Class hour “Glory to the bread on the table. Literary and musical composition “Spikelet” as part of the project “Bread is the head of everything” with the participation of parents

Sounds in the recording theme song from the film “Russian Field”. The ensemble appears on stage folk dance. The choreographic picture “Spikes” is performed. Next, the author appears from a large book standing in the background of the scene, holding ears of wheat and rye in his hands. On title page The book shows a large and ruddy loaf of bread on a towel.

What a miracle! -

another sage will shout. -

I buy according to taste

white, gray and rye!

He takes it off the shelf for me

Aunt Zina is a seller!

I carry it in my wallet -

the little sage will say. -

On the way, by the way,

hot bread

very tasty.

While I'm on my way,

I can't help but pinch it off.

And then I don’t eat it -

I don't like him at all!

my reader, scientist,

you read it at least once

about regular baked bread

my simple story.

The recording contains a Russian folk melody. There is a dance performed by a choreographic group. The dancers have loaves of bread in their hands. Readers appear on stage after the dance from the book.

1st reader.

After all, lunch is not lunch for us,

if there is no bread for soup.

And the potatoes don't taste right

if there is not a crumb of bread.

2nd reader.

Even porridge with bread is better!

A goose without bread is nonsense!

Readers (together).

"Bread-breadwinner -

our food, good food,” -

people always said.

3rd reader.

At work

and on a hike

The people hold bread in high esteem.

Readers (together).

Russian man with bread -

hero from century to century.

The recording features Russian folk majestic music. Participants take the stage theater group, depicting heroes. Plastic sketching in progress. After this, three more readers take the stage.

4th reader.

And it’s not for nothing that soldiers’ bread

our warriors are brotherly

share fairly among themselves,

leaving for mortal combat.

5th reader.

And it happened when I was surrounded

and this situation:

covered in dust, covered in the blood of soldiers

I'm happy even with a crust of bread.

6th reader.

Let her be callous -

you won't find it more expensive!


Cause when the guns fire

And when enemies are around,

That's the last edge

Only a friend shares with a friend.

The screen shows footage from a film or documentary about the war. Next in the recording there is an instrumental composition of a majestic nature, and on the screen there are shots about bread. Against the background of music, the readers continue the story about bread.

7th reader.

Fragrant bread, baked,

with a fragile gilded back

familiar to us,

comes to every house.

8th reader.

Not everywhere,

the children eat their fill of bread.

9th reader.

Under a foreign overseas sky

at ordinary people need.

And with friends with our bread

we will always share.

10th reader.

If we want someone

meet with honor and honor,

meet generously, from the heart,

with great respect,

then we meet such guests

a round lush loaf.

A boy and a girl come out with a large loaf of bread and bow low to everyone to the ground.


It's on a painted platter,

with a snow-white towel.

We bring salt with the loaf,

bowing, we ask you to taste.

Girl and boy (together).

Our dear guest and friend,

take the bread and salt from your hands!

My reader,

my friend,

a man of few years

bread is not only food,

without which there is no life.

He is the measure of true friendship,

exemplary military service.

The people have words:

Girl and boy(amicably). “Bread is the head of all life!”

Not only bread


He also, to say for example,


And free.

Light - heavy,

Bitter - sweet,

Bread is different from each other.

He has his own habits

He has his own character.

Sounds in the recording folk music. Choreographic group performs the dance of mowers and reapers. Next, against the background of a minor instrumental music the readers continue the story about bread.

1st reader.

Bitter bread is unknown to you -

forced labor.

He was familiar to our grandfathers

in those past years,

that time when barefoot

walked night and day

on their land - Russia -

people of poor villages.

2nd reader.

We walked and looked for a place where

make money in the world of bread.

Bread of the poor man's blind fate

it was bitter and heavy...

3rd reader.

And from the fields to the kulak barn

he swam from the hands of farm laborers.

From dawn to dawn

everyone worked as mowers.

4th reader.

And the fist, the cap pulled down

to ruffled eyebrows,

Rated only half

all the work of the mowers.

5th reader.

Amazing things

We were there before, if only I knew!

Not working, landowner

He ate sweetly and slept softly.

6th reader.

Lived behind a stone fence

in the white house by the pond

and I thought that was the way it should be

live in the world without difficulty.

7th reader.

Previously there was this order:

The rich man's bread is sweet,

but for the poor man -

the crust is stale and bitter.

8th reader.

The people walked in the fire of battle

for freedom

and for bread.

So the correct words are:

Readers(together). “Bread is the head of all life!”

9th reader.

Lush, soft, baked,

lightly browned

bread with gilded crust

came to you from afar.

10th reader.

And it's time, my friend, to take a look

on this difficult path.

A video about bread is shown on the screen. An instrumental melody plays. At this time, the readers continue the story in verse about bread.

1st reader.

Go out into the field, outside the village.

A gray haze swirls...

The sensitive district hears

the hum of engines day after day.

And the earth is seething under the plow,

like a high sea wall.

Not nature itself

He will bring bread on a platter.

2nd reader.

How much care does it require?

mother earth for the whole year!

So that they come together like in the ocean,

in the depths of your country

golden stream from Kuban,

the most fertile land.

3rd reader.

But in the spacious steppe

In the hot summer, bread is high.

And dressed in cast grains

tightly packed spikelet.

4th reader.

Red-haired, with a stiff mustache,

all in scaly armor,

spikelet under the sky,

like a knight on a horse.

5th reader.

There is no end to the army

amazing beauty,

and puff up heroically

nice mustache.

6th reader.

Dust gets into your eyes and ears,

The rain is falling in the fall.

But what a fun shower

The grain is flowing into the bins!


You see, friend,

bread has the property

there is something wonderful -

they test their heroism,

strength, courage and honor!

The recording contains folk Cossack music of a daring, gallant character. A plot-dance composition is performed about how bread grows and how it is harvested. The author reappears on the stage.

To the big store

where does Aunt Zina sell?

and where from this time

we started the story

good bread doesn't come soon

from the steppe expanses of the earth.

It's in fairy tales and in poetry

everything happens in a nutshell.

The grains will be ground into flour.

The flour will pass through many sieves.

The baker will bake us white, gray, rich, black bread. Buy yourself any one - as long as it works! And we don’t need another one, either just for once or in reserve. We do not like things that are free; they are not held in high esteem among us. At work, try your best, find a path according to your heart. But don’t forget the farmer’s roads, my reader!

Remember the true words:

All heroes(together). “Bread is the head of all life!”

The recording sounds like a Russian folk melody. All participants bow from the waist and disappear into the book. A wheat field is shown on the screen.

Additional material

V. Sokolov

Winter. Sideways from the alley

A tram comes out, jingling.

Otherwise it’s like a lush loaf.

Fresh and cold under the sky.

The clouds are round and soft...

God bless him, with this white bread,

Black would be enough for now.

I remember bread.

It won't happen anymore

Never bread like this.

Even if they wake you up after dark

Other dark years

Heavy march of echelons...

I remember the sweetest bread

As for canceling all coupons

I received it a day in advance.

“They’re driving, they’re driving!” The van was dragging along.

The snow rang under the runners.

Oh, this bread... How it crumbled,

How to warm your hands in the cold!

Oh these years! Oh joy,

O forgotten honor,

Which seems to be what I need,

Like most people, I was hungry.

We did not choose our homeland,

But if we had a choice,

I would only choose these ones,

Others without thinking about reserve.

Blizzards roam, people travel.

The bridges are shaking under the expressways.

In the burns of the sky, as in midday,

The satellite calls from above:

“Don't get tired. With my destiny

Correlate, poet, your path,

Feeling the whole earth beneath me,

But just don’t be artificial.”

Winter. Sideways from the alley

A tram comes out, jingling.

There is snow on the tables. He's like a bun

Otherwise it’s like a lush loaf.

And I watch how, going out into the sky,

Exceeding the fabulous popular print.

Child of the parent's bread,

This bun is floating around.

Even if they wake you up after dark

Still unknown years.

I remember bread.

It won't happen anymore

Never bread like this.

The housewives are carrying rolls and biscuits.

But the song touches the soul:

And I'm on that military ration

Again I live a day in advance.

Target: introduce students to the traditions of Russian Orthodox culture that contribute to their moral education.


  • broadening the horizons of students;
  • development of creative abilities;
  • developing students' interest in cultural heritage of their homeland.

Form: musical literary composition.


  • script writing;
  • learning poems, skits and words of presenters;
  • preparation of an exhibition of drawings and musical arrangement on CD.

Decor: a festively decorated stage on which skits are performed and presenters and performers perform.


  • costumes for acting out scenes (our students independently embroidered aprons, headbands and blouses).
  • A saucepan wrapped in whatman paper. Whatman paper was decorated to look like a wooden barrel.
  • Attributes of a Russian hut: grip, embroidered towels, pots, cast iron pots.


  • computer, tape recorder;
  • musical accompaniment of the holiday on CD (phonograms).

The musical and literary composition includes vocal and instrumental works performed by students of our school. If necessary, concert numbers can be replaced musical recordings similar in topic.

Progress of the event

Leading: Russian lands are wide and vast
Every day is both good and comely,
Go beyond the seas and oceans
You won't find a better place in Russia
Everything is beautiful: both the earth and the sky,
And fields, and forests, and meadows.
The arable lands are breathing, and the harvest is heading,
And they make noise, ripening in the field of grain.
To the music of "welcoming guests" there is a procession of children carrying a sheaf-beard decorated with a red ribbon
Girl: The wind is blowing, it's raining, it's cold outside
And it’s warm in your hut - apparently they’ve been waiting for us for a long time.
This is from us to you a sheaf-beard
You will always have a harvest.
Each slice of bread smells like warm heaven
And the earth hid all its strength in bread.
Here the rains are fast, the dawns here are radiant
The bread of our native arable lands is decorated with a rainbow.
From spring to autumn, light brown ears
The unimaginable beloved land glows.
Here the fields are free, the people are hospitable,
We treat you to a good loaf of bread.
The loaf is being brought out
Leading: Bread was not easy for our ancestors; they harrowed the land not with a tractor, but with a plow, and a horse helped; It was not the combines that harvested the harvest, but they cut the ears with sickles, but they collected them into sheaves and carried them to the mill to thresh, and they said: (while reading, the guys form a round dance and sing a melody)
“Turn the flail, twist it, hit it in the sheaves, grind it, twist it, spin it and bring it into the ovi...”
Leading: It’s not just that you and I have gathered here, let’s play “mill”
Mill game
The mill is on a hummock, with its tendrils hanging out, standing on the seven winds and looking at the wind, knocking, rattling, as if a hundred horses were running, as if a hundred horses were running, only dust was flying around.
She flaps her wings as if she is not afraid, she cannot rise, she only gnaws the grains.
And he tears, and rubs, and crumples the wrappers, he doesn’t have enough for himself, but the other one is full.
The guys stage the content of the song in an organized manner.
Leading: and now, dear guests, we have prepared for you a fairy tale about naughty dough (change of scenery: Russian hut, grandfather and woman kneading dough)
"loaf" music sounds
Buffoon: the dough was white
Pouting and hissing,
Snorted, seethed,
The dough sang a song.
Dough: I'll crawl out of the pan
I won't be a pie
I don't want to be a honey
Or pampushka with cottage cheese.
Woman: wait, wait, don't run, I'll bake some pies
You will be a gingerbread man with a raspberry,
You will be a kulebyak and stuffed with poppy seeds.
Dough: I don't have enough room in the saucepan
I'm not interested in the oven 2 times
Buffoon: there's a pig on the doorstep, pink back
The pig grunts, squeals, and rushes to the white dough
Dough: don't touch me, wait a little
I'll be a gingerbread with a raspberry
I'll be a kulebyaka and achinka with poppy seeds
Piggy: I don’t need poppy seeds, I’ll eat you anyway.
Dough: guard, save! remove the pig!
Woman: oh, the naughty pig! (kicks the pig off stage)
Will you be a sweetheart?
Dough: I will, I will!
Grandfather: Will you be a kulebyak and stuffed with poppy seeds?
Dough: I will, I will!
I want to be a pie, tasty, fragrant
Treat all the kids to poppy seed buns!
All: he wants to become a pie, tasty, aromatic
We treat all the kids to poppy seed buns!
(the catering girls bring out the baked goods on trays and treat everyone)
Leading: now we sat, sang songs and ate
To conclude our holiday, we want to sing a song now
All participants in the action stand in a semicircle on stage and take out noise folk instruments
They sing the song “Ay, choo-choo, I’m milking peas...”

Ministry of General and vocational education Rostov region

State budgetary professional educational institution

Rostov region "Novocherkassk College of Industrial Technologies and Management"

Organization standard


Collection teaching materials

Scenario of literary and musical composition

“Bread is the head of everything!”


N.V. Pokidysheva –teacher.

Anosova E.A., teacher

GBPOU RO Novocherkassk College

industrial technologies and management".


“Bread is the head of everything!” -literary and musical composition with quiz elements.

Goals: developing in students a careful, respectful attitude towards work; to the older generation, a conscious understanding of the price of bread, peace in the country, nurturing love for the Fatherland and tolerance.

Plan of implementation.

    Preliminary preparation: writing a script, selecting music, videos, poems, presentations; preparation of loaves.

    Introduction. The parable of the bread.

    Pedigree of bread.

    Bread of Russia. Presentation of loaves.

    The Rostov region is a grain-growing region.

    Meeting with the guest – S.N. Mamaeva, head of department.

    Military bread.


    Conclusion. Take care of your bread!

Scenario move.

Music is playing

1 presenter comes out.

One day good fellow found a gold nugget. I was happy. He picked him up and carried him to the jeweler and asked:

How much is my nugget worth?

1000 rub. - answered the jeweler. The fellow didn’t believe it, so he went to another merchant. He valued his nugget at 5 thousand rubles. The third jeweler said:

Your find is worth 10 thousand rubles.

The young man was completely confused and decided to go to the sage for advice.

“I know that there is nothing more expensive than gold on earth,” he said to the gray-bearded old man, “but I cannot establish the true price of a nugget.”

The sage took the gold in his hands: “Your find, good fellow, is worth a fortune. But don’t be proud of it, because you are mistaken that gold is more valuable than anything in the world. Try not to eat for a week and you will give a nugget for a piece of bread. So now understand what is most valuable in life.

2 presenter comes out.

Good afternoon Today we will talk to you about the most valuable and important thing - bread. We are so accustomed to abundance that we have forgotten about the value of bread, about how hard it is to get bread.

Presenter 1 The pedigree of bread... Its background
Lost in the gray Impenetrable distance.
We don't know where he lived
Our distant ancestor, the first baker
Nurses of our Earth.
His share is hidden behind seven clouds,
Behind the ridges of centuries that stand on the wall
Above the ancient, in the foam of the sea shards
Ancient Greek amphoras - Grain storage facilities.
Presenter 2 We do not know the secret of the Appearance to the people
The first shoots of wheat in the chilly dew
How they made their way, in what weather,
On which continents, in which band,
In what language?
In whose era?
In whose century?
Presenter 1 How did bread appear on earth? This discovery is over 15 thousand years old. A long time ago, people simply ate grains with water, then they learned to grind them between stones and mix them with water. The very first bread was in the form of liquid porridge. When people learned to make fire, they began to fry crushed grains with water.

Presenter2 In ancient times, bread was highly revered; it was considered a separate dish. In the Middle Ages, many European countries freshly baked bread could only be eaten by members royal family, yesterday's bread was intended for the king's entourage ( high society), bread baked two days ago was eaten by landowners and nobles, bread three days old served as food for monks and schoolchildren, and bread baked four days ago fed peasants and small artisans.
Presenter 1 In Rus', baking bread was considered a responsible and honorable task. They baked bread with honey, poppy seeds, cottage cheese, kovrigi, pies, saiki, and rolls. Bakers were divided into bread makers, kalachniks, pirozhniks, gingerbread makers, and pancake makers. They enjoyed special respect, called them respectfully, full names Ivan, Fedor, Peter. People who grow and harvest bread were respected. At all times, bread has been and remains a product that can feed a person.
Presenter 2 Bread is the beginning of everything. This is a symbol of the Motherland, a symbol of its wealth and prosperity.
Presenter 1 Bread of Russia, strong bread of Russia!
How can we not admire you?
If you are from the endless blue
You're lashing like an unstoppable surf!
Bread of Russia, bread of my Fatherland.
Tall, heroic as always.
Life created you for life
And labor for new labor.

2 Presenter:

Glory to peace on earth!

Glory to the bread on the table!

If we want someone

Meet with honor and honor,

Greet generously, from the heart,

With great respect,

We meet such guests

A round, lush loaf.

1 Presenter: We ask our students to bring the loaves into the hall!

(loaves included)

2 Presenter: Here it is - fragrant bread,

Here it is warm, golden,

In every home, on every table

He came, he came...

1 Leading: In it is our health, strength,

It's wonderfully warm.

How many hands raised him,

Protected, took care of.

After all, the grains did not immediately become

With the bread that is on the table,

People work long and hard

We worked hard on the ground!

2 Presenter: To bread on the Don special treatment. It is not for nothing that people created the proverbs “The earth is mother, and bread is father,” “Bread is life,” “Bread is the breadwinner,” “You can live without gold, but without bread you can’t.”

Video about bread

1 Presenter: The Rostov region covers an area of ​​more than 100 thousand square kilometers. 4.2 million people live here. About 13 percent of the economically active population is employed in agriculture. In the region there are 73 elevators and 20 port terminals with a total simultaneous storage capacity of 4.7 million tons.

2 Presenter: Our region, along with the Krasnodar Territory, is the breadbasket of Russia. This year, grain growers in our region completed grain harvesting with another record. As reported by the regional government, this year more than 12 million tons were collected with an average yield of more than 40 centners per hectare. Thus, the region came out on top in Russia, overtaking the Krasnodar Territory.

1 Presenter: - Over 12 million tons! Such a harvest, not only early grain, but also a gross harvest in general, has never been collected in the Rostov region in all 80 years of its history! This is probably best gift village workers for the anniversary of the Rostov region. And I thank them with all my heart for their conscientious and effective work,” comments the Governor of the Rostov Region Vasily Golubev.

2 Presenter: “The gross harvest and yield of early grain and leguminous crops achieved this year exceed last year’s harvest, which was a record and amounted to 10.5 million tons with a yield of 36 centners per hectare. This means that the Don grain growers again broke their own record of 2016 and became the first in Russia for the harvest of early grains for the second time! - reminds the head of the region.

1 Presenter: For the fourth year in a row, the Rostov region is increasing grain production, updating own records. The highest yield is in the Myasnikovsky district - 58 centners per hectare.

Our guest Svetlana Nikolaevna Mamaeva, head of the practical training department, will tell us about the path the grain takes to the finished bread.

2 Presenter: I don't care about the ground

I want to bow

Bread born from our country.

Labor is his name.

The world is his patronymic, -

And for the people he is dearest!

Song Bread is the head of everything.

(sounds quiet military music)

Reader I can't even believe that once upon a time

On a field burned by battery fire,

Before the attack hero soldiers

We divided the remaining rye crackers.

Reader Bread was always held in high esteem in Rus' -
Its vastness main wealth,
Do you want to know its price?
Leningraders can answer you.

Reader Since 1941, the siege of Leningrad continued for 900 days and nights. The city was surrounded by fascists in a ring. The city was isolated from the country. The Nazis guarded all approaches to Leningrad. The only road to the city was through Lake Ladoga. Trucks loaded with food passed along it at night. But it was very difficult for the residents of Leningrad. They were starving. A piece of bread 125 grams - daily norm besieged Leningrad. 642 thousand Leningraders died from hunger.

1 Presenter The Leningrad Museum of History houses the diary of Tanya Savicheva. In which it is recorded who, when and at what time died from the Savichev family. The Savichevs died. Tanya remained, who was taken to the village of Shatki, Gorky Region, but, exhausted by hunger, the girl died.

2 Presenter The poet Grigory Lyushnin survived the famine and horrors of the fascist death camp Buchenwald. When our soldiers liberated the camp and carried it out in their arms, it weighed 26 kg. The young man weighed as much as you do now. A poet dying of hunger, secretly from the Nazis, wrote the following wonderful poems about bread in the death camp:

Reader A crumb of bread fell to the ground,

There is less bread per crumb,

Somewhere in our unharvested field

How many grains are in the arable land?

If only I could put them together - in a heap!

The bread would be baked white and fragrant!

We would grow stronger and become stronger,

We would break down the prison walls.

We would go out into battle again under bombing!

Yes, you need to spare the bread crumbs!

1 Presenter. In our country, which has healed the severe wounds of war, more than one generation of people has grown up who do not know what bread cards are, sleepless queues for bread, who do not know the feeling of hunger, who do not know the taste of bread mixed with hay, straw, acorns, quinoa seeds. This was added to bread during the war. During the war, people were drafted into the army not only from cities, but also from collective farms. Women, old people, and children remained to work on collective farms. The country, the front, needed bread and people worked selflessly to grow it.

(To the sound of a metronome, the student carries 125 grams of black bread across the entire hall on a tray).

Leading. From memoriesnurse nursery-garden N5 of the city of Otradnoye Leningrad region V. I. Bogdanova“I remember a dark, sticky, small piece of bread. Just one piece. For everyone - adults and children. And mom slowly cuts it into equal cubes. I remember how I crawled on the floor on my knees in the hope of finding at least some crumb of bread. I remember my grandmother, old and thin. She often gave us children her rations. I remember my mother, sick and exhausted, who, together with other women, dragged a plow across the collective farm arable land in the Volgograd region. And all these years this memory has burned my heart with hatred of war.”

Reader 1 Bread is a treasure. Don't bother them
Take bread in moderation for lunch.
It hurts me when I accidentally see
That half-eaten bread is shamelessly thrown away.
Reader 2 Hey you, you who trample the crust with your foot,
You trample on our human dignity.
You insulted me, you caused offense
The land on which I was born and raised.
Reader 3 Boy kicking bread
The boy who knows no hungry years,
Remember that there were dashing years.
Bread is life, not just food.
They swore by bread, They died for bread,
Not for them to play football with.
Reader 1 In a word folk wisdom lurking
This is what our people say:
“If you stopped appreciating bread,
You have ceased to be a human being!”
Presenter 1 “Bread is a gift from God,” our ancestors said. They treated bread with reverence and considered it their main wealth. It’s not for nothing that Workers’ Day was established in our country Agriculture and processing industry. This is a holiday of field and farm workers, managers and specialists of agricultural enterprises, agricultural scientists, workers in the food and processing industry and the agro-industrial complex. And our people knew how not only to work, but also to relax, and the accordion and accordion were their first assistants.

Presenter 2 Meet Ilya Maslov with a mix of the Cossack dance song “Oysya, you oh sya”

Presenter 1 Dear friends, let's find out what you know about bread.

We ask you a question, whoever knows the answer raises his hand.


Introduction. Do you know that there are Bread Museums. Bread is a kind of heirloom. In the New York Museum of Art there is a round bread that is 3,400 years old. Was found in western Switzerland at archaeological excavations at the bottom of a dry lake. And the Zurich Museum displays bread that is 6,000 years old. This is the most ancient bread. Russia's first Bread Museum opened in 1988 in St. Petersburg, where more than 18,000 exhibits are stored. Some exhibits are over a hundred years old and each has its own story! The St. Petersburg Bread Museum is the only state museum in Russia and one of thirteen bread museums in the world. Similar museums exist in Germany, Holland, France


    From which country did the word “bread” come to us?"? (from Ancient Greece)

According to scientists, we should be grateful to the bakers of Ancient Greece for the word “bread” itself. Do you know why? Greek craftsmen made special pots for bread - “klibanos”. From the name of these pots came Russian word"bread", Ukrainian "hlib" and Estonian "leib".

    What is the main grain crop in Japan(rice)

    When is grain sown?(spring)

    When is the harvest harvested?(autumn)

    What time of day is bread baked?(in the morning)

    Fairy tale character from dough(gingerbread man)

    What did Pinocchio ask for in the tavern: 3...?(crust of bread)

    Remember the Russian folk tale: “He woke up in the morning, and there was bread on the table, decorated with various tricks: printed patterns on the sides, cities with outposts on top. And when he presented the bread to the king, the king said: “This is bread, only eat it on holiday!” What is the name of the fairy tale?(Princess Frog)

    How to properly eat a sandwich with sausage, according to Matroskin.(sausage side down)

    What do you call a slacker who eats someone else's bread?(freeloader)

    They say about an experienced, seasoned person “grated.....”(kalach)

    If you start eating several pieces of bread at once, why...(someone in the family is hungry)

    According to Murphy's law, bread and butter will always fall, how?(oil side down)

    What is the name of kvass made from bread?(Bread)

    Where is the bread stored?(in a bread box) (in a plastic bag)

    What is the name of the device for cutting bread?(bread slicer)

    What is the name of the oven in which bread is baked?(bread maker)

    The crispy part of the bread(crust)

    The part of the bread that is inside(crumb)

    Name the bread affectionately(bread)

    After eating it, only a hole remains(bagel)

    The smallest particle of bread(chit)

    White crystalline powder found in bread (salt)

    What is the name of the mixture of water, flour, salt, eggs? How do you put bread on the fire? (dough)

    What do you put in the dough to make it increase in size? (yeast)

    What do they do first: sow or grind? (sow)

    What is a grain storage facility called? (elevator)

    Is there a breadfruit tree? (Yes)

    What is it common to eat bread? (with hands)

    What is the name of old dried bread? (stale)

    The cereal from which it will come White bread(wheat)

    Cereal from which black bread (rye) will be made

    What is the name of holiday bread? (loaf)

    The main table decoration for a birthday party? (cake)

    What is the colloquial name for the shape of an ordinary loaf of bread?(brick)

Summing up the results of the quiz, presenting the loaves.

Reader: I can’t even believe that in the world

In some very distant country

Hungry children with stale flatbread

Sometimes they meet only in dreams.

Reader: I can’t even believe you and I,

That someone is littering this miracle of the earth.

My heart aches for bread,

When he lies in the roadside mud.

Reader: And if I notice a piece carelessly,

In the dirt of the roadside, in the dust of the pasture,

That very first movement of the heart -

Raise and save this miracle of the earth!

Reader: Grains of our days, shine
We say: take care
Take care of your native bread
We don’t dream of a miracle, -
Send us a lively speech.
Take care of your bread, you people
Learn to save bread!

1 Presenter If every student in our college doesn’t eat enough and throws away 50 grams of bread in one day, then for the school it will be 97.5 kg or 162 loaves of bread per day!

2 Presenter In a small grain of wheat

Summer and winter

The power of the grain is stored

And native land.

And it grows under the bright sky,

Slender and tall

Like the immortal Motherland,

Ear of bread!

1 presenter Tell me,
What is the correct name for the land?
Is the land expensive?
Is the land golden?
No, it's probably better
Tell her:
“Dear! Our dear land,
Good mother!

Video “My Russia”

Presenter 1 Dear friends, take care of your bread, do not treat it with disdain.

Presenter 1 This concludes our meeting.

Presenter 1 All the best, see you again!

Class hour - holiday

“Bread is the head of everything”

Target: to instill in students a caring attitude towards bread and the work of the tiller, to show what a difficult path bread takes before getting to the table, what a lot of work of many people is behind this, to teach to appreciate the work of people from the land.

Prepare: text invitation cards; write slogans, draw posters for room decoration; organize an exhibition of reproductions of paintings on the theme “Glory to those who raised bread”; Create a collection of “Proverbs and sayings about bread and cultivators”; organize an exhibition of bakery products; prepare the “spikelets”

(emblems) for the participants of the holiday; invite guests to the holiday: representatives of agricultural workers, teachers, parents, children from a sponsored kindergarten, ask them to prepare a story about memorable incidents in their lives related to bread.

Decoration of the stage and hall. On the stage there is a table with a loaf and ears of corn. On the wall there are slogans and posters: “Glory to peace on Earth! Glory to the bread on the table!”, “Glory to those who grew bread and spared no labor and effort,” “The bread of millions of workers is labor. Take care of your bread as you take care of life,” “I am the grandson of a grain grower, I am the son of a grain grower, and tomorrow I will be a grain grower myself.” In a prominent place at the entrance is a selection of proverbs and sayings about bread:

    Bread comes from the earth, strength comes from the bread.

    Lunch is bad if there is no bread.

    Ear to ear - a whole sheaf.

    He who has bread has happiness.

    There is no need to be brave if you don’t know how bread is born.

    People honor those who love work.

    The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man.

Next to the proverbs is an exhibition of reproductions of paintings by artists on the topic, an exhibition of bakery products.

Children meet guests at the entrance to the hall and present them with the emblems of the holiday - spikelets. The class teacher introduces the guests. Then the history teacher talks about the history of bread, ancient and modern ways of cultivating it, research work in the field of agriculture using presentation, ICT. Next is a literary and musical composition.

Two presenters in national costumes with a large loaf on an embroidered towel and sheaves of wheat, as well as readers, appear on the stage.

1 presenter: (reads the poem by the Chuvash poet V. Davydov - Anatri “Bread”).

Know the truth:

The bread that is on the table - Protect it.

Don't crush it!

He is sacred

If with bread -

You are already strong.

Bread is the source

Joy, goodness;

More expensive than gold

If there is a full-length ear in the field -

You'll reach the moon

To the stars.

To feed on bread

All white light.

There is nothing more expensive than bread!

2 presenter hands the loaf to the guests:

Glory to peace on Earth!

Children: Glory!

Ved: Glory to the bread on the table!

Children: Glory!

(In the hall, children raise ears of wheat - emblems).

1 reader:

The people have words:

The bread of life is the head.

Reader 2:

“Bread is the head of everything” -

Words live forever.

Foliage and grass wither -

Bread is the head of everything.

In the distant region there is a village,

In the heart of the country is Moscow,

It’s light everywhere for us:

Bread is the head of everything.

The truth is in our house

Will always be alive:

Peace is the bread of everything.

Bread is the head of everything.

Reader 3:

He is the first to be famous on earth,

It is famous for being the first on the table.

The wind grooms him, the steppes groom him,

In front of the guests he lies in the steam room,

Sieve, white, black and rye –

Cool life is about bread.

Reader 4:

Everything has to do with bread -

Russian bread is involved in everything:

To the friendship of nations, to the movement of companions,

To peace, to truth, to your happiness.

Reader 5:

There is a proverb among the people

“Bread is on the table, and the table blooms.”

Bread has a hard journey,

To get to your table.

And in any piece of bread

You will always feel

The warmth of the native sky,

The taste of good work...

6 reader (reads by heart N. Senchenko’s story “Holy Bread”) - see the book by S. P. Ukhyankin, I. V. Pavlov “Lessons of Bread.” – Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash Book Publishing House, 1994.- p. 131.

Reader 7:

In front of this arable land

Take off your hat, son:

You see, it's breaking through

Bread stalk.

How much is in this grain

Labor invested

Only the sun, wind and water know.

On tiptoe in front of him

The tractor driver walked

In seeders and harrows

The tractor was harnessed.

Tiny in front of him,

A tiny grain

The agronomist thought for a long time...

8 reader:

Man will put grain in the ground.

If it rains, the grain is irrigated.

Steep Furrow and Soft Snow

The grain will be hidden from everyone for the winter.

In the spring the Sun will rise to its zenith

And the new spikelet will be gilded.

There are many ears of grain in a harvest year,

And Man will remove them from the field.

And the golden hands of bakers

The golden brown bread will be kneaded quickly.

And the woman is on the edge of the board

The finished bread will be cut into pieces.

To everyone who cherished the ear of bread,

In good conscience, you will get a piece.

But you won’t find anything more generous,

Than Furrow and Sun, Snow and Rain:

Your slices from generous kindness

They will give in to kids like you.

Reader 9:

Every grain is washed

A drop of human sweat.

No, can't be forgotten

This is hard work.

(The song “Field” sounds Russian field" - music. Ya. Frenkel, lyrics. I. Goff).

1 ved:

Bread and grain production were always and everywhere valued.

(A hero comes out - a tiller in an old peasant suit. On his shoulder he has a model of a “maple bipod”).

2 leads:

Oh, you, oratay-oratayushka!

Somehow they call you by your name, What is your patronymic name?

Bogatyr - tiller 1:

I'll mow the rye and put it in a stack of warehouses,

I’ll put it in the warehouse and drag it home,

I'll drag you home, I'll drag you home,

I’ll kick the shit and make some beer, I’ll make some beer and get the men drunk,

The men will start calling me:

Oh, you young Mikulushka Selyaninovich!

(Another hero rides out on a “horse” ).

1 ved:

Whose burly, kind fellow are you?

Somehow they call you by your name, young man,

Do they call the daring guy by his patronymic name?

Bogatyr 2:

I am from the glorious city of Murom,

From that village and from Karacharov,

Ay, my name is Ilya Muromets,

After his father, they call him his son Ivanovich.

I don’t need a princely court,

I don’t hold on to feasts,

I'm an unpretentious man

If only I had a piece of bread...

2 leads:

Abundance of bread as a guarantee of a prosperous life for the people - cherished dream millions of people around the world. But do all of us know how hard it is to earn bread? Does everyone realize that, like a drop of water reflecting the sun, it has absorbed the work of thousands of people. This is what we will talk about today at our holiday.

(Primitive people appear on the scene. They cultivate the land with a primitive hoe and, as a result, a meager grain harvest and a lot of painstaking work).

1 ved:

A loaf of bread will not fall from the sky.

2 leads:

Bread is then given.

1 ved:

If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.

2 leads:

Bread is obtained by peasant hands for everyone.

1 ved:

Bread on the ground today is on the table tomorrow.

2 leads:

If you want to know the price of bread, count the calluses on the hands of a farmer.

1 ved:

Where there is bread and warmth, there is good living.

Following them, Greek folk storytellers come out - aeds with citharas in their hands. They recite the myth of the fertility goddess Demeter.

Next, children with spikelets appear on the stage - this is a “golden field of wheat.” To the beat of the music, they tilt the ears of grain, now to the right, now to the left, and it seems that the wind is swaying over the field. The guests, children from the kindergarten, perform the spikelet dance).

(And then a harvester appears on the “field” - these are high school students, holding an image of the machine above them, twirling the combine knives made of light slats, the knives are covered with foil. Then the guys bring out a “cup of abundance” filled with vegetables, fruits, decorated with ears of cereal .

Sounds like “Hymn to Bread” - lyrics. In Bokova, music. And Tumasheva.

A festively decorated column of children comes out, with Harvest walking ahead. He is wearing a yellow suit, decorated with cornflowers, and is belted with woven ears of wheat. Behind the Harvest, a “sheaf” tied with a colored ribbon is moving on an improvised cart. Other colored ribbons come from it, the ends of which are held by girls with wreaths of ears of ears on their heads. The choir brings up the rear. Girls and boys in folk costumes. In their hands they hold models of agricultural implements: sickles, scythes, rakes. Also coming from the other side of the stage are children dressed as cereal. Together with them, a biology teacher comes up on stage and gives a presentation on the diversity of grain crops, and children perform along with him.).


Let the wheat come out

The one that is making ears of corn in the field.

Look at the grain

That's how grown up it is!

If you collect all the wheat that will be born in my country,

If all the grain at once

Pour one into place,

You can go to the star worlds

Look from such a mountain.


The hardiest of all grains is rye. Rye bread is the most delicious and healthy. Rye is not only bread, but also alcohol and starch. Rye is a good forage plant. Rye straw is used to make mats for greenhouse farming; rye straw is also used as raw material for the production of paper, building boards, and plastics.


I am cereal and margarine, I am flour and gelatin,

Rubber and acetone and triple cologne.

I am rubber and asbestos, film, mayonnaise,

I am viscose and starch, and any material!

I am a cereal and grain plant.

My flour mixed with wheat makes excellent bread! I am an indispensable food for animals, an excellent raw material for beer and coffee. The porridge from my cereal is nutritious and satisfying.


Millet is the main cereal crop. I'm very helpful.

For example, pancakes made from my flour are delicious. Millet is a good feed for poultry. Straw and chaff have great feeding value.

I am the breadwinner of the East. 200 million hectares on five continents are occupied by rice. Rice feeds half of humanity. For many peoples, rice is one of the ancient crops and the basis national dishes. Starch, alcohol, and powder are obtained from rice. Straw is used to feed animals, to produce paper and various manufactured goods.

Children from the choir:

1 .Glory to those who worked hard

Above the nurse - the earth,

Who did not come into the world as a drone,

And the worker is a bee!

2 It was not for nothing that we decided to know:

Grain growers are masters.

So that all the barns burst

From the good obtained,

Harvest the harvest!

Yes, load it, load it!

3 .Yes, load it - the deadline has arrived.

Hey, our harvest, the harvest, the harvest is high!

We'll thresh everything as needed,

Not a grain will be wasted!

Because he's very friendly

And we are a reliable people.

(The sound is “Harvest” by I. Dunaevsky).

Children (singing in chorus):

How we collected in the fall

An unprecedented harvest.

And for the harvest festival

We baked a loaf.

Such a height

This is the width.

(Girls in folk costumes they bring out a loaf of bread and treat all the guests).

4 . Here it is, fragrant bread,

With a crunchy twisted crust,

Here it is - warm golden, as if filled with sunshine!

In every home, on every table

He complained and came.

In it health is our strength, in it there is wonderful warmth.

How many hands raised him,

Preserved, protected.

After all, the grains did not immediately become

The bread that is on the table.

People work long and hard

We worked hard on the ground.

Children (in chorus):

Hurray for loaf!!!

1 ved:

And now they will amuse you

Bread products.

(Bulka runs out with poppy seeds, sings and dances to a Russian folk melody).


I have girlfriends -

Sweet cheesecakes,

I have from poppy

Freckles on the face.

(Vatrushki run out, sing and dance to a Chuvash folk melody).


We are funny cheesecakes -

Cheesecakes with sweet cottage cheese,

Go around the whole world,

And there is no one that tastes better than us for tea.

(Bubliki and Kalachi come out with their arms akimbo, dancing, reciting a rap song).

Bagels and Kalachis:

And we are just out of the oven -

Bagels and rolls...

(You can hear someone singing in a bass voice behind the stage.)

2 leads:

Who's singing there in bass?

(A barrel of kvass comes out).

A! A barrel of bread kvass!

It's not more expensive in the heat,

It is also made from bread.

(The barrel spins to waltz music.)


Do me a favor -

Eat a cookie.


I am a sweet cake

The food is very tender -

Girls love me

Toddlers and boys.


I am a cake with cream filling,

With a chocolate back.

(“Bakery products” perform a group dance – a round dance).

1 ved:

And now we will repeat,

Lest you forget:

Glory to bread and hands,

That he was raised!

2 leads:

Glory to bread and hands,

That he was raised!

Everyone (in unison):

Glory! Glory! Glory!

The famous field farmer T. S. Maltsev said: “People discovered electrical energy, discovered atomic energy. And they admire it, which, in general, is fair. But they began to forget about the main energy of humanity – bread.”

We squander it too much sometimes! I didn’t finish the bun or pie and threw it away. If the loaf gets a little stale, it goes into the trash bin. Pieces of bread can be seen everywhere: on the floor in the dining room, on the sidewalk, in the entrances of houses, on the street. Not only children, but also some adults treat bread with disrespect.

Classroom teacher:

It hurts me when I happen to see

That half-eaten bread is shamelessly thrown away.

Hey, you who trample the crust with your foot,

You trample on our human dignity.

You insulted your mother, you caused offense

The land on which I was born and raised.

(The song “Native land, there is no land dearer”)

What to do with a discarded slice? Are we really unable to restore order? First of all, start yourself - try to take as much bread as you can eat, if you don’t get enough, take more. And if you are full and have some half-eaten bread left, then use it

in a businesslike manner - get to work.

Now there is a lot of bread in our country. And yet, let us take care of it, because the price of labor and care spent on its production is immeasurably great. Every time you take a piece of bread in your hands at the dinner table, be imbued with deep respect for the workers of the fields. And wherever you meet them, bow low as a sign of respect.

(Introduction of a guest - a village worker. He will tell his work biography and stories about bread from his life).

The main result everywhere and in everything is the result of labor. The result of the farmer's labor is grain, bread. Bread is the head of everything. Bread is always a joy. Big bread, rich harvest - doubly joy.

Against the background of quiet music the words sound:

The endless space turns golden,

Harvesters are working there.

We say: "Bread".

Here the grain flows like a river,

To become flour.

We say: "Bread".

The dough is spinning in the kneading bowl,

Baked in the fire.

We say: "Bread".

Eat it, grow and remember:

There is no greater work in the world,

So that he appears on your table

Fresh bread.

Mini-project: drawing up a memo, completing a poster project about caring for bread. Group work, protecting your projects).


    Name the crops you know.

    When are they planted?

    What are winter crops?

    List the ancient tools.

    List modern agricultural machines.

    What brands of tractors do you know?

    Who makes them?

    What brands of combine harvesters do you know?

    Who makes them?

    Name the profession of the person working on the tractor.

    Name the profession of the person working on the combine.

    When did the first combine harvester appear in Russia and who invented it?

    According to legend, what was the name of the ancient Chuvash hero - the tiller?

    Who is called a grain grower? Why?

    Who bakes baked goods?

    What are the fairy tales you know about bread products?

    What bakery product can be found at the farewell to winter - Maslenitsa?

    Why is the pancake round?

    Why does baked bread form a crust?

    Give the antonym for the adjective in the phrase “fresh bread”

    Why does bread go stale?

    What can you cook from stale crusts?

    What is a loaf made from?

    How is flour made?

    Where was it made before?

    What is the name of the grain storage?

    Where was grain stored in the old days?

    Tell me how bread is baked.

    Name famous scientists who transformed the earth.

    Where can you get to know the outstanding achievements of agriculture?

    Name the ones you know folk proverbs and sayings about bread and grain growers.

For correct answers, participants are given dryers, which are hung in bundles around the participants’ necks. The winner is the one who can collect the most of them. He is awarded an incentive prize - a sweet pie. cool hours starts with... on the students. Then he grabs head. 6: Can I go out? U: ...grandfather... (A piece is highlighted of bread in 125) Song...

  • Class hour

    Weight. 7. I often feel dizzy head. 8. Currently I smoke... weekdays, not at all holidays. High nutrition... PROCEED AWESOME HOURS I. Target – Today cool hour we will carry out... iodized salt and bread With seaweed. ...with everyone understandable...

  • Class hour

    Speech? The topic of our cool hours sounds like this: “... Fortune tellers laid out cereals, pieces of bread, scissors, coins, mirror, ... “they put a thermometer” - they threw head in a snowdrift - When a guy..., which is typical everyone big holiday in the village. But...

  • Class hour “Forest Drops” Walk through the spring forest “Vesnyanka” sounds

    Class hour

    Cool hour".... More often - bread and salt. Bread symbolized life, and salt... growth. But in everyone there is no tree in the green kingdom, ... poems, songs, but also holidays. IN Ancient Germany in... the forest And in the pine clearing I nod head. (Bell) Ask the calf and...

  • Goals: upbringing careful attitude for bread, respect for working people.

    Decor: a large panel “Field of Bread”, sheaves of grain crops, on the posters there are proverbs about bread:

    • The earth is mother, and bread is father.
    • A lot of snow means a lot of bread. A loaf of bread will not fall from the sky.
    • The sweat on your back means the bread on the table. He who has bread has happiness.

    Covered festive table with buns, gingerbread, pies, and in the center a loaf of bread on a towel.

    Teacher: presentation made in PowerPoint, musical accompaniment.

    The progress of the holiday

    Teacher. P.27 There is only one word that is equivalent to the word “bread”. This is the word “life”. The Leningrad History Museum houses P.28 a piece of moldy bread the size of a little finger. P.29 This was the daily ration for residents of the city besieged by the Nazis during the winter months of the blockade. And to the people P.30 had to work P.31 I had to live, I had to survive - P.32 in spite of the fascists, in spite of the bombing and shelling. Alive means victory.

    Bread has always been held in high esteem in Rus' - P.33
    Its vastness is its main wealth,
    Do you want to know its price?
    Leningraders can answer you.

    The Leningrad sky is in smoke, P.34
    But worse than mortal wounds
    Heavy bread
    Siege bread
    One hundred twenty-five grams.

    To the sound of a metronome, the student carries 125 grams of black bread across the entire hall on a tray, and the presenter reads the memoirs of the nurse of the nursery - kindergarten No. 5 of the city of Otradnoye, Leningrad Region, V.I. Bogdanova.

    Leading. P.35

    “I remember a dark, sticky, small piece of bread. Just one piece. For everyone - adults and children. And mom slowly cuts it into equal cubes. I remember how I crawled on the floor on my knees in the hope of finding at least some crumb of bread. I remember my grandmother, old and thin. She often gave us children her rations. I remember my mother, sick and exhausted, who, together with other women, dragged a plow across the collective farm arable land in the Volgograd region. And all these years this memory has burned my heart with hatred of war.


    Grains of our days, glow P.36,*
    We say: take care
    Take care of your native bread
    We don’t dream of a miracle, -
    Send us a lively speech.
    Take care of your bread, you people
    Learn to save bread!


    “Take bread for dinner in moderation. Bread is a treasure, don’t waste it.” Handle bread with care and never throw it away. Remember that bread does not lose its taste even after a few days. Take as much bread as you can eat, and if you haven’t eaten, dry it and drink tea with crackers. It is delicious.


    Don't drop it, son,
    When you eat a flatbread,
    Even a crumb of bread!
    We collected
    Each spikelet
    When the threat of war
    The sky thundered.
    That bread saved
    Moscow and Leningrad,
    Life even extended
    Bread crumb.
    But even now
    Paid a hundred times
    Hard work
    Every flatbread.
    More than once I have forgiven you for your mischief,
    I know childhood
    It's ridiculous without a game.
    But I can't forgive
    Only one -
    At least some crumbs
    Wasted bread.

    In the old days, cutting bread with a knife was considered sacrilege. P.37,* They broke him into pieces with their hands. And when they started cutting, they cut holding the loaf to their chest.

    I have seen a lot of bread in the world.
    The peasant woman took it out of the oven.
    And she laid it on the table, making the sign of a cross.
    He was resting, covered with canvas.
    The room smelled strong and sweet,
    The bread seemed menacing, like the name of the father.
    At mealtimes they ate it without reserve,
    No crumbs, no crust, slice all the way through.

    P.39,* This is how it happened on my land:
    From year to year, from generation to generation - for centuries
    That bread that is on the table in every home
    Warmed by human hands.

    He smelled them with warmth, he smelled them good,
    And the song that the lark sang
    Under the blue sky in golden loaves
    On a sunny summer afternoon in July.
    The plowman will walk through the stubble in the morning,
    And to the son, pointing his hand to the field,
    He says quietly: “Bow before him,
    As mothers, as our common lot!”
    You will grow up and after many years
    You'll be back here again at dawn
    And you say: “There is nothing more expensive,
    How warm bread in this wide world!”

    Remember the golden words: P.40“Bread is the head of everything.”

    Children perform the song “Ear of Bread” (V. Orlov, S. Bodryankov)