Ivan Vyrypaev filmography biography. Ivan Vyrypaev: “I have two children and three wives

Ivan Aleksandrovich Vyrypaev. Born on August 3, 1974 in Irkutsk. Russian director, playwright, theater and film actor, screenwriter, producer, teacher, theater figure.

Father - Alexander Nikolaevich Vyrypaev, teacher at Irkutsk Pedagogical College No. 1, was awarded the “Patriot of Russia” commemorative medal.

Mother, Vera Timofeevna Vyrypaeva, died tragically.

In 1995, Ivan graduated from the Irkutsk Theater School.

In 1995-1996 - actor of the Magadan Theater, taught stage movement at the acting department of the Magadan State School of Arts.

In 1996-1998 - actor at the Drama and Comedy Theater in Kamchatka.

In 1998 he founded the Theater-Studio “Space of Play” in Irkutsk.

In the same 1998 he became a student at the Higher Theater School. Shchukin, studied by correspondence at the Drama Theater Director department.

In 1999 he received the Presidential Council Award.

In 1999-2001 - teacher of acting skills at the Irkutsk Theater School, on the course of Vyacheslav Kokorin.

In 2001 - participant of the Center for New Plays Theater.doc.

In 2004 - laureate of the Triumph youth award. He also became a laureate of the award. Volodin "Hope of Russian Drama".

In 2005, he created an agency for creative projects in the field of cinema, theater and literature “Movement Kislorod”.

In 2006, he was the art director of the Praktika theater. In 2013-2016, he also served as artistic director of the Praktika theater.

Theater productions by Ivan Vyrypaev:

"Yu" (Irkutsk);
“Dreams” (Irkutsk, Moscow);
"Macbeth" (Irkutsk);
“The city where I am” (Irkutsk);
“Explain” (School of Modern Play, Moscow);
"Dance of Delhi" (National Theatre, Warsaw);
“July” (Narodowy Theatre, Warsaw);
“Comedy” (theater “Practice”);
“Illusions” (theatre “Praktika”);
“Illusions” (National Theater in Krakow “Old Theater”);
“Marriage” (Study Theatre, Warsaw);
“Interview S-FBP 4408” (Bolshaya Dmitrovka, Moscow);
"Boris Godunov" (Bolshoi Theatre, Poznan);
“The Diary of Polina Zherebtsova” (Museum of the Uprising, Warsaw);
“Uncle Vanya” (Arnold Schiffman Polish Theatre, Warsaw).

Ivan Vyrypaev gained fame in Europe as a theater playwright, director, and author of a number of projects. His productions, as well as performances based on his plays, are performed in Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, England, France, and Canada. The play “Dreams” has been translated into English, French, German, Bulgarian, Polish, the play “Valentine’s Day” has been translated into German, the play “Oxygen” has been translated into a number of foreign languages.

Winner of the Second Prize at the International Festival of Contemporary Drama in Heidelberg, Germany, as part of the play “Oxygen”. Grand Prix of the international festival “Contact”, Torun (Poland).

He taught at GITIS, at the Moscow Art Theater School, and at the Warsaw Academy of Theater Arts.

In 2006, he made his debut as a film director with the melodrama Euphoria.

In 2009, he filmed his play “Oxygen.” The film consists of ten bright avant-garde musical and dramatic clips with variations in rap style on the theme of the Ten Commandments of God - a provocation of established canons, morals and laws. According to critics, Vyrypaev’s film can be regarded as a challenge to society.

Later, Vyrypaev’s films “Dance of Delhi” and “Salvation” became notable works.

Socio-political position of Ivan Vyrypaev

In the letter, Vyrypaev said that he would like to address “the details of Russian culture” and determine “what and who this government is.” “The current government openly inherits the power of the terrorist organization “Bolsheviks.” Monuments to Lenin stand in almost every city, his body lies on Red Square, not to mention the fact that even today busts and monuments to Stalin are erected. “The authorities also openly use the attributes of the terrorist organization “Bolsheviks”: banners, symbols, street names named after the leaders of the Red Terror, the music of the communist anthem (in other words) and so on,” Vyrypaev wrote. “I personally don’t believe in the path of violence. This will not lead to anything good. Therefore, our only weapon is the formation of public opinion. Raising the younger generation with different values. And the first thing we, cultural figures, intellectuals, progressive people of Russia can do is stop supporting this government,” he said. Vyrypaev called for “trying to reduce as much as possible” the president’s rating before the 2018 elections, as well as “his authority and the authority of this entire ruling ideology.”

Height of Ivan Vyrypaev: 174 centimeters.

Personal life of Ivan Vyrypaev:

Was married three times.

From his first marriage there is a son, Gennady (born 1994).

Second wife - Russian theater and film actress, singer of romances. They were married from 2003 to 2007.

The marriage gave birth to a son, Peter, in 2005.

The third wife is a Polish and Russian theater and film actress. We met in Kyiv at the Youth festival. Their romance began on the set of the film Oxygen. We got married in 2007.

In 2012, the couple had a daughter, Maya.

Ivan Vyrypaev and Karolina Grushka live in Poland and are vegetarians.

Filmography of Ivan Vyrypaev:

2002 - Diary of a Murderer - Ivan Azovsky
2006 - Bunker, or Scientists underground - Guidon
2006 - Boomer. Film two - homeless man in a cafe
2015 - Rescue - photographer

Directing works by Ivan Vyrypaev:

2006 - Euphoria
2009 - Oxygen (Kislorod)
2009 - Feel (film almanac “Short Circuit”)
2009 - Supergoper (animated film)
2012 - Delhi Dance

Scripts by Ivan Vyrypaev:

2002 - Money
2006 - Boomer. Film two
2006 - Bunker, or Scientists underground
2006 - Euphoria
2007 - Antonina turned around
2007 - The best time of the year (based on the play “Valentine’s Day”)
2009 - Oxygen (Kislorod)
2009 - Short Circuit
2010 - Pure Light
2012 - Delhi Dance
2015 - Salvation (Salvation / Zbawienie)

Producer works of Ivan Vyrypaev:

2010 - Pure Light

Bibliography of Ivan Vyrypaev:

2005 - 13 texts written in the fall

Plays by Ivan Vyrypaev:

1999 - “Dreams”
2000 - “The City Where I Am”
2001 - “Valentine’s Day”
2002 - “Oxygen”
2004 - “Genesis 2”
2006 - “July”
2008 - “Explain”
2009 - “Dance of Delhi”
2010 - “Comedy”
2011 - “Illusions”
2012 - “Summer wasps bite us even in November”
2012 - “Drunk”
2012 - “UFO”
2014 - “What I learned from the snake”
2015 - “Solar Line”
2016 - “Interview S-FBP 4408”

Awards and titles of Ivan Vyrypaev:

Winner of the Triumph youth prize 2004;
- Winner of the award named after. Volodin “The Hope of Russian Drama”;
- Second prize at the International Festival of Contemporary Drama in Heidelberg, (Germany);
- Grand Prix of the international festival Contact in Torun (Poland) (for the play “Oxygen”);
- Laureate of the New Drama festival (Moscow) (for the play “Oxygen”);
- Winner of the Golden Mask award (Moscow) (for the play “Oxygen”);
- Winner of the Kinotavr festival award in the best director category (for the film “Oxygen”);
- Prize of the Guild of Film Scholars and Film Critics of the Russian Federation “White Elephant”;
- Grand Prix of the New Drama festival in 2005 (for the play “Genesis 2”);
- Grand Prix of the New Drama Festival 2007 (for the play “July”);
- Nika Award in the “Discovery of the Year” category for the debut film “Euphoria”;
- Special diploma from the jury of the Kinotavr festival - “For a bright, expressive visual solution” (for the film “Euphoria”);
- Prize of the independent youth jury of the 63rd Venice International Film Festival “Golden Lion Cub” (for the film “Euphoria”);
- Best playwright in Germany 2009;
- Winner of the “Texture: Name” award 2010;
- The best performance of the XVIII “International Festival of the Arts of Pleasant and Unpleasant” in the city of Lodz (Poland);
- Main award for contribution to the development of the Passport “Politics” (Poland, 2012)

Ivan Vyrypaev is a director who achieved the greatest fame first abroad: he received a prize at the Venice Film Festival for the drama Euphoria, filmed in 2006. After this victory, his considerable merits as an actor, theater and film director and playwright in his native country were also remembered. In the Russian Federation, Vyrypaev made notable successes not only as a film director, but also as a screenwriter, producer and artistic director of the Praktika theater in Moscow until 2016.

It so happened that the famous director was married three times to the actresses he starred in and has two sons from his first marriages. His first wife was Svetlana Ivanova-Sergeeva, with whom Vyrypaev has a son, Gennady, born in 1994. In 2005, he had another son, Peter, from his marriage to Polina Agureeva.

Currently, his wife Vyrypaeva is the Polish actress Karolina Grushka, with whom they live in Poland. Carolina began her cinematic career back in her homeland, where she participated in TV programs and several films. At the age of 18, she was invited to star in the Russian film “Russian Revolt” based on Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter” for the role of Masha Mironova. Then there were more roles in Russia and Poland, foreign cinema and studies at the Warsaw Theater Academy. Zelverowicz, work in the troupe of the National Theater of Warsaw.

They met Vyrypaev at the Ukrainian film festival “Molodist” in 2007. At first, as Vyrypaev recalls, it “was a relationship between artists” who appreciated each other’s work, which grew into love. Having got married in 2007, this couple now does not separate for long. First, Carolina worked with her husband on the role of Sasha in his film “Oxygen”, then - a new film together - “Dance of Delhi”. In August 2012, the Vyrypaev-Grushko couple had a daughter. The principles of vegetarianism and moderation are strictly observed in their family.

Vyrypaev went to live in Warsaw, but sometimes returns to work in Russia. He has established close creative contacts in Poland and other European countries, where he also proved himself as a talented playwright. Grushka has successfully acted in both domestic and foreign films: in Russia and European countries. According to experts, she attracts directors and viewers not only with her excellent appearance and talent, but also as “the embodiment of absolute femininity on the screen,” following many Polish film stars.

Father - Alexander Nikolaevich Vyrypaev teaches at Irkutsk Pedagogical College No. 1, was awarded the “Patriot of Russia” medal.

Spouses and children:

From his first marriage, son Gennady

Second wife (2003-2007), theater actress Petra Fomenko, Polina Agureeva. Son Peter (b. 2005).

The third wife is Polish actress Karolina Gruszka.

In 1995, Ivan graduated from the Irkutsk Theater School, after graduation he worked for one season as an actor at the Magadan Theater, then for two seasons as an actor at the Drama and Comedy Theater in Kamchatka.

In 1998, Ivan Vyrypaev founded the Theater-Studio “Space of Play” in Irkutsk. In the same year, Ivan becomes a student at the Higher Theater School. Shchukin, studying part-time at the Drama Theater Director department.

In 1999-2001, Ivan Vyrypaev taught acting at the Irkutsk Theater School, on the course of Vyacheslav Kokorin.

Ivan Vyrypaev gained wide fame and popularity in Europe as a theater playwright, director, and author of original creative projects. His productions, as well as performances based on his plays, are successfully performed in Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, and England. The play “Dreams” has been translated into English, French, German, Bulgarian, Polish, the play “Valentine’s Day” has been translated into German, the play “Oxygen” has been translated into Polish, German, Bulgarian, Romanian, English, French.

Works in Moscow, lives in both Poland and Russia.


Attitude to Islam

Ivan Vyrypaev confesses his love for the Arab world and Islam: “We visited seven countries. I was impressed by Syria, Damascus in particular. In general, the Arab world is one of the most powerful revelations for me. I really love its culture, Islam, and somehow I try to study it. This is a source of inspiration for me."


  • 2006 - Euphoria
  • 2008 - Oxygen
  • 2009 - Short Circuit
  • 2006 - Boomer. Film two
  • 2006 - Bunker, or scientists underground
  • 2006 - Euphoria
  • 2007 - The best time of the year
  • 2008 - Oxygen
  • 2006 - Bunker, or scientists underground - Guidon
  • 2006 - Boomer. Film two


  • 1999 - “Dreams”
  • 2000 - “The City Where I Am”
  • 2001 - “Valentine’s Day”
  • 2002 - “Oxygen”
  • 2004 - “Genesis 2”
  • 2006 - “July”
  • 2008 - “Explain”


  • Vyrypaev I. 13 texts written in the fall. - M.: Time 2005. - 240 p. ISBN 5-9691-0082-X

Recognition and awards

  • Winner of the youth prize "Triumph" 2004
  • Winner of the award named after. Volodin “The Hope of Russian Drama”
  • Second prize at the International Festival of Contemporary Drama in Heidelberg, (Germany)
  • Grand Prix of the international festival Contact Torun (Poland) (for the play “Oxygen”)
  • Laureate of the New Drama festival (Moscow) (for the play “Oxygen”)
  • Winner of the Golden Mask Award (Moscow) (for the play Oxygen)
  • Grand Prix of the New Drama Festival 2005 (for the play Genesis 2)
  • Special diploma from the jury of the Kinotavr festival (for the film Euphoria)
  • Prize of the independent youth jury of the 63rd Venice International Film Festival “Golden Lion Cub” (for the film “Euphoria”)

Russian director, screenwriter, playwright, actor. One of the most prominent representatives of " New drama"in the modern Russian theater, owner of " Golden mask"and a prize at the Venice Film Festival.

Ivan Vyrypaev born August 3, 1974 in Irkutsk. After school, he entered the acting department of the Irkutsk Theater School. In 1995 he graduated from college and moved to Magadan to play on the stage of the Magadan Theater and teach stage movement at the Magadan State School of Arts. In 1996 Vyrypaev moved to Kamchatka, where he worked at the Drama and Comedy Theater. Two years later he returned to Irkutsk and opened a theater studio in his hometown " Game space", where in 1999 he staged a performance based on his first play called " Dreams", in 2000 - " The city where I am", in 2001 - " Valentine's Day».

In 1998 Vyrypaev entered the correspondence department of the directing department of the Shchukin School. Before 2001 Vyrypaev studied, staged plays and taught acting at the Irkutsk Theater School.

In 2001 Ivan Vyrypaev ended up in Moscow as director of the Center for a New Play " Theater.Doc" In 2002, the capital started talking about his performance “ Oxygen", based on his own play.

The debut on the Moscow theater stage was highly appreciated by critics: Vyrypaev received a prestigious award "Golden Mask" in the “Innovation” category.

In 2002 Vyrypaev As part of a team of authors, I received my first experience of working on a film script – for the series “ Money» Ivan Dykhovichny. The same year he made his acting debut. Vyrypaeva in the cinema, he starred in an episode of the film “ Diary of a Killer» director's colleagues Kirill Serebrennikov.

In 2004, Ivan Vyrypaev became a laureate of the youth prize "Triumph".

In 2005, the director began collaborating with the theater Practice", staged performances on its stage " Genesis #2" And " July».

In the same year, he opened an agency for creative projects " Movement Oxygen" to produce his own projects and published the book " 13 texts written in autumn"in the publishing house" Time».

In 2006 Vyrypaeva invited to write the script for " Bumera-2" and the science fiction series " Bunker, or Scientists underground" In the series, Ivan played one of the roles.

In 2006 he directed his first feature film " Euphoria».

The debut film brought Vyrypaev the Grand Prix at the International Film Festival in Warsaw, the Small Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival, the Nika Award, as well as a special jury prize at the Russian Kinotavr festival.

Despite the success Vyrypaev considers himself, first of all, a theater director. In 2008, he staged his new play “ Explain».

In 2009, his second film “ Oxygen"based on the play of the same name, shown with great success on the Moscow theater stage.

Vyrypaev received a prize for “Oxygen” "Kinotavr" for best director.

Also in 2009 Ivan Vyrypaev became one of the participants in the project " Short circuit", within the framework of which he filmed the short story " Feel" With Karolina Grushka starring.

In 2010 Ivan Vyrypaev made his third feature film entitled " pure light" The film takes place in the Tibetan Himalayas.

Ivan Vyrypaev about filming: “In my first place is the person who sits in the auditorium - in the theater and in the cinema. I choose three viewers for whom, it seems to me, this film is intended. For example, “Oxygen” is a film for a completely young person who has never seen the play “Oxygen”. This means that all my friends are immediately eliminated, because they cannot like this film a priori, they were fans of my performance. I have to edit for the person who is hearing the text for the first time. And he is young, he is 27 years old, he is looking for, such and such values ​​are important to him - this is how I roughly imagine him. I also “seat” some film critic in the hall who understands the modern film process.”

From his first marriage Vyrypaeva son is growing up Gena. The second time Ivan married a Moscow actress, star Workshop of Peter Fomenko» Polina Agureeva, she played the female lead in his film debut " Euphoria" From this marriage Vyrypaev has a son Peter. At the film festival in Warsaw, Where Vyrypaev received a prize for " Euphoria", he met a Polish actress Karolina Grushka. In 2007 they got married. Grushka became the star of his next two films.

Performances Ivan Vyrypaeva was seen by viewers in 20 countries, in particular in Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, and England. His plays " Dreams" And " Valentine's Day» have been translated into other languages.

Carolina Grushka about Ivan: “He has a very clear idea of ​​the story he wants to tell. He is open to everything that happens on the set, ready to respond to improvisation. At the same time, he is well prepared for filming. It seems to me that he enjoys his work. He knows what language to speak with an actor: his participation in theatrical productions shows.”


  • Pure Light (2010), screenwriter, director, producer
  • Short circuit. Feel (2009), screenwriter, director
  • Oxygen (2009), screenwriter, director
  • The Best Time of the Year (2007), screenwriter
  • Antonina turned around (2007), screenwriter
  • Euphoria (2006), screenwriter, director
  • Bunker, or Scientists Underground (TV series) (2006), screenwriter
  • Boomer: The Second Film (2006), screenwriter
  • Money (TV series) (2002), screenwriter

Ivan Vyrypaev was born on August 3, 1974 in Irkutsk. After school, he entered the acting department of the Irkutsk Theater School. In 1995, he graduated from college and moved to Magadan to play on the stage of the Magadan Theater and teach stage movement at the Magadan State School of Arts. In 1996, Vyrypaev moved to Kamchatka, where he worked at the Drama and Comedy Theater. Two years later he returned to Irkutsk and opened the theater-studio “Space of Play” in his hometown, where in 1999 he staged a play based on his first play called “Dreams”, in 2000 - “The City Where I Am”, in 2001- m – “Valentine’s Day”

In 1998, Vyrypaev entered the correspondence department of the directing department of the Shchukin School. Until 2001, Vyrypaev studied, staged plays and taught acting at the Irkutsk Theater School

In 2001, Ivan Vyrypaev found himself in Moscow as director of the Center for New Plays “Teatr.Doc”. In 2002, the capital started talking about his play “Oxygen”, based on his own play

The debut on the Moscow theater stage was highly appreciated by critics: Vyrypaev received the prestigious Golden Mask award in the Innovation category.

In 2002, Vyrypaev, as part of a team of authors, received his first experience working on a film script - for the series “Money” by Ivan Dykhovichny. In the same year, Vyrypaev made his acting debut in cinema; he starred in an episode of the film “The Diary of a Murderer” by fellow director Kirill Serebrennikov

In 2004, Ivan Vyrypaev became the winner of the Triumph youth award.

In 2005, the director began collaborating with the Praktika theater and staged the plays “Genesis No. 2” and “July” on its stage.

In the same year, he opened the creative projects agency “Movement Oxygen” to produce his own projects and published the book “13 Texts Written in the Autumn” at the Vremya publishing house. In 2006, Vyrypaev was invited to write a script for “Boomer-2” and the science fiction series “Bunker, or Scientists Underground.” In the series, Ivan played one of the roles

In 2006, he directed his first feature film, Euphoria.

The debut film brought Vyrypaev the Grand Prix at the International Film Festival in Warsaw, the Small Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival, the Nika Award, as well as a special jury prize at the Russian Kinotavr festival.

Despite his success, Vyrypaev considers himself, first of all, a theater director. In 2008, he staged his new play “Explain” in Moscow.

In 2009, his second film “Oxygen” was released, based on the play of the same name, which was shown with great success on the Moscow theater stage

Vyrypaev received the Kinotavr prize for best director for “Oxygen”

Also in 2009, Ivan Vyrypaev became one of the participants in the “Short Circuit” project, in which he filmed the short story “Feel” with Karolina Grushka in the title role

In 2010, Ivan Vyrypaev shot his third full-length film called “Pure Light”. The film takes place in the Tibetan Himalayas

Ivan Vyrypaev about filming: “In my first place is the person who sits in the auditorium - in the theater and in the cinema. I choose three viewers for whom, it seems to me, this film is intended. For example, “Oxygen” is a film for a completely young person who has never seen the play “Oxygen”. This means that all my friends are immediately eliminated, because they cannot like this film a priori, they were fans of my performance. I have to edit for the person who is hearing the text for the first time. And he is young, he is 27 years old, he is looking for, such and such values ​​are important to him - this is how I roughly imagine him. And I also “seat” some film critic in the hall who understands the modern film process.”