How to teach a child to draw in different techniques? Drawing with kids Learns to draw with a pencil step by step from the age of 8.

Preschoolers love to draw. At the age of 4-6 years, the child has already mastered the basic skills of handling a pencil, felt-tip pens, brushes and paints. How to teach a child aged 4, 5, 6 to draw simple but realistic drawings, what step-by-step schemes to use, what to stock up on for the child’s creative explorations, and how to teach him to create story-based pictures?

We will try to answer all questions.

The benefits of drawing for children

Many parents have heard about the benefits of drawing.

Drawing for children 4, 5, 6 years old helps:

  • stimulate fine motor skills;
  • develop speech;
  • correctly formulate thoughts and put them into sentences;
  • express yourself;
  • to assert oneself;
  • develop a creative approach;
  • develop attentiveness, perseverance, and hard work.

Among other things, drawing can:

  • give positive emotions;
  • strengthen memorization of material;
  • signal to parents about the child’s complexes and problems;
  • overcome the fear of starting work from scratch;
  • lay the foundations of aesthetic perception.

You can get a lot of benefits from drawing if you do it correctly. The main thing is not to overdo it and not discourage the child from wanting to draw anything at all.

What to buy a child for drawing

The key to good drawing lessons is proper preparation of the process. Children don’t like to wait, and if a creative impulse happens, you need to be 100% ready:

  • Paper. Take A3 sheets. Children aged 4-6 are just developing their eye and, carried away by drawing the head of the animal, forget to leave room for the body.
  • A simple pencil. Children use it to create basic outlines. Take the one marked HB, it does not crumble and is not too greasy.
  • Eraser. This is an indispensable thing for erasing unnecessary borders and lines. You can buy it, or you can make it exclusive using special plasticine. For one thing, remember classes in plasticine modeling, which is good for variety of activities.
  • Colored pencils and markers. The wider their palette, the happier the child.
  • Sharpener. Don't skimp, buy a good, professional one. This way the baby won’t be angry that she doesn’t sharpen, breaks the rod, etc., but will be happy to draw.
  • Wax crayons. They are good for painting over contours.
  • Paints. If the child is 4-5 years old, this is gouache. At 6 years old, you can give your child watercolors. These paints are transparent and vibrant, but require certain skills.
  • Brushes. Choose large (for the background), medium (for wide lines) and small (for drawing outlines). Select the diameter of the shaft to be the same as that of a writing pen - the child’s fingers will begin to prepare for writing letters and numbers.
  • Jar for water. You can use a regular glass or buy a special one.
  • Palette. Your child will definitely need to mix colors.
  • Colored crayons. Who knows, maybe inspiration will strike a child while out for a walk?
  • Soap and towel. No matter how neat a child is, if he works with paints, his arms will be covered up to his elbows, his cheeks, and his nose. Believe me.

When everything is purchased, pay close attention to the child’s creative corner:

  • Lighting. The place for drawing should be well lit - no one needs vision problems at such a young age.
  • Availability. The child must get all art supplies without getting up from the chair.
  • Practicality. Make sure that all surfaces are easy to clean and that the child is able to clean up after himself.

When everything is ready, you can start working!

How to teach a child to draw trees step by step

A tree is the simplest drawing that a child can be taught to draw even at 4 years old, using a step-by-step diagram as a basis. The baby is already familiar with the depiction of trees using straight lines and geometric shapes. Let's complicate the problem and add realism to the tree. Here's how we'll draw a deciduous tree:

  1. Draw a tubercle, a circle above it and connect the two objects with straight lines (this is the trunk).
  2. Draw a smile on the circle that goes through the top points of the straight lines. Draw branches to it.
  3. Make the edge of the crown uneven, highlight the places where the branches enter, draw the trunk and grass on the tubercle. The tree is ready!

Using the same principle - from simple schematic outlines to the desired contours - draw a spruce and birch tree, as shown in the following pictures.

Conveniently, the trunk and branches can be drawn with a pencil, and the child is free to create the crown as he wishes. Fingerprints, brush pressure, pencil strokes. In any case, the tree will turn out to be alive and real.

How to teach a child to draw animals step by step

For drawing animals with children 4-6 years old, use the same method. Draw the frame using geometric shapes and give it a shape.

Let's look at this point using the example of man's best friend - a dog:

  1. Draw a circle and an irregular oval - this is the head and body of the dog.
  2. Connect two roundnesses with smooth lines - this is the neck.
  3. Add a muzzle and tail.
  4. Draw the ear and paws.
  5. We paint over the ear, draw the nose, eyes and tongue, add the outline of the second pair of paws, erase unnecessary borders - the dog is ready to guard the yard!

The yard can be drawn around the dog later. Add a house, a booth, a fence - and the plot drawing is ready!

Using the dog principle, try to depict:

  • kitten;
  • duck;
  • horse;
  • pig.

If your child wants a running horse, simply lift the front of the body higher when drawing and “bend” the horse’s front legs at the knee, allowing the mane and tail to flutter in the wind.

How to teach a child to draw a person step by step

One of the first desires of a child is to draw a picture of mom, dad and himself. At first these are stick men, but this option will not suit a 4-year-old child, and an angular man ceases to seem like a good drawing already at 5 years old. And the child also wants a person to do something on paper.

Let's try to draw a boy about to play chess:

If a child is seriously interested in drawing people and what you offer him does not suit him due to disproportionateness, show the little artist the following diagram:

Here are the proportions of people of different ages; a child may be interested in this, and he will try to draw a real proportionate person. This information is relevant for children 6 years old.

Autumn landscape - step-by-step drawing for children

The easiest way for 4-5 year old children to paint is to create a landscape.

Let's take autumn - it is the most colorful:

  1. Don't force a 4 year old child to draw. If he doesn’t want to, replace drawing. Bored? Try to switch his attention to . For him, drawing can be a completed stage, and he realizes himself through other activities.
  2. If a child at 5-6 years old is completely interested, distract him from his favorite activity or introduce elements of such games into his gatherings with the album. The baby must develop harmoniously.
  3. Talk to your child about his drawings. A simple “wow, beautiful” is not enough. Ask what is happening in the picture, why everything is this way and not otherwise - the baby will appreciate your attention.
  4. Do not compare your child’s work with one example. The sun can be depicted in a hundred different ways. Don’t instill in your child a complex that he won’t succeed this way; encourage the individuality of his work.
  5. Keep your child's work. And he will be pleased, and in your old age you will have something to look at and remember.

Drawing for children - video

This video shows how to draw a person. They tell you how to calculate the proportions of a person.

This video shows a detailed lesson on painting with watercolors. It describes in detail how to prepare for such an event.

Drawing is a useful activity for children. By drawing, the child trains attention, memory and hand, and by talking about what he has drawn, he practices speech. For some children, drawing is a real outlet, their own world from which they cannot be torn away. Not all children become artists, but all children's drawings are masterpieces for their parents.

Does your baby draw a lot? What does your child like to draw most? If you have interesting ideas for children's drawings or experience on how to teach drawing to children 4-6 years old, share it with us in the comments!

Growing up, your baby learns to explore the world in new ways and learns a lot of interesting things. There are also improved opportunities for communicating your thoughts and observations. By learning how to teach a child to draw, you will help him with this.

Drawing techniques and methods

Children develop their first interest in fine arts quite early. At 2-3 years old, children begin to actively use improvised means to create pictures. During this period, it is important for parents to develop the child’s interest in drawing. This provides a number of advantages:

· the baby develops fine motor skills;

· learns to express one’s thoughts, observations, experiences;

· throws out accumulated grievances, negativity, fears;

· learns new colors, paints, textures;

· develops imagination and intelligence.

You can choose a specific teaching method at an art school, using the advice of teachers, or online, where the achievements of foreign and domestic experts are presented. It is important to take into account the capabilities, interests and desires of your son or daughter, and not fashion trends and trends.

How to teach a child to draw with pencil and paints?

Before starting classes, you need to prepare a place and supplies for work.

When choosing pencils, choose ones that are not very small so that your child can hold them comfortably in his hand. For kids, it is preferable to purchase thick triangular pencils (the thumb, index and middle fingers are naturally located on three sides); older children can already be offered thin hexagons.

As for color, it is better to take a set of 12 primary colors - this will be enough for both simple tasks and real masterpieces.

Many stores offer pencils with double-sided sharpening. It is better to refuse this option - it is difficult for small children to navigate colors, and for children it is not at all safe.

When buying pencils in opaque boxes, do not forget to buy a pencil case, otherwise they are easy to lose and break. You should not skimp on educational supplies; they must be of high quality and reliable.

If you have chosen paints for creativity, then also monitor their quality, shelf life and the presence of harmful substances in the composition. Preschoolers are most often recommended to use gouache, which has a dense texture and is inexpensive and safe to use. In addition, it can be easily washed off from any surfaces or the young artist’s hands.

Popular and fashionable among modern parents, finger paints are perfect for the youngest artists, as they develop motor skills and imagination.

When choosing finger paints, pay attention to their composition: apart from food coloring, water and salt, there should be no impurities.

Out of curiosity, a child may decide to taste the paints, so you must be sure that they are absolutely safe for the baby.

Don’t try to buy a large number of flowers - for the first time, a pack of 4 colors will be enough. And so that your child does not paint all the wallpaper and furniture, organize a space for creativity and buy whatman paper.

Before starting work, you should tell your child about the secrets of this type of art, offer to try each type of instrument and choose for yourself what you like.

How to teach a child to draw a circle?

Drawing circles, triangles, squares and other geometric shapes is an important skill for a young child. With the help of these figures in the future you can create interesting compositions, favorite characters and animals.

And the instructions for creating a drawing of a turtle from a magazine will show how you can combine geometric shapes and lines to create a funny animal.

At the beginning, it is better to teach how to draw a circle and its friends step by step, cell by cell, so that the child remembers their location and shape, and then you can move on to a more complex level - unlined white sheets.

How to teach a child to draw a person?

In most cases, the child, having received a piece of paper and a pen, tries to portray those whom he sees every day - mom, dad, brother, doll or princess from his favorite cartoon. Drawing a person seems difficult even for an adult, let alone a child.

If we approach the process schematically and step by step, we will see that there is nothing complicated about it.

We divide the sheet into three parts: the head (small oval), body (rectangle) and legs. Schematically, we have a little man. We add hands and ears to him, work on the details of the portrait and get a pretty good image. While working on the face of a drawn doll, we tell the child about the proportions and location of each detail, thus studying the structure of our body.

How to teach a child to draw a house?

The ability to depict a house is very important for a little person. Psychologists say that such a structure symbolizes protection, safety and family comfort in the understanding of the baby.

First, tell us what shapes the house consists of, what sizes each part is and where they are located. Then proceed to a step-by-step drawing, cell by cell, to demonstrate all the nuances of the drawing. For convenience, advise your daughter or son to use pencils or felt-tip pens, because it is difficult to draw all the small details, as well as the room and furniture in it, with paints.

How to teach a child to draw a tree?

Trees, flowers, mushrooms and landscapes are the children’s favorite theme. Therefore, in class it is worthwhile to dwell on these subjects in more detail.

Step-by-step instructions from the magazine will help you draw a beautiful tree. Starting with drawing simple details and gradually increasing the complexity of the composition, your child will be able to develop their skills and create a beautiful drawing.

First, step by step, disassemble the tree into its component parts: crown, branches, trunk. Think about what geometric figure each object resembles (rose, mushroom, chamomile or bushes) and transfer your observations to a piece of paper. The trunk of a tree, for example, is a long rectangle, the branches are lines in different directions, and there will be foliage in the shape of a cloud around them. As you can see, this type of art is quite interesting if you give free rein to your imagination and imagination.

How to teach your child to draw a car?

The passion for vehicles is interesting for both girls and boys, so it is worth learning how to draw cars, airplanes and ships.

First, as usual, we will understand the proportions: circles, triangles and squares. The picture should have two circles (these are wheels) and rectangles of different sizes (the smaller one is the cabin, the larger one is the trunk and hood of our vehicle) as the basis of the car. If we need a truck, then we draw the cabin in the form of a square.

How to teach a child to draw a Christmas tree?

A beautiful and fluffy Christmas tree is a favorite of children, so very often they want to transfer it to a sheet of paper. To learn how to draw a forest beauty, you need to remember a few simple rules:

· the trunk of the Christmas tree is a long brown rectangle;

· schematic representation of branches - triangles that decrease in size towards the top;

· toys, decorations and pine cones are added in such quantity and form as our imagination allows.

A beautiful snowflake, bunny or Santa Claus can complement the winter landscape.

How to teach a child to draw animals?

Everyone knows that children love animals. No one will be surprised if your child asks you to draw a bunny, fox, bear, dog, cat, fish, horse, bird, elephant or cow.

Don’t let such a request scare you, because transferring these animals onto a sheet of paper is not at all difficult, the main thing is to understand the basic principles of depicting animals. Each drawing is based on an understanding of the proportions of the body and the main figures that demonstrate them.

For example, you can draw a kitten using several ovals of different sizes located next to each other: the head is a medium-sized figure, next to which there is a larger oval - the body. Four small ovals are the paws, and a long and thin oval is the tail. The child can depict the ears, nose, mustache and eyes at his own discretion, allowing his imagination to run wild. This also applies to the color of the animal - do not set any frames or restrictions, allow the child to express himself on paper by drawing domestic and wild animals (tiger, frog, elephant, butterfly or dinosaurs).

Today, with the help of a detailed step-by-step lesson, we will learn draw a child with a pencil. The article describes the stages of construction and the creation of a shadow. The portrait of a baby differs from an adult in its parameters. The eyes and cheeks will be more expressive, and the nose and lips less so. So, let's start drawing and find out how how to draw a child Right.

Tools and materials:

  1. White sheet of paper;
  2. Simple pencils (hard and soft);
  3. Eraser.

Stages of work:

Photo 1. At the first stage, use a simple pencil to sketch a rectangle without using a ruler. Making a drawing by hand:

Photo 2. Let's calculate the dimensions of our form. The height of the rectangle should fit one and a half times the width, which means one and half the height. If everything agrees in size, you can move on to the next point. But you should take the sizes responsibly, because if they are not calculated correctly, then the drawing will not turn out correct and beautiful. So let's double check:

Photo 3. We will use our rectangle as the basis for the face. Let's draw a slightly rounded upward line at the top. The right side will be lower than the left:

Photo 4. Using an eraser, remove the top horizontal line of the rectangle. We round the bottom corners:

Photo 5. Let's draw a similar curved line on top. Let's make serifs for the cheeks:

Photo 6. Now let's create the eyes. We retreat half a centimeter from the edge on the left and right and divide the segment into equal three parts. From the middle segment we lower two lines down, which will diverge slightly towards the bottom. Below we will define the chin and make it rounded. The nose will be located in the middle of the face, and from the nose to the chin we will make a notch for the mouth:

Photo 7. Add large oval eyes. Toward the edge they will be more pointed. Let's add holes on the nose. We can make the cheeks more “loose” and round them:

Photo 8. Add a header image. It will have a drawing of a bear cub and his ear on the right. The cap will show curves and small folds. Let's check the vertical line on the left. We slightly detail the lines of the collar of the sweaters. There will be several of them. Don't spend too much attention on clothes. The main task for a portrait is the face:

Photo 9. We determine the darkest places and shade them. Take the eyes, the openings of the nose, the lines of the mouth and the left background. We slightly outline the outlines of the face. It is worth remembering that a baby’s face is distinguished by its smooth lines. Draw the eyelids above the eyes with a thin line:

Photo 10. Let's determine the main direction and location of the shadow. The light will fall from the top right, which means the shadow will be located on the left. Let's grab the forehead, neck, left side of the nose, cheeks and chin:

Photo 11. Now using the shadow we create the shape of the face. It is important to remember that the direction of the strokes helps create volume. Add shadows around the eyes, forehead and nose. But you shouldn’t put too much shadow on your cheeks, because they stick out a little and receive a lot of light:

Photo 12. Add touches to the hat and ear. At the same time, we work on the facial features and the shadow on it:

Photo 13. We continue to work on volume. At this stage, we can lightly describe the clothes, identifying folds on them:

I am glad to welcome you to my blog again. Why are different methods for developing creative abilities in children so popular now? What do they give and how to teach a child to draw at 3 years old? How to teach a child to draw without pushing him? Let's talk about it? Then let's go!

Until the age of 3, my little one used a brush to paint sheets of paper the way he wanted. I chose mostly dark colors. By the way, don’t be alarmed if your baby prefers dark tones. Black color is the strongest of all, so it attracts the attention of children. Finger paints are a great place to start. When purchasing, be sure to look at the ingredients, this is important. I was guided by price and composition, fortunately I was familiar with the list of natural dyes. For initial training, you can use an unnecessary piece of wallpaper or whatman paper. Don't forget to cover the floor with oilcloth if you will be drawing on the floor. I pinned a piece of whatman paper to the wall, and we created in free form. The main thing is to arouse the baby’s interest. Some ideas from the Internet will help you come up with a plot for your drawing. Click on the picture for a detailed view

We draw the simplest designs with our fingers: a circle, a square, then a flower or a tree as many times as the child asks. Believe me, very little time will pass and he will repeat everything exactly after you, it will look very decent and beautiful. Moreover, drawing shapes and figures with your fingers is a kind of corrective activity; this is the best way to introduce your baby to shapes.

Let's move on

When the baby has mastered the basics with the help of paints, hand him a simple pencil with a soft lead. Your task is to teach how to hold a pencil correctly.

  • show him how to draw regular lines (long and short);
  • repeat what you have learned, try to draw simple geometric shapes together.

When my child mastered these skills on his own, we moved on to various aids, which, by the way, are very helpful to modern mothers. You can purchase ready-made magazines or find and print ready-made drawings from the Internet. My little one loved to connect straight and smooth lines with dots, and then see what happened in the end.

After a simple pencil comes the next stage - multi-colored felt-tip pens. I'll make a correction on my own. Take those that are easy to wash off with water (this information is written on the packaging). Children often like to draw where they shouldn't. You can save furniture and washable wallpaper if you notice the cave art in time. In the first 15-20 minutes, it is very easy to remove and wash off the bright felt-tip pen with a regular damp cloth (from the face, by the way, too).
We really like drawing with oil pastels - it doesn’t stain your hands, it’s easy for even the smallest to draw, and the drawings are no less bright than with a felt-tip pen. But there are different types of pastels, there are hard wax crayons and it will be difficult for kids to apply effort, and there are oil pencils, they are soft and do not need to be pressed.

Complex drawings

Complex drawings: a dog, a butterfly, were quite difficult for us. My child took failures hard if something didn’t work out for him. Therefore, again, I turned to professionals for help. Ready-made notebooks, albums with blanks. I really liked the methodology of the Eureka Research Institute

A notebook-simulator in which educational drawings of animals are presented step by step, step by step. In just a couple of weeks, my little one successfully mastered complex drawings. I began to simply depict about 50 animals. Don't believe me? Try it yourself. You will definitely like it. At first we sat together over a notebook, but then the baby began to show independent interest, and I had a free minute. Notepad on ozon

You can easily teach your baby to depict:

  • Sun;
  • person;
  • transport (using geometric shapes);
  • butterfly (one oval in the center and 2 circles on each side);
  • some animals that are easy to perform.

There is nothing better than colorful gouache. Draw together, learn together with your child.

Unusual techniques and drawings

Drawing and learning numbers

While studying the issue thoroughly, I came across interesting offers on the Internet. Drawing by numbers turned out to be quite feasible for 3-year-old children. We not only mastered the basics of mathematics, got acquainted with numbers, and taught them. But they (the numbers) were amusingly overgrown with whole stories.

  • from one you can make a ship;
  • a deuce easily turns into a swan or a duck (ours turned out to be a duck);
  • 3 or 8 can be transformed into a bunny;
  • A friendly snail emerged from the 9.

Everything is limited only by your imagination. Using numbers you can draw almost all animals on Earth. But to do this, you need to think in advance what each figure can turn into.

Drawing by points

The pictures are clickable, we printed them out and drew them:

A simple and at the same time useful way for your child to learn how to draw. The child draws lines connecting the dots. This is how he learns to control his hand in order to draw a straight line and prepare for writing in the future. Secondly, when the child draws along the lines, he remembers how to depict objects, what details need to be drawn in order to depict the object. That is, which lines are enough to get a duck, for example.

Painting by numbers

We connect the numbers in order. You can’t do without mom’s help if the baby doesn’t yet know the numbers. But this method should not be discarded. Suddenly the child will like it, and a big bonus from such drawing is the easy learning of numbers.

What should a 3 year old child be able to draw?

You probably know that upon admission to kindergarten, children can be tested by a psychologist and/or speech therapist. A drawing test, as a rule, is always included in the general list of questions. By this age, a child should be able to draw certain figures; this is a kind of indicator of the baby’s development. What should he be able to do, and if he can’t, 6be sure to teach him:

  1. Draw round objects.
  2. Draw clear straight lines: short and long (we learned by drawing grass, rain, a long road).
  3. Cross straight lines.
  4. Draw the simplest objects (a balloon, a cloud and rain from it, grass, a flower, a diagram of a man).

I repeat once again, he doesn’t know how, he doesn’t want to - learn in the game, the main thing is not to cause negative emotions, not to force, otherwise you can discourage interest for life

Another simple option is drawing with kitchen sponges; even 2-year-old kids will like this, and the drawing can turn out very impressive.

A little about the unwilling

If your baby doesn’t want to draw, and everything is fine with his development, leave the poor child alone for a while with developmental methods and his own complexes. True, not for long, a month is enough, try to arouse the baby’s interest in the game. Well, he doesn’t want to draw, it means it’s not interesting, it’s boring. This means you need to change your approach if you dreamed of raising an artist. In any case, there should be no negativity from mom or dad in the process, otherwise the desire may disappear for life.

People gifted with talent can paint beautiful pictures, but even small children can learn to draw. How to facilitate the acquisition of such skills in young children, and what should parents of children pay attention to during the educational process? Children aged 3-6 years simply love to draw, but the result obtained is not always clear. At what age can you start learning, what materials are needed for this, and what are the benefits for a child’s development from this type of creativity? We will answer all these questions in the review.

About the benefits of drawing for children 2-7 years old

The state of the emotional background, feelings in society and the inner world can be judged by children's drawings. Child psychologists, analyzing a child’s “masterpieces,” can create a picture of his spiritual, emotional and mental state.

A reflection of the influence of the surrounding world on the child as a whole can appear in a child’s drawing. In addition, the development of the cerebral hemispheres, small hand motor skills in parallel with the improvement of speech, memory, intelligence, discipline and perseverance.

Each child begins to join this activity at a different time. Some children first began to paint with finger paints at the age of 2, others with colored chalk on the asphalt from the age of 3, and still others even with their mother’s lipstick at 12 months. But no matter what the first experience of drawing is associated with, we can say with confidence that this will be a favorite pastime for a long period of childhood.

Teaching children to draw

Parents are required to take care of purchasing the necessary materials for creativity (paints, colored pencils, albums, felt-tip pens, easels, etc.). Of course, you can enroll your children in an art school or drawing courses, but this review will talk about what overwhelming help parents themselves can provide.

First drawing lesson

You can start teaching your child to draw with a picture of a flower. First, draw an oval, and inside it is a second oval, which will serve as the core. To make the petals beautiful and correctly shaped, it is recommended to use a ruler. The planes of the oval are divided by two perpendicular lines, and then several vectors are drawn that equally separate the right angles. Next, you should show your child how to connect two adjacent lines in a semicircle, thereby creating a petal.

It’s time to introduce the heir to the grater and remove unnecessary lines. In conclusion, the flower to be painted colored pencils or paints.

On the basis of an oval, you can similarly teach your child to draw a tulip, bell or daisy. The main thing is to remember the shape of the geometric figure and the sequence of its improvement.

You can teach boys to draw cars after familiarizing them with geometric shapes: rectangles and circles.

You can start depicting a truck using three parts:

  • wheels;
  • body;
  • cabins

A rectangle will do for the cabin, two circles will be needed for the wheels, and a larger rectangle will be needed for the body.

After receiving the schematic drawing, we begin to depict the details. During the drawing process, it is necessary to communicate with the child and draw his attention to various nuances. For example, a driver sits in the cab and controls the truck using a steering wheel and pedals. But the gas, clutch and brake pedals are not visible. To travel at night, you need headlights, which are best painted yellow or orange. It’s also worth paying attention little artist on the size of the body in which various objects and building materials can be transported.

It is not necessary to talk about all the details, otherwise the process will turn from an exciting one into a tedious lecture and will lose all the charm of creativity. Using the same principle, it is recommended to draw a passenger car, where a smaller one stands on a larger rectangle, and the role of the wheels is played by 4 circles, two of which will be incompletely visible. It is enough to bevel the corners on the upper rectangle to get the silhouette of a car. Here we can add that almost every country produces passenger cars, among which the fastest are sports cars. And in this spirit, you can significantly enrich your child’s knowledge about cars.

It is not difficult to teach little girls and boys to draw a house. This will require introducing them to three figures from the world of geometry: square, rectangle and triangle. Having drawn a square, they “build” the walls of the future house. Then using a triangle on the house the roof appears. The role of the window and door will be performed by rectangles. Next, all that remains is to decorate the house, add curtains to the windows, a handle to the door, a threshold and a doorbell.

This kind of homeschooling for young children can be an excellent basis for a more in-depth study of drawing. In the creative process, parents will be able to judge their child’s abilities and development. You shouldn’t give up coloring books that have been popular at all times. With their help, the child will learn to respect the boundaries of the drawing, not to go beyond the contours and see the entire drawing as a whole, coloring it step by step. A wide variety of such coloring pages can be found on the Internet for different ages. You can show an example and download the image you like for the parent and child, so that everyone is busy with their own drawing.

How to teach a child to draw? This question arises among parents when their children unsuccessfully try to portray something and become very upset because of failures. Children have the right to count on parental help; a loving father and mother can teach basic knowledge. It won't be easy at first. The baby will be embarrassed hold a pencil, its lines, devoid of smoothness and clarity, will hardly depict objects. But with each lesson the drawings will improve.

We teach children to paint with watercolors

Children simply love to paint. To begin with, it is recommended to paint with watercolors. An ordinary honey watercolor consisting of 12 colors will do. A landscape sheet or whatman paper is suitable as a basis for drawing. It is recommended to fix the paper on the board with pins and dilute three basic colors. Having armed your child with a brush, you need to show how to dip it in paint and apply a stroke on paper. Place a glass of water nearby to wash off the paint from the brush. Explain to your child that even if the drawing doesn’t work out right away, it can be corrected when the paint on the paper dries. Reveal to your child the secret of mixing basic colors to create new ones.

How to teach a 4 year old child to draw? By my own example. Start drawing the clouds and the sun, and then you can move on to more difficult subjects. For very young children, the finger drawing technique is suitable. To do this, you will need to prepare the place by carefully covering the table with oilcloth or newspapers so that the heir does not stain everything around. Next, apply paint to the baby’s fingers or palms and offer to make prints on a blank piece of whatman paper. Keep a bowl of water and paper towels on hand to clean your baby's hands in time for color changes.

To introduce children to paints, the method of painting with a sponge is suitable. This method can be mastered by a 3-year-old child. To do this, you will need to prepare paper, several fragments of a foam sponge, saucers for paint, gouache, a basin of warm water and paper towels.

This technique is also suitable for younger children.

The creative process looks like this:

  • prepare the desired colors of paint on a palette or saucer;
  • attach the paper to an easel or fix it on a table;
  • cut the dishwashing sponge into three parts;
  • moisten the paper with clean water;
  • Dip the sponge into the desired color of paint on the palette and apply the design onto the paper with jerky movements.

For kids it is worth choosing simple drawings, for example, depicting a rainbow. The main thing is that the parents are nearby and suggest the sequence of actions during the fascinating process.

It is no less fun to paint pictures using wax. To do this, you will need the same items as for painting with a sponge, but you will also need to take a wax candle and a brush.

Wax from a lit candle is dripped onto a dry sheet of paper. At this stage, the presence of parents is mandatory so that the child not injured from fire. It is recommended to form wax stains not randomly, but by weaving them into a pattern or words. After the wax has hardened, paint is applied to the paper using a brush. From the surface where wax is present, the paint will begin to roll off. You will really like the resulting drawing because of its originality, and you will want to repeat the creative process itself in the near future.

As you can see from the review, you can introduce your favorite child to drawing using various objects and methods. The main thing is that the child enjoys the time spent with parents or loved ones, and he acquires not only a general understanding of this exciting process, but was also pleased with the result.

How to teach a child to draw? To begin with, the parent himself needs to master or become familiar with a certain technique that will gradually allow him to achieve desired result. And there are many drawing techniques. We recommend trying each of them and determining which one suits your child best. And in the process of creative experiments, children and their parents will definitely not be bored.