Mosaic house. Meet the Russian Antonio Gaudi! Egor Zolotarev and his Mosaic House

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Tiled fireplace “Mikula Selyaninovich and Volga Svyatoslavovich” made according to a sketch by M.A. Vrubel.

Do we always mean the full breadth of the creative genius of Mikhail Vrubel when we call him an artist? Of course, Vrubel is the painter who gave the world his incredible Demons. This is the painter who glorified the aesthetics of the Russian people and became one of the most significant artists of the late 19th century.

But it’s unlikely that many of you know that on the façade of the Metropol Hotel there is an incredible panel “Princess of Dreams”, and in the Chertkov House there is a fireplace masterfully designed by the artist in the Art Nouveau style. Vrubel was a talented decorator, so it is unfair to ignore the decorative and applied side of his work. During the happy time of his participation in the Abramtsevo circle, the artist was inspired by the idea of ​​​​the Renaissance multi-tasking master and enthusiastically studied the art of ceramics, majolica, sculpture and techniques of various folk crafts. It was as a decorator that Vrubel gained his fame among his contemporaries, and many famous people sought to see the artist as the “designer” of their luxurious mansions.

In this article, “365” wants to introduce you to a number of Moscow buildings that were not spared by the creative genius of Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel. While walking around Moscow, don’t be lazy and stop by these mansions, where the modernist spirit of the beginning of the last century is still preserved.

Hotel Metropol

Facade of the Metropol. "Princess Dream"

Few people pay attention to the façade of the legendary Metropol Hotel, and if they do, they don’t know that it is there that displays perhaps M. Vrubel’s most famous decorative panel, “The Princess of Dreams.”

In 1896 S.Yu. Witte placed an order with Vrubel for a painting panel for the Nizhny Novgorod Art and Industrial Exhibition. The work at the exhibition did not make the proper impression on the audience, but amazed critics with the romantic depth of the image, inspired by the play of the French poet E. Rostand.

Hotel Metropol

Therefore, when Witte was faced with the question of who to invite to participate in the decoration of a hotel under construction in the very heart of Moscow, the choice fell on Vrubel, in order to spite his ill-wishers to perpetuate his excellent work.

Address: Teatralny proezd, 2.

The house on Lebyazhy Lane dates back to the 19th century. Warehouses, a vodka factory, a cinema and a miniature theater - a lot happened here until, by order of the philanthropist P. G. Solodovnikov, the building and the buildings nearby were converted into residential premises.

Under the roof itself there is a ceramic panel depicting a girl surrounded by the wonders of the underwater world, according to researchers, made from castings by Mikhail Vrubel.

Fragment of the central panel, made according to sketches by M. Vrubel

Address: Lebyazhy Lane, 6/1.

The most ordinary walk around Moscow can unexpectedly bring you a meeting with Mikhail Vrubel. The main thing is to know where to look.
The apartment building of F.A. Alexandrov could have remained an ordinary example of the architecture of its time, if not for the ceramic panels of Abramtsevo tiles above the balcony windows, made according to the drawings of the “Immortals” by the great master.

Decorative elements of an apartment building by F. A. Alexandrov. “Immortals” by Vrubel, bottom left

Address: Merzlyakovsky lane, 20.

City estate Kazakova-Dunker-Tsetlina

The estate is named after the names of the owners to whom it belonged after the princely family of Khovansky.

In 1894, by order of E.D. Dunker the artist created a mosaic triptych “The Judgment of Paris”, as well as a panel “Venice” and a lampshade depicting flowers.

M. Vrubel. "The Judgment of Paris". Decorative panel, 1893

Today, Vrubel’s works made for this mansion can be seen in the collection of the Omsk Museum of Fine Arts and in the collection of the Russian Museum.

Address: Povarskaya street, building 9, building 1-1A.

Evidence of this estate has been available since the end of the 18th century; ancient chambers and elements of decoration of that time have even been preserved here.

However, when in 1895 the estate began to belong to Alexei Vikulovich Morozov, changes awaited it. To carry out the order to redistribute the house, according to the tastes of the owner and the trends of the time, the famous architect Fyodor Shekhtel was invited, who in turn invited Mikhail Vrubel to take part in the interior decoration of the mansion.

M. Vrubel. Triptych "Faust"

For this estate, the artist created picturesque panels based on Goethe’s Faust. These panels are distinguished by their fluency and approximate nature, divided into plans, which enhances the resemblance to appliqué.

Now these works can be seen in the State Tretyakov Gallery.

Address: Podsosensky lane, 21.

Mansion of Z. G. Morozova

Another example of the work of Mikhail Vrubel in collaboration with the architect Fyodor Shekhtel.

This time the artist took part in the interior decoration of the mansion of the wife of the great Russian philanthropist Savva Morozov. Shekhtel believed that Vrubel would be able to bring his gloomy expressiveness to Gothic interiors, and he was not mistaken.

M. Vrubel. "Robert and the Nuns"

For this mansion, the artist created a broken and extremely dynamic sculptural composition “Robert and the Nuns”, and also created a sketch for a stained glass window, which was made using ancient techniques.

Address: Spiridonovka street, 17.

Another joint creation of Mikhail Vrubel and Fyodor Shekhtel is the Saltykov-Chertkov Estate. You can get into this estate only during exhibitions on its territory, but it is worth doing if only to see the incredible fireplace created by Vrubel by order of the owner of the house.

The sculptural decoration of the fireplace, created in unison with the Art Nouveau style, depicts playful nymphs and satyrs frolicking between the branches of trees.

Address: Moscow, Myasnitskaya street, 7.

Text: Anna Vikhreva

Bolshaya Zelenina Street is a treasure trove of beautiful buildings. Well, house number 28 can safely be considered the pearl of this street. The huge mosaic panel immediately catches your eye. It consists of five parts: fields, hills, and expanses of water flaunt here, plowed by a luxurious sailboat. Such work deserves to rank with the masterpieces of famous marine painters. What stands out a little from all this splendor are the scenes with views of city buildings and an industrial landscape engulfed in clouds of smoke. This panoramic mosaic was created in 1905 according to sketches by the artist Shelkovy for His Serene Highness the Duke of Leuchtenberg, who owned the unusual apartment building.

    Bolshaya Zelenina st., 28

Panel “Christ blesses the children”

Walking near the Institute of Cinema and Television, St. Petersburg residents can see the painting “Christ Blessing the Children.” In 2014, it was restored by pure chance, when the building was undergoing scheduled renovations. The workers peeled away the centuries-old layer of plaster, and an unexpected surprise appeared to their eyes - a mosaic canvas of enormous size (seven by ten meters), which had long been considered lost. The Christian theme of the mosaic is not accidental, because in former times the building was a parochial school in memory of Emperor Alexander III.

    st. Pravdy, 13

The colorful panel, like the scales of a colorful fish, enveloped literally every object in the yard. Benches, paths, house walls, sculptures and sundials are decorated with colored glass mosaic designs. The unremarkable courtyard at some point began to literally become overgrown with mosaic details right in front of the local residents and over time became a kind of open-air museum. This landmark, which is better to see once than to hear about it a hundred times, was created by students of the Small Academy of Arts.

    emb. Fontanka River, 2 / st. Tchaikovsky, 2/7

Giant periodic table

If you suddenly need a table of periodic elements, but you don’t have it at hand, but you are near the Tekhnologichesky Institute metro station, then you will find a cheat sheet in no time: a giant mosaic table of chemical elements adorns one of the walls of the Chamber of Weights and Measures - Research Institute of Metrology named after D. I. Mendeleev. And although this table is not as complete as it can now be found in a textbook, it fits very well into the landscape of the square, hinting at the contents of the building. By the way, literally a couple of steps from the mosaic you can also find a monument to an outstanding Russian scientist.

    Moskovsky pr., 19

Behind Peter's house, right at the entrance to the souvenir shop, you can find an interesting mosaic wall, made entirely of ceramics and covered with patterns in the spirit of Dutch stove tiles or traditional Russian Gzhel. The panel depicts Amsterdam with its inhabitants on one side, and Russian sailors on the other. Between these parties are ships sailing towards each other as a sign of the union of the West and the East.

    Petrovskaya embankment, 4

Tree on Bolshaya Moskovskaya

St. Petersburg courtyards are a treasure trove of interesting finds. Often, behind an unremarkable facade and dreary arches, a real work of art can be hidden. So, for example, if you walk around house number 8 on Bolshaya Moskovskaya Street, you will see a magical colored tree spread right on the firewall. In its relief and seemingly pixelated outlines one can discern powerful branches, petals and even birds scattered to the sides.

    Bolshaya Moskovskaya st., 8b

St. Petersburg subway stations are full of impressive mosaics. Even new stations are trying to be decorated with this type of wall painting. There is also a place in the St. Petersburg metro that is visited by admirers of the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Directly underground there is a monument to the great Russian poet, to whom flowers are regularly brought. This monument sometimes sets off the magnificent mosaic. Please note: behind the statue there is a kind of portal to Tsarskoye Selo Park. Thanks to the clear detailing and arched frame, the artists achieved the feeling that this was not a painting at all, but a very real landscape.

    m. Pushkinskaya

Mosaic paintings by Rubinstein

Everyone is familiar with Rubinstein Street as the main bar “highway” of the city. But few people know what treasures are hidden behind the endless bars and coffee shops. In the courtyard of house No. 1 you can find six amazing mosaic panels created in the workshop of Ekaterina Ogorodnikova. The top row depicts angels on a light background, and the bottom row depicts city landscapes with ships and embankments. It is amazing that each of the works has its own backlight, which allows you to notice and admire the talented works of art at any time.

    st. Rubinshteina, 1/47a

Mosaics of the Suvorov Museum

More than two hundred years ago, on the 100th anniversary of the death of the great commander, Slonovaya Street was renamed Suvorovsky Avenue, on which they aimed to erect a building for the memorial museum of Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov. The construction was delayed a little: they started it a century later. Therefore, the opening of the memorial, built according to the design of A. I. von Gauguin, took place only on the day of the 175th anniversary of the commander’s birth. The residents of St. Petersburg were presented with a magnificent “memory repository” in the Art Nouveau style, the main identifying sign of which was the high tower, as well as two huge mosaic canvases on the facade - these are “Suvorov’s Departure for the Campaign of 1799” by M. I. Zoshchenko and “Suvorov Crossing the Alps " N. E. Maslennikova.

Mosaics in the same style can be found on the firewall of a house on Primorsky Avenue. In the bright red spot, two figures are distinguished: a worker in overalls who supports a fluttering banner, resting it on an anvil; and next to him a Red Army soldier in an overcoat and Budenovka trumpeted. Behind their courageous figures is a large circle, symbolizing the sun.

    Primorsky Ave., 6

Photo: Nikolay Nikitin,,,,,,,, ru-mosaic.livejournal .com

This Master Class will tell you how you can make a signboard with your house number in mosaic technique, the likes of which no one else will have!

I found a metal frame from a wall clock in my handicraft hands, and I had the idea to make a mosaic inserts with house number and bright floral ornament.

The basis for the future mosaic was drywall, intended for bathrooms, thus also suitable for outdoor mosaics, able to withstand high humidity. I cut out two circles of the appropriate diameter from it and sketched sketch of the future mosaic.

For the mosaic sketch, I selected fragments of ceramic tiles of suitable colors.

I placed a sticky mesh on the drawing, sticky side up, and began laying out my mosaic on it.

At this stage, you can immediately see the result and make the necessary changes. For example, I replaced faded green tiles with bright bottle glass.

Since ceramics and glass are very different in thickness, I had no choice but to make the mosaic the “reverse way”. To do this, the drawing must be covered with sticky paper or film.

If it is construction tape, like mine, then you need to cover it in two layers, crosswise.

Mosaic it is sandwiched between two plates, like a sandwich, and turned over. The sticky mesh can be removed. The mosaic elements must be pressed inward so that they stick with the front side to the tape as tightly as possible and do not move from their place.

Now you need to coat the drywall with a thick layer of tile adhesive. At the same time, I tried out my new palette knife with ribs - it turned out to be a very convenient thing.

I placed the drywall coated with glue on the upside down mosaic and pressed hard. I left it like that for a day until the tile adhesive completely dried.

In the meantime, I didn’t miss it, but I made it using a similar technology mosaic for the back of the sign.

A day later, I removed the tape and cleaned up the glue stains on the glass and tiles.

Covered both mosaics dark gray grout and, after drying, inserted them into the frame.

View mosaics from the street and from the yard.

It immediately became clear that I had made the wrong choice. color numbers- it is almost invisible against a dark background, especially if the sun is shining from behind. But it is almost impossible to fix a finished mosaic. Therefore, I decided to repaint the numbers in a brighter color.

This is what mine looks like House number, done in mosaic technique, from afar.

Today I am in culture shock! Just a few hours ago I discovered an amazing Master on VKontakte! Meet the artist and architect Egor Zolotarev and him Mosaic house!

This is what the House looks like from the other side. I suspect that the shed and all sorts of unnecessary buildings will be demolished and someday a magical garden will grow around the magical house.

For now, let's take a look at the details of the House.

This is the roof of the House and the chimney in the shape of an angel.

This is what the House looks like at night. Amazing, isn't it!

This is the entrance to the House. Serious door! Still, such an unusual home can create the illusion among bad people that a cool businessman lives in it, and not a poor artist who created everything himself - from the design to the window frames and unique chandeliers.

Here they are, by the way, these chandeliers! The same, or better, can be ordered from the Master. He will be very grateful to you. Everyone knows that talented artists in our country always need support.))

This is how chandeliers are born!

However, while I was writing this post, Egor Zolotarev himself registered on our platform, which I am incredibly happy about. Now he will personally tell us about all the intricacies of this unique five-year-long construction project and will be able to answer any questions from inquisitive Golos residents.

Visit the page @zolotarevegor, subscribe, support and help me get comfortable.

Art-House. Part 1. Unusual house with your own hands.

Ode to a mosaic house (fragment)

Along the bright path you meet a fairy tale,
Walking through the forest where the birds are chirping,
You will see among the silence and nature,
A house full of warmth and full of freedom.

The artist created a masterpiece of the era,
Such beauty that the stars could not see.
His skill is reflected in the heart,
The door opens to all the feelings of the soul!

Tatyana Mezhueva

Photos taken in group