Practical tips for developing legs at home. Effective leg exercises at home

Video: how to properly pump your legs

How to pump your legs?

"Leg Day"

“Don’t skip leg day,” is a phrase often told to beginners. And for good reason. After all, everyone has probably observed when, despite a fairly developed torso and shoulder girdle, a person has disproportionately thin legs. We are, of course, talking primarily about the hamstrings and quadriceps. Skinny calves are not too noticeable, but they can also spoil your appearance to a large extent.

And, if in the autumn-winter period such a lag is not very noticeable, due to wearing trousers, then in the summer the picture is different. After all, it is powerful legs that distinguish a professional bodybuilder from an amateur who is more busy swaying his chest and biceps than the harmonious development of his entire body. And it is precisely because of weak legs that many bodybuilders never received the coveted titles.

But why is “leg day” so disliked by many athletes? Firstly, the fact is that the legs are precisely that area of ​​the human body that is extremely reluctant to respond to loads. This is especially true for the gluteal and calf muscles. It would seem that no matter how much effort you put in, they still don’t grow. This is, of course, not true. They are growing. Only much slower than, for example, the same biceps and chest.

Secondly, squats and deadlifts are among the most energy-consuming and difficult exercises in bodybuilding. Squats can bring an athlete to a semi-fainting or even fainting state - in the literal sense of the word. These include darkening of the eyes, increased blood pressure, and dizziness... In a word, they are extremely difficult for the body.
Naturally, a beginner begins to “evade” leg training in every possible way. And as a result, he gets the famous “chicken legs”.

Ways to train your legs

If you want to have truly developed legs, then it makes sense to adhere to the following rules.

For a beginner, two fundamental principles of training can be considered:

  • performing squats with free weights. Precisely with free people, and not in Smith’s car. After all, free weight squats affect literally every part of the body, in fact, not just the legs. They increase overall muscle mass, which is important in the first years of training. In addition, they increase stress resistance and endurance. It’s not for nothing that squats are included in the list of the so-called “base”;
  • deadlift . If squats are mainly needed to develop the quadriceps and buttocks, then the deadlift “breaks through” the hamstrings and gluteal muscles as well. The classic deadlift, just like squats, works to develop the entire body, also strengthens almost all muscles and promotes the growth of muscle mass. Deadlifts, along with squats, are included in the basic exercises in bodybuilding.

Weider's principles

  • principle of partial repetitions. It lies in the fact that at the very end of the approach, when the strength is already running out, several repetitions are performed at incomplete amplitude. This may require the help of a partner;
  • drop set: after performing an exercise with maximum weight, you need to reduce the working weight by about 20% and perform another set. And then reduce it by the same amount - and another;
  • choose a weight at which only 2-3 repetitions are possible. Complete these two repetitions, rest for 20-30 seconds, and perform another 2-3 repetitions. Then again a short rest - and another 1-2 repetitions.

Preload principle

It consists in the fact that after a good warm-up, a weight is taken that is significantly higher than a normal working one. The maximum possible number of repetitions is performed with it, and then the weight is reduced to the usual working weight. This will then allow you to perform a greater number of repetitions, since the body has already mobilized for enormous weights.

  • The so-called low bar squats train the legs very well. In this case, it is important to keep your back tilted at the lowest point of the movement and keep your head straight. The squat does not have to be deep: it is enough to squat until it is parallel to the floor.
  • The low position of the bar shifts the center of gravity, so that as a result, the back and lower back are largely excluded from the work. But it’s the legs that are loaded.
  • Romanian deadlift. The essence of the exercise is that the bar of the barbell is lowered only to the middle of the shin. This reduces the load on the lower back and specifically targets the hamstrings.
  • Leg extension in the simulator. A familiar exercise for developing leg triceps. Some love him undividedly, while others, on the contrary, consider him something frivolous. It is quite possible that both sides are making a mistake: keeping their feet parallel to each other. It would seem that this is a trifle. However, it significantly reduces the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • The feet should be kept apart in different directions if you want to draw the patellar muscle (the so-called “drop”). And vice versa - brought together - if you need to distribute the load on the outer part of the quadriceps.
  • Hack machine squats. An indispensable exercise if you want to pump up the front of the thigh in isolation. In this case, the feet should be placed narrower, approximately shoulder-width apart or even narrower. However, with such squats, all other muscles are turned off. Therefore, the hack trainer should not be used by beginners for whom it is important to obtain the overall volume of the leg.
  • Wall squats. Legs are spread wide, toes pointing in different directions. Squats should be performed with a weight plate at your chest, since, of course, you cannot press tightly against the wall with a barbell on your shoulders. The squat is not performed to its full amplitude, but only to a position as if the athlete was sitting on a chair. At the bottom point you need to linger for a couple of seconds - and then push yourself up with a powerful jerk. At first, you can squat without any weights at all, using your hands to help straighten your knees.

If an athlete has a back injury, he can do squats with dumbbells for a while. In this case, the arms with dumbbells should be kept lowered and parallel to the body and careful attention should be paid to ensure that the body is not tilted.

Working out at home is much easier than you might think. You can properly load the muscles of the lower body without exercise equipment, a stepper or squats with a barbell. From the article you will learn how to pump up a girl’s legs at home without additional equipment. All you need is your body weight, maybe a chair, and a little motivation to give your quads, hamstrings, inner thighs, glutes, and calves a good workout. And of course, this list of 13 no-equipment leg exercises that you can do anytime, anywhere.

Strong legs will definitely come in handy. Even if you're not training for a race or aiming for a specific athletic goal, having toned legs will literally take you far in life. Any activity from walking up the stairs to lifting a heavy basket of laundry is much easier if you have strength in your legs. Luckily, effective leg exercises don't have to be complicated. In fact, they don't even have to require a gym membership. There are many bodyweight leg exercises you can add to your workout routine to strengthen your muscles or achieve strength and endurance gains.

Bodyweight exercises are realistic and functional: they help tone the muscles we use in everyday life. For example, when we squat, we actually sit down on an imaginary chair, which helps us improve our posture while actually squatting on the chair. As we rise from a squat, we push through our heels and engage our core muscles, essentially creating great habits that carry over into our daily lives outside the gym.

Exercises for the leg muscles with body weight are also valuable because they allow you to learn the correct technique for certain exercises before adding weights. You should not grab weights until you can do simple lunges and squats without weights. Another advantage of bodyweight training is that it is always with you and absolutely free, so you can do these exercises anywhere and anytime! Are you interested in the best exercises that will help you easily pump up your legs for a girl working out outside the gym? With exercises that can literally be done in any environment, you'll definitely want to include them in your training program.

The exercises suggested below will help develop strength and easily pump up a girl’s legs without special equipment, while simultaneously preparing the body for more complex strength exercises with weights. Try them and feel your muscles.

1. Bodyweight Squat

  • Stand with your feet approximately shoulder-width apart and point your toes slightly apart, placing your body weight on your heels.
  • Lean your torso forward, push your pelvis back, and lower yourself into a squat. Bend your knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Push through your heels and straighten your body, returning to the starting position. Squeeze your glutes and tighten your core as you lift.

  • Start in a standing position with your feet approximately shoulder-width apart.
  • Step back with your left foot, landing on your toes and bending both knees to form a right angle.
  • Push through your right heel to return to a standing position. As you rise, draw your left knee toward your chest.
  • Repeat on the other leg.

3. Plie squat with calf raise

  • Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, toes apart, hands on your hips or in front at chest level.
  • Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • While remaining in the squat position, lift both heels off the floor and hold for two seconds.
  • Lower your heels to the floor.

4. Jump Squat

  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than your hips.
  • Lean forward, move your pelvis back, lower into a squat. Bend your knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Jump up as high as possible, straightening your legs. Help yourself with your arms, lowering them along your body, keep your back straight and lift your chest.
  • Land on soft knees. Immediately go into the next squat.

5. Running with high knees and touches

  • Stand facing a bench or box (or chair if there is no other option), with your hands on your waist or along your body.
  • Touch the bench with the toe of your left foot, then switch legs and touch it with the toe of your right foot, quickly switching legs.
  • Throughout the exercise, straighten your back and lift your chest.

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Take a big step to the right. Bend your right knee and push your pelvis back, keeping your left leg straight. Keep your chest lifted and your core engaged.
  • Repeat on the other leg.

7. Single leg calf raises

  • Raise your left knee to hip level, toes pointing forward, hands on your waist or behind your head (choose any position that helps you maintain balance).
  • Keep your core tight as you lift your right heel off the floor as high as possible and balance on your right toes.
  • Maintain this position for three seconds and lower your heel to the floor.
  • Repeat on the other side.

  • Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Step your right foot back diagonally behind your left leg and bend your knees, lowering into a lunge.
  • Push through your right heel to rise up. Return your right leg to the starting position.
  • Repeat with the other leg.

9. Pistol squats

  • Stand with your feet together.
  • Lift your left leg off the floor a couple of centimeters and stretch it forward, pulling your socks towards you.
  • Bend your right knee, lean your torso forward, and lower yourself into a squat while raising your left leg to hip height. Extend your arms forward for balance.
  • If you succeed, try to bend your knee to a right angle. (This is an extremely difficult exercise, don't be discouraged if you don't succeed the first time).
  • Push through your right heel, straightening your leg and returning to the starting position.
  • Repeat for the other leg.

  • Lie on your side with your legs straight and one on top of the other. Rest your body on your forearm (as shown in the photo) or lower your body completely onto the mat.
  • Slowly and in a controlled manner, lift your top leg toward the ceiling. Make sure that the movement is due to the work of the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, and not the lower back.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat on the other side.

11. Inner thigh raises

  • Lie on your side, legs extended and stacked on top of each other, torso lying on the floor or resting on your forearm.
  • Bend your top leg and cross it in front of your bottom leg so that your top foot is directly in front of your bottom knee.
  • Lift your bottom leg up in a slow, controlled motion. Keep your core motionless throughout the entire exercise.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat on the other side.

12. Glute bridge on one leg

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor.
  • Raise your right leg and straighten it up. Keep your thighs parallel to each other. Point your toe towards the ceiling.
  • Push your heel off the floor, lifting your hips by contracting your glutes. Try to create a straight diagonal line from shoulders to knee.
  • Stay in this position for one or two seconds and lower yourself to the floor.
  • Repeat the exercise with the other leg.

13. Inverted leg abductions to the inner thigh

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Lift your right leg up, bringing your thighs together so they touch each other, and straighten your right leg toward the ceiling.
  • Slowly lower your right leg out to the side to the right as far as possible, keeping your hips still and your lower back pressed firmly into the floor.
  • Return your leg to the starting position.
  • Repeat on the other leg.

Upgrade your workout routine with these 10 women's leg exercises. Work your thighs, glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves at home to get the sculpted legs and toned, strong lower body you've always wanted!

A set of home exercises for leg muscles for women

Instructions for performing the complex


Leg training for girls, whether in the gym or at home, should begin with dynamic warm-up exercises that will warm up the muscles and joints in order to protect themselves from injury and get the maximum results from exercise.

Set of exercises

Repeat this program three times, resting 60 seconds between sets.

  1. Running with high knees: 60 seconds. Raise your knees to waist level and then slowly lower onto your toes.
  2. : 30 seconds + 30 seconds. Shift your weight to your right foot, take a long step back with your left foot, and cross it behind your right leg. Bend your knees until your right thigh is parallel to the floor and return to the starting position. Make sure your toes point in the same direction as your knees.
  3. Leg raise lying on your side on the inner thigh: 30 seconds + 30 seconds. Lie on your side with your top leg crossed in front of your straight bottom leg. Pull the toes of your bottom foot toward you and lift your leg up and down for 30 seconds.
  4. Jack squats: 45 seconds. Jump, spread your feet apart, bend your knees and push your pelvis back. Push through your heels and jump back to the starting position.
  5. Bear Squats: 45 seconds. Get on all fours, straighten your legs and lift your pelvis up towards the ceiling. Return to the starting position and repeat.
  6. Bulgarian split squats: 30 seconds + 30 seconds. Place a step platform or bench behind you. Place your right foot on the step platform, bend your knees and lower your pelvis until your left thigh is parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position, repeat the exercise for 30 seconds and change legs.
  7. Skaters: 45 seconds. Lean forward, keeping your back straight, move your left foot back, and bring your left arm forward. Jump to the left and bring your right arm forward and your right foot back. Repeat for 45 seconds.
  8. Plie squats with calf raises: 45 seconds. Start by getting into a sumo squat position with your feet wide apart, toes pointed out, and thighs parallel to the floor. Lift your heels off the floor and squeeze your calf muscles. Lower your heels to the floor and repeat.
  9. Single leg glute bridge: 30 seconds + 30 seconds. Lie on your back with your arms at your side, knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Raise one leg and stretch your pelvis up as high as possible. Lower your pelvis, repeat for 30 seconds and change legs.
  10. Wall Squats: 45 seconds. Stand with your back against the wall with your knees bent and your thighs parallel to the floor. Hold this position for 45 seconds.

Slender and beautiful legs are the cherished dream of many girls. The time of emaciated top models is a thing of the past, and beautiful, elastic and toned female silhouettes are in fashion. Moreover, in the modern world, where the population suffers from physical inactivity, slender female legs, barely covered by a miniskirt, are a real feast for men’s eyes. In other words, the question of how to pump up your legs at home is more relevant than ever.

Regular exercises for the corresponding muscle groups will help improve the shape of your legs and make them attractive.

Today I will talk about five of the most effective and popular ones. Among other things, almost all exercises involve the gluteal muscles.

Standard squat

Place your feet parallel, slightly wider than your pelvis. Keep your back straight. You can put a bodybar on your shoulders or take a barbell with a light weight (depending on your level of training). At the very initial stage, you can do it without any additional weights at all. Squat slowly, making sure that your knees in the squat do not go forward beyond the level of your toes. We lower the pelvis to a right angle at the knee joint.

  • gluteus maximus muscle;
  • biceps femoris (muscle on the back of the thigh).

This exercise is a basic exercise for working the lower body and is rightfully considered one of the most effective. When answering the question of how to pump up your legs at home, the squat is the first thing that comes to mind for most trainers. The buttocks are also perfectly worked out.

Classic forward lunge

When performing lunges, both legs should be bent at the knee joint at an angle of 90 degrees. The working leg is the one in front. It is on this that we transfer the weight. We only support ourselves with the leg standing behind us, and do not hit our knee on the floor (there should be a couple of centimeters left to the floor.) We keep the body straight, the knee of the leg in front does not go beyond the line of the toe.

Classic lunges are one of the main exercises for beautiful legs.

In fact, any lunges in any direction are exercises for working the legs. The classic forward lunge is one of the main leg exercises.

  • quadriceps femoris muscle (quadriceps);
  • gluteus maximus muscle.

Hip extension to kneeling position

We take the emphasis while lying down. We place our hands on our forearms, our feet on our knees. When performing the exercise, the back is straight, there is no deflection in the lower back, and the abdominal muscles are tightened.

We raise the leg, bent at the knee, up to such a level until your thigh makes a straight line with the body, maybe a little higher. At the same time, the foot is contracted, as if you are “pressing” into the ceiling with your heel. The knee is bent at a right angle.

Be careful not to arch your back (this is the most common mistake). Gently lower your knee to the floor without impact. This exercise should be performed with a mat underneath. You can use additional weights on your legs.

Please note that you should not swing and throw your leg up by inertia. Perform the exercise slowly, feel the work of each muscle.

  • biceps femoris (muscle on the back of the thigh);
  • gluteus maximus muscle.

Hip adduction in side decubitus position

Lie on your side on the mat and rest on your lower forearm. Place the palm of your upper hand in front of you at stomach level. Your body will turn slightly upward. Bend your upper leg at the knee and rest it on the floor. The lower leg is straight, the foot is shortened, the inner surface of the foot is facing upward, we try to point the heel towards the ceiling.

In this position, lift your straight leg as high as you can without turning your foot toe up. You should feel tension on your inner thigh.

  • adductor muscle (muscle on the inner thigh).

This exercise is very important, since in everyday life the adductor muscles of the thigh are poorly used. And in order to create a harmonious program that answers the question of how to pump up a girl’s legs at home, it is necessary to give exercises to all the main muscles of the lower extremities. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you do not forget about the muscles of the inner thigh.

Half toe raise

This exercise will allow you to tighten your calves, making them more defined and beautiful.

In a standing position, rise onto your toes, lowering with your heels, without touching the floor. It is convenient to do this exercise by standing on some height - a step platform or a door threshold. Then the range of movements will be greater and, accordingly, the load on the calf muscles will be higher.

It is very convenient to perform half-toe lifting by standing on a step platform or any other “step”.

  • calf muscle.

So, these are the five basic exercises to pump up your legs at home. You can vary the number of sets and repetitions depending on your fitness level. After just a month of training, you will notice that the shape of your legs has begun to change and your dream of slender, toned legs is only a short distance away.

Pumping up your legs at home is a completely doable task, you just have to want it.

What exercises should the workout consist of? What should you pay attention to? How to pump up thin legs? You can bring your figure to ideal condition. You will look great and feel great.

For what reason do many people not pay enough attention to leg training? You can often see disproportionate figures in both men and women. A beautiful torso, abs, toned sides, an ideal waistline, shoulders and, for some reason, thin legs.

Let's look at a special exercise program for how to properly pump up your legs . By doing the exercises, you will see the results. Your legs will take shape, they will become strong and beautiful. You will appreciate the effectiveness of training for your legs and for the whole body as a whole.
Let's start a training program how to pump up skinny legs:

Squat with a barbell on your shoulders. Such exercises allow you to strengthen and build muscle mass.

Before starting a workout, you need to do a warm-up, warm up your muscles, and only then begin strength exercises. Do some unweighted squats to warm up.

It’s better to take a barbell without weight to start with. When performing the exercise, do not throw the barbell; such an action can lead to injury to the knee joints. Then the process of how to pump up thin legs will have to be postponed until the body recovers.

Let's get started. Feet should be shoulder width apart. Then, bending your back a little, do a squat. Squat all the way, do it deeply. The thigh portion of the leg should be approximately parallel to the floor. If you can squat lower, it will be even more effective. Perform the exercise rhythmically, which will give you the opportunity to pump up your leg muscles.

Gradually, the muscles in the legs will begin to increase and take on a beautiful shape. The exercise should be performed slowly and measuredly. Try to move your pelvis back. It should feel as if you and the barbell are about to sit on an invisible chair.

Number of squats – 4 sets of 8 repetitions. The muscles that work during the exercise are the thighs, buttocks, and additionally the biceps and quadriceps.

For this type of exercise you need a simulator.

You can pump up the back of your thighs. That part of the leg that usually receives the least amount of time and effort in training.

First, do a warm-up. Sit on the machine and start the exercise. For the program on how to pump up skinny legs, slowly, feeling each muscle, do twenty repetitions of leg curls on the machine. Then stop at the top of the climb. You should feel muscle tension. The muscles should feel warm, the muscles should burn. This will mean that you are doing the exercise correctly.

Let's work other parts of the muscles on the legs; for this we need to change the position of the foot. Point your feet so that your toes touch each other. Do twenty reps. You will feel how other muscles on the hips - the outer side of the thigh - begin to work and tense. Then place your feet in different directions and perform the same number of repetitions. In this case, the inner thigh will work.

The number of leg curls is three sets of twenty repetitions.
The muscles that are involved are the back, inner and outer thighs.

This exercise is also performed on a simulator, allowing you to pump up your legs efficiently.

Sit on the machine, place your feet, bend your knees slightly. Please note that the legs must be slightly bent to avoid injury to the joints. Without lifting your buttocks from the machine, lower the weight with your legs as low as possible. Warm up with light weights, repeat several times for several approaches. It is necessary to perform a full amplitude. Then add weight and perform leg pumping exercises with heavy weights.

Number of leg presses. 8-10 three sets with light weights and the same number of times with heavy weights.
The muscles involved in the exercise are quadriceps and glutes.

Lunges. For this exercise you will need a barbell or dumbbells.

This type of training is useful not only for pumping up your legs, but also for your arms and lower back.

Take the barbell, place it on your shoulders, and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a step forward with your left foot. The right foot should be practically in contact with the floor surface. Push off with your left foot and return to the original position. Do a similar squat, starting with your right leg.

Don't lift the barbell with too much weight. You will not be able to fully complete the exercises or perform all the necessary repetitions. The leg muscles will be too stressed. If you decide to lift heavy weights, you should have a spotter or power rack nearby.

The number of lunges with weight is twenty times, three approaches.
Working muscles: quadriceps and glutes.

Leg straightening on a machine (leg extension on a machine).

Slowly straighten your legs, hold in the upper position, the muscles should contract. You must control every position of your legs. In this case, you initially need to do repetitions with a heavy weight, and then move on to a light weight. You should feel tired when finished.
Number of leg straightenings: fifteen times three sets with heavy weight, then ten times three sets with light weight

You have become familiar with the five basic exercises on how to pump up your legs. By completing the entire workout, you will end up with beautiful, sculpted legs. The main thing is that during exercises you feel the working muscles, do it well. Follow the technique of performing this or that exercise. When working with heavy weights, be sure to take a partner with you - a belayer. Good luck to you!

The thought of training your quadriceps always sends a chill down your back, because real leg training is exhausting and exhausting. We will prove that swinging your legs can be fun!

Let's be honest: all guys want to know how to quickly pump up their legs so that their calves will be admired! However, having received the long-awaited knowledge, not everyone is in a hurry to do it. Sometimes you really want to skip leg exercises (squats and lunges) - if only because they require a lot of energy. But that's exactly the point. Real leg training is exhausting and exhausting. This is probably why many people avoid working on their legs, and pay all their attention to and. But leg training is the most important, because legs are the foundation of the body. And it is simply impossible to build a house without a reliable foundation. In addition, if the leg muscles grow, then other parts of the body also grow. If you are not serious about working with weights, it is better to move on to another article, for example, here we will talk about building powerful legs. This article will focus primarily on the quadriceps. Here we will tell you how quickly you can pump up your legs, and what training methods are best to use for this.

We are all different. Some people have genetically large hips and can exercise at partial strength and still have large legs. And someone will have to sweat while pumping up. After doing squats, you will feel like you were run over by a train. But often, despite all efforts, there is no significant growth. So what's the deal?

Want to pump up your legs quickly? Train to failure

Many people perform shoulder or chest sets to the point of exhaustion every workout, but cannot handle the same load on their legs. Why is this happening? - this is what will help you quickly pump up your legs. And yes, this applies to .

Before you pick it up and start squatting, you need to warm up well.


We recommend ellipse or at least 5-8 minutes. Work at a moderate pace, enough to work up a sweat. Immediately after this, spend 10 minutes stretching. Remember: you need to stretch not only your quadriceps, but also all the muscles in your legs and lower back. To complete your warm-up, do 2-3 sets of 20, 18, 15 repetitions of leg extensions on the machine. You shouldn’t push yourself; on the last set of the warm-up you should be fully prepared for hard work. Check: your back is pressed tightly against the backrest, your hips are pressed against the seat. And most importantly, additionally tighten your quadriceps. If you think that this is too much for warming up, don’t worry, it’s necessary. Now you are ready to begin leg pumping exercises.

Squat to pump up your legs quickly

Most people find squats difficult. This exercise only seems easy from the outside: just bend your legs, squat down, and then straighten up. But it's not that simple. Before moving on to heavy weights, start with lighter weights that provide enough resistance to get the hang of proper technique. For example, you will feel a weight of 60 kg, but at the same time it can be controlled.

Your goal isn't just to lift weights to quickly pump up your legs, it's important to focus on lifting through your hips. Once you are comfortable with the technique, you can think about scales. Correct execution is the key to muscle growth and quick pumping of the legs.

Hack squats and leg press

- another excellent exercise that perfectly loads the outer part and quickly pumps up the leg muscles to impressive sizes. If everything is done correctly, then the upper part will not be left without work. By changing the position of your feet, you can target all parts of the hip. Make sure you push the weight with your heels and not your toes. The entire emphasis of this exercise is on leg extension, and the power comes from straightening the knees rather than pushing through the hips. You will feel the difference.

Throughout the entire exercise, your back and hips should be pressed tightly against the machine. If you neglect this, you can pinch the sciatic nerve, which, most likely, you will never completely heal. When working on your quads, always focus on what you're doing. At the highest point, try to press your heels into the platform. However, don't overdo it.

The press is great for quickly and increasing the volume of your legs. But this doesn't mean you will become super strong. The whole point is in the technique: you need to lower the weight until the moment when the pelvis begins to lift away from the seat. The pelvis should not lift off, so complete the movement to this point. When pushing the weight up, try to do it with your heels as in. When doing this, always change the position of your legs. Push through your feet and never cross your arms to help your legs. If you cannot perform the exercise correctly with the selected weight, it is better to dampen your pride and take less weight. And when you get comfortable with the technique, you will be able to work with any, even huge, weights.

We pump up our legs with lunges and extensions in the simulator

Extensions are a useful exercise for the legs, both as a warm-up and for work during the main workout. Since this is a growth exercise, you must be extremely careful. It seems simple, but many athletes get burned by it. Straighten your entire leg from your quads to your calves. How you do this is another important question. Extension is carried out by tensioning the quadriceps, but also try to simultaneously pull your feet up. Make sure your back is firmly pressed into the seat and your hips are not lifting off.

Don't ignore lunges if you want to quickly build up your leg muscles. You will be surprised, but many people do this exercise incorrectly. When performed correctly, a clear line is drawn not only for the quadriceps, but also for the hamstrings, which is especially important for girls.

Protein, creatine, gainer, arginine, BCAA, amino acids will help speed up the process of gaining muscle mass. These supplements are specially designed for athletes and fitness-active people of different fitness levels. Such drugs are completely safe, and their effectiveness has already been proven.

Pumping your legs

Basic set

Extended set

Basic set

Basic set

Extended set

Dymatize | Dymatize BCAA 2200 ?

4 tablets, between meals.

The essential branched chain amino acids in Dymatize BCAA provide muscle cells with essential building blocks. The use of this supplement will help not only preserve and increase muscle tissue in the body, but also optimize the passage of a number of other metabolic processes.

Dymatize | L-carnitine xtreme ?

1-2 capsules daily, preferably during meals.

The fat burner from the world famous manufacturer Dymatize L-carnitine xtreme 60ct is a unique product, its main purpose is to utilize subcutaneous fat as quickly as possible.

Dymatize | ISO 100?

If necessary, you can add one serving before bedtime.

Dymatize Iso 100 728g – a protein mixture from the American manufacturer Dymatize, which contains 90% milk protein and whey isolate, supplies the athlete’s body with slow and fast proteins.

TwinLab | Men's Ultra Multi Daily ?

1 capsule each.

Twinlab Men's Ultra Multi Daily vitamin and mineral complex developed specifically for men contains the necessary set of nutrients and special matrices to improve prostate function, as well as antioxidants and tonic components.

Universal Nutrition | Ultra Whey Pro

1-2 measuring spoons are mixed with 200-250 grams of water or any other liquid.

Universal Nutrition | Amino 2250 ?

2 capsules before and after training.

Universal Nutrition Amino 2250 is a balanced amino acid complex that not only improves metabolism and promotes muscle growth, but also has a positive effect on the athlete’s body as a whole.

Universal Nutrition | Daily formula ?

One tablet immediately before meals (preferably before breakfast).

UN Daily Formula is a highly effective multivitamin and mineral complex that, in addition to the basic elements, contains a set of specially selected enzymes that promote the rapid absorption of essential nutrients.