How to develop the right hemisphere of the brain. How to develop the right hemisphere of the brain

The human brain needs constant development, but each hemisphere requires a special approach. The left and right hemispheres are responsible for different abilities, skills and feelings. In addition, each of them serves the opposite side of the human body: the right one serves the left side, and the left one serves the right side.

The development of one or another part of the brain determines your skills. For example, excessive sensitivity indicates dominance of the right hemisphere of the brain, while logic indicates dominance of the left hemisphere. Is it possible to specifically develop the right hemisphere of the brain through training and exercise? Of course yes.

Right hemisphere of the brain - features

Before developing the right hemisphere, it is necessary to understand what it is responsible for. You should know that these are, first of all, emotions, intuition and creativity of human thinking.

With the active development of the right hemisphere, people are able to see the world holistically, without splitting the picture into elements. This results in an improved perception of images and symbolism than numerical and alphabetic meanings. Perhaps the main advantage is the ability to do several things at the same time and think about each of them equally, without ignoring the details. If we summarize the functionality of the right hemisphere of the human brain, we can call it in one word – creative.

How can you develop the right hemisphere?

Today, exercises for the development of the right hemisphere, incl. there are a great many games. Note that this is not so much physical activity as it is techniques for motor skills, perception and pace. Some exercises may require instrumentation.

Each of the exercises given in the article will help develop the right hemisphere of the human brain. They can be used either individually or in combination. You need to choose one or more that are most suitable for your lifestyle, which will not interfere with your daily activities. However, despite the exercise, there is an important rule - effective development of the right hemisphere of the brain is possible only if the exercises are performed systematically.

The brain can be compared to muscles; the more you train, the faster their abilities grow. As soon as you forget about their needs, they weaken and even atrophy.

Presentation: "Commonwealth of the Human Brain Hemispheres"

First steps in brain development

If you have difficulties choosing such an activity, you are advised to attend cultural events. For example, art exhibitions, folk art fairs, museums and more. Such places evoke various associations. So you can choose to draw or write short stories and miniatures.

It should be understood that the body and brain are closely interconnected, therefore it will be most effective to influence the brain through the body. Remember that the right hemisphere affects the left side of the body and body.

If you are used to writing with your right hand, then you should develop your left. For example, when playing a musical instrument, use the left side to play a simple melody. Replacing hands during daily activities will also be effective. This way, when stirring sugar, you can change your hand from left to right and vice versa. It is necessary to bring these exercises to automaticity. Of course, it won’t be easy at first, but you didn’t start writing right away in first grade, just like you didn’t start walking. If you practice this every day, the results will not be long in coming.

Visualization - the beginning

This exercise for developing the right hemisphere is not only useful, but also fun.

It will be interesting for any generation, because we fantasize and dream regardless of age.

  1. Visualization – close your eyes and imagine a white piece of paper or background. Mentally write your name on it. Imagine that the color of the letters is green, then blue, and then red. You can try changing the background color. The brighter the colors, the more effective.
  2. Auditory fantasies. To fully develop the right hemisphere, it is necessary to work with sound. Imagine that someone is calling you. Concentrate so that this “vision” becomes clear. Try to identify who this voice belongs to. Perhaps it is grandmother or mother. The next step is to play music in your head. The most effective thing is to remember your favorite song.
  3. Tactile sensations. Quite an interesting exercise on the feeling of words. Take a comfortable body position, close your eyes and try to imagine your name. What is it like? Cold and hard, like a stone, or affectionate and warm, like a beloved cat. Similarly, you can experiment with taste and smell. It is important to try to imagine all the visualized things in such a way that you can feel them with your senses.

Mirror drawing for brain development

An excellent exercise that improves the efficiency of both hemispheres of the brain. Drawing, thus, involves both hemispheres, essentially “pulling up” one of them, which is lagging behind in development. You will need paper and two pencils. Try to draw the same shapes with both hands at the same time. It can be rings, hearts, squares, anything. The main thing is that both the right and left hands must perform the same task at the same time.

Playing musical instruments has a great effect on brain development, since both hemispheres are involved. This is an excellent workout that promotes rapid development.

Development with the help of these exercises is very effective and the results are not long in coming. The only rule is systematicity. By following these tips, you are guaranteed to have a developed, productive right hemisphere.

How does a mandala affect the brain?

Mandala is a sacred pattern of Tibet and Hindu religion. Contemplation of this drawing can be called the first step with the work of the right hemisphere. You can draw a mandala or find a ready-made one on the Internet.

Relax your body, from your toes to your facial muscles. Concentrate on the center of the pattern (3 minutes). After a while, you will notice that the drawing begins to “play”, like in a kaleidoscope.

By the way, in Tibet, monks use mandala drawing as one of the most difficult practices. They collect patterns from colored grains. Such an activity can last not a day or two, sometimes reaching several months. Upon completion of drawing, the pattern is erased with one wave of the hand.

In 1975, the State of California awarded the Distinguished Research Award to Paul Dennison. The scientist suggested using various exercises to use those parts of the brain that are less active.

During the testing process, the following results were revealed:

  • Improved concentration and ability to remember more data in a short period of time.
  • Increased resistance to stress.
  • Adaptation to new conditions occurred easier and faster.
  • Control over emotional state.
  • After various loads, the body recovered faster.
  • Development of creative potential.

Exercises with such results are relevant not only for the younger generation, but also for adults.

There are quite a lot of classes using the “brain gym” method, let’s look at the most popular ones.

Symmetrical exercises

  1. Movements in parallel

When you walk, touch the knee of your left leg with your left hand, and touch your right knee with your right hand. You need to take 12 steps. It is necessary to ensure that the hands touch the knees one at a time, without losing the rhythm. In this case, you need to look at the drawing with two parallel lines, which should be at eye level.

  1. Infinity

Press your ear to your left shoulder and extend your left arm forward. Concentrate on your index finger and draw a horizontal figure eight sign. You should draw from the center point up and to the left. Do this exercise eight times and then repeat on the right side of your body.

  1. Symmetrical pattern

Take a comfortable body position while standing or sitting. At the same time, draw identical, but with a mirror image, drawings with your hands. They can be drawn both on paper and in the air.

Asymmetrical exercises

  1. Crossroads

The exercise is performed similarly to the symmetric task. The difference is that your palms need to touch the opposite knee, i.e. left palm - right knee, and vice versa. Drawing for visual support – X.

  1. Gymnastics for fingers

Clench both hands into a fist. In one motion, straighten the index finger of your right hand and the thumb of the other. Then mirror the index finger on your left hand and the thumb on your right. Return to original position. Just? Increase the pace.

Another variation of this exercise is to throw out the other fingers at the same time. For example: on the left hand there is a little finger, and on the right hand there is a middle finger. Then the index plus innominate.

To complicate the task, you can add a circular or other movement to the alternation of fingers.

In this article:

It has been known for a long time that the human brain is divided into right and left parts and what each of them is responsible for. But detailed research in this direction began to be conducted relatively recently by historical standards. And hitherto ordinary facts shone in a completely different light. However, first things first.

Left to Right, or Changing of the Guard

A little about how the brain works. Scientists have proven that the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for synthesis and creativity, and the left hemisphere is responsible for analysis and logical thinking. Over the past millennia, the emphasis in child development has been primarily on the left hemisphere. At that time, this was completely justified: ancient man needed to understand the nature of things more deeply than the hallucinations of a shaman who had eaten fly agarics suggested.

And now most parents, by inertia, train their offspring according to programs that develop the left, logical hemisphere. And they almost completely forget about the same importance of the right, believing that there is absolutely no need to fly in the clouds and build castles in the air in life. In principle, this is true. But this process also has a downside: modern children grow up very early and even grow old in this mental plane.

A disabled or almost completely suppressed imagination creates a gray cog in a global mechanism instead of a creative personality. This can be compared to if a person went to the gym and trained only one half of the body. It’s not hard to guess how this will end. But in teaching, this pathology, unfortunately, has long become the norm.

From real life, we can give the following example: in the USA, scientists tracked children with very high IQs, and when these children grew up, they were put together in one group and assigned tasks for fundamental developments in various industries, but this idea was a complete failure. And the secret is simple and complex at the same time: the left hemisphere of the brain can only work with already known information and will never replace the right, creative one. What was not there before is inaccessible to him.

However, with the development of the information era, the situation began to change for the better. And specialists in pedagogy and psychology began to pay more and more attention to the development of the functions of the right hemisphere of the brain in children. The introduction of a scale of so-called emotional intelligence – EI (Emotial Intelligence) – can be considered a breakthrough. Not the least example in this regard are people who have achieved success in terms of scientific discoveries in various fields.

Taming inspiration, or Finding your balance

Doing the same thing in the hope of getting a different result is a sure sign of schizophrenia, but this is exactly what the majority of people do in matters of raising and developing their children. And, remarkably, with the best intentions. The modern education system is designed specifically for the development of the left hemisphere of the brain. But if you want your child to have better performance than the average child, then look for appropriate approaches.

As already mentioned, the left hemisphere works only with what is already known. The functions of the right are to work with the unknown. There is a hypothesis that all solutions already exist in some virtual information bank of the Universe. And our brain is a supercomputer that can connect to this bank and choose the best option. The right hemisphere is responsible for this in children and adults. Those. the right is engaged in fundamental developments. And the left is applied, as well as the final release of the “finished product” into life.

The process of connection usually occurs spontaneously and is called inspiration. Previously, it was believed that it was completely impossible to tame, that it came whenever it wanted. But in the 21st century it became clear that inspiration is nothing more than a state of harmony of soul and mind. However, for those who decide to fully train, in the first stages logic and analysis will need to be turned off or redirected in a different direction.

But don't go to extremes. People with an overdeveloped right hemisphere to the detriment of the left are usually mentally ill.
They live in their virtual world according to their own laws. The creative people who live among us often have a reputation as eccentrics, but that does not stop them from creating masterpieces.

Businessmen who have achieved success and recognition, especially in the field of innovation, are the most ideal example of the balance and development of both hemispheres of the brain. They are their own bosses and performers. And the bulk of their time is spent not on monotonous work, but on thinking about what can be improved, or, even better, how to create something that did not exist before. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Sergey Brin, Elon Musk - the list goes on for a long time.

From an idea generator to always the right choice, or Looking ahead

By developing the right hemisphere of the brain in children, over time, parents come to the conclusion that the development of the pineal gland, or pineal gland, has an even greater effect. And if the first is responsible for creativity in general, then the development of the second will make it possible to always choose the most advantageous option of all possible. Imagine what heights you can achieve if you always know, figuratively speaking, which glass the ball is under. This is what is commonly called intuition. To train the pineal gland, many authors have developed various systems of exercises that are aimed at the same goal.

Minimum program

The performance of the brain is restored faster if it switches from one job to another at certain intervals. All the exercises described below for appropriate development can be used both as a separate program and in short brain warm-ups.

  • Ear massage.

There are many points on the auricle that directly affect the functioning of the brain. At a deeper level, acupuncturists use this, but for non-specialists, regular rubbing will suffice. Using your index finger and thumb, begin by kneading your earlobes, as if testing dough for firmness. Then use the heel of your palm to rub your ears inside and out. This is considered a warm-up for the main exercises.

  • Rings.

Make a ring by connecting your thumb and index finger. Then the middle finger with the thumb, ring finger, little finger and in reverse order. Start slowly and gradually increase speed. First, the exercise is done with one hand with at low speed, forward and reverse. Then do the same with the other hand. Then two at once in both directions.

  • Fist-rib-palm.

The exercise is performed at a table. Three hand positions are shown on the tabletop, which alternate one after another. The first is a hand gathered into a fist, the second is a palm perpendicular to the tabletop (edge), the third is a palm straightened on the plane of the table. First, together with the mentor, the child should do 8-10 repetitions slowly with one hand, then with the other, then with both hands at once. It is allowed for the baby to help himself with command words (fist-rib-palm) out loud or quietly to himself.

  • Lezginka, or ladder.

The left hand is gathered into a fist and turned towards the chest (fingers towards the body), the thumb is pointed upward. The palm of the right hand is straightened in a horizontal position so that its little finger touches the thumb of the left. Then the position of the hands changes. Start slowly, then speed up. Do 6 to 10 repetitions.

  • Ear-nose.

With the thumb and index finger of your left hand, grab the tip of your nose, and with the same fingers of your right hand, grab your left ear. Change of position (right - behind the nose, left - behind the right ear), etc.
Each change occurs through a clap of hands. This exercise is considered an advanced task.

  • Snake, or Trick the Brain.

The hands are crossed, palms facing each other, the fingers are clasped. Next, the arms are turned towards themselves, i.e. fingers pointing up. The task is to move the finger that the coach points out. At first, the child gets confused about where the left is and where the right is, but then he usually quickly figures out what’s what.

  • Mirror and symmetrical drawing.

Or drawing with two hands. Place a blank sheet of paper and two pencils of any color in front of your baby. The task is to learn to draw with both hands, first symmetrical designs, and then asymmetrical ones, in a “mirror” order.

The effect of the above exercises will only be if they are performed systematically. The result in children will be improved memory and attention, speech will become clearer, spatial imagination and hand motor skills will develop. But the main thing is to reduce fatigue and increase self-discipline and self-control.

For normal functioning, the brain, like the entire body as a whole, needs to be trained. Especially with age. As you know, the human brain uses its working potential to a maximum of 10%. People often notice that it becomes more difficult to absorb the information they receive over time.

But there are a lot of situations when this is necessary. For example, responsibilities at work or a completely new position, specialty, moving to another country, which requires mandatory knowledge of the local language, and so on. All these changes sometimes require turning on the brain to the fullest. However, a person often notices that other than stupor and fatigue, his attempts lead to nothing. What to do in such a situation? How to develop the brain, or rather, increase its potential?


As you know, every person has two hemispheres - left and right. There are general methods for development, as well as special exercises aimed at training a certain part of it. How to develop the left hemisphere of the brain? The easiest and most accessible way is reading. Thanks to the book, visual memory develops, vocabulary is replenished, the nervous system calms down, and the ability to concentrate increases. In addition, horizons broaden and literacy improves qualitatively. Since the left hemisphere is responsible for the ability to read, this can be considered an excellent exercise for training it.

Language learning

How to develop your brain? You can start learning a foreign language. This knowledge not only activates the “main computer” of the body, but also contributes to the expansion of personal abilities.

For example, knowing at least a little language, you can visit the corresponding country, get acquainted with its culture, and make interesting acquaintances. By the way, people who are able to speak even different dialects are less likely to develop diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and others.

Unusual ways of doing ordinary activities

How to develop your brain? Doing ordinary things in an unusual way is beneficial for the body as a whole. For example, reading text upside down. At first it will puzzle your brain, but after a while it will seem not such a difficult task. It is also useful to introduce variety into absolutely everything that surrounds a person. You should change your route from home to work more often and rearrange your home. Explore new places.

How to develop your brain in the usual ways? Now we'll tell you. As it turned out, this is not particularly difficult. The next level of training contains special exercises that have a specific effect on the hemispheres of the brain. But first you need to figure out who is responsible for what, as they say. The hemisphere on the right side perceives data in the form of images and symbols, and is responsible for fantasy, musical abilities, creativity, as well as sexual activity.

To train it, there are simple and fun exercises that even children can do. The first is to alternately grab the lobe of the opposite ear with your left hand, and your nose with your right hand, then vice versa. Here's how to develop your right brain. If this method turns out to be too easy, you can complicate the task. To do this, you need to add clap to your hands between changing sides.

Draw with both hands

Now let's look at how to develop the brain, both hemispheres at once.

We will describe the second exercise. For it you will need a sheet of paper and a pencil. If a person is right-handed, then you should start drawing with your leading hand. You can write letters, draw patterns and whatever you want. The second hand should almost simultaneously repeat the pattern in symmetrical reflection. It is better to start with simpler options and gradually complicate the task.


How to develop the hemispheres of the brain with games aimed at coordination? A simple exercise is familiar to many from childhood and is called the “ring”. To do this, you need to connect the thumb of one hand with the index finger of the other. And vice versa. While moving your fingers in this way, the speed should be gradually increased. This is a simpler version of the exercise.

If it seems easy, you can try to complicate it. To do this, you need to alternately attach the index, middle, ring and little fingers to the thumb of one hand, forming a ring. Games that develop the brain not only help to activate the thinking process, but also provide variety during leisure time. After all, there is nothing difficult in performing such exercises.

Fun activity

How to develop the brain? Also a fun activity, and at the same time an effective movement, is the simultaneous stroking of the belly with one hand and tapping on the head with the other, familiar to many from childhood.

This is another way of developing the brain, designed for children too. You can perform this movement at speed by organizing fun competitions. By the way, laughter and humor are an excellent and effective way to improve brain activity, as well as the general condition of the body. It turns out that useful things are simple and pleasant.

Developing the left hemisphere

How to develop the left hemisphere of the brain? This topic should be considered in more detail. First, a short excursion into what this area is responsible for. The left hemisphere is actively involved in processing information received in the form of numbers and signs. This information is then subject to step-by-step analysis. Most people on the planet write with their right hand. So, the left lobe of the brain is responsible for this order of things.

To develop it, you should solve mathematical or logical problems every day. Alternatively, stop using a calculator and do the math in your head. By the way, representatives of past generations were deprived of all kinds of creations of computer technology, so until old age they had a clear mind and excellent memory. It took a lot to remember the long-distance numbers of all relatives, but the address book was not always at hand.

Crossword puzzles and games

Solving crossword puzzles is also a good way, especially since it perfectly activates the memory. Next, it’s good to do familiar things with your right arm and leg. This may seem difficult for left-handers, but that is the essence of the exercise.

There are also games that develop the brain. Moreover, many of them can be taken from a number of familiar ones. This technique is excellent for left-handed people, as it will be more effective due to the unusual position. For example, a great game is badminton. The racket should be taken in the right hand and used only with it. At first it may seem difficult, but after a while the brain will get used to it and begin to follow commands. The movements will be more coordinated. Table tennis, bowling and others will also be suitable games.

An excellent game that also perfectly develops brain activity, especially the left hemisphere, is chess. Thinking through a strategy and calculating probable moves effectively activate the work of the “main computer”.


How to develop the brain of a child and an adult? There are several other methods. These include:

In order for the brain to work well, do not forget about good nutrition and proper drinking regimen. Also, quality rest and 7-8 hours of sleep are important for productive activity.


Now you know how to develop your brain. As you can see, there are many methods. Therefore, do not forget to develop it. Good luck!

I am glad to welcome you, dear readers of my blog! As promised in the previous article, today we will look at what the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for. I also want to offer an integrated approach to develop both halves. Then you will be successful in any activity, and also learn how to masterfully control your hands, and perform various functions at the same time.


The right hemisphere is responsible for our creative part, that is, the ability to fantasize, process information that comes in the form of images and symbols.

Helps to recognize the non-verbal manifestations of a person, which, as you know, are very important in the communication process, since body signals are true and truthful. It is thanks to this part of the brain that we can consider a situation from different angles, give an objective assessment and, in general, capture many nuances at the same time, managing to process and systematize them.

A person who has more developed logic does not understand jokes and takes everything literally. On the contrary, a creative person in this regard is very plastic, thinking using metaphors. She is able to write poetry, music, draw and understand people well, because she is intuitive and sensitive. He knows the terrain well, again thanks to the ability to take an unconventional approach to solving problems, putting puzzles together into one picture in his imagination.

Of course, if you raise your left arm or leg up, this means that the opposite hemisphere is involved in the work, since the left side of your body is subordinate to it. It is generally accepted that the orientation of a person with a dominant right half is directed towards the environment, that is, outward and is called extraversion.

He is more sociable, subject to emotions and momentary impulses. It does not act according to a clear plan, but based on the situation, adapting to changing conditions. To find out which half is more developed for you, you can experiment by completing the tasks set out about the left hemisphere of the brain.


  1. So, in order to improve your creative side, you should visit exhibitions, museums, art galleries, and, of course, try yourself in writing poems, stories, and practice drawing, even if it’s abstract and understandable only to you. Dancing helps coordinate movements, which also has a beneficial effect on development.
  2. Start practicing visualization techniques that will help you achieve your goals faster and also help you develop your ability to fantasize and daydream. It’s easy to do, just study it first, where I talk in detail about all the nuances of the practice.
  3. Meditation is not easy for people who have well-developed logical thinking, but it is very effective for them. And not only to expand the boundaries of consciousness, the ability to move away from a clear structure and think three-dimensionally, but also to improve the quality of life and health. Start with a very simple meditation focused on breathing and concentration. You will find detailed instructions.
  4. Massage your left ear to help activate the right side of your brain. Suitable in cases where it is necessary to take a creative approach to solving any issue and rely on your intuition.
  5. Creativity is not limited to drawing and poetry, read jokes and watch humorous programs, laughter will not only activate the brain, but also improve well-being, preventing the onset of depression. Besides, are you aware that people who use humor and sarcasm in their speech have a high level of intelligence?
  6. When listening to music, try to listen to your feelings and breathing. Let images, associations and pictures circle freely in your head, do not control them, trying to get rid of them. Just watch them, like an unwitting spectator of a performance organized by your consciousness and subconscious.

An integrated approach to the development of both halves of the brain

As I already said, it is important to coordinate the work of both halves in order to expand their capabilities and functions for which they are responsible. Then you will be provided with a creative approach to solving even the most complex problems, and the speed and efficiency of information processing will also increase.

  1. Sit comfortably with a straight back, choose a point in front of you, you will have to concentrate on it. After about a minute, try using your peripheral vision, without taking your eyes off the selected point, to see what is to your left, and then to your right.
  2. With one hand, stroke your stomach, and with the other, perform tapping movements on your head. Slowly at first to adjust, building up the pace over time.
  3. Also, the development of both hemispheres will provide you with the following task: place the finger of one hand on the tip of your nose, and with the other hand grab the ear opposite to it. For example, the right hand should take the left ear. As soon as you take it, clap your hands and do the same, changing the position of your hands. That is, the fingers of a completely different hand touch the nose, exactly the same pattern with the ears.
  4. Stretch your arms in front of you, draw a square in the air with one of them, for example, and a circle with the other. When you feel that you have made progress, come up with new figures to master.


Do the exercises, and over time you will notice how easier it has become to make decisions and do your usual work, communicate with people, and so on. You can periodically check your intelligence level to see how much it increases and changes. You can learn more about this from the article

Our brain is a mystery, but on the pages of this blog, I will collect information about all the possible ways to develop it. Subscribe to updates so as not to miss the release of new articles. Bye bye.

It is known that the left hemisphere is responsible for logical and step-by-step thinking, while the right hemisphere is responsible for abstractions and creative inclinations. Due to the modern way of society, the vast majority of people are dominated by left-hemisphere thinking, so the right hemisphere requires additional stimulation for the brain to function harmoniously.

One very strange and incomprehensible thing was discovered experimentally: if one of the hemispheres of the brain is completely damaged, a person does not die. This may indicate that a clear division of functions for the right and left hemispheres of the brain is not correct.

Features of the work of the centers of the right hemisphere

It has been proven that the right hemisphere is responsible for the following areas of human life:

  • Intuitive behavior;
  • Processing information of a figurative nature;
  • Orientation in space, assessment of one’s location;
  • The ability to perceive a set of individual sounds as a single melody;
  • Perception of metaphors and figurative meaning of words and sentences;
  • The ability to dream and fantasize about something;
  • Creativity in all its forms (especially drawing);
  • Emotional background (the left also takes part, but less actively);
  • Sexual desire and the entire intimate process in general;
  • Perception of any mystical manifestations (even far-fetched ones);
  • Processing information without observing stages (a picture or action is perceived as a whole, without highlighting individual components, without detail);
  • Control and coordination of movements of the left half of the body.

It is thanks to the work of the right hemisphere that we can recognize people by their faces, since we perceive the totality of individual appearance features as a single whole.

The right hemisphere of the brain predominates in people from birth, but with the learning process it begins to harmonize better with the left. The problem is that, as a result, excessive development of the left hemisphere leads to suppression of the right, which explains the need for additional exercises.

The exception to the rule is people who write with their left hand, in whom the right hemisphere predominates. Such individuals need to develop the left hemisphere of the brain. You can learn more about this on the Brainapps website, in one of the blog articles.

Exercises to develop the right hemisphere of the brain

A lot of research is currently underway in which scientists in neurology and psychology are trying to dispel the theory of brain asymmetry. However, since there is not enough data to refute it, it still remains the most optimal. However, there is also not enough data to confirm it.

Parents of a child who want to improve the activity of his right hemisphere, and adults who believe that they lack creativity, must understand that the task is to achieve harmonious functioning of both hemispheres of the brain. Exercises to improve the functioning of the right hemisphere of the brain help suppress the dominance of the left, but they should not inhibit logical and sequential thinking too much.

The simplest exercises for developing the right hemisphere of the brain:

  • If there is insufficient imagination and creative thinking, visiting art galleries, museums and other creative events is recommended;
  • The development of the right hemisphere of the brain is stimulated by drawing (there is also a “mirror” image technique, when the drawing is reproduced simultaneously with both hands), writing various stories or poems;
  • To develop the right hemisphere, a right-handed person can perform everyday activities using mainly the left half of the body (this exercise is not suitable for a left-handed person).

A special exercise that stands out is visualization. The methodology for carrying it out is as follows:

  • A person must present a white sheet of paper with some inscription on it. With the help of your imagination, you can change the color of the letters, the tone and color scheme of the sheet itself several times. The brighter and clearer the picture appears, the better.
  • The next stage is the presentation of various sounds, starting with your favorite songs and ending with ordinary rain. What matters is not the sound that a person is trying to imagine, but how believably he can do it.
  • The last stage is touch. The most difficult thing to imagine is not the picture or the chirping of birds, but, for example, the softness of cat fur under your fingers or the roughness of gravel. The more a person manages to immerse himself in his own imagination, the more effective the exercise is considered.

In addition to these three parameters, you can visualize smells and tastes.

In performing all of the listed exercises, two parameters are important: systematicity and increasing complexity. Thus, stronger activation of the brain areas of the right hemisphere will be required, which will have a positive effect on its development. The main thing in the training process is not to go too far, but to achieve harmonious interaction between the right and left hemispheres of the human brain. The BrainApps team has prepared for you many games and exercises that will help develop your thinking. All tasks are adjusted in difficulty level to individual abilities and allow you to achieve harmonious development of intelligence.