Which work talks about humanity. “Humanity has always been one of the most important phenomena of literature - large and small” (D.S.

What is humanity? This is a quality due to which a person treats other living beings with kindness, compassion and mercy. Without humanity, people would become cruel and evil. To prove my statement, I will give a couple of examples from the text.

In the text offered to us by S.T. Ernest, I find a manifestation of humanity. In sentences 14-34, the author describes the action of a hunter who was chasing a deer, but when he saw it, he did not kill it, but released it. The hunter treated the deer with kindness and humanity.

And in life there are examples of manifestations of humanity. For example, volunteers who help the poor and sick, the disabled and the elderly. They do this for free. By offering their help, these people show humanity.

Therefore, we can say that humanity is one of the most important qualities of a person, thanks to which he helps and supports many.

Updated: 2017-05-21

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Compassion is what makes us human. This is what guides us through life's ups and downs and the craziness of the world.

Here are 30 of the most powerful moments in history that were made possible by empathy for each other. These photos prove that a better world is possible.

1. Army corpsman Richard Barnett holds a child whose family disappeared during a shootout. Iraq, 2003.

2. A Russian special forces soldier carries a child rescued from a school captured by terrorists. Beslan, 2004.

3. A medic bandages a wounded child. World War II, 1944.

4. Protesters in Oakland, California, remove a woman in a wheelchair from tear gas.

5. Negro doctors provide assistance to a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

6. After the Los Angeles riots in 1992, a boy poses with National Guard soldiers in the background.

7. Residents of London came out together to clean the streets after pogroms and protests in 2011.

8. Residents of the streets where the pogroms took place offer tea to a policeman in London, in 2011.

9. Brazilian protesters brought the officer a cake for his birthday.

10. A priest acts as a human shield during protests in Ukraine in 2014.

11. A participant in student protests in Bogota, Colombia tries to kiss a police officer.

12. American soldiers push a car with two seriously wounded German soldiers, January 26, 1945.

13. A man plays the piano in front of a police barricade in Kyiv, in 2013.

14. A woman protects a wounded protester from a military bulldozer. Egypt, 2013.

15. A protester protects a police officer from violence during protests against the election results in Iran.

16. An East German soldier, defying orders, helps a boy cross the Berlin Wall to reunite with his family, 1961.

17. A journalist saves a child during the Spanish Civil War in 1936.

18. Protesters carry out a wounded policeman during protests in Turkey.

19. A Ukrainian soldier kisses his girlfriend through the bars of a base surrounded by “polite people” in Crimea.

20. A French soldier helps a family from Spain after crossing the border during the civil war in 1938.

21. Americans treat a wounded dog during World War II, 1944.

22. Protesters in Turkey wash the eyes of a dog injured by tear gas.

23. Sergeant Frank Praytor feeds a kitten whose mother died under fire. Korean War, 1953.

Humanity is a personality quality that is characterized by moral principles that express humanism regarding the everyday relationships of people. Humanity is an acquired and conscious manifestation, formed in the process of socialization and education of a person using the example of significant authorities. Humanity is considered to be the highest virtue and dignity of a person.

Humanity is characterized by a number of characteristics that are specific qualities of character and attitude to the world. These qualities include kindness, self-sacrifice for the benefit of others, goodwill, sincerity, empathy, generosity, respect, modesty, and honesty.

What is humanity

Humanity manifests itself as a personality trait in a person’s actions in relation to the outside world. Respect for people, promoting and supporting their well-being, a sincere desire to help or support. This trait is revealed more fully in collective and interpersonal relationships during joint work and direct communication between people. In social groups this quality is the most referent.

This personality trait is formed by the example of parents or other authoritative adults. The manifestation or absence of such a way of manifesting a person is determined by the family structure and the script passed on by the older generation to the younger.

The main role in the formation of this quality is played by the upbringing of the mother, who creates the norms of the family structure, which contributes to the development of the child’s morality. There are situations where children are required to demonstrate high moral qualities without prior teaching and example, which becomes the reason for the internal and external growth of the personality.

In the process of development and socialization in a group, the individual is required to show friendliness and participation, the ability to communicate with other participants in the process, form and voice his position, and defend it. When the required skills are poorly developed, rejection by the team or group occurs, which contributes to the emergence of outsiders. The reason for this is the separation of the issue of success and morality as different categories.

A person begins to master the rules of relationships in early preschool age, acquiring cultural and hygienic skills. Children, obeying the demands of adults, strive to follow the rules themselves and monitor the observance of these rules by the rest of the children in the group. Often, young children turn to adults with complaints about the behavior of their peers with a request to confirm the rule, and here the problem of showing humanity arises, because it is sometimes very difficult for educators to calmly respond to such requests. And the child who has filed a complaint is advised to personally stop his peer another time and remind him of the rule in force in the group.

The process of formation of humanity is especially active during the “I myself” period, when the child acquires independence and the requirements for his behavior increase, because the little person begins to identify himself as an individual member of society. At this time, the child learns about the rules and methods of communication, about interaction using the example of nearby authoritative objects (parents, friends, characters in books, films).

Humanity is a paradoxical phenomenon, it manifests itself through the actions of a person without reflecting his real personality and attitude. In market relations, which have formed and are successfully developing in interpersonal relationships, moral values ​​and personality are no longer connected due to the pursuit of material goods, attributes of success and well-being. Humanity and humanity have become a kind of synonym for weakness, although literature and cinema often exaggerate these manifestations in their heroes.

The need for love, acceptance, respect is realized through the manifestation of interest, as involvement in the lives of others. The difficulty of this manifestation of humanity is that many people grew up in less favorable conditions than were necessary to instill such qualities. This is especially reflected in children whose parents grew up at the end of the twentieth century in the CIS countries. At that time, it was necessary to survive, and the manner of upbringing changed, children grew up in a gushing flow of information with missing positive examples, adjustments and the authorities of their parents.

For the formation of moral standards and instilling skills in demonstrating them, an important component is the family and its traditions. In authoritarian families, where parents demand obedience and their authority is absolute, children grow up as opportunists who have obvious difficulties in communication. Children who have been subjected to overly strict methods of upbringing have a distorted understanding of relationships with people and in the family, which can find a way out in various behavioral characteristics, for example.

The manifestation of humanity in people who grew up in democratic families occurs more naturally. These families create a sense of self-worth and teach children to be open to other people. The emotional environment in families, which is based on interest in children, their care and respect, is the main condition for the formation of the child’s moral values.

The number of family members also influences the formation of humanity. Children who grow up in large families with numerous relatives have more examples of behavior and options for dealing with situations, authorities and opinions. A large number of relatives contributes to the formation of kindness, community, friendliness, respect, trust, and in such families the skills of empathy are acquired, which are components of humanity.

The problem of humanity exists in its absence. Its manifestation lies in our self, the abilities of our own and others, our responsibilities, perception of the environment, ourselves in the world, as having the right to a place in the sun. For most, this is a problem because there is no feeling of security sufficient to show humanity as the norm in communication. Kindness, compassion and other moral qualities of a person create a feeling of weakness and danger. Therein lies the problem.

In the process of growing up and becoming familiar with their surroundings and the world, children are set up to fight for survival in the “jungle” of adulthood. As children become adults, they perceive others as more rivals than partners, hence the hostile attitude.

Everyone faces the problem of humanity in their lives. At some point people need support from people. This is especially felt during difficult periods, during decision-making or responsibility. And here difficulties arise regarding accepting the humane actions of other people. After all, to feel your significance through confirmation from the outside, you need to be open to this external thing. Openness to others requires trust in them, in yourself, and confidence in your own rights. Also, the problem of demonstrating humanity and other moral qualities of an individual depends on accepting one’s right to life and the right to life of other people. It can be added that acceptance of the right to life is taught by parents, namely the mother in the first years of life, the so-called basic trust in the world. When it is not there, a person feels threatened by the environment, therefore, he will defend himself and act solely in personal interests. A person who is capable of showing humanity has stable basic trust. It is formed by the person himself through a conscious choice or by the mother.

The parent's example of attitude towards others serves as an a priori behavior scenario for the child. Protection from the world, the mood to fight, encouraging the individual to doubt his own strengths, abilities and rights, leads to difficulties in understanding relationships and their necessity, to the problem of understanding or lack thereof, the benefits of showing humanity.

Examples of humanity from life

Humanity in society has become a kind of trend in relationships, which creates conditions for understanding the value of the individual. This helps to get to know the people around you better, find like-minded people and establish communication. People begin to gravitate towards those who are sincerely interested in them. A person, helping people in need, shows his ability to value life.

Humanity also manifests itself in professional activities. The most humane professions are doctors, teachers, and rescuers.

Speaking of rescuers. In 2015, four Florida boys showed humanity to a couple of elderly people. They mowed the lawn, swept the paths and changed the tires on the elderly couple's car, and also rushed the elderly man to the hospital on time and underwent surgery, which extended his life. According to the head of the fire department where Timurov’s men worked, they did not say what they did; he learned about it from a news feed on social networks.

Showing humanity saves the lives of loved ones. This is a natural manifestation of the need for love and acceptance. It’s very easy to show humanity, just start talking like the teenager did. In Dublin, USA, a 16-year-old young man named Jamie saved a man by asking only one question: “Are you okay?” Such a simple question and so useful. The man was about to say goodbye to his life, the boy asked him, then they talked. Ultimately, this man later became a happy father.

Expressing humanity enriches life. Either this is helping a person or animal to save their life, or this is the usual attention to the condition and needs of friends and strangers. This is participation in life, this is an opportunity to show yourself that stupid and disgusting thoughts about your inferiority were a mistake. Humanity is a personality trait, its manifestation is the strength of the individual, it is a value that consciously appears.

These were examples of the manifestation of humanity at the request of people, it was a conscious choice. Anyone can come to such a choice, realizing their own value and significance as a person, an individual, an ideal being who can do more than just live.

January 10, 2018

Humanity is one of the most important and at the same time complex concepts. It is impossible to give it an unambiguous definition, because it manifests itself in a variety of human qualities. This is the desire for justice, honesty, and respect. Someone who can be called humane is capable of caring for others, helping and patronizing. He can see the good in people and emphasize their main advantages. All this can be confidently attributed to the main manifestations of this quality.

What is humanity?

There are a large number of examples of humanity from life. These are the heroic actions of people in wartime, and very insignificant, seemingly insignificant actions in everyday life. Humanity and kindness are manifestations of compassion for one's neighbor. Motherhood is also synonymous with this quality. After all, every mother actually sacrifices the most precious thing she has - her own life - as a sacrifice to her baby. The brutal cruelty of the fascists can be called a quality opposite to humanity. A person only has the right to be called a person if he is capable of doing good.

Dog rescue

An example of humanity from life is the act of a man who saved a dog in the subway. Once upon a time, a stray dog ​​found itself in the lobby of the Kurskaya station of the Moscow metro. She ran along the platform. Maybe she was looking for someone, or maybe she was just chasing a departing train. But it so happened that the animal fell on the rails.

There were many passengers at the station then. People were scared - after all, there was less than a minute left before the next train arrived. The situation was saved by a brave police officer. He jumped onto the tracks, picked up the unlucky dog ​​under his paws and carried him to the station. This story is a good example of humanity from life.

Action of a teenager from New York

This quality is not complete without compassion and goodwill. There is a lot of evil in real life these days and people need to show each other compassion. An indicative example from life on the topic of humanity is the action of a 13-year-old New Yorker named Nach Elpstein. For his bar mitzvah (or coming of age in Judaism), he received a gift of 300 thousand shekels. The boy decided to donate all this money to Israeli children. It's not every day that you hear about such an act, which is a true example of humanity from life. The amount went towards the construction of a new generation bus for the work of young scientists on the periphery of Israel. This vehicle is a mobile classroom that will help young students become real scientists in the future.

An example of humanity from life: donation

There is no nobler act than giving your blood to someone else. This is real charity, and everyone who takes this step can be called a real citizen and a person with a capital “P.” Donors are strong-willed people who have a kind heart. An example of the manifestation of humanity in life is Australian resident James Harrison. He donates blood plasma almost every week. For a very long time he was awarded a unique nickname - “The Man with the Golden Arm.” After all, blood was taken from Harrison's right hand more than a thousand times. And in all the years that he has been donating, Harrison has managed to save more than 2 million people.

In his youth, the hero donor underwent a complex operation, as a result of which he had to have his lung removed. His life was saved only thanks to donors who donated 6.5 liters of blood. Harrison never knew the saviors, but decided that he would donate blood for the rest of his life. After talking with doctors, James learned that his blood type was unusual and could be used to save the lives of newborn babies. His blood contained very rare antibodies that can solve the problem of incompatibility of the Rh factor of the mother’s blood and the embryo. Because Harrison donated blood every week, doctors were able to constantly produce new batches of the vaccine for such cases.

An example of humanity from life, from literature: Professor Preobrazhensky

One of the most striking literary examples of possessing this quality is Professor Preobrazhensky from Bulgakov’s work “The Heart of a Dog.” He dared to challenge the forces of nature and turn a street dog into a man. His attempts failed. However, Preobrazhensky feels responsible for his actions, and tries with all his might to turn Sharikov into a worthy member of society. This shows the highest qualities of the professor, his humanity.

Source: fb.ru



(According to the text by B. Vasiliev)


I think B. Vasiliev, saying that

meant that Anna Fedotovna, struck by the cruel, inhuman act of the children, as a result of which she lost her only material connection with her dead son, died spiritually.
As proof of this idea, we will give examples from the text. Thus, the author writes about how the old woman did not like the girl’s tone, “defiant, full of pretension that was incomprehensible to her,” and also that the girl’s voice was so “officially inhuman.” The insult inflicted on Anna Fedotovna by the children was very rude, cruel and insulting, so the old woman’s soul could not bear it.
And in the continuation of the text B. Vasiliev says:

To summarize, it can be argued that when B. Vasiliev wrote how the soul of the main character became blind and deaf, he wanted to say that this happened not only because of the loss of precious letters, but, first of all, because of the behavior of the guys, whose unacceptable act so wounded Anna Fedotovna’s soul.

Humanity is a set of traits that defines a person as an individual and distinguishes him from a beast, combining such concepts as kindness, compassion, sincerity, and empathy. Humanity, or humanity, is the most important component of human essence. Lack of humanity entails selfishness and cruelty. The very definition of “humanity” carries a fairly clear meaning: a quality that is inherent in a person, in other words, a human quality. That is why it is brought up in children: from a very early age we learn not to offend kittens, empathize with a friend, learn to be kind and sincere towards people.
As evidence of what has been said, we can cite an excerpt from the text of B. Vasiliev, where we see an example of inhumanity:

The children, showing such heartlessness, hurt the old woman very much. For the grandmother, these letters were too precious, but the guys did not understand her grief and stole them, depriving her of the only opportunity to experience the death of her dear son, who died in the war. Her soul became blind and deaf, as the author says. The pain that a loving mother experienced for the second time is difficult to describe in words, and even more difficult to survive.
Another example, but an example of true humanity, can be the hero of the story L.N. Tolstoy "After the Ball". Ivan Vasilyevich, after seeing violence against a guilty soldier, refuses successful public service, so as not to take part in the physical and spiritual humiliation of other people, even by accident. This is a deeply humane and courageous act - to give up a successful career, money, lover for the sake of your principles, in order to live according to your conscience.
To sum up all that has been said, we can say that humanity is a gift that not everyone has. Kindness and sincerity are instilled from childhood, without these qualities the world would have collapsed long ago. Intelligence is given not for destruction, but for creation, and understanding of this is achieved thanks to the humanity in each of us.