Master class “Decoupage on canvas. Master class on decoupage on fabric: Painting on canvas with imitation of oil painting Panel blanks for decoupage

I’ve been meaning to write about the simplest things for a long time, but at the same time a very effective way to decorate the walls of your home antique paintings in expensive frames or stylish modern still lifes, landscapes, collages, etc.

This method is decoupage on canvas with imitation of painting, or imitation of decoupage on canvas– I’ll also tell and show you about this.

So, let's start with the simplest thing. Artist stores sell things like this: canvas on cardboard. It's thick cardboard with canvas glued to it, and the whole thing is primed and ready for painting.

There are different manufacturers, different prices and different sizes, from the smallest (10x15) to the largest (60x60 cm).

No additional surface preparation is required - we simply glue a napkin or a rice card onto the canvas using the file method, ensuring that the texture of the canvas is visible(some people recommend driving the napkin into the relief, i.e. the canvas, but I just I gently iron the napkin with a brush in the direction of the threads, and that's it.

We get decoupage with the texture of canvas, and the eye perceives it as painting on canvas. Two layers of matte varnish perpendicular to each other (in the direction of the threads) - and can be inserted into the frame.

Once again all the steps in order:

  1. Simultaneously selecting a canvas on cardboard and a frame for it, make sure it fits comfortably into your frame.
  2. We find napkin of suitable size(keep in mind that it will still stretch), it is advisable to glue it over the entire surface to avoid underpainting. If, after all, the napkin is slightly smaller than the canvas, and the edges are visible, then they need to be painted on, and for this it is very important to use a napkin do not cut, but tear off!!! And from all sides, even along the edges (I keep forgetting about this)!!!
  3. Glue the napkin carefully expelling all bubbles. Let's dry it.

It’s a pity that a regular quarter napkin doesn’t stretch as much as it should, and the torn edges are a little visible in the 20x20 frame. I'll have to paint on it.

4. If necessary, paint on it, or just cover with 2 layers of matte varnish.

5. Decorating the frame - this usually takes more time than decorating the canvas itself. How to design a frame - read in the next MK.

For an additional effect, you can apply any strokes to some elements. thick transparent voluminous gel(even before varnishing or between layers). I have Maimeri 723. However, try not to get carried away with this gel; I also recommend looking at real oil or acrylic paintings to feel the relief of the strokes, then it will be easier for you to apply the gel realistically. At least on acrylic painting there is very little relief, so I often do without gel.

Here is an example of inept use of gel (my “early”) - the strokes were done somehow, in addition I tried to draw the elements of the picture with color (I added paint to the gel). The result is translucent paint, and working with such paint is very difficult for a beginner if you have no experience in painting.

Napkins with any motifs are suitable for gluing (except - you will have to finish drawing them, creating a beautiful background), or rice cards, or printouts on thin tracing paper. The thinner the paper, the more the texture of the canvas will be visible.

And still try to avoid folds and underdrawing - sanding out folds on a textured surface is very inconvenient, and drawings need to be done a little differently than usual in decoupage, - more picturesque, bold, with strokes of precisely selected paint.

What to do if you don’t have canvas on cardboard at hand? Can be glued to cardboard dense fabric with clearly defined weaves of threads:

  1. Cut out the fabric with allowances;
  2. We place it on cardboard, fold the edges and glue it;
  3. Let's prime with something. It is better to use a thicker product so that the cardboard is less deformed by water (but in any case, it can be dried under a press, then it will level out, or simply bend it in the opposite direction).

Imitation of decoupage on canvas

Another interesting option - imitation decoupage on canvas. If you have slightly thicker paper or simply don’t have a canvas on hand, you can use this option.

We will need:

  1. Surface (this may be the back of the frame is made of MDF or even cardboard, or even just glass from the frame!);
  2. Primer or acrylic paint, possibly aerosol (for glass) – read about preparing the surface with primers here;
  3. Putty without lumps, uniform consistency. The old one is not very suitable, fresh is better;
  4. Brush – construction bristles (not artistic);
  5. Motif, glue, varnish, brushes, etc., and the frame itself.

Stages of work:

1. If our surface is backdrop made of MDF or thick cardboard, then no preparation is needed. If this glass from frame, degrease it and cover it with a layer of aerosol varnish or glass primer.

2. Mix putty with primer or acrylic construction paint in a ratio of approximately 1:1. We will get a white composition that holds its shape well.

3. Apply our mixture to the surface with a construction brush in vertical stripes, As usual, we carry out the finishing stroke from one edge of the workpiece to the other. Your stripes should look like threads that go in one direction. Dry it.

In progress:

4. Apply our mixture perpendicular to the first layer. These are threads that run across (choose for yourself where you have the weft and where the warp is:) Let it dry.

Decoupage paintings: 50 photo ideas for DIY panels

Painting in decoupage can be done even by those who have never held a brush or easel in their hand. Decoupage is an ancient technique that allows you to decorate a wide variety of objects by gluing various cut-out pictures, fragments, etc. In this case, the result is covered with several layers of varnish, achieving a smooth surface. Today, using decoupage, you can make a beautiful box with your own hands from an ordinary box, restore old furniture, and also decorate the walls in your house.

Decoupage: wall panels

The painting on the wall was and is its main decoration. Most often these are reproductions, photographic prints, less often – originals, albeit not of the most famous artists. But often not only paintings or graphic creations appear in frames, but also, for example, batik, as well as a decoupage painting.

The process of creating such a painting with your own hands looks like this:

  • Canvas primer. You can buy canvas in a special store, ready-made.
  • Painting frame. Most often, the frame is coated with bronze acrylic paint, or optionally white. The frame can be first rubbed with paraffin, then painted, and then rubbed with sandpaper. This will give the frame an antique look.
  • Preparing the drawing. Cut out a suitable size and shape; you can use napkins, or rather, their top layer. Immerse the picture in tea leaves if you want an antique effect.

In this case, a panel is made on canvas; if you use some other base, you will have to adapt to the characteristics of this base

How to make decoupage panels on canvas

The image, already prepared, must be carefully applied to the canvas and almost immediately it can be covered with glue. Some craftsmen prefer to paint over parts with acrylic paint, but this is not necessary.

Then in places where there will be cracks (if you make them), you need to coat them with acrylic varnish. After drying, you need to apply the next layer, a special faceted varnish. After it dries, cracks will appear that will need to be rubbed with bronze.

In fact, the work is completed: all that remains is to cover the painting with matte acrylic varnish and secure it in the frame. This panel can decorate any room in the house

A decorative panel made by yourself can stylishly decorate the wall of your home or office.

Decoupage on canvas: a box of ideas (video)

Panel decor: creative ideas

You can decorate a panel, first of all, with a beautiful frame.

How to decorate a frame for a wall panel:

  • Mosaic. One of the most beautiful techniques, easy to perform. Suitable for both abstract paintings and classical subjects.
  • Buttons. Paint them with acrylic bronze paint after you cover the frame, it always looks great.
  • Newspaper tubes. A simple but interesting solution, they can frame almost any picture if you know how to lay it out correctly.

Shabby chic - these are the same scuffs, only with white as the dominant color

By the way, they do a lot of things with their own hands from newspaper tubes - baskets and boxes turn out almost like real ones.

Panel made from newspaper tubes with decoupage: master class

Newspaper tubes can not only act as a frame for your work, but also become a canvas for this unusual painting.

This is how canvas is made from tubes:

  • The newspaper sheet is divided into four parts, tubes are made using a knitting needle;
  • The edge of the strip is glued together with ordinary PVA glue, after which the tubes need to be glued into one sheet with stronger glue;
  • The edges of the canvas made of tubes are smoothed with scissors and then covered in two or three layers of acrylic paint;
  • After the paint has dried, proceed to decoupage - stick on the necessary fragments;
  • The resulting picture is covered with transparent acrylic varnish.

There are enough ideas for panels from newspapers: it can be a picture framed with weaving or a relief decor

The result will be a relief canvas, and therefore a relief panel, which can be placed in a more standard frame.

Panel blanks for decoupage

It is not always possible to do such work from scratch, and if you have your treasure chest, that is, various preparations, the work will definitely be easier.

Any beautiful background today can be found in an online gallery and printed on a printer

Blanks are fragments, pictures, clippings, or entire magazine sheets, napkins that you once caught your eye on. Nobody knows when this or that fragment may come in handy. So, get your sleigh ready in the summer.

A special moment is backgrounds for decoupage. Many of them can be found on the Internet, just by request. Print them out on a color printer, put them in your chest, and many problems will be quickly solved.

For example, you decided to do something using the decoupage technique on a New Year's theme, and if you already have backgrounds, the work will go faster.

Beautiful backgrounds for decoupage (video review)

New Year's panel: do-it-yourself decoupage

New Year's motifs look especially good on the walls of the house during the holiday season. You can cut out the necessary fragments from those napkins, since their choice today is huge. But it’s not just a New Year’s story that will help such a product become truly wintery and magical. This is where your tricks come into play.

For a New Year's panel you can use:

  • Glitter nail polish. Even nail polish will work for small fragments.
  • Salt and PVA. First a layer of glue, then white paint, and coarse salt - a wonderful imitation of snow.
  • Mitten-shaped base. Not just a rectangular or round canvas, but a mitten canvas that immediately sets the right mood.

Retro subjects look great: old postcards, Christmas themes, vintage drawings

Cardboard panel: decoupage step by step

If there is no canvas, and you are not in the mood to create a base from tubes, you can use regular cardboard. More precisely, the most ordinary one, but durable and thick. At the same time, it should not be brittle, otherwise all the work will go down the drain.

If you only have thin cardboard and want to work with it, you can “thicken” it yourself. This is done using the good old papier-mâché technique. Several layers of white napkins, and the cardboard will become strong and thick. Well, then the decoupage work is carried out according to the standard scenario.

To decorate panels using the decoupage technique, you need cardboard of sufficient density

Decoupage panels with putty: master class

And this is a non-trivial version of decoupage, in which you can end up with relief work.

Decoupage with putty is done like this:

  • Putty is applied to the base (canvas) with a spatula in a random direction. You need to wait for it to dry.
  • Protruding areas are sanded with sandpaper.
  • Next, use a brush to coat the work with the desired color of paint so that more paint is in the frame area.
  • Take a wet cloth and wipe off the paint, and then again, just dry it. This will give you the desired background.
  • Next you need to glue the motifs.
  • Using a spatula and putty, go over the almost finished work again.

The texture of the work will be interesting - you want to touch such panels. Just don't overdo it with putty.

All you have to do is brush the edge of the panel with paint on a sponge and the panel is ready!

Master class on decoupage (video)

The decoupage technique is simple, but demanding on details. Special materials, special varnish, at first all this surprises and seems unusual. But once you have done such decor, you understand how stylish, aesthetic, and bright these works are.

Creative success!

The master class was conducted by Irina Savosina.

I don’t know how to draw at all, but I have long dreamed of a painting on canvas. Not finding napkins with a suitable motif, I bought a large decoupage card with a view of the river.

decoupage card 20x30 cm;
fiberboard sheet 30x40 cm;
2 slats 1x2x40 cm;
2 slats 1x2x26 cm;
canvas for painting 40x50 cm;
PVA glue;
roller with foam attachment;
acrylic transparent semi-gloss varnish;
acrylic paint in white, beige and blue colors;
small flat glue brush;
paint brush;
wide container (basin) with water;

Furniture stapler;

Preparing the base.

I sawed off a 30x40 cm piece from a fiberboard sheet. I nailed four slats around the perimeter of the part with small nails. I ironed the canvas well. I coated the smooth side of the fiberboard with thick PVA glue and immediately glued the canvas without touching the surface to be pasted with my hands so that stains would not appear. At the same time, the canvas was pulled with force by the edges. I gave it two hours to dry. I coated the slats with glue, folded the edges of the canvas and pressed them.


Then I additionally attached the canvas to the slats with a stapler.


The front side of the blank and the ends were painted with white acrylic using a roller.


It is better not to use a brush at this stage - it will clog the texture of the canvas with paint.

Landscape from a napkin.

The decoupage card motif was torn off at the edges so that they turned out uneven. Placed it in a container of water for 30 seconds. until completely wet. But you can’t keep it there for a long time - with further work, the paper will spread! I placed the center of the motif on the canvas and quickly began to press with a brush with PVA glue, expelling air bubbles. I left it to dry for a day. The white field was painted over with beige acrylic.


The edges of the card were not very evenly brushed with blue paint. I applied one coat of varnish using a roller. The imitation of the painting turned out to be excellent - even under the map you can see the canvas texture.


On a note.
If you use the same color of paint, but with a time difference of even half an hour, then the brush or roller must be packed in a plastic bag and tied. You can continue painting even after a day - the tool will not dry out.

We will need:

  • artistic canvas, primed, size 40x50 cm
  • 4 sheets of Fredecor material for light surfaces with an image from the collection "Pictures on Canvas"
  • acrylic paints
  • modeling gel paste transparent
  • acrylic lacquer

1. For a size of 40x50 cm you will need 4 sheets of Freedecor material with an antique painting print

2. First coat the canvas with acrylic varnish in two layers. We tear off the edges of the sheets with the picture.

3. Soak each fragment in ordinary warm water for 15-20 seconds.

4. And carefully glue it onto the canvas. The Freedecor material has its own adhesive layer, so we do not need additional glue.

It’s okay if you couldn’t fit the picture together perfectly, since in the future we will completely draw it.

5. First, use a sponge to paint the background around the picture.

6. Then, selecting paints, paint all or part of it with acrylic paints.

We take fairly thick paint and imitate strokes with oil paints.

I have drawn the picture completely, but you can only highlight those elements that are located in the foreground.

7. After the acrylic paints have completely dried on top of all the elements of the painting and apply a transparent modeling gel paste to the background (while it looks white in the photo).

Apply modeling paste in the same way as paint, simulating broad brush strokes.

The thickness of the layer can vary depending on the perspective - what is in the background is a thinner layer, what is in the foreground is thicker.

The modeling gel dries in about a day and becomes completely transparent.

8. Cover the entire work on top with two layers of acrylic varnish.

Painting on canvas with imitation of oil painting.

Fragments of the picture:

Artist and clothing designer from Poland. Anna was inspired to create the painting by memories from her childhood: an old attic, huge hanging cobwebs, old yellowed newspapers. This mood is successfully conveyed through the “aged photograph.”

To repeat something similar with your own hands, we prepare the following materials: primed canvas (paint with several layers of white acrylic paint), a beautiful motif on rice paper, old newspapers or newspaper magazines, glue (for decoupage or PVA), pencil, ruler, scissors, acrylic paints , patina, varnish, lighter or matches, sponge or dry rag.

We take several pages of paper and knead them very carefully with our hands so that many wrinkles appear to create an interesting effect. On the canvas, with a pencil, mark the width of the frame, which we will cover with prepared paper. PVA glue is suitable for this work.

We tear the crumpled paper into pieces and glue it along the edge of the canvas. We press the paper against the base, but do not smooth out the wrinkles. Leave until completely dry. Then we cover the surface with cream-colored paint.

After drying, cover the middle of the surface, where the rice paper motif will be placed, with gold acrylic. You can take gold powder and mix it with a small amount of decoupage glue. But while the gold acrylic is not dry, remove excess paint with a rag or sponge. This will create a beige surface with a golden tint.

Cut out the motif you like from rice paper and burn the edges with a lighter (you can just gently use a match). Glue the prepared motif to the canvas.

The next step is to patina the image. For this purpose we use a dark brown patina. Apply it with a sponge in some places, remove the excess.

Next, we create a greenish coating. For this we use acrylic paint.
We select a color that would resemble natural patina. We wet the sponge in the resulting shade and move it along the frame so that in some places there is more paint, and in others the sponge is semi-dry.