What can you paint with watercolors? The magic of ballet from Liu Yi

You can paint anything with watercolors - from realistic portrait to invented alien worlds. Many people find watercolor difficult artistic instrument. But all you really need to learn how to paint with watercolors is to just start. We have selected 11 tips for you, thanks to which you will become 11 steps closer to understanding the art of watercolor drawing.

1. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty!

If you've never drawn before, it's time to get started. Open the album, create interesting textures and stains with watercolors so as not to freeze in front of a white sheet of paper. Start from them in search of a plot. Color pages can be bright and exciting or create a calm, melancholic mood. Color or texture may suggest the next step - or maybe you're itching to paint without it.

Illustration from the book “The World of Watercolors”.

2. Find your watercolor paper

The result of the work largely depends on the quality of the watercolor paper. Go to a bookstore and choose 5-10 pieces different sheets watercolor paper “for testing”. Be sure to make notes on each sheet (type, weight of paper and results of working with it). A suitable paper weight for beginners is 300 g/m2, some professionals prefer 600 g/m2. There are other types of watercolor paper, such as NOT paper and rough texture paper, or cold pressed paper.


3. Use professional paints

Even novice artists should purchase professional watercolor paints. Unlike cheap analogues, artistic paints lay beautifully and spread on paper.

“I prefer tubes rather than pans: firstly, you don’t have to wait for the paint to soften and become workable, and secondly, it’s easier to create rich, dark mixtures with tube paint.”Billy Showell

It is true that artist paints are more expensive, but they will also last longer. They dilute better and therefore are not used up so quickly.

Advice. Try new colors and others art materials as often as possible. Experiment. Don't become a hostage to one habit

4. Observe and consider before you take up the brush

Before drawing, study the structure of the object. Look at it as if you were seeing it for the first time, look carefully, take notes, sketches, get familiar with textures and details that you have never paid attention to. For example, observe the spiral arrangement of the leaves or the whorls along the veins of the stem.

You get double benefits from drawing plants - first you meditate while looking at it, and then you get real pleasure from drawing. Isn't it wonderful? @miftvorchestvo

Try to mentally break down what you see into its components. Select the main shapes. See how they overlap each other. Imagine the landscape as a stage set. Pay attention to what is closest and what is further away.

5. Learn to mix paints

Try mixing colors to get an idea of ​​what shades you can achieve with your paint set. Mix two colors first, then add a third to them. Experiment!

You'll love creating these Beautiful colors and variations of shades and tones, their number is almost inexhaustible.

Focus on yourself. You can do or very realistic drawings or very non-trivial. Your task is to collect paints whose properties you will know, which will allow you to create the desired shades with a guaranteed good result.

By mixing pure pigments, you can create cool, warm or grayish variations of the same color. Illustration from the book “Song of Colors”

6. Start with sparing expression

If you make pencil sketches or sketches, you can diversify your watercolor drawings by adding accents. You don't have to color the entire page; sometimes a few well-placed brush strokes create the most powerful effect.

Careless dotted watercolor strokes in sketches - form style Felix Scheinberger. Illustration from the book “Watercolor Sketching”

7. Use liquid primer for watercolors

Liquid primer for watercolors is applied to the paper before starting work and allows you to easily remove it if necessary. dried paint. This is especially important when working with intense or persistent pigments: you don’t have to worry about “staining” the paper in the area of ​​highlights. Before using it, practice in a sketchbook, as the surface for drawing will be quite slippery.

To remove paint from those areas where it was not needed (you accidentally went beyond the edges or you need to create highlights), simply wash off the paint with a clean, dampened brush or sponge.

8. Learn the art of glazing

Artists call glazing a technique for obtaining deep iridescent colors by applying translucent paints on top of the main one. The glaze technique is a great way to convey the finest color scheme. The paints are applied very delicately, layer by layer, and after drying the details of the last layer are worked out.

Illustration from the book “Song of Colors”

9. Dry brush technique

This technique can be used to draw animal fur or small hairs on fruits such as kiwi.

Apply paint to the brush and remove excess with a napkin. Straighten the brush hairs. Apply paint to a dry surface previously painted in the background color. Work in small strokes in one direction, imitating hairs on the surface.

Kiwi using dry brush technique. Illustration from the book

Watercolor paints are one of the most loved by artists. First of all, watercolor has a lot of various techniques, and secondly, with its help you can create beautiful drawing, even if you don’t know how to draw at all.

These techniques will help beginners learn how to draw, and professionals will refresh their memory and find inspiration and ideas.

1. Painting with a flat brush

Step 1

Draw a square or rectangle to mark the start and end of the layer.

Select more dark shade(it's easier to see) and starting from the top left corner, touch the brush to the paper and gently draw a straight line all the way to the top right corner.

But: Left-handers should draw from the right corner to the left.

Step 2

Fill your brush with paint again.

Start the next stroke from the bottom edge of the first, trying to cover the accumulation of paint that has formed at the bottom of the first stroke.

Hint 1: If the buildup of paint in the first stroke does not flow completely into the second, then increase the angle of your easel to help the paint flow freely.

Hint 2: By increasing the angle of inclination, you also increase the chances of getting uncontrollable paint flows. So try to work faster or have something like a rag or sponge on hand to quickly clean up spills.

Step 3

Repeat the previous step, also trying to cover the accumulation of paint in the top stroke.

Hint 3: You can use the flat edge of the brush to “cut” the beginning of the layer and make it even.

Hint 4: If you want to smooth out the end edge of a layer, then at the end of the stroke, pause and move the brush up and then down as you would with the beginning edge.

Hint 5: If the stroke turns out to be intermittent, then immediately fill the brush with paint and re-stroke it.

Step 4

Repeat the previous steps until the very end. Try to stick to the same paint tone.

Hint 6: You won't believe how different the behavior of brushes, paints and paper can be between different brands. Usually more expensive and popular brands make your work easier by providing high quality products.

Hint 7: If your strokes are choppy even though your brush is full of paint, you are using paper that is too thick or the paper is too rough in texture. If you come across such paper, spray it with water, blot it with a clean sponge and let it dry. This will make the surface more receptive to your paint.

Step 5

Rinse the brush and squeeze out all remaining water from it. Use your brush to carefully pick up any clumps of paint left on the bottom. finishing touch, but don't take too much paint or you will discolor your drawing.

To create more texture in your design, let it dry at an angle. This will give the paint a more interesting look.


Step 1

Draw a square or rectangle. Then dip your brush into a darker shade of paint (mix on your palette) and carefully brush over the stroke.

Step 2

Dry your brush with a sponge or paper towel and dip it again in a lighter shade.

Then draw a new stroke, overlapping the bottom of the previous one. Notice that the left side of the layer has already merged with the previous stroke. Let gravity do its thing.

Step 3

Rinse the brush again and dry it. And then refill the brush with paint and make another stroke. Repeat this process until the very end.

Hint 1: If your stroke breaks or doesn't go on as smoothly as you'd like, quickly refill your brush with paint and repeat the coat.

Step 4

Rinse your brush clean water, wipe it off and pick up any remaining paint.

Hint 2: Try this technique when working with different colors and creating interesting transitions.

Watercolor glaze

Step 1

This technique requires improvisation and imagination. Using the example, we will draw an improvised landscape.

First we paint the sky and river with blue paint. We will separate the paint with a small amount of water, this will be a waterfall.

Step 2

Draw the clouds in dark pink color and start drawing the mountain yellow. We will also mark the bottom part of the picture in yellow.

The example uses light and transparent tones so you can see how the layers interact.

Step 3

By mixing cobalt blue and ultramarine blue, we will paint the horizon of the mountain and shade the small yellow slope.

Hint 1: allow each layer to dry. You can use a hair dryer to speed up this process. Keep it at least 25-30 cm away, turn on the cool setting and set the hair dryer to the lightest air flow. No steam or hot air!

Step 4

To shade and add interesting colors, we use Orange color. With its help we will create shores on foreground and shade the sky.

Hint 2: If you get droplets of excess paint, rinse and dry your brush as you did in the previous techniques, and pick up the droplets with it.

Step 5

Please note that the images show different paint brushes. You can use the ones you have on hand.

Let's take dark- Blue colour and use it to shade the top of the mountain, changing the pressure on the brush and turning it to create an interesting texture.

Step 6

Using the same blue color, let's play with the waterfall by drawing some circles. Sometimes visual clichés become your friends.

Rinse the brush and pick up yellow, we will add visual details to our shores.

Step 7

After the paint has dried, shade the bubbles in the waterfall with a shade purple. This way we will make them more interesting.

Step 8

We need to link some elements and add trees. In the example, we used round templates for the crowns, but you can draw as you like.

Step 9

We will use brown color to depict tree trunks. We will also use blue to shade the water and sky a little more. Then, using pink, blue and green, we will paint the grass in the foreground.

Step 10

Use a mixture of pink and red to add the final details. Our trees are now bearing fruit, and several fruits lie under them.

If you look closely, you can see how each layer interacts with each other. The darker shade has great strength, but when the colors overlap each other, they create an interesting and beautiful combination.

“Wet” technique

Step 1

Wet the paper with water

Step 2

Blot the paper with a clean sponge, removing excess water. Try to achieve an even distribution of moisture throughout the paper, you should get a satin effect.

If the paper is shiny, it means it is too wet, blot it again.

Step 3

We will draw the landscape again. Let's start, of course, from the sky. Using this technique, it’s easier to draw the background first, then moving on to the foreground objects.

Step 4

We continue to draw the sky until we start to like it. The strokes will blur, creating an interesting effect.

Step 5

Now let's move on to the grass in the foreground. Using green color, let's make a few broad strokes, leaving room for the stones.

As the paper dries, the strokes blur less and less.

Step 6

Let's add forms. For this we use various shades green and draw trees on the horizon.

Step 7

Having added the trees, let's try to add texture to them. To do this, use a darker shade of green to create accents.

Step 8

Add stones using grey colour. We filled in the gaps in the foreground with this color, leaving some gaps.

Try to use either dark or cool shades. Using both dark and cool shades will create visual dissonance.

Step 9

Let's place accents to diversify the design. Using a crimson tint, we will depict several floral elements in the foreground. Let the crimson flow as it pleases. Then, using a dry brush, remove the color from the middle of the spots.

Step 10

Then drop clean water into the center of these spots to allow them to blend into the grass.

The hardest part about this technique is knowing when to stop. Overdoing it with blurs and colors will result in a messy drawing.

This technique gives a slightly strange but interesting result. A drawing made using this technique has a hypnotizing effect.

Dry brush painting

Step 1

We think the name of the technique speaks for itself. We will need to put paint on the brush, blot it from excess liquid with a paper towel or sponge, and then paint.

First, let's make a pencil sketch. After this, we roughly outline the sky by moving the brush over the surface of the paper.

Step 2

Let's draw green trees on the horizon, outlining what would later become our lake.

Then, mixing purple and blue, we will draw the first layer of the tree trunk.

Step 3

Let the drawing dry and add some elements: the reflection of a tree in the lake and the flow of water.

Mixing green and blue, shade the shore in the background of the image and let the drawing dry again.

Step 4

Mix an intense blue with ultramarine and paint a layer on the tree trunk to create shadows and bark texture.

Step 5

Then, using shades of orange, we will depict autumn landscape, painting over the background trees.

Step 6

Having finished with the previous step, use a light orange tint to depict the reflection of the trees in the water.

Also, mixing gray with blue, we will place dark accents on the trees.

We will also add trees on the other side of the horizon. Let's denote the tree shapes in orange.

Step 7

Let's take care of the water. Use dark green and brown to achieve the desired color. And with wave-like movements we will draw the water in the lake.

Step 8

When painting a lake, change the pressure on your brush to add texture.

Clue: if the brush is too wet, the paint will look flat. Dry the brush to intensify the colors.

Step 9

Let's add some grass under the tree, using the same color as for the grass in the background.

Step 10

Let's add some details to the foreground.

We will also darken the lake a little by adding a blue tint. We’ll also shade the sky with the same color.

Removing moisture

This technique will require several sponges. It is suitable for depicting clouds and soft light. It can also control the behavior of paints.


Makeup sponges are best. They absorb well and give an interesting effect.

Try not to rub the sponge on the paper, and if you do, do it very carefully so as not to damage the paper.

Paper towels

With their help you can create sharper highlights. But paper towels absorb very quickly great amount paints. Therefore, they can completely absorb fresh paint.

Paper towels can come in handy if you make a mistake. Then you can quickly remove the paint.

Dry brush

You can use a dry brush to create a design using this technique. To do this, rinse thoroughly and squeeze out the brush. With its help you can create clear lines.

Other methods:

  • You can spray water where you want to remove the paint and then soak it up with a sponge.
  • Use various fabrics to add texture
  • You can use your fingers or other body parts. Skin can also absorb moisture.

Discoloration of dried paint

Watercolor brushes

Use clean water and a cloth, wet the desired areas, gently rub the drawing and remove the moisture with a dry brush. This method allows you to control the areas you lighten.

Brushes for oil or acrylic paint

Stiff bristles allow you to quickly scrape paint off the desired area. But it is worth noting that this method can damage the paper, so control yourself.

Here, just like in the first method, you first need to wet the area and then brush it on.

Spray and towel

Take a spray bottle and spray the desired area, and then apply a paper towel to it. This method leaves large light spots and gives an interesting effect.


It is very rarely used, as it can damage the paper. It's best used at the end to add texture. You don't need water for this method, just rub the design where you want it.

Blades and knives

Can be used to highlight small areas and create crisp lines. This method is also very risky as it can damage the paper.


You can also use sponges. Wet the desired area and dry it with a sponge.

To get the desired result when working with paints you must have necessary tools. Of course, you don't have to buy expensive painting supplies, but I still don't recommend using bad watercolors or paper that isn't suitable for it.

Here's a list of the basic things you'll need to get your creative journey started:

  • Brushes: my favorite ones are with faux sable. They have a reasonable price and are in no way inferior in quality. You may need brushes different sizes. I advise you to buy round brushes number 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12, as well as one or two large ones, so that you have plenty to choose from.
  • Palette: Choose a palette that has enough space to place and mix colors together.
  • Paints: I like Winsor & Newton the best, but there are many others good brands. If you don't want to pay a lot, remember that manufacturers often create two types of paints - for beginners and for professionals. The Cotman series from Winsor & Newton is for beginners, and the Artist is for professionals. Even though the beginner series are cheaper, they are still of high quality. If you want to save money, but still get acceptable quality, buy Russian “White Nights” paints.

  • Water cans: I usually have at least two - one for my dirty brushes, the other for mixing colors.
  • Paper: Choose between semi-smooth (cold pressing) and smooth texture (hot pressing). Hot pressed paper has more smooth surface, and the paint lays on it differently. I use semi-smooth because I like the hard texture and I think watercolor looks interesting on it.
  • White gouache : White watercolors are usually too transparent and barely noticeable. I prefer to do the final strokes and highlights with white gouache.

2. Start with a sketch

Regardless of whether you come up with the drawing yourself or copy it, I advise you to always start with a sketch. I like to draw ballpoint pen on newsprint - the stiff texture allows ideas to flow freely, and I'm not too worried about mistakes.

Above I've attached a few examples from my children's book, Pickle: The Little Bird Who Doesn't Tweet! To begin, I make a rough sketch in blue pencil. I draw the same line several times, trying to find the right forms that complement the plot.

If there are too many lines and it becomes difficult to make out them, then I simply move to another page. As soon as I like one of the sketches, I outline everything with a black ballpoint pen.

3. Sketch in color

I often create studies in color before I start working on the actual painting. To pick up correct colors, the sketch must be drawn on watercolor paper. Let it be small, for example 10x15 cm or less.

The sketch doesn't have to be perfect. Instead, take note of how colors attract attention and how you can add interest to a painting using light and shadow. The purpose of the sketch is to understand what impression the final picture should make.

Even though Pickle is a book in in electronic format, I really wanted it to keep the feel of a classic children's picture book like Peter Rabbit, but also be modern and funny.

To achieve this, I added subtle, subtle lines and textures to the paintings. And in order for “Pickle” to also look current, I used not only modern visual references, but also a brighter and more saturated color scheme than those in classic illustrations.

4. Preparing paint and paper

There is a common misconception that for the final painting you must use the same range that you selected for the sketch. Of course, then the painting will look exactly like the sketch, but it's still better to start with clean drawing supplies and a clean palette. This will prevent the paint from looking dull and uncontrollable.

Also, don’t forget to regularly wash all accessories as soon as they become too dirty. This will help keep the colors clean and rich.

You don't have to worry about keeping the paper from shrinking if you're drawing in a sketchbook, but be sure to secure the paper of the final painting. You can either stretch it yourself, or buy a watercolor block that is already stretched.

Thin line with pencil

After all this, you can finally make a sketch. Have a great time fine lines so that they can be painted over later. Unless, of course, you have plans to make them noticeable.

People often ask if I use any techniques to transfer the sketch onto the paper of the final painting. Actually, I just redraw it by hand. That's when I usually finalize it and add the finishing touches.

5. Watercolor is a multifaceted medium.

There is a common misconception that painting with watercolor means constantly worrying about how much water is on your brush. Many people think that if they use more water, then the paint will behave as it should.

In reality, everything is not like that. It is better to pay attention to how quickly water evaporates from the paper. You must consider the weather and humidity when painting. And also, of course, the characteristics of the paper itself, how strong its absorbency is.

If you paint on a dry, sunny day, use more water. And if you are painting, for example, near a waterfall, then too much water on your brushes can create a risk of color bleeding. And in general, it is better to add new layers of paint in a timely manner, taking into account the moisture level of the paper.

One of interesting features Watercolor painting is that you can paint with no water at all or with a small amount of it to create a “dry” effect or to capture the look of an oil painting. Watercolor really can do a lot.

6. Where to start

You can find many watercolor painting techniques and tutorials on websites and in books. But I would like to tell you how to perceive the big picture. There are many theories about where to start with watercolor painting. One of the most popular methods is from light to dark. Although I don’t think that you should be constrained by any rules - I’ve seen how artists create amazing paintings, starting to work from darkest to lightest.

I usually start with what I like best, like Pickle the bird, and then move on to minor characters. And after all this I add the background color using a large brush.

I advise you not to worry if the paint does not lay down the way you want or goes over the edges. On the contrary, it should be perceived as one of the most interesting aspects of painting with watercolors. You can achieve cool and unexpected effects at any time.

Usually, after I apply the background colors, the paper becomes damp, so I let it dry before worrying about the details. And this time I really have control over how the paint flows.

I almost always leave room for decorative details empty until the very end, because I use them to enhance the composition or direct the reader's attention to something. specific place. That's why I don't want to accidentally highlight them too much.

Characters in my children's book most time in nature, so I usually leave leaves, plants and flowers for last, even though they are an important part of the composition. I want them to highlight the art as much as the storyline itself.

7. Experiment

There are no rules, there are only tools! As with any other art form, there are many techniques in painting. Experiment and learn new techniques that will complement your drawing style. You can use white, you can scrape the surface of the paper, you can apply a lot of paint. Most importantly, have fun!

If you're interested in my painting process, you can watch a quick-motion video of how I painted the picture below from start to finish. The video is three minutes long, but in real time it took me seven hours:

Schoolgirl drawing in mixed media. Watercolor + colored pencils. Video

Each of us is an artist at heart. Remember the golden moments of childhood, when we enthusiastically painted “scribbles” with paints. The art of painting is the world's greatest secret. With the help of paints and a brush, real miracles appear on canvas. Many people mistakenly believe that they do not have artistic talent. In fact, anyone can learn to paint. How to paint real works of art with watercolors? To do this, you just need to follow simple recommendations.

What do we need?

So, we decided to enter the world of art and become artists. How to paint with watercolors correctly? To do this you will need the following tools:

  • paints;
  • brushes;
  • palette;
  • sheets of paper.

You should be very careful when choosing accessories. Depends on them final result- piece of art.

Choosing paints

How to paint with watercolors yourself? First of all, you need to choose the right paints. There is a huge amount of watercolor paints on the shelves of art stores. Which ones are better to choose?

You shouldn't look at the price category here. High cost is not always a guarantee of quality.

It is better to choose paints made from beeswax. The cover should say “honey”. They have the brightest color.

Paint brushes

Brushes are equally important. Which ones are most suitable for watercolors?

The brush should be soft and pick up paint well. Its tip should be pointed. The bristles of the brush should be well secured to the base. The best option brushes made from squirrel wool will become. Their bristles correspond to the stated parameters.

How many brushes will you need? To draw small parts of the picture, you should purchase thin brush(number 1 or 2). For the main part - greater thickness (numbers 5-6 or 7).


The palette serves as a kind of “draft”, a place for mixing paints. Several colors are applied to the palette different colors, mix them. The result is the desired shade.

You can purchase a ready-made plastic palette. You can also make it yourself. For this, a sheet of thick paper is suitable, which should be folded along the edges.

Choosing paper for watercolors

The process of choosing paper should be approached with special attention. The fact is that watercolor is a translucent paint. It requires a large amount of water during operation. If you draw on plain paper, it can quickly get wet from water. It is better to purchase special paper for watercolors. It is denser and thicker. Its surface is rough. Water particles get stuck on the rough surface of the paper. This prevents spreading.

Let's start drawing

How to paint with watercolors yourself? Having studied the main features of watercolor paint, we know what it requires a large number of water. The drawing turns out translucent, airy, flying. This effect is formed due to the structure of the paint.

There are 2 main techniques for painting with watercolors:

  1. Dry technique.
  2. Wet paper technique.

Everyone has been familiar with the basics of dry technique since childhood: we put paint on a brush and paint. Depending on the type of drawing, you can first draw its outline using a pencil.

To get the desired color, you need to dip the brush in water, then in necessary paint and apply it to the palette. After this, the brush is washed with water and dipped into paint of a different color. The resulting colors are mixed on the palette. The result will be the desired shade.

What is the difference between the technique of painting with watercolors on wet paper? This technique is quite interesting, because... it allows you to create an unusual effect. To do this, before you start drawing, you should thoroughly moisten a sheet of paper with water. Until it's dry, on wet paper watercolor paint is applied. When mixed with water, it spreads, leaving intricate patterns on the paper.

Let's draw

So, we purchased materials for work. Learned basic drawing techniques. Now you can begin the creative process directly.

How to paint with watercolors for beginners? First, it is recommended to try to study paints. What will it take? Let's look at the main lessons for learning about paints:

  1. Let's study colors. Take a sheet of watercolor paper. Load your brush with the color you like. Put it on paper. Look at the effect. Now increase the degree of pressure on the brush. Look how the color has changed (it should darken). Now fill the brush with more water and dip it into the paint. Run a wet brush over the paper - the design will be translucent.
  2. Mix colors. Try mixing several colors. What shades did you get as a result?
  3. Apply yellow, orange, red colors to the leaf. Study them. What emotions do they evoke? Now apply blue, purple, black colors to the sheet. What sensations arise now?
  4. We draw from life. Now we need to learn how to display the objects around us. Place an apple in front of you. Study it carefully. Look what color it is. Try drawing it.

Practical work

After learning the basic skills of painting, you can move on to independent work.

We learn to paint the objects around us with watercolors. Look around. What do you see? You can draw a still life. To do this, place several pieces of dishes and any fruit in front of you. Try to draw them.

What else can you paint with watercolors? There are no restrictions here. It all depends on the artist’s imagination. We can draw everything that surrounds us. You can depict your own imaginary world.

Learning basic techniques for working with watercolor paints you can start by drawing flowers and trees.

How to draw a flower?

Draw a flower in watercolor yourself:

  1. Think about what kind of flower you should draw.
  2. Study its primary colors.
  3. With help a simple pencil draw the main outline on the paper.
  4. Choose a paint for the background and paint over it.
  5. After the background has dried, you can begin painting with watercolors.
  6. Paint the flower with translucent paint.
  7. After the watercolor has dried, paint the outline with darker paint.
  8. After the drawing has dried, place accents on the flower. This will give it volume. To place accents, you need to apply several thick strokes along the contour of the flower with contrasting paint. Our drawing is ready.

Painting with watercolors is easy and very exciting activity. Each of us can feel like a real artist, creating entire works of art. You just have to listen to the advice offered.

Watercolor painting is one of the most difficult in the world, but at the same time, it is the most delicate, fragile and attractive for beginning artists. What's so special about it? The whole secret is in the transparency of the lines, thanks to which even the most insignificant details are visible. color transitions. The wateriness of the pattern, which gives it volume.

But how to comprehend this not simple art? Before we start drawing, we need to select auxiliary materials. Let's look at the points in this article that will help us with this.

On what paper and what brushes to paint with watercolors

1. Paper. It’s better to immediately buy a watercolor one, it’s not expensive (about 40 rubles for a notebook). Its difference from the usual one is in the dense texture of the sheets. Such paper will not swell from water and warp.

2. Brushes. In a painting store, first take two brushes. Small and big. Squirrel fur is well suited for watercolor paints.

3. Palette. The choice of palette is not important, we choose any one. Some artists replace the palette with small glass, it is practical to use and easy to clean.

4. Paints. Children's honey paints with the addition of lemon and other things - immediately set aside. We won't need them. In the artist store we take any professional paints. Open them and look at the colors, you should like them. It is not necessary to take the most expensive ones, this is not important.

How to learn to paint with watercolors from scratch step by step

How to paint beautifully with watercolors? In order for our watercolor drawings turned out to be of high quality, it is necessary to master several basic techniques.

1. Uniform filling. Draw a square or rectangle on paper. It is better to choose a darker color, it will be easier to see. Place it on the brush and stretch it from one corner to the other. Paint again. Draw the next strip so that it overlaps the previous one. If the first strip does not completely flow into the second, then tilt the sheet of paper. Pick up the paint and continue to paint stripes, maintaining a uniform shade. Rinse the brush in water and squeeze. Smooth out the dark stripes with a brush. Let the drawing dry. If you get a rectangle evenly filled with paint, you've succeeded.

2. Dependence of paint shade on the amount of water. We put paint on the brush and draw the first line, then lower the brush into the water and draw the second one 1 cm from it. Let's continue to dip the brush in water and draw lines until they become as transparent as possible. This exercise helps you feel how much water you need to add to get the desired shade.

3. Gradient. The goal of this exercise is to obtain a uniform transition from dark to light. Load your brush with paint and brush vertical line, then dip the brush in water and move the second one so that it extends slightly beyond the first and the paint begins to flow. We repeat the same thing again, adding water. We achieve a complete color transition. Run the last strip with just water. Dry your brush and run a roller of paint underneath the fill.

Learn to paint with watercolors step by step using various techniques for beginners

How to start painting with watercolors? It is necessary to comprehend the basics of art. These are certain exercises, by doing which you will master the first basics of painting with watercolors.

1. Wet on wet. Wet a small piece of paper with water. The sheet should be evenly saturated with water. Now take the paint on the brush and brush it over the wet area. Watch how the paint flows. Practice adding more or less paint to a piece of paper. This will be very useful to you.

2. Flow from color to color. First, let's draw any shapes with water. Take, for example, a blue color on a brush and apply it to the figure. Add a little burgundy and yellow. You must achieve smooth transition from one color to another. If this does not happen, add some water.

3. Layering. Let's draw the background as in the first exercise. Let's wait a little and let it dry completely. Draw a couple of circles of different colors on the background and let it dry. Draw a third layer on the circles.

4. Reception using table salt. Draw a background and sprinkle a little regular table salt on top. We wait. The salt crystals gradually absorb the paint and become like stars. The effect is most noticeable in dark areas.

5. Clouds using a napkin. Fill in the background and while the paint is still wet, begin to apply a napkin, giving it a shape. This way we get a texture that resembles clouds. This technique can be used to correct mistakes that you encounter while drawing. Just blot off any excess paint.

6. Splashes. We put paint on the brush and run our finger over the brush over the paper or drip it, forming uneven splashes over the entire surface. It is better to cover the table with a cloth to avoid contamination.

Common mistakes of beginning artists

1. Love yourself. Many artists begin to scold themselves and unnecessarily criticize their paintings. There is no need to do this. If you drew something, praise yourself. Everything you do is only for you and to fulfill your creative needs. The more you enjoy the drawing process, the better you will do.

2. Use comfortable materials. High quality brushes, paper and paint. Then the drawing process will bring you only pleasure.

3. Copy stories famous artists. They will serve as the basis of your knowledge.

4. Show your paintings to all your friends, relatives and acquaintances. Donate your painting. Gather like-minded people around you who will support you.

5. Warm and cold colors. Use more cool tones in the distance and warmer ones up close. So you show aerial perspective in your painting.

6. Do not paint the entire background with one paint. Change the tone, mix colors, create color in your painting. Make two or three strokes with one color, add another. The more shades you use, the more interesting your painting will be.

7. Give the painting a chance to dry. This way you will make it more elaborate and deep.

8. Show volume up close. Apply more paint on nearby objects using a palette knife. Make them voluminous.

9. The more colors you mix, the more picturesque your painting will be. Mix in halftones.

10. Decorate paintings with baguettes. It gives the picture additional volume.