The importance of decorative and applied arts in the development of children. Introducing preschoolers to arts and crafts: patchwork

You can instill in children a love of beauty and develop the rudiments of aesthetic taste different ways. And one of them is doing arts and crafts with your child. It doesn't have to be practical lessons with a bias towards folk theme. Preschoolers can be introduced to arts and crafts by making crafts from wire or paper, patchwork, painting stained glass, etc.

Various techniques for children applied arts not only allow you to borrow free time, train your hand, teach your child to work with various tools. Among other things, applied techniques develop a child’s aesthetic taste, the ability to combine objects and details, distinguish shades, and create new figures, objects or paintings. This has a positive effect on the development of abstract thinking, and also develops the artistic taste of your child.

What is the role of arts and crafts in the development of children?

The great teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky spoke about the role of arts and crafts in the development of children. According to him, “the origins of children’s abilities and talents are at their fingertips.” And this is absolutely fair, because any actions that a child performs with his fingers have a direct impact not only on the development of his writing skills, but also on mental development, on the cognitive activity of his brain and on the creative component of his life.

It’s no secret that children’s arts and crafts are directly related to the development fine motor skills, which means it stimulates the work of the brain, triggers speech mechanisms and develops Creative skills every child.

Creative modeling cultivates aesthetic taste in a person, develops creative thinking, helps in acquiring skills in working with various tools and significantly enriches your child’s knowledge of the world.

Moreover, the use application technician gives a parent a unique chance to engage in creativity together with their child. And the finished products will perfectly decorate the interior of your home, complementing the developing space of the children's room.

Applied creativity is design and modeling from scrap materials, the ability to create something new from parts of something. This is everyone artistic work which your child is doing.

Have fun with your child creative activity It’s easy to design, you just need to use your imagination and stock up on the necessary materials.

While working with small parts, it is formed. The child learns to hold small parts with his fingertips and rationally distributes the tension in the arm and hand muscles.

In addition to the influence on fine motor skills, the role of arts and crafts in the development of a child is also that it has a beneficial effect on the formation of aesthetic and artistic taste, and introduces the elements of abstract thinking.

Applied creativity includes appliqué from colored paper, modeling from natural materials, working with plastic materials, working with tools and even designing playgrounds.

Below are several types of arts and crafts for children that you can do at home.

Children's arts and crafts: mosaic art

Mosaic is the oldest form of artistic art, involving the composition of pictures from small parts.

To assemble a mosaic, you must have perseverance and will. Unlike an appliqué or a painted picture, the image in a mosaic appears gradually, from small details.

Mosaics are created from pebbles, clay, plasticine or plain paper. It can be made from beads, beads, sand and even semolina. This is the most common type of arts and crafts for children.

While assembling a mosaic pattern, the child develops fine motor skills, develops imagination, develops artistic taste and imaginative thinking. In addition, creating a mosaic pattern perfectly trains perseverance and attention, and helps you concentrate on the little things.

Don't be afraid of an overabundance of mosaic designs in your home, mosaic panels- a new word in modern decor. You can add some zest to your children's room with mosaic paintings and sketches. You can decorate almost anything in your living space with it.

The main thing to remember: When doing this children's arts and crafts, the mosaic details should be large and comfortable for a child's hand. With senior can be used in mosaic picture materials such as beads or semolina.

With the help of a mosaic pattern, you can not only make a picture on the wall, but also update and complement the interior of a child’s room.

One of the original types of arts and crafts for children is the use of natural materials as mosaic parts: shells, stones, plant seeds or dried tree leaves. Working with such material requires increased attention, accuracy and great perseverance.

With a small child, it is useful to decorate mosaics with cereals. Buckwheat, rice and even millet cereals perfectly develop grasping skills and form tactile perception.

But universal and most available material for mosaic is colored paper. In order to make mosaic decor out of it, the paper needs to be cut or torn into small pieces so that they are enough for the entire picture. Paper can be combined with salt dough, acrylic paints, sand compositions.

Arts and crafts for preschool children: stained glass

Another successful option for applied arts for children, which develops aesthetic taste, develops fine motor skills, imagination and trains attention, is stained glass painting.

There are several types of technology stained glass painting: fusing, tiffany, film stained glass and stained glass created by stained glass paints.

Let's focus on stained glass paints, since this is the most convenient material to work with children. Moreover, stained glass paints can be made independently, at home.

Since stained glass paints are created on the basis of PVA glue, the finished design, after drying on a stencil, is easy to transfer to glass. Due to the gluten on the base, the design sticks well to the glass, but if necessary, it can be easily removed and disposed of by rolling it into a small ball.

Both a small child and an adult can work with stained glass paints. Drawing the outline of the future drawing requires special perseverance. For beginners, these contours turn out to be much thicker than necessary. Before use, the tube of stained glass paint should be shaken a little, but shaking too much is not recommended, as you risk getting large cluster oxygen. If air bubbles appear in the drawing when applying paint, carefully pierce them with the tip of a stained glass pencil with paint or mix them with a brush.

The finished stained glass window made from this paint must be left on the stencil for 24 hours until completely dry. These stained glass paintings are based on a stencil with a printed pattern under a plastic cover. The stained glass picture is transferred to the glass carefully, only after complete drying.

To engage in this type of arts and crafts with children, you need to decide what paints you prefer to use. The manufacturers took care of our needs, and each can has a dispenser spout, which eliminates the need for additional tools.

All stained glass paints can be divided into fired and non-fired. Fired allow to ignite ready product in the oven, that is, to extend the life of the finished stained glass window.

For children mastering the skills of such arts and crafts, it is recommended to buy imported paints. Their packaging has convenient dispensers and an optimal consistency. It will not flow or smudge.

Water-based stained glass paints contain glycerin as a thickener and produce a large number of air bubbles that will have to be fought to avoid voids in the stained glass pattern.

Contours for stained glass paints are sold in special tubes. Very often, beginners buy a black outline. It is not right. Working with a black outline is more difficult than it seems at first glance. The lines may be unreasonably wide, and the outline may be conspicuous, overshadowing the entire drawing.

For a beginner in stained glass decoration and decor, it is better to use outlines of silver or white flowers. Don't be afraid, at first the line will be larger than you planned, but with experience you will understand how to squeeze out contour paint of the required width.

To prevent the tip of the nozzle from drying out and becoming overgrown with paint residue, always place a damp sponge next to the product so that you can wipe off any excess.

Among the variety of stained glass paints, handmade stained glass paints stand out. This material is ideal for work even small child. You can make your own stained glass paints from PVA glue and food coloring.

Mix the dye with PVA until you get a homogeneous thick mass. You can use empty gouache tubes or baby food jars for containers.

Do-it-yourself stained glass paints are applied to a sheet of file that contains the desired picture. After complete drying, the painting is separated from the polyethylene and glued to the glass.

If you are seriously thinking about doing such arts and crafts with preschool children, do not rush to master windows and glazed doors. First, you should try to draw a stained glass window on a small area. For example, decorate a night light or a vase, a glass plate or a mug.

Before working with glass, it must be cleaned of dirt and excess fat. To do this, rinse the base under running water and detergent.

Now about the sketch. If you do not want to repeat replicated pictures and dream of creating something unusual, then the drawing can be made using special programs; the simplest of them - Paint - is on every computer.

Having created and printed the sketch, we proceed to transfer it to the glass product. If this is a night light for decoration, then we carefully insert the sheet with the design inside the glass lampshade and secure it with adhesive tape.

Now we take a black marker for working on glass (its outline is erased very easily) and apply the outline of the design to our lampshade. The next stage: apply the stained glass outline and leave the product to dry.

When teaching preschoolers such arts and crafts, it is important to master correct technique working with stained glass paints. Before use, each tube must be shaken, but not shaken, so as not to raise a bunch of bubbles.

Stained glass paints are applied in a thick layer to every detail of the design. Each side should be allowed to dry completely. The finished product can be opened with acrylic varnish to secure the parts, or it can be calcined in an oven. In the second case, pay attention to the heat resistance of the base glass.

Introducing children to arts and crafts: quilling

The English hobby of twisting strips of paper and then assembling the resulting parts into a pattern has spread all over the planet. Using this technique in developing a child’s fine motor skills makes it possible to gain experience working with a quilling machine, honing the ability to work with small parts, grasping, and gluing them into patterns.

Introducing children to such decorative and applied arts develops perseverance, forms abstract and figurative thinking, and opens up opportunities for the development of artistic taste in a child.

Tools for working with paper using the quilling technique. First of all, you need to buy a paper curling tool. If you don't find it in the store, don't be discouraged and make it yourself.

Attach the sharp part of a large tailor's needle to the shaft and use pliers to remove the top loop on the eye. The tool for rolling paper patterns is ready.

You can purchase a stencil with circles of various diameters for arts and crafts activities with children at a stationery store. Glue is also sold here. You can use special adhesive bases, but it’s easier to stock up on a glue gun and tubes of PVA.

To work with paper, you will need tweezers with long, pointed ends. You can use a flat one, but in this case you will have to be careful not to wrinkle or damage the finished parts.

Standard strips of paper for practicing arts and crafts with children aged 5-7 years are sold in craft stores. If the required color is not available or the assortment of strips is of the wrong width, try cutting out the quilling blanks by hand. To do this, staple together several sheets of colored office paper, mark the workpiece and, using a stationery knife and ruler, cut the required number of strips.

Workplace and work methods. Organizing workplace for quilling, take care of good lighting. A chair or desk chair must be chosen so that during painstaking work your spine does not get tired and your hands do not go numb.

  • On the desktop, place a paper spinning machine, tweezers, a ruler with circle stencils and a regular ruler.
  • Prepare glue and a wet sponge, which is convenient for removing excess glue.
  • Get ready for the fact that you may not get a masterpiece the first time, but you will make a pattern for a postcard.

Quilling, like many applied art techniques for preschoolers, is aimed at developing visual-figurative thinking and developing fine motor skills.

The quilling technique can also be used in the developing space of a children's room.

Whimsical patterns made from rolled paper look equally good both on photo frames and in decorative panels covering the entire wall:

In the children's room, quilling patterns are used as a developmental medium.

For example, when a child learns the alphabet, volumetric letters made of rolled paper on the walls of the nursery will help with memorization. A night light in the shape of a ship with lacy sails, ready to soar into the skies at any moment, will add a fairy-tale mood to the world of a young dreamer.

Unusual patterned numbers on the wall will help your child remember the number series and teach simple calculations. Scenes from familiar fairy tales, household items, geometric figures in the quilling style - all this can become a visual teaching aid and a worthy decoration for a child’s room.

Handicrafts made by preschoolers do not necessarily have to be related to toys, although rolled paper makes a good finger theater. Quilling can be used to decorate pencil jars and flower pots. Even your desktop can be decorated with a picture made from rolled paper by placing it under tempered glass.

It doesn’t matter how you use finished quilling products, the main thing is that this technique can and should be used in joint creativity with a child, especially during the period of “formation of the hand” and preparation for writing.

Arts and crafts for children 5, 6, 7 years old: activities with wire

If you have never used wire before decorative purposes, did not spin intricate figures out of it and did not invent an intricate frame for toy furniture, then you will have to start small.

To introduce children to arts and crafts, buy copper wire in a skein for beaded crafts. This material can be purchased at any craft store. A tool for working with any wire is similar to pliers with an elongated nose; it is called round nose pliers.

Crafts made from copper wire can be made with children aged five, when the arm muscles have become stronger and some perseverance has appeared. It is enough to explain the principles of operation and control at the initial stage.

To learn how to twist intricate figures from wire, you will have to start small. Learn to twist, fasten and wrap plain copper thread sold in skeins for beading.

There are enough sketches for such arts and crafts with children on the Internet. Many crafts made from this material can be safely used in decorating a child’s room. For example, three-dimensional picture, woven from beads on copper wire, can be a good decoration for a child’s room.

Using copper wire, beads and beads, you can decorate photo frames, flower pots or wall clocks. Small crafts made from copper wire can fill the calendar planning space or the daily routine of a first-grader.

The most important thing is that a child of 5, 6 and 7 years old will be interested in such applied art, and working with wire is very easy.

After mastering copper wire for creativity, it’s time to move on to more elastic and deformation-resistant materials. For example, create crafts from wire with a multi-layer coating and a larger diameter than a copper coil.

To work with this material you will need curved pliers and a vice handle. If you plan to place the finished product on a support, do not forget to purchase a set of special pins. Those who have mastered the technique of working with wire can use a variety of devices to create patterns and decorations.

Such applied creativity is interesting not only for children 5, 6 and 7 years old - working with elastic wires will also interest older schoolchildren. Today, jewelry made from copper curls has become fashionable. Earrings, beads, rings and bracelets - this is an incomplete list of what a girl, under the guidance of her mother, can make for her own jewelry.

Angels for the nursery of a younger brother or sister, Christmas trees for the window in the nursery, a funny clock or an original night light made of wire - all this will occupy the child and decorate the house.

Introducing preschoolers to arts and crafts: patchwork

By the age of six, many children still do not know how to properly work with a needle and thread. Parents are either afraid to give a needle to a child, or they themselves are not keen on sewing. It’s rare that girls sew outfits for their dolls or learn to cross-stitch. But sewing is one of the main methods for developing fine motor skills in a preschooler’s hands.

Moreover, today there are safe needles that cannot be used to prick yourself. With wide eyes for easy threading of the needle. Nobody talks about complicated sewing, but some simple seams on fabric, embroidery or joint creativity on fabric with mom is an excellent workout for the hands of a six-year-old.

To introduce preschoolers to arts and crafts, you can use fabric work using the patchwork technique.

In Rus', patchwork decoration was considered an indicator of the housewife's homeliness and talent. In England, both clothes and tapestries, as well as curtains for windows, were sewn from pieces of fabric. Patchwork underlies the creation of leather armor and simple clothing in the Middle Ages.

The name of this technique comes from English: patch - patch, work - work. Patchwork is working with patches, or sewing from pieces of fabric.

Over time, products made from different pieces of fabric and leather began to be used not only for practical purposes. Today, the patterns created by patchwork craftsmen are used more for aesthetic purposes, decorating and complementing the interior of our home.

In patchwork, it is not necessary to put a separate pattern into each piece. Due to the original assembly, “patches” often complement the main drawing, being an indispensable link in it. Patchwork can be knitted, woven, or done using the macrame technique. The main thing is to follow the intended pattern.

When practicing arts and crafts for the development of children, when organizing work with patches, follow the following rules:

  • ensure proper lighting;
  • sort the details of the proposed product by color, shape or size, so that you don’t have to look for what you need in a bunch of multi-colored scraps;
  • When planning to work with “patches”, keep a ready-made diagram at hand;
  • select threads to match the material, check them for strength in advance.

Carpets and rugs woven from scraps of fabric, knitted items for dolls and their mistresses - all this can be bright, fun, original and simple.

Yes, doing arts and crafts with children takes up time. Creativity always requires special costs. But despite all the “inconvenience,” you get a unique result. Especially if you involve a child in updating the interior of the children's room. For example, trust him to choose the colors of future “patches”. Either let him cut out all the blanks, or sew several “patches” according to the sketch. Thus, decorative applied development children - this is not only an introduction to beauty, but also benefits.

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Elena Pavlovna Kolmakova

Arts and crafts by origin - folk art, people creates things, preserves the beauty found in them and passes on all his achievements from generation to generation. In these works we see folk character, his feelings and ideas.

Studying works decoratively-applied art, their features and means of creation fosters a caring attitude towards things, develops a creative personality, increases the cultural level.

Many works folk craftsmen are samples true art, in which the form, decor and content are in unbroken unity. People have been selecting from nature for centuries perfect shapes, color combinations and created new ornaments.

Nowadays in Russia there is a growing interest in folk culture. Various aspects of the not yet completely lost folk life are studied. For the older generation, it is important to preserve and pass on pieces of folk art to the younger generation. Therefore, preschoolers are already introduced to folk creativity. It is important to interest and involve in learning decoratively- applied arts. For children In preschool age, the most important thing is motivation. And the main tool is to get a “thing” made with your own little hands.

Arts and crafts help develop children's imagination, choice of material, manufacturing technique, which contributes development individual personality.

When studying traditions, we inevitably show a cultural aspect. The most important thing in class is to include children to folk culture, through knowledge.

A handmade product is the result of an activity that has important properties.

Today, handicrafts are becoming relevant, since a thing made with our own hands turns out to be unique, individual, special, we put our feelings, imagination, love into it, and for this reason this thing is unique.

We teach by example children To careful attitude To ancient traditions masters, respect for people’s work, through their own work. Classes decorative creativity can affect the child’s self-determination and influence the choice of profession in the future.

M. Gorky:

Man is an artist by nature. Everywhere, one way or another, he strives to bring beauty into his life. Beautiful things educate creative people's imagination and respect for their work.

Publications on the topic:

Every year in preschool institution An exhibition-competition of decorative and applied arts “Autumn Surprise” is being held. Children together with.

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Decorative and applied art is one of the factors in the harmonious development of personality. Through communication with folk art.

As part of the Year of Literature, the education department together with the Center for Children's (Youth) Technical Creativity in the village. Pribelsky was organized.

At the beginning of the month in our kindergarten As usual, a mini teachers' meeting was held at which we, the teachers, learned that a city competition was taking place.

The creation of a museum of decorative and applied arts, its relevance is due to a number of social, scientific, theoretical and practical reasons.

Arts and crafts classes combine the fundamentals of many sciences that are of primary importance in the polytechnic development of children. Decorative and applied art allows, simultaneously with equipping them with technical knowledge, developing their labor skills, psychological and practical preparation for work, for choosing a profession, to reveal the beauty, the enormous spiritual value of the products of folk craftsmen, their high craftsmanship and art, to form aesthetic taste and aesthetic ideal. Thus, the specificity of decorative and applied art, expressed in the unity of form and practical purpose of a decorative item, in the unity of labor skills, skills and artistic and aesthetic taste, allows for an integrated approach to the organization of arts and crafts classes, determines the organic unity of labor and aesthetic education of children . Famous teacher V.N. Shatskaya defined children's creativity as a method of the most perfect mastery of a certain type of art and the formation creative personality. Sustainable preservation of children's interest in visual arts causes a faster and deeper assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of fine arts, and helps expand the general mental horizon.

Many works of folk artists are examples of genuine art, in which form, decor and content are in indissoluble unity. For centuries, people have been selecting perfect forms and joyful combinations of colors from nature, stylizing them and creating new ones, surprising and delighting with their ingenuity and taste. The art of all our peoples has reached a brilliant flowering multinational Russia. Its diversity is clearly expressed in local national artistic traditions, which is most convenient to trace from the paintings of the masters of Khokhloma, Gorodets, Zhostov, Semenov, Dymkov, Gzhel, from the patterns Vologda lace and Russian printed clothing. I use the beauty of forms and optimistic attitude in working with children in order to cultivate artistic taste, love for their native nature, for the people and their art and, of course, for the development of technical and compositional skills. Children get acquainted with the features of decorative and applied arts, they develop creative skills and the ability to independently perform a variety of decorative and design works. Particular attention is paid to revealing to students artistic expression folk art.

I consider the main goal of art education to be the development of a child’s creative personality, which contributes to mental and physical health. In the process of practicing applied arts, children gradually learn to speak the language of artists, to perceive terminology according to fine arts. This program compiled taking into account the interests of children in arts and crafts, its relevance in modern world, in everyday life and other situations. Classes in this program include a variety of games (creative, didactic, improvised, educational) aimed at developing creativity, fantasy, imagination, logical thinking, artistic and aesthetic taste of children. The gaming environment contributes to the creation of a comfortable emotional environment in the children's creative association, when children enter into the images of an artist, craftsman, potter, sculptor (opportunities for professional guidance appear). New areas folk art expose children to a variety of expressive possibilities ornamental and plot composition. Simple and beautiful art products folk artists help instill in children a love of native land, teach them to see and love their native nature, appreciate the traditions of their native places, and respect the work of adults. The program content includes different kinds activities:

  • -Working with paper and cardboard (applique, paper-plastic);
  • -Artistic processing of fabric (applique, ribbon embroidery);
  • -Painting based on folk crafts (Gorodets, Khokhloma, Gzhel);
  • -Modeling from clay and salt dough(Dymkovo toy, bas-relief, mask, Gzhel ceramics);
  • -Project (holiday, computer presentation).

Each type of activity has its own expressive characteristics. Modeling promotes the development of observation, imagination, and aesthetic attitude towards objects and phenomena. Applique develops the ability to see and convey the beauty of reality in the composition of creative work, teaches one to feel the material, texture, and develops the ability to choose the right material. Embroidery develops a sense of beauty, shapes aesthetic taste, fosters perseverance, patience, and respect for work. Works completed in class often have practical applications: they decorate a child’s room or can be a gift. This pleases not only children, but also adults.

Decorative and applied arts.

Decorative and applied arts (DAI)- art of making household items, possessing artistic and aesthetic qualities and intended not only for practical use, but also for decorating homes, architectural structures, parks, etc.

The entire life of primitive tribes and civilizations was connected with paganism. People worshiped different deities, objects - grass, sun, bird, tree. To “appease” some gods and “drive away” evil spirits, ancient man When building a house, he necessarily supplemented it with “amulets” - relief, window frames, animals and geometric signs that have symbolic and symbolic meaning. Clothing necessarily protected the owner from evil spirits with a stripe of ornament on the sleeves, hem and collar; all the dishes also had a ritual ornament.

But since ancient times, it has been common for man to strive for beauty in his surroundings. objective world, so the images began to take on an increasingly aesthetic appearance. Gradually losing their original meaning, they began to decorate the item more than to carry any magical information. Embroidered patterns were applied to fabrics, ceramics were decorated with ornaments and images, first extruded and scratched, then applied with clay of a different color. Later, colored glazes and enamels were used for this purpose. Hardware cast in shaped molds, covered with chasing and notching.

Decorative and applied arts include and artistically executed furniture, dishes, clothing, carpets, embroidery, jewelry, toys and other items, as well as ornamental paintings and sculptures decorative finishing interiors and facades of buildings, facing ceramics, stained glass, etc. Intermediate forms between DPI and easel art- panels, tapestries, lampshades, decorative statues, etc., which form part of the architectural whole, complement it, but can also be considered separately, as independent works of art. Sometimes in a vase or other object, it is not functionality that comes first, but beauty.

The development of applied art was affected by the living conditions of each people, the natural and climatic conditions of their habitat. DPI is one of the oldest species art. For many centuries it developed among the people in the form of folk artistic crafts.

Embroidery. It has its origins in ancient times, when bone and then bronze needles were used. They embroidered on linen, cotton, and woolen clothing. In China and Japan they embroidered with colored silks, in India, Iran, and Turkey - with gold. They embroidered ornaments, flowers, animals. Even within one country there were completely different types embroideries depending on the area and the nationality living there, such as red thread embroidery, colored embroidery, cross stitch, satin stitch, etc. Motifs and colors often depended on the purpose of the item, festive or everyday.

Application. Multi-colored pieces of fabric, paper, leather, fur, straw are sewn or glued onto a material of a different color or finish. Application in folk art, especially of the peoples of the North, is extremely interesting. Appliques are used to decorate panels, tapestries, and curtains. Often the application is performed simply as an independent work.

Stained glass. This is a plot decorative composition made of colored glass or other material that transmits light. In classical stained glass, individual pieces of colored glass were connected to each other by spacers made from the most soft material- lead. These are the stained glass windows of many cathedrals and temples in Europe and Russia. The technique of painting on clear or colored glass with silicate paints, then fixed by light firing, was also used. In the 20th century stained glass windows began to be made from transparent plastics.

Modern stained glass is used not only in churches, but also in residential premises, theaters, hotels, shops, subways, etc.

Painting. Compositions made with paints on the surface of fabrics, wood, ceramics, metal and other products. Paintings can be either narrative or ornamental. They are widely used in folk art and serve as decoration for souvenirs or household items.

Ceramics. Products and materials made from clay and various mixtures with it. The name comes from an area in Greece that has been a center of pottery production since ancient times, i.e. for the manufacture of pottery and utensils. Ceramics are also called facing tiles, often covered with paintings. The main types of ceramics are clay, terracotta, majolica, faience, porcelain, stone mass.

Lace. Openwork thread products. According to the technique of execution, they are divided into hand-made (woven on turned sticks - bobbins, sewn with a needle, crocheted or knitted) and machine-made.

Weaving from birch bark, straw, wicker, bast, leather, thread, etc. one of the oldest species decorative and applied art (known since Neolithic times). Weaving was mainly used to make dishes, furniture, car bodies, toys, and boxes.

Thread. A method of artistic processing of materials, in which sculptural figures are cut out with a special cutting tool or some image is made on a smooth surface. Wood carving was the most widespread in Rus'. It covered the frames of houses, furniture, and tools. There is carved sculpture made of bone, stone, plaster, etc. Many carvings relate to jewelry (stones, gold, bronze, copper, etc.) and weapons (wood, stone, metals).

Arts and crafts – the most important means aesthetic development and the formation of a holistic personality, its spirituality, creative individuality. Pedagogy defines aesthetic education as “the process of purposeful formation of tastes and ideals of an individual, the development of his ability to aesthetic perception phenomena of reality and works of art, to independent creativity». Aesthetic education It also presupposes the formation of a comprehensively developed personality - a person capable of not only consuming art, but also creativity.

Additional education for children is a necessary part of upbringing multifaceted personality, her education, her early professional orientation. It creates conditions for a young person to live a full life during childhood. After all, if a child lives life to the fullest, he will have more success and achievements in adulthood.

The main content of additional education for children is practice-oriented, activity-based: the child acts in a search situation independently, gains knowledge in the process of interacting with objects of labor, nature, cultural monuments etc. In the system of additional education, situations are created when a child needs to extract knowledge from his environment. Additional education for children is exclusively creative in nature, as it encourages the child to find in certain circumstances own way. Important element in the system of additional education, attractive for parents and children, creative types activities.

The special value of decorative and applied activities lies in the fact that it makes it possible to use a wide variety of materials. In our school additional education is a network of circle work: school clubs and CDT clubs.

Modernity makes new demands on education: without suppressing the will of the child, an independent personality should be raised, taking into account and wisely directing the needs and interests of the child. That is why, and also seeing what children are interested in and that they like to work with paper, beads, natural and waste materials, I organized classes for the “Skillful Hands” circle.

The study program of the circle was based on the principles of relevance, realism, systematicity, activity, educational nature of training, accessibility of program material and the possibility of control.

The goal of the program is the formation and development of creative skills and individual abilities, aesthetic culture and spirituality, fostering respect for folk art, in the process of practicing arts and crafts.

Classes in the circle are designed to solve the following problems:


  • introduce students to history and modern
    directions of development of arts and crafts;
  • teach children to master various work techniques
    with materials, tools and devices necessary for work;
  • teach technologies different types handicrafts: trimming, beading.
  • develop the ability to decide independently
    cognitive tasks in the process of producing work.


  • create conditions for the development of the personality of each student, revealing his creative abilities;
  • develop figurative and spatial thinking, memory,
    imagination, attention;
  • develop hand motor skills and eye.


To form a sustainable interest in decorative and applied arts;

Introducing children to aesthetic culture;

  • cultivate feelings of collectivism, mutual assistance, responsibility;
  • cultivate respect for folk cultural values.

I have chosen the following areas of work:

Expanded familiarization of children with arts and crafts products;

Children's independent creation of decorative items.

The work uses various methods and techniques that should contribute to the creation and preservation of an atmosphere of creativity, knowledge, and serve the awareness of the value and uniqueness of national culture.

I try to structure all my work so that the child’s development is truly harmonious. She chose different forms of conducting classes: travel, “transforming” children into masters. During the classes I solved cognitive, educational and creative problems. I tried to use various equipment working with paper, beads, natural and waste materials.

I try to teach children to see the aesthetic properties of objects, the variety and beauty of form, the combination of colors and shades: after all, by peering, looking closely and reflecting, children learn to understand, feel, and love. The creative abilities of children in the process of practicing arts and crafts develop in different directions: children sketch, think through and create objects decorative, learn to find ways to depict and design an object, and transfer the intended decorative object to the product.

During the circle classes, children awaken faith in their creative abilities, their uniqueness, the belief that they came into this world to create goodness and beauty, to bring joy to people. Various organization classes, the use of visual material, artistic expression and music - all this helps children get into unusual world art, to join artistic culture, makes classes lively and interesting.

I pay a lot of attention to working with parents. Parents receive information at meetings and during consultations. As a creative report to their parents, the children prepared gifts for various holidays.

The work of the circle culminates in exhibitions children's creativity at school, in the area.

Arts and crafts create the effect of spiritual communication, introduce children to different art styles historical eras and cultures.

One of the features of classes in the arts and crafts club is that to complete the task you need long time. So that students do not lose interest in working on the same thing when before final result work is still far away, it is necessary to sum up the results of the work every day, increase the effectiveness of work by summing up the results of one lesson, holding exhibitions of products for one day. In this case, children see the results of their work in every lesson, which is an incentive for further fruitful work. Significantly activate creative activity students have intermediate viewings of their work. At the current intermediate reviews, I, as the head of the circle, celebrate the achievements of the circle members and set new tasks for them. I resort to general intermediate review in cases where a difficult task is being completed. At the same time, students, participating in the discussion, are accustomed to self-control. Here I express my approval if the children succeeded in something. This lifts the mood of students, stimulates their further work, and gives them a surge of new strength. Visibly feeling the results of their work and being convinced of their capabilities, students work with great emotional enthusiasm. During the discussion of products, debates often arise, in which the aesthetic tastes of schoolchildren are clearly manifested and honed, and their creative thinking and speech develop.

At the end of the year we organize a final exhibition of the work of the circle members. Skillful organization and holding of an exhibition becomes one of the effective forms of moral encouragement for students. Along with the final exhibition creative works We hold a competition for the best product, highlight and celebrate the most successful works. This helps attract new schoolchildren to arts and crafts classes.

Today it is unacceptable to let emotional and moral development take its course, because this is fraught with the development of callousness towards another person and towards nature, the dictatorship of a narrowly understood intellect that does not distinguish between good and evil. Arts and crafts classes give a child the opportunity to early gain the experience of creative self-realization, in which ideas are generated and embodied young master. Through the means of art, the ability to artistic creativity. A full-fledged art education preserves the integrity of the child’s personality. Aesthetic education as the most important means of forming an attitude towards reality, spiritual and moral development and self-development of the individual is based on the comprehension of artistic harmony. Thus, in the process of introducing the individual to the rich cultural experience of mankind, accumulated in the field of art, opportunities are created for educating a highly moral, diversified modern person.