Project on what a museum is for preschoolers. Little art historians: when to take your child to the museum? A child in a museum: show easy-to-understand stories

At the age of three years, the development of children's skills proceeds quickly, sometimes in leaps and bounds, and it is pointless to compare achievements different kids, since each of them is improved according to an individual plan laid down by nature. The turning point, which gives parents a lot of trouble, as a rule, is already in the past or is close to completion, and a child who is actively adding to the list of new skills makes moms and dads more and more happy. Knowing what a 3-year-old child should be able to do will help make sure that the baby doesn’t fall behind.

The changes that a child’s body undergoes at the age of three are very significant and varied. First of all, starting from 2.5, babies grow 4-5 centimeters and gain 1.2 kilograms of weight. Boys are always slightly larger than girls, their height varies from 88 to 102 centimeters, and body weight - from 12 to 18 kilograms. For girls, the same figures are 87-100 centimeters and 10-17 kilograms.

Due to anatomical and physiological changes, other important functions and abilities of the baby are improved:

  1. Three-year-old children are increasingly able to control their bodies and coordinate movements, and the child’s step gradually evens out when walking.
  2. Due to the development nervous system, children stay awake longer, perceive and remember information better, and their performance improves. Because of this, monotonous activities no longer seem so burdensome to some children - they are more diligent and patient.
  3. The development of motor function expands the capabilities of the toddler, and he can perform many different activities related to everyday life and games. As a result, speech skills are also improved, and the baby’s vocabulary is replenished to 1000 words. Despite the fact that children do not always succeed correct pronunciation, and some letters are generally difficult for them to pronounce, they talk continuously - in this case, parents need to do articulation gymnastics with the baby or take them to a speech therapist.
  4. Three years is a time of countless questions addressed to adults, and it is important that the child receives comprehensive answers in an accessible language.

Mental development a child at 3 years old is closely related to the formation emotional background and role-playing games relevant for this age. Their importance can hardly be overestimated - while playing, children not only develop spatial thinking, but also learn to solve various problems, replaying the behavior patterns of their elders in their scenarios. In the future, this will help the child find a way out of difficult situations, which are not uncommon in reality.

What should a 3 year old child be able to do?

Having found out what a three-year-old child should be able to do, parents have the opportunity to compare the success of their child with the average performance of this age. This makes it easier to create a training program aimed at diversified development.

On this moment The kids have learned a lot of motor skills and are in good athletic shape:

  • they can easily climb and descend stairs and are excellent at climbing vertical stairs;
  • run quickly, while changing direction;
  • they can climb up and down hills themselves;
  • they tumble and walk backwards;
  • confidently manipulate the ball;
  • maintain balance while standing on their toes and walk several meters in this way;
  • learn to ride a bicycle;
  • They jump well on one leg.

From the age of three, children can already be sent to various sports clubs and sections, dance and swim with them.

The child’s speech development reaches certain heights - children speak in coherent sentences, although they may still not pronounce some letters.

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Most children have good speech skills:

  • are able to conduct a reasonable dialogue with peers and adults;
  • readily give answers to adults’ questions;
  • can describe a picture using 5-6 coherent sentences;
  • their phrases consist of the main constituent parts of speech, prepositions are also used;
  • children retell prose and are able to memorize poems;
  • know family members and acquaintances by name; pronounce their own name correctly;
  • begin to use antonyms and adjectives.

A child’s intellectual abilities are inextricably linked with a child’s speech. A well-developed child should be able to find cause-and-effect relationships between events and draw appropriate conclusions at the age of three.

It is also common for children of this age to:

  • find differences and general signs individual living and inanimate objects, objects, compare images, recognize elements that do not fit into the overall picture;
  • build simple logical chains from stories and by observing natural phenomena;
  • have knowledge of plurality, have an understanding of numbers and arithmetic calculation;
  • name and distinguish different colors and shades;
  • recognize basic shapes - square, circle, triangle;
  • assemble mosaics and puzzles of 7-8 elements;
  • discuss events that happened in the recent past.

Developed motor function allows child of three years:

  • use scissors to cut;
  • hold a pencil, brush and pen;
  • string beads on a thread;
  • sculpt sausages and balls from plasticine.

A three-year-old child has many household skills and acquires new ones every day. useful skills and habits:

  • eats independently using a spoon and fork;
  • washes his face, uses a toothbrush and toothpaste;
  • washes his hands before sitting down at the table;
  • able to put on shoes, take off shoes, put on outerwear;
  • copes well with buttons, laces, Velcro, zippers;
  • uses napkins and handkerchiefs if it gets dirty;
  • puts away his things and toys, puts things in order.

Understanding what a child of 3 years old should be able to do, we must not forget about the formation of communication skills in children. They urgently need contact with strangers and strangers, thus improving their social skills:

  • children easily get to know their peers;
  • they already understand the rules of some board and street games;
  • while playing, they can assess dangerous situations and make attempts to prevent them;
  • kids are already able to say goodbye, greet and thank peers and people of the older generation.

The differences in the behavior of children of different sexes are becoming more and more apparent. The boy has special motor activity; at three years old he can do a lot, mainly by copying his father’s gestures and actions. He is stubborn and independent, preferring concrete expression of his feelings and desires.

Reflecting on what a 3-year-old girl needs to be able to do, we can come to the conclusion that her main skills are related to more developed speech; moreover, babies can not only speak, but listen and hear their parents. Thanks to this ability, it is always easier to negotiate with them.

Educational games and educational toys

For three child for years the main teaching material remains game process Therefore, it is important to choose age-appropriate games and toys for him.

To improve motor function it is recommended to use:

  • balls;
  • pushers, rolling machines;
  • children's golf, bowling alley;
  • special mats for dancing;
  • scooters, tricycles;
  • children's sports complex;
  • trampoline;
  • dry pool.

For development creativity, fine motor skills, training of attention, memory, logical thinking and imagination is necessary:

  • sets of cubes, constructors;
  • mosaics, puzzles, children's lotto and dominoes;
  • sorters, insert toys, lacing;
  • rubber animal figures;
  • interactive toys, books, globes, maps;
  • children's musical instruments;
  • creative kits, paints, easel, modeling kits.

For story games 3-year-old children will need baby dolls and dolls, toy sets of dishes, furniture, a kitchen, attributes of people of different professions, as well as cars, soldiers, and robots.

At three years old, children are already able to play independently, but they, as before, need communication and adult participation in their fun and activities.

Three-year crisis: an integral stage of growing up

The transition period that happens in the life of every child, in most cases, begins at two years old and can last up to three or even four years. Depending on the baby’s temperament, it may be obvious or less pronounced. If we take boys and girls, the main cause of conflict for the former is stubbornness and unwillingness to fulfill the necessary demands of their parents; the little ones protest, starting to be capricious.

Disobedience and hostile behavior of children is associated with changes in their psyche - their own achievements force children to assert themselves in such a not entirely pleasant way. Very often, arranging real scandal, the child does not at all expect his parents to make concessions; it is important for him to understand whether he will encounter resistance from his elders. Going deeper into this aspect, we can say that if adults compromise, the little aggressor feels more protected, but the negative consequence of resolving the situation will certainly be further manipulation of the feelings of the father and mother.

You can recognize the onset of a crisis in children by the following characteristic signs:

  1. Denial by the child of everything that is not offered to him, even in spite of own desires. Children's negativity is usually directed at one of the parents.
  2. Disobedience, expressed in self-will - the child shows that he does not need outside help, does everything himself, even if it doesn’t work out - gets dressed, prepares food for himself, tries to cross the road himself while walking.
  3. Stubbornness reaching the point of absurdity - the baby does not want to clean up his toys, wash his plate, eat porridge, and does it demonstratively.
  4. Protest is another symptom of the onset of a crisis stage. Children do not want to comply basic rules, it is impossible to put them to sleep or feed them. Ordinary words“I won’t”, “I don’t want” a child. In most cases, the outcome is repeated up to 20 times a day - crying, screaming, violent hysteria.
  5. Children become extremely obstinate in relation to everything that surrounds them - things, people, rules of the daily routine. They don't like literally everything.
  6. Perseverance and despotism, when the little one demands fulfillment of his desires and behaves aggressively with his parents - he can scream, stomp his feet, even hit his mother.
  7. Another manifestation is the devaluation of loved ones, this is expressed in rude and cruel words, name-calling towards family members. At the same time, the baby breaks, tears and tramples his favorite toys, books, and clothes just yesterday.

Of course, it is difficult for parents to treat an inappropriately behaving child with the same warmth, but they need to understand that these are temporary difficulties, and under no circumstances push the child away.

In order for the unpleasant manifestations of the baby’s character associated with the development of his personality to go more smoothly and end as quickly as possible, psychologists advise parents:

  • give the child relative freedom of action and not control his every step;
  • allow the child to help with household chores, even if he may break a plate or spill water on the floor while watering flowers;
  • praise the little one more often for good deeds;
  • in the presence of the baby, do not find out among themselves the degree of guilt in the inappropriate behavior of your son or daughter.

During this difficult period, you cannot order a child; you can always come to an agreement with him if you apply patience and even cunning. Moreover, you cannot physically punish a child - this will only embitter the little person. A loving, understanding, friendly attitude will help adults get through difficult times for several months.

Child development at 3 years old: video

Using the knowledge of what a child of 3 years should be able to do, parents have the opportunity to stimulate and regulate the development of their baby by wisely choosing toys and educational games for him. Results of mental, physical and creative activity will be more significant if they show wisdom and trust the baby’s actions and respect his opinion.

Age features of development of children from 3 to 4 years old.

Starting from the age of three, the child begins new period life, when he turns from a foolish baby into an adult.

What should a 3 year old child know and be able to do? He can already boast of a good memory, knowledge of letters and numbers, the ability to communicate and help, and good physical condition. At the same moment, the baby is “separation” from his mother. Now the child begins to show with all his actions that he is an individual and he needs recognition, respect and appropriate communication.

Features of mental development

Some features of the development of children 3-4 years old often alarm parents. Adults cannot understand why their child changes dramatically, makes some demands and completely ignores parental instructions.

At one time, the famous psychologist specializing in personality development, Lidia Ilyinichna Bozhovich, said a wonderful phrase: “A child does everything in his own way, not because he wants it, but because he needs it.”

Therefore, everything that happens to a child at this age should not be considered a manifestation of his disrespect for adults, his whims and whims. It’s just the way a person is designed; sooner or later he crosses a certain milestone in life, changing his character and needs, achieving his place in the unit of society.

Marina, mother of Anyuta, 3.5 years old: “Once I noticed that my baby, affectionate, attentive and quiet, at one moment turned into some kind of little devil. She began to do everything in her own way and in defiance. “Get dressed - I don’t want to!” Let's go for a walk - I won't go. I won’t brush my teeth!” No persuasion, requests or threats work. Punishments (banning TV) lead to hysterics. And if before Anyuta could apologize and hug, now she can come up and hit. And all this happened almost immediately after she turned 3 years and 2 months old. Is this really what happens, or is it parent error in education?

There are two reasons for this behavior:

  • global protest against requests or tasks imposed by parents;
  • overloading the child with these very requests and tasks, which is why he gets lost.

In the case when 3-year-old children do not obey and do everything in defiance, psychologist Yulia Borisovna Gippenreiter advises “letting go of the reins.” This does not mean that the child should not be required to fulfill requests; he just needs to be given time to comprehend the task at hand.

“We need to monitor not the child, but the extent to which the child complies with the next order. If it doesn't work, don't repeat it right away.. Otherwise, escalation will follow,” advises Gippenreiter in his book “What to do so that children...”.

There is a wonderful metaphor: you need to raise a child like pulling a fish on a spinning rod - then pull it, then let it go. Do not jerk suddenly, but show flexibility, otherwise he will break down and it will be difficult to establish a relationship. Sometimes you can give in a little in order to preserve peace:

- Masha, it's time to sleep.
- I'll play some more!
- You haven’t finished playing and you need more time...
- Yes!
- Okay, another 5 minutes. I'll set a timer on my phone. But then go straight to bed!
- OK!

A 3-year-old child is already a person who must be respected.

Otherwise, the child will begin to protest, and the only way to strike at this age available to him is to do everything in defiance.

Characteristics of the features of the comprehensive development of a child from 3 to 4 years old

While watching your baby develop, you have probably noticed that his psychological, social and physical development have undergone some changes.


There is a desire to communicate and the ability to independently come up with activities not only for yourself, but also for peers. The baby not only begins to interact better with other children, but also tries to take a leading position in the company. The child begins to realize that not only he, but also those around him have feelings. Sometimes tries to take into account the needs and wishes of others. At the same time, there is a need to choose your own idol. Therefore, you should not be upset if your baby does not listen to you at all, but only reacts to dad’s words. This is not a division of parents into “loves - does not love”, it is next stage growing up and personality development.


He strives to ask others as much as possible more questions and get comprehensive answers to them. Now the baby can rightfully be called the “great little one.” At this time, speech develops at a rapid pace. The baby can not only repeat words and correlate them with objects and actions, but also come up with his own lexicon from non-existent words. Most of the information comes to the baby during the game. Therefore, now the main task of developing and raising a child should be play. Parents at this stage can teach their child a lot in game form.

Features of the age development of a child from 3 to 4 years old in the table

In addition to the fact that the baby changes in character, he continues to develop comprehensively at this age. What should a 3-4 year old child be able to do? In the table you can see the main achievements that a child can demonstrate at this age.

Mental development The child becomes aware of himself as an individual. The “I myself” period begins. He can observe objects or actions for a long time; he remembers best something that is interesting to him. Imagination and thinking develop - the child can play role-playing games, invent stories, fairy tales.
Physical development Object actions are well developed - can build stable structures from cubes and assemble large puzzles. Can hold a pencil. Handles the ball deftly and can throw it over his head. Jumps on one leg without support and climbs ladders.
Emotional development They are acutely aware of everything that happens around them and easily transform into their favorite fairy tale and cartoon characters. Therefore, some stories can plunge the baby into a state of stress. Knows how to empathize and feel sorry.
Sensory development Perceives information well both at the tactile level and at the level of hearing and vision. Knows and names colors (minimum 5). Able to distinguish sounds of nature (birds, insects, animals), music (cheerful - sad, loud - quiet).
Development of intelligence (memory, logical thinking, attention) Remembers 2-3 words out of 10 spoken and up to 5 objects out of 10 shown. Able to divide objects into groups: clothes, furniture, animals, insects, vegetables, fruits, etc. Able to find and explain inconsistencies in pictures (“find the differences” tasks). Can assemble a puzzle of 4-6 parts. Must be able to count to at least 5, know and identify the shapes of objects (circle, square, oval, triangle). Understands the meaning of expressions such as big - small, high - low, etc.
Speech development Vocabulary is 1200-2500 words. Can distinguish and use gender in speech (dad - he, mom - she). Correctly uses the pronouns “I” and “you”, correctly constructs sentences of 5-6 words. Describes objects and events that happened in the correct sequence. In response to incomprehensible events and phenomena, he asks the question “why?”
Socialization Feels the need to play with peers. There is a desire to play not nearby (in the same sandbox), but together with other children. An adult becomes not just a “teacher”, but a partner for joint games.
Skills Able to put on clothes without fasteners and shoes with Velcro. Eats independently, wipes himself with a napkin, and follows table manners. Knows and follows the rules of hygiene (wash hands, wash your face, brush your teeth). Collects toys and maintains order. Skillfully uses scissors and draws geometric figures, traces and colors pictures.

Children from 3 to 4 years old also have an increased ability to learn. This age becomes ideal for acquiring new skills and information. Therefore, by the age of 4, many children already know almost all the printed letters of the alphabet and write them. The same is true with numbers. Children, especially during play, can count to 10, divide objects into equal parts, understand time by electronic watch. During this period, you can offer your child activities with counting sticks or abacus.

In addition, children of this age can already demonstrate social skills, communicating with peers and trying to help adults. Therefore, you can offer the baby to make the bed, fold things, put away toys, wipe the dust, etc. Of course, the child will not do everything as well as you, but with pleasure.

What to do if a child is developmentally delayed?

Many parents believe that if a child lacks some of the skills required at this age, then he is behind in development. Specialists (psychologist, neurologist) will help resolve all doubts. But it is necessary to take into account that all children are different and the conditions in which they grew up until they were 3 years old are also different.

If adults have never told a child that a mosquito, a fly and a beetle are insects, then how can he know this? Therefore, when assessing your child’s abilities, consider your contribution to them.

But in no case should you let the development of a 3-4 year old child take its course. This is the age of active accumulation of knowledge about the world around us, people, development of skills and intellectual abilities. Therefore, it is important to guide the child and provide him with conditions for harmonious development.

How to develop a 3-4 year old child

Knowing the developmental characteristics of children 3-4 years old, the main tasks of the development and upbringing of the child should be based on the principle “Do no harm.” In order not to “break” the baby, but to help him survive a rather difficult stage of life, parents should listen to the recommendations below.

Treat your child with respect

Try to be understanding and patient with your baby’s feelings and his new beliefs. If you suppress the will of a child at this age, you can turn him into an infantile, dependent and passive person. Which will significantly complicate later life your child. If the situation allows and the child is not in danger, it is better to give in to the baby. Remember that you were little too and also tried to do a lot of ridiculous things in defiance of your parents.

Understand that a child’s stubbornness at this age is not an attempt to upset you, but just a call for adults to begin to take his opinion into account.

Try to feel your baby

Do not think that if a child walks, eats, drinks and talks on his own, he feels everything like an adult. Learn to take his fears and disappointments seriously. After all, even a wheel that falls off a toy car can become a tragedy of incredible proportions for your child. Do not suppress your child’s emotions, but try to switch them.

Provide your child with communication with peers

Sweet conversations with you or grandmas are wonderful. But at this age, the child needs more communication with other children. Therefore, if possible, send your baby to kindergarten. If for some reason this does not work, enroll him in a group for the active development of children or in some kind of drawing or modeling group.

Lead by example in your interactions with others

This advice may seem unimportant to many. But it is precisely how you treat the people around you and your family members that will shape your baby’s model of behavior with them. When Matvey’s mother complained that her son began to talk to her arrogantly and even brazenly, it turned out that this is exactly how she herself talks to her subordinates. And the child, who is often at her work, concluded that this is the right way to behave.

Exercise with him

All children's fun (obstacle running, long jumping, playing with a ball, etc.) should be on the child's daily “menu”. If funds allow, purchase gymnastics complex to the children's room. Praise your child when he climbs ladders, hangs from rings, and tries to climb a rope.

Developmental classes are required

Developmental activities - modeling, drawing, building with cubes - are required at 3-4 years of age. If you work and only have 1 hour a day to devote to your child, choose them.

Communicate with your child as much as possible

How more words your baby will hear, the wider his vocabulary will be. Read books with him, tell stories funny stories, hum songs. Do not forget that the child absorbs everything like a sponge, so watch what you and all members of your family say. After all, children often remember especially interesting words much faster, and use them not for their intended purpose, but when they feel like it. And if something like this happens, don’t rush to punish the baby, it’s better to start with yourself.

Speech development in a 3-4 year old child

I am often asked whether early development helps to raise geniuses. I answer: “No.” The only goal of early development is to give the child such an education that he has a deep mind and a healthy body, to make him intelligent and kind (Masaru Ibuka).

We, as responsible and conscious parents, do not want to miss anything in the development of our baby, and therefore we are interested in... This article will help you understand this issue. Subject development of a three year old child It is quite extensive, and a separate book could be written on it. Therefore, we will focus on the main important points and we will determine the main directions in which you should move while developing your child.

Let's turn for help to the famous teacher Maria Montessori, who has long defined and structured child development zones:

  • practical development,
  • sensory development,
  • mathematical development,
  • speech development (including the development of fine motor skills),
  • natural science development (including physical development, musical development, creative development, spiritual development).

This classification will help us understand the issue how to develop a child at 3 years old. These development zones are intertwined and influence each other.

Also, when thinking about your child’s development, ask yourself the following questions:

Who do I want my child to be in the future?

What qualities does my child need to be a productive person in society?

What important events await my child in the near future, and what preparation do they require? etc.

By asking these types of questions, you will determine for yourself the directions of movement in the child’s development: we determine the goal, select methods, plan, prepare and act.

Practical development of a three-year-old child

Target development of our three year old child in this zone - to teach him to be more adapted to practical life.

A three-year-old child must learn to take care of himself. This becomes especially obvious and relevant when a child begins to go to kindergarten, and here it is necessary to eat well and carefully with a spoon, wash your hands, fasten buttons, clean up after yourself, be friendly and generous, responsible, sense time, etc. Therefore, we must instill in the child these skills, both in special developmental activities and in everyday activities.

It is very good to involve the child in household chores as often as possible - this is both development and feasible assistance to the mother. Moreover, children really love to work with their hands and are capable of being quite good helpers at a fairly early age. early age.

Developmental activities for a three-year-old child will include various pouring, transfusion, lacing, sorting, role-playing games, tasks for studying and creativity, etc. Everything that develops movement, dexterity, etc. is very important. But remember that game aids should be comfortable for the child and suitable for him both in age and level of difficulty.

We had previously taught our child to communicate with peers, instilled in him the skills cultural behavior and principles of morality, but at this age this becomes even more relevant, since from the age of three the child’s need to communicate with peers especially increases. Children empathize and understand each other better, and play role-playing games together. But a very noisy company can overtire a child.

Examples of educational games for a three-year-old child in the zone practical development:

  1. Your own garden. Start a small garden with your child on the window, for example, plant onions in pots. Water it, take care of it, watch its growth. Mark the dates and times of watering and the degree of growth in a special table, which you hang next to the garden. Let your child wipe up the water with a cloth every time he spills it.
  2. We wash the dishes. Teach your child to wash dishes. If you are afraid, use plastic dishes. To begin, show your child how you do it yourself, from the process of washing dishes to cleaning. Then let your child try it himself. And you praise him and correctly guide him if he is not doing very well.
  3. Drawing with non-traditional materials. Diversify your drawing by using various techniques, for example, drawing with a pipette and a paper snowball. Let the child pick up paint with a pipette, and rain will suddenly start dripping in his clearing, which will then turn into a real downpour (we crumple the paper in the form of a snowball, then dip it in the paint and “stomp” on the paper, saying “that’s how heavy the rain came down”).

Sensory development

In this zone, we are engaged in the development and improvement of all 5 senses in our three-year-old child: sight, touch, taste, smell, hearing of the child - and his ability to control himself.

According to statics, on average, at three years old a child is able to remember 2 words out of 10 named by us and about 4 objects or their images out of 10-15. Remember that a child remembers better what made him feel good, bright and positive emotions. Names 4 primary colors correctly and knows some shades. It collects well a sequence of 4-6 objects, for example matryoshka dolls and inserts, as well as a pyramid. Can name large, medium and small, soft, hard, etc.

In developmental activities and in everyday life for a three-year-old child It is useful to try different foods, touch objects of different temperatures, smell smells, weigh with your hands and on scales various items, perform tasks with your eyes closed, perform various tasks, listen to live music, play with various sorters, feel, play games to identify colors, etc.

Examples of educational games for a three-year-old child in the sensory development zone:

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

Mathematical development

Sensory development is an important basis for mathematical development, since thanks to it we form in the child spatial, logical, abstract thinking, an idea of ​​the variety and properties of objects, teach him to think, develop imagination and fantasy.

In the mathematical zone child development 3 years old It is necessary to concentrate on developing numeracy skills and the concept of numbers. In learning mathematics, it is very important for a child to have an image of the quantity to which this or that number corresponds. Before starting to actively count and use numbers, the child must be saturated with images of a particular number, for example, that 3 can be three cows and 3 buns, 5 can be 5 cars and 5 hippos, etc. Then we move on to memorizing the names of the numbers. Remember, children think completely differently; what seems simpler to us is difficult for them. Don't rush in math, praise your child for his achievements.

Examples of educational games for a three-year-old child in the zone mathematical development:

  1. We play with counting sticks. Prepare counting sticks and small cards with numbers from 1 to 10 written on them. Place the first stick on the table and say “one”, then put the second one and say “two”, then count the sticks “one, two”. And so on until 10. After all the sticks have been laid out, place a card with a number written on it next to each stick. Name the numbers and recalculate. You can invite your favorite toy, let the bear count with you and ask the child if he understood everything, how many sticks are on the table, etc. You can distribute a certain number of sticks to your favorite toys (two for a bunny, two for a bear, two for a doll).
  2. We bake numbers. Bake regular cookies and number cookies with your child. Let your child help you make sausages and put them into number cookies. And after baking, study the numbers and sort the cookies according to the number, and also treat them to all family members and friends. Learn the concept of a lot, a little, more, less. You can also make long and narrow paths, high and low towers from cookies.
  3. Mathematical tales. Plan a math story for the evening. Make an ice lamp (freeze water in a ball for several hours, remove the ball from the freezer and stream hot water make a hole in it large enough for the candle, so that there is enough air for it to burn). Choose any fairy tale you like on the Internet (or from a book) or compose it yourself, and let mathematics become magic for your child.

Speech development

Characteristic for child development 3 years old, is a special interest in language and words. A child's active vocabulary can contain up to 1,500 words.

Very important for the development of speech is the honing of hand and finger movements, coordination between vision and hands, as well as the development of touch and hearing. Developmental activities can be aimed at development, include finger gymnastics, reading books, singing songs and memorizing rhymes, shadow theater and puppet theater, creativity, etc.

Examples of educational games for a three-year-old child in the speech development zone:

  1. Teams on cards. Make command cards large enough for the child to see from a distance of 1.5 meters (about 8*22 cm). Write commands on the cards: Stand Up, Sit Down, Jump, Dance, Raise Your Arms, Raise Your Leg, Sing, etc., about 20 words. Show your child the card, name the command, and let him follow it. Start with one-word commands. When your child learns to recognize commands, let him read and perform the actions himself.
  2. Sign creative works. Sign with your child all his creative works. You can use the “hand in hand” technique (the mother writes with the child’s pen) or the mother herself writes. For example, draw a car for dad with felt-tip pens, and cover its individual elements, such as wheels, windows and doors, with plasticine. Write on the drawing: “Machine”, “Drawn by Danya”. And give it to dad when he comes home from work.
  3. Finger gymnastics. Finger gymnastics can be done with specially selected rhymes, or with any that your baby likes.

Natural science development

Three year old child- this is, on the one hand, a small person, and on the other, an adult who longs to understand the world, wants to be independent, and plays a lot and in a variety of ways. He has become more patient and can be involved in one activity longer. And we, parents, are nearby and help him grow.

You should try to enrich the world of a three-year-old child with knowledge, images, and show him the world, its beauty and versatility, explain the processes occurring in it, teach it to live in it and live among people, instill in it aesthetic taste, etc. And all this in an interesting, understandable form for children - in the form of a game.

Natural science development is one of the broadest areas of child development, which includes physical development, musical development, creative development, spiritual development, etc.

Physical development. It is advisable that a three-year-old child has his own and various sports equipment (bicycle, scooter, roller skates, skates, skis, balls, skittles, etc.). You can take him to the pool and other sections. The child must be able to run, jump, leap, jump, climb, dismount, swing, etc.

Creation. Also, the child should have a corner for creativity and a place where he can be alone with himself, various toys for story-telling role playing games(figures of animals and people, sets of a doctor, hairdresser, craftsman, kitchen appliances, etc.), construction sets, cubes, globe, etc.

Spiritual world. From childhood, introduce your child to spiritual things: knowledge and understanding of the traditions of your people, moral values, reading children's spiritual books. Remember the question: “What do I want my child to grow up to be?” And he must have not only academic knowledge and a healthy body, but also a “full internal vessel.”

Examples of educational games for a three-year-old child in the natural science development zone:

  1. North Pole. Introduce your child to the North Pole, its inhabitants and features surrounding nature. Build the North Pole in an empty box or bowl, prepare the snow from starch and shaving foam (500 g of starch per 300 g of foam, add foam gradually and knead until the snow begins to form). Make glaciers, play with animal figures, use your imagination and explore the North Pole.
  2. Treasure search. Hide various glowing objects in a dark room (glow sticks, bracelets, special stickers for decoration (starry sky, for example)), and let the child go in search of them. Tell us in advance how many items you need to find. You can play races with him.
  3. Drawing with balls. Take glass balls (about 6 pieces), a baking sheet, gouache of different colors and thick paper. Drip some paint into the middle of the sheet and place a few balls there. Let your child tilt the baking sheet in different directions. They turn out very interesting pictures. Don't forget to put something on the floor.

We need to finish. You're probably a little tired already? Of course, we could continue to talk a lot about child development at 3 years old, but this would turn out to be a very, very long article. Therefore, visit our site often and you will find many with a three-year-old.

The main thing is to love the child unconditional love. And this will come in handy, because the crisis of three years has not been canceled!

You can see what happens to a child at the age of 3 in this video:

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How do you deal with your child's development at 3 years old? How did the 3 year crisis affect your studies? Share in the comments!

The three-year-old baby has successfully passed the toddler age and is now junior preschooler. It's completely independent small man, who has a strong personality, has his own opinion about many things and can show real intelligence and persistence in realizing his ideas. This is the time when parents no longer need to be nearby every minute to control their son or daughter. You just need to know what to do with a 3-year-old child at home and create the appropriate conditions for him. At this age, he can easily occupy himself while his mother is busy with her own affairs.

The main feature of a three-year-old baby is his increasing independence, but this should not frighten parents. If earlier he needed the help of adults, at three years old the child tries to do everything on his own, and you should not interfere with him in this. If you start to take care of your son or daughter, most likely they will grow up to be weak and insecure people. Therefore, to the best of our ability, it is necessary to encourage such a desire for self-expression, and not to crush it with the authority of a senior.

In addition, you can look at this with different eyes - by occasionally checking what the precious child is doing, dad and mom can allow themselves to rest or go about their business. The main thing is to guide the child in the right direction, to captivate him with something interesting.

The life of a three-year-old child still follows a certain schedule, and this should be so that he feels comfortable. Based on the fact that walking takes about four hours, most The child spends his day at home, where his main activity is games, through which he continues his cognitive activity.

Despite the fact that the three-year-old already confidently walks and even runs, he spends most of his time on the floor, where he can play role-playing games, cars, or do creative work. This is quite normal, and it is not at all necessary to force him to sit at the table or on the sofa in order for him to do his business there. It is important that he feels free, both physically and mentally.

Read more articles:

And you will have to pay more attention to his hobbies in order to offer something new and useful. It wouldn’t hurt to consider all types of games that can have a beneficial effect not only on the all-round development of the child, but also on his personality traits character.

According to the experience of parents, the most exciting activities for three-year-old children, this is:

  • drawing;
  • modeling;
  • applications;
  • assembly of construction sets, puzzles and mosaics;
  • story games against the backdrop of homemade scenery.

By providing your child with a room and some things, you can help the child create his own fairy-tale world, make him experience new unfamiliar feelings, develop his imagination and logic.

Of course, many adults are interested in what activities a three-year-old child needs and what games he can play on his own. After all, the baby is already beginning to observe his peers, learning to play by the rules, and role-playing games are increasingly becoming part of his life, at the same time he is also interested in building his own city from construction kit parts or creating picturesque canvases on paper.

Educational games at home: video

Playing together with a 3-year-old child at home

First of all, parents need to understand that play is necessary for a child - thus, he learns and involuntarily models real events, and independent play is needed to learn to cope with the difficulties that, of course, future life there will be, and you need to be able to deal with them. In this case, the games must be appropriate for the child’s age. What can you offer a three-year-old child?

Below we will look at options for keeping a three-year-old child occupied at home.

Home theater

All children love fairy tales and very often enjoy performing entire performances using various toys and even household items. You can support this topic and create your own home theater. You can also make characters with your own hands together with your child - sew dolls from colored scraps, cut them out of cardboard and paint them. Or opt for finger characters by sewing small figures that can be put on your finger. It will also be interesting for your child to make their own dolls out of cardboard and dress them up in paper clothes (how to make paper doll with clothes + templates for cutting, see).

In order for everything to look like on a real stage, you will have to make a curtain. For the plot, you can choose your child’s favorite fairy tale or come up with something yourself. For starters, two or more will be enough. three characters. The prepared performance is shown to the household or to dad.

Fashion show

Girls - future fashionistas - can be invited to play a fashion show. To do this, the mother will have to get a lot of different things - it is better to choose simpler ones, such as skirts, capes, interesting headdresses - the daughter will definitely find a use for them, and can flaunt them in front of the mirror for quite a long time. Some children play to such an extent that they are even ready to create their own unique outfits, and here you have to be careful not to use scissors.

Role-playing games

To entertain a three-year-old child, sometimes it is enough to offer him one of the role-playing games that he likes most, because children so often imitate adults. A girl can choose traditional mother-daughter games, playing Doctor, Hairdresser or Salesman. The boy will probably want to become an Astronaut, Builder or Superhero. Of course, this requires suitable props, and this should be taken care of in advance, knowing the inclinations of the baby.


An excellent option is a children's disco. Good, rhythmic music will help your child dance from the heart and have a lot of fun. It's good if other children come to visit. In the same way you can organize karaoke or even musical competition, in which adults and children will participate. You should definitely consider special rewards for children - small toy souvenirs or candy are quite suitable.

Modeling from plasticine

For little sculptors, a joint modeling. You need to buy a high-quality set of good plasticine with a large number of colors. You can show your child how to sculpt a simple figurine, a cat or a bunny; they usually start with the very simple figures– let your son or daughter make a round ball and make a pancake out of it; several lessons will definitely end with the creation of a children’s masterpiece, which must be displayed in the most prominent place.

Kinetic sand games

Games with kinetic sand (we wrote about how to make it yourself) can captivate a child for a long time while he builds sand castles and watches how it pours from hand to hand (see even more ideas for educational games with kinetic sand).

Application made of colored paper

Children aged 3 are very interested in creating crafts with their own hands. For example, you can create beautiful applications together from colored paper and cardboard. On our website you can see examples with step-by-step photo instructions: , .

Lessons based on educational books

Classes based on educational books with interesting tasks. There are a lot of such books on sale now, but we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the books in the “School of the 7 Dwarfs” series, the annual course of which can be downloaded for free for review. You choose the age of your baby and work on development every day.


An activity with a child can be not only entertaining, but also useful, and drawing is one of the favorite hobbies of three-year-old children. There are several types of drawing that are suitable for a son or daughter at this age:

  • prints of feet, hands and fingers cause positive emotions for all children, without exception (handmade finger paints are suitable for this);
  • adding details to my mother’s drawings: flowers for a vase, fruit for a basket, pipes for a house and much more;
  • coloring special books with scenes from cartoons or fairy tales.

New Year's crafts

If the time is approaching the New Year, and parents do not know what to do with a 3-year-old child at home, then you can’t think of a better way to decorate the apartment together with homemade garlands (read about how to make garlands from paper). Making such a decoration is not particularly difficult, but the baby will get real pleasure by participating in this important and exciting process. Adults will need to cut multi-colored strips in advance, and then join them with the baby, gluing them into rings. Some children by this age are already excellent at handling safety children's scissors and can help mom and dad with this.

also in winter time years can be done together, or.

What to do with a 3-year-old child at home while mom is busy: independent games for kids

Of course, we are not talking about getting rid of the child so that the adults can rest. The question is somewhat different. If a three-year-old child is so independent, why sometimes he doesn’t want to play on his own, without adult guidance. Probably, this will also have to be taught to him first, and so that he does not have the idea that he is a burden.

Considering that during this period of life he intensively develops an idea of real world, besides, he experiences an irresistible craving for any creative activity and his vocabulary is quite expanded, the most suitable for a child different games and classes. At the age of three, children are often enrolled in various developmental groups and lessons foreign languages, in sports sections and dancing. At home, you can also successfully engage with them in a playful way, and the most attractive activity for them can absorb them entirely, forcing them to be diligent and attentive.

Of course, first of all, these are various board (floor) games:


Construction sets are one of the most favorite toys for children of any age, and three-year-olds are no exception. Having instilled in the baby a love for this useful entertainment, fathers and mothers can be calm about the mental development of their children and about their leisure time, even without their own presence. In the first place, of course, is Lego; this game has no analogues, and even some adults are addicted to it.

For three-year-old girls, such series as Princess junior, Lego Friends are suitable, for boys - Ninjago, Magformers magnetic construction set, City. A domestic similar game, City of Masters, is no worse than the famous Lego, and is also designed for boys and girls. There are other interesting games in this category - Mega Bloks, Meccano or Connoisseur introducing young technicians with basic electronics.


Puzzles for three-year-old children are no less fascinating, for example, “My Farm”, “Who Lives Where” - 3D Puzzles, “Ludattica City”, “Larsen Dragons”, “Larsen Dinosaurs of the Jurassic Period”.


Mosaics are also indispensable for their benefits, as they contribute to the development of fine motor skills, artistic taste and perseverance. All kinds of collages and applications can be included in this category. In addition, the mosaic is not necessarily laid out according to a pattern, and the child can create it himself new pattern, feeling like a real creator. For three years use regular games with a field on legs, magnetic boards or a plane with holes for inserting chips.

Judging by the reviews of parents, these educational games are so beloved by children that they can actually leave parents unattended, at least for a while.

Learning letters

Of course, you can keep your baby busy with something else. Many boys and girls at the age of three are already keenly interested in letters and numbers (see how to teach letters with a three-year-old child while playing), so they can choose educational games with a mathematical focus, or buy a special musical alphabet, which the child will learn while playing . Accordingly, children who are interested in music purchase musical instruments or even CDs with musical works to listen to; their hearing can be developed by regular playing with a metallophone.

How to teach a three year old to play independently

But the question still remains open: what is needed for a child to play independently? It turns out that the answer is quite prosaic. There are some requirements that parents can quickly teach their child to do:

  • so that the child does not cling to his mother’s skirt every five minutes, and does not run to his father with every question, parents must give him enough of their time, care, and a real manifestation of affection and love, which even an older baby desperately needs;
  • Before expecting concentrated play and attention from a child, parents must make sure that he understands the rules and knows how to play;
  • if necessary, the adult should have the opportunity to contact the baby, because he may need help;
  • Dad and mom need to encourage the child’s desire to play independently, and this, first of all, is praise.

We must not forget that the play space of the son and daughter should be comfortable and specially equipped, in addition, children should feel, on the one hand, protected, and on the other, absolutely free.

The skills of spending time independently are very important; in the future, this model of behavior will make the child self-sufficient and ready for any life conflicts. The main thing is that all family members act according to these rules, and then the baby will not only learn to manage his desires, actions and time, but will also sincerely please his loved ones with successes and achievements.

3 more ideas for keeping a three-year-old child occupied: video

Understanding what to do with a 3-year-old child at home, the father and mother give the child the opportunity to overcome the necessary obstacles on his own, manage his emotions, and correctly structure his actions in any, sometimes difficult, life situations.

Speech is the main tool of communication that everyone healthy man uses it daily. It is not surprising that the lack of active speech in a child greatly worries parents.
“What if he is developmentally delayed? What if he never learns to speak?
If a child does not speak at the age of 3, certain measures must already be taken to solve this problem. Childhood from one to five years is the most flexible for the development and correction of speech; it is during this period that many speech therapy disorders can be corrected.

How speech develops

A newborn baby cannot speak; he learns this skill in the first years of life. This is how the baby adapts to the world around him. He begins to distinguish the speech of an adult, which can encourage or prohibit, and learns to verbally express his desires and thoughts. It is known that children who grew up in isolation from other people were subsequently unable to learn to speak coherently, despite the fact that the corresponding areas of the brain were fully formed.

Three periods can be distinguished in the development of speech:

Initial stage

The initial development of speech continues from birth until about one year of age. The child learns to understand the speech of adults and the meaning of various words, first tries to imitate individual sounds, starting with the simplest ones - vowels (humming). Then the sounds are formed into syllables (babble), then into words. By the age of one year, a child, on average, can already pronounce 5–10 words. At this point, the stage of passive speech development ends and the next one begins.

Formation of active speech

In the period from 1 to 3 years, vocabulary, both active and passive, grows sharply. At two years old, a child begins to use speech to communicate; he already puts together phrases of two or three words. At first, the baby pronounces many words incorrectly, but gradually the pronunciation becomes more clear. A child’s speech at 3 years old should be understandable to a stranger, and not just to close relatives.

Monologue speech

From three to five years, speech gradually becomes grammatically correct, sentences appear with which the child is already able to coherently talk about some event. Pronunciation becomes even better: the baby can understand which sounds he can’t make and tries to correct it.

Speech is a complex compound skill. For its development, the basis is important - correctly formed parts of the brain, on which the understanding of speech and the ability to speak depend (Broca's area). They mature at different times, so first the baby learns to distinguish speech, and then to speak. The first process is associated with the development of speech hearing (the ability to distinguish words), and the second is with the “training” of the articulatory apparatus.

Delayed speech development

Delays in speech development can be associated with delayed maturation of the corresponding areas of the brain, insufficient development of articulatory muscles, or sensory deficiencies. The last factor can be noticed already by the end of the first month of life. During this period, auditory concentration should arise - a specific reaction to the adult’s speech, special attention to it. Based on this process, speech discrimination is then formed. Lack of auditory concentration may be due to deafness or organic brain damage.

If a speech therapist diagnosed a child with “delayed speech development” at the age of 3, parents should not immediately perceive this fact as something terrible. This is simply a statement that the child’s vocabulary is less than normal; for some reason he is in no hurry to use speech for communication.

A delay is a delay, not a developmental disorder. For most children, this diagnosis is simply removed upon reaching 4–5 years of age, as they catch up with their peers.

Causes of speech delays

All reasons can be divided into two groups: internal and external.

Internal reasons

They are associated with brain dysfunction that occurs due to problems in intrauterine development (for example, Rhesus conflict, fetal hypoxia), due to difficult birth (asphyxia) or brain damage occurring after birth (concussion, increased intracranial pressure, etc.). d.). It could also be hearing impairment. When identifying speech pathologies, this cause must be excluded.

Physiological differences between the sexes matter. For the development of speech, neural connections between the hemispheres are important - in girls they form faster: they have a better developed corpus callosum, connecting the right and left hemispheres. At the same time, research by Australian scientists showed that high level testosterone in the mother's blood leads to a slowdown in the development of brain areas responsible for active speech. That is why speech disorders in boys are two to three times more common. However, with age, the differences disappear.

Not last place Heredity plays a role in the development of speech. If the parents started talking late, then the child may develop according to the same scenario.

External reasons

This group of reasons is associated with the characteristics of upbringing and the general situation in the family.

Overprotection leads to the child’s lack of need to say: why, if everything is given to him anyway?

Another reason for delayed speech development is pedagogical neglect, obvious or hidden. It happens that the family simply does not talk to the child and does not encourage him to do this. It is known that children develop through imitation and repetition of adults. Lack of attention and joint activities slows down the formation of communication skills. If adults include the baby in their conversation, asking questions and encouraging them to answer them, speech problems usually do not arise.

Another problem of our time is the replacement of live communication with electronic devices. Parents who constantly distract their child's attention with cartoons or computer games, impoverish his active experience. And a TV constantly playing in the room where the child is located creates information overload. In this case, the baby simply stops responding to human speech, which constantly “clogs” his hearing.

Stress and past illnesses can also cause a temporary delay in speech development at 3 years of age.

An example from practice: a mother and her 3-year-old daughter contacted a speech therapist. She complains that the child practically does not speak, although she fulfills requests and can show objects that she is asked about. In general, the girl is very shy and unsociable; she prefers to play alone and only with two or three familiar toys. When collecting information, it turned out that at the age of two, the girl was sent to live with her grandmother for six months, since her mother had a difficult birth and she was in the hospital for a long time with her second child, and her father worked as a shift worker. The family has been reunited for six months now, but the girl seems to have “forgotten” even the words she spoke at two years old. The stress of the move, coupled with the baby’s personality traits, led to the child simply withdrawing into himself.

What to do if the child does not speak

If your child is 3 years old, speaks poorly or is completely silent, the first thing to do is undergo a full medical examination. A neurologist will find out if the child has neurological disorders. An ENT specialist will check your hearing and examine your articulation apparatus. The psychologist will determine whether the child’s development corresponds to age standards. The speech therapist will conduct tests that will help assess the level of speech development.

If the reasons listed above are excluded, then everything is fine with the child, and he simply belongs to the category of “silent” children. Such kids can for a long time use only non-verbal methods of communication, and then immediately begin to speak in coherent sentences. Silent people have no problems understanding spoken speech, they fulfill all the requests of an adult and are actively interested in the world around them. How to teach such a baby to talk? It is enough to push him in the right direction, calling for dialogue with household members or children in development groups.

The role of parents in the development of a child’s speech cannot be underestimated, especially for mothers. Starting from the first days of life, the baby hears her voice, reacting to the words addressed to him. Direct emotional contact becomes the basis for further development.

There are two groups of parents who react incorrectly to their child’s speech problems.

  1. Mom and dad who are too worried that their baby is lagging behind others in speech development. They ask everyone the same question: “The child is 3 years old and doesn’t speak, what should I do?!” Although “doesn’t talk” most often means “doesn’t say what I need” or “doesn’t speak as well as his brother at the same age.” Parents begin to put pressure on the child, forcing: “Say!”, “Repeat!”, “Repeat again better!”. By doing this, they cause verbal negativism in the baby and, as a result, protest, expressed in silence.
  2. The second group are parents who deny that their child may have problems. They say to themselves: “But he is completely healthy, eats and sleeps well, and what he doesn’t say is like Einstein didn’t say until he was five, but he grew up and became famous.”

If you want your baby to speak on time, avoid these two extremes.

Methods for speech development in children

There is a technique developed by a teacher and psychologist O. E. Gribova. She wrote a book “What to do if your child does not speak”, which gives detailed recommendations to parents. According to O. E. Gribova, the main rule of any activity with a child is that it should give him pleasure and be perceived as a game.

An excellent guide for parents - a book E. Yanushko “Help the baby talk”, intended for classes with children under three years of age. It talks about the importance of emotional interaction and cooperation between a child and an adult, which allows children to be as interested as possible in simple exercises.

In the manual M. Koltsova and M. Ruzina “The child learns to speak. Finger play training" talks about the mechanisms of speech development. This will help the adult understand the essence of these processes and manage them. And the part dedicated to finger play training tells parents about the development of precise finger movements - fine motor skills.

Exercises and games to develop fine motor skills

Some parents do not understand the connection between the development of fine finger movements and speech. The connection here is the most direct - evolutionary. The human brain has progressed in two directions: the complication of manipulative actions with hands and the development of speech. It is these two factors that determined the progress of mankind. The speech motor area (responsible for the ability to pronounce words) and the projection of the hand are located nearby in the motor area of ​​the cerebral cortex. Therefore, any exercises to develop fine motor skills entail progress in speech development.

For the development of fine motor skills at 3 years old, any exercises that include manipulation of small parts and objects are suitable. It is important to engage with your baby for 5-10 minutes every day.

The baby should like any exercise. If he is not interested in what you offer him, find other activities.

Modeling from plasticine and drawing will be beneficial. Games with “live” and “kinetic” sand are very useful. This special kind sand made using polymer compounds that does not dry out. You can play with it at home: it does not crumble and does not get dirty.

You can organize games with small toys that need to be picked up with your fingers. Use Lego sets with small parts. Encourage buttoning/unbuttoning buttons on clothes and pouring grains (rice, peas, pearl barley). You can color beans or pasta different forms felt-tip pens. Your child may enjoy playing with small smooth stones, putting buttons in a box, or stringing beads on a thread.

In the evening you can arrange a shadow finger theater and show your child a fairy tale.

Olga, mother of Egor, 3.5 years old: “Egor, at 3 years old, spoke poorly, there was a “porridge” of sounds in his mouth. Nobody understood him, and he generally closed himself off. In addition to classes with a speech therapist, we played with small objects every evening. With my dad, they constantly collected construction sets, and with me they played with cereals. Penguins were made from white beans, drawing black “tailcoats” for them. I colored the rice with food coloring, and he poked around in it, looking for small kinder toys. Progress is obvious, strangers already understand Yegor.”

Massaging your hands will also help develop finger movements. It can be performed every evening before bed. To do this, stroke the baby's palm with your fingertips from top to bottom and in a circle, then move to the back side, doing the same. Fingers stroke from the nail down. After stroking, perform rubbing movements with your fingertips: in a circle, in a spiral. It is better to use baby cream.

In addition, many children who do not speak even at 3 years old enjoy playing finger games. It is not necessary to talk while playing, but actions performed with the fingers and hands contribute to the development of speech.

Games and communication

How to teach a child to talk at 3 years old? At this age you can do a lot, because the baby already walks, knows how and loves to manipulate different objects, play. All these skills can be used in communicating with him.

Encourage your child to engage in dialogue discreetly, asking questions casually, and never scold him if he doesn’t answer. Do not ask your child to repeat anything, but simply insert phrases at all routine moments that would suggest an answer. For example: “Let's get dressed. Please bring your trousers. What did you bring?". Ask alternative questions: “What should I pour you: milk or kefir?”

Create situations where your child needs to ask for something. Do not give him everything at the first gesture, but pretend that you do not understand what he is asking for. In games, ask your child to sing a lullaby to a doll or scold her for bad behavior. Praise your child for any spoken word and do not correct his mistakes yet.

Reading fairy tales and poems aloud Helps enrich the child's vocabulary. Use books with bright but simple illustrations. Drawing the child’s attention, name the objects depicted, tell what happens to them, what the characters do. Learn a few rhymes and, while pronouncing them, leave the child the opportunity to insert the last word in the line. This simple kindergarten method helps many children “get talking,” especially if the rhymes are funny and they really like them.

A child's vocabulary may be small due to lack of communication in the family . Always comment on all your actions, loudly and clearly name the objects that you show to the child. Always say all your actions out loud, tell your baby during a walk about what you see around. Try to speak emotionally, arousing interest in your words and attracting attention. It is important that the child has the opportunity to see the adult’s face, his articulation and facial expressions. Show him your favorite toy, then slowly, almost syllable by syllable, naming and showing parts of the body, tell him what he likes to do: “The bear likes to jump, wash himself, eat porridge,” immediately demonstrate these actions.

Articulation gymnastics gives good results , which allows you to train the muscles of the lips, palate, and tongue that are responsible for pronunciation. Occupation become interesting game for a child, since he can “make faces”, repeating the movements of an adult. For example, the “smile” exercise, when you need to keep a smile on your face with closed lips for a while. Or “proboscis” - stretching out the lips with a tube. The main thing is to devote at least 5-10 minutes a day to classes.

Corrective classes

In specialized kindergartens or groups, in addition to classes with a speech therapist, proven methods of speech development are offered. One of them is logorhythmics. It involves singing and reciting poetry to music, accompanied by hand movements. This complex technique solves many problems at once: it coordinates hand movements, phonemic perception and articulation. Logorhythmics develops a sense of rhythm, ear for music. It allows children to communicate with each other in a relaxed atmosphere, which helps kids open up.

In general, communication with peers is a powerful stimulating factor for speech development. The need to explain in words (unlike parents, who often understand without words), negotiate and resolve conflicts leads to rapid development verbal skills. Therefore, it is worth thinking about organizing an environment for your child to communicate, be it a group kindergarten or developmental activities.

Video on the topic