The ability to get used to the image 9 letters. How to improve your ability to get used to a role

Many of those who are thinking about becoming a psychologist have little idea of ​​what they can do. Various areas of application of psychological knowledge are often confused in the head. Agree, the work of a psychologist is kindergarten fundamentally different from emergency work psychological assistance in emergency situations.

Therefore, even at the stage of receiving psychological education, it is worth deciding on the desired direction of activity and learning better about what a psychologist can do and where he can work. Many psychologists have to try a variety of professions before they find exactly what they would like to do.. Some people go through work in a school, kindergarten or helpline before realizing what they would like to do psychological trainings. Some find their calling in working with orphans and psychological rehabilitation of families. Someone knows from the very beginning that his path is private psychological practice, with his own office. Someone chooses a research direction.

All these directions are very different. Each of them requires different skills, abilities, and experience. Even within the same field of activity, you can do a variety of things. For example, a psychologist in private practice may work with children, families, or specific problems. A school psychologist can work with parents, children and teachers, conduct classes, and perform psychological diagnostics.

If the direction of the future professional activity known in advance, you can already focus on a particular topic and area of ​​activity at the training stage, obtain additional skills and knowledge needed specifically for this area. However, if it is very difficult to decide, attempts to find yourself in different directions They are unlikely to cause harm - they will, rather, allow you to expand your horizons, understand yourself better, and decide what exactly you would like to do.

Psychologists are those who want to work with people, help or have power over them. And some simply consider this profession fashionable, popular and prestigious. Psychological education in modern conditions becomes an important factor in achieving success in various fields(personnel, trade, services, management). Specialists who understand the principles of human behavior and know how to communicate are in demand everywhere and always.

After completing training, a young specialist can work:

    psychologist-consultant in the system of education and preschool education in social sphere; in the psychological counseling service (family, individual, coaching);
    in hospitals and clinics;
    teach psychology in universities, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, schools;
    in the HR department (assistant director, recruiter, manager or HR director);
    in trade (from a salesperson in an elite boutique, an administrator and supervisor to a corporate trainer).

Obtaining a diploma for a psychologist is just the beginning. You need to choose the area of ​​application of your strength, patiently accumulate experience and “learn, study and study again.” A good psychologist will not be left without work.
A psychologist with education but no work experience can count on working in schools, kindergartens, state psychological centers, etc.
A specialist psychologist with at least three years of experience can continue to improve professionally or, by changing his field of activity, can engage in personnel work, administration, or sales, starting from the lowest or middle level.
A professional psychologist with at least five years of experience can work in a specialized psychological service, engage in private consulting, get a job as a business coach, or become a personnel director or general director.

To be successful, a psychologist must be: personally mature person (authentic), possess life experience, high intelligence, erudition, emotional stability and competence, sense of humor and charm.

Let's imagine that you decide to work in the field of psychology, education, business, culture, or the social sphere. Do you know what kind of specialists are needed in these areas and what exactly they do? Here is a partial list of them:
Organizational psychologist- solves problems of optimizing the use of human resources in institutions, companies, public associations. These are, first of all, all types personnel work- from recruitment to development personnel policy companies, assistance to managers, provision external relations organizations with the public.
Legal psychologist works in the field of legal relations, most often in close contact with lawyers of various profiles. This may include working with law enforcement personnel, including special units, in penitentiary institutions. A legal psychologist can become an indispensable assistant to lawyers, participating in trials from both the plaintiff and defendant sides.
Clinical (medical) psychologist is a specialist who takes responsibility for organizing a special process during which the client acquires the ability to solve his life difficulties. Traditionally, a clinical psychologist is engaged in psychodiagnostics (for example, during a medical and social examination), counseling (non-medical psychotherapy) and rehabilitation (restoration of lost mental and physical capabilities). IN Lately such modern trends work of a clinical psychologist such as neuropsychology, psychopharmacology.

Where can a clinical psychologist work?

First of all, this is the healthcare sector, various medical institutions of general somatic and psychoneurological profile in inpatient and outpatient settings for adults and children.
Another important area of ​​application is the field of education, where clinical psychologists can work as psychologists in educational institutions different levels, teachers of psychology in secondary, special and higher educational institutions any profile.
The third important area is work in the departments of the Ministry emergency situations. This is work with diverse manifestations of post-traumatic stress disorders in adults and children that arose as a result of extraordinary events: disasters, terrorist attacks, deaths of loved ones and relatives, etc.
Another important area and very popular area of ​​activity for a clinical psychologist is the penitentiary system, which is actively developing psychological services and is in dire need of highly qualified clinical psychologists.
Finally, this is the vast field of social work in all its diversity.
In addition, clinical psychologists can work as human resources managers, consultants in the fields of management, business and public relations.

It should be noted that the broadest and fundamental professional training that ensures clinical psychologists perform diagnostic, correctional, advisory, expert, preventive, rehabilitation, research and educational activities makes them quite competitive and in-demand specialists in a wide variety of and sometimes unexpected areas.

What do specialists do? practical psychology? Mostly clinical psychologists in hospitals general profile, in psychiatric hospitals, psychoneurological and drug treatment clinics, children's rehabilitation and recovery centers, speech pathology centers, as well as at enterprises in personnel management departments.

Psychologist in the education system carries out work in an educational institution aimed at ensuring the mental health and personality development of children and adolescents. Identifies conditions that complicate the development of a child’s personality through psychoprophylaxis, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection, counseling and rehabilitation. Provides assistance to children, teachers and parents (persons replacing them) in solving personal, professional and other specific problems. Forms psychological culture children, teachers and parents (persons replacing them), including the culture of sex education.

Consults managers and employees educational institution on the development of this institution, practical application psychology, focused on increasing the socio-psychological competence of children, teachers, parents (persons replacing them).

Practical psychologist - a specialist who has the appropriate education and level of qualifications, providing psychological assistance (psychological services) to the population, including a full or partial range of areas provided for by the relevant job responsibilities, determined by the relevant “Regulations on Psychological Service” and the specific situation requiring psychological intervention or the use of special psychological knowledge and technologies.

The main areas of activity of a practical psychologist in an educational institution, as provided for in the “Regulations on the Psychological Service of Education” are:

Psychologist-consultant. Understanding counseling as “helping people help themselves.”

IN practical work a consultant, especially if he uses systemic changes as a method of assistance, his assistance can take a very different nature: from family counseling and psychotherapy (in the case of working with the family as a microsystem) to organizational and political counseling. However, despite the wide range that psychological help can have, it should be kept in mind a number of specific possible outcomes or results typical for the practice of providing care :

    improved understanding (of the problem, of oneself, of others, etc.);
    change emotional state(this could be a release of emotional tension, exploration of one’s feelings, acceptance of some of one’s feelings, etc.);
    ability to make a decision;
    ability to implement decision;
    confirmation of your thoughts, feelings, decisions;
    receiving support;
    adaptation to a situation that cannot be changed;
    search and study of alternatives;
    receiving practical help through direct actions (assistant and other specialists attracted by the assistant);
    development of existing skills and abilities, acquisition of new ones;
    receiving the information;
    reacting to other people's actions and situations.

Counseling is a process in which a person achieves more high level personal (personal) competence.
Just as a psychologist can work in various professional “roles” depending on the goals, objectives and place of work (for example, as a researcher, theorist, expert, psychotherapist, consultant, psychological trainer, teacher, etc.), so can a consultant, depending on Depending on the goals, objectives and place of work, he may, to varying degrees, preferentially use one or another method of providing assistance.
Of course, no matter how many types of assistance we identify, each of them cannot be free from theoretical principles and values.

In the age of rapidly developing technologies, there are things that remain unchanged and the most important thing is a person’s desire to know himself, his essence through the prism of relationships. The profession of a psychologist helps you understand and understand many mental mechanisms, patterns and look at yourself and other people, both similar and unique in some ways.

Who is a psychologist?

Many people confuse a psychologist with a psychiatrist, and yes, these professions have common unifying points, but there are also significant differences. The profession of psychologist is a helping specialty, belonging to the category: “person - person”. A psychologist is an expert who understands the subtle mechanisms of the human soul, relationships and characteristics of the psychotype ( different types classifications) inherent in each person. Within the scope of his specialty, a psychologist is someone who:

  • listens carefully and actively;
  • clarifies, paraphrases;
  • asks guiding questions;
  • helps to identify the most important ones from the “chaos” of problems priority task, which needs to be worked with;
  • uses in its arsenal special techniques and methods that correspond to the current task and the client’s request.

What does it take to work as a psychologist?

The profession of psychologist, like any other specialty, has a number of requirements and characteristics for a person who wants to become an expert in any field of psychology. The following criteria exist:

  1. Higher psychological education at a university specializing in training psychologists.
  2. Advanced training every five years is required condition, but many psychologists who value their specialty study constantly.
  3. Undertaking personal therapy and teaching another psychologist how to work with a psychologist. This is why there are intervisions and supervisions. A psychologist is also a person who periodically needs a look from another expert. The second point is that there are difficult cases in practice when collegial assistance helps you see what needs to be worked on in order to get out of the crisis.
  4. It is advisable for a novice psychologist to gain experience within 1–3 years in government institutions.
  5. Psychologists with extensive experience strive to independent practice, at this stage it is important to obtain a license and open your own business.

Is the profession of a psychologist in demand?

Healers human souls– that’s what psychologists are called. The demand for the profession of psychologist is always relevant. Modern times with its oversaturation of information and constantly changing living conditions, which are influenced by: the state and the laws it undertakes, the political situation in the country and throughout the world, the media with constantly disturbing news - all this leaves an imprint on thinking and. In times of stress, friends and relatives cannot always help, but professional help can give a “second wind” to a person.

Psychologist - characteristics of the profession

There is a common misconception that a psychologist is someone who gives advice. And when coming to a consultation, a person expects that they will tell him how to live, give him a lot of tips and his life will change, as if by magic. magic wand. This is far from true. Professional psychologist, to the disappointment of many people, does not give advice. What then is the profession of a psychologist? In a professional approach to the client's problem. The characteristics of the profession of psychologist suggest that the personality of a psychologist is the most main tool successful therapy.

Qualities that a professional must have:

  • integrity;
  • the ability to motivate yourself and others;
  • love for your profession and people;
  • professional flair and intuition;
  • ability to experiment;
  • empathy;
  • well developed figurative and ;
  • ability to maintain confidentiality;
  • compassion;
  • honesty in emotions, actions;
  • diversified development;
  • reflection;
  • non-judgmental acceptance;
  • the elaboration of the areas within which consultation is carried out;
  • ability to work with countertransferences;
  • honest admission of one's incompetence in certain matters.

Psychologist - types of profession

The profession of psychologist, with all its many branches, has 3 officially recognized approaches to its activities. Psychologist - areas of profession:

  1. Pedagogical activity (theoretical) – aimed at transferring knowledge about psychological science(the profession of educational psychologist is the most in demand in educational institutions)
  2. Research- conducting experiments, analysis, data summarization, statistics psychological phenomena, dynamics of processes and their validity. Writing works and dissertations on psychology
  3. Practical activities include:
  • individual counseling - as a means of helping people who find themselves in difficult psychological situations;
  • group trainings;
  • compilation psychological portrait, examinations.

Profession psychologist - pros and cons

A person who has chosen this specialty for himself must study the basics of the profession of psychologist and develop an understanding that in addition to the positive aspects, the profession also has “dark” sides, which often emerge unpredictably in different situations. A conscious choice in favor of psychology involves accepting the negative aspects that you will have to face and knowing how to overcome it so that the profession brings moral satisfaction.

The advantages of being a psychologist

Psychology is mainly attended by people seeking self-knowledge. It also happens that a person decides to get rid of old traumas and complexes and then help others with this. Pros and cons of the profession of psychologist:

  • improving your own quality of life;
  • understanding the psychological mechanisms of people’s behavior, actions, and emotions;
  • recognition: whether a person is telling a lie or the truth;
  • knowledge of age gender characteristics of people;
  • self-satisfaction and joy when working successfully with a client;
  • constant professional growth.

The dangers of being a psychologist

Working as a psychologist is not always a positive return, and persistent positive result. Work in government institutions with a social focus on disadvantaged families, service in hospices, orphanages is very specific, requires enormous dedication and a vision of one’s activities as a mission, but even this does not save from pain, which comes faster than in other professions. Other disadvantages of the specialty:

  • not everyone can be helped;
  • psychologists working in the helpline often encounter suicide and attempts to help are not always successful;
  • the lives and problems of other people begin to take over more than their own;
  • depression, one of the common conditions of a psychologist who has never learned to distance himself and lets everything pass through him;
  • manipulative techniques create a feeling of power and superiority over people.

Where can a psychologist work?

The relevance of the psychologist profession today is recognized by public and private institutions. Employers are interested in highly qualified employees, and people who turn to psychological centers need the help of specialists. How can a psychologist work, given all the versatility of the profession, because there are many applied areas for implementation - the choice depends on the desire to make a career in a certain direction.

Healthcare sector:

  • medical psychologist;
  • clinical psychologist;
  • forensic psychologist;
  • psychoanalyst;
  • helpline consultant.

Education system:

  • teacher-psychologist of preschool institutions;
  • school psychologist;
  • Methodist;
  • speech pathologist;
  • social teacher.

Annually great amount Universities around the world graduate young specialists different areas. Each country has its own conditions for employment, as well as certain features of passing probationary period and prospects.

Today's youth are faced with the question:
“Where can I get work experience in my specialty, if most of the requirements are for specialists with work experience?”

It is precisely this question, as well as requests for internships, that young psychologists ask. Many of them are afraid to immediately begin working directly with a client, realizing that they lack practical experience to gain confidence in themselves as a specialist.

  • In the first part of the material we will discuss: where can the path of a certified, no-experience psychologist begin?
  • The second part will be devoted to an analysis of areas of activity that are not directly related to psychological counseling, but which may be useful.
  • In conclusion, we indicate the stages leading to practical activity.

The beginning of the path largely depends on the direction of psychology in which a person is determined to work. Unfortunately, not all students develop this understanding during the period of gaining knowledge at the university. In this regard, during your studies it is worth considering a number of opportunities for your chosen profession.

  1. A psychologist after graduation can remain working at the psychology department. While studying for a master's degree, become interested in science, thus combining two areas: teaching activities and scientific developments. In the future, there may be a defense of dissertations, and as a result, the path from student to university professor will be covered.
  2. Psychological and pedagogical direction. The work of a psychologist in a preschool educational institution, as well as in schools. Teaching the subject “Psychology” in colleges and other educational institutions.
  3. The field of practical psychology is quite extensive - from a psychologist at an enterprise to a private psychological practice.

It is possible that interests related to the areas of activity of a psychologist may change during training. Regular additional training from practicing psychologists at seminars and trainings will help you more subtly understand your true purpose and enrich yourself with knowledge related to practice.

You can often hear statements from desperate young professionals: “I can’t find a job! Did I imagine this while studying at the university?

Let's consider the types of activities for a young specialist that can lead to the profession of a psychologist.

1. Organizer of training programs.

He can work in a psychological or training center. This activity provides enormous experience and a wealth of knowledge. If a team of professionals works, they will definitely train a specialist in the following areas:

  • conducting telephone conversations with potential clients;
  • techniques for presenting the curriculum;
  • conducting business negotiations;
  • organization of the event itself.

As a result, experience working with people will accumulate and communication skills will be honed. A special bonus may be the opportunity to take training programs either at a discount or for free.

2. Administrator at a psychological center.

This activity is narrower. The specialist usually takes notes, but must be able to competently conduct telephone conversations. Accordingly, have information about which specialists work in the center and in what areas. It can also be considered as a launching pad. Usually people waiting in line share their problems with administrators. This job requires some communication experience. You can engage in this activity for up to one year, not forgetting about regular additional training and self-development.

A promising place for a psychologist in this center may be, but it depends on various factors:

  • performance indicator;
  • management requirements;
  • available open vacancy.

3. Psychologist at the enterprise.

No matter how hard modern companies strive to keep up with the times, there are still either no full-time psychologists in the organization or very few. For this reason, the position of HR manager may be considered. What will be written about in the next paragraph.

4. HR manager(Human - human, resources - resources).

In organizations, there are not only units of personnel managers or HR managers, but also departments that deal with the following areas:

  • personnel selection;
  • conducting interviews with applicants;
  • organization of personnel training;
  • employee certification;
  • staff motivation;
  • corporate culture.

Psychological education for HR specialists is welcome.

Prospects. Starting with hiring and working with applicants' resumes, you can simultaneously learn techniques and methods for interviewing candidates. Look for ways to attend interviews conducted experienced managers. Next, you can continue to work towards conducting interviews.

Work in this area provides enormous experience in terms of knowledge of human behavior patterns and the specifics of their activities. The accumulated information arsenal will provide an excellent basis for confidently examining client topics related to their work in the future activities of a practical psychologist.

5. Practical psychologist engaged in private practice.

As is clear from the above, the path to independent activity goes through stages:

  • work experience in a related field;
  • continuous additional education;
  • constant self-education;
  • undergoing personal therapy with an experienced psychologist;
  • internal understanding of readiness for counseling.

When the chosen profession is due to a high level of interest and further efforts are made to master it, there is every chance to succeed in it!

Psychology is applied and basic science about mental life, behavior and human activity. She studies various mechanisms, patterns and manifestations of the human psyche in various conditions and at various stages life path. The profession of psychologist includes scientific study human psyche, its description. The main task of a specialist is to help a person understand the situation on an emotional level, understand intellectual abilities, get rid of the circle of repeated mistakes and guide him forward with the goal of changing his life.

Why go to the Faculty of Psychology?

Psychology is in great demand among young people and is perceived by many as interesting and quite simple science, That's why a large number of applicants go to study as a psychologist. But having entered the university and starting their studies, students are faced with disappointment, because as soon as everyday experience You won't be able to pass the exams. Their course does not include the usual psychology books suitable for light reading. During the first few years, students study such serious disciplines and areas as “physiology of higher nervous activity,” “general psychology,” etc.

Another common reason for enrolling in the psychology department is the desire to know yourself and understand your subconscious. It is quite possible that a person will then become sincerely interested in science and continue building a career, but if this is the only motive, it is worth choosing another profession.

To become a consulting psychologist, or rather a psychotherapist, you need to take your training quite seriously, and studying at a university alone does not end. A psychologist has the right to provide psychological assistance only after completing additional training and obtaining the necessary certificates; studying at a university only provides direction for further development. Therefore, he almost never stops learning.

Psychology as a profession requires a lot of dedication from a person, but most importantly, in order to be good specialist, you must first understand your personality.

Where can I get an education?

To become a psychologist, you must have a higher education in one of the following areas:

  • psychology,
  • clinical psychology,
  • conflictology,
  • psychological counseling,
  • preschool psychology and pedagogy.

A diploma in psychology can be obtained from many universities in the country. To be a highly qualified specialist after basic training, it is necessary to take additional courses and continuous training.

Necessary personal qualities of a future specialist

Contrary to movie images, the profession of a psychologist does not make a specialist omnipotent or omnipotent, therefore, it is impossible to solve all problems without the participation of the client himself.

The essence of the psychologist’s activity is to help with the search for internal resources in order to direct them to change life in better side. Its main task is to help a person understand that most of the failures in his life are to blame for himself, his attitude to life, his worldview. A good psychologist will help you look at the problem from the other side and find solutions through internal changes.

To carry out such delicate work and provide psychological assistance, a specialist must himself have such personal qualities as:

  • ability to listen and understand people,
  • the ability to empathize (but at the same time he should not take everything to heart),
  • the ability to isolate yourself from other people's problems,
  • tact,
  • high intellectual abilities,
  • ability to analyze and draw conclusions,
  • observation,
  • responsibility,
  • stress resistance,
  • tolerance,
  • logical thinking,
  • be confident in your abilities.

If a person has chosen the right direction in his life and decided to devote himself to psychology, then he must learn and improve every day.

Place of work

A big plus: this is a profession that is quite in demand and popular on the market. A specialist in the field of psychology can become an employee of both an educational institution and law enforcement agencies or, for example, a prison. Quite often, specialists in this area choose private practice. Having an education as a psychologist, you can become a recruiting manager or psychological trainer. This specialty is most in demand among women.

A child psychologist in educational institutions helps to get comfortable in a new place and with a team. He also conducts testing to identify bright personal qualities And .

IN medical institutions psychologists often meet with people subject to severe stress and nervous impulses. Specialists in places of detention prepare prisoners for release and help them return to a decent life after release.

Advantages of the profession

Undoubtedly, the work of a psychologist has its advantages; in it, you can help people facing difficulties. Advantages of the profession:

  • the main advantage is the opportunity to participate in solving real problems of people,
  • creative work,
  • the need for constant development and improvement of qualifications,
  • opportunity in Everyday life use the acquired knowledge,
  • development of tolerance and tolerance.

All of the above advantages make specialists feel happy while working in this field.

Disadvantages in the profession

Although there are advantages, working as a psychologist also has its disadvantages. You may encounter the following problems:

  • you may encounter main problem and the main disadvantage of this profession is emotional burnout,
  • taking the client's problems too closely,
  • stop separating life and work.

If these disadvantages do not deter you from the profession, then your chosen field of activity is truly your calling.

No job has only pros; each has its cons. Choosing whether to continue your work or not in this direction, depends only on what you encounter more - pros or cons. At the same time, it is always necessary to study and gain new knowledge.

Career prospects

The main prospect in work is the opportunity for endless self-improvement and, ultimately, achieving the level of a highly qualified specialist with the possibility of private practice. Regular trainings and seminars provide the opportunity to learn new techniques and then apply them in work. A high-level specialist can open his own Personal Area or a company providing psychological assistance to people who find themselves in various difficult situations in life.

The psychologist receives the highest assessment of his work from people whose lives he has changed for the better, whom he has helped overcome personal fears and achieve heights in their careers or personal lives.

The profession of a psychologist is quite popular and in demand. Level wages it directly depends on the place of work and the services provided. Private practice is considered the most profitable, but the level of income also depends on the number of people applying. Despite all the difficulties and disadvantages, a good psychologist learns only positive aspects from this experience.

What do people think about when they enroll in psychology? Someone wants to understand their own inner world, some people like to work with people. The images of psychoanalysts imposed by numerous films show us bright prospects, be it a spacious office and a queue for consultations or exciting work with serial killers. But how do things really stand and why working in a kindergarten is one of the best options? Let's talk about it.

Psychologist-teacher at school or kindergarten

Where can a psychologist work? The most common specialty option is kindergarten. There is always demand here. In addition, you can safely go here right after university, it’s quite simple higher education. Naturally, in order to work with children, you need to love them. In kindergarten he often serves as a teacher - conducts various educational games and trainings, and creative activities.

School psychology is fraught with large amounts of paperwork, it is necessary to draw up plans, methodological manuals etc. There are much fewer classes in psychology as such, and occasionally problematic children will come for consultations.

Helpline, online consultation

One of the few possible remote work options for a psychologist. Such vacancies can be found quite often. To be hired, in addition to higher education, experience in personal therapy and a certain number of hours of counseling are required.

Rehabilitation of patients in hospitals and clinics

To get to work in a hospital or rehabilitation center, you need to have an education in medical psychology. It is quite problematic to get such a job with a clean record, because... You need to work with people with post-operative syndrome, possibly with terminally ill people or their relatives. Also, a medical psychologist must have developed empathy and be resistant to stress.

After graduating from high school, you can get a job at a psychoneurological dispensary, but you need to understand that no one will let you immediately see “severe” patients, except that such work is very difficult morally.

Speech psychologists can work with children with cerebral palsy in special children's boarding schools.


What can a psychologist ideally do? The dream profession of every second psychology graduate is a psychotherapist. But for many, alas, it remains a dream. To become a certified psychoanalyst, higher education is not enough. At a minimum, you need to be prepared for the fact that you yourself will have to undergo a course of personal psychoanalysis in order to free yourself from prejudices, an emotional approach and everything that may interfere with your life. future work. In addition, the following is required: clinical work under the supervision of an experienced specialist, theoretical and practical seminars, preferably training abroad. The path to the desired profession can last 6-8 years, and ends with passing the exam for membership in the International Association.

Specialists with a diploma in psychology or psychology can become a psychoanalyst. But you can only receive a reception if you have a certificate.

As for the luxurious personal account and the queue for consultation... The path to psychotherapy is closed to newcomers. Only work experience, practice and additional educational courses will help you achieve what you want. You can start small. The main thing is to stay in the profession and work hard, and a luxurious personal account is just around the corner.

What else can a psychologist do - read in the next article.