Abstract of the GCD in the middle group for non-traditional drawing “Yellow Dandelions” (tearing paper). Lesson using non-traditional painting technique "dandelion yellow"

I offer a summary of a drawing lesson for middle school children

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution“Kindergarten No. 18 “Ladushki” in the city of Gai, Orenburg region __________________________________________________________ Orenburg region, Gai, st. Molodezhnaya, 71b, tel.: 4-06-40;


Completed by: Fedorova M.V.

Progress of the lesson:

On the lawn, near the forest,

Flowers bloomed.

Yellow like the sun.

On a green leg.

And as soon as they grow up

Hats will be put on -

Soft, airy -

Educator: Correct

Dandelion is a medicinal plant for coughs. This is a honey plant, so bees and bumblebees love to fly to it. As soon as the dandelion changes its cap to white, the seeds are ripe, and it needs to scatter them across the ground. Guys, parachutes look like balls of fluff.

Yellow like the sun. Round like... Soft like... White like... Fluffy like...

Fragile, like... What an amazing flower!

Children: answer.

Children: come on.

Dandelion, dandelion! (They squat, then slowly rise)

The stem is as thin as a finger. If the wind is fast, fast (They run in different directions)

It will fly into the clearing and everything around will rustle. (They say “sh-sh-sh-sh-sh”)

Dandelion stamens will scatter in a round dance (they take hands and walk in a circle) and merge with the sky.
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“Drawing lesson in the middle group on the topic “A dandelion has grown””
Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution
“Kindergarten No. 18 “Ladushki” in the city of Gaya, Orenburg region
Orenburg region, Gai, st. Molodezhnaya, 71b, tel.: 4-06-40; e-mail:

[email protected] Drawing class in middle group


on the topic “The dandelion has grown”

Completed by: Fedorova M.V.

Target:. Secure parts of the dandelion structure. Learn to draw a dandelion using the dipping method. Learn to complement the composition. Develop creativity

Progress of the lesson:

On the lawn, near the forest,

Flowers bloomed.

Yellow like the sun.

On a green leg.

Teacher: reads out the riddle:

Hats will be put on -

Soft, airy -

Obedient to the wind! (dandelion)

Educator: Correct. Take a close look at this wild plant. Wild because no one cares for it. And as soon as the sun rises, the dandelion blooms, and with sunset it closes its head.

Educator: Let's look at what parts this plant consists of.

Soft, airy -

Dandelion is a medicinal plant for coughs. This is a honey plant, so bees and bumblebees love to fly to it. As soon as the dandelion changes its cap to white, the seeds are ripe, and it needs to scatter them across the ground. Guys, parachutes look like balls of fluff.

Educator: now you will be a breeze, take a ball of fluff; place it in your palm and blow lightly on it. Look how the fluff scatters in different directions. This is what happens in nature with dandelion seeds.

Educator: Guys, I invite you to play the game “Say the Word” with me. Want to

Educator: Then listen carefully:

Yellow like the sun.
Round like...
Soft like...
White like...
Fluffy like...

Fragile as...
What an amazing flower!

Fragile, like... What an amazing flower!

Educator: Guys, let's draw this plant.

Children: answer.

Teacher: shows how to draw using the dipping method

Educator: But first, let's play

Dandelion, dandelion!
(They squat, then slowly rise)

The stem is as thin as a finger.
If the wind is fast, fast
(They scatter in different directions)

It will fly into the clearing,
Everything around will rustle.
(They say “sh-sh-sh-sh-sh”)

Dandelion stamens
They'll scatter in a round dance
(They hold hands and walk in a circle) And they will merge with the sky.

The teacher invites the children to go to their places and start drawing. Children sit in their seats, the teacher turns on calm music, the children draw.

Educator: what wonderful dandelions we got. Let's decorate our stand with these colors. The teacher hangs up the drawings.

Master class on drawing for children 4-6 years old “Dandelion”

Ostanina Victoria Aleksandrovna, teacher of the Children's Preschool Educational Institution DS KV "Raduga" SP "Silver Hoof"
Target: Drawing using an unconventional technique.
Tasks:- get acquainted with an unconventional drawing technique - the “poke” method;
- develop creative abilities;
- learn to be careful when working with gouache.
Purpose: This master class will be useful for educators and teachers additional education, teachers primary classes. They can also use it creative people and parents working independently with their children.
Description: Master Class gives you the opportunity to draw your own flower – a dandelion. Does not require special artistic skills. Detailed description And step by step photos will make the drawing process easy and effective.
Materials: A4 sheet, gouache, water glass, cotton napkin, brush No. 5 bristles, brushes No. 3, No. 5 (goat, squirrel).

Summer! Summer! Summer is around!
So many bright colors, fragrant herbs and colorful flowers. The beauty of the Ural nature is simply mesmerizing!
Sineva vasilkov,

sunny beauty of dandelions,

delicate white daisies!!!

So many fragrant herbs, chattering grasshoppers and buzzing dragonflies...

Today we will draw... A riddle will tell us what we draw!
“In childhood, with a yellow head,
In his youth, completely gray-haired,
But you can’t be old,
He flies away in white fluff! (E. Telushkina)
Of course it's a dandelion!

He's so handsome!

Dandelion is familiar to us as a small sun and white fluff.

And if you blow on it, it will fly apart.

And its seeds scatter far around.

You and I will draw a dandelion like this:

Or maybe not exactly like that, let’s add some white dandelions!

For work we need a white sheet of paper, gouache, three brushes: ordinary squirrel brushes No. 3 and No. 6, and hard bristles No. 5, a glass of water and a cloth napkin.

We will draw the stem and leaves in the usual, familiar way. But the flowers are unconventional method-method"poke". This method is used for drawing furry animals, flowers, images of snow, fireworks. It is unusual in that before starting to paint you should not dip the brush in water; this is a dry method of painting. We immediately dip a dry brush into gouache, it is most suitable, but we must remember that the gouache should be thick and not dry. You only need to dip the tip of the brush into the gouache. We hold the brush strictly vertically, apply the design by applying the brush to the sheet, as if “poking” into it. Hence the name - the “poke” method. We make the first “poke” on an additional sheet so that subsequent “poke”s are of a uniform color. The space designated for the flower should be filled evenly, placing the “pokes” close to each other, trying not to leave gaps and without overlapping them. And one more little secret: the end of the brush needs to be trimmed a little so that it is flat, not rounded or sharp, but straight. Then the “poke” will be fluffier. I suggest trying it on an additional sheet, making a few pokes, filling out an imaginary form.
Have you tried it? Then go ahead! Towards creativity!


1. Let's make the background. We need brush No. 5, blue gouache, water. Wet the sheet with water using a brush and apply the color evenly. We try to leave the edge of the sheet white on all sides - this will be the frame.

Let the sheet dry. The background is ready.
2. Place the sheet vertically. With brush No. 3 we draw the stems.

3. Now the leaves. First we draw the outline.

Now let's fill it with color.

4. Now we will draw a yellow dandelion. We need a bristle brush and yellow gouache. Don’t forget the features of the “poke” method and start drawing a flower. Remember, the brush is positioned strictly vertically in relation to the sheet! And “poke”, “poke”, “poke”!

Here is our living sun!

5. Draw a fluffy dandelion with white gouache.

And another fluffy one.

Let's decorate the leaves with a thin brush along the contour.
The work is ready!

You can draw other versions of the dandelion.

This is how they look together.

And here is a field of dandelions.

My kids immediately noticed these works on the wall in the group and wanted to draw too!
I want to introduce you better job! It was performed by Ekaterina Ermakova. She is only five years old, but she did her job completely on her own!
This is her dandelion!!!

We created a mini-exhibition in the group!

The objectives of this lesson are:

  • develop lexicon words: still life, painting, buds, meadow, aroma and comparative phrases;



MDOU IRMO "Markovsky" kindergarten combined type"

Lesson notes

in visual arts

Topic: “Dandelions”

teacher Stepanova D.N.

Software tasks:

  • consolidate drawing skills in the unconventional technique of “poking with a hard semi-dry brush”;
  • introduce the method of “printing” an element of a drawing;
  • develop vocabulary with words: still life, painting, buds, meadow, aroma, comparative phrases;
  • develop compositional skills;
  • cultivate a love of nature and an interest in painting.


  1. Sheet A5 with a picture of a vase
  2. Handout:
  • A4 sheet with images of different vases;
  • watercolor paints;
  • plate with white gouache;
  • hard brush;
  • brush No. 4, No. 2;
  • felt-tip pen cap;
  • paper napkins;
  • wet wipes.

Musical accompaniment:

P.I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers”.

Preliminary work:

  • children's tinting of drawing sheets;
  • work using the “poke with a hard semi-dry brush” technique;
  • making a vase drawing by children using screen printing;
  • memorizing the poem “Dandelion” by V. Stepanov (one child)

Progress of educational activities:

Educator: Burnt in the dewy grass

Golden flashlight

Then it faded, went out

And turned to fluff

(children - dandelion)

Educator: That's right, dandelion. Dandelion is a wonderful, magical flower. Why do you think?

Children: (it turns into fluff and can fly far, blooms with late spring and until autumn, looks like the sun.....)

Educator: Yes, guys, this simple flower makes us happy all summer long. We collect it in bouquets and weave wreaths. Do you know that even

great artists often depicted this simple and very beautiful flower. Let's see how artists depict dandelions.

Slide 1,2,3 (slides with pictures depicting dandelions)

Child reading a poem

Roadside dandelion
Was like the golden sun
But it faded and became similar
To fluffy white smoke.

You fly over a warm meadow
And over the quiet river.
I will be to you as a friend,
Wave your hand for a long time.

V. Stepanov

Slide 4

Educator: I wanted to look at this picture in more detail. "Dandelions" by Isaac Levitan

Let's come closer and try to see and feel the picture as the author feels it.

It's just a still life.

– Do you remember which paintings are called still lifes?

Children: (pictures depicting flowers in a vase, vegetables or fruits)

Educator: Let's check how you know!

Didactic game “Recognize the picture”

(The slide shows: landscape, portrait and still life).

Educator: Which painting by the artist is a still life?

(If the children guessed correctly, all the paintings disappear and the size of the still life increases).

Educator: Walking through the meadow, the artist picked dandelions, put them in a vase, and it turned out to be very beautiful. And this inspired him to paint this picture.

Educator: Where did the artist pick the flowers? So what can they be called?

Children : ( In the meadow. Meadow.)
Educator: Why do you think the artist chose such a gray, gloomy background?

Children : ( Compared to the gray background, dandelions in white and yellow hats look bright, warm, airy)

Educator: Guys, pay attention, the picture shows different dandelions. What is the difference?

Children: (Buds, blossoming flowers and those that have already bloomed with white caps)

Educator: Guys, let's play a game. (Children stand in a circle)

Didactic exercise with a ball “Choose a word”
Yellow like the sun.
Round like...
Soft like...
White like...
Fluffy like...
Fragile as...
What an amazing flower!

Educator: Guys, now I suggest you imagine that there is this vase with dandelions in our room. (Children sit in a semicircle in front of the screen)
- What can we say about the vase? What is she like?

Children : (clay, heavy)

Educator: The vase is heavy, made of clay, and the flowers in it look fragile and delicate.

Guys, is there any sun here?

Children: Yes

Educator: How did you guess?

Children: not in the picture itself.

Educator: It disappeared outside the window. It is not yet bright, lazy.

It shines through the glass a little. The sun shines on the vase and a shadow falls from it.

Guys, there are flowers in the room. What is our scent? Let's breathe it in.

Children: (Sweet, honey, fragrant, fresh...)

Educator: Guys, what do you feel when you look at these flowers? What's your mood?

Children: good, joyful, calm.

Educator: Warmth, a feeling of joy, a desire to extend the summer. What is the name of the person who depicts everything he sees on paper?

Children: Artist.

Educator: And looking at this picture, I wanted to become an artist myself. And you?

Remember the last time we drew a vase? Some of them are empty...

Children: Let's put bouquets of dandelions in it.

Educator: Before taking a seat in our creative workshop, I suggest you take a break.

Physical exercise “Dandelion”
Dandelion, dandelion!
(They squat, then slowly rise)
The stem is as thin as a finger.
If the wind is fast, fast
(They scatter in different directions)
It will fly into the clearing,
Everything around will rustle.
(They say “sh-sh-sh-sh-sh”)
Dandelion stamens
They'll scatter in a round dance
(Hold hands and walk in a circle)
And they will merge with the sky.

Showing how to draw a dandelion

Educator: How can we draw a bud?

Children: By dipping.

Educator: What does the bud look like? Let's show with a closed palm (showdrawing a bud).

“And a yellow blossoming flower looks like an open palm like this.”

How can we draw it? It can be painted using a hard brush with a poke. (Demonstration of drawing a blossoming dandelion)

– Now we have reached the most interesting downy flower. This means that the dandelion’s seeds are ripe and they are ready to fly far, far away with the wind. I suggest you draw this flower using an imprint (stamp). Have you all seen how a seal is placed? This is when an object with a pattern is dipped into paint and this image (drawing) is printed on paper. Using the printing method we will get lush dandelions. What are dandelion parachutes like?

Children:( On snowflakes, crosses.)

Educator: To get such an image, you need to dip the cap in paint and leave an imprint (showing a method for printing a flower element) (showing a method for printing a flower element). It seems? Yes, but one print is not enough for us, we need to make a lot of them. What shape is the white cap of a dandelion?

Children: Round

Educator: That's right, and you and I will make prints in a circle. When we have all the flowers ready, we can paint on the thin stems and leaves. We draw only with the tip of the brush.

Independent activities of children

Educator: Draw as many colors as you think necessary. All drawings will be different - some will have one bud, some will have three, some will draw a lot of fluffy dandelions, and some will not.

The teacher providesindividual assistance, pays attention to the ability to compose a composition.


- Our work is ready! Did you like it? What was the most difficult thing? What's the easiest thing?

– You guys turned out such beautiful, magical dandelions.

– Do you know how artists arrange their paintings before an exhibition? (In frames). I suggest making frames in the afternoon and organizing an exhibition for the parents. What might we need? (Since children are constantly engaged different types creativity, they offer: quilling strips, strips of colored corrugated cardboard, plasticine flagella).

Organization: MADOU kindergarten No. 72 combined type

Locality: Moscow region, Odintsovo

  1. Educational.

Learn to convey the image of a flower, its structure and shape using the poking method with a hard brush. Expand knowledge about the first spring flowers. Improve the ability to hold a brush correctly when drawing.

  1. Fine.

Develop visual skills and abilities. Be able to arrange flowers throughout the leaf. Strengthen the ability to use a thin brush when drawing leaves and stems. Draw flower heads with a hard brush, leaving no space between the strokes. Strengthen the ability to independently draw flowers using the poking method (large and small ovals and circles).

  1. Developmental.

Develop imagination and perception of the world around you, cognitive abilities. Orientation in space, sense of color, rhythm. Development of eye-hand coordination, hand control. Master the techniques of depicting flowers using round and oval shapes in various combinations.

  1. Educational.

Instill accuracy when drawing. Form an emotionally positive attitude towards the drawing process itself.

  1. Vocabulary work.

Drawing with a poke, spring flowers, stem, leaves, textured color.

Preparation for class

Preliminary work:

Conversation about the first spring colors with children. Introducing children to the technique of drawing using the poke method, reading Vysotskaya’s poem “Dandelion”, looking at a reproduction of Levitan’s painting “Dandelions”, looking at pictures and photographs depicting dandelions.


Gouache green and yellow, white; two brushes - a brush with hard bristles, a soft brush with a thin tip; palette; light green sheet of A-4 paper; white sheet of paper; cloth rag; paper napkin; a jar of water; brush stand.

Progress of the lesson

Conversation about the first spring flowers with children.


"Guys, it's come beautiful time year Spring. All nature wakes up from a long sleep. Which flowers bloom first? (children's answers)

Educator: (Riddle about the dandelion)

Burnt in the dewy grass

The flashlight is golden.

Then it faded, went out

And turned into fluff. (Dandelion)

I'll tell you a beautiful verse. Reading of Vysotskaya’s poem “Dandelion”.

The sun dropped a golden ray.

The dandelion has grown - the first young one!

It has a wonderful golden color,

He big sun, Small portrait!

Look how beautiful the dandelion is. How is this flower similar to the sun?


“Same round and yellow.”


What does a dandelion have? (stem, leaves, flower).

Hear someone buzzing.

Who is this?

The teacher asks a riddle:

“Winged fashionista, striped dress

Even if you’re small in size, if you bite, it’ll be bad!”



The teacher brings a toy bee into the group.


“Hello, bee! What is your name?" - Maya.

The bee found out that a dandelion appeared in our group. She woke up early, and the flowers had not yet bloomed anywhere. The bee really wants to collect a lot of nectar. So she came to us.


“Guys, a bee needs a lot of flowers to collect flower nectar. Where can we get a lot of flowers?



Invite children to draw dandelions using the poking method. Remind and show children how to hold a brush correctly: just like a pencil, with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush.

Perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush, while the hand should be on the elbow. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text on small sheet paper).

Hold the brush Hand on the elbow. The brush is held with three fingers. above its metal part.

It's difficult? No, nothing! - Movements of the hand along the text.

Right – left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then - The brush is held vertically.

The brush runs around. Perform pokes without paint

Spun like a top. on a sheet.

After a poke comes a poke!

Children draw the outline of a dandelion on their own with a pencil. (oval or round flower, at the request of the children).

Remind children and show them the features of painting with a brush, namely, using the entire bristle flat, dabbing the end, and if you hold the brush vertically to the paper and flatten the bristles on it, you get an imitation of a large “fluffy” or “spiky” dot (children repeat the brush painting technique on a piece of paper).

Show and explain the sequence and technique of drawing with a poke.

Children first trace the outline of the flower with their finger, then poke with a brush with stiff bristles without paint along the outline of the flower. (The hand rests on the elbow, the brush is held with three fingers, above the metal part, the brush is placed vertically on a sheet of paper and lowered from the top, the movements are repeated rhythmically).

Offer to draw a dandelion in the color they want it to be. (independent choice of children).

Invite children to put gouache on a brush. The gouache should be thick and the brush should be dry.

To remove excess paint, you need to make a few random pokes on a small sheet of paper and see what color you get.

Draw the children's attention that the point turned out to be “airy”, “fluffy”, like a real dandelion bud. Recall that a light yellow shade can be obtained by mixing yellow and white gouache on the palette.

Invite the children to start drawing on their own with pokes right along the line of the bud, making pokes next to each other, without leaving a gap between the pokes. Then use random pokes to paint the surface inside the outline of the flower.

Paint flowers with yellow or white paint of the children's choice. When changing paint, rinse the brush in water, wipe dry with a cloth, and continue painting.

Draw the remaining details of the flower (stem, leaves) with the end of a soft brush. The tip of the brush is dipped into a jar of water, and excess water is removed by dipping it on a cloth. Then put gouache on the tip of the brush and paint.

The teacher helps the children draw using their own sample.

Final part

Physical education minute “Dandelions”.

Wears a dandelion

Yellow sundress (hands on waist, turns right, left)

When he grows up, he will dress up

In a white dress (squat slowly, stand up slowly).

Light, airy

It is obedient to the wind (running in place on your toes).

After a pause, the children lay out their work on the table. They stand in a semicircle around their work. The teacher places the toy Maya the bee on the children's drawings.

Maya the Bee:

“Thank you guys, now I’ll collect a lot of nectar.”

Teacher for children:

“You and I found ourselves in a large clearing where dandelions grow. Let's look at them."

The teacher asks suggestive questions children.

How did you draw dandelions? (children's answers)

What color are dandelions? (children's answers)

What does a dandelion meadow look like? (children's answers)

Show me the dandelion that you liked best? (children's answers)

Why do we need flowers? (children's answers)

Do you need to pick flowers just like that? (children's answers)

Teacher for children:

“You tried to draw everything beautiful flowers, real artists. Let’s make an exhibition out of your paintings so that all the guests coming to our group can admire your flowers.”

Municipal preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten N 50 “Ogonyok” Moscow region, Dmitrovsky district, pos. Iksha, Middle group No. 7

Completed and prepared by Educator: Bondareva A.V. 2016-2017 academic year year

Goal: Learn to draw dandelion flowers using the poking method.


  • strengthen children's ability to paint leaves with the tip of a brush
  • expand children's knowledge about the first spring flowers.
  • Enrich children's vocabulary and instill an interest in poetry.

Material: green A-4 paper, gouache yellow color, two brushes, hard and soft, napkins for each child, a container for water, a picture of dandelions.

Preliminary work: Observing spring changes in wildlife. Looking at dandelions while walking, reading educational fairy tale "Dandelion and the Wind" .

Progress of the lesson: Guys, come in, hello guys. Look, we have guests. Let's say hello "Hello" .

Educator: What time of year is it now?

Children: Spring.

Educator: By what signs did you know that it is spring? (the sun is shining warmer, the birds have arrived, the buds have blossomed on the trees, the grass has turned green, the first flowers have bloomed).

Educator: What spring flowers do you know?

Children: snowdrops, coltsfoot, dandelions.

Dandelion is a field plant. Therefore, it can be found more often in meadows, fields, parks, and forests.

Read a poem to us "Dandelion" .

The sun dropped a golden ray.
The dandelion grew - the first, young one.
It has a wonderful golden color.
He is a big sun, a small portrait.

Educator: Did you like the poem? What was the poem about? Let's look at what a dandelion looks like, what shape it is (in the sun, round.) What parts does a flower consist of? (Stem, leaves, flower, root.) That's right, well done.

Educator: Now sit down at the tables and let’s start drawing.

Educator: Look in front of you at a sheet of green paper, two brushes, one hard and the other soft, and the gouache is yellow and green. From the beginning we need to draw dandelion flowers using the poking method. We'll start with a hard brush, dip it in water, take yellow paint and paint a dandelion using the poking method. The petals of this flower are long, thin, and jagged. Start drawing by drawing a thin strip pointing upward with a sharp end. Then we will add teeth on the sides of the base, depicting correct form leaf.

Educator: Let's do it with you finger gymnastics, and the dandelions will dry out. Leave the table and move your chairs.

Our delicate flowers (fingers clenched into a fist)
The petals are blooming. (fingers in different directions)
The wind is barely breathing, (children blow lightly)
The petals are swaying. (shaking hands)

Our delicate flowers.
Petals close (clench their fists again)
They shake their heads, (shake fists)
They fall asleep quietly. (remove your hands from the table)

Educator: Now sit down at the tables. Our dandelions have dried up. Now we will paint the stem and leaves with a soft brush and green paint. The petals of this flower are long, thin, and jagged. Start drawing by drawing a thin strip pointing upward with a sharp end. Then we will add teeth on the sides of the base, depicting the correct shape of the leaf.

Educator: Guys, do you know that the time comes, and the yellow petals are replaced by white fluffs.

Golden and young
In a week he turned gray.
And in two days
My head is bald.

Dandelion - very the right flower. He wakes up and goes to bed with the sun. In cloudy, rainy weather, the dandelion does not open its petals, keeping them closed. Insects also love dandelions. Bumblebees and butterflies drink sweet dandelion nectar. Bees collect pollen and make dandelion honey.


Let's remember what we did with you in our lesson?

What did you like most?

What do bees collect from dandelion flowers?

All the guys did their best today. Well done! Now let's look at our drawings together.


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