Verbal sketches on the theme of spring. Lesson summary on the topic “writing word pictures” “Spring is here!” Description of spring - essay

Spring. Summer. A meadow, just like a chintz scarf of all colors - You won’t understand where the butterfly is. Where, what flower. Green forest and field, Blue River. White, fluffy clouds in the sky. blue, blue sky and streams. A flock of sparrows are splashing in blue puddles. There are transparent ice-laces on the snow. The first thawed patches, the first grass.

Picture 3 from the presentation “Text about spring” for literature lessons on the topic “Essay on the seasons”

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Essay on the seasons “Types of speech” - The dog barked furiously, falling on its front paws. Why? And that's why, Let's summarize everything that has been said. Types of speech. What type of speech is called narration? Lesson summary. During the classes. Assignment: describe the subject (optional). What types of speech are there? * narration * description * reasoning. The woman drove the dog away. "Shame on you!" The kitten meowed pitifully.“Comprehensive text analysis” - Collocation(s) with

subordinating connection

connection from No. 2? On a plane during a thunderstorm. Text. SPP number with explanatory clause? Control dictations in grades 5-8 necessarily include completing a grammar task. Type of speech? Spelling vigilance. Selection of material. The tasks are selected taking into account the material studied, and the peculiarities of the educational complex are taken into account.

“Analysis of literary text” - Riddle. 29. 16. 25. Phonetic. Literal translation. Machine translate. Art. PREVIEW OF SYMBOLISM (France, 50s of the 19th century). 26. 12. History of translation. “Essays on paintings” - Make a plan for describing the painting. The mood evoked by this piece. Look carefully at the picture and determine its theme. Dictionary of moods and feelings. Analysis of the picture. Name the characteristics of the objects in this picture. Essay based on a painting. Genre of the painting (portrait, landscape, still life). Preparatory exercises. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1 in the village of Sovetsky" Golomidova Margarita Leonidovna. 4. Work on the essay. We are working on the introduction. 3. Text analysis. ATTENTION!!! For today's lesson we will take the text of the writer A. Baklanov “Today and always.” We are working on the main part.

“Essay-reasoning” - Must be proven. All our dignity lies in thought. Job. The main communicative purpose of reasoning is to convince and explain. S2k4. . S2k3. The judgment is clearer and the conclusion is more indisputable. Let us learn to think well. Must be clearly stated. The means of expressing division is the paragraph.

There are a total of 22 presentations in the topic

Summary of a Russian language lesson in 2nd grade

MOAU Secondary School s. Tomichi Belogorsky district

teacher: Fedik Svetlana Borisovna

Lesson Options

Contents of parameters

Program, textbook,


Education system"Harmony"

Program “Russian language. To the secrets of our language” by M.S. Soloveichik, N.S. Kuzmenko

Textbook “Russian language. To the secrets of our language" for

2 classes primary school in two parts by M.S. Soloveichik, N.S. Kuzmenko

Focused on the fusion of training, development and education junior schoolchildren into a single organic process; to develop the ability to recognize language as a subject of observation; develop the ability to perform operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, generalization with language material, as well as to improve the sense of words and language intuition of children.

Lesson topic

Place of the lesson in the lesson system

Lesson 4 in the topic “Composing, retelling, telling”

Form and type of lesson

Lesson on the integrated application of knowledge and skills

Educational goal and objectives



Lesson Resources



Pictures of footprints and hand gestures

Subject results

Will master initial ideas about the varieties of speech, about the system of means of the Russian language, about the peculiarities of communication in oral and writing, about norms literary language and writing rules;

They will gain experience in exploratory reading, as well as creating their own statements.

Meta-subject results

    Regulatory UUD:

Accept and save a learning task

Act according to the intended plan, as well as according to the instructions contained in the sources of information: the teacher’s speech, textbook, etc.

In collaboration with the teacher, set new learning objectives and take actions to implement the plan

    Cognitive UUD:

Find in the text the necessary information, facts and other information presented explicitly

Carry out analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification of language material according to specified criteria;

Know general methods for solving specific linguistic problems

Construct simple reasoning, establish cause-and-effect relationships, draw conclusions, formulate them

    Communicative UUD:

- – understand the dependence of the nature of speech (construction of statements, choice linguistic means) from the tasks and situation of communication (report, explain something or draw in words what you saw, show actions or signs)

Evaluate the thoughts, advice, suggestions of other people

take them into account and try to take them into account in your activities

Enter into educational collaboration with classmates, participate in joint activities

Personal results

A vision of rich possibilities native language, awareness of oneself as a native speaker of this language

The desire to skillfully use the Russian language and elements of a conscious attitude towards one’s speech and control over it

Awareness of language as a means of communication

Structure of a lesson on the integrated application of knowledge and skills

1) Organizational stage.

2) Playback and correction background knowledge students. Updating knowledge.

3) Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation educational activities students.

4) Primary consolidation

5) Creative uses and gaining knowledge in new situation(problem tasks)

6) Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it

7) Reflection (summarizing the lesson)

Abstract open lesson Russian language in 2nd grade

Subject: Writing word pictures“Here comes spring!”, text descriptions and telegram messages about the signs of spring.

Target: learn to create your own word pictures based on observations


    Develop coherent speech skills using spring-themed texts

    Learn how to compose descriptive and business texts, telegram messages

    Cultivate a reverent attitude towards nature, develop skills of tolerant communication with others.

During the classes

I Org. moment. Motivation.

It's an unusual day for us. Is everyone sitting correctly?

And the class is full of guests. Is everyone watching carefully?

What should we tell our guests? Get in a working mood,

We are very glad to see you! And try not to yawn.

Is everything in place? Make yourself more comfortable,

Is everything okay, Let's reveal secrets!

Books, pens and notebooks?

II Challenge

What day of spring is it today? Has spring fully come into its own?

(no signs of spring are just appearing) So where did spring go? Today we must investigate this complex case and answer the question posed. Who usually helps in investigating complex cases? (detectives) Let's call the most talented of them. (video fragment of their film “ The Bremen Town Musicians", song "I am a brilliant detective...")

III A minute of beautiful writing

The detective provided us with these incomprehensible notes. Let's explore them and repeat them in our notebooks in beautiful handwriting.

IV Understanding

Vocabulary work

As we examine the evidence, we will write a report on the signs of spring and write a word picture. We will put the evidence in this briefcase, which belongs to the detective. In it we will collect words and expressions about spring. Let's also look at the photographic materials. We went on an excursion to our beautiful grove. We tried to find signs of spring. Let's see what came of it. Also, open your notes that you made that day. Then we will collect them in a briefcase.

(view presentation - selection of words and expressions about spring)

Work on creating a word picture. Exercise 493.

Like any brilliant detective, we need to draw up a report on the work done. Read the assignment for the exercise. Solve the spelling problems in this sentence. Read the assignment further. When you draw your word picture, use the words and expressions from our portfolio.

Two sentences are written on the board. Read them. Solve spelling problems in them. Do you think they can complete our word picture? If you want, you can use them.

IN . sleep ass . laughed . sir, but admit it . To . it is visible in everything.

Z . ma doesn't want uh . to die, but in . I'm close to sleep . ko!

Proceed with the task. I will collect the “reports” and we will discuss them in the next lesson.

Exercise for the eyes(slide in presentation – follow moving objects)

The brilliant detective provided us with an identikit of real spring. Let's look at it carefully and study it.

Do you think this was a picture? early spring? Why?

Work on drafting business texts – telegrams. Exercise 494.

Now we must send a message to our detective. This is very urgent. What type of message is suitable for this? (telegram).

(Completing exercise tasks.)

Homework Ex. 495

V Reflection

What did you do in class today? What did you study? So where has spring gone?

1 – learned something new, was active, moved one step forward;

2 – tried to do something, but the steps were still timid, as if he was marking time;

3 – I haven’t taken anything new for myself, I haven’t been able to take a step forward yet

1 2 3

Liked Didn't like

Place the pictures in an envelope.

V Lesson summary

Ivanovskaya Lilia, Sudakova Elizaveta, Mishulina Polina, Cherednichenko Victoria and others.

Verbal sketches during speech development lessons in grade 3-A. year 2012



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Sketches about spring. “How beautiful nature is in spring” Verbal sketches for speech development lessons in grade 3-A. year 2012.

Sketches about spring. You have to wait a long time for spring in Russia. According to the calendar, it has already begun, and there is still snow around. But finally, the sun warmed up. It melted the snow. The sun warmed the earth, and the streams rang, green grass appeared, and the first flowers bloomed. Joyful birds flutter here and there, build nests, and sing songs incessantly. And in the air there is the scent of flowers! Spring gives everyone a great mood, because it becomes warm, sunny, and so beautiful! Everyone is happy about spring also because a hot and long-awaited summer awaits us. Holidays are coming soon! (RYBIN DENIS)

Sketches about spring. Spring is very beautiful time of the year. During this period, everything around comes to life, awakens from a long winter sleep. In early spring, the sun shines brighter, the snow melts, and it gets warmer every day. Birds are returning to their native lands, buds are swelling on the trees, sunny clear days more and more. The first flowers appear: snowdrops and mother and stepmother. The earth is warming up, and insects are waking up: furry bumblebees, ladybugs, butterflies and flies. In May, fragrant bird cherry, snow-white cherry, and a wonderful apple tree bloom. A little later, the lilacs will bloom in huge caps, and the air will be filled with a pleasant aroma. Amazing time Spring of the year! (IVANOVSKAYA LILY)

Sketches about spring. How nice it is to take a walk in the spring apple orchard! The apple trees have already bloomed and their branches are strewn with large wonderful flowers: the petals of the flowers are white and pink, and the center glows yellow, as if the sun was hiding there. The leaves of the apple tree are still small, but there are so many flowers that it looks like a fluffy cloud. And striped bees and bumblebees fly above this apple tree cloud. They hum continuously, creating the music of nature. (MISHULINA POLINA)

Sketches about spring. Have you seen that everything is blooming around? Cherry and apple trees are shrouded in pink haze. Rowan and white bird cherry seem to be in the snow again. A little more and the rose hips and fragrant linden will bloom. In the meantime, fragrant lilacs are blooming with all their shades. And under the trees, where just recently there was snow, a new carpet of dandelions and mother and stepmother will bloom. The buttercups are coming, and then the daisies are just around the corner. (UFIMTSEVA MARIA)

Sketches about spring In spring, everything around blooms. The fragrant bird cherry is strewn with flowers, as if covered with snow. The apple tree dressed up in a pinkish bridal veil. Chestnut lit the snow-white candles. Emerald grass covered the hillocks with a soft carpet. It is full of dandelions, like scattered beads. Above them, bees and bumblebees buzz in search of nectar. The plowed field breathes freshness. There is beauty all around! (CHEREDNICHENKO VICTORIA)

Sketches about spring. Everything around is blooming. The snowdrops were the first to bloom. And in the distance, the lilacs fluffed up and began to smell fragrant. A sparrow flew nearby. And nearby pigeons are pecking at the grains. Have you ever seen a rook? Take a closer look: he is not all black, his beak is white! Have you watched how this white-nosed bird walks? Walking is very important. I like spring. And you? (VOEVODIN DIMA)

Sketches about spring. Spring - beautiful time of the year! At every time of the year, nature is good in its own way, but in spring it is especially good. Everything around is starting to turn green, nature is transforming. The earth dresses in bright outfits of herbs and flowers. Here are some of the first to appear - yellow dandelions, which then turn into air parachutes, with which children play, letting them fly in the wind. And over there next to the dandelion modestly lurked the mother and stepmother, the same harbinger of spring. The trees also dress up: they put on emerald sundresses made of foliage. What is the cost of lilac blossoms in spring?! What a scent! You stand next to her, and your head is spinning from her fragrance. Only in spring can you hear such a polyphony of birds. This is how spring walks across our planet! And the time is not far when nature will freeze, hide and shed its colorful outfits. So let's enjoy every moment of spring, because every moment is unique! (LIZA SUDAKOVA)

Sketches about spring. May is the most elegant and sonorous month of the year. All nature comes to life, awakens. Green fresh grass came out into the light. And there, in the clearing, appeared yellow dandelion, he looks so much like a little yellow sun. And then the bees buzzed above him. The trees and bushes have put out their young leaves. The birch trees hung their golden earrings. The yellow acacia blossomed. Bird cherry blossoms with white stars. Feeling thin delicate aroma her flowers. And how beautifully the apple, cherry and plum trees bloom. All branches are strewn with lush clusters of white - pink flowers. Everything blooms at once in spring! (NIKIFOROV VALERY)

Sketches about spring. Look: everything is blooming around! Here are the yellow heads of the mother and stepmother, like suns, swaying in a barely noticeable breeze. And over there, on the apple tree, white and pink flowers bloomed. Bird cherry blossoms nearby. And not far from it there is a birch tree. She lowered the branches down and it looks like the birch tree is crying. It’s so nice all around: the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the warm breeze is blowing! (MELEKHOV ILYA)

Sketches about spring What beauty all around! Everything around turned green and began to sound different voices. Everything around is fragrant with different aromas. The first tender leaves emerged from the buds. The apple tree, like a bride, dressed up in a white festive outfit. The first green grass appeared. Look around! There is such a variety of flowers around. Gardens and parks were filled with wonderful smells. Feathered singers are returning from warmer climes. Rejoicing in the spring sun, they sing their songs about something, build nests - it’s time to start a family. How good, fresh and joyful spring is! (KUDRYAVTSEVA VERA)

Spring is wonderful! Nature comes to life after such a long winter hibernation, sheds its last white clothes and happily tries on fresh green outfits. Following her, birds, animals and people, intoxicated by the spring air and warmed by the first warm rays, gain vitality and natural energy. Everything around blooms, smells fragrant and fills the world bright colors! It's no surprise that this wonderful time of year is especially inspiring. creative people to create unique masterpieces - books, paintings, melodies... Russian language teachers also like to assign essays on the theme “Spring” in their lessons, especially in grades 5-6 high school. It is very diverse and interesting topic, which can be revealed with equal success both in journalistic and in artistic style. What can you write about in a spring-themed school essay? The most popular options are the following: “Spring has come!”, “My favorite time year - spring", "Spring of the 45th year". Let's take a closer look at each of the proposed options and look at other ideas for writing an essay on the topic “Spring”.

How to write an essay about spring on any topic in a journalistic style

As mentioned above, an essay about spring can be written on any topic, both in fiction and in journalistic style. We propose to dwell in more detail on the second option and discuss several important points that must be taken into account when using it. Before you write an essay about spring on any topic in a journalistic style, you need to understand the features of this style. First of all, the journalistic style is designed to influence its reader, evoke strong emotions in him and encourage him to action. In the example of an essay on the topic “Spring” in a journalistic style, there should be vivid descriptions, Interesting Facts, emotional speech patterns, appeal to the reader. Such an essay cannot consist solely of simple sentences with a description, for example, of beauty spring nature. It must also contain the thoughts and reflections of the author.

How to apply a journalistic style to an essay on any topic about spring

How can you apply a journalistic style when writing? school essay on the theme "Spring"? It all depends on the topic chosen for the essay. For example, if the work is devoted to the topic “Spring of 1945,” then the essay may contain certain facts that took place in May 1945. And if, using a journalistic style, an essay is written on the topic “Spring has come,” then it must contain beautiful descriptions awakening nature, which will help the reader to literally see this picture in your imagination.

Ideas for an essay on the topic “Spring has come” for students in grades 5-6 of secondary school

Most often, essays on the topic “Spring has come” are written by students in grades 5-6 of secondary school, for whom our following ideas. Agree that the topic itself is quite narrow and, one might say, specific. One way or another, popular ideas for an essay on the topic “Spring has come” for students in grades 5-6 of secondary school are similar to each other. Most often, such an essay resembles short story in natural history, which describes the main changes occurring in the surrounding world with the arrival of spring. But if you move away from such a familiar interpretation of this topic, showing a little imagination, then you can write more interesting essay.

Original ideas for an essay on the topic “Spring has come” for high school

An essay on the topic “Spring has come” for high school can be original and different from the standard options. For example, in an essay you can describe the arrival of spring in the city. Agree, the way nature wakes up outside the city and in the conditions of modern megacities is quite different. And although the city has much less greenery and practically no animals except birds, the urban spring is also good. She is different, more restrained and less colorful, but still beautiful. Another one original idea for writing the essay “Spring has come” - a small medley of excerpts from works famous authors. For example, you can take descriptions of the beginning of spring from the stories or poems of Russian classics and conduct a small analysis of them in your essay. Of course, this option requires more detailed preparation, but end result You can get a very interesting essay that will qualify for an excellent mark.

Idea for an essay on the topic “My favorite time of year is spring” for schoolchildren

Another popular essay idea for schoolchildren on this topic is “My favorite season is spring.” At first glance, in such an essay it is practically impossible to deviate from the narrow topic - listing the reasons why spring is the favorite time of year. But if you look more broadly, you can find interesting ideas for an essay on the topic “My favorite season is spring” for schoolchildren. For example, mention not only banal reasons like “it’s getting warm” and “greenery is appearing”, but also talk about your favorite activities that are available in the spring - roller skating, picnics, bike rides, etc.

Environmental theme in an essay on the topic “My favorite season is spring”

Another interesting topic that can easily be applied to this essay, - environmental. In the introduction, it is worth paying attention to the fact that it is in the spring that the harm that humans cause to nature is most noticeable. This means that it is in the spring that you can introduce as much as possible more people to caring for the environment. Below we can give several examples of what useful activities, including in school settings, can be carried out to make nature cleaner and more beautiful this spring.

Essay on the touching topic “Spring of 1945”, ideas for schoolchildren

Another touching topic for an essay on the theme “Spring” for schoolchildren - May 1945 and a great victory in Great Patriotic War. There are quite a lot of ideas and options for such an essay. For example, an essay on touching topic“Spring of 1945” (an idea for schoolchildren) can be dedicated to describing the joy and happiness that reigned in May 1945 throughout the world. You can also write an essay using historical facts related to the legendary events of the spring of 1945.

A variant of a patriotic essay on the topic “Spring of 1945” for schoolchildren

An essay on the topic “Spring of 1945” for schoolchildren in grades 5-6 can also be of a patriotic nature. For example, in a journalistic style, you can write about how your great-great-grandfathers and great-great-grandmothers, direct participants and eyewitnesses of the war, met a happy spring. Surely happy stories about that spring live in families to this day, even if their main characters are no longer among the living. You can also mention that spring was their favorite time of year and they always looked forward to it coming, and with it the main holiday- 9th May. In conclusion, we can add a few words about the fact that this spring holiday honored and modern generation, and spring will always be associated with the victory of the Russian people over fascism.

Speech development lesson in 6th grade (After studying the topic “Adjectives”)

Answer the questions:

  • What role do adjectives play in the Russian language?
  • How does description differ from other types of speech?
  • What other types of speech do you know?
  • What can be described?
  • What is the name of the painting that depicts nature?
  • What do you call an artist who paints nature?
  • What landscape painters do you know?

Two paintings about spring

Savrasov “The rooks have arrived.” History of creation

Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov painted the painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”.

He lived in the second half of the 19th century, was born in Moscow, in the family of a merchant. The father dreamed that his son would continue his work. But the boy did not live up to these hopes. Alexey became a student at the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.

The public liked the works of the young artist very much; they were willingly bought, as they resembled paintings by European artists. But Savrasov himself was often dissatisfied with himself: his landscapes came out beautiful, smooth, but there was nothing of his own, native, Russian in them.

Therefore, one fine day I dropped everything and went to the Volga. I was born here famous landscape"The Rooks Have Arrived". Savrasov wrote it in the village of Molvitino, not far from Kostroma. Here he was looking for a secret great power Russian landscape, and then tried to convey this secret to his students.

Among his students was Isaac Levitan.

Levitan "March".

Isaac Ilyich Levitan is called the singer of quiet sadness, thoughtful sadness, heart-piercing melancholy.

A student of Savrasov, he was full of love and respect for the one who, in his words, created the Russian landscape. “Savrasov,” wrote Levitan, “elected not only Beautiful places, but, on the contrary, I tried to find in the simplest and most ordinary things deeply touching, often sad notes that are so strongly felt in our native landscape.”

But this painting by Levitan, unlike many of his canvases, is joyful, bright, filled with sun and the joy of spring.

Let's talk!

  • What is the coloring of the picture?
  • What mood does it create?
  • What is shown on foreground?
  • Describe birch trees
  • What do rooks do?
  • Describe their actions
  • What is shown in the background of the canvas?
  • What colors did the artist use to depict the sky?
  • Is the sun visible in the picture?
  • What do you see in the snow?

Let's talk!

  • Which color scheme did the artist use?
  • What mood does this painting create?
  • What objects did Levitan depict?
  • What first attracts your attention?
  • How does this painting differ from Savrasov’s canvas?
  • What colors did the artist use to depict the snow?
  • What techniques did Levitan use to show the sun on the canvas?
  • How did he depict the forest? Describe it.

Collecting materials for the essay

Make a plan!

1.Introduction (history of creation/word about the artist)

2.Description of the painting (idea, mood of the work of art, what is striking)

Image subject 1

Image subject 2

Image subject 3

Image subject 4

Image subject 5

Image subject 6

3. Conclusion (Enthusiastic chord)

Essay sample

Savrasov’s landscape “The Rooks Have Arrived” amazes everyone who can feel the beauty of Russian nature.

The first thing that amazes us is the rooks, which are busily settling in the treetops. They fuss over their (sprawling) nests, circle in the sky, rejoice at returning to their homeland.

The (damp, dirty) snow on the (crooked) birches is strewn with twigs and twigs, dotted with traces of (bird) paws. In some places the water made its way through the crust, forming (red) thawed patches and (brown) puddles.

The (small) pond is already free of snow. The (crooked) birches dipped their trunks into the water.

There is no sun, but it is somewhere here, nearby, behind the (light, pearl-pearl) cloud. Its rays caress and illuminate the (chilled) trees. (pale lilac) shadows stretch from them across the snow.

The sun illuminates both the (old, rickety) church with its bell tower and the (wooden) fence.

Essay sample

(Modest, dim) colors penetrate the heart with a (wonderful) melody, so that tears well up in the eyes. "March" is one of artist Levitan. (Sunny, spring) day, but still a lot of snow. On the right you can see the wall of a (wooden, yellow) house. Under the (bright, warm) rays of the spring sun, the house appears orange.

Near the house there are (white-trunked, graceful) birch trees. Their tops fine pattern are drawn against the background of the (bright, blue) sky.

On the left, the (green) spruce trees darken, emphasizing the whiteness of the birch tree trunks. The sun's rays illuminate the treetops. The trees cast (thick, purple) shadows onto the snow.

In the picture, the snow (sparkling, crumbly) has many color shades: near the trees - (bluish, grayish), on the road - (dirty, brown, yellowish-gray).

A (warm, brown) spot highlights a horse basking under the first (warm, sun) rays.

I want to take a deep breath of (clean, clear, cold, spring) air. Levitan managed to convey the awakening of spring nature, the beginning of spring.