Social institutions of culture briefly philosophy. Psychological library

The concept of social cultural institute. Normative and institutional socio-cultural institutions. Socio-cultural institutions as a community and social organization. Basis for the typology of socio-cultural institutions (functions, form of ownership, contingent served, economic status, scale-level of action).


Socio-cultural institutions- one of key concepts social cultural activities(SKD). Socio-cultural institutions are characterized by a certain direction of their social practice and social relations, a characteristic mutually agreed upon system of expediently oriented standards of activity, communication and behavior. Their emergence and grouping into a system depend on the content of the tasks solved by each individual socio-cultural institution.

Social institutions are historically established stable forms of organizing joint activities of people, designed to ensure reliability and regularity of meeting the needs of the individual, various social groups, and society as a whole. Education, upbringing, enlightenment, artistic life, scientific practice and many others cultural processes are types of activities and cultural forms with their corresponding social, economic and other mechanisms, institutions, and organizations.

From the point of view of functional-target orientation, there are two levels of understanding the essence of socio-cultural institutions.

First level - normative. IN in this case a socio-cultural institution is considered as a historically established set of certain cultural, moral, ethical, aesthetic, leisure and other norms, customs, traditions in society, united around some basic, main goal, value, need.

Socio-cultural institutions of a normative type include the institution of family, language, religion, education, folklore, science, literature, art and other institutions.

Their functions:

socializing (socialization of a child, teenager, adult),

orienting (affirmation of imperative universal human values ​​through special codes and ethics of behavior),

authorizing (social regulation of behavior and protection of certain norms and values ​​on the basis of legal and administrative acts, rules and regulations),

ceremonial-situational (regulation of the order and methods of mutual behavior, transmission and exchange of information, greetings, addresses, regulation of meetings, meetings, conferences, activities of associations, etc.).

Second level - institutional. Socio-cultural institutions of the institutional type include a large network of services, multi-departmental structures and organizations directly or indirectly involved in the socio-cultural sphere and having a specific administrative, social status and a certain public purpose in their industry. This group directly includes cultural and educational institutions , art, leisure, sports (socio-cultural, leisure services for the population); industrial and economic enterprises and organizations (material and technical support for the socio-cultural sphere); administrative and management bodies and structures in the field of culture, including legislative and executive authorities; research and scientific-methodological institutions of the industry.

Thus, state and municipal (local), regional authorities occupy one of the leading places in the structure of socio-cultural institutions. They act as authorized subjects of development and implementation of national and regional socio-cultural policies, effective programs socio-cultural development of individual republics, territories and regions.

Any socio-cultural institution should be considered from two sides - external (status) and internal (content).

From an external (status) point of view, each such institution is characterized as a subject of socio-cultural activity, possessing a set of regulatory, legal, personnel, financial, and material resources necessary to perform the functions assigned to it by society.

From an internal (substantive) point of view, a socio-cultural institution is a set of purposefully oriented standard patterns of activity, communication and behavior of specific individuals in specific socio-cultural situations.

Socio-cultural institutions have various forms of internal gradation.

Some of them are officially established and institutionalized (for example, the system general education, special system, vocational education, a network of clubs, libraries and other cultural and leisure institutions) have social significance and perform their functions on a society-wide scale, in a broad socio-cultural context.

Others are not established specifically, but emerge gradually in the process of long-term joint socio-cultural activity, often constituting a whole historical era. These include, for example, numerous informal associations and leisure communities, traditional holidays, ceremonies, rituals and other unique socio-cultural stereotypical forms. They are voluntarily elected by one or another socio-cultural group: children, adolescents, youth, residents of a microdistrict, students, the military, etc.

In the theory and practice of SKD, many bases for the typology of socio-cultural institutions are often used:

1. by population served:

a. mass consumer (public);

b. separate social groups (specialized);

c. children, youth (children and youth);

2. by type of ownership:

a. government;

b. public;

c. joint stock;

d. private;

3. by economic status:

a. non-profit;

b. semi-commercial;

c. commercial;

4. by scale of action and audience coverage:

a. international;

b. national (federal);

c. regional;

d. local (local).

The word "institute" comes from Lat. institutum, which means “establishment, establishment, organization.” Social institutions are integral part social structure, one of the main categories sociological analysis society, which is usually understood as a network of ordered and interdependent connections between various elements social system, which captures the methods of organization and functioning characteristic of a given society. The concept of a social institution was borrowed by cultural studies from sociology and jurisprudence and largely retains the semantic connotation associated with the norms of regulatory activity of man and society, however, it has acquired a much broader interpretation, allowing one to approach cultural phenomena from the perspective of their social establishment.

The concept of social Institutional aspect of functioning nogo institute society is a traditional area of ​​in- culture resources of social, scientific and humanitarian thought. The category of social institutions received the greatest elaboration in sociology. Among predecessors modern understanding social institutions in general and social cultural institutions in particular, first of all, one should name O. Comte, G. Spencer, M. Weber and E. Durkheim. In modern scientific literature, both foreign and domestic, there is a fairly wide range of versions and approaches to the interpretation of the concept “ social institutions", which does not allow us to give a rigid and unambiguous definition of this category. One

However, some key points present in most sociological definitions of a social institution can still be identified.

Most often, a social institution is understood as some more or less stable set of formal and informal rules, principles, guidelines that regulate various areas human activity and organizing them into a single system. With the help of the category under consideration, a certain community of people performing certain roles, organized through social norms and goals, is designated. Just as often, when speaking about social institutions, they mean a system of institutions through which one or another aspect of human activity is legalized, streamlined, conserved and reproduced in society, where certain people receive authority to perform certain functions.

In the very in a broad sense words, social institutions should be understood as specific socio-cultural formations that ensure the relative stability of connections and relationships within social organization society, some historically determined ways of organizing, regulating and projecting various forms of social, including cultural, activity. Social institutions arose during the development human society, social division of labor, formation individual species and forms of social relations. In a social institution, culture is, in fact, “objectified”, reified; one or another aspect of cultural activity receives the appropriate social status, its character is fixed, and the methods of its functioning and reproduction are regulated.

Society is very complex system sociocultural institutionalized formations as an established set of economic, political, legal, moral, ethical, aesthetic, ritual, etc. relations. From the point of view of sociology, the most fundamental social institutions present in most, if not all, sociocultural formations include property, state, family, production cells of society, science, system communication means(acting both inside and outside society), upbringing and education, law, etc. Thanks to them, the functioning of the social mechanism occurs, the processes of inculturation and socialization of individuals are carried out, the continuity of generations is ensured, and skills, values ​​and norms of social behavior are transmitted.

To the most general characteristics of a sociocultural institution The following can be included:

    identification of a certain circle in society " cultural sites", awareness of the need for their isolation and regulated circulation throughout the entire community;

    circle selection " cultural subjects”, entering into specific relationships in the process of cultural activity, determined by the nature of the cultural object; giving the activities of subjects a regulated and more or less sustainable nature;

    organization of both subjects of culture and its objects into a certain formalized system, internally distinguished by status, and also having a certain status on the scale of the entire social organization;

    the existence of specific norms and regulations governing both the circulation of cultural objects in society and the behavior of people within the institution;

    the presence of socio-culturally significant functions of the institution, integrating it into the general system of socio-cultural functioning and, in turn, ensuring its participation in the process of integration of the latter.

The listed signs are not strictly normative and do not always appear clearly in certain sociocultural institutions. Some of them, primarily formal and under the strict supervision of state-political authorities (such as, for example, government agencies culture), signs can be recorded clearly and in full. For others, informal (in informal associations of artists, private museums and collections, personal archives, etc.) or just emerging, it is less clear. In general, these signs serve as a convenient tool for analyzing and describing the processes of institutionalization sociocultural entities of different order. When studying a specific social institution Special attention need to focus on functional and normative aspects. The implementation of certain functions is ensured by a holistic and developed system of standardized forms of objectification, clearly recognized by the value-normative structure of the social institution of culture.

The structure of social institutions may vary depending on the type and form of specific cultural activity. We will indicate the most common structural elements, present in any social cultural institution: more or less conscious both within the institution and in the wider sociocultural

context, the purpose and scope of the institute; functions provided to achieve the designated goal; normatively determined cultural roles and statuses represented in the structure of the institute; a set of means legalized to achieve the stated goal and implement functions, including corresponding repertoire material, symbolic, technological, power-political and other sanctions.

The process of institutionalization formation of the corresponding social cultural institution varies depending on the era and the nature of the culture. It is impossible to offer a single scenario, but several the most important stages When forming an institute, any kind of cultural activity takes place. Before a socio-cultural institution emerges as an independent and differentiated common system social differentiation structure, the culture must be well aware of the need for this type of cultural activity. People did not always go to exhibitions, theaters, or spend their leisure time in stadiums and discos. There were no institutions corresponding to these needs. Entire eras knew neither archives nor concert halls, no museums, no universities. Some needs arose in the development process and were formalized as socially significant, while others, on the contrary, died out. If today most Russians understand the lack of desire to visit church every week, then a century and a half ago such a thing was unthinkable. In the process of emergence of needs, it is necessary that goals be formulated in one way or another. For example, why is it necessary to go to museums, restaurants, stadiums, theaters, and thermal baths? The goals must also become socially significant.

The process of institutionalization is inseparable from the emergence of special norms and rules, which at first may be spontaneous, chaotic, bringing not so much benefit as harm this species cultural activities. As a result of such “unorganized” cultural interaction, special procedures, norms, regulations, rules, etc. They are consolidated in the form of a social cultural institution designed to fix the most optimal ways of organizing this form of cultural activity. However, any establishment also requires sanctions to maintain the adopted regulations. Otherwise, the institution will not be able to function and implement, within acceptable limits, the tasks assigned to it by the cultural community.

And finally, the formation of a social institution ends with the creation of a system of statuses and roles, the development of standards, oh

covering all aspects of cultural activity without exception. The final stage of the institutionalization process can be considered the creation, in accordance with the norms and rules, of a fairly clear status-role structure, socially approved by the majority or at least politically supported. Without institutionalization, without social institutions, not a single modern culture cannot exist.

Social cultural institutions perform a number of functions in society functions. The most important ones include the following:

    regulation of the activities of members of society within the framework of social relations prescribed by the latter. Cultural activity is regulated in nature, and it is thanks to social institutions that the corresponding regulatory regulations are “developed”. Each institution has a system of rules and norms that consolidate and standardize cultural interaction, making it both predictable and communicatively possible; appropriate sociocultural control ensures the order and framework within which the cultural activity of each individual takes place;

    creating opportunities for cultural activities of one kind or another. In order to specific cultural projects could be realized within the community, it is necessary that appropriate conditions be created - social institutions are directly involved in this;

    enculturation and socialization of individuals. Social institutions are designed to provide the opportunity to enter a culture, become familiar with its values, norms and rules, teach common cultural behavioral models, and also introduce a person to the symbolic order;

    ensuring cultural integration and sustainability of the entire sociocultural organism. This function ensures the process of interaction, interdependence and mutual responsibility of members of a social group, occurring under the influence of institutional regulations. Integrity, carried out through institutions, is necessary for coordinating activities inside and outside the sociocultural ensemble; it is one of the conditions for its survival;

    ensuring and establishing communications. The communicative capabilities of social cultural institutions are not the same: some are specifically designed to transmit information (for example, modern means mass media), others have very limited opportunities for this or first

are sometimes called upon to perform other functions (for example, archives, political organizations, educational institutions);

    conservation of culturally significant regulations, phenomena, forms of cultural activity, their preservation and reproduction. Culture could not develop if it did not have the opportunity to store and transmit accumulated experience - thereby ensuring continuity in the development of cultural traditions.

Cultural studies and art history

Traditionally, a family is defined as an association of people based on marriage and consanguinity, connected by a common life and mutual responsibility. But a family, as a rule, represents a more complex system of relationships than a marriage, since it can unite not only spouses but also their children and other relatives. Family as a social institution in different cultures ah accepts various shapes. Depending on the form of marriage, monogamous and polygamous families are distinguished.

End of form

Social cultural institutions

Each component social life has appropriateforms of organization, i.e. institutes,ensuring both its maintenance and impact on social life as a whole. The economy cannot function without certain forms ownership of the means of production, production teams, organizations of entrepreneurs and workers, etc. Politics finds its expression primarily in the activities of the state and political parties.

Social Institutedoes not boil down to availability organizations or institutions engaged in their assigned activities.The institute also includes some “blocks” of purposeful activity (for example, rituals, holidays) through which social life is maintained.

The Institute always represents a number of components:

  • some internally coherent system of functions , fixed by regulations ( norms, statutes ), justifying this institution and correlating it with other areas;
  • material resources (buildings, finance, equipment), providing activities of this institute;
  • carriers (frames ), recruited in accordance with principles correlated with the goals of a given institution (clergy, various layers of the intelligentsia).

Social institutions organize and coordinate the activities of people in every area, without which this activity would become disjointed, inconsistent and unstable.

For example, one of the most important social institutions of culture is family institute . Traditionally, a family is defined as an association of people based on marriage and consanguinity, connected by a common life and mutual responsibility. Initially the basis family relations constitutes a marriage. Marriage this is a historically changing social form of relations between a woman and a man, through which society organizes and sanctions their marital and kinship rights and obligations.

But the family, as a rule, represents a more complex system of relationships than marriage, since it can unite not only spouses, but also their children, as well as other relatives. Therefore, the family should be considered not just as a marriage group, but also associal cultural institute,i.e., a system of connections, interactions and relationships of individuals performing the functions of reproduction of the human race and regulating all connections, interactions and relationships on the basis of certain values ​​and norms, subject to extensive social control through a system of positive and negative sanctions.
The family as a social institution takes different forms in different cultures. In this regard, scientists identify a number of types of family organization. Depending on the form of marriage, there are monogamous and polygamous family. A monogamous family provides for the existence of a married couple husband and wife, polygamous either a husband or a wife has the right to have several wives or husbands.

Depending on the structure of family ties, simple, nuclear, or complex, extended family type. A nuclear family is a married couple with unmarried children. If some of the children are married, an extended or complex family is formed, including two or more generations.

In modern society, there is a process of weakening of the family as a social institution, a change in its social functions, non-role family relationships. The family is losing its leading position in the socialization of individuals, in organizing leisure time and other important functions. Traditional roles, in which the woman ran the household, gave birth and raised children, and the husband was the owner, often the sole owner of the property, and ensured the economic independence of the family, have been replaced by role ones, in which the vast majority of women in countries with Christian and Buddhist cultures began to participate in manufacturing, political activity, economic security of the family and take equal, and sometimes leading, participation in family decisions. This significantly changed the nature of family functioning and entailed a number of positive and negative consequences for society. On the one hand, it contributed to the growth of women’s self-awareness, equality in marital relations, on the other hand, aggravated the conflict situation and affected demographic behavior, leading to a decrease in the birth rate and an increase in the mortality rate.

Social Institute - a set of norms, regulations and requirements associated with a specific organizational structure, through which society controls and regulates the activities of people in the most important areas public life.

Social institutions are:



political parties



labor organizations

Educational institutions

the science

mass media.

Culture– a social asset that embodies a community of norms, customs, and morals. Moving from one era to another, one can trace how customs and rituals are replaced by legal norms and artistic creativity, institutions of education and upbringing are being formed. The forms of culture are diverse - politics, economics, education, medicine, religion.

In sociology it is essential social significance culture. Culture- supra-individual reality, comprehended by a person in the process of socialization of the individual. In sociology, there are such types of culture as universal and national culture, subculture, mass and elite culture.

Universal culture presented the best examples literature, science, production. Cultures are not isolated, and by interacting they influence each other. Increasing interactions lead to the connection of different cultures. Each nation chooses in the sphere of culture that which corresponds to its development and best meets its spiritual needs. Therefore, against the background of the combination of different cultures, self-awareness of national cultures is emerging.

National culture- a plastic whole that changes in an evolutionary way.

Mass and elite culture are qualitatively different and belong different groups population. The division of society into different social groups creates the need for the formation of a culture that characterizes the system of values ​​and norms of a given social group, or subculture.

The entire set of types of culture undergoes a process of institutionalization and forms a social institution. Socio-cultural institutions– sustainable and regulated ways of interaction between people regarding the creation and dissemination of cultural values. They include a system of cultural institutions (theatres, museums, libraries), creative associations and unions (writers, artists, composers, theatrical figures), organizations and institutions that disseminate certain value-normative patterns of cultural behavior.

Culture fulfills socially significant Features:

broadcast of social experience– a function of culture aimed at transmitting spiritual values, social norms, and patterns of behavior in historical process-from one generation to another and between representatives of different cultures:

broadcast form(transfer) of social experience through the development of each generation objective world culture, cultural values and patterns of behavior;

socialization of personality– a function of culture, which is a way of mastering by an individual cultural norms and values. The content of culture is the development of man as a subject social activities. A feature of culture as the socialization of an individual is the requirement for a personal understanding of one’s attitude to social norms, values, and rules.

Culture– a social asset that embodies a community of norms, customs, and morals. Moving from one era to another, one can trace how customs and rituals are replaced by legal norms and artistic creativity, and how institutions of education and upbringing are formed. The forms of culture are diverse - politics, economics, education, medicine, religion.

In sociology, the social significance of culture is essential. Culture- supra-individual reality, comprehended by a person in the process of socialization of the individual. In sociology, there are such types of culture as universal and national culture, subculture, mass and elite culture.

Universal culture represented by the best examples of literature, science, and production. Cultures are not isolated, and by interacting they influence each other. Increasing interactions lead to the connection of different cultures. Each nation chooses in the sphere of culture that which corresponds to its development and best meets its spiritual needs. Therefore, against the background of the combination of different cultures, self-awareness of national cultures is emerging.

National culture- a plastic whole that changes in an evolutionary way.

Mass and elite culture are qualitatively different and belong to different population groups. The division of society into different social groups creates the need for the formation of a culture that characterizes the system of values ​​and norms of a given social group, or subculture.

The entire set of types of culture undergoes a process of institutionalization and forms a social institution. Socio-cultural institutions– sustainable and regulated ways of interaction between people regarding the creation and dissemination of cultural values. They include a system of cultural institutions (theatres, museums, libraries), creative associations and unions (writers, artists, composers, theater workers), organizations and institutions that disseminate certain value-normative patterns of cultural behavior.

Culture fulfills socially significant Features:

broadcast of social experience- a function of culture aimed at transmitting spiritual values, social norms, patterns of behavior in the historical process - from one generation to another and between representatives of different cultures:

broadcast form(transfer) of social experience through each generation’s mastery of the objective world of culture, cultural values ​​and patterns of behavior;

socialization of personality– a function of culture, which is a way for an individual to assimilate cultural norms and values. The content of culture is the development of man as a subject of social activity. A feature of culture as the socialization of an individual is the requirement for a personal understanding of one’s attitude to social norms, values, and rules.

End of work -

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