Lesson summary on art using music therapy. Summary of the open lesson "music therapy"

“Speech development of preschool children

method of didactic syncwine"

(consultation for educators)

Organization: MBDOU kindergarten No. 52 of the city of Belovo

Locality: Kemerovo region, city of Belovo


  1. Didactic syncwine as a teaching method……………......4

  2. Rules for compiling a syncwine…………………………………5

  3. Examples of syncwines……………………………………………..7




In the century modern technologies adults pay very little attention to their children in terms of communication. Children have forgotten how to speak the “rich and powerful” Russian language. Every family today has computers, televisions, tablets, Cell Phones and other technology that replaces communication between an adult and a child. Parents cannot understand why, when talking with their child, they cannot replace computer games or watching cartoons, even if they are educational in nature. Children do not know how to talk because they are not given due attention at home - parents do not have time for this. Today, figurative speech, rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions, in preschool children is a very rare phenomenon. There are many problems in children's speech: poor lexicon, inability to compose a story based on a picture, retell what they read, it is difficult for them to memorize a poem, and also to use not only simple, but also complex grammatical structures in speech. Therefore, the problem of child speech development is more relevant today than ever. And pedagogical influence on the development of speech of preschoolers is painstaking, daily, necessary work.

Goal: development of coherent speech in preschoolers by compiling syncwine using models.

Objectives: 1. Reinforce the concepts: object, sign of an object, action of an object. 2. Teach to use noun, adjective and verb models when composing sentences. 3. Train independent work on compiling a syncwine based on an algorithm model.

  1. Didactic syncwine as a teaching method
Speaking about the forms, methods and techniques of teaching children, one cannot fail to mention serious changes in the system preschool education, which affected both the organizational and content side of education. The adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard requires the teacher to think more deeply about the methods and techniques for organizing educational activities, since the role of the educator is guiding, developing. Finding approaches to improve efficiency educational process makes it necessary to devote great attention application of innovative pedagogical technologies and methods.

In older preschool age, you can use such a modern, interesting method in teaching children to tell stories as syncwine.

Sinkwine(from French - template) - a five-line poetic form that arose in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century under the influence Japanese poetry. Later it began to be used (since 1997 in Russia) for didactic purposes as effective method development of figurative speech, which allows you to quickly get results. The procedure for compiling a didactic syncwine allows you to harmoniously combine elements of all three educational systems: informational, activity-based and person-oriented. This method can easily integrate with others educational areas educational program, and the simplicity of constructing a syncwine allows you to quickly get results. Didactic syncwine in working with preschoolers can be used starting from the second half of the year in the senior group, when children have already mastered the concepts of “word-object”, “word-action”, “word-attribute”, “sentence”. The richer the child’s vocabulary, the easier it will be for him to construct not only a syncwine, but also to retell the text and express his thoughts.

It is appropriate to compose a didactic syncwine at the end of each lexical topic, when children already have sufficient vocabulary on this topic. At first, when compiling a syncwine, it is planned to work with children in pairs, in small groups, and only then – individually. It is necessary to encourage syncwines that contain the most exact specification various sides topic or subject.

When composing a didactic syncwine, the number of syllables in each line no longer matters. IN didactic syncwine the most important thing is the semantic content and part of speech that is used in each line. We can say that this is free mini-creativity, subject to certain rules. The syncwine method can be used not only by group teachers, but also in speech therapist classes, artistic and creative activities, and music.

2.Rules for compiling syncwine

1 line– one keyword– the title of the poem, title, theme, usually a noun defining the content (name of the subject, work, name of the hero, etc.);

2nd line- two words (adjectives or participles). This is a description of the characteristics of an object or its properties, revealing the theme of syncwine; words can be connected by conjunctions or prepositions.

3rd line– three words (verbs). Actions related to the topic.

4 line– four words – a sentence. A phrase that shows the author's attitude to the topic.

5 line– one word – a summary word, an association, a synonym that characterizes the essence of the topic, a philosophical generalization, expresses the author’s personal expression and emotion towards the topic in the first line, an ordinary noun.

Strict adherence to the rules for writing syncwine is not necessary. To improve the text, you can use three or five words in the fourth line, and two words in the fifth line. It is possible to use other parts of speech.

Composing a syncwine is like a game, because composing is fun, useful and easy! Interest in the surrounding world, speech, thinking, memory develops.

One of the goals of compiling a syncwine is to achieve the ability to highlight main idea text, as well as briefly express your thoughts.

What is the effectiveness and significance of syncwine? Firstly, its simplicity. Sinkwine can be anything. Secondly, in composing a syncwine, each child can realize his creative, intellectual capabilities. Sinkwine is a gaming technique. Compiling a syncwine is used as a final task on the material covered, as well as for reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received.

  1. Examples of syncwines

  1. Who? Dog

  2. Which? Hairy, big

  3. What is he doing? Sleeps, plays, barks.

  4. Offer. I like to play with the dog

  5. Association. Friend

  1. Sly, fluffy, red

  2. Sneaks, catches, jumps

  3. I don’t like it - he cheats and cheats

  4. Ate a bun
The work of teaching storytelling is built on the basis of syncwine.

An example of writing a story using syncwine:

White, fluffy.

Afraid, frightened, runs away.

I feel sorry for the hare.

Wild animal.

Story: “The hare is white, fluffy. Lives in the forest. The hare is afraid of the wolf and the fox, he gets scared and runs away from them. I feel sorry for the hare. Life is difficult for wild animals in winter.”


Sinkwine helps improve your vocabulary.

Sinkwine teaches short retelling.

Sinkwine helps develop speech and thinking.

Writing a syncwine is a creative process. This interesting activity Helps children express themselves through writing their own unrhymed poems.

Sinkwine teaches you to find and highlight the main idea in a large volume of information.

Sinkwine facilitates the process of mastering concepts and their content.

Sinkwine is also a way of control and self-control (where children can compare syncwines and evaluate them).

The outstanding Soviet linguist A. N. Gvozdev wrote: “The construction of grammatically formatted sentences is the culminating process of speech formation in children.” This statement allows us to emphasize the importance and necessity of working with children using the syncwine method.


  1. N.D. Dushka Sinkwine in her work on the development of speech in preschoolers. Journal "Speech therapist", No. 5 (2005).

  2. AND ABOUT. Zagneev, S.I. Zaire Bek Critical thinking: technology development. Publishing house "Skifia", "Alliance-Delta". St. Petersburg 2003

  3. AND ABOUT. Zagneev, S.I. Zaire-Bek, I.V. Mushtavinskaya We teach children to think critically. – St. Petersburg: Alliance-Delta Publishing House, 2003.

  4. Writing syncwines and working with them. Elements innovative technologies Med Bio (Department of Medical Biology and Genetics KSMU).

  5. SPO: journal: Russian Academy of Education, 2013, No. 7.



Lexical topics, which older children learn, serve as themes for syncwines. Children's own works (syncwines) senior group drawn up in the form graphic drawings. The word watermelon

Graphic diagrams help children more specifically sense the boundaries of words and their separate writing. In this work I use various pictures and objects.

The use of syncwine allows the teacher to harmoniously combine in their work the elements of three main educational systems: informational, activity-based and personality-oriented, which is especially important when working with children.

Target: to form in children the habit of a healthy lifestyle, a sense of responsibility for maintaining and strengthening their health through health-saving technologies in all types of musical activities.


Enrich children's musical experiences and create a joyful mood;

Nurture in children love for others. Friendly attitude towards peers;

Introduce children to new elements of articulatory gymnastics and health-improving exercise movements;

Develop children's speech with the help of articulatory gymnastics; correlate movement with text in speech and music games ah, self-massages;

To lead children to the ability to convey elementary game images and their characters through facial expressions, movements, and intonation.

Visual and didactic material: house, mirror flowers, cat mask, Major and Minor notes, TSO, musical accompaniment.


Children enter the hall to the music

Music director Hello guys! Today is such a wonderful day! And I want to conduct today’s lesson with elements of music therapy. Have you ever heard this? interesting word MUSIC THERAPY? And I'll tell you now. Music therapy is a treatment with music, because music has a very strong effect on a person and can change his any mood. We all know very well that if a person is sick, he needs to be treated (like... children's answers.) but sometimes a person thinks that he is sick, but in fact he is just in a bad mood. That's when music comes to the rescue (as...children's answers). That's right guys, with the help happy music you can cheer up, and calm, quiet music will help you calm down, if you are too excited, with the help of a lullaby we fall asleep... Today the sun is shining! I just want to wish everyone: “ Good morning! So let's wish our guests good morning with a cheerful song and lift everyone's spirits.

Children perform a round dance with a wellness massage “Good morning”

Good morning. Smile soon

And today the whole day will be more fun.

Clap your hands

We will stroke your forehead, nose and cheeks (according to the text )

We will be beautiful, like flowers in the garden(flashlights)

Let's rub our palms harder and harder (according to the text)

Now let's clap more boldly.

Clap your hands

Now we'll rub our ears and save our health

Let's smile again, everyone be healthy!(round dance)

Music director Great, now I’ll play you some good music to make it even more fun. Have a seat, guys.

I open the sheet music and see empty sheets with holes.

What happened to the notes? And where did these holes come from? Guys, don't you know?

Children's answers.

Music director It looks like the notes were eaten by mice. What to do?(I'm thinking.) I came up with an idea! You need to call the music help desk.

I'm calling:

Hello! Reference? Help!

Send us an assistant!

We need to find the sheet music,

To keep things busy.

We'll send the cat now.

Music director Well, thank you! Are looking forward to!

We know a poem about a cat

Let's read it together in chorus.

Speech game-dialogue “Tra-ta-ta”

Tra-ta-ta! Tra-ta-ta!

A cat married a cat!

Boys: For the cat?

Girls: For Pyotr Petrovich!

Together: He is mustachioed, striped,

Tassels hang in my ears.

Well, not a cat, but just a treasure!

A teacher enters dressed as a cat

Cat Ryzhik:

Meow meow! Yes, I am like this!

I'm just a treasure for all the guys!

Meow! Hello everyone, friends!

How glad I am to see you!

My name is the cat Ryzhik. I scientist cat from the great cat country of Murland.

Music hands Ryzhik, where can we find the notes? they were dragged away by cunning mice

Cat Ryzhik: Only real cats can find the mouse. But I’m a super cat! Go ahead, my friends!

We carry out dynamic exercise"On the Path"

Along the path, along the pathJump on your right foot.

We jump on the right leg.

And along the same pathJump on your left leg.

We jump on our left leg.

Let's run along the path,Easy running on your toes.

We'll run to the lawn.

On the lawn, on the lawnJumping in place.

We'll jump like bunnies.

We reached out sweetly,Hands up, stretching.

And everyone smiled.

Music hands Guys, look, there's a house ahead! Is this the Mouse Kingdom already?

Cat Ryzhik. No! There's no smell of mice here. Guys, let me see what's in the house. (He extends his hands into the house and takes out cards with images of funny and sad faces.)

Cat Ryzhik : Look guys, this is a gnomes' house. The gnomes themselves are not at home, but they left us their photographs.

(Musical director shows and asks the children what characters are depicted. Explains that one of them is cheerful - this is Brother Major, and the other sad is Brother Minor)


(Merry) C Major lives in the house,

Sings songs loudly -

Kind, major.

Cheerful, perky!

(Sad) D Minor went to the river,

Started a sad song:

Oh! The river is agile.

Oh! Fate minor!

Guys, do you want to play? Listen carefully to the music and convey its mood through movements, facial expressions, and gestures.

Active listening to music “Major or minor?”

Children jump, dance, laugh when listening to happy music, but when listening to sad music, they walk with their heads bowed.

Cat Ryzhik: Children, I am very sad!

Something crunches in my back.

My throat hurts and burns,

My nose is gurgling and snoring

Music hands Guys, our cat is probably sick and needs rest. Let's put him in a corner, and so that he can fall asleep quickly, we'll sing a lullaby

Lullaby being performed

Sleep, sleep, you are my child.
Warm, soft, kitten.
Sleep, sleep, you are my baby,
May you dream of a mouse.

Do not blink,
Do not snooze.

Grow up quickly, baby.
You will grow up like your mother, cat.
Be mustachioed, tailed, handsome -

And he looks like his mommy

Do not blink,
Do not snooze.

Music hands Well, Ryzhik, are you feeling better?

Cat Ryzhik: No, something doesn’t feel good. I want to sleep some more

Music hands But you can’t sleep all day. Guys, in my opinion the cat has chondritis and nothing hurts him. Now is the time to turn to music therapy. How will we treat it? Yes, we will amuse the cat.

Children and Ryzhik the Cat perform the “Druzhok” play massage complex.

Children stand in pairs throughout the hall.

I have such hands!They stand with their backs to each other, stroking their hands.


They clap their hands loudlyThey clap.

One two Three!

Your hands too They turn to each other, stroke each other.

They look like mine.

I'm good with you, my friend,They spin like a boat.

Spin around with me once!

I have such cheeks!They stand with their backs to each other, stroking their cheeks.


I'll pet them a little.

One two Three!

Your cheeks too They turn and rub each other's cheeks.

They look like mine.

Good on you, buddy.They spin like a boat.

Spin around with me once!

I have such earsThey stand with their backs to each other, massaging their earlobes.


I'll grind them out little by little.They rub their ears with force.

One two Three!

Your ears too They turn to each other, tugging at each other’s ears.

They look like mine.

I'm good with you, my friend,They spin like a boat.

Spin around with me once!

Cat Ryzhik: Oh! I am well! Thanks guys! Now I will always do this wonderful exercise! How fun it is to be with you! Do you know that music and laughter prolongs life? And for this I will give you colorful little jokes. (Gives children colorful notes)

Music hands Ryzhik, it was you who took away our cheerful notes

Ryzhik I didn’t know you needed them, they are so beautiful and I decided to give them to the guys

Music hands These notes are not only beautiful, they are also magical. With the help of cheerful music, we were able to cheer you up, which means we cured you with music therapy. Guys, take care of these magical notes and know that they can always help you recover, because music is the best medicine.

Musical activity vocal group“Zvezdochka”, second year of study, teacher additional education Senina Galina Vladimirovna.

Lesson topic: « Music therapy" Listening to the music of L. V. Beethoven " Moonlight Sonata».

Target: Introduce the composer L.V. Beethoven and summarize children’s knowledge about listening to music and its effect on the human body.


Educational: teach to distinguish between changes in mood in a piece of music, teach children to listen to music correctly, and respond emotionally to the perception of music. Get to know the composer and his music.

Developmental: Develop interest in classical music, interest in the history of musical genres.

Educational: To raise an attentive listener, to instill a love of classical music. Support children's desire to convey the character and mood of music in movement.

Equipment: Instrument, Tape recorder, music library, poster “musical instruments”, portraits of composers, multimedia (presentation).

Progress of the lesson.

Scientists and doctors have long noticed that music therapy sessions have a beneficial effect on children. Moreover, a melody with words affects them more strongly than a melody without words, and live singing by a teacher or concerts in large halls is more effective than recorded music. If a person is restless or excited, melodies are useful at a slow pace, and for the depressed, sad and not breathing rhythmically, rhythmic music is recommended. Young children should never be allowed to listen to music through headphones! The fact is that our hearing aid is designed by nature for diffuse hearing. Consequently, directional sound is still weak developed brain children may be subject to acoustic trauma.

The ancients knew about the healing effects of music. Pythagoras, who is known to us more as a mathematician, also had his say in ancient medicine. “By mixing various melodies like medicine,” testifies his contemporary, “he brought passion, irrepressible jealousy, irritation to the opposite state, correcting each of these shortcomings to virtue.”

This has not been forgotten even today. They are sold in pharmacies in China, India and Japan. music albums(discs and cassettes), which literally heal. They are called: “stuttering”, “insomnia”, “nerves”, “kidneys”, “liver”, etc. These cassettes contain excerpts from the works of various composers, listening to which helps cure certain diseases. Through long-term experiments, American scientists have found that correctly selected melodies have a strong therapeutic effect. For example, the romantic music of Schumann, Schubert, Chopin, Tchaikovsky relieves stress, nervous tension. Slow music of Bach, Handel, Vivaldi creates a feeling of self-confidence and security.

The idea of ​​Pythagoras (listening to music heals) was brought to life by the French doctor - otolaryngologist Alfred Tomatis.

According to Tomatis, the music of Amadeus Mozart has a particularly strong healing effect on humans.

Why Mozart? It is impossible to answer this question accurately. However, there are many things in life that are difficult to explain. Let us express only a few thoughts.

Much of the music genius composer written at a very young age and, perhaps, that is why it is close to children.

Mozart's music is clear and understandable, melodic and easy on the ear.

Mozart's music corresponds to the important life rule golden mean: not too much. Not too fast and not too slow, not too excited and not too calm, not too loud and not too quiet.

It is possible that Mozart's music, scientifically speaking, will help restore energy balance. As Pythagoras said: “Bring passions to balance.”

Using a presentation using a media system.

SLIDE No. 1. For insomnia saved by the music of Beethoven “Moonlight Sonata”, Sibelius “Sad Waltz”, Tchaikovsky “Autumn Song”, “Sentimental Waltz”, “Barcarolle”, Schubert “Ave Maria”, “Serenade”, Schumann “Reverie”, Saint-Saens “Swan” .

SLIDE No. 2 Irritability: Bach “Cantata No. 2” Beethoven “Moonlight Sonata” (1st movement),

SLIDE No. 3 Worry and anxiety: Chopin “Mazurkas and Preludes”, Strauss Waltzes.

Bitterness: Bach “Italian Concerto”, Haydn “Symphony”,

SLIDE No. 4 Headache: Beethoven "Fidelio", Liszt "Hungarian Rhapsody No. 1", Khachaturian suite "Masquerade", Gershwin "An American in Paris"

SLIDE No. 5 Hypertension: Bach “Concerto in D minor” for violin, Chopin “Nocturne in D minor”.

Today we will listen to one of the most precious pearls of musical art - “Moonlight Sonata”. No matter how many times we listen, it captivates us with its beauty and deeply excites us with the powerful power of the feelings expressed in it. In order to experience the irresistible influence of the “Moonlight Sonata”, one may not even know under what life circumstances it was composed. You may not know that Beethoven himself called it “Sonata – Fantasy”, and the name “Moonlight” was invented by the poet Relshtab after his death. By the age of 30, Beethoven realized that his incurable disease leads to a tragic outcome - to complete deafness. And it was at this time that he felt that the time had finally come true love. He began to think of his student, young Juliet Guichard, as his own. future wife. She could not understand the genius of her teacher. She dealt him a heavy blow - she turned away from him and married a mediocre but fashionable music composer and, in addition, a count.

Beethoven was a great musician and a great man. A man of powerful spirit, high, deepest feelings. “Moonlight Sonata” was created during that difficult time of his life. Now let's mentally return to this music. Listen to its sound not only with your ears, but also with your heart! And perhaps in its first part you will hear such sorrow as you have never heard before.
Listening to a musical work by L. V. Beethoven.

Working with students on the work:

1.What is the nature of this piece of music?

2.How does music convey our mood?

3.What does the music tell?

4.Draw a picture orally of what you imagine to the music?

Lesson summary: Which musical composition did you listen today?

Homework: Find out what other works Beethoven wrote?

Explanatory note.

Numerous studies focus exclusively important role motor analyzer in the development of speech and intelligence, proves the relationship between the motor and speech spheres, their importance in mental development child. With cerebral palsy, those brain structures through which voluntary movements are carried out are especially affected. This negatively affects the formation of the child’s motor, speech and intellectual spheres.

Having analyzed the works of scientists (Jacques Dalcroze, V. A. Grinera, E. M. Mastyukova, M. V. Ippolitova, O. A. Sternik), we became convinced that music, rhythm and therapeutic choreography are a valuable means for the development of only these spheres, but also the emotional-volitional sphere and the personality as a whole, which also suffer in children with cerebral palsy. Words and speech, which are the most important regulator of behavior, will help you practice numerous variations of exercises designed to correct posture, vicious attitudes in the joints of the limbs and, most importantly, the ability to switch from one movement to another; the pace at which an action is performed.

Equally significant, and sometimes determining effectiveness, is the musical accompaniment. Music carefully selected and appropriate to the tasks and tempo of the movement is a strong condition for its stimulation. Movement to music is a special form of motor activity, when movement is, in a certain sense, regulated musical process. Only with the assistance of music can movements be regulated, which are not revealed very clearly in all other forms of motor activity. For children with cerebral palsy, music is necessary, because one of its effects is relaxation - the elimination of tension in muscle tone. Music not only helps to relax muscle tone, but also stimulates the speed and strength of the movement performed.

Along with the generally accepted system of therapeutic gymnastics according to the method of V. Bobat and K. Bobat and others, I also widely use therapeutic choreography. This method is based on the principle of using potential opportunities hidden in positive emotions, which, according to I.P. Pavlov, are a source of increased activity of the cerebral cortex, an important factor in multiplying the creative energy of people.

The basis of the content of choreography is the study dance exercises classical dance system. These exercises train children's muscles necessary to produce correct position legs, arms, head and body. The basis of therapeutic work is systematic classical training. The support for using exercises and learning dance elements is the ballet barre. Children hold the machine with their hands, which helps keep the body in balance. Exercises for the correction of movement disorders using choreography are selected after the doctor (orthopedist, exercise therapy instructor) determines and clarifies the child’s age and the severity of his illness.

I offer a summary of a lesson with children of a preparatory group for school with various forms of cerebral palsy (spastic diplegia, hemiparetic form, hyperkinetic form and atonic-astatic form). Children experience a wide variety of disorder syndromes: strabismus, porotic condition of the masticatory muscles, damage to the hypoglossal nerve. All children have impaired general and fine motor skills, emotional-volitional sphere and behavior. According to the severity of movement disorders and the development of motor skills, children have average degree severity of violations.

Based on practical experience, I consider it necessary to start a music therapy lesson from the 2nd junior group, using only elements of rhythm and therapeutic choreography. The main work of music therapy begins in high school and preparatory groups. Lesson twice a month for an hour.

I would like to draw attention to the child’s subjective feeling of the activities. Children love them, they satisfy their movement needs.

At the end of classes at the end school year and after conducting an examination of the motor and speech spheres, we received positive results:

First of all, the children developed a desire to perform the proposed movements and the ability to control them.

The movements performed by children to music acquired the necessary proportionality and accuracy.

Static and dynamic coordination of movements improved, muscle tone decreased, and it became possible to actively suppress tonic reflexes.

Children began to correctly navigate in space. They began to strive to perform movements in the same way as all healthy children.

Positive results also appeared in articulatory motor skills, the prosodic side of speech improved, control over one’s pronunciation appeared, phrasal speech became freer and more developed.


  1. Non-traditional methods in correctional and therapeutic pedagogy; Povalyaeva M. A., speech therapist reference book; Rostov-on-Don; Phoenix, 2001
  2. Bitova A. L., Lipes Yu. V., Special music classes aimed at stimulating speech in children with severe disabilities speech development, Guidelines, 1994
  3. Alloyarov H. A. “Music therapy in the works of Ibn Sina.” “Healthcare of Tajikistan” - 80, No. 5
  4. Basov M. A. “Movement to music”, in the book “Selected psychological works" - 75
  5. Volkova G. A. “Speech therapy rhythm.” M., “Enlightenment” - 85
  6. Griner V. A. “Speech therapy rhythm for preschoolers”, Uchpedgiz - 51.
  7. Sternik O. A. “The use of choreographic elements in the treatment of children with cerebral palsy”; honey. magazine "Uzbekistan" - 72
  8. Shishkina V. A. “Movement + movement.” M., “Enlightenment” - 92

Lesson objectives:

  1. Teach everyone, without special effort obey the general tempo, and act in a coordinated and rhythmic manner.
  2. Through the activity, awaken children's interest in the history of the Karelian people, their life, dreams, their language and poetry.
  3. Through choreographic movements, help children develop a pattern of movements, normalize muscle tone, maintain balance, and develop a “sense of posture” necessary for any movement.

Corrective task for therapeutic choreography:

  1. Correct posture through numerous exercise options, support installations in the joints of the limbs.
  2. Train mobility, motor activity, the ability to switch from one movement to another.

For classes you will need:

  1. Disc with recordings of melodies State Ensemble song and dance of Karelia “Kantele”.
  2. For performance dance moves- lace scarf.
  3. Musical instruments - bells, bells.
  4. Ballet stance, mirrors (for performing movements under the control of visual sensations).

1. Organizing time.

Children enter the hall one after another.

Speech therapist. Good morning kids, girls and boys. I'm very glad to see you in

hall, and I want to admit, friends, that I love gymnastics in the morning

Do gymnastics, which I advise you to do too. She helps us all, a lot

benefits from it and good mood charges for his zeal.

I invite you today to look into the Karelian forest, into the land of blue lakes and

rapids rivers; play games, sing songs, and enjoy dancing,

but in order for us to have fun walking, we must do everything to the music.

2. Development of coordination, attention, memory, speed of motor reaction (author's exercises).

Speech therapist.

  1. Speech therapist. We will walk on our toes, we grow higher than the pine trees (children walk on their toes).
  2. Speech therapist. We will go into the green forest, we will go around all the stumps (children walk with their legs raised high).
  3. Speech therapist. Looks from behind a bush ahead Red fox. We will outwit the fox and run on our toes (children run on their toes).
  4. Speech therapist. There is silence all around, the children turned in a circle. Show how the Pomors row with oars, as if they were swimming on the sea early in the morning (children perform an extension step with a spring).
  5. Speech therapist.
  6. Speech therapist. Now we’re walking in pairs, picking blueberries and cloudberries (the children walk around the hall in pairs).

3. Development of auditory attention.

Speech therapist.

hands, the driver is selected).

Speech therapist. Seryozha, we are in the forest now, we call you “Au”! Well, close your eyes, don't

“Seryozha, AU”! The child opens his eyes and recognizes by his voice who called him).

smooth, deep. (Children move one after another to the music, then come up

to the machine).

4. Choreographic physiotherapy at the ballet stand.

Speech therapist.


  1. “Plie” (Goal: Correction of the hip extensor and abductor major muscles of the hips. Children squat without lifting their heels off the floor, then straighten up).
  2. “Frape” (On “one” - the foot is placed on the toe, on “two” - on the heel, on “three” - on the toe, on “four” - the foot is placed on the supporting leg).
  3. “Tandyu-batman” (At “one time” - right leg presses against the ankle of the supporting leg, on “two” - straightens forward).
  4. “Re-le-ve” (The child stands at the counter, holding it with his hands, rises on his toes, then squats).

Speech therapist

movements in the middle of the hall).

  1. “Russian Lyrical” (Children dance with handkerchiefs to smooth music, fixing them with their eyes).
  2. Speech therapist. Our hands are good, let's dance from the heart (Children clap the rhythm: ta ta - ta ta ta, ta ta - ta ta ta, ta ta - ta ta ta, ta ta).

5. Exercise to develop facial expressions and relaxation.

Speech therapist.

we are already wandering,

through the back streets,

along the streets."

At the end of the music they sit down.

Speech therapist. How are guests greeted?

Speech therapist.

Speech therapist.

Children breathe in and out.

Speech therapist.

Speech therapist.

Speech therapist.

Children also “fall asleep” (throw their hands down and say the words: Close your eyes, sleep, sleep, sleep. Open your eyes, get up, get up, get up.)

Speech therapist.

Speech therapist.

Speech therapist.


7. Development musical ear.

Speech therapist. I wanted to make some noise and ring the bells.

Children to Russian music folk song“I went up the hill” perform movements with bells.


Speech therapist.

There is a mountain on the mountain.

And on that mountain there is an oak tree,

And on the oak tree there is a crater.

Raven in red boots

Gold plated earrings.

Black raven on an oak tree,

He plays the trumpet.

Chiseled pipe, gilded,

Okay pipe

The song is complex. Yes!

9. Development of singing range.

Speech therapist. The people are having fun, going to the accordion player, singing sonorous songs.

Children perform any Karelian song.

10. Development of spatial organization of movement of elements of Karelian dance.

Speech therapist. Just like at our gates, people are gathering and will start dancing now.

Children perform rhythmic dance movements to the Russian folk melody “Oh, you canopy, my canopy” (using dance movements that fit into a familiar rhythm).

Speech therapist. You children were dancing, but the guests were tired, let them dance with us.

Children and guests repeat dance movements (sitting).

11. Skill formation correct pronunciation sounds.

Speech therapist. People are having fun and going to play.

Children pronounce the words clearly, choosing the leader as a counting rhyme. The driver stands in a circle. Oh guys, ta ra ra

There is a mountain on the mountain.

And on that mountain there is an oak tree,

And on the oak tree there is a crater.

Raven in red boots

Gold plated earrings.

Black raven on an oak tree,

He plays the trumpet.

Chiseled pipe, gilded,

Okay pipe

The song is complex. Yes!

The child standing in the center dances, imitating the movement of a raven.

12. Organization of the end of the lesson.

Speech therapist: We played together, we were a little tired, it’s time to go back to kindergarten. According to Karelian custom?

Children: Happiness and joy!

Great health!

Until the new summer!

Until new bread!

Children bow to the guests and perform a Karelian round dance; after performing part of the round dance, they approach the guests, bow and invite everyone to continue dancing together. (music by A. Filippenko, words by T. Volgina, arranged)

1. In the meadow at the gate, Children walk in a circle in a round dance,

Let's start a round dance.

2. Who has been to Karelia? Children walk in a circle, smoothly raising

I saw white nights, hands up. Diverge and lower

Loved with all my heart hands down.

This region is expensive.

3. Let's sing about Karelia. They change from one circle to two

We'll invite you, little ones, to visit. They go around in a circle dancing

Blueberries and cloudberries step by step. Then they open their hands and stand in one

Let's go to the forest to collect. Line and bow deeply to the guests.

Children leave the hall to the music.

Music therapy lesson

with elements of rhythm and therapeutic choreography

on material of use folklore heritage

peoples of Karelia for preschool children

with musculoskeletal disorders and cerebral palsy.

Kopotkina T. A.,

teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification category

MDOU No. 108 “Snezhinka”, Petrozavodsk.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Through words and music, help overcome motor, speech and mental disorders in children.
  2. To teach everyone to obey the general tempo without much effort, and to act in a coordinated and rhythmic manner.
  3. To educate and develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to sense rhythmic expressiveness in music and movements.
  4. Stimulate motor activity and motor ability using words and music.
  5. To develop the ability to perceive various life situations, “getting used to” the patterns of others and developing correct attitude to yourself through the use of Karelian folklore.
  6. Promote the formation of the child’s personality and development creativity through familiarization with the moral, spiritual, historical, aesthetic experience of generations based on the active use of the historical and cultural heritage of the Republic of Karelia.

Corrective health tasks:

  1. Through choreographic movements, develop a pattern of movements in children, normalize muscle tone, maintain balance, and develop a “sense of posture” necessary for any movement.
  2. Train mobility, motor activity, the ability to switch one movement to another.
  3. Use the phonopedic method (health-saving technology) to develop the voice and facial expressions.
  4. Develop auditory attention and memory

For classes you will need:

1. Disc with recordings of melodies of the State Song and Dance Ensemble of Karelia “Kantele”.

2. For performing dance movements - a lace scarf.

3. Musical instruments - bells, bells.

4. Ballet stance, mirrors (for performing movements under the control of visual sensations).

Material row:

Part of the hall is decorated as a Karelian hut. In the background there is a Russian stove, a table set

a bright tablecloth, a samovar on the table, earthenware and wooden dishes, covered benches

homespun rugs.

1. Organizational moment.

Children enter the hall.

Speech therapist. Hello, dear guests: old and young, boys and girls -

Well done.

Why did you come?

Educator. We want to tell and show how people lived in northern Karelia for a long time,

Play games, sing songs, and enjoy dancing.

Speech therapist. Well, dear guests, whatever you wish will be done. We have a big room,

Yes, she’s so beautiful, take your seats, listen, kids.

Forest and forest for half a century

Deafness, yes melancholy -

So the poets wrote

In those bygone centuries.

In an open field

In a wide expanse,

Behind the dark forests

Beyond the green meadows

Behind the fast rapids rivers,

In the northern Karelian region there was a village called Unylou, and he lived there

amazing people: sad and all grumbling.

2. Development of facial expression.

Children sit in the center of the hall and have a leisurely conversation.

Child: Unylou village is a boring place.

The peasants in Unylou are completely grumblers.

Children: Oha - oha - hoha - hoh!

Child: Their dough always falls apart.

Children: Wow! Wow! Uuuuuuu...

Child: The cattle are skinny and the children are sick.

Children: Oha - oha - Ooooooooo...

Child: They don’t have a favorite season:

Heat is no good, cold is no good.

Children: Ege - ge. Eeeeeee...

Child: No matter what the weather is like in the morning,

They won't leave the house without galoshes.

Children: Oho-ho-nya! Nya - nya - nyaya...

Child: Everyone is sulking, angry, angry, afraid

Children: Ho - ho - ho

Fu Fu Fu

Nude - nude - nude

Ah ah ah!

Child: What if something like this happens:

What if all the misfortunes suddenly stop -

What will they grumble about then?!

Children: Hmm... Hmm... Yes - ah...

Speech therapist: You people are full of grumbling. It's no good to be discouraged.

With noise, song and fun, the work goes smoothly and you never get bored.

As they used to say in the old days:

Children: Loafer, yes, a slacker, their holiday is on Monday.

Speech therapist: Today I invite you to look into the Karelian forest, into the land of blue lakes

and rapids rivers; play games, sing songs, and enjoy dancing,

but in order for us to have fun walking, we must do everything to the music.

3. Development of coordination, attention, memory, motor speed

Speech therapist. Turn around one after another, keeping your backs level. Inhale through your nose and

exhale - through the mouth, breathe deeply, and then - step in place, everything follows the leader

Children follow each other to the music and perform the following movements:

Speech therapist.- We will walk on our toes, we grow higher than the pine trees (children walk on their toes).

We will go into the green forest, we will go around all the stumps (the children walk high

raising your legs).

A red fox looks out from behind a bush ahead. We'll outwit the fox, on tiptoes

let's run (children run on their toes).

- There is silence all around, the children turned in a circle. Show how Pomors use oars

they row as if they were sailing on the sea early in the morning (children perform an extension step with


- We imitate lumberjacks together, we need to stomp our feet (fractional steps).

I was walking along the hill and found a ball of thread. The ball is small, the threads are scarlet,

Where the ball rolls, the thread stretches (children walk to slow music

in a round dance step behind the speech therapist, twisting into a snail, under fast music -

unwind and form a large circle.)

4. Development of auditory attention.

Speech therapist. Come on people, who's going to play now? (Children stand in a circle, holding hands

hands, a driver is selected - from children with accompanying and those who cannot

Speech therapist. Andryusha, we are in the forest now, we call you “Au”! Well, close your eyes, don't

Be shy, find out who called you, quickly. (One of the guys says:

"Andryusha, AU"! The child opens his eyes and recognizes by his voice who called him).

breathe evenly, deeply. (Children move one after another to the music, then come up

to the machine).

5. Choreographic therapeutic gymnastics at the ballet stand.

Speech therapist. We continue our warm-up. Stand up straight, turn towards the back of the chair

lean back, heels together, we all start together. What? (Children call


- “Plie” (Purpose: Correction of hip extensor and abductor major muscles

hips Children squat without lifting their heels from the floor, then straighten up).

- “Frape” (On “one” - the foot is placed on the toe, on “two” - on the heel, on “three” - on

toe, on “four” - put the foot to the supporting leg).

- “Tandyu-batman” (At “one time” - the right leg is pressed against the ankle of the supporting leg,

to “two” - straightens forward).

- “Re-le-ve” (The child stands at the counter, holding it with his hands, rises to

half toes, then squats).

Speech therapist. Let's take all the handkerchiefs and let's start to the music. (Children perform dance

movements in the middle of the hall).

“Russian Lyrical” (Children dance with handkerchiefs to smooth music, fixing

their eyes).

Speech therapist. Our hands are good, let's dance from the heart (Children clap the rhythm: ta ta - ta ta ta,

ta ta - ta ta ta, ta ta - ta ta ta, ta ta).

Children tap the same rhythm with their feet, and then the rhythmic pattern is translated into a dance movement.

Children perform the “Picking” exercise.

6. Exercise to develop facial expressions and relaxation.

Speech therapist. Your legs are beautiful, you danced with all your heart, and now we should rest a little

need to. Any Karelian hut will welcome guests. Now we are all in a crowd

Let's go through the village, look at the people, show ourselves off, and at the end of the music

Don’t yawn, take a shop in the house.

Children walk to the music and say: “And we walk,

we are already wandering,

through the back streets,

along the streets."

At the end of the music they sit down.

Speech therapist. How are guests greeted?

The children answer, “Welcome guests, dears! Have fun and joy!”

Speech therapist. But the guests were tired from the road, angry, cold.

Children perform the facial exercise “Frown” with a speech therapist.

Speech therapist. But the hostess lit the oven, kneaded the dough, and it became warm and cozy.

Children breathe in and out.

Speech therapist. The pendulum of an ancient clock sways peacefully.

Children sway from side to side and say: “Tick-tock, tick-tock.”

Speech therapist. A cat lay down and dozed by the window.

Children under lullaby music imitates stroking a cat.

Speech therapist. The cat squints, closes its eyes, and falls asleep.

Children also “fall asleep” (throw their hands down and say the words: “Close your eyes, sleep, sleep, sleep. Open your eyes, get up, get up, get up.”)

Speech therapist. Enough, doze off - it's time to get up.

Children open their eyes and stand up.

Speech therapist. The housewife salts the cabbage and says: “We chop the cabbage, we

we mash, we salt the cabbage, we grate the cabbage.”

Children perform movements with their hands, imitating pickling cabbage.

Speech therapist. You feel how delicious the pies smell. The guests cheered up, licked their lips and

They spoke quietly at first, and then louder and louder.


8. Development of musical ear and formation of the skill of correct pronunciation of sounds.

Speech therapist: I wanted to make some noise and play musical instruments.

Children sing a comic song to the music: “Oh, my darling, my beauty,” imitating

playing noise instruments.

The boy approaches the girl and, singing, asks her, and the girl answers:

1. Eh, you darling, my beauty, I don’t understand what you’re playing on.

I play, I understand everything. I play the drum. My fucking drum.

2. Eh, you darling, my beauty, I don’t understand what you’re playing on.

I play, I understand everything. I play the balalaika. Tren-di-brandy balalaika.

All children: Tren-di-brandy, Tr...my drum.

3. Eh, darling, my beauty, I don’t understand what you’re playing on.

I play, I understand everything. I play the pipe. Doo-doo, doo-doo is my pipe.

All children: Doo-doo, doo-doo. Tren-di-brandy. My fucking drum.

4. Eh, darling, my beauty, I don’t understand what you’re playing on.

I play, I understand everything. I play the violin. Peak, pee, my violin.

All children: Pee-ki, pee-ki, my violin. Doo-doo, doo-doo my pipe. Tren-di-brandy balalaika. My fucking drum.

5. Eh, you darling, my dear, I don’t understand what you’re playing on.

I play the kokoshnik. Co-co-co-co my kokoshnik.

All children: Co-co-co-co my kokoshnik. Peak, pee, my violin. Doo-doo, doo-doo my pipe. Tren-di-brandy balalaika. My fucking drum.

Whoa, whoa...

Pee-ki, peep-ki...

Doo-doo, doo-doo...


My fucking drum.

9. Development of the spatial organization of movement of elements of Karelian dance.

Speech therapist: Just like at our gates, people gather and start a round dance.

The boys invite the girls and take them to the middle of the hall. Girls turn on

Round dance: “Moloditsa” (dance composed by Karelian choreographer V. I. Kononov).

9. Outdoor folk game.

Speech therapist. People are having fun and going to play.

Children pronounce the words clearly, choosing the leader as a counting rhyme. The driver becomes. to the middle of the circle.

Oh guys, ta ra ra

There is a mountain on the mountain.

And on that mountain there is an oak tree,

And on the oak tree there is a crater.

Raven in red boots

Gold plated earrings.

Black raven on an oak tree,

He plays the trumpet.

Chiseled pipe, gilded,

Okay pipe

The song is complex. Yes!

The child standing in the center dances, imitating the movement of a raven. Children clap their hands.

10. Organization of the end of the lesson.

Speech therapist: We played together, we were a little tired, it was time to go back to kindergarten.

According to Karelian custom, we wish all guests what?

Children answer: Happiness and joy,

Great health!

Until the new summer!

Until new bread!

Children bow to the guests and perform a Karelian round dance. (Music by A. Filippenko, words by T. Volgina, arranged)

1. In the meadow at the gate, Children walk in a circle in a round dance.

Where the mountain ash grows, they expose themselves to lose, then their left foot is on

Today my friends and I toe, then right, spin around ourselves.

Let's start a round dance.

3. Who has been to Karelia? Children walk in a circle, smoothly raising their hands up.

I have seen white nights, when they disperse, they lower their hands down.

Loved with all my heart

This region is expensive

2. Let's sing about Karelia. They change from one circle to two

We'll invite you little ones to visit. They walk in a circle in a round dance step.

Blueberries and cloudberries Then they open the circle, stand in one line and

Let's go to the forest to collect. bow deeply to the guests.

Children leave the hall to the music.

(children enter the hall to the music of Sinisalo G.R. “Morning”)

Leading: Hello, dear children! Why did you come?

Child: We wanted to hear a wonderful fairy tale. Open the chest

full of words. Let magical legends come to life.

Ved: Well, dear guests, let whatever you wish be done.

I will unlock the verbal box, I will open the casket with a song.

(song or music plays)

“Karelia, Karelia!

Above the thickets, villages

Over blue lakes and swamps

There is a centuries-old native fairy tale ancient

It’s a folk story going on.

(Everyone gets comfortable. The girls knit, spin, and rewind the threads. The boys sharpen their braids, forge them, everyone listens.)

On both sides are rune singers.

1st: I got one wish,

I have one thought in mind, to be ready to sing

And start quickly with a word.

To sing me the songs of our ancestors,

Our kind of tunes.

2nd: My golden friend and brother,

Dear childhood friend.

We will sing with you together

You and I will say a word

Finally we met

The two sides have now come together.

Ved: Many centuries ago, on the territory of our Karelia, in the country of rustling pines and firs, in the land of forest lakes and rapids rivers, the people composed these legends, fairy tales and songs, which are called runes. The singers sat opposite each other, took hands and swayed, sang, and had a leisurely conversation:

1st: So give me your hands

Let's put our fingers together

We will sing glorious songs

Starting with the best.

(song from Kantiele)

Marina Balyasova
Music therapy lesson notes

Music therapy lesson

Target: Help the child to know himself, his capabilities.

Develop the skill of non-verbal, sensory contact with others. Help relieve children of neuropsychic stress in the process of movement and listening music.

Develop the ability to recognize and express various emotions in facial expressions and dance. learn to understand the feelings conveyed in music, distinguish shades of mood, empathize, rejoice, and be charged with positive emotions.

Tasks: Develop creative imagination, the ability to independently find expressive poses and movements. Prevent behavioral disorders using music games. Create an optimistic mood.

Children under quiet musicians enter the hall. Stand in a circle and raise your hands (fingers together).

Good morning sun, we are glad to see you!

Good morning heaven, we are glad to see you!

We woke up a long time ago and joined hands!

(children slowly lower their hands, then hold hands.

Music director, (looks at each child in turn and sings)

And Lesha is here (children repeat, also sing)

And Lera is here - (children repeat) And. etc.

All here (children repeat)

We rose on our tiptoes, holding hands, and sat down on the carpet, bending our knees! Now let's play a little. The driver is selected and stands with his back to the children. A child chosen by the teacher approaches him from behind. Stroking the driver's back and shoulders, he sings:

It's me, know me! -

The driver must guess the name of the singing child. The game is repeated two or three times with other children.

The next game will be called a song. It's called - Clap, swing, run! And my song will tell you what movements you need to perform. A game is played based on the song - (We are not afraid of the gray wolf)

Well, everyone clap your hands, clap your hands, clap your hands together (children clap)

We are trees in the wind, in the wind, in the wind, (running on tiptoes)

We're flying, we're flying, we're flying, we're flying, we're flying! (running on tiptoes and waving their arms)

Our last game is with musical instruments . I will give you the tools, and you stand at a distance from each other. The game is called - Catch My Eye! You and I should become an orchestra. But when to join with your instrument, my opinion will show. Try to keep a close eye on mine eyes: Whoever I look at will begin to play his part. And so on, one by one, until we get an orchestra. Is our class is coming to an end, Remember where we went today? (Children remember.) Did you like it? (Children's answers). That's good, goodbye kids! (Sings).

Children sing a five-note scale down from (la). Goodbye!

Under the calm musicians leave the hall.