How the boys' voices break. Voice breaking: stages of mutation and gender characteristics

Mutation or “breaking” of the voice in adolescents is caused by serious changes in hormonal levels. Boys are primarily susceptible to voice failure, but in some cases girls also experience certain problems with their voice during this period.

How does your voice break?

Voice mutation occurs during puberty. Testosterone enters the boy's blood in large quantities; this sex hormone causes the glottis to widen, resulting in the voice becoming hoarse and having a lower frequency, characteristic of men.

Before the onset of withdrawal, the structure of the vocal apparatus in girls and boys is identical. Until a certain age, it is impossible to determine the gender of a child by his voice. From about the age of ten, boys experience the first changes in their voice and begin to speak in a lower tone than girls. This is due to the fact that in boys, the ligaments and glottis grow a little faster; such changes are associated with the physiological characteristics of growing up. At the age of ten to twelve years, a boy’s glottis is on average only one and a half millimeters larger than a girl’s glottis, and the difference in the tonality of the sound is already very noticeable.

Voice changes can occur between the ages of eleven and eighteen. A later mutation most often indicates certain problems with the hormonal levels and male health of a teenager. Losing a voice usually takes no more than two months; during this time period, the voice completely changes its tonality and timbre, which then remain unchanged throughout life. Only burns, injuries to the larynx, or abuse of bad habits can change them.

Changes taking place

During the process of breaking, the vocal cords thicken significantly and the glottis widens. In addition, boys experience very noticeable anatomical changes in the laryngeal skeleton. The thyroid and other laryngeal cartilages rapidly increase in size, while the anterior edge of the larynx protrudes forward, forming the Adam's apple.

To make voice damage go away faster, the vocal cords need to be loaded as little as possible, since overstrain can cause nodules to appear on the cords, which cause very noticeable hoarseness. If the load on the speech apparatus decreases, some of the nodules may resolve on their own, but sometimes it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention.

It is worth considering that various colds can prolong the mutation of the voice. However, redness of the throat in a teenager during the period of “withdrawal” of the voice may not be caused by a respiratory infection, but directly by the growth of the larynx, since active growth increases blood circulation in this area.

Hello, Sasha.

Voice formation in both men and women is a rather complex and multi-stage process. It involves at least 5 body systems: lungs, chest, nasopharynx, vocal folds (also called “cords,” but this is incorrect), articulatory apparatus and larynx. The voice is formed precisely at the moment when the air inhaled by a person passes through the vocal folds, which begin to vibrate and vibrate, and sound, as is known, is born during vibration.

Since the vocal folds tend to grow, children's voices, when they are completely undeveloped, are high-pitched and squeaky. You can’t fool nature, because she has provided for everything: children need such voices so that their parents can hear them even over long distances.

When do boys' voices change?

It cannot be said for sure that at the age of 12 a boy’s voice will necessarily change and “break.” No! Firstly, in boys the process of changing their voice proceeds faster, because the vocal folds grow and thicken at a faster rate. For girls, this process takes a little longer, so by about 10-12 years the difference in voices becomes obvious. After a couple of years (by about 13 - 14 years), sex hormones intervene in the process of voice mutation, because Boys begin puberty. It is at this moment that the voice changes greatly, because the rate of growth and thickening of the vocal folds is now influenced by hormones.

It is also impossible to say for sure about the duration of the voice mutation process, because withdrawal can last from one month to several years. On average, the process takes a couple of months, during which time growing men already have time to get used to their new “sound.”

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that boys experience serious psychological problems during the period of voice changes, so parents need to treat the child during this period of his development more attentively and leniently. Adults should avoid shouting and loud tones that become bass-heavy. Under no circumstances should the situation escalate to the point where the child himself screams, because... screaming loudly can cause damage to his vocal folds, which can lead to the development of voice problems. Strong tension in warehouses at the stage of their active growth can lead to the formation of “nodules” that greatly change the voice. Among other things, screaming can provoke hemorrhage in the tissues of the folds.

What is early puberty?

I would like to draw your special attention to the fact that the age of 13 - 14 years for breaking a voice is very arbitrary. The average limit of voice breakdown (puberty) is defined in this range, but, as with any other rule, there may be exceptions to this one. In medical practice, there are indeed cases when boys experience puberty earlier (for example, at 8 - 10 years), as well as situations when it occurs at a later age (for example, at 18 years).

In this situation, we are interested in early puberty in boys, although it is called “early” only if it begins before the age of 10. The age of 11 in boys is considered absolutely normal for certain changes in his body - puberty.

At approximately 11 - 13 years of age (in this case, at 11 years old for you), the production of the hormone GnRH begins in a certain part of the child’s brain (the hypothalamus gland). It is this hormone that is involved in the formation of sperm and other sex hormones. As mentioned earlier, it is these sex hormones, androgens, that influence the vocal folds, which begin to actively increase in size and thicken. Accordingly, a change in the voice occurs, its mutation, which is called “breakage”.

Sincerely, Natalia.

Voice mutation in adolescents is a phenomenon that is caused by changes in the body's hormonal levels. Boys are mostly susceptible to voice failure. Voice mutation occurs during puberty. Testosterone begins to enter the teenager's blood. This male sex hormone provokes an expansion of the glottis. The voice begins to acquire a lower frequency and the hoarseness characteristic of men.

A physiological feature of the structure of the human vocal apparatus in childhood is the same structure of the vocal cords in boys and girls. It is almost impossible to distinguish a child's gender by his voice. However, already at the age of 10, boys begin to speak in a lower voice. This is due to faster growth of the glottis and cords. At 10-12 years old, the voices of a boy and a girl differ by only 1.5 mm. This is exactly how long the glottis of a ten-year-old boy is. And yet, we clearly notice the difference in the tonality of the sound.

These changes are not associated with hormonal influences. Physiological characteristics come into play here. It was according to this principle that in past centuries, at the age of 10-12 years, boys were selected for a singing career in church choirs. To exclude the phenomenon of voice mutation, he underwent surgery to remove the gonads. Because in the future, the entire process of breaking the voice occurs precisely under the influence of sex hormones.

Voice mutation in boys is physiology

Age-related voice mutation in a teenage boy is a normal physiological phenomenon. It usually begins during puberty. At the same time, boys begin to experience their first pollination, pubic and axillary hair growth. Simultaneously with the breaking of the voice, facial hair begins to grow in characteristic places.

Voice loss can occur from 11-12 years of age until a boy reaches 18 years of age. If you suffer from late voice mutation, you should pay attention to the adolescent’s male health. Perhaps there are some deviations. Most often, voice mutation takes no more than 2 months. During this time, the voice acquires a characteristic tonality. Subsequently, the timbre of the voice remains the same throughout life. Only laryngeal injuries, burns and abuse of bad habits can change it.

The mechanism of sexual mutation of the voice in boys is a gradual thickening of the vocal cords and a further expansion of the glottis. This process is influenced not only by testosterone, but also by the hormone gonadotropin, which accelerates the growth of body hair and provokes the appearance of secondary male sexual characteristics.

Voice mutation in girls is a pathology

If voice mutation in boys during adolescence is inevitable and evidence of proper growth and development, then in girls this phenomenon refers to pathological deviations. Voice mutation in girls is a fairly rare occurrence. It usually indicates an increased level of testosterone in the blood. May be accompanied by such phenomena as:

  • appearance of facial hair;
  • male body type;
  • accelerated growth of limbs;
  • delay in the development of secondary female sexual characteristics.

Correction of this condition is carried out under the supervision of endocrinologists. The causes may be viral diseases, changes in diet and daily routine, stressful situations, and improper...

Why does voice loss occur in children?

It should be understood that voice failure in children is an inevitable phenomenon associated with growth and development. It is so inherent in nature that in childhood, at a time when the offspring needs care and protection from their parents, children have thin, piercing voices. High-pitched sounds travel long distances and are more clearly perceived by the human ear.

As the body grows, the length of the glottis and ligaments changes. There is a slight loss of voice in girls. A lower pitch appears. But this phenomenon cannot be called a mutation of the voice. Withdrawal is not associated with hormonal changes.

How and why voice breakdown (mutation) occurs in boys, read our article.

Just yesterday your son spoke in a normal, boyish voice, and today you heard the first breakdown. He has started to develop, so a lot of things are changing in him, including his voice breaking (voice mutation). Along with obvious external changes, the boy's voice takes on a completely different sound. For some time, it will even be difficult for him to control his cords, so due to his voice breaking, he will make a variety of strange sounds.

Changes in the larynx during voice mutation in boys

It is the larynx that is responsible for the production of sound. As puberty progresses, the larynx enlarges and becomes thicker. This happens in both boys and girls, but for a boy, of course, the changes due to voice mutation are more noticeable. Girls' voices can literally go down a key or two, and it's barely noticeable, but a boy's voice becomes much lower and deeper.

Why do boys' voices sound so strange during mutation?

The larynx, located in the throat, plays an important role in creating sound. The two main muscles, the vocal cords, are stretched like rubber bands across the larynx.

When a person speaks, air from the lungs causes the vocal cords to vibrate, which produces sound. The pitch of the voice depends on how tightly the ligaments close as air flows through them. If you've ever tugged on a small, thin rubber band, you've probably heard a high-pitched, drawn-out squeak as you pull it. A thicker rubber band produces a deeper, lower, lingering sound. The same thing happens with the vocal cords.

Before a boy reaches adolescence, his larynx is very small, and his vocal cords are thin and small. That's why a boy's voice is higher than a grown man's. But with maturation, the larynx enlarges, and the ligaments become longer and stronger, and accordingly the boy’s voice becomes deeper.

In addition, the facial bones also grow: the size of the sinuses, nose and back of the throat becomes larger. More space gives the voice more opportunity to resonate.

Creaking and wheezing are part of the normal development of the body during this period. Even when the boy gets used to the changes, it will be difficult for him to control his own voice for some time after the voice mutation. So, along with accepting general changes in appearance, you will need to get used to your new sound.

Speaking of external changes. When the larynx begins to enlarge, it tilts inside the neck at a slightly different angle than before and partially begins to protrude. This is the same Adam's apple or Adam's apple. In girls, the larynx also enlarges, but not as much as in boys.

When does voice loss occur in boys?

Everyone develops at their own pace, so boys experience voice loss at different ages. This usually occurs between ages 11 and 14.5, often after a big growth spurt. For some, the mutation (break) of the voice lasts a long time and gradually, while for others it happens very quickly.

If your son is bothered, annoyed, or confused by the strange sound of his voice, explain to him that this is temporary and everyone goes through it. In a couple of months he will already have a low, deep and powerful adult voice of a man, and not the voice of a boy!

Voice is a person’s natural ability to produce a variety of sounds, which is extremely important for full communication in society. All babies are born with thin voices, but over time the characteristics of their sound change. And this is especially noticeable in boys, since there is a significant difference between the male and female voices. And today we are talking about how voice loss occurs in boys, we will look at its symptoms, and also answer the question: how to speed up this process, and how long it normally lasts.

Experts in human anatomy claim that the height of our voice is determined by the thickness of the vocal cords. For girls, they are thinner, so their voice sounds higher, and for boys, they are thicker, so their voice sounds lower. The ligaments increase in size and also become thicker in both sexes. But in girls they change only twice, and in boys by almost seventy percent. And this process of change is precisely called voice breaking.

It is worth noting that the processes of voice loss in boys follow approximately the same scenario. But the age at which such changes occur may vary. Sometimes the voice breaks already at the age of twelve, and sometimes such changes have not yet been observed in fifteen-year-olds. Symptoms depend on the period of mutation.

Thus, in the pre-mutation period, the teenager’s body is only preparing for the upcoming changes, using all organs and systems. At the same time, the boy's voice takes on a more hoarse sound. Readers of Popular Health may notice the occurrence of hoarseness, tickling and mild cough.

However, it is worth noting that when practicing vocals, such changes may manifest themselves somewhat differently, due to the training of the ligaments. So, in this case, the child may have difficulty trying to hit high notes. In addition, he may be bothered by pain in the larynx that occurs during vocal practice. The teacher may notice “dirt” in the sound.

Next comes the period of actual voice breaking. At the same time, the larynx naturally swells, and active mucus synthesis is possible. Such changes contribute to the addition of all kinds of inflammatory processes. If parents look into their teenager's mouth, they may see reddened vocal cords with their own eyes. In this condition, the child’s voice needs rest; increased stress can cause underdevelopment of the vocal cords. It is extremely important to protect yourself from all kinds of colds, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. After all, their addition is fraught with disruption of the voice and even inhibition of this process. In such a situation, the boy may have the sound of a tenor for all the years of his life.

After the actual loss of voice, the so-called post-mutation period begins. And its course depends on many factors, ranging from nationality and ending with genetic or physiological characteristics. This stage can last for varying amounts of time. As practice shows, towards the end of the formation of a completely “own” voice, the child begins to periodically complain that his vocal cords quickly get tired. However, parents may notice that voice fluctuations no longer occur and the sound becomes stable.

The duration of this period is quite individual. It may take two to four months to complete all the stages described above. But quite often this period can increase to six months.

Doctors strongly do not recommend interfering with the natural processes of change in the vocal cords. Parents should have information on how to help develop their voice and how to prevent the occurrence of various problems.

So, first of all, load limitation plays an extremely important role. Excessive loads on the changing vocal cords are fraught with the formation of nodules, and this in turn leads to the development of hoarseness. It is possible that such a defect will go away on its own, but in some cases even surgical assistance is necessary to correct it.

During the period of voice failure, it is worth remembering the increased likelihood of a child developing various acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. Diseases can disrupt or delay the processes of change in the vocal cords. Therefore, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, strengthening the immune system and activating the body’s defenses play an extremely important role. If the child’s voice does not break for a long time, you need to consult a phoniatrist.

Parents must explain to the teenager that the sound obtained as a result of voice damage will be unique, and its sound features are pre-determined by nature. Quite often, children try to copy some heroes, and such attempts during the period of change in the vocal cords can lead to the fact that the changing areas are overloaded, and the withdrawal process is disrupted.

Therefore, both parents and teenagers should be patient and let nature take its course. The period of voice withdrawal does not last that long.