Works by Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov. Aksakov's works

Aksakov Sergei Timofeevich was born in 1791 in Ufa, and died in Moscow in 1859. This is a Russian writer, public figure, official, memoirist, literary critic, and also the author of books about hunting and fishing, and collecting butterflies. He is the father of the Slavophiles, and the writers Ivan, Konstantin and Vera Aksakov.

In this article we will look at Aksakov's works in chronological order.


During 1820-1830, Sergei Timofeevich's main creative activity was translations, as well as literary and theatrical criticism, and several poems were created. He wrote his first significant work only in 1833. This was the essay "Buran", published a year later anonymously in an almanac called "The Right Hand". The basis of this work by Aksakov is a real event, which the writer knew about from the words of eyewitnesses. This essay already carried the main features of the author’s subsequent work, the main one of which was an interest in reality. This work already outlines the characteristic properties of Aksakov’s poetics, by which we recognize this author. S. Mashinsky wrote about this creation that the picture of the storm was painted with such expressive power, laconic colors and courageous simplicity, as only Pushkin could write in prose until then.

After publication, the work received very high marks from various critics. Alexander Sergeevich himself appreciated Aksakov’s description of the snowstorm. Later, 20 years later, Leo Tolstoy would turn to the experience of this author when creating the story “Blizzard”.

We continue to describe Aksakov’s works. The list will be supplemented by “Notes” about hunting and fishing. From the end of the 1830s, a new period began in Aksakov’s life. He, as he dreamed, left public service, concentrating entirely on managing family and economic affairs.

"Notes on Fishing"

Aksakov's works underwent significant thematic changes in the 40s. Then he began to create a “Family Chronicle”, and later, in 1845, he decided to write a book dedicated to fishing. Work on it was completed a year later, and in 1847 it was published under the title “Notes on Fishing.” In form, this work is a selection of essays by a fisherman. This creation of Aksakov was also met with unanimous approval. A significantly expanded and revised edition was published in 1854 under the title “Notes on Fishing,” and two years later a third appeared.

"Notes of a Gun Hunter"

Aksakov’s works, the list of which we are compiling, will be supplemented by a book entitled “Notes of a Gun Hunter.” In 1849, Sergei Timofeevich began working on a work about hunting. It was published in 1852. In style, this creation resembled the previous one: its chapters were essays. This book also soon became popular, and the circulation of this work was instantly sold out. And again, rave reviews from various critics, including Gogol, Turgenev, Chernyshevsky.

"Family Chronicle"

In 1840, Aksakov began creating the Family Chronicle. However, then his attention switched to the above-mentioned books about hunting and fishing, and only in 1852 did work on these memoirs resume.

Individual episodes of Aksakov’s work were published as they were written in periodicals. A small excerpt was published already in 1846, and in 1854 the first episode from the “Family Chronicle” appeared in “Moskvityanin”, followed by the fourth (in “Russian Conversation” in 1856) and the fifth (in “Russian Messenger” in 1856 year). At the same time, “Memoirs” was published, which later became the third, separate book of the trilogy.

The second edition, published in 1856, included two more excerpts from this work, which finally acquired its final form.

The release of "Family Chronicle" was associated with censorship friction. Aksakov was also afraid of the reaction of his neighbors and relatives, who did not want family secrets to be made public. Therefore, the writer changed many geographical names and faces. The book introduces the reader to a picture of landowner life in the provinces. took an important place in Russian literature, having met with an enthusiastic reception from both critics and readers.

"Childhood years of Bagrov the grandson"

This work was created in the period from 1854 to 1856. The author wanted to create a unique book for children, which should be written as if for adults, without being adjusted to the age of the audience, with a lack of moralizing. The birth of this work by Aksakov for children occurred in 1858. The book shows the transformation of the hero's inner world with age.

Aksakov's fairy tales, the list of which consists, strictly speaking, of only one work, are considered by some for some reason to be numerous. This is understandable: only an experienced author could create such a beautiful fairy tale. Aksakov was very experienced, but worked mainly in other genres. This work was placed by the author as an appendix to the book “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson.” Aksakov’s works for children, as you can see, are few in number, but very interesting and popular even today.

The concept of "The Scarlet Flower" is an artistic adaptation (not the first) of the famous story about the meeting of beauty and the beast. It was published many times separately, becoming the most published work of Sergei Timofeevich and creating the myth of “Aksakov’s fairy tale.”

Other works

Work on the trilogy inspired the writer, who conceived the idea of ​​another memoir work dedicated to the period of his life in 1820-1830. He, however, did not have time to bring it to life, but in the course of his work he created a number of interesting memoir essays. “Acquaintance with Derzhavin”, “Biography of M. N. Zagoskin” and “Memories of M. N. Zagoskin” appeared in 1852.

In the period from 1856 to 1858, the author created memoir essays that continued the series about A. S. Shishkov, Ya. E. Shusherin and G. R. Derzhavin. This book was published in “Russian Conversation” in parts, and then, in 1858, was included in the collection entitled “Miscellaneous Works of S. T. Aksakov.” This time the memoirs were greeted without enthusiasm by critics, including N. A. Dobrolyubov. The author was accused of partiality and subjectivity towards his friends from his youth.

Latest works

“Collecting Butterflies” is a story written in 1858 for the collection “Bratchina,” a charity publication for the benefit of students at Kazan University. This creation is thematically related to the author’s university memoirs. It was born after his death. Aksakov, 4 months before his death, dictated another work - “Essay on a Winter Day”. “Meeting with the “Martinists” was the last creation published during the life of Sergei Timofeevich and published in “Russian Conversation” in 1859.

Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov was born in Ufa on October 1, 1791 into a noble family. The writer spent his childhood on the Novo-Aksakovo estate among steppe nature.

Peasant life, along with nature, excited the boy's mind. Peasant labor aroused in him not only compassion, but, first of all, deep respect. It was the female half of the servants who introduced the boy to folk poetry: songs, fairy tales, Christmas games. “The Scarlet Flower” - Aksakov’s fairy tale was written down by him from memory from the housekeeper’s story. Listening to bedtime fairy tales, little Aksakov did not suspect that one would glorify him throughout the world.

As a child, Sergei loved to read. The boy was greatly impressed by the works of Xenaphon, Kheraskov, and the works of Sumorokov and Karamzin. One of the most beloved children's books by Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov is the fairy tale “A Thousand and One Nights”.

In 1801, Aksakov was assigned to the Kazan gymnasium. Since 1804, the senior classes of the gymnasium were transformed into the 1st year of the newly formed Kazan University, Aksakov became a student there. During his years at the university (1804-1807), Aksakov participated in the creation of handwritten journals. They publish Aksakov's first literary work - poems written in a naive and sentimental style.

After graduating from the University, Aksakov moved to St. Petersburg and entered the service as a translator at the “Commission for Drafting Laws.” At the same time, he quickly becomes a participant in the literary, social and theatrical life of the capital.

Memoirs of the period of life from 1812 to 1826. formed the basis of Aksakov’s literary work “Literary and Theatrical Memoirs” (1856-1858).

During these years, Aksakov lived mainly in the Nadezhdino estate in the Orenburg province and was mainly engaged in translation activities. Aksakov translates works of such authors as Moliere, Sophocles, Scott.

From 1828 to 1830, Aksakov became a permanent theater observer for Moskovsky Vestnik. In addition, he writes articles for other publications.
Later, in 1958, Aksakov published a number of his critical articles in the collection “Various Works of S. Aksakov.”

In 1833, Aksakov first became an inspector of the Konstantinovsky Land Surveying School, and later the director of the Konstantinovsky Land Surveying Institute. At the end of the 30s, Aksakov finally left the service and focused on managing economic and family affairs. He inherits large estates from his father. The writer's health deteriorates so much that he cannot write himself and dictates his compositions to his daughter.
In the 40s, Aksakov began writing the work “Family Chronicles”.

In 1845, he began, and in 1846, published a book about fishing called “Notes on Fishing.” The book has earned unanimous acclaim from critics and readers. During Aksakov’s lifetime, the work was published three times.

The history of writing “Family Chronicle” stretched over 1.5 decades. Finally, in 1956, the first edition of the novel was published. In the same year, a continuation of “Chronicles” was published under the title “The Childhood Years of Bagrov – Grandson.” Aksakov’s fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower” (The Tale of the Housekeeper Pelageya) was published as an appendix to this novel. Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov dedicated the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower” to his granddaughter. At first Aksakov called the fairy tale “Olenkin’s Flower” (1858).

On the title page of the fairy tale, Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov wrote: “To my granddaughter Olga Grigorievna Aksakova.” The best Russian writers tried themselves in the fairy tale genre, Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov, thanks to this fairy tale, gained worldwide fame. This year marks the 152nd anniversary of Aksakov’s fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower”. There is not a single child who does not know this fairy tale written by Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov.

The Aksakov or Oksakov family, as they were called in the old days, was ancient and went back to the noble Varangian who moved to Rus' in the 11th century with his retinue. Among the Aksakovs there were boyars, governors, and generals, but the most famous was the name of Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov, a Russian writer.
Seryozha Aksakov was a very gifted boy. At the age of four he already read well, and at the age of five he recited poems by Sumarokov and Kheraskov by heart, retold in his own way and even acted out the tales of “The Arabian Nights.”
Aksakov was interested in literature and theater both during his student years at Kazan University and during the first years of his service in St. Petersburg. Later, having already moved to Moscow, being a censor of the Moscow Censorship Committee and an employee of the Moskovsky Vestnik magazine, he became a famous theater critic and was the first to appreciate the talent of M.S. Shchepkin and P.S. Mochalov.
Sergei Timofeevich realized his literary calling very late and wrote his first books when he was already well over fifty. At this time, S.T. Aksakov was the father of a large and friendly family, the hospitable owner of the house, where all the literary, theatrical and musical Moscow gathered. Friends (and among them were N.V. Gogol, M.N. Zagoskin, I.S. Turgenev, young L.N. Tolstoy) admired Aksakov Sr.’s stories about Russian antiquity, about family legends, about the beauty of the land that he , a passionate hunter and fisherman, knew better than anyone.
To the author's fiction “the soul was not lying down”, and therefore in his books S.T. Aksakov simply talked about what he knew and loved best. “Notes on Fishing” (1847) and “Notes of a Gun Hunter of the Orenburg Province” (1852) captivated readers and critics with the accuracy and subtlety of observations of the life of nature and the poetry of language.
Anyone who wants to know what Russia was like in the old years should read S.T. Aksakov’s books “Family Chronicle” (1856) and “Childhood years of Bagrov the grandson, serving as a continuation of “Family Chronicle”” (1858).
The writer, without inventing anything, slowly and simply tells the story of his family. About how freely people once lived in the Ufa steppes, how bright and transparent the rivers were, how fresh and green the forests were, and how the nightingales sang all night in the spring, not letting them sleep... People, the ancient Russian district nobility, lived in harmony with the whole of God’s world. , who knew a lot about work, and fun, and everything.
In the appendix to “Childhood Years...” there was a fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower” - perhaps the kindest and wisest of all fairy tales written in Russian.
Fate left Aksakov very little time for creativity. My health was failing, my eyes were weakening (I had to dictate). But the inner vision became more and more bright, the language became more and more flexible and expressive.
S.T. Aksakov died without completing everything he had in mind. But what he managed was enough. He was loved by his contemporaries and his descendants love him. Everyone who reads his books finds peace of mind and joy. And the more time passes, the stronger the anxiety for the fate of the Earth and people, the more dear Aksakov’s word is to us and the more important his advice is:

From a message to M.A. Dmitriev, 1850

Margarita Pereslegina


COLLECTED WORKS: In 3 volumes - M.: Khudozh. lit., 1986.
Everyone knows S.T. Aksakov - “the singer of native nature” and a storyteller. But few people know his most interesting “Literary and Theatrical Memoirs,” which sound unexpectedly modern now that the Russian theater is 250 years old. Don’t miss also “The Story of My Acquaintance with Gogol,” which contains not only memories of Sergei Timofeevich’s great friend, but also correspondence with him. Therefore, read all three volumes from cover to cover.

THE SCARLET FLOWER: The Tale of the Housekeeper Pelageya // Fairy tales of Russian writers. - M.: Reading Circle, 2001. - P. 64-89.

THE SCARLET FLOWER: The Tale of the Housekeeper Pelageya / Preface. A. Sharova; Rice. L. Ionova. - M.: Det. lit., 1985. - 32 p.: ill.
“In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a rich merchant, an eminent man.
...and that merchant had three daughters, all three were beautiful, and the youngest was the best..."
A merchant gathered for trade overseas and promised each of his daughters whatever gift she wanted. And the smallest, most beloved, - “a scarlet flower, which could not be more beautiful in this world...”

CHILDHOOD YEARS OF BAGROV-GRANDSON; THE SCARLET FLOWER. - M.: AST: Olympus, 1998. - 553 p. - (School of classics: Book for students and teachers).

CHILDHOOD YEARS OF BAGROV-GRANDSON: Tale / Artist. A. Itkin. - M.: Det. lit., 2001. - 349 pp.: ill. - (School library).
Aksakov’s memory preserved all the events of his childhood: from the first years of infancy to early adolescence. The love and affection of a mother, “hunting trips” with her father, all the sounds, smells and colors of the steppe region live in the book, as if two centuries have not passed since then...

STORIES ABOUT NATIVE NATURE / Intro. Art. N. Pakhomova; Rice. G. Nikolsky. - M.: Det. lit., 1988. - 142 pp.: ill.
S.T. Aksakov’s early essay “Buran”, chapters from the story “Childhood of Bagrov the Grandson”, chapters from “Notes on Fishing” and “Notes of a Gun Hunter of the Orenburg Province” are very good for a first acquaintance with the writer’s prose.

FAMILY CHRONICLE; CHILDREN'S YEARS OF BAGROV-GRANDSON / Intro. Art. A. Khomyakova; Artist I. Falaleev. - M.: Novator, 1996. - 387 p.
“Family Chronicle” tells about two generations of the Aksakov family, called here the Bagrovs, with their children and household members, peasants and servants. At the end of the 18th century, family traditions and the way of life of the Russian estate were still majestic and unshakable. The author conveyed priceless details of antiquity with care and love.

Margarita Pereslegina


Abramtsevo: State. history-art. or T. museum-reserve. - M.: Sov. Russia, 1981. - 217 pp.: ill.

Aksakov Sergey Timofeevich // Theater: Encyclopedia. - M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2002. - pp. 12-13.

Arzumanova O. Abramtsevo during the Aksakovs // Museum-Reserve “Abramtsevo”: Essay-guide. - M.: Illustrate. art, 1984. - pp. 15-72.

Bogdanov V. Formation of man // Aksakov S. Childhood years of Bagrov-grandson; Garin-Mikhailovsky N. Childhood Themes; Stanyukovich K. Stories; Mamin-Sibiryak D. Stories. - M.: Det. lit., 1994. - pp. 3-13. - (B-ka world lit. for children).

Voitolovskaya E. S. T. Aksakov in the circle of classical writers: Doc. essays. - M.: Det. lit., 1982. - 220 pp.: ill.

A brief chronicle of the life and work of S.T. Aksakov; Materials for the biography of S.T. Aksakov; Criticism about the work of S.T. Aksakov // Aksakov S. Childhood years of Bagrov-grandson; The Scarlet Flower. - M.: AST: Olympus, 1998. - P. 356-482.

Mann Yu. Aksakov Sergey Timofeevich // Russian writers: Biogr. Dictionary: In 2 volumes - M.: Education, 1990. - T. 1. - P. 22-24.

Mann Y. The Aksakov Family: Ist.-lit. feature article. - M.: Det. lit., 1992. - 384 p.

Mashinsky S. S. T. Aksakov: Life and creativity. - Ed. 2nd. - M.: Artist. lit., 1973. - 575 pp.: ill.

Nizovsky A. Abramtsevo // Estates of Russia. - M.: Veche, 2005. - P. 3-9.

Pakhomov N. Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov // Russian writers in Moscow. - M.: Moscow. worker, 1987. - pp. 147-165.

Sokolov-Mikitov I. Honestly // Sokolov-Mikitov I. Collection. Op.: In 4 vols. - L.: Khudozh. lit., 1987. - T. 4. - P. 214-219.

Starodub K. Aksakov Sergey Timofeevich // Starodub K. Literary Moscow: Historical and local history. encyclopedia for schoolchildren. - M.: Education, 1997. - P. 17-19.

Sharov A. Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov // Sharov A. Wizards come to people. - M.: Det. lit., 1985. - pp. 21-49.




Scarlet Flower: Based on the fairy tale of the same name by S.T. Aksakov. Scene N. Ryazantseva. Dir. I. Povolotskaya. Comp. E. Denisov. USSR, 1977. Cast: L. Durov, A. Demidova, A. Abdulov and others.
A fairy tale about a merchant's daughter and a mysterious flower: Based on the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower” by S.T. Aksakov. Dir. V.Grammatikov. Comp. A. Muravlev. USSR-Germany-Denmark, 1991. Cast: E. Temnikova, R. Shegurov, L. Ovchinnikova, I. Yasulovich and others.


Scarlet Flower: Based on the fairy tale of the same name by S.T. Aksakov. Scene G.Grebner. Dir. L. Atamanov. Comp. N. Budashkin. USSR, 1952. The roles were voiced by: S. Lukyanov, A. Konsovsky and others.

When starting to study a writer’s work, pay attention to the works that are at the top of this rating. Feel free to click on the up and down arrows if you think that a certain work should be higher or lower in the list. As a result of common efforts, including based on your ratings, we will receive the most adequate rating of Sergei Aksakov’s books.

    The famous fairy tale, loved by many generations of children in our country, by the talented writer Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov (1791-1859), is about the magical power of love, capable of defeating the most evil witchcraft. The merchant had three daughters. Going on trade business, he promised He will bring them gifts whatever they wish. The youngest, beloved daughter, Alena, asked her father to bring her a scarlet flower that she saw in a dream... Audio play. Merchant - Stepan Bubnov; His daughters: Alyonushka - Ksenia Oskolkova; Capa - T. Tikhomirova; Fisa - Maria Fonina; Anton, his nephew - Yuri Fomichev; Nanny - E. Rudneva; Baba Yaga - Nikolai Novlyansky; Leshy - Vladimir Torstensen; Kikimora - Hot Love; Monster - Yuri Sazonov; Presenter: Nikolai Litvinov. Composer A. Medtner. Moscow Drama Theater named after. A. S. Pushkin. 1952 recording... Further

  • “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson” is the second part of the autobiographical trilogy of the remarkable Russian writer Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov. The story of the childhood years of barchuk Seryozha Bagrov serves as a continuation of the “Family Chronicle” and is told on behalf of the narrator, which gives it “liveliness” oral narration." The child’s vivid impressions, skillfully and reliably presented by the master of words, add up to a motley picture of Russian noble life, slowly taking root on the fertile soil of the Volga region.... Further

  • “Thanks to the works of our bibliographers and biographers, works accepted by the reading public with visible participation, we now have quite important information about minor writers who began to fall into oblivion among us, because they had merits relative to to your time. In addition to the fact that all such biographical information and research is curious, useful and even necessary as material for the history of our literature, this attention, these signs of respect for the memory of minor writers expresses a feeling of gratitude, a sense of justice for people more or less talented , but not marked by such a brilliant talent, which, leaving a brilliant mark behind itself, does not fall into oblivion among descendants for a long time ... "... Further

  • A beautifully illustrated edition of Sergei Aksakov’s fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower”. For children of primary school age.

  • “When, after a long, sometimes wet, sometimes frosty autumn, during which every animal and small animal will dry out, dry out, that is, its skin will receive its winter appearance, become strong-haired, smooth and beautiful; when the white hare, ermine and weasel turn white as boiling water, and their backs the hare, white and in places yellowed like wax, will be covered with a colorful belt with curls; when a marten, a polecat, a ferret, or a ferret darken and sparkle with a shiny axle; when, after many frosts, real snow finally falls and powder begins to fall, then the best time for hunting begins. I will talk especially about trap fishing...”... Further

  • “It became difficult for my grandfather to live in the Simbirsk province, in his ancestral homeland, granted to his ancestors from the kings of Moscow... For some time, he began to often hear about the Ufa governorship, about the immeasurable expanse of lands...”. This is how the story of the race begins Bagrovykh, about the relocation of the family to the Volga steppes, to the Orenburg region, the wonderful Russian writer Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov. True to family legends and the memory of his roots, the author has recreated a vivid, reliable picture of landowner life in the 18th century. The everyday story, told simply, without verbal tricks, entered the treasury of classical Russian prose. “Grandfather affectionately greeted his wife and called her Arisha; he never kissed her hand, but let her kiss his own as a sign of mercy. Arina Vasilyevna blossomed and looked younger: where did her obesity and clumsiness go! Now she brought a small bench and sat down next to her grandfather on the porch, which she never dared to do if he greeted him unkindly. “Let’s have some tea together, Arisha!” - Stepan Mikhailovich spoke, - as long as it’s not hot. Although it was stuffy to sleep, I slept soundly, so I slept through all my dreams. Well, what about you?” Such a question was an extraordinary kindness, and the grandmother hastily answered that every night Stepan Mikhailovich sleeps well, she also sleeps well...”... Further

  • “Notes of a rifle hunter of the Orenburg province” S. T. Aksakov is devoted to four types of hunting - forest game, steppe, water and swamp. One of the best Russian books of this genre. ... Further

  • Tales of Russian writers. Radio shows. S. T. Aksakov “THE SCARLET FLOWER” Radio composition of the performance of the Moscow Drama Theater. A. S. Pushkina Merchant - Stepan Bubnov His daughters: Alyonushka - Ksenia Oskolkova Capa - T. Tikhomirova Fisa - Maria Fonina Anton, his nephew - Yuri Fomichev Nanny - E. Rudneva Baba Yaga - Nikolai Novlyansky Leshy - Vladimir Torstensen Kikimora - Love of the Hot Monster - Yuri Sazonov Presenter - Nikolai Litvinov Music - Alexander Medtner Recording 1952 V. F. Odoevsky “TOWN IN A TOBACCO BOX” From the author - Nikolay Litvinov Misha - Valentina Sperantova His dad - Anatoly Kubatsky The bell boy from the city of Tinkerbell - Zinaida Bokareva The warden - Leonid Pirogov The remaining roles are actors of Moscow theaters Music - Modest Robert Recorded in 1948 V. M. Garshin "FROG" -TRAVELIST” Read by Nikolai Litvinov Recorded in 1955... Further

  • Sergei Aksakov heard the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower” as a child from a simple village woman, housekeeper Pelageya. And she amazed him! A soulful, sincere fairy tale is a real hymn to all-conquering love, capable of discerning a kind, open heart behind the ugly mask of a monster. ... Further

  • “Among the various human hunts, the humble hunt to go mushroom hunting or take mushrooms has its place. Although it cannot be compared with other hunts, which are more lively, simply because they have to deal with living creatures, it can compete with many, so to speak, secondary hunts, which, however, have their own special interests. I’m even ready to give preference to mushrooms, because they need to be found, and therefore you don’t have to find them; Some skill, knowledge of mushroom deposits, knowledge of the area and happiness are mixed in here. It’s not for nothing that the proverb says: “It’s good to go mushroom picking with happiness.”... Further

  • “I can only respond with gratitude to the flattering reviews of my book that appeared in Moskvityanin, Sovremennik, and the Moscow and St. Petersburg Vedomosti, but I must either accept or refute the hunter’s comments, and therefore I hasten to answer the venerable to the reviewer-hunter, who published his favorable review of my “Notes of a Gun Hunter” in the 8th issue of “Moskvityanin”: I accept all his comments with gratitude, but I consider it necessary to add a few explanations and objections...”... Further

  • “In 1808, on the Moika, the embankment of which was then being finished, or, rather, remodeled and decorated with a new patterned cast-iron lattice, not far from the spare bread stores and horse guards barracks, there was a stone house of ancient St. Petersburg architecture. This house once belonged, as I later learned, to Lomonosov and then somehow was acquired by the treasury. Currently, the head of the grain reserve stores, the actual state councilor and Vladimir’s cavalier of the 3rd degree, Vasily Vasilich, lived in it with his family... let’s call him: Rubanovsky...”... Further

  • “Despite the summer and the emptiness of Moscow, the Bolshoi Petrovsky Theater was almost full. The public convincingly proved that it respects talent and appreciates the constant diligence of the beneficiary, who received a benefit performance for the first time; without this reason, neither "Dog", nor two new vaudevilles, nor a new music could not attract a better audience at a time when they absolutely do not go to the Russian theater ... "... Further

  • "Your Majesty! With great pleasure I read in No. 2 of the “Journal of Hunting” you publish, the excellent article by Mr. Konstantin Petrov “Hunting Throwing Weapons” ... " ... More

  • “I wrote notes about fishing to refresh my memories, for my own pleasure. I am printing them for fishermen by inclination, for hunters for whom the words: fishing rod and fishing are magical words that have a strong effect on the soul. I believe that my notes can to be pleasant and even somewhat useful for them: in the first case, because every sympathy for our inclinations, every special look, a special side of pleasures, sometimes the clarification of some dark feeling, not completely previously conscious, can and should be pleasant; in the second case, because any experience and observation of a person passionately attached to something can be useful for people who share his love for the same subject ... "... Further

  • “On March 15th, at six o’clock in the morning, Alexander Ivanovich Pisarev died from a debilitating consumptive fever...”

  • The formation of a child’s personality, the education of the soul - this is the main theme of the autobiographical story by S. T. Aksakov.

  • Further

  • “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a rich merchant, an eminent man. He had a lot of all kinds of wealth, expensive overseas goods, pearls, precious stones, gold and silver treasury; and that merchant had three daughters, all three were beautiful, and the youngest the best; and he loved his daughters more than all his wealth, pearls, precious stones, gold and silver treasury - for the reason that he was a widower and he had no one to love; He loved the older daughters, but he loved the younger daughter more, because she was better than everyone else and was more affectionate towards him ... "... Further

  • “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson” is the second part of the autobiographical trilogy (“Family Chronicle”, “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson”, “Memoirs”) by the Russian writer Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov (1791–1859). The story tells about his childhood. “I don’t know myself whether it’s entirely possible believe everything that my memory has preserved? - the author notes in the introduction and with amazing authenticity describes the events of sometimes very early childhood, the details of life with his grandparents on the Bagrovo estate, his first books, unforgettable long summer days with fishing, quail fishing, when every day he discovered “before unknown concepts” and made me feel feelings I had never experienced before. The narration is told on behalf of Sergei Bagrov, an impressionable and intelligent boy who early begins to understand that not everything is so good and fair in this world...... Further

  • “There is nothing to say about this play: everyone knows it by heart, and everyone has seen it on stage several times; many poems from it became popular proverbs. Shchepkin, Kavalerova, Orlov played very well; but seeing Ms. Panova in the role of Sofia Pavlovna is unbearable!..” ... Continue

  • “...A snowy white cloud, as huge as the sky, covered the entire horizon and quickly covered the last light of the red, burnt evening dawn with a thick veil. Suddenly night came... the storm came with all its fury, with all its horrors. The desert wind blew up in the open air, the snowy steppes, like swan fluff, lifted them to the skies..."... Further

  • “Collecting butterflies was one of those hobbies of my early youth, which, although not for long, possessed me with all the power of passion and left a deep, fresh impression in my memory. I have loved natural history since I was a child; book in Russian (whose name I don’t remember) with popular prints of animals, birds, fish, which fell into my hands back in the gymnasium, with reverence, from board to board, I learned by heart. Seeing that the book did not contain what was noticed by my childish inquisitive attention at first glance, I myself tried to describe the animals, birds and fish that I had the chance to briefly become acquainted with..."... Further

  • “I myself don’t know whether I can completely believe everything that my memory has preserved? If I remember the events that actually happened, then these can be called memories not only of childhood, but even of infancy. Of course, I don’t remember anything in connection, in continuous sequences; but many incidents still live in my memory with all the brightness of colors, with all the vividness of yesterday’s event. When I was three or four years old, I told those around me that I remember how they took me away from my nurse... Everyone laughed at my stories and assured me that I had heard them enough from my mother or nanny and thought that I had seen it myself...”... Further

  • “It became difficult for my grandfather to live in the Simbirsk province, in his ancestral homeland, granted to his ancestors from the kings of Moscow; it became cramped not because it was really cramped, because there was a lack of forest, arable land, meadows and other lands - everything was in excess - but because the fatherland, which still belonged to his great-grandfather, became diverse. The event happened very simply: for three generations in a row, his family had one son and several daughters; some of them got married, and as a dowry they were given part of the peasants and part of the land ... "... Further

  • A beautifully illustrated book that presents Sergei Aksakov’s fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower”. For adults to read to children.

  • “In the first years of the first decade of the current, rich in great events, nineteenth century, therefore, more than fifty years, in one semi-steppe and semi-forest province remote from the capitals, adjacent to our real indigenous forest provinces, Perm and Vyatskaya, in a complete outback, lived a rich and numerous noble family of the Boldukhins in the five-hundred-person village of Voznesenskoye, Boldukhino also; lived in the full sense of the countryside..."... Further

  • “In the middle of winter 1799, we arrived in the provincial city of Kazan. I was eight years old. The frosts were bitterly cold, and although two rooms had been rented for us in advance in the small house of Captain Aristova, it took us a while to find our apartment, which, however, was located on a good street called “Gruzinskaya”. We arrived in the evening in a simple matting cart, with three of our own horses (the cook and maid arrived before us); the move from feeding was a big one, we drove around the city for a long time, asking about the apartment, stood for a long time in the stupidity of the village lackeys - and I remember that I was terribly cold, that the apartment was cold, that the tea did not warm me and that I went to bed, shaking like crazy. fever; I remember even more that my mother, who passionately loved me, was also trembling, but not from the cold, but from fear that her beloved child, her Serezhenka, would catch a cold...”... Further

  • The merchant was going to trade in distant countries and before leaving he asked his three daughters what gifts to bring them. The eldest daughters asked for expensive outfits and jewelry, and the youngest Alyonushka asked for a scarlet flower, the most beautiful in this world. The merchant found this a flower on one island and picked it, but was captured by a monster - the owner of the island and the scarlet flower. I had to promise the monster that one of his daughters would go to his island. Alyonushka learned about her father’s promise and decided to go to the monster.... Further

  • “In the old years, that is, in the years of youth and adulthood, I did not know either early spring or late autumn fishing at all; By the word late I mean not only September, but all of October and the beginning of November - in a word, all that time until they are covered with strong ice-covered ponds and rivers. Being a passionate gun hunter, I usually left my fishing rod until the following spring at the end of August, at the very height of the perch bite...”... Further

  • “This benefit was invented in an intricate way: it began and ended with a masquerade! And the move was correct: they started with their tongue and ended with their feet!.. Despite the fact, there were few spectators; however, incomparably more than at benefit performances. Baranov and Lensky..." ... Next

  • “The Russian Messenger published a short novel, or a story, or a story about the life of a village girl before marriage, entitled “Away from the Big World,” the writings of Yulia Zhadovskaya...” ... More

  • “That actor can be called perfect, who can be understood even by those who do not know the language (of the play being presented) by the expressiveness of their voice, face, and body movements; even a deaf person - according to the last two; even a blind person - according to the first one..." ... Continue

  • “Finally, the expectations of, if not numerous, but true lovers of elegant domestic works have been fulfilled. “Pan Tverdovsky” was given on May 24, and we heard the opera by A. N. Verstovsky. Intending to talk about the content of the play, the music and performance in general, Let us first say that we could not watch and listen to it indifferently: one of the first Russian comedians wrote a magical opera, naturally not to increase the author’s fame, but for another, well-intentioned purpose, and the first Russian composer of music, whose delightful works were admired by everyone almost without exception , adding with regret: why doesn’t Verstovsky write an opera?.. finally, he wrote it...”... Further

  • “Mr. Lavrov played the role of Tverdovsky without skill, but in places he did not look bad. He sang very well, especially the first aria. We noticed with great pleasure that in this opera his words in singing were more audible...” ... Continue

  • “The tragedy of Mr. Kryukovsky’s “Pozharsky” is too well known to everyone; Its literary merit has long been appreciated. Despite the weakness of dramatic action, its rights to move the viewer’s soul will never weaken. The names of Pozharsky and Minin are immortal, original heroes, folk - will always inflame us with delight. As long as the great Russian kingdom exists, until then, with the voice of Pozharsky: “To Moscow!..” the hearts of true Russians will begin to tremble...”... Further

  • “Finally, the impatient expectations of passionate gallomaniacs were fulfilled, an era had come in the theatrical annals of Moscow, and the French theater in Moscow, on January 1, 1829, opened with Detouches’s “Dissipateur” ...” ... More

  • “It is impossible to see this wonderful, Russian, folk vaudeville without true, heartfelt pleasure. The thought is high and deep - to imagine the struggle between ignorance and enlightenment: a ray of light pierces the darkness. People whose names will always be dear and precious to true Russians, come to life before you with the magical power of dramatic art. Here he is, a representative of the abilities of the Russian person, with all the strength of mind, with all the liveliness of spirit, with all the firmness of will - Fyodor Grigorievich Volkov!..”... Further

  • The fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower,” familiar from childhood, tells about an enchanted young man and a girl who saves him with the power of selfless love. The words of this fairy tale themselves form an ancient folk tune that flows smoothly and its sound is mesmerizing. And already it is impossible to interrupt it or forget it. And for a long, long time later, from somewhere in the depths of my soul, like an echo of something dear, the words will emerge: “You get up, wake up, my dear friend, I love you like a desired groom!..” Read by People's Artist of Russia Valery Zolotukhin .... Further

  • “I read with joy in the 46th book of “Son of the Fatherland” under the article: “Russian Theater” the news about the brilliant appearance of the Russian “Phaedra” on the St. Petersburg stage, with the comments of the writer about the acting and the translation itself. There has long been a rumor that Mr. Lobanov named after is engaged; For a long time now, lovers of literature have been impatiently awaiting the completion of his work, and the wonderful translation of “Iphigenia in Aulis” increased this impatience...”... Further

  • “In the 64th and 65th issues of “Northern Bee” judgments about Mr. Shchepkin’s performance in “Aesop” and “The Swagger of the Trandzhirin” were published. Love for the truth forces us to say that they are completely unjust: or partiality towards Messrs. actors occupying these roles in St. Petersburg, or ignorance theatrical art inspired such sentences in the writer. He says that Mr. Shchepkin did not satisfy the public's expectations; that the main advantage of the role of Aesop is the skillful reading of fables, which he did not fulfill, and that Mr. Bryansky in this role is better than Mr. Shchepkin ... "... Further

  • “We will not set out the contents of the play, which is known to everyone; it has been played in theaters in both capitals for twenty years with great success and often. Starting to analyze the acting of the characters, let us first say that the play and especially the character of Othella are disfigured: first Mr. Dusis, and then a Russian translator, who also gave the play a pompous style, least of all suitable for it; for Shakespeare is not a court reciter and did not write according to the classical framework of French tragedies. It follows from this that it is impossible to play the tragedy “Othello” as it is on the Russian stage with the desired perfection...”... Further

  • “We have already expressed our opinion about the opera “Pan Tverdovsky” in all respects. Unfortunately, we must add that time does not improve its performance. We listened to music with new and lively pleasure. We agree, however, that the excellent chorus at the appearance of the tomb Tverdovsky seems inappropriate, especially because the choir sings: “Heaven’s command has come true,” and the devil is holding the inscription: “Your hour, Tverdovsky, has come.” Is it possible for heaven and hell to act together? This time Mr. Bantyshev used less body movements, and it is noticeable that he is trying to overcome an important flaw in his singing methods: slurred pronunciation of words. Everything else went as before, except that from the former Christmas scarecrow the devil turned into a shiny, pink dandy; this very strangely contradicted the words: “A hellish monster, a monster, your deadening gaze” ... "... Further

  • “The first act is a picture of the whims and rage of the father’s daughter, Lyubov Osipovna. Despite her kind heart, everyone suffers from her hot temper: her mother, Countess Brezinskaya, sister Liza, the meekest girl, teachers and maid Masha. Captain of the naval service Rogdaev, long in love with the charming capricious woman, known to her father (who himself spoiled his daughter), decides to correct her, agreeing with Prince Sitsky, who is in love with Lisa, and with Masha ... "... Further

  • “Leaving Moscow, I gave you my word to carefully watch several performances in St. Petersburg and describe them impartially; I fulfill your wish. I know very well that I will arm many against myself; I write with amazement, but the truth is dearer to me than anything else; out of love for her and theatrical art, I sacrifice myself to critics and biased praisers of the St. Petersburg stage..."... Further

  • “Yesterday I saw a performance in St. Petersburg!.. They played “Cunning and Love”: the play was performed by the best artists and was very well coordinated. Without giving away my opinion as unmistakable, I will make a general remark that this tragedy should be played much simpler, more natural; persons brought to it is taken from ordinary society, it is written in prose - why such recitation, chant? Mr. Karatygin, an artist with excellent talent and even art, in the role of Ferdinand is full of strength, feeling and nobility ... "... Further

  • “Who doesn’t know The Barber of Seville? This plot has become as if popular on our stage; it is played, sung, danced. We do not dare to judge the translation decisively - it seemed to us very mediocre. The comedy was generally played out very well, and we looked at it with great pleasure..."... Further

  • “The public is rightly bored by anti-critics, and even more so by the objections to them, where it is always about the insulted pride of the authors, and not about the truth, and I would never respond to the rude, indecent anti-criticism of Mr. V.U., published in the 1st issue of the Telegraph in 1829, but The irritability of the anti-critic, probably the translator of the comedy “The Barber of Seville,” or his friend, who allowed himself completely unliterary antics and, finally, an incredible invention, forces me to say a few words and support them with evidence ... "... Further

  • “The fruit of the heated imagination of young Schiller, who had not yet known either dramatic art, or light, or people, despite the brilliant beauty, is always quite monstrous, is given on the Russian stage - in an abbreviated form!..” ... Continue

  • “We haven’t watched an opera with such pleasure for a long time and we can safely say that The Mason is performing better than all comic operas on the Moscow stage. Unfortunately, the magnificent Petrovsky Theater is rather deaf: words are never heard in singing, and therefore we, without reading the play, cannot speak decisively about its content..."... Further

  • “Mr. V.U., having no way to refute the truth that I said and proved, which exposed him in two inventions, resorts, as I predicted, in the 2nd issue of the Telegraph to an empty set of words, to subterfuge, to new inventions and gossip; answer them conscientiously and not must: they are a refutation of themselves..."... Further

  • “Not wanting to have any relations with Mr. Polev, I think, however, that it is necessary for him to notice that he is acting against himself: why should Mikheich respond? Readers did not know, and I did not even know, whether the publisher of the Telegraph himself actually wrote an unfair and impudent review of works of the book Shakhovsky?..”... Further

  • “Rejoicing at the wonderful phenomenon in our literature, as a common good, we with great pleasure inform readers that, finally, our literature has been enriched by the first historical novel, the first creation of this kind, which has a folk physiognomy: characters, customs, manners, costume, language. Having read it more than once with attention and always with pleasure, we consider it our duty to express our opinion frankly and impartially, supporting as much as possible with evidence of our praise and condemnation, of course, except in those cases where both will be based on a purely aesthetic feeling - taste : everyone has their own. If Walter Scott’s novels had been written in Russian, then “Yuri Miloslavsky” would have retained its inalienable dignity...”... Further

  • “Quite early in the morning, that is, at the eleventh hour, and on the reception day they report to the minister that some official with a letter of recommendation asks permission to introduce himself to His Excellency. The minister was not a kind person at receptions..." ... More

  • “It was a pity to look at the mutilated “Robbers”; but the distortion of Don Carlos is incomparably more regrettable for all admirers of the famous German playwright. It is true that the play in the original is not convenient for presentation due to its enormity, but it seems that there is “Don Carlos", reduced by the author himself and written in prose for playing on the theater..."... Further

  • “The content of Picard’s play, although very funny, is too meager for a comedy in five acts; it would be enough for vaudeville or a little comedy in verse; this is a funny joke, quite playfully executed, but extremely drawn out by the writer and beautifully translated the late A.I. Pisarev. The play was generally played out quite successfully; The young lawyer, instead of Mr. Mochalov, was played by Mr. Lensky quite well...”... Further

  • “Not to compliment you, M.G., but for the truth, I must say that your magazine has always been more impartial and more moderate than others; I must admit that this year, speaking about the “History of the Russian People,” you too have lost your way; but only with a sinking feeling, but they told the honest truth. So, allow me now to publish in your journal a review from a person who does not belong to any of the parties dividing our Russian literature into different parishes...”... Further

  • “The strange situation of our literature, or, better to say, literary opinions, of which magazines, unfortunately often incorrect, should more or less be called representatives, forces us to talk about what it is too early to talk about and under other circumstances would be unnecessary and indecent. But time flies, and the future generation, the future historian of Russian literature, will respond with indignation to our silence...”... Further

  • "A. Hello, most respected! B. Hello, my dear! What can you say that's new? You are somehow cheerful! A. I confess that I am very pleased that, finally, Mr. Polevoy published in the 9th book of the Moscow Telegraph an announcement about the imminent release of the second volume of the History of the Russian People. and those following him..."... Further

  • “Every year tests are carried out on theater schools in Moscow and St. Petersburg. These so-called exams, like all others in general, do not achieve their goal and do not even live up to their name. First of all, it is necessary to determine the purpose of theater schools. If it consists of delivering to theaters figures and performers, occasionally soloists and never educated actors or actresses, then we agree that the schools have fulfilled and are fulfilling their purpose...”... Further

  • “Apparently, necessity forced me to give such plays for the first appearance of Mr. Sosnitsky, who, it seems, has not appeared on the Moscow stage for three years. It’s even strange to see a skillful, experienced artist, such as Mr. Sosnitsky, without a doubt, playing Lutsky and the absurd Lionel. God judge to Mr. Khmelnitsky, who spoiled the lively intrigue of the French play by inserting his New Paris!..”... Further

  • “The comedy “Noble Theater”, which always brought pleasure to the audience with its comic scenes and genuine gaiety, which died for us with the death of Saburov, was given on the occasion of the arrival of a St. Petersburg guest, Mr. Sosnitsky...” ... More

  • ““Two Notes” is one of the weak vaudevilles translated by the late A.I. Pisarev, everyone knows: with the loss of Ryazantsev, who played Baterman, this play completely fell..." ... Continue

  • “After the article published in Molva about the testing in the arts of pupils and pupils of the Moscow Theater School, I gave you the word to describe school performances. These days, to my great pleasure, I was able to see one of them, and I am fulfilling my promise. Two vaudeville shows were played at school: “Theobald, or the Return from Russia,” and “Two Teachers, or the Donkey Fools the Donkey”..."... Further

  • “For a long time now, posters have announced the resumption, or restoration, of this play, old, known to everyone, condemned by many, but always producing a strong effect; Finally they gave it to me. If, before the performance of the play or before reading the poster, we asked everyone, not just experts, lovers, but even theater visitors who play Eilalia, then, of course, starting with Ms. Sinetskaya and reaching Ms. Panova, no one would guess that Eilalia is played by Fedorov’s pupil ... "... Further

  • “In issue No. 20 of this year’s “Son of the Fatherland,” a critical analysis of the tragedy “Marfa the Posadnitsa of Novgorod” op. Pogodina. First of all, we note that no one has the right to call Mr. Pogodin the author of this tragedy, for in the preface he himself calls himself only the publisher...” ... Further

Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov entered literature as the author of poems and short stories, but he became famous thanks to the kind and bright fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower”. The author grew and matured along with his time, and his entire creative life reflects the history of Russian literature during the period of the writer’s life. Our literature remembers him as one of its most talented memoirists, an unsurpassed writer of everyday life, a wonderful writer who writes about nature and, most importantly, as a classic of the Russian language.

The love for his works is still alive and finds its admirers among people of different ages. Aksakov tried to write simply and clearly, but he also knew very well the power of the great and powerful Russian language. Since the author’s works are included in the school curriculum, people begin reading Aksakov’s stories and fairy tales from elementary school. His works help children develop their imagination and respect nature.

One of the favorite pleasures of the Russian people is to watch the flood of hollow water. “The river has started…” - it is passed from mouth to mouth, and the entire village, from young to old, will come ashore, no matter what the weather, and for a long, long time motley, shabbily dressed crowds stand, watching, admiring, accompanying each the movement of ice with your own assumptions or funny...

“Be willing, have fun, be comforted by this good fun, it is very amusing, and pleasing, and joyful, so that all sorts of sadness and sadness do not overcome you. Choose the days, travel often, let loose, hunt without laziness and boredom, so that the wise and red birds do not forget their prey. O my glorious advisers and trustworthy and wise hunters...

When talking about swamp game, I will often mention its place of residence, that is, the swamps. I will give them different names: clean, dry, wet, etc., but for people who are not really familiar with them, such epithets will not explain the matter, and therefore I want to talk first about the qualities of swamps, which are very diverse. The swamps are clean...

The water bird is the marsh bird's closest neighbor; breeds children, if not in swamps, then always in swampy places, and therefore I immediately turn to it, although in the general category of game, by its dignity, it should occupy the last place. The long oval of the shuttle-shaped body, the structure of all members of the body, the abundance of down and feathers covered with a thin...

When starting to describe game, I consider it best to start with the best, that is, with the swamp, which I have already spoken about, and, moreover, with the snipe, or, more correctly, with all three species of this noble breed, which is sharply different and superior among all the rest. I mean the snipe, the snipe and the spearfish, which are similar to each other in feathers, structure, in general...

All forest game lives more or less in the forest, but some species never leave it. So, I will first examine and determine, as best I can, the difference between forests and forest species. I said about water that it is “the beauty of nature”; almost the same can be said about the forest. The complete beauty of any area lies precisely in the combination of water and forest. Nature is so...