Benedict cumberbatch real hair color. Benedict Cumberbatch - interesting facts

Source: TIFF 2013: Benedict Cumberbatch and the Curious Case of the Auburn Hair

Benedict Cumberbatch talks about "It Boy"'s status at the Toronto Film Festival, playing Assange and his natural hair color.

Benedict Cumberbatch is almost an hour late for the interview, but that's not unexpected, is it?
After all, he's been extremely busy as an It Boy, with three premieres at the Toronto International Film Festival: The Fifth Estate (which opened the International Film Festival) and two likely Oscar contenders, 12 Years a Slave and August: Osage County."

Cumberbatch, at 37, shares Toronto festival "It Boy" status with another fellow British actor, Daniel Radcliffe, who also starred in three festival films. The Star in its title it dubbed them “Brit Boys”.

“I’m quite flattered,” says Cumberbatch, “if only because I’m ten years older than Daniel. If necessary, I’m ready to be the British Boy at any time.”

It seems that the title of It Boy or Brit Boy comes with important responsibilities, big and small. As soon as Cumberbatch sat down at the table where he gave a series of Toronto interviews (and which strangely resembles a relieved home option captain's bridge of the Star Trek Enterprise) - suddenly, out of nowhere, a man appeared with a white plate in his hands. He wanted an autograph from the actor with a black marker on the plate, which he willingly did.

But let's get back to why Cumberbatch's lateness to the interview shouldn't surprise us: let's remember what he told the Independent newspaper in 2008.

He was then asked to continue the phrase: "Words that I say too often...", and he replied: "Sorry for being late! I don't know how to calculate time."

And he said so, having already played the critically acclaimed role of physicist Stephen Hawking** in the BBC television film Hawking. And very little time remained before the superstar performance of the role of Sherlock Holmes in the BBC series "Sherlock" (2010), and before the supervillain who recently caused a stir in Star Trek, and before the fire-breathing dragon in the anticipated film "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug" ".

And these are just a few of his current projects, plus rumors of a Star Wars prequel/sequel.

So being late is not surprising, is it? But Cumberbatch sincerely apologizes. It seems he was running from the meeting room to the street to catch his breath and have a quick smoke.

Sorry, this is my first Toronto International Film Festival. So busy that I don’t even have time to watch any of my films,” he says.

I notice that he looks rested, despite his busy work schedule.

I just didn't sit in the hotel - Fresh air works wonders. Well yes, I look fine. I'm fine.

With Holmesian observation, I notice that he is wearing brown trousers, a blue denim shirt, a white striped windbreaker and striped canvas sneakers - barefoot.

And then I notice in a panic that his hair is dark, reddish-brown - and this does not at all fit the definition of “natural blond” that I gave him in a previous article in the Star. I fell into the journalistic sin of deciding that this was his natural coloring - because I had seen him like this on screen many times, including in “The Fifth Estate,” which comes out on October 18. In it, he plays notorious WikiLeaks whistleblower Julian Assange.

Describing Cumberbatch as a "natural blond" exposed me to sniper fire from his countless Twitter fans. Some of them scolded me indignantly, arguing that the lanky actor's real hair color was red, or "ginger" as the British call it.

“Come on, you can hit them back,” Cumberbatch stands up for me, grinning. - I'm not red.

Cumberbatch begins to thoughtfully develop the topic, and the four assistants/agents sitting behind look up from their iPhones and iPads, looking at him with keen interest.

“I am golden chestnut (auburn***) - this is a different color,” he says firmly.

I have red-haired relatives and good friends, and believe me, this is completely different.
They never saw the proof! They might say, "we saw you when you were Frankenstein's Creature!" (the performance where Cumberbatch went on stage naked), but it wasn’t there, it wasn’t visible! The Creature in Frankenstein has hair darker than mine.

It was one of the strangest moments in my life: applying makeup to that very spot on my body. But my own hair is golden brown. There are definitely hints of red in them, but there are also hints of bronze, lighter and darker brown tones. As a child, I was as blond as young Julian in our film.

This is exactly the kind of scrupulousness you expect from a man who plays Sherlock Holmes, who can reconstruct a person’s entire life using the deductive method from cigar ashes.
This also fits well with the pedantry of Assange, an Australian specialist in computer technologies and the muckraker that shook the world (and horrified many world leaders) in 2010 when WikiLeaks, in alliance with several influential newspapers, leaked thousands of US military secrets and government documents.

Cumberbatch contacted Assange before playing him in The Fifth Estate (which he did very well), but Mr. WikiLeaks wouldn't hear of it. Assange was not inclined to enter into discussions on this topic: perhaps because he is still hiding from the threat of prosecution in the United States and Sweden - in a political refuge on the territory of the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

“I wanted to meet him, he didn’t want to meet me,” sighs Cumberbatch, adding that he received a written refusal, not a verbal one.

“I did not speak to him. He could not accept that the film, as he learned, was based on two hostile sources - and this could seriously harm himself, his organization and the people who are on trial and awaiting extradition.

This position is worthy of respect, and at the same time I answered him as politely as he answered me: “I completely disagree. This is a good thing. We are going to work on your fame. Without slander. Without demonization. Without glorification, but with intention to explore your difficult history - this is Feature Film, not a documentary."

Cumberbatch's perfect diction suddenly fails. He sheepishly takes the maple sugar candy out of his mouth.

"Sorry, but this candy is so delicious! Sorry if I slurred because of it."

Despite Assange's refusal, Cumberbatch still felt he had to do him justice and had no intention of portraying him as a dark internet rebel.

“I sincerely tried to talk about a person who cannot afford to show emotions openly, to show his humor, his personality in its entirety. I think his behavior is determined not by selfishness or self-defense - but by the fact that he does not want to overshadow his idea. "

I tell Cumberbatch that he is now hardly different from Assange in terms of the number of rumors and rumors. Both of them are at the center of a media tornado, and their every step, every word comes under the media's radar.

Cumberbatch's work schedule could have dried out three actors. He's probably making up for lost time - for those years when he made his way into obscurity: when, for example, at the 2006 Toronto Film Festival they showed his film "Hit the Top Ten" and he was considered too insignificant a figure to recoup the cost of an air ticket.

How does he stay in shape?

"Helps out healthy diet and sleep as soon as possible,” Cumberbatch chuckles.

“Actually, I have friends who help me keep my head clear, and for me - I suppose, as for Julian (albeit in a less serious sense), the main help is work. So if the work is appreciated, all the accompanying hype very nice, but unimportant.

I'm in a very advantageous position. I understand this, and it's not just that large quantities of my films at this festival, and even with such high-quality roles, but the fact that I generally have a job. In our business, this is a gift from above, because supply exceeds demand, and many talents remain unclaimed.

I ask who other real people, living or dead, would he like to play.

“Many, yes - but I already had a marathon of biographical films. Those whom I was offered to play are rich natures: deep, complex, multifaceted and so dissimilar from each other - after all, this is what attracts us to life stories; Well, how can you refuse? They are outstanding representatives of the human race, and watching them and trying to portray them is very interesting."

What he really wants now - and what is natural after a series of gloomy characters - is to sing and dance.

"I'd love to play someone who can sing and dance. That's what I'd like to do. I haven't done a musical yet. And I'd love to do a romantic comedy... There's so much more I want to do."

Hmm, maybe he can combine the two and make a biopic about Gene Kelly or Fred Astaire?****

When it comes to Benedict Cumberbatch, as well as Sherlock Holmes, no deduction can be too bold.


* An "It Boy" is a guy who has "It" in him: something (difficult to define) that makes him look at him greedily and desire him passionately. Beauty, wealth, fame are not yet It: there are many beautiful-rich-famous people, but those in whom that very thing shines something- elusive It - units.
“It” is a bright personality, it conquers, enchants and attracts, irresistibly attracts hearts and eyes.
"It Boy" is brilliant and popular, he is always in the spotlight, he has the most fashionable outfit and the coolest friends, he is a source of inspiration for couturiers, a gossip maker, he is a style icon, a sex symbol and a role model, he is the embodiment of dream.
Want to know about "It Girl"? that way .

** "Short story time" - bestseller by St. Hawking.

*** The laconic, clear “auburn” sounds somewhat intricately barber-shop-like in Russian: from “golden-chestnut” to “reddish-brown.”

Reference "auburn" -

Benedict Cumberbatch was born on July 19, 1976 in London, in the family of actors Timothy Carlton and Wanda Ventham. He graduated from the University of Manchester with a degree in drama and main role in the series "Sherlock", became one of the most popular actors planets. However, you probably know about this. And now you will learn something new about your favorite actor - something that will probably surprise you.

Cumberbatch is a football fan

Although Benedict doesn't look like a sports guy, he is a true football fan. IN last years he was spotted more than once at Stamford Bridge, the home stadium of London's Chelsea. However, he does not support Chelsea, but another London team, Chelsea’s constant rival in the Premier League - London Arsenal. The fan community even awarded him the title of “gooner” - that is, a true and devoted fan. And during football championship Europe 2016 Cumberbatch, who was filming Sherlock in Wales at the time, enthusiastically supported the Welsh national team, which sensationally made it to the semi-finals.

Cumberbatch enjoys extreme sports

Cumberbatch is not only a fan, he is an active sportsman, and you will be surprised to know what sports he is interested in. He does not go to the football field, preferring more extreme activities. Parachute jumping, hot air ballooning, alpine skiing, motorcycle racing - this is an incomplete list of his sports experiments. So if, watching Cumberbatch dash through space in Star Trek Into Darkness, you thought that... real life an actor is not capable of anything like that - you were very mistaken!

Cumberbatch almost died at the hands of robbers

In 2005, while filming the miniseries Journey to the Ends of the Earth in South Africa, Cumberbatch went scuba diving with actress Denise Black and a South African friend in St. Lucia, a place in the northeast of the country, near the border with Mozambique. . But on the way back, a deadly trap awaited them: bandits attacked the car. They tied up the actor and tried to put him in the trunk. He was sure that he wouldn’t get out of the mess alive, but he still negotiated his freedom, telling the robbers: “If you lock me here, lack of air is not a problem, but small space is. I will have problems with my heart and head. Maybe I'll have a stroke and die. And this will cause you problems. A dead Englishman in a car is no good!” In the end, he was tied up with his comrades, and everyone was thrown to the side of the road.

Cumberbatch has eyes like David Bowie

Both Cumberbatch and Bowie have been diagnosed with a condition called heterochromia, which causes the irises of the right and left eyes to be different colors. Simply put, Cumberbatch has eyes different color: They combine three shades in different ways - blue, green and gold. And in general, many say that Cumberbatch is very similar to Bowie in his early years. This, however, is probably not the only reason why Cumberbatch adores Bowie and was even spotted wearing a T-shirt with a portrait of his favorite artist and singer on the chest.

Cumberbatch hates Downton Abbey

It would seem like a British actor classical school, Cumberbatch must have a penchant for historical dramas and the like, but nothing like this! Quite the opposite is true, at least according to Cumberbatch's comments to Reader's Digest about Downton Abbey. “Our culture experiences some kind of admiration, or nostalgia, for the times of the early twentieth century,” he says. “And although they sacrificed sentimentality in the last episodes, we won’t talk about these episodes, because he... is just damn disgusting!” In addition, he called the series "banal." This is all especially strange considering that Downton Abbey creator Julan Fellows is a close friend of the Cumberbatch family.

Cumberbatch is Robert Rinder's best friend

Lawyer Robert Rinder is known throughout Britain as “Judge Rinder” - the author and host of a court television show of his own name, which is called “Judge Rinder”. But this is not quite similar to the traditional friendship of two famous people who met somewhere on film set at the zenith of glory. Benedict Cumberbatch and Robert Rinder have been friends since their youth. Benedict was the master of ceremony for Rinder's ordination to the bar, and Robert, at one time, became one of the three best men at the wedding of Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter. By the way, it was because of Cumberbatch that in his early youth Rinder abandoned his acting career and preferred law, because, as Robert himself admitted, “Benedict was too good actor” to try to get to his level.

Cumberbatch contacted police over harassment

In 2015, an unknown but clearly mentally ill woman began to lay siege to the actor's home in north London, where he lived with his wife and child. She constantly wandered around the building, making the actor and his family nervous. Cumberbatch's nerves gave way when she began leaving signs for him in the form of red ribbons attached either to the window or to his car. After that, he turned to the police - and handed the unfortunate fan over to justice. As the official statement read, the lady received an official non-harassment warning, prohibiting her from seeking contact with Cumberbatch or appearing anywhere near him, his home or his relatives. However, after the incident, as the actor admitted, his entire family was “shaken with fear” for a long time.

Cumberbatch's ancestors were slave owners

Cumberbatch comes from a respected and wealthy family. But this does not always mean a clean reputation. During the time of legal slavery, his ancestors owned black slaves - which seems somewhat ironic, considering that Benedict played a slave owner in the 2013 drama 12 Years a Slave. The actor spoke in numerous interviews about how his name became widely known among families of immigrants from the Caribbean, as well as the fact that his mother recommended that he give up his surname in favor of a pseudonym because she was afraid that the family’s slave-owning past would come back to haunt her son. Fortunately, he did not listen - and it is quite logical: after all, he did not have time to live in the days of slavery, so it is clearly not his fault.

Cumberbatch is an excellent impersonator

Look how great Cumberbatch is at imitating famous actor Aan Rickman! He showed this number in 2011 on the popular “Jonathan Ross Show” on British television - and subsequently, to the surprise of many, he proved that he parodies the show’s host, Jonathan Ross, just as well. But that's not all! Sean Connery, Jack Nicholson, Owen Wilson and even Star Wars' Chewbuck are all portrayed with equal mastery by Cumberbatch. And this is just what the audience has already seen with their own eyes! Who else can this wonderful actor transform into?

His fans call themselves "Cumberwitches"

Cumberbatch himself cringes at this name and has more than once suggested that his fans choose some more positive name for themselves - for example, “Cumberbatch”. But the girls stubbornly continue to use the crude self-name they invented, although many accuse them of thereby encroaching on women’s rights and neutralizing the achievements of feminists in the fight for gender equality.
By the way, to become a “Cumberbitch”, you need to meet quite strict criteria - to have high intelligence, be able to use the Internet, love complex cinema and noisy parties, be interested in politics and history, have a sense of humor, patience and meticulous attention to detail.

Cumberbatch was almost a real Doctor Strange

Many people know that Cumberbatch played the main role in the comic book film Doctor Strange, which is about to be released on screens around the world. But few people know that he happened to play a similar role in real life. No, he didn't study magic or anything like that. But in his youth, he seriously considered a career as a neurosurgeon - which is exactly what Doctor Strange in the comics specialized in before he became the Sorcerer Supreme of the Earth. In addition, Cumberbatch also thought about a career as a lawyer - but to our general joy, he still preferred the acting path.

Cumberbatch had some very unusual cameo roles.

Everyone knows the list of Cumberbatch’s main roles - “Sherlock”, “Atonement”, “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy!”, “War Horse”, “Sartrek: Into Darkness”, “12 Years a Slave”, “The Imitation Game”, “The Hobbit”... But how many people know about his less noticeable works? Meanwhile, among episodic roles, played by the actor - appearances in the TV series “Heartbreaker” (three times), “Silent Witness” (twice), “Ghosts”, “The Simpsons” (he voiced the British Prime Minister and Professor Severus Snape) and even “Sesame Street”. In addition, he participated a lot in radio shows and played a lot on theater stage, including the main roles in “Hamlet” and “Frankenstein”. So Cumberbatch is a very busy actor!

Cumberbatch statue made from chocolate

Perhaps this was the strangest PR stunt of all time. To promote its new Drama channel, UKTV commissioned a statue of Benedict Cumberbatch made from pure Belgian chocolate, as tall as Cumberbatch - 1.83 meters - and weighing about twenty kilos. The hollow chocolate monument immediately received the name “Shocobatch”. A team of 250 people, led by chocolatier Jen Lindsay-Clark, worked on its production. Cumberbatch was chosen to play the role of the prototype for the chocolate statue based on the results of a popular vote. TV viewers had to answer the question: which of the British TV actors is the most appetizing? In this vote, Cumberbatch beat out David Tennant, Idris Elba and even Sean Bean.

When the statue was ready, it was displayed in a busy London supermarket to see how visitors would react to it - would they just take a photo in front of it, lick it, or, unable to resist, take a bite? It turns out that it is both, and the third. Someone took photographs, someone meaningfully licked the actor’s thigh, and the most hooligans, unable to resist, broke off the actor’s fingers and quickly ate them.

Cumberbatch sings

Recently, namely on September 28, 2016, the whole world learned that Cumberbatch is also a good singer. During former Pink Floyd member David Gilmour's concert at the Royal Albert Hall in London, Cumberbatch took the stage and performed the famous composition 'Comfortably Numb' from the great album 'The Wall'. According to critics, the debut was successful. However, this was not a full debut: back in 2013, Cumberbatch recorded a song for the film “August: Osage County.” And by the way, he also took a week-long course in playing the violin!

Cumberbatch was the only candidate for the role of Doctor Strange

Among the candidates for the role of Doctor Strange, named by the press, were Joaquin Phoenix, Patrick Jumpsey, Jared Leto, Ryan Gosling, and even Johnny Depp. But in reality, Cumberbatch was the only candidate Marvel Studios considered. Director Scott Derrickson really wanted to get the actor. Having found out that Cumberbatch won't be able to act because... right time he already had filming planned, Derrickson convinced the studio management to postpone the production schedule so that Cumberbatch would still take part in the project. Such persistence even confused the actor, who later stated: “I already thought that I had said goodbye to this role forever. Sometimes you don't have time to jump on the bandwagon of a departing train - well, it happens. But their return was for me the best compliment. This forced me to make extra efforts to justify the trust placed in me.”

Benedict Cumberbatch Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses

Estimated Net Worth15 million dollars
Celebrity Net Worth Revealed: The 55 Richest Actors Alive in 2019!
Yearly SalaryN/A
SURPRISING: The 10 Best Salaries in Television!
Product EndorsementsDunlop
Highest Grossing MoviesAvengers: Infinity War, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey & The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
ColleaguesChris Pine, Zachary Quinto & Zoe Saldana



MUST READ: 10 Whopping Homes & Cars Of Celebrities That Will Amaze You!

Benedict Cumberbatch: Wife, Dating, Family & Friends

Benedict Cumberbatch with beautiful, Wife Sophie Hunter
Who is Benedict Cumberbatch dating in 2019?
Relationship statusMarried (Since 2015)
Current Wife of Benedict CumberbatchSophie Hunter
Ex-girlfriends or ex-wivesLiv Tyler
Dakota Mayi Johnson
Olivia Poulet, Anna Jones, Lydia Hearst, Lara Pulver, Katia Elizarova, Charlotte Asprey
Has any kids?No
Will the marriage of English actor Benedict Cumberbatch and current Wife, Sophie Hunter survive 2019?

Names of father, mother, children, brothers & sisters.


Skin, Hair & Eye color

This cool fun attractive actor originating from Hammersmith, London, England has a slim body & long face type. Benedict Cumberbatch makes commercials for Jaguar, but actually uses: Yves Saint Laurent.

Hair colorLight brown
Hair typeWavy Curly
Hair Lengthshort hair (ear length)
Distinct featurecheekbones
Skin Tone/ComplexionType II: Fair skin
Skin TypeNormal
Beard or MustacheBeardless
Eye colorBlue
Does Benedict Cumberbatch smoke?Yes, regularly
CAUGHT SMOKING: The 60 Most Shocking Celebrity Smokers!

Benedict Cumberbatch - 2019 Light brown hair & exotic hair style.
Benedict Cumberbatch smoking a cigarette (or weed)

Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos & Style

Benedict Cumberbatch endorses clothing brands like Jaguar and his own fragrance, Benediction. And wears brands like Spencer Hart.
Weight79 kiloClothing styleformal
Favorite colorsblack
Feet size11
Waist size86
Buste size42
Does Benedict Cumberbatch have a tattoo?No

Official websites/fansites:

Does Benedict Cumberbatch have official Social Media profiles?

Turns 38 years old. Of these, he has been serving in the theater for 11 years and has acted in films and TV projects.

  • His height is 184 centimeters, and his foot size is 44. Do you understand what we're getting at?
  • His plump, defined lips are also an object of special desire. If you look closely, you will notice that there is a red line above the upper lip (it looks like it was lined with a pencil). This mark appeared after his trip to Africa and seriously worried the actor: he even turned to a dermatologist. But in the end they consoled him, telling him that he did not have any serious illness.
  • We can't help but mention the eyes unusual color: they mixed blue, green and olive shades. In fact, it is the result of heterochromia, a genetic disorder that causes pigmentation in the hair and skin.
  • His funny grimaces and gestures (all this is fully demonstrated in the series “Sherlock”) make him the main guest of your friend’s feed, especially before the start of the next season of this very “Sherlock”.

  • "Sherlock"

  • Benedict's voice was voted sexiest by BBC radio listeners last year.
  • By the way, about sexuality. Also in 2013, Benedict Cumberbatch and Emma Watson were named the most sexy actors according to readers of the British version of Esquire magazine. In the same poll, Ben's most attractive role was named - the terrorist Khan in Star Trek. Although Ben himself was always surprised that he was repeatedly awarded the title of sex symbol.

  • "Star Trek"

  • The negative characters performed by Benedict have incredible energy. Even before fame hit him with full force, Benedict distinguished himself in Joe Wright's film Atonement. He appeared in the film only 4 or 5 times, but thanks to this episode he was noticed by BBC producers, who later invited him to audition for Sherlock. Peter Guillem from the detective thriller about the Cold War “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy!” also turned out to be a slippery type, who throughout the film leads the audience by the nose, playing either on the side of British intelligence or hinting at his connection with the USSR. By the way, Benedict himself considers Sherlock in his performance to be a sociopath and a dangerous genius and sincerely advises fans not to fall in love with such a hero.

  • "Redemption"

  • Benedict has a great sense of humor. Consider his stupid antics while posing for U2 before this year's Oscar ceremony. But the guys never managed to take a proper photo without Benedict gesticulating behind them.
  • Cumberbatch's eternal attribute is a blue scarf, which he wears neither on the red carpet, nor while walking around the city, nor on the set of Sherlock.
  • Benedict is true to his style. A scarf and a wool coat are Sherlock's irreplaceable partners in any era. Ben presented this image with such elegance that fashion houses and stores, after the release of the first episode of the series, rushed to draw sketches of clothes, trying to replicate the image of the hero.
  • Benedict knows how not to be offended offensive nicknames. A long, difficult to pronounce (not only in Russian) surname is an excellent reason to take a pseudonym. In addition, the word Cumberbatch itself is associated in the British brain with the consonant Cucumber (“cucumber”). This fact was noticed back in school, for which Ben was often teased. However, neither then nor now did the actor want to change his name and was never offended by those who mercilessly distorted him. He himself noted with humor that he used to use his last name to practice diction.
  • Cumberbatch is the best modern Holmes we know. Sherlock on the BBC is a long time ago famous story about a detective, told on new way and decorated by everyone necessary attributes modernity (gadgets, nicotine patches and newfangled spy wiretaps). For his role, Cumberbatch received television award UK National Television Award in his native England and nominations for Emmy and Golden Globe in the USA, and the British publication The Telegraph announced that Ben became the best Sherlock to all times and peoples. Steven Spielberg (who later invited the actor to his film “War Horse”) also praised Benedict’s talent. And finally, the London Sherlock Holmes Society also responded positively to the star’s work.
  • Cumberbatch never lost faith in himself. “Sherlock” helped Benedict break into the major acting league and become famous not only in Europe, but also in America. However, success did not fall on the actor’s head by accident. By the time he was invited to the famous BBC series, the actor was 34 years old. He, of course, was known in England at that moment, but in very narrow circles of theatergoers. However, hard work and patience did their job, and by a rather late age (by the standards of the modern film industry) he finally found that very star role. By the way, the parents are celebrities (they are both famous actors in England) for a long time dissuaded their only son from such a thankless profession, offering him to study to become a lawyer or manager. However, Benedict stood his ground and stubbornly filmed. Mother and father had to give up after the incredible popularity of Sherlock (in one of the episodes of which they happily starred).
  • Benedict took part in many famous Hollywood films: in Steven Spielberg’s “War Horse”, in “Star Trek”, in the Oscar-winning film “12 Years a Slave”, in the controversial biopic-thriller “The Fifth Estate”. And the moment you finish reading this sentence, he probably signs a new contract with an American studio.

  • " 12 years of slavery"

  • Cumberbatch has played great people of his own and past generations. His film credits include the roles of physicist Stephen Hawking, artist Vincent Van Gogh, poet Thomas Eliot and Wiki Leaks creator Julian Assange.
  • And, of course, all these roles require grandiose transformations. For the sake of one of the episodes of Sherlock, Cumberbatch learned to play the violin for a week, before filming Star Trek, he spent 2 hours a day in the gym and studied fight choreography (thus, from size 38 he came to size 42) . But more often than not, the actor was asked to change his hair color from his native red color to dark (or even light, as happened in “The Fifth Estate”).

  • "The Fifth Estate"

  • Benedict is one of the few modern actors who feel good on the stage, in TV projects, and in films. He began his career at the Royal national theater and received several for his roles prestigious awards. A little later, he began to win a place for himself in TV series and films, which did not alienate him from the theater. It recently became known that the star will play Hamlet at London's Barbican Theater for three months. Since Ben already has an incredible number of projects, this will happen only in August next year.

  • "After the Dance" the Dance)

  • A talented person is talented in everything, so in addition to acting, Benedict enjoys drawing. He sells some of his masterpieces at charity auctions, and leaves other opuses right next to his autographs for the delight of his fans.
  • Ben admires the beauty of Russian girls. And although he did not admit it (natural modesty got in the way), he was in love with the Saratov model Ekaterina Elizarova, who moved to England. The romance lasted only a few months in 2013, but the girl always spoke positively about her boyfriend, who happily prepared her for admission to theater courses and shared her favorite books.
  • Benedict is still single and has never been considered a ladies' man. His most serious relationship was with actress Olivia Poulet, whom he met at Manchester University. This is where the list of his love victories ends. Or Benedict simply doesn’t want to tell us anything.

  • Benedict loves children and has said more than once that he is going to end his status as an inveterate bachelor in the near future.
  • Speaking about family values, Benedict always spoke with aspiration about his parents and other relatives. And when he was asked who his idol is, he named famous actors or scientists, but my aunt and her boyfriend.
  • Benedict is a true gentleman. Earlier this summer, he stood up for the honor of Keira Knightley, whose performance one of the journalists called “wooden.” Benedict did not fail to approach the reporter and even hit him lightly on the arm, asking him to speak less about his colleague.
  • Benedict hates the paparazzi constantly following him, but he treats his fans around the world with love. By the way, fans called themselves “Cumberbitches” for a long time, which upset Benedict, who considered this word disrespectful towards women and called on his army to change their name. Thus, the actor's supporters became "Cumber's people."
  • The stars also confess their love for Benedict. Thus, Harrison Ford on Graham Norton's British TV show without embarrassment declared that he could not stop watching Sherlock.

  • "Another Boleyn Girl"

  • Another touching fact from the biography: as a child, Ben wanted to become a doctor. The fact is that his consciousness was strongly captured by the novel of the modern British writer Ian McEwan's "Saturday", which tells about the difficult and at the same time noble work of a surgeon. Ben dreamed of growing up and helping people.
  • He has been friends with Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy since his time at university. He managed to work with both actors on the set (with Michael in the American film 12 Years a Slave, with James in the British films Hit the Top Ten and Atonement).

  • Benedict doesn't know how to envy. Almost all of his friends from the acting community became famous much earlier than he himself. However, this did not interfere with their communication. In 2003, on the set of the series “A little over forty,” Benedict met Hugh Laurie, known at that time for his comedy shows with the participation of Stephen Fry. A year later, Laurie became Doctor House, and Cumberbatch was happy for his friend and quietly waited in the wings. In 2010, when the fame of the medical series began to fade, “Sherlock” confidently took its place, and Ben took away from his comrade the title of the main television actor in England.
  • Cumberbatch takes criticism in stride. The path to fame was not paved with a carpet of flowers, and Benedict knows the price of success. Early in his career, critics often doubted his ability to become a great actor because of his “horse face” and “idiotic last name.” However, this did not upset Benedict at all, but on the contrary, it helped him play villains and crazy geniuses. Having become a star, he again faced unpleasant remarks. Thus, the creator of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, wrote him letters in which he asked him to refuse filming in the film “The Fifth Estate,” and after the film was released, he accused Cumberbatch of lying. Ben's reaction to these messages was noble silence.
  • Cumberbatch prefers books to the Internet and television (although he does not find the strength to refuse watching X-Factor). By the way, and social media he doesn't lead because he feels sorry for his time.
  • Cumberbatch volunteered in Tibet for 6 months immediately after graduating from school. Firstly, there he wanted to find himself and understand what he would do in the future. Secondly, my childhood dream of helping people never went away.
  • Cumberbatch is also a fan of outdoor activities and sports. Due to his old-fashioned habit, he does not drive a car, but he walks and rides a bicycle a lot. During his stay in Tibet, where he taught English, Cumberbatch became involved in Bikram yoga, which he continues to practice to this day. His hobbies also include rugby, snowboarding, swimming, tennis and skydiving.
  • Despite his busy schedule, he tries to enjoy the cities he visits thanks to filming. As an avid tourist, Cumberbatch is not shy about taking photos of the views with his phone, and his favorites include New York, San Francisco, Marrakesh, Berlin, Paris and, of course, London.
  • Life of the Stars


    19.07.15 10:08

    We learned about it only a few years ago, and now we are looking forward to it with great impatience. fourth season"Sherlock" to watch the brilliant performance of this British actor. His popularity is growing exponentially; now he has already competed for an Oscar for his role as a scientist in the film “The Imitation Game. We remember these and other facts about Benedict Cumberbatch on the occasion of his 39th birthday.

    Interesting facts about Benedict Cumberbatch

    Hereditary artist

    Benedict is a hereditary artist. His father and mother also played in the theater and act in films and on TV. The father is the namesake of his son (in fact, our today's birthday boy is named Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch), who dropped the unpronounceable surname when he became an artist. Timothy Carlton's wife is 4 years older than him, her first and last name is Wanda Ventham. Both played the elder Holmes in the third season of Sherlock (they appear briefly in the first episode, and in the third, Mycroft, Sherlock and Watson and his wife come to their home for Christmas).

    Agree, the actor’s surname and name are indeed not simple. As a child, Benedict was teased, and he himself used his surname to train his diction. Despite his parents' requests to change the indigestible combination to something simpler for the sake of the screen, Benedict left everything as it was. He is proud of the name and considers it a little old-fashioned, but “cozy.” Indeed, there is something Shakespearean in this.

    Fairy Queen

    The artist owes it to his mom and dad that they got him into the prestigious London school for boys, Harrow. When Benedict was 12 years old, he first appeared on stage in a student production: “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” was staged at school. Interesting fact: Benedict Cumberbatch started... with a female role, but with one of the main ones, he was entrusted with portraying the fairy queen, the beautiful Titania (girls in educational institution did not have). Then the young actor’s voice began to break, and he switched to male characters.

    Timothy and Wanda did not want their son to become an artist - it is too dependent a profession, you never know whether they will give you a short episode or a coveted leading role. They thought they were raising a politician or a lawyer. But Benedict had a completely different opinion.


    The boy read McEwan’s book “Saturday” and became inspired to become... a neurosurgeon. He wanted to do something very important, requiring full dedication: Benedict grew up an idealist.

    The same idealistic views made the young man ashamed of the education he received at Harrow. And unexpectedly for everyone, after school, Cumberbatch went to Tibet. There he lived among the monks and taught them English. It was a rewarding experience. As the actor himself admits: “Being with these people 24 hours a day, I came to the conclusion - to search from morning to night spiritual meaning In life, you need a great sense of humor!”

    Brunette? Blond? Blond!

    For the role of Sherlock, the actor dyed his hair brunette, although his natural hair color is light brown (with pronounced red).

    But in order to be more like his other hero, Assange (the film “The Fifth Estate”), Cumberbatch became blond, though not for long: this color clearly does not suit him!

    Sex symbol and most popular on TV

    When the series “Sherlock” received a flood of praise, and even true fans of Con Doyle’s work appreciated the elegance and wit of the plot, Cumberbatch was instantly “dubbed” as a new British sex symbol. Oh, and the actor makes fun of this title!

    Another “title” that the Briton earned: he began to be called the most popular television actor in the world. He pushed Hugh Laurie off the pedestal, who had long held the leading position thanks to Gregory House. Well, another sociopathic genius turned out to be dearer to the audience’s hearts!

    Power of persuasion

    Another fact: Benedict Cumberbatch was filming in South Africa and, together with a colleague, was attacked by armed hijackers. The bandits tied up “Sherlock” and were going to stuff the not-so-small actor (his height, remember, is 183 cm) into the trunk. He used all his eloquence to convince the attackers, convincing them that he could die due to lack of air. "A dead Englishman in a car is a big problem!”, - this is how Benedict ended his tirade, and the criminals retreated.

    Having played a homosexual in the film “The Imitation Game,” Cumberbatch became imbued with the problems of sexual minorities and, together with Stephen Fry (he is openly gay), signed an appeal to the government of his country. They asked for pardon for those who were convicted of homosexuality in the 20th century (previously this was punishable by law).

    Commander and young father

    Benedict himself is straight. He dated one girl for a long time, but married a completely different one. On February 14, 2015, his wife became not very famous actress with an Oxford diploma - Sophie Hunter.

    On June 13, two very significant events took place in the life of Benedict Cumberbatch. Fact one: his wife bore him a son. Fact two: Queen Elizabeth made the artist Commander of the Order of the British Empire. Congratulations to him!