gain popularity in the creative field: two brothers became sailors, and another brother, Henry Thomas Austin, tried many professions, eventually went broke and also became a priest.

In her youth, Jane was a rather capricious girl. She loved balls, dresses and... interesting books. When she was young, England was constantly at war. This gave the future writer grounds for imagination. Heroic figures and love against the backdrop of tragedy excited her romantic nature, and she drew plots from letters of those years. Books by Jane Austen and her literary style formed under the influence of the impressions of her youth.

The future famous writer and her older sister changed several colleges and then returned home to the province, where their father was closely involved in their education. He managed to instill in his daughters a taste for classical literature. For example, Jane in her youth read the works of Shakespeare; without exaggeration, we can say that they had a huge influence on her. In addition, the Austin family often stayed in the house the smartest people England. Getting to know them had a beneficial effect on writing career talented girl.

Jane Austen spent her entire life in the provinces. After the death of her father, she wrote her works and helped the family financially. Her personal life was not particularly eventful: she never got married, although many men proposed marriage to her.

Her work is divided into several stages. First stage - adolescence And early youth. During this period, which lasted until the early nineteenth century, Jane gravitated toward the historical and romantic genre, as well as short stories.

But the older Austen gets, the more psychologically deep, seasoned, and philosophical her works become. The most popular novels belong precisely to the second stage of its literary creativity. Among them were works of the epistolary genre, as well as historical, biographical, love and others. These are mostly novels.

The main goal of the great writer was to bring light to people and enlighten readers. It talks about people, their relationships, good and evil, love and betrayal. That is why literary works Jane Austen is so relevant today, they are extremely interesting for a wide range of readers from all over the world.

The prominent British writer died in July 1817 in a small town called Winchester (Winchester). She was only 41 years old. She went to Winchester for treatment, but died there in the arms of her sister Cassandra. Her last novel, which was called "Sandinton", remained unfinished...

Contribution to art

Jane Austen is rightly considered the greatest English writer. She has written novels that have become truly iconic. In total, Jane wrote and published nine large and small works, and five more large novels were published posthumously.

Jane Austen's most famous novels belong to the second, mature period her work (from 1811 to 1816). Her best books which are included in the school and college curriculum various countries world:

  • "Pride and Prejudice".
  • "Emma".
  • "Sense and Sensibility".

Another famous novel by the writer, Persuasion, was published posthumously by her artist sister Cassandra, who was incredibly close to Jane both in childhood and in life. last years her life.

Many of Jane Austen’s works formed the basis for film scripts two centuries after her death, and the novel “Pride and Prejudice” was even filmed several times. In the film adaptations the main roles were played by best actors English speaking countries, and the films themselves (despite the small budget of some of them) won prestigious film awards. Many films based on Austen's books have become cult classics, and even now they are called immortal classics of English and American cinema.

Several extremely successful feature and biographical films have also been made about the famous British woman herself.

Austen turned to history many times home country. She wrote historical novel“Castle Leslie”, and also, as a very young girl, created a book called “The History of England”. Historians tend to have a positive assessment historical works Jane for their authenticity, precision in detail, and great storylines.

Ordinary readers, even those who are not particularly versed in literature, invariably adore Jane Austen’s novels for their twisted plot, beautifully written characters, graceful style as well as soft, pure English humor. Still, the British woman was not just good author- she was a first-class author.

Modern writers have a lot to learn from this talented girl from the English countryside. The simplicity, but at the same time the nobility of her style is fascinating. She became the next reformer of the English literary language after Shakespeare.

Without a doubt, Jane Austen was a great writer. However, besides this she was wonderful person: strong woman, loving daughter. She earned worldwide fame only thanks to his outstanding literary talent.

Outstanding English writer, satirist, historian Jane Austen can rightfully be considered a model and guide for new generations of young authors from the most different countries the world who dream of achieving success in the literary field. Author: Irina Shumilova

The writer Jane Austen truly deserves the highest praise in English literature, and it is not for nothing that she is known as the “first lady” of her era and work. Below you can read the biography of Jane Austen. She wrote novels in the most different forms, and the main program educational institutions England includes the works of this writer. The most famous of them: “Pride and Prejudice”, “Emma”, “Sense and Sensibility”. Films based on Jane Austen are also popular. It is noteworthy that Walter Scott himself read the novel “Emma” (read the biography of Walter Scott) and expressed his admiration for it.

The writer's childhood

The biography of Jane Austen is really interesting and full of different events. Austin was born in 1775 in Hampshire, England. The father was a clergyman in the local church, and the mother was originally a noblewoman, although she came from a poor family, since their family was impoverished.

In total, the parents had 8 children - six boys and two girls. Jane was born last. The family environment was favorable, the children were loved and raised without much severity. From time to time, the Austin house even hosted events such as amateur performances and public readings of novels. The kids liked this one cultural life, and little Jane was already reading her first works aloud.

Unfortunately, not much reliable information about Jane Austen’s biography has survived to this day, and even information regarding her appearance is very contradictory. Some researchers are sure that the writer was very pretty, others say the opposite. But it is known that Austen loved to go to balls and masquerades, to dress beautifully and fashionably, in general she loved social life.

Austin and her older sister, while schoolgirls, contracted typhus and barely survived, which became an unpleasant and dark page in the biography of Jane Austen. But that’s not the only reason why the girls left school. The father wanted for his daughters better education, so he took up their studies himself, and very successfully. In addition, the formation of Jane Austen's biography, especially as a writer, was greatly influenced by the wife of her brother Henry. They spent a lot of time together - she helped Jane with studying French and instilled a taste for literature.

Creativity in the biography of Jane Austen

Creative path writers can be divided into two stages. The first of them is considered to be 1795-1798, the year when Jane wrote her debut works, and the second dates back to 1811-1816. It was during the second period that Austen created her best novels, on which many years later they began to make films.

Unfortunately, there were no men in the pages of Jane Austen's biography. The writer was never married, despite her relationship with Thomas Lefroy, who was a student at the time and was planning to become a lawyer. Subsequently, the young man became known as the Lord Chief Justice of Ireland. They never got married due to the situation of their families and inappropriateness from the point of view of society.

The cap that Jane began to wear at the age of thirty showed that she considered herself an old maid and family happiness I didn't hope anymore.

Austen died in 1817, with her beloved sister Cassandra by her side at that moment. Until now, the death of the writer remains a subject of debate and its cause is not known for certain. Jane Austen was buried in Winchester Cathedral. She never finished her last novel, Sandinton.

In addition, in addition to the biography of Jane Austen, we offer you a general section on all writers

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Everyone who loves beautiful novels, will appreciate Jane Austen's books. List her best works in order.

Pride and Prejudice

The works of the author Jane Austen were in demand in England immediately after they were written. But the title of “leading lady of English literature” was given to her only in the 20th century. They said about her that due to her talent, she created original works. Her best book was recognized as the novel “Pride and Prejudice,” which has retained its charm and luster to this day. Further

How difficult it is to exist in separation from a person dear to you, for whom you were ready to do anything, even say goodbye to life. And it doesn't matter what caused it. Life has lost its meaning, and the soul is torn to pieces. And the obsessive thought that you yourself are the possible reason for the separation and loss of your loved one helps you understand that he was dearest to your heart and this will not happen again... Continue

Lady Susan's main task is to successfully marry her daughter Frederica. A suitable groom, in her opinion, has already been selected, and little remains to be done, but then the daughter shows her temper. To pacify her, her mother sends her to a boarding house. But then the life of Lady Susan herself begins to change rapidly, several suitors appear, and she becomes a participant in intrigue. Further

In a chic country estate Thomas Bertram lives with his family. Here they sheltered their orphaned relative Fanny Price. The girl grows up very quiet and docile, and chose her cousin Edmund as her only close friend. Soon Fanny will grow out of attractive girl, with whom not only Edmund truly falls in love. Further

Northanger Abbey

The work shows that love is not only romance, but also sparkling jokes. She can be cheerful and perky along with serious feelings at the same time. The young heroine of the novel, Katherine Morland, is invited by her wealthy neighbors to visit a city in England. There she makes new friends and plunges into the atmosphere love affairs and stories. Further

Mind and Feelings

The story follows the lives of three sisters and their mother who lost their father and most of their inheritance. Now they have to survive alone in difficult times. But in life there is such a feeling as love, it inspires and helps to overcome all problems. The sisters are united and inspired by an unrequited feeling, while at the same time other men are in love with them. Further


This is the writer's last novel, which she did not finish. Here is a brilliant irony for the setting of the seaside resorts popular in England at that time. The plot tells the story of Charlotte Haywood's journey to a coastal village, where she meets all sorts of characters, from funny and harmless to negative. The book is filled with blazing emotions and raging feelings. Further

Sense and sensitivity

This is the most popular novel by Jane Austen; films have been made based on it in our time, and the movie “Sense and Sensibility” with world actors has earned many film awards, including an Oscar. The plot shows that everyone experiences their love differently, depending on their perception of the world. All events are described with humor, and this is a mandatory attribute of the writer’s style. Further


Rich and wayward girl Emma Woodhouse is of the opinion that she will not marry. She's busier interesting thing, in which he considers himself a pro - matchmaking of friends and acquaintances. Emma in Once again wants to organize the happiness of his new friend Harriet and Mr. Elton, but it turns out that the groom is not indifferent to Emma herself. Further

These were Jane Austen's best books. We recommend bookmarking the list of her works. Share your impressions of what you read in the comments. 😉