What is a Cossack saved? What can the Spasovites do? Where was the royal army?


Explanatory note to the program for Cossack science classes

The relevance of this program lies in the fact that since ancient times the Cossacks were considered the most highly trained warriors. This preparation consisted not only of military traditions, but also in the upbringing and development from an early age of the physical, physiological, spiritual properties of a person, which were transmitted genetically in his family. Living in separate settlements allowed all worked out The properties of a Cossack - a person, given to them by GOD and helping them to survive in difficult conditions of peaceful and combat life - should not be lost, but passed on to their brothers. Young Cossacks were brought up by the wisdom, experience and patience of the old men. All today's Suvorov and cadet schools, all previously existing cadet and cadet schools Tsarist Russia, these are prototypes of the ancient education and formation of the Cossacks as the army of the king. Difference from today is that the upbringing of a Cossack began not at the age of 12 as it is today, but at the age of 7-8, when it is time to form the power structure of the future Cossack and develop the speed qualities of a warrior as much as possible. The warriors of the Russian princes were raised from the age of 15-16. Therefore, there was no comparison between them and the Cossacks.

Today, many qualities of the Cossack science of youth education have been lost. Even a word like hitching post many Cossacks today do not understand. Although the whole meaning of this word lies in it. And the hitching post was one of the main sports equipment for small Cossack children. The burdocks got used to it and the horse with wooden sabers, and the Chernobyl plant was cut down and the first gymnastic exercises performed.

Generalissimo, our invincible commander Suvorov Alexander Vasilyevich said:

“Cossacks are the eyes and ears of the army!”

This meant that the Cossacks were the most observant, decisive, fast, hardy, cunning and wise in military terms, kind and honest in humanity.

The basic principle of Cossack behavior, both in battle and in life, was -

“When you hit, think about GOD!”

Never, a Cossack, will he exchange OUR PRODOXIOUS FAITH for hypocrisy and deception.

The relevance of Cossack science lies in the fact that all its principles, all its rules, help the Cossack man to see God’s providence in the purpose of his life. The Cossack begins to know GOD not only through the authority of his elders, the very process of achieving new properties of the body proves that without prayer, without moral standing, the heights of this science cannot be achieved. He begins to see the truth of the world. He begins to understand the correctness of the life of the older generation, listens to the instructions of the old people, thereby saving the precious time of his life for righteous deeds. He begins to understand the meaning of life given to him by GOD. By learning the concepts of SPASA, one becomes a spiritual warrior. Therefore, under Tsarist Russia, only Cossacks were allowed to enter the TEMPLE OF GOD with weapons. It's strange that today all this is forgotten. A Cossack has no right to be weak. He is a warrior of the SPIRIT! He is a warrior of GOD! This is the relevance of the revival of our Cossack science in raising our children.

“For your friends, do not spare your life.”

“A Cossack is a Cossack’s brother and moreover...”

The goal of the revival of Cossack science is to strengthen the health of not only Cossack children, but should also be an opportunity for other people to improve their health and expand the capabilities of their body both physically and intellectually. The very principle of physical training is different from those available today. Its first basis is the gradualness of loads associated with age-related characteristics, which are selected so that the sick become healthy, and all the properties of the body develop frontally. The exercises themselves to develop new abilities of the Cossacks are also health-improving. They're in short term straighten children's posture, form a correct and beautiful gait, help distribute internal organs inside the body so that their physiological properties manifest themselves fully. The center of primary strength, during the physical formation of a Cossack, should not be the external muscles, but the lumbar part of the muscles of the spine. This makes the human torso mobile and flexible. The torso turns into a flywheel generator for any movement of the limbs. Only with the formation of this center does physical training begin to expand. Its second basis, but going simultaneously and in parallel, is the Cossack’s ability to think not squeezed inside his body, but to think with the whole space - the field that is created around by the body itself, especially when moving. This space is definitely always there. Today for our Russian science it is not mystical. The field does not depend on whether you know about it or not. These skills begin to be acquired by learning the motor basis of SPAS. The old Cossacks said:

“When LAVA is in battle, the feather grass in front of it lay twelve arshins forward.”

This is the power of unity that the Cossacks used to have, but today the Cossacks’ strength has diminished.

Today, our children, for the most part, are not physically developed, which will negatively affect their offspring in later life. The main meaning of COSSACK SPAOM classes is not in separate specific physical strengthening of the body, but in the comprehensive preparation of a child, from 7-8 years old to 17 years old inclusive. From the age of 17 to 21, the Cossack studied military applied skills in camps or on campaigns.

The complexity of training a young Cossack child lies in both specifically physical and at the same time intellectual preparation. This training includes special physical exercise with a full understanding of their vital necessity.

These exercises develop flexibility, dexterity in the child, increasing the speed of both purely physical actions and increasing the speed of thinking itself, with the simultaneous development of intellectual qualities such as attention and memory. This is necessary to make the only correct decision in a critical life situation with its implementation as quickly as possible. The correctness of a Cossack’s choice of actions is not only his preparation, not only his life experience, but a well-developed intuitive sense, which also early childhood develops in it special exercises. The meaning of which is that, finding yourself in extremely difficult situations, but brought up in prayer appeal to GOD he finds the most correct solution. Achieving these qualitative properties of a Cossack is developed not with some specially designed simulators, but with ordinary objects from the very way of life of a Cossack. This is the previously mentioned hitching post, a rope, balls of wool, a stick, a stone, a slingshot, a doll, a knife, a whip, a saber, a pike, and your own horse. The old mentor, studying with the Cossacks, selects introductory exercises for them in each subject and type of occupation. The old mentor’s explanations are carried out with the simultaneous concept different levels the same action. All of the listed subjects are associated with certain exercises that differ both in the approach to their execution and in our Cossack concepts. Explain their action simple description very difficult, since they carry an ambiguous meaning of their implementation. In particular, physical development, spatial orientation, intuitive field influence, and inertial-speed qualities of Cossack development are hidden in one exercise. The main goal of the classes is not to learn exercises, but to prepare and educate yourself. body to the development of certain properties. We have neither techniques as such, nor weight categories. You come out to fight - win! Take, for example, such a property as courage. It can be recklessness, which among the Cossacks is equated with cowardice and stupidity. Courage is a fully deliberate action of a Cossack. This is his humble everyday state, necessary to carry out his military work. Perhaps he will die, but how many will he save? In the old days, this quality of a Cossack was called by old mentors not courage, but calmness - silence of the mind. The time for the beginning of the formation of this concept in a Cossack child must necessarily be before 11-12 years of age. It is developed through certain exercises and games, where the Cossack makes sure that he is prepared and calm person Those who have a firm FAITH IN GOD manage to do more and faster in critical situations, both to help others and for themselves. The SPASM classes themselves, their results, that visible and conscious perspective further development Cossack, they say that man is a complex creature in himself, but he is led by GOD when, living in truth, he wants to comprehend more. This is confirmed by our ancient sayings.

“Cossacks don’t die, GOD takes them.”

When a Cossack dies, we say to each other:

“Did the Cossack fail to protect himself..?” those. I could, but I couldn’t save myself..?

The old mentor determines the entire approach to performing the exercise individually for the student, based on personal experience and knowledge about his parents, the entire history of the family and clan.

The main task of such education and formation of the Cossack personality is:

1 - maximum development good health for this person;

Example: in some royal instructions on cavalry dressage, the first pages contain a warning to hussars and dragoons: “do not repeat Cossack dressage techniques due to the danger to life, since Cossacks are trained from childhood”;

2 - development of combat thinking to the point of altered consciousness , with subsequent preparation of the Cossack for characteristic conduct of battle .

Example: evaluate and take as many actions as possible in the shortest possible period of time; This is all achieved through special exercises and training (those who talk about some fly-by-night drugs are simply lying;

In combat, fly agaric is used to relieve pain shock and improve blood clotting in large chopped wounds);

3 - development of three-dimensional thinking and very tenacious attention and solid memory:

Example: such development is provided by special simulators:

The first one, for preschoolers, develops three-dimensional thinking ,

Second simulator for children school age and develops adults attention and memory , which greatly facilitates the process of learning and perceiving a large amount of information;

4 - development intuitive properties in humans:

Example: from all the dominoes in an inverted position, determine the one given by the mentor; or determine where the enemy’s secret is hiding; or with eyes closed identify a target and hit it with a knife or small arms; or follow the road along which the enemy passed, although there are no obvious traces.

The principle of teaching our Cossack science is that if, according to age characteristics, a human Cossack cannot achieve the quality level of SPAS COSSACK, he must be firmly sure of what he is doing and that this is achievable. In the future, raising your children with confidence, develop them to the required level. There are no limits here. This is like a different evolution of human development!

The principles of using Cossack household items must also be clearly shown, since, for example, there are three principles for wrapping a whip around oneself. The first is the simplest - rotating the whips around yourself in different planes. Second, hit yourself with a whip, but at the same time learn to accept and soften the blows of a loaded slammer with your body. Third, don’t try, but hit yourself with whips as hard as possible and as quickly as possible all over your body, but at the same time dodge them. But before teaching this, it is necessary to prepare the Cossack child for such high-speed actions. Each item of Cossack belongings has its own characteristics in the process of teaching a Cossack science. Therefore, I repeat once again, you cannot learn from a sheet of paper, from what is written. A lot must be passed from hand to hand with a detailed explanation.

Today it can definitely be said that a saber can be given to a young Cossack only after mastering the correct work of evading two whips, which he himself twists around himself, and mastering the principle of the motor basis of SAVE COSSACK. This is done for his own safety. A checker is not a whip; it does not hit, but chops.

If a Cossack has achieved such dexterity and at the same time rotates a doll of at least 30 kg in his hands and around himself. Today there will be such a person, we will not win in all today's martial arts. But this is only half the way to a characteristic battle.

The criterion for successful training of students is their preparedness to move from one level of training to another. This is determined by dividing this training system into 4 levels.

1 - level, this is preparation for SPAS classes. (general physical preparation)

2 - level, speed-inertial control of your body in space. (the motor basis of SPASA) - he also begins to change the thinking of the Cossack in the sense of controlling the body in space.

3 - level, development of intuition, sensation and mastery of the space around the body. (the concept of the field around the human body, a firm understanding of the possibility of mastering this field) - aka, the beginning of MAROCKA - non-contact possession of the enemy.

4 - level, entering an altered state of consciousness. This level is divided into 3 -and sublevel, one of them is a characteristic battle. (battle practice, Cossack pateshki, double and triple acceleration, cauldron)

A very important aspect of this system of forming new human abilities is the complete absence of any psychomobilization, which is constantly and persistently present in all types of martial arts. Calling negative impact on the fragile psyche of children involved. Making them more aggressive and hot-tempered. This does not happen during SPASOM classes, because... the principle of beat, beat, beat is on last place. True, the blows in SPACE become so practiced that we no longer hit the paws. Because the one who holds the paw gets his palms beaten off.

It is more convenient to develop thematic planning based on information about age group and the approximate number of hours allocated for these classes. According to the old standards, one lesson lasts from 2.5 hours at the beginning, up to 4 hours, when the Cossacks get used to it or become older, and were held from 15:00 to 18-19:00. The number of workouts per week is from 2 to 3.

 16.02.2012 01:05

Writer Yuri Sergeev in 1995, in his novel “Princely Island”, first revealed the secret of “Cossack Savior”.

This fighting tradition, miraculously preserved to this day, has its roots in ancient times. Yuri Sergeev was not only able to find all the custodians of “Cossack Savior” in different corners Russia, but he himself mastered this art.

Where are you from? How did you become interested in literature?

— I was born on the Don in the village of Skurishinskaya. I never thought that I would become a writer. But, apparently, this is my fate. I think my grandmother Kalissa Semyonovna, born in 1881, played a decisive role in my future. Once, in her Cossack vessel with the image of the Emperor on the lid, I found the textbooks with which she went to parochial school in 1887-1888. I was so interested in this! I spent hours looking at pictures of Kozhemyaka, Ilya Muromets and other heroes. My grandmother explained the letters to me, and by the age of five I had already learned to read. By the fifth grade, on the stove with a kerosene lamp, I completely read two libraries - the village one and the school one. Grandma Kalisska gave me a push. She was an amazing storyteller, she knew so much different fairy tales and jokes that laid the foundation for the Russian language in me. Both “Stanovoy Ridge” and “Prince’s Island” were written in our Don language.

When did you first learn about Cossack Savior?

- In our village there was such a grandfather Buyan. If I knew what I would be doing now, I would not leave him. We were friends, I called him “young grandfather.” At the age of 86, Grandfather Buyan was hunting, in the winter he would wound a hare, take off his felt boots and, wearing boots, such long woolen socks, consider them barefoot, he would catch up with the wounded animal and catch it by the ears. He walked through all the White Sea canals after decossackization. And I remembered my grandfather more than once when writing the novel “Prince’s Island.” I have it written about “The Cossack Saved.” And then people who knew about this ancient, unique tradition of martial arts began to flock to me.

Last year I found 9 people who own Cossack Spas. It was incredible for me, because when I wrote the novel in 1995, everyone told me: “Why are you remembering this? All this has already been forgotten and died.” It turns out not. Traditions live on.

Do the keepers of the tradition live in one place, or are they scattered around the world?

- Everyone lives in different places- in the Rostov, Volgograd regions, Krasnodar region. These people are amazing. They live long, they live brightly. All herbalists. They have amazing healing abilities. Before the revolution in Cossack troops There was always one chiropractor in two hundred who treated all diseases. And my grandfathers taught me something. Amazingly, in “Cossack Savior” there is no bullshit, no black magic.

In this technique, everything is based on torsion fields, and our grandfathers owned torsion fields! For example, they can make any bottle of the “scorched” cognac “Napoleon” to taste. They can add lemon to vodka. And this is all done on a purely traditional basis.

Just last year I traveled 15 thousand kilometers in search of these grandfathers, and this year the same amount.

I went to the Nekrasov Cossacks on Trinity Sunday at their invitation to the Stavropol Territory. I went for the prayer I had been looking for for a long time and found it. Just five letters. If you gouge them out on your chest, the bullet won’t hit you. My good friend, who knows martial arts, trained special forces near Chelyabinsk for the first and second Chechen wars. Two and a half thousand people tattooed these letters on their chests, and not a single one died. That is, this sacred everything still works.

You also mention a special prayer in “Prince’s Island”...

“I have been looking for this prayer for a long time, and it is actually mentioned in “Prince’s Island.” The Cossack read it before the battle. I thought this was a big prayer. It turned out not quite so.

The Cossacks had a special ritual associated with this prayer. What was special about her?

“Before the battle, a hundred Cossacks rode opposite the enemy, never looking at their number. How many there are - a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, they never paid attention to this. The Cossacks drew their checkers, galloped in a circle, gradually increasing the pace, and read this prayer. And then, turning around, they went on the attack with lava. In the attack, they walked through the villages, the guy galloped behind, and two nephews walked in front, their task was only to move the pikes and checkers to the side, and the guy chopped to the saddle. He worked like a machine. Moreover, this ability to chop to the saddle, this lightness is achieved again through a special, prayerful state, as if the Archangel was handing over a special sword.

I was assigned to write a script last year about the Azov sitting. When I started collecting material, I got to one point and stopped because I realized that this was a novel. I didn't write the script. Maybe I'll pick it up later. But now I'm writing a novel.

Is the Azov sitting also somehow connected with the “Cossack Savior”?

— The Azov seat is 5,000 Cossacks and 800 Cossack women who stood up to defend the fortress. 260,000 Turks sailed against them on ships, and the steppe inhabitants also came. In total the enemy numbered 370,000.

The battle has begun. The Turks are fighting, they can’t take it. We tried everything. Imagine, the enemy had not yet taken the fortress, but lost 100,000 killed.

Where was the royal army?

— Very often in our history, from ancient to modern, it happened that rulers were “bought.” It turns out that the Russian Tsar was given a casket containing two and a half kilograms of cut diamonds from the Turkish Sultan. The condition is that the tsar does not help the Cossacks with gunpowder, weapons, or anything. And he didn't help. The Cossacks did everything themselves using their own enthusiasm. The Zaporozhye Cossacks took part in that battle, who applied a tradition called differently in different Cossack places, where “Cossack saved”, where “Cossack science”.

So, the Cossacks burned all the Turkish ships at night and the Turks no longer knew what to do next. And then a box comes from the Sultan to the commander of the Turkish troops, he opens it, and there is a silk cord - subject writing - “if you don’t win the battle, you will be hanged.” By the way, the Turkish military leaders who took part in the battle were executed upon their return.

On the penultimate day of the Azov sitting (by the way, I’ll call the novel “The Azov Standing,” otherwise it turns out that they sat there), the Turkish commander launched 20,000 men into the attack every two hours during daylight hours. And there are only three and a half thousand of us left. Imagine, every two hours there is a flow of 20,000. And they didn’t take it. Incredible!

And the next morning there are already such waves of Turkish corpses that it is impossible to fight. The Turks asked to let the funeral team through to remove the bodies of the dead Janissaries. The Cossacks gave permission; a break was needed. And when the Turks reached the last 20,000 dead tribesmen, they saw that the Janissaries were cut into pieces along with their horses. Upon their return, they told their army what they had seen.

The next morning, the Cossacks washed themselves and put on white shirts to go out to the last battle. We looked, but there were no Turks. The Janissaries took off at night and ran. It would seem, pray, rejoice that you won. However, the wounded Cossacks, tired of cutting down such an armada, caught up with the fleeing Turks near the Don and chopped up another 30,000 and drowned them in the river. Such is the valor, the ability to wield weapons, the strength of spirit...

There, by the way, there was an apparition of the Mother of God and Archangel Michael. At that time this was an outstanding feat. And I collected a lot of such cases about the valor of Russians. But Glavpur, under the command of Michaels, classified such massive feats of heroism. And only now is it starting to break through.

How was it possible to preserve “Cossack Spas” during the revolution? Then the Bolsheviks, as you know, tried to destroy all the centuries-old Russian traditions - religion, lifestyle?

“Under the Secular government, all this was eradicated, and even mentioning it was dangerous. In my homeland, in the village of Kumylzhinskaya, there was a Cossack Savior training center. It was closed. The Plastuns and the Zaporozhye Cossacks had such centers on the island of Khortitsa. And when the revolution happened, the Cossacks began to be destroyed. The Bolsheviks came to the villages and buried old people and women and children alive in pits. The Cossacks were at the front at that time. There is a known case when one old man from the village of Veshenskaya called the Reds marauders, they cut out his tongue, nailed him to the wall, and he was led around the village until he died. There were many such atrocities.

Those who owned the Cossack Spas were hiding on the Shemyakinsky Lakes. The civil war had already passed, and the GPU could not take them. They put a spell on the police officers with the help of prayer, and they walked around the village, but did not see anyone. Then the GPU took the families of Spasov’s Kharakternik members hostage and said: “Either you teach us, or we will shoot your families.” And then the Saviors came out. It’s interesting that they entered a state of prayer with Pushkin’s poems; some of them were so well-read. But the families were still destroyed along with the Spasovites. Thus, this system ended up in the GPU, then in the KGB, where it received the name “Golden Shield”.

How far back does “The Cossack Saved” go back through the centuries?

— One day, the Spasovites came to see Guseva, a student of our leading Sanskritologist. One of them saw sheets of paper written in Sanskrit on the table. He will shout at Guseva, a doctor of sciences: “Where did you get this from?” She was taken aback and replied: “So this is Sanskrit.” Spasovets continued: “What Sanskrit? This is our “Cossack science!” He was trained from the age of seven and taught all subjects in Sanskrit. He began to read in the presence of scientists and translated everything freely. That is, the traditions of “Cossack Savior” go very deep and far.

I believe that before the baptism in Kyiv we had a very strong Vedic tradition. In the book “Princely Island” I describe that in the Sergeyev Lavra, where the dome is now located, there was a center of the White gods. It was a very light religion; there were no human sacrifices.

It was difficult for many people to part with the ancient faith. But why did they accept Orthodoxy in Rus'? Because it overlapped one to one with the ancient faith. All new temples were built on old temples. But the worst thing happened during the split. I am sure that it was ideological sabotage when the persecution of Orthodoxy began. Solovetsky Monastery tsarist troops could not take 8 years. They are silent about this! And there was only one reason - to destroy our ancient religion and take the library, which, by the way, has not yet been found. Under Peter the Great, ancient books were collected and destroyed. It was necessary to cut off religion, the memory of the family. By the way, modern Orthodoxy has absorbed the mighty power of ancient births and prayers. And many owned them.

How is “Cossack Science” transmitted?

— What is “Cossack Spas”? Until recently, it was the Cossacks within the Cossacks. The Savior was passed down from grandfather to grandson, that is, through a generation. To transfer knowledge to children, they chose those whose thoughts worked faster than their peers. It was these guys who began to be taught. The teaching was very tough and interesting. One of the guardians of the Cossack Savior told me that when he was 7 years old, his grandfather took him outside the village, and he hid something under a scarf. Coming out to the edge of the forest, the grandfather unfolded the scarf, and there was a Cossack saber. Grandfather took it, entered a certain state and cut a birch tree, the size of a shaft, like a reed, diagonally. The boy understood that this was impossible. The grandfather cut out a stick about seventy centimeters and said to the boy: “Stop and be patient.” After which he began to hit the boy on the knees, shoulders, and head. Then he ordered the tongue to be pulled out and said: “Tongue, keep your word.” Then he touched his eyes, saying: “Eyes, be vigilant.” The boy cried in pain, and the old man said: “Now let’s see if this is your blade.” He handed the saber to the boy and said: “Drive the prophetic fire from your heart onto the blade.” And the boy succeeded, and the checker began to play. It turns out that when transmitting “Cossack Savior” you don’t even need to make any effort. You just need to enter this state.

In "Cossack Savior" the primary role is played by gender. Can you explain what role the past generations play in the lives of rescue fighters?

“Behind each person there is a huge number of generations, thousands, and maybe millions of people, and the connection with them is not interrupted. I used to be very good custom. Photographs of relatives were hung on the walls of houses, especially in villages. And through photographs, as some scientists claim, this connection is not lost. The birth connection and birth assistance is very effective. Grandfathers who keep the traditions of “Cossack Savior” took me to my family. I saw my grandmothers, grandfathers and thousands of other relatives. They stood in the warm river - grandmother Kalisska, grandfather Yegor, father, and everyone looked at me. As soon as I saw them, I immediately rushed towards them, splashes flew in different directions. And the grandfather who was leading me said that I should have calmly approached, talked to them and asked for help.

The power of the family is a great power. And this in no way contradicts the canons of Orthodoxy. I myself am an Orthodox man, I have a spiritual father, Abbot Ilya from Optina Hermitage. But I believe that we cannot throw away our ancient culture and ancient civilization. She was much stronger, cleaner than the current one. The Orthodox say: “This is paganism.” So how do we then differ from Comrade Lunacharsky, who said that the history of Russia begins in 1917? But I wonder who my ancestors were, how a Cossack could fight in the same Azov, where, by the way, Cossacks from my village participated.

“Cossack Spas” is, in fact, a superweapon, which in our society can become extremely dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands. Nowadays, many things that are beneficial to people are used to their detriment...

— The fundamentals of salvation are amazingly controlled by the Lord God. The basis of salvation lies in righteous anger. If you did something nasty - stole and the like, then the cutoff is serious.

Another principle is that if you go to protect your family and people, you can do whatever you want, without cultivating evil, of course. The Saviors don’t have any techniques, it’s improvisation. They have a man hit, and does not look back, because there is a corpse there. The rescue fighters had no liberalism or compassion for the enemy. If the enemy has crossed the border, then it is necessary to destroy him. And they beat their enemies with terrible force.

As far as I understand, the owner of “Cossack Spas” must have purity of spirit and thoughts. And this can only be a weapon of self-defense, but not an attack. If a person uses the save inappropriately, then the blow to him will be ten times greater. So?

“Moreover, the teacher of such a fool himself receives a backlash tenfold.” Therefore, the guys who train in rescue very selectively select people - according to spirit, according to gender, so that they are absolutely pure. Warn students about the consequences immediately. A lot of disciples who fell into pride died at a young age. One of them achieved the ability to materialize objects. But he died at 43. That is, they look and control from Above.

In the early 1970s, one master of martial arts, who at a young age reached such heights of skill that at his glance even a boulder could crumble him into sand, came to Greece, to the Athos monastery, to shame Orthodoxy and show that he was so powerful, and the Orthodox are so stupid. He went out with the monks to the seashore, and with his glance he scattered a boulder into the sand. Then the monk picked up a small pebble, crossed it and gave it to the master. The Almighty puffed up and puffed up, and as a result, the horned ones jumped out of him, who, as it turned out, did everything for him.

We must not cross a very fine line. Everyone who masters martial arts walks like a razor's edge. A step to the right, a step to the left, and blood may be shed.

It is impossible to hold competitions according to the Cossack Spas and the Russian style of Kadochnikov, because this is a military science, a military class.

Andrey Polyakov

Here is an article by a person who actually teaches Cossack Savior and it’s not just hand-to-hand combat...


I'm doing good
the man was walking right
Savior in charge of Good

“Cossack Spas” - what is it? Universal combat system? Possessing superhuman powers? Witchcraft and werewolf? What is this?
In my opinion, from the above issues, everyone has the right to life. Thanks to works of art that describe the “characterniks” (who own the Savior) Cossacks from society, a certain stereotype, where anyone who knows a certain prayer “Stos”, having quickly read it, can easily subjugate space, time and, in general, the laws of the universe.
I think this point of view is a bit embellished, as it should be in works of fiction.
Let's finally get to know “Spas” a little.
First of all, Spas really exists. A person who masters the principles of “Savior” is a good warrior, husband, father, doctor, teacher, builder, etc.
This is an image of Life.
This is finding your own Self.
But we will still look at this discipline from the point of view martial art. Yes, indeed, “Spas” is a highly effective combat system. Not sports. Not funny (non-contact). Namely, combat, used only in combat conditions, where you need to quickly, without expending your own physical effort, disable the enemy (that is, destroy (kill)). Not to hold out for three minutes in the ring or on the tatami, not to knock down or knock out an opponent, but rather to destroy. From this point of view, martial arts takes on a specific direction (applied), in other words, the skills of “Savior” were not used at Maslenitsa.
The human being is at the forefront. The study of anatomy, biomechanics, reflexology. Let the Easterners not be offended by me, where the behavior of animals, reptiles, insects, etc. is often studied.
For many years I have been giving my students the same example, which, in my opinion, dots all the i's - a TV master must know what a TV is made of and how to repair it, and in hand-to-hand combat, a person, that is, a master, has case ( unusual situation), as a rule, with a person, therefore, must know the strengths and weaknesses of the human body and be able to influence it various techniques, taking into account the laws of nature, environmental influences and the characteristics of one’s own body.
As for the characteristics of the human body, we know that all people are not alike - one has developed more hands, the other has legs, etc., and if we take a combat situation, these could be wounds that simply disable any of the limbs. And even being, it would seem, hopeless situation, the “characterist” must fight and, moreover, be able to win.
This is probably why “Spas” cannot be popular. This discipline requires only an individual approach to learning.
The student must make his own, often difficult, choice - whether he should take this path, the path of the “characterist”, because once he has entered this path, there will be no return. And this is not intimidation - this is reality.
A reality that will take your breath away.
For example, at a certain stage of education, teachers change. The second teacher (he remains for life) comes from parallel world. I will say more that the student himself must be able to go to the second teacher. The desire to stay with the second teacher (“characterists” call him Father) is so great, the world where he lives is so beautiful that without the help of a real coach it is easy to break away from reality.
Try to imagine an oak or cedar forest, where the thickness of the tree reaches the size football field, where the flowers are 5 x 5 meters in size, and the smells and colors are amazing. All the greatness of these places makes even the most courageous and experienced warriors cry like children.
The ability to travel, both into your past and into the future, the ability to move around the terrain along certain corridors, subjugating time, working with several armed opponents blindfolded and much, much more, seemingly unrealistic, is confirmed in real training . This is not a fairy tale.
I made my choice thanks to my grandfather - a ancestral Cossack, Old Believer Ivan Ivanovich Dorofeev. I am very grateful to him for giving me this knowledge that helps me live.

Instructor of the Republic of Belarus "Cossack Spas"
Dorofeev Ivan Nikolaevich

Taken from the forum of writer Yuri Sergeev:

Message: Hello, Yuri Vasilievich! Andrey Boyarchenkov writes to you. At one time I wrote an article about the upbringing of a Cossack, and even tried to post it on the forum. Everyone seemed to like the content. I want to send it to you too. It might be suitable as subjects for new works. Sincerely, Cossack Boyarchenkov


I myself was not raised in the same way as will be described below. One could say it ten times softer. But I’ll share what I’ve gathered from various conversations with Cossack elders.
Each newborn Cossack or Cossack woman, in addition to his blood father and mother, had a godfather and godmother. The blood parents took care of the selection of godparents in advance. These did not have to be relatives (as is customary now). The godfather was selected by the father - he must be a reliable person (kunak, one-sum, brother-in-law, etc.) from whom there was something to learn. It was he who primarily shaped the spirit of the Cossack. And an important factor is that both the godfather and godmother must be able to participate in the upbringing of the child - live not far from the godson (goddaughter).
The godmother was looked for by the blood mother from among her friends (preferably at least a little older than her age).
If a Cossack was born into the family, then the main burden fell on the godfather - he made a warrior out of the Cossack. The main task of the godmother in this case was to form in the Cossack an attitude towards the Cossack girl as a wife, mother and mistress.
If a Cossack girl was born, then the main role was played by the godmother. She molded the girl into a Cossack woman, as a wife who knew how to wait, a patient mother and a kind housewife. Godfather in in this case formed in the Cossack woman an attitude towards the Cossack as a warrior-defender, as a husband, father and head of the family.

After birth. They were in no particular hurry to unswaddle the baby. Teaching him to move his arms and legs quickly was not an end in itself. The child must first see and understand an unknown object, and only then touch it, “take it by heart.”
Subsequently, the “saw-realized-did” process accelerated. This is exactly what a Cossack does in critical situation. And there is no panic and unnecessary movements, because first I appreciated it, and then I did it.

After the christening, a checker (dagger) or a bullet (formerly an arrow) was placed on the Cossack woman, which is called “on the tooth.” And they watched his reaction: if he starts playing with her, he will be a kind Cossack, but if he bursts into tears, there is something to think about.
Further, they always tried to surround the boy with exactly those things that were indispensable attributes of the life of the Cossacks.

In general, such “fortune telling” was carried out throughout the entire period of training and education of the Cossack. Nowadays these would be called “tests”. Therefore, among the Cossacks it was customary to do this: first, the Cossack woman was placed in certain conditions, then they looked at his reaction, identified his shortcomings and advantages, and only then began to correct him and develop the necessary skills and qualities.
With this approach, both the speed of thinking and an adequate reaction to a suddenly changed situation and the emergence of something new were developed. All this was constantly accelerating in time.
And there were a lot of such “fortune-telling tests”. There were generally accepted ones, and there were generic ones. Each family has its own.

When the Cossack child turned one year old, he was led to his first communion. This year, the Cossack boy experienced many things for the first time. For the first time, he was put on a horse alone, his father’s saber was put on him, his father took the horse by the bridle and led him around the yard.
And another ritual was performed in the year from birth. All the men of the clan gathered and took the boy to sacred place your village (or farm). Among the Donets it was called a “tract”, among the Black Sea people it was called a “round”. Actions were taken there that made it possible to transfer the power and knowledge of the family to a new generation on a spiritual level.

The first steps in training and education were taken in the family. The entire system, if you can call it that, was built precisely on the tribal and comradely principles of existence.

The entire process of development of the Cossack was built in a spiral. Each turn in it is a closed cycle, and it occupied a certain age period.
The next circle began with the same thing, but at a new qualitative level.
Each of these levels included physical, intellectual and moral (spiritual) development.
Depending on the age, one of these categories was dominant, and the others were, as it were, accompanying.
I know that physical development was basic from the age of 8 years (in some families from 7 years) to 12 years.
(Modern children probably need to add a couple of years. Compare: 200 years ago, a Cossack began military campaigns at the age of 16, but now young men and by the age of 20, not all are ready for trials).

Until he was 7-8 years old, the Cossack boy lived on female half kurenya
At this moment, education came from both the female part of the family and the male part. It was mainly based on visibility. And the main thing here is the personal example of the elders and the immersion of the boy in the appropriate environment.
And what exactly did the Cossack habitat include for a Cossack woman? On the wall in the kuren is my father's (or grandfather's) saber. Whips are at the door and in the hands of the Cossacks. Stripes, hats, caps on people close to the boy. Crosses and medals on the chest of a grandfather, father, uncle or godfather. Horses. Horses are everywhere, at home, on the street, with neighbors, in the steppe outside the village... And, naturally, questions: what is it and why is it (after all, the kid studies the world right from the Cossack environment, and not, as now, from the “Disney” environment).
And the elders’ answers to them: the stripe is a symbol of the Cossack, the saber is our Cossack weapon and symbol Cossack will, a horse is a friend and comrade of a Cossack, crosses and medals are a distinction for participation and exploits in military campaigns.
And also bedtime stories about how Cossacks defeat witches and utter monsters, and how they come out of this or that situation with honor.
And also the songs that Cossacks and Cossack women constantly sing. About the glory of the Cossacks, past campaigns, battles and heroes.
And also proverbs and sayings from the lips of elders. Village holidays, where Cossacks and Cossack women sing and dance - who is better. Competitions in fists, shooting, horse racing and horse riding, fencing.
All this is before the eyes of a young Cossack boy. All this forms in him involvement in this particular group of people. TO THEIR OWN.

During this period, men watched how the Cossack woman was formed. Women were less and less allowed to lisp at him: “Don’t spoil the Cossack, women!” If I hurt myself somewhere and cried, they taught me: “Don’t cry, you’re a Cossack, and a Cossack doesn’t cry!” And then the conviction gradually developed in the Cossack girl that what the elders sing about and what the elders say, that’s what they do, and commit the same actions. And it's all real. And he himself will do the same.
Apparently there is a certain image A Cossack, an ideal Cossack, on the basis of which the entire Cossack culture of life, and of course upbringing, was formed.
Among the Zaporozhye-Black Sea Cossacks it looks like Cossack Mamai. The Don Cossacks either did not have a name at all, or it did not survive. But the image exists.
A small philosophical digression:
If we try to intuitively compare the images of the First Zaporozhets and the First Donets, we will not see much difference. The differences can be traced only in the fact that Zaporozhets has a greater craving for Will (freedom) and more sadness in him. (The sadness is understandable - the dispersal of the Sich, many relocations from native land...). Yes, there is one more difference. Zaporozhets have a great desire for a friendly way of living. Donets - to family and clan.

Well, and, on top of everything else, playing outside with peers. The games have been established for centuries, and are naturally aimed at the development of Cossacks. Almost all of them took place under the supervision of village (farm) elders, who strictly monitored the behavior of each of the Cossack children. And in the event that someone behaved unworthily, the old people inspiredly instructed and corrected the negligent person.

From the age of 8, the Cossack girl was moved to the male half of the kuren. At this time, the ceremony was again held in the tract. From that time on, the Cossack boy learned to wield a whip.
In general, the whip is a very symbolic item for the Cossacks and very ancient. The legend of Yegor the Brave and even more ancient legends about snake fighters are connected with it. By the way, the Cossacks had never sorted things out with each other using their fists before. They say they were afraid to kill each other. But they often attacked each other with whips in the heat of argument.

From that time on, the Cossack woman began to be invited to “conversations.”

The main point in raising a Cossack in this period was the following: to teach him to cope with own fear in any of its manifestations. And, observing the reaction of the Cossack girl, the elders said: “Don’t be afraid, the Cossack is not afraid of anything!”, “Be patient, Cossack, you will be an ataman!”

There were many exercise games for the development of Cossacks. Exercises are naturally not in the form in which we understand them. These are more like test exercises. They identified the presence of one or another quality or skill among Cossacks. And the Cossacks did these test games, competing with each other (playing). And the Cossacks played these games almost their entire lives.

At the age of 12, the process of physical learning was basically completed. Precisely training, but not development. From the age of 12, the Cossack girl was taught to military weapons- saber (dagger).

I’ll tell you about Spas (the Cossack survival system) in the words of one of the Cossacks.
Cossacks are a tribal people with firm rules of behavior, both in the family and in society.
The beginning of the Cossack child’s entry into Spas began with his baptism. At this moment, his spiritual parents appeared - his godfather and godmother!
As he grew older, Spas's tasks became more complicated, but the main direction of the upbringing of a young Cossack or Cossack woman was not physical, but spiritual. Only through the concept of spirituality did young Cossacks return to physical development. Without prayer and the concepts of God, the life of the Cossacks, both before and now, was not possible.
In Spas itself there are no techniques as such, and there are no weight categories.
Proverb - “The Cossack is not the one who won, but the one who wriggled out - was saved!”
- Exactly I was saved!..
That is, “Spas”.
In Spas, when a person is already ready for the first level, there are only two fundamental actions combined into one:
1) very fast thinking to make the only correct decision;
2) very quick action to carry out the only correct decision, sometimes not even noticeable to the enemy.
Upon reaching the second and third levels of Spas, the young Cossack develops intuition. This sixth sense of a warrior is practically the most important thing. It helps the Cossack man both in worldly battle and in spiritual battle. He always distinguishes a scoundrel from honest man. The real fight is always fleeting, but the preparation for it is long. A prepared person wins it even before the fight!..
The first thing that is necessary in raising a non-Cossack younger generation, this is the development of the ability to manage one’s own fear. A person cannot overcome fear, since it is necessary to preserve his life. But fear can be controlled.
In this case, there is no psychomobilization.
The main criterion for a person involved in Spas is morality. At first this is not felt, but as the speed of thinking increases, this criterion is not easily felt. He begins to be present first in every training session, and then in a person’s life itself. A person begins to understand that he is a driven being in this system of the universe. That without dialogue with God he will not be able to enter other levels of the Savior if his moral image is low. Anyone who tries to use cunning here quickly becomes convinced of these warnings. These people begin to acquire, first minor, and then more and more serious injuries. Up to muscle rupture.
Some, having understood what is happening, begin a different life, where the Savior becomes one of the indicators of correct behavior. Others simply stop studying Spas. It becomes clear to them whose side they are on.

About the role of the father and the role of the godfather in education.
From 8 years old the main role belonged to the godfather. It was he who, by and large, taught the boy Cossack science. But the blood father was, as it were, the leader of this process. The godfather and bloodfather seemed to complement each other. The father could have been too soft towards his son. The godfather could be too harsh. Therefore, the father stopped the godfather when things could take a dangerous turn, and the godfather did not allow the father to feel sorry for his son.
An example of the process of learning to see a flying bullet:
- is carried out at a bend in the river, the shooter (godfather) is 80-100 steps from the Cossack with his son,
- there is a target 10-15 steps away from those watching the shot,
- at the father’s signal, the godfather fires a shot at the target, the Cossack boy must notice the flying bullet.

From 12 to 16 years old is another cycle in the upbringing of a Cossack. And again, it began and ended with rituals in the tract.
From the age of 12, Cossack girls began to be taken to circles (gatherings) and other socially significant events. Its main task is to watch and remember.

And at the age of 16, when the Cossack was ready, more than serious challenge– mainly it was a hunt for a predator (wolf, wild boar, etc.).
And after such upbringing and training, the result was a “seasoned Cossack”. True, there is one clarification: the “seasoned” Cossack appeared in the third generation. Naturally, if the first and second generations were carefully prepared and survived battles and battles.
And what such a Cossack could be like can be better described artistically:
“...The Austrians came out of the forest into the loose. About thirty people. The rifles are overweight. An officer with a drawn broadsword on horseback. In the clearing there is knee-deep grass, beginning to turn yellow from the sultry August sun. The Austrians moved fifty steps away from the edge of the forest.
Suddenly something incomprehensible happened. Something unusual, black and green in color, flew out from under the horse, knocked the officer out of the saddle, spun like a top over the fallen man, glinting either fangs or teeth, and crashed into the midst of the petrified soldiers. It was impossible to make out what it was, because this something was constantly moving and spinning like a loach in unimaginable planes.
The Austrians on the edge began to come to their senses and prepare to shoot, forgetting that this would not save their comrades, since the spinning mass was in the very center of the unit, leaving behind the broken and bloodied bodies of Austrian soldiers.
But suddenly another unclear silhouette rushed from the left flank. He rushed in front of those preparing to shoot so quickly that no one could catch his outline. And in general I couldn’t see anything else in this life, because the silhouette moved roaringly and snarling with fire.
Four soldiers were the luckiest. They, pushed by their fear, dropped their rifles in time, and now observed a terrible picture: in the center, one and a half dozen people with terrible stab wounds were lying side by side, as if after a tornado; another seven people lay lifeless on the side of the forest with gunshot wounds; and on the sides of the surviving four, two froze - the reason for everything that happened. Both were dressed in low black lambskin hats with a protective top, tunics and trousers of the same color, and boots the soldiers had never seen before with a woolen foot and a boot made of thin leather. One had two long daggers in his hands, the other had two revolvers.
And the faces of these unknown people... Their eyes - both of them bulging - did not express either anger or hatred. The soldiers read only one thing in them - that death had come, led by the Almighty himself.
After all this, probably no one could have found more obedient prisoners of war than these four on the entire Russian-German front...”

Of course, such upbringing was not in all Cossack families, and I suspect that by 1914 there were very few families where all this lived. But the older the family was, the more thorough and extensive the upbringing was. And the Cossacks themselves did not always go into the essence of this process - as they themselves were taught, so they teach. Ancestors bequeathed!

That's about all I can say on this issue. I tried to describe the general outline of a Cossack’s upbringing. The rest, as they say, is nuances. Anyone who has anything to add would be very welcome. Because the time has come to restore our Cossack culture bit by bit. And the first thing is to restore the culture of raising Cossacks. Because they are the future of the Cossacks. And what we put into them will come out later.
As one old Cossack said, “There are never too many Cossacks, but there are never enough!”


Recently a man who owns SPAS came to Anapa. Unfortunately for domestic reasons(friend's wedding) was unable to meet him in person. But the video materials (one demonstration performance in a city square and one training session) were given to me.

All this is there (non-contact combat - strikes at a distance), all this works, all this is TRUE.

P/S/ You can read about non-contact combat - NAKATE. It's called differently, but the tradition is the same.
from the teachings of the Mazyks
http://dao-nagual.net/index.php?option= ... 1&Itemid=5
there’s a lot of everything there, there’s also non-contact combat (you can download the book on the internet - The World of the Trail. Essays on Russian Ethnopsychology. It definitely talks about what rolling is and how it works)


It is not for nothing that Emperor Napoleon I said that “the Cossacks are the best light troops among all existing ones. If I had them in my army, I would go through the whole world with them.”

In ancient times, the ideas of the doctrine of the Slavic Savior were borrowed by the Japanese samurai knights and were reflected not only in their hara-kiri ritual, but also in the basic rules of special combat training within the framework of kendo / kenjutsu / rituals. philosophical system"Tsakugazen". Kyudo /the way of the bow/ - the art of archery - was very widespread among the Japanese nobility, for the bow and arrows were considered sacred weapons among the samurai, and the expression "yumiya no michi" /the way of the bow and arrow/ was synonymous with the concept /bushido/ "the way samurai." Kyudo, according to its interpreters, is given to a fighter only after long study and preparation, while it is generally inaccessible to a person who does not understand its essence. Much in kyudo goes beyond human mind and inaccessible to understanding. For the shooter in this spiritual art has a secondary role as a mediator and executor of “ideas”, in which the shot is carried out to some extent without his participation. The actions of the shooter in “tsakuga-zen-kyudo” have a two-pronged character: he shoots and hits the target as if himself, but, on the other hand, this is not due to his will and desire, but to the influence of supernatural forces - his deuconic body, the Father of the people, or the demon of statehood. “It” shoots, that is, “spirit” or “Buddha himself.” During the shooting process, a warrior should not think about the target or about hitting it - only “it” wants to shoot, “it” shoots and hits. This is how kyudo masters taught. In a bow and arrow, the shooter could only see the “way and means” to become involved in the “great teaching” of archery. In accordance with this, kyudo was viewed not as a technical, but as a completely spiritual action.

This concept contains the deep spiritual content of shooting, which is also the art of the worldview of Zen Buddhism. The goal of archery is "union with the deity" whereby one becomes an effective Buddha. During the shot, the warrior must be completely calm; this state is achieved through meditation. “Everything happens after achieving complete calm,” said kyudo experts. In the Zen sense, this meant that the shooter immersed himself in an objectless world that does not exist for human feelings, striving for the state of satori, i.e. to transfer your consciousness to spiritual level. Enlightenment, according to Japanese concepts, in kyudo simultaneously meant “being in non-existence, or positive non-being,” i.e. being in one's spiritual / deconical / body. Only in a state of “outside oneself”/outside human body/, in which the warrior must renounce all thoughts and desires, he contacted “non-existence”, from which he returned again “to being” only after the arrow flew off to the target. Thus, the only means leading to enlightenment in this case was a bow and arrow, which made useless, according to the interpretation of the ideologists of Kyudo, any human effort in working on oneself without these two components.

IN initial stage concentration, the shooter concentrated on breathing, which is of greater importance in kyudo than in other types of military art. In order to balance the breathing, the warrior, sitting cross-legged, assumed a position in which the upper body was kept straight and relaxed, as during Zen meditation. Then it was regulated unconsciously.

Shooting could be done from a standing position, from a kneeling position and on horseback. In the moment preceding the immediate launch of the arrow, the samurai's physical and mental forces were concentrated on the “great goal,” that is, on the desire to connect with his deuconic body, but in no case on the target and the desire to hit the target.

This state of consciousness changed the flow of a person’s time, and the character acquired the ability not only to see the slow flight of an arrow, bullet, projectile and even a ray of light, but also to control their movement through an energy harness that came out of the hara and connected the person’s physical body, the flying projectile and the target . Thanks to this, the characternik had time to fire seven arrows before the first arrow reached the target.

Japanese Admiral Heihachiro Togo /1847-1934/ was fascinated by the idea of ​​​​applying this science to naval battles. On his initiative, the Japanese Navy, starting in 1898, began to conduct top-secret experiments under the code name “tsakuga-zen.” According to the Sabu-Kyudo program - the Way of the Fire Bow - gunners were specially selected and trained - gunners of the 1st and 2nd combat detachments of the United Fleet, and partially, other combat detachments.

During training shooting in the summer of 1901, stunning results were obtained, and Togo decided to use “tsakuga-zen” in the Battle of Tsushima.


You heard about “Cossack Spas” or “Cossack Science”? This is a very ancient fighting tradition that was passed down from grandfather to grandson - that is, through one generation. After the revolution, the Bolsheviks tried to destroy this tradition, like many other things from the old way of life, but even in our time there are still people who own the Cossack Spas.

Yuri Sergeev

One of these people is writer Yuri Sergeev, whose interview is published in this article. He not only found all the guardians of this Science in different parts of our country, but he himself mastered the Cossack Savior.

— Yuri, where were you born and raised, how did you become interested in literature?

I was born in the village of Skurshinskaya, on the Don. I never thought about becoming a writer. My grandmother Kalissa Semyonovna kept books and textbooks from the parochial school in her container. Somehow I climbed into it and became very interested in its contents.

My grandmother explained the letters to me, and at the age of 5 I already learned to read. At the age of 11 I read two libraries in their entirety- village and school. It was my grandmother who laid the foundation of our language in me.

First knowledge about the Cossack Savior

— When did you first learn about the Cossack Savior?

An 86-year-old grandfather Buyan lived in our village. At his age, he went winter hunting. Practically barefoot, wearing karpetkas (long woolen socks), he caught up with a wounded hare - caught it with my bare hands.

When I wrote "Prince's Island", and there I mentioned my grandfather, people began to contact me, from whom I learned about ancient Cossack science. When I wrote about this, many said that it was not worth doing this, since everything had long been forgotten and lost. But it turned out that everything was not in vain - only last year I managed to find nine people, who own the Cossack Spas.

Miracle or Science?

I traveled for a long time and looked for a special prayer. I managed to find her. It's 5 letters– if you pin them on the chest, the bullet will not take them. A good friend of mine who knows martial arts trained special forces for the first and second Chechen wars near Chelyabinsk. Two and a half thousand people tattooed these letters on their chests, and not a single one died.

In "Prince's Island" this prayer is mentioned: when the Cossacks rode out onto the battlefield, they spun in a circle on their horses and, increasing the pace, read this prayer. After that they went on the attack.

Moreover, the number of the enemy never mattered to them. I was asked to write a script about Azov seat. When I started collecting material, I realized that the script could wait, as a new novel began to emerge.

Azov seat

New novel will be connected with Cossack Spas?

This novel is about the history when 5000 Cossacks and 800 Cossack women stood to defend the fortress against 370,000 Turkish troops. It was in that battle that the Cossacks from Zaporozhye, who owned the ancient tradition of the Cossack Savior, took part.

The Turks still could not take the fortress. They have already lost more than 100 thousand Janissaries, but to no avail. Moreover, the Cossacks got out one night and burned all the Turkish ships. The Turks, even under pain of death if they lost the battle, were unable to destroy the protective barrier, in which there were already 3,500 Cossacks remaining.

At this moment, the commander-in-chief of the Turks was in despair and at dawn began attack a fortress with 20 thousand troops every 2 hours. Imagine, every two hours 20,000 people attacked 3,500 thousand people. And all without results - the fortress survived.

The next morning the Cossacks got up, putting on white shirts for last fight, and there was no trace of the Turks - they left. And what do you think? Tired and exhausted, it would seem, the defenders chased after them and cut down another 30,000 Janissaries.

There, by the way, there was an apparition of the Mother of God and Archangel Michael. At that time this was an outstanding feat. And I collected a lot of such cases about the valor of Russians. But Glavpur, under the command of Michaels, classified such massive feats of heroism. And only now is it starting to break through.

Ancient science

- How much ancient science“The Cossack saved”?

Spasovites came to see the student of our Sanskritologist, Doctor of Sciences Guseva. On his desk were sheets of text in Sanskrit. One of the Spasovites freely read and translated everything. Can you imagine? from the age of 7 he was taught all subjects in Sanskrit. This is such an ancient science!

— How is this Science transmitted?

The Savior was passed down from grandfather to grandson, that is, after one generation. To transfer knowledge to children, they chose those whose thoughts worked faster than their peers. It was these guys who began to be taught. The teaching was very tough and interesting.

One of the guardians of the Cossack Savior told me that when he was 7 years old, his grandfather took him outside the village, and he hid something under a scarf. Coming out to the edge of the forest, the grandfather unfolded the scarf, and there was a Cossack saber. Grandfather took it, entered a certain state and cut a birch tree, the size of a shaft, like a reed, diagonally. The boy understood that this was impossible.

The grandfather cut out a stick about seventy centimeters and said to the boy: “Stop and be patient.” After which he began to hit the boy on the knees, shoulders, and head. Then he ordered the tongue to be pulled out and said: "Language, keep your word". Then he touched his eyes and said: "Eyes, be vigilant".

The boy cried in pain, and the old man said: “Now let’s see if this is your blade.”. He handed the checker to the boy and said: “Drive prophetic fire from the heart onto the blade”. And the boy succeeded - the checker began to play. It turns out that when transmitting “Cossack Savior” you don’t even need to make any effort. You just need to enter this state.

The soul must be pure

— As far as I know, the Cossack Spas can only be used as protection, and its owner must have a pure soul and bright thoughts? Otherwise, if you apply this science incorrectly, then the backlash will be tenfold. Right?

That's right. And not only those who used this science inappropriately , but his teacher will also receive a backlash 10 times stronger. That is why rescue trainers are very careful in their selection. At the very start, all rules are discussed and accepted unconditionally. Students are warned of all possible consequences.

The art of wielding a Cossack spas is a military class, a military science. This is why there are no Spas competitions held.

It is believed that the Cossacks do not represent any kind of one nation. These are representatives of different nationalities who, in search of freedom, settled on the banks of the Volga, Don and Dnieper, as well as in the foothills of the Caucasus and the Black Sea region... However, over the years they have formed their own traditions. These include a unique system magical rituals- Cossack Spas.

The legacy of the Dzhanians and Novgorodians

Historian B.P. Savelyev in " Ancient history Cossacks" develops the theory that among the Cossack ancestors were the Dzhanians, who in the 12th century BC inhabited the mouths of the Don, Kuban, Dnieper and Dniester and represented the southern Slavic subethnic group. The Janiyas became famous for participating in Trojan War against the Achaeans, and also helped Alexander the Great fight the Persian king Darius. At the same time, facts were recorded when, during battles, invisible warriors cut down the enemy right and left... These were the so-called characterniki. Their magical art amazed Genghis Khan himself, whose army, between the Don and Volga rivers, encountered a detachment of warriors who easily dodged arrows flying at them and unattainable swords. It was the kharakterniki, according to Savelyev, who became the founders of many martial arts.
Many centuries later, the Slavic-Cherkasy branch of the Dzhanians assimilated with the Novgorodians, who fled to the southern regions from the brutal rule of Ivan the Terrible. They had their own fighting practices - “Fist of Perun”, “Buza”, “Skobar”... Thus the Cossack Savior was born - magical art, which, in addition to combat techniques, included survival and healing practices.

Magic for generals

By the way, legend says that the famous commander A.V. Suvorov, a descendant of Novgorodians, was treated for ailments in childhood by character healers. Subsequently, Suvorov mastered a number of Cossack Savior practices and even used them in battles.
However, Suvorov was not the only military leader who knew these techniques. For example, the hero of the Caucasian War, General Baklanov, originally from the Don Cossacks, could not be hit by a single highlander... The Red commander Vasily Chapaev easily dodged the bullets flying at him... The White Guard general Baron Roman von Ungern-Sternberg, stopping the trains with Red Army soldiers, without firing a single shot achieved the surrender of weapons by the enemies, causing confusion over them...
Legend has it that when the famous chieftain Marusya was captured, the tribunal sentenced her to death. Since there were rumors that Marusya was a witch, none of the fighters undertook to carry out the sentence. Then the unit commander himself led Marusya to the steppe. Although the Cossack woman tried in every possible way to cast a spell on him, he did not seem to succumb... After the commander shot Marusya and buried her in the ground before his eyes, something happened to him. For three days he wandered aimlessly across the steppe, and then returned to his unit. There they handed him a note that said: “You shot me badly, I’m still alive. Your Maruska."

What can the Spasovites do?

First of all, characterniks are taught combat spells. For example, throwing fireballs or lightning that burns through the enemy’s body. Some magicians are capable of throwing liquid fire towards the enemy and even making “rain of fire,” when drops of flame fall directly from the sky.
They are also capable of making the enemy see dangers that do not actually exist. For example, scary monsters or what a person fears most in life.
One of the skills of the Spasov-characterniks is werewolf. Apparently, the art of transforming into animals and birds was originally mastered by the Novgorodians, who adopted it from their closest neighbors, the Vikings, back in the pagan era.
No one really knows what happens when a person turns into a wolf or a bear. Some researchers believe that we are talking about movement human consciousness into the animal’s brain, others - that the character is causing confusion, so other people see an animal instead...
In some cases, Saviors can create inanimate creatures to perform various tasks - say, demoralize the enemy. They can consist of water, fire, wind, inanimate objects, or they can be thought forms created by the power of imagination - say, copies of some animals... True, these monsters cannot “live” for long. To destroy such a “form”, a special spell must be cast.
And these days, Spasovites sometimes demonstrate their skills - for example, forcing those around them to fight with the shadow or be afraid of non-existent threats... But they are ready to reveal the secrets of their ancient art only to a select few.