Children's writers who. Our favorite children's writers

The article “” raised the problem of choosing books for children and teenagers. The dispute mainly boiled down to the question of what is better to read: literature of past years or modern works. It must be said that this debate has been going on for quite some time. As arguments, I can cite comments to the articles “” and ““. Very revealing. A little funny and sad at the same time. For those who argue mainly express their opinions about books that they have not read. This applies equally to both adults and children. Both of them judge books by their titles and covers. Moreover, the adults turned out to be not only better, but even worse than the children, because their opinions about the books were expressed in a very harsh form! Let me note again that the books themselves were not read, just the pictures on the covers of the books were in the images of monsters. This was enough to say NO! Now imagine how people with this perception watch or listen to the news. It will be enough for a journalist to slightly expand the positioning of events from the angle desired by the employer. This will be enough to present directly opposite events as truth. This is how black becomes white, and white becomes black. Gentlemen, are you sure that all monsters on the outside are really like that on the inside? Are you sure that any Vasilisa the Beautiful can be trusted and has nothing to do with the Devil? What if she has been working for Koshchei for a long time, because... Is he significantly richer than Ivanushka? Modern children in this regard, much more insightful. Any monster is ready to be tested for strength. They want to see any Miss Perfect in action, not on the cover. Of course, you can’t lump everyone with the same brush. I write about the majority both from that side and from this.

  1. Svetlana Alexievich
  2. Mikhail Andreev
  3. Karen Harutyunyants
  4. Aya EN
  5. Natalia Beltsova
  6. Maria Bershadskaya
  7. Vladimir Blagov
  8. Vladimir Borisov
  9. Oleg Bundur
  10. Anna Verbovskaya
  11. Eduard Verkin
  12. Svetlana Volkova
  13. Ilona Volynskaya
  14. Valery Voskoboynikov
  15. Stanislav Vostokov
  16. Elena Gabova
  17. Sergey Georgiev
  18. Tatiana Gubina
  19. Valery Gusev ()
  20. Marina Druzhinina
  21. Elena Edacheva
  22. Irina Zartayskaya
  23. Anna Ignatova
  24. Vladimir Kamenev
  25. Ekaterina Karetnikova
  26. Kirill Kashcheev
  27. Valery Kviloria
  28. Anna Kichaikina
  29. Olga Kolpakova
  30. Irina Kostevich
  31. Grigory Kruzhkov
  32. Tamara Kryukova
  33. Natalia Kudryakova
  34. Yulia Kuznetsova
  35. Alina Kuskova
  36. Maya Lazarenskaya
  37. Vadim Levin
  38. Yuri Ligun
  39. Alexey Lisachenko
  40. Sergey Mamokhotin
  41. Ekaterina Matyushkina
  42. Tamara Mikheeva
  43. Marina Moskvina
  44. Evgeniy Nekrasov
  45. Anna Nikolskaya
  46. Elena Ozic
  47. Oksana Onisimova
  48. Valentin Postnikov
  49. Leonid Sergeev
  50. Sergey Silin
  51. Dmitry Sirotin
  52. Yuri Sitnikov
  53. Elvira Smelik
  54. Elena Sokovenina
  55. Dmitry Suslin
  56. Andrey Usachev
  57. Alexander Hort
  58. Alexey Shmanov
  59. Elena Sholokhova
  60. Evgenia Yartseva

Enjoy reading!

Children's literature extremely important in raising a child. It is worth paying a lot of attention to reading, as it greatly influences the baby’s character. Books allow a child to enrich his lexicon, explore the world and learn to solve possible life questions. brings you a list of the best children's authors.


Astrid Lindgren

It's hard to imagine your childhood without Baby with Carlson and Pippi Long Stocking . In addition to the fairy tales you already know, there are also such as “Emil of Lenneberga” - about a little tomboy who fed drunken cherries to a pig and set fire to all the firecrackers in the burgomaster’s garden. Lindgren was great at composing fascinating stories. When they asked her how she managed to guess children’s desires so accurately, she answered that she writes in such a way that it would be interesting for her to read.


Janusz Korczak

A successful doctor, teacher and writer, he founded an orphanage for Jewish orphans in Poland and developed the basic principles of raising children. His book "King Matt the First" at one time amazed many children and parents - it tells about little boy, who suddenly began to lead the entire state. Of the pedagogical works, the most famous book- “How to love a child.”

Charles Perrault

It is impossible to introduce a child to literature without reading "Cinderella", "Puss in Boots", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood". It’s as if these fairy tales are written into our DNA; we remember them by heart and retell them to our children. Perrault is considered the founder of the genre of fairy tales for children, although he himself was shy and initially published the collection “Tales of Mother Goose” under a pseudonym, taking the name of his son.


Lewis Carroll

The English writer Lewis Carroll loved children very much. His pen belongs famous works for children, in which adults find many allusions and veiled meanings. These are fairy tales " ", "Alice in the Wonderland", a humorous poem, "The Hunting of the Snark."

Hans Christian Andersen

The famous storyteller wrote children's stories, skillfully incorporating into them elements of comedy and satire, social criticism and philosophy, addressed primarily to adults. Andersen is the author of numerous fairy tales, which continue to be filmed to this day. In his fairy tales, good always defeats evil, the main characters are endowed with intelligence, kindness, and courage. But there are also sad tales like "Matchstick Girls" and "The Little Mermaids" that will show the child that the world not ideal.


Alan Alexander Milne

Alan Milne became famous for his books about teddy bearWinnie the Pooh and various poems for children. Readers all over the world have known for more than 70 years a character with sawdust in his head, who nevertheless has worldly wisdom and sincere kindness. For many children, Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Owl, Eeyore and the rest of the heroes of Milne's fairy tale have become good friends. Like the characters of Lindgren, who began to write stories for her daughter, and Andersen, who amuses the children he knew, Winnie was created for one child - the son of a writer named Christopher Robin.

Korney Chukovsky

“Fedorino grief”, “Moidodyr”, “Aibolit”, “Tsokotukha fly”, “Telephone”, “Cockroach”- poems that do not lose meaning to this day and teach good deeds. Emotional, rhythmic, they are so easy to remember that many adults remember them to this day. In addition, Chukovsky translated fairy tales from other countries and recorded his observations of children, which were reflected in the book “From Two to Five.”

She has always been and remains in demand, exerting an immense influence on children. Several generations grew up reading the books of their favorite authors, who were the first to show children the clear line between good and evil, who taught them to know the laws of nature, the rules of communication with each other, who introduced them to history and other sciences in exposition, understandable child. Many ideals taken from children's books written by Soviet writers, became the basis for the formation of personal character. They remain in a person’s consciousness until the end of his life.

Soviet children's writers - authors of books for the younger generation - are a kind of teachers who have assumed moral and ethical responsibility for the formation of a worthy personality. For the adult generation of Russians, these names evoke the most pleasant associations.

Almost everyone is familiar with the poems of the Soviet poetess Agnia Barto. Family, pioneers, life Soviet schoolchildren- the main theme of her kind, often funny works, popular with both children and adults. In them, Agnia Barto spoke the language of a real child, and in life she performed truly adult actions: she found and returned hundreds of children scattered throughout the country by the war to their families. The matter seems hopeless, because in childhood few people know about themselves full information(address, physical features, required names). But many children could remember bright moments life (how we went sledding with Yegorka, how the rooster pecked painfully between the eyes, how we played with our beloved dog Dzhulbars). It was these memories that Agnia Barto, who knew how to speak the language of the children, used in her search.

For 9 years she was the host of the radio program “Find a Person,” on the air of which she daily read out unique signs from letters flying from all over the country. Only the first issue helped seven people find their families, and throughout the entire period sensitive leadership Agnia Barto, who worked as a translator with " children's language", 927 families were able to reunite.

A striking representative of children's writers of the Soviet era is Cheburashka, Matroskin the cat, Uncle Fyodor - and today these cartoon characters remain loved and included in every home.

The engineering education he received did not in the least prevent Eduard Uspensky from becoming a favorite children's author. His book characters have successfully migrated to television screens and have been delighting viewers with their adventures for several decades now. Many of them had real prototypes. Thus, the writer portrayed his first wife, a lady who was harmful in all respects. Friend Nikolai Taraskin put on the image of the cat Matroskin: smart, hardworking and economical. At first, Uspensky wanted to give the cat the same last name, but his friend “got into a pose” and didn’t allow it, although later (after the cartoon was released) he regretted it more than once. A girl in a huge fur coat, once seen by the writer in a store, became the prototype of everyone’s favorite Cheburashka. The parents chose a fur coat for the baby to grow into over the summer, and the girl simply could not walk in it. As soon as she took a step, she fell. Dad picking her up from the floor Once again, said: “Well, what a Cheburashka you are” (from the word “Cheburashka” - to fall, crash).

Korney Chukovsky - children's favorite

Well, who doesn’t know the poems of Korney Chukovsky: “Tsokotukha Fly”, “Moidodyr”, “Cockroach”, “Aibolit”, “Barmaley”? Many Soviet writers wrote under their real name. Chukovsky was the pseudonym of Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneychukov. Your most readable works he wrote for his and about his daughter Murochka, who died of tuberculosis at the age of 11. The poem “Aibolit” was a cry from the heart about a magical doctor who will fly in and save everyone. Besides Murochka, Chukovsky had three more children.

All his life, Korney Ivanovich helped those who turned to him for help, using his fame, charm and artistry to do this. Not all Soviet writers were capable of such open actions, but he sent money, got pensions, places in hospitals, apartments, helped gifted young writers to make their way, fought for those who were arrested, and showed concern for orphaned families. By the way, in honor of the Tsokotukha Fly, entomologist A.P. Ozerov in 1992 named the new kind antflies from the order Diptera - mucha tzokotucha.

Soviet writers made a significant contribution to children's literature, raising several generations on their works wonderful people. How kindly, colorfully and informatively Vitaly Bianchi and Mikhail Prishvin tell children about the beauty of nature, with youth instilling love for her and our smaller brothers. Such famous Soviet writers as Arkady Gaidar, Valentin Kataev, Boris Zakhoder, and many others are still popular among readers today, because the idea of ​​kindness and compassion for one’s neighbor runs like a red thread through all their works.

An excellent alternative list of children's literature that you will want to return to more than once.

When we talk about children's Soviet books, Marshak, Chukovsky, Olesha immediately come to mind. Approximately the same set of authors who are usually read to children. But there are other excellent writers, whose books, however, are a little less known, but children may like them even more than “Aibolit” and “ Three fat men"(and you along with them).
Valentina Oseeva, who has worked with street children in children's correctional institutions for more than 16 years, understands the psychology of difficult children like no one else. Her duology about the curly-headed stubborn Dinka (“Dinka” and “Dinka Says Goodbye to Childhood”) was published almost 50 years ago. They are based largely autobiographical story growing up as a tomboy girl from a family of intellectuals. In addition to this textbook story about childhood friendship, Oseeva wrote a dozen worthy short stories, which were included in the collection " Magic word", and a series of books about the schoolboy Vaska Trubachev. In some places there is unctuous propaganda in the texts (in the third book about Vaska, the heroes are building a school, which obviously represents a bright future), but all this is in the context of serious conversations about goodness and justice, the ability to hear and accept others. Oseeva describes school everyday life with all its petty squabbles and existential conflicts easily and wittily, without pioneering strain or edification. In addition, as in the case of “Dinka,” she honestly talks about the families that most of the heroes have incomplete, large or simply unsettled families. But at the same time, they are still strong and friendly in their own way.

Children's poems by Alexander Vvedensky, one of the most profound authors of the first half of the 20th century, are read significantly less today than, for example, the works of his close friend Daniil Kharms. Moreover, with light hand Avant-garde historian Nikolai Khardzhiev has established the opinion that Vvedensky “was a hack in children’s literature, he wrote terrible books, there were very few good ones.” Nevertheless, during his lifetime he was seen as a popular children's author. Vvedensky managed to publish several dozen children's books, including poems, stories and adaptations of fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm. True, they began to be republished only after the poet’s rehabilitation in 1964. Vvedensky collaborated with children's magazines "Chizh" and "Hedgehog". His poems, which were imbued with a naive and idyllic attitude towards the world, were highly appreciated by Lydia Chukovskaya and Sergei Mikhalkov. Ad Marginem recently republished " railway"- a story in which, through the mouth of a passenger on a steam locomotive, he talks about what is happening behind the window. Changing day and night, factories, forests and factories form a panorama of first a small town, then a country, and then the whole world. It is also worth paying attention to the book “Journey to Crimea,” on which Vvedensky worked together with Elena Safonova. This is a cheerful poetic story of two brothers from cold Leningrad who set off on a journey to the south. The motive of a person’s acquaintance with the world and genuine surprise at everything that happens is one of the main ones in Vvedensky’s work, you cannot deny this to him.

Boris Zhitkov wrote both rather tedious pedagogical stories about different professions (“On the water”, “Above the water”, “Under the water”), and curious why-why stories, which he called “encyclopedias for four-year-old citizens” (“What I saw” and "What Happened") In addition, he wrote amazing novel about the revolution of 1905 "Viktor Vavich". He for a long time was not published and practically disappeared, but returned to readers in the late 1990s. Zhitkov himself managed to be a navigator and captain on a ship, work as an ichthyologist and a worker at a machine-building plant. He sailed on ships and submarines, flew in an airplane, and was in India, Japan and Africa. In many ways, it was this experience that helped him to reveal himself brightly in the collections “ Sea stories" and "Stories about Animals" - short but capacious stories about human relationships with animals and nature. In them, Zhitkov tells how smart, curious and brave animals are, how they protect people and each other.

Ilya Marshak, younger brother Samuil Marshak, who published under the pseudonym M. Ilyin, was one of the pioneers of Soviet science education for children. He regularly wrote magazine columns “Chemical Page” and “Laboratory of the New Robinson”, was published in “Chizh” and wrote stories for children, which formed a full-fledged history of inventions (the collection “One Hundred Thousand Whys”). The book “How Man Became a Giant” became one of the first textbooks on the history of philosophy for teenagers, but its opus magnum is “The Conquest of Nature.” It's fascinating science story about nature, which reflected the main principles of the popular writer. He fought both useless entertainment fakes scientific book, and with crude compilations that were passed off as educational literature. M. Ilyin’s texts are still considered a model scientific literature for children - perhaps with a discount on discussions about the destructive nature of capitalism.

Science fiction writer Ian Larry has a truly Dickensian biography. He was orphaned at the age of nine, wandered for a long time, worked as a watchmaker's apprentice and as a waiter in a tavern. And during the First World War he was drafted into tsarist army, but soon went over to the side of the Reds. In the early 1930s, he made his debut with the not very successful story “Window to the Future,” but a year later he rehabilitated himself by releasing the utopian novel “The Land of the Happy.” This is an idyllic picture of a world in which communism has won, people have mastered space, but are faced with an energy crisis, which has shaken the framework of utopia. His most famous book was the story “ Extraordinary Adventures Karika and Vali”, which Larry wrote at the request of Samuil Marshak. According to the plot, brother and sister Karik and Valya shrink and go on a journey to the world of insects. Larry combines naturalistic descriptions of the natural world with a wildly twisted plot, which formed the basis of the 1987 film of the same name.

Didactic manual for lessons literary reading in grades 1-4 "Children's writers in primary school»

Stupchenko Irina Nikolaevna, teacher primary classes first category MBOU secondary school No. 5 town. Yablonovsky, Republic of Adygea
Target: getting to know children's writers and their works
Tasks: show interest in the creativity of Russians and foreign writers and poets, develop the desire to read children's fiction; develop cognitive interests, creative thinking, imagination, speech, replenish active vocabulary
Equipment: portraits of writers and poets, book exhibition, illustrations for fairy tales


The writer was born on April 2 in the city of Odense, located in European country Denmark, in the family of a shoemaker. Little Hans loved to sing, read poetry and dreamed of becoming an actor. When I was in high school, I published my first poems. And when he became a university student, he began to write and publish novels. Andersen loved to travel and visited Africa, Asia and Europe.
The writer gained popularity in 1835, after the publication of the collection “Fairy Tales Told for Children.” It included “The Princess and the Pea”, “The Swineherd”, “Flint”, “Wild Swans”, “The Little Mermaid”, “The King’s New Clothes”, “Thumbelina”. The writer wrote 156 fairy tales. The most popular of them are “The Steadfast Tin Soldier” (1838), “The Nightingale” (1843), “ Ugly duck" (1843), " The Snow Queen"(1844).

In our country, interest in the work of the Danish storyteller arose during his lifetime, when his fairy tales were translated into Russian.
H. C. Andersen's birthday announced International Day children's book.


Born on February 17 in the family of a veterinarian. She spent a lot of time in choreography classes, but gave preference to literature. Her idols were K.I. Chukovsky, S.Ya. Marshak, V.V. Mayakovsky. The writer's first book was published in 1925.

Agnia Lvovna wrote poems for children: “The Thief Bear” (1925), “The Roaring Girl” (1930), “Toys” (1936), “The Bullfinch” (1939), “First-Grader” (1944), “To School” ( 1966), “I’m Growing Up” (1969), and many others. In 1939, a film based on her script “Foundling” was made.
During the Great Patriotic War Agnia Barto often went to the front to give speeches, and also spoke on the radio.
The poems of A.L. Barto are known to readers all over the world.


Born on February 11 in St. Petersburg in the family of an ornithologist. The writer had an instilled interest in nature from childhood. After graduating from university, the writer went on expeditions throughout Russia.
Bianchi is the founder of the natural history movement in children's literature.
My literary activity began in 1923 with the publication of the tale “The Journey of the Red-Headed Sparrow.” And after “The First Hunt” (1924), “Whose nose is better?” (1924), “Tails” (1928), “Mouse Peak” (1928), “The Adventures of an Ant” (1936). To this day, the novels and short stories “The Last Shot” (1928), “Dzhulbars” (1937), “There were forest tales” (1952) are very popular. And of course big interest is presented to all readers by the famous “Forest Newspaper” (1928).

JACOB and WILHELM GRIMM (1785-1863; 1786-1859)

The Brothers Grimm were born into the family of an official, and lived in a kind and prosperous atmosphere.
The Brothers Grimm successfully graduated from high school and received legal education, served as professors at the university. They are the authors of the "German Grammar" and a dictionary of the German language.
But fairy tales brought fame to writers “ The Bremen Town Musicians", "A Pot of Porridge", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Puss in Boots", "Snow White", "Seven Brave Men" and others.
Fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm have been translated into many languages ​​of the world, including Russian.


V. Dragunsky was born in America, but after his birth the family returned to Russia. My labor activity the boy started at the age of 16, working as a saddler, boatman, and actor. In 1940, he tried his hand at literary creativity (creating texts and monologues for circus and theater performers).
The writer's first stories appeared in the magazine "Murzilka" in 1959. And in 1961, Dragunsky’s first book was published, which included 16 stories about Denis and his friend Mishka.
Dragunsky wrote more than 100 stories and thus made a huge contribution to the development of children's humorous literature.


Born on October 3 in peasant family. He graduated from a rural college and a church teacher's school, after which he moved to Moscow.
The poem “Birch” (1913) became the first poem of the great Russian poet. It was printed in children's magazine"Mirok". And although the poet practically did not write for children, many of his works entered the circle children's reading: “Winter sings and calls…” (1910), “With Good morning! (1914), “Powder” (1914), “Grandmother’s Tales” (1915), “Bird Cherry” (1915), “The fields are compressed, the groves are bare...” (1918)


Born on September 9 in Moldova. He graduated from school in Moscow. Afterwards he studied at the Literary Institute.
In 1955, Zakhoder’s poems were published in the collection “On back desk" In 1958 - “Nobody and Others”, in 1960 - “Who Looks Like Who?”, in 1970 - “School for Chicks”, in 1980 - “My Imagination”. The author also wrote fairy tales “The Monkey’s Tomorrow” (1956), “Little Rusachok” (1967), “The Good Rhinoceros”, “Once Upon a Time There Was Fip” (1977)
Boris Zakhoder is the translator of A. Milne " Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all”, A. Lindgren “Baby and Carlson”, P. Travers “Mary Poppins”, L. Carroll “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”.


Born on February 13 in Moscow. I spent my childhood in the Urals and Tver. He received a worldwide calling as a talented fabulist.
He wrote his first fables in 1788, and his first book was published in 1809.
The author wrote more than 200 fables.

For children's reading, “The Crow and the Fox” (1807), “The Wolf and the Lamb” (1808), “The Elephant and the Pug” (1808), “The Dragonfly and the Ant” (1808), “Quartet” (1811), “Swan, Pike” are recommended and Cancer" (1814), "Mirror and Monkey" (1815), "Monkey and Glasses" (1815), "Pig under the Oak" (1825) and many others.


Born on September 7th in Penza province in a poor noble family. After the death of his father, he moved with his mother to Moscow, where he was assigned to an orphanage. Later he graduated from Aleksandrovskoye military school and served for several years in an infantry regiment. But in 1894 he left military affairs. Traveled a lot, worked as a loader, miner, circus organizer, flew hot-air balloon, descended to the seabed in a diving suit, was an actor.
In 1889, he met A.P. Chekhov, who became both a mentor and teacher for Kuprin.
The writer creates such works as “ Wonderful doctor"(1897), "Elephant" (1904), "White Poodle" (1904).


Born on October 15 in Moscow. He spent his childhood with his grandmother on the Tarkhany estate in the Penza region, where he received an excellent home education.
He began writing his first poems at the age of 14. The first work published in print was the poem “Hadji Abrek” (1835)
And such poems as “Sail” (1832), “Two Giants” (1832), “Borodino” (1837), “Three Palms” (1839), “Cliff” (1841) and others entered the circle of children's reading.
The poet died in a duel at the age of 26.


Born on November 6 in the family of a priest and a local teacher. Received home education, graduated from the Perm Theological Seminary.
Began publishing in 1875. He wrote stories and fairy tales for children: “Emelya the Hunter” (1884), “In Apprenticeship” (1892), “Adoptive Child” (1893), “Spit” (1897), “SerayaNeck”, “ Green War"," "Steady", "Stubborn goat", "The Tale of the Glorious King Pea and his beautiful daughters- Princess Kutafya and Princess Goroshina.”
Dmitry Narkisovich wrote the famous “Alyonushka’s Tales” (1894-1897) for his sick daughter.


Born on November 3 in the city of Voronezh. He began writing poetry early. In 1920, he created one of the first children's theaters in Krasnodar and wrote plays for it. He is one of the founders of children's literature in Russia.
Everyone knows his works “The Tale of stupid mouse"(1923), "Luggage" (1926), "Poodle" (1927, "That's how absent-minded" (1928), "Mustachioed and Striped" (1929), "Children in a Cage" (1923). And many, many widely well-known and beloved poems and stories in verse.
And the famous stories “The Cat's House” (1922), “Twelve Months” (1943), “Teremok” (1946) have long found their readers and remain the most beloved children's works of millions of people of different ages.


Born on March 13 in Moscow into a noble family. He received his primary education at home and immediately entered the 4th grade. Little Sergei liked to write poetry. And at 15 lats the first poem was published.
Mikhalkov's fame was brought to him by the poem "Uncle Styopa" (1935) and its sequel "Uncle Styopa - Policeman" (1954).

Readers’ favorite works are “About Mimosa”, “The Cheerful Tourist”, “My Friend and I”, “Vaccination”, “My Puppy”, “Song of Friends”; Fairy tales “The Festival of Disobedience”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “How the Old Man Sold a Cow”; fables.
S. Mikhalkov wrote more than 200 books for children and adults. He is the author of the Russian anthem (2001).


Born on December 10 in Ukraine.
In his work, Nekrasov paid great attention to the life and way of life of the Russian people, the peasantry. Poems written for children are mostly addressed to simple peasant children.
Schoolchildren are familiar with such works as “The Green Noise” (1863), “The Railway” (1864), “General Toptygin” (1867), “Grandfather Mazay and the Hares” (1870), and the poem “Peasant Children” (1861).


Born on November 23 in Kyiv in the family of an actor. Future writer I did a lot of self-education, theater and music. After the Institute of Cinematography, he worked as a film director, director of animated and educational films.
He published his first story, “Entertainers,” in 1938 in the magazine “Murzilka.” Then the book “Knock-knock-knock” (1945) and the collections “ Funny stories"(1947), "The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn" (1951), "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" (1951), "On the Hill" (1953), "Dreamers" (1957). The trilogy “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” (1954), “Dunno in Sunny city"(1959), "Dunno on the Moon" (1965).
Based on his works N.N. Nosov wrote film scripts for feature films“Two Friends”, “Dreamers”, “The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin”.


Born on May 31st. He spent his childhood in Ukraine with his grandparents. He studied at the Kyiv gymnasium. Later he moved to Moscow. He worked as an orderly, a tutor, a tram conductor and a factory worker. Traveled a lot.
Beginning in 1921 literary creativity. The writer's stories and fairy tales for children appear. These are “Badger Nose”, “Rubber Boat”, “Cat Thief”, “Hare Paws”.
Later, “Lyonka from the Small Lake” (1937), “Dense Bear” (1947), “Dishesive Sparrow” (1948), “Frog” (1954), “Basket with fir cones», « Warm bread" and others.

CHARLES PERROT (1628-1703)

Born on January 12 in Paris. Worldwide fame brought the author the collection “Tales of Mother Goose” (1697). We are widely familiar with the fairy tales “Little Red Riding Hood”, “ Donkey skin", "Sleeping Beauty", "Cinderella", "Bluebeard", "Puss in Boots", "Tom Thumb".
In Russia, the tales of the great French storyteller were translated into Russian in 1768 and immediately attracted attention with their riddles, secrets, plots, heroes and magic.


Born on June 6 in the family of a nobleman. Received an excellent home education. Pushkin had a nanny, Arina Rodionovna, who told the future poet many Russian fairy tales, which were reflected in the works of the brilliant classic.
A.S. Pushkin did not write specifically for children. But there is wonderful works, which were included in the circle of children's reading: “The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda” (1830), “The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious son and mighty hero Prince Guidon Saltanovich and Fr. beautiful princess swans" (1831), "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" (1833), "The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes" (1833), "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" (1834).

On the pages of school textbooks, children become acquainted with such works as the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “At Lukomorye there is a green oak” (1820), excerpts from the novel “Eugene Onegin” (1833): “The sky was already breathing in autumn”, “Dawn rises in cold haze...", "That year the autumn weather...", "Winter! The peasant is triumphant..." They study many poems "The Prisoner" (1822), " Winter evening" (1825), " Winter road"(1826). “Nanny” (1826), “Autumn” (1833), “Cloud” (1835).
Many feature and animated films have been made based on the poet’s works.


Born on January 10 in the family of a landowner. Got homemade elementary education, later studied at the Samara School. In 1907 he decided to devote himself creative writing. Went abroad, where he wrote autobiographical story"Nikita's Childhood" (1920).
Young readers know A. Tolstoy as the author of the fairy tale “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio.”


Born on September 9 in the Krasnaya Polyana estate Tula province in a noble noble family. Received home education. Later he studied at Kazan University. Served in the army, participated in Crimean War. In 1859 he opened in Yasnaya Polyana school for peasant children.
In 1872 he created ABC. And in 1875 he published a textbook for teaching reading “ new alphabet" and "Russian books for reading." Many people know his works “Filipok”, “Bone”, “Shark”, “Lion and the Dog”, “Fire Dogs”, “Three Bears”, “How a Man Divided Geese”, “Ant and a Dove”, “Two Comrades”, “What kind of grass is there in the dew”, “Where does the wind come from”, “Where does the water go from the sea.”