A scientist cat was also sitting under him. Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich - (Poems)

Maximilian Voloshin and Koktebel are absolutely inextricably linked. Well, who would have known about this small Crimean village. Perhaps it would have become known thanks to the constant upward flows on the Uzun-Syrt plateau (in the 20-30s of the 20th century, Koktebel became the center of gliding and was renamed Planerskoe), but rather in a narrow circle of glider pilots. Or thanks beautiful scenery, surrounding Koktebel, located at the foot extinct volcano Karadag. But you never know how many magnificent landscapes there are in Crimea - they are there at every step. But Max Voloshin, who traveled a lot (he lived in Paris, Berlin, Rome, traveled around Central Asia, Pamir, Egypt, Germany and Spain, "walked all the coasts Mediterranean Sea") considered the Koktebel landscape "one of the most beautiful landscapes on earth."

Having settled in Koktebel, Voloshin explored its surroundings as carefully as he had previously explored the Mediterranean coast. Merged with him, became part of him. He described the landscapes around him a lot with words and a brush.

E. Gollerbach, art and literary critic, wrote about Voloshin:

“In 1925, observing Voloshin in Koktebel, I was convinced of his co-natural connection, complete fusion with the landscape of Cimmeria, with its style. If in an urban setting he seemed like some kind of “exception to the rule”, “a lawless comet in the circle of calculated luminaries” , almost a “monster,” here he seemed to be the ruler of Koktebel, not only the master of his house, but the sovereign ruler of this entire country, and even more than the ruler: its creator, the Demiurge, and, at the same time, the high priest of the temple he created. "

But still, it was not Voloshin’s numerous poems glorifying the local region, nor his wonderful watercolors that glorified Koktebel - it was not the most famous poet and an artist of his time, the time of Blok and Bryusov, Mandelstam and Marina Tsvetaeva, Serov and Kustodiev. He turned his house in Koktebel into a house of creativity, a haven for artists, writers, and scientists. In the 20-30s, up to 600 people came here to relax per summer, the most prominent representatives artistic intelligentsia, finding here free shelter, recreation, a particularly rich spiritual and intellectual atmosphere, an excellent library, lively and creative communication. It was this endless stream that spread the fame of Koktebel.

Convinced that "the root of all social evils lies in the institution wages", Voloshin did not take money for accommodation from visitors. This aroused fierce hatred among all residents of the village, who believed that the Voloshins, by allowing many people into their house for free, were depriving the rest of the property owners of seasonal earnings.

"He gave just as others take. With greed. He gave as he gave. He and his Koktebel house, obtained with such labor, so hammered out, so deserved, so his by spiritual right, blood, internally his own, as if born with him , more like him than him plaster cast, “I didn’t feel like my own, physically my own...” recalled Marina Tsvetaeva.

Voloshin suffered a lot from the local authorities, who sought to evict Voloshin as a bourgeois, tried to either requisition his house, or densify it, taking away part of it, or demanded payment of taxes for the “maintenance of the hotel.” Who knows, maybe it was the persecution organized local residents, who accused the poet of allegedly tearing apart several sheep by his dogs, the workers' and peasants' court that followed finished off Voloshin and caused a stroke, after which he creative activity has practically stopped.

Maximilian Voloshin died in 1932, after a second stroke, he was only 55 years old. It’s good that the authorities at least fulfilled last will poet, burying him on the Kuchuk-Yenishar hill, east of the village. Maria Stepanovna, his second wife, was also buried there in 1976, who after the poet’s death became the custodian of his House, which was transferred by Voloshin’s will to the Writers’ Union. Maria Stepanovna was the poet’s devoted companion and support; during the war she managed to German occupation preserve all unique artistic and literary heritage from destruction and plunder.

I don’t know whether his popularity benefited Koktebel - probably yes. It’s difficult for me to judge this, because I don’t like the current crowded, fussy, “party” Koktebel. Here I agree with Maria PETROVIKH

But Voloshin’s spirit is still here, living and breathing in every hill and stone, wave and wormwood bush.


I'm probably in my deathbed

I will respond to your distant call,

turquoise bay of Koktebel

in a multi-colored frame of hills.

I am the path of faithful memory

on high mountain I'll climb -

there above the endless water desert

sadness turned into harmony.

I'll run over the jangling stones,

and, with an armful of wormwood in his hands,

I'll go up familiar steps,

to see Taiah's face.

Neither oblivion, nor decay, nor mold

these eternal signs will not be erased

the one who is the companion of life and songs

once made by a Russian poet.

This time is getting closer and closer, -

like a fading watercolor,

I can see through closed eyelids

floating Koktebel...

© Tatyana Trofimovna Vikentyeva, 2018

ISBN 978-5-4493-2042-1

Created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero

They met in Crimea. In Koktebel. In the house-museum of Maximilian Voloshin. In June. We met by chance. And at the same time it is not accidental. This was their destiny. And the fate of Koktebel, which unites hearts.

She is slim beautiful girl with aristocratic features and refined manners.

He is young and very handsome man. Of those that appeal to all women, without exception: both young and old. They like it precisely because of their magnificent appearance. The appearance of an impeccable handsome man, to whom one is drawn like a magnet.

She came to the museum on purpose. To write about him in her course work, which she was preparing on the works of Maximilian Voloshin, while studying at the Institute of Culture.

He entered the museum just out of boredom. He had an appointment with a friend near the museum, but he did not show up on time. The man waited in vain for about an hour. And when he got tired of waiting, he decided to go to the museum.

There they met. He looked at her. She looked at him. And that spark flashed between them, which is called love at first sight.

He came up first. He spoke politely:

- Hello, beautiful stranger. I've never seen you in our area. Have you come from far away?

- From Moscow. - the girl answered, looking at the man with interest.

-Are you relaxing here?

- I relax and work.

- What does it mean?

- I write coursework based on the work of writer Maximilian Voloshin. And I visit the places that meant a lot to him. For example, this house-museum. Maximilian Voloshin lived and died here. Here he collected famous poets and writers and spent literary evenings with them. Here…

- I got it. - said the man, interrupting the girl. “No need to talk about Voloshin.” Let's talk about you better. I really liked you. Maybe we can meet? My name is Alexander. How about you?

- Olga. Olya. Olenka. Beautiful name. Beautiful. Just like you. You are very beautiful, Olenka.

- Thanks for the compliment. You are also very beautiful.

- Nice to hear. Usually only old women tell me this.

- Why?

– Young girls admire themselves.

- I'm not one of them. I am stating a fact. You are a very handsome man, Alexander. And you know it yourself.

- Yes I know. But believe me, I was not at all proud of this.

- This is good. But you won’t deny that women like you, will you?

- I won’t. Do you like me, Olenka?

– Purely outwardly, yes. Your bright beauty will not leave anyone indifferent. What is your inner world, - I don't know.

- My inner world? – Alexander repeated thoughtfully. “I probably don’t know him myself.”

However, my inner world will not be to your liking. Most likely so.

- Why do you think so? – Olga asked in surprise.

- I judge by your aristocratic features face and refined manners. And also about your involvement in Voloshin’s work. I am very far from all this.

- Yes? And what is your profession?

- Oh, I don’t know how to tell you... And is it even worth talking about this?.. I don’t want to,

so that you turn away from me.

– Is your profession so terrible?

- No, not a profession. My occupation... Let's better not talk about it, Olenka.

Or we will. But not now. Now I want to get to know you better... make friends...

Maybe we can go outside and take a walk? The museum is not very suitable for continuing acquaintance.

- Fine. Let's go outside.

They came out house-museum Maximilian Voloshin and walked along the road towards the sea.

- Today is such a hot day. - said Alexander after some silence. - Maybe

Shall we swim in the sea?

“I don’t have a swimsuit with me,” Olga answered.

- It's not a problem. Let's go to some store and buy it. I have enough money

to buy you a swimsuit.

- I have enough too. My parents are rich people. And I am their only daughter.

But now I don't want to swim.

- What do you want, Olenka? Maybe we can sit in some cafe and enjoy some ice cream?

– I don’t mind about the cafe. Let’s go here.” The girl turned to the right. “There’s a cozy cafe nearby.”

– You probably mean the Lazurnoe cafe? – Alexander asked, following Olga.

- Yes. I've been there several times. I like it.

- You good taste, Olenka. The cafe is really great. They serve excellent cakes.

– I can’t eat cakes. And ice cream is also not allowed.

- Why? Are you afraid of gaining weight?

- No I'm not afraid. It's just... I... I have diabetes.

- What? Really? – Alexander exclaimed in surprise. -I can’t believe that such a young and beautiful girl like you has diabetes.

- Nevertheless, it is so. I have been diagnosed with this since childhood.

– Do you feel the need for insulin?

- Yes. I give myself injections. I learned not to depend on anyone.

“I see.” Alexander said sadly.

- Well, why are you sad? Have you already changed your mind about getting to know me better? – the girl asked sarcastically.

- No. What do you? No, Olenka,” the man said, as if making excuses. -I'm just really sorry...

- Don't feel sorry for me. I don't like it.

- Fine. I won't. Forgive me, Olenka... Well, we’ve reached the cafe.” Alexander stopped and pointed to the cafe standing nearby.

– We’ll choose a table outside under a tent. Do you mind? – the girl approached one of the tables standing on the street near the cafe. – How do you like this one?

- Like. I'll call the waiter.

- No need. He'll do it himself. Sit down.

Olga and Alexander sat down at the table. And they looked into each other's eyes. And again the same spark flashed between them as in the museum, which is called love at first sight.

He looked at her. She looked at him. His eyes asked: “Yes?” Her eyes answered:

"Yes." This silent conversation was interrupted by the waiter who came to take the order.

- Hello. What will you order? - he asked.

“I’d like freshly squeezed orange juice,” Olga answered.

- And I'll have ice cream. With chocolate,” said Alexander.

Maximilian Aleksandrovich Voloshin (1877-1932) – poet and translator, subtle artist, brilliant thinker, critic, philosopher.

Even in the most difficult 20s, Voloshin’s house was filled with residents; up to six hundred people stayed with hospitable hosts over the summer. Free shelter for scientists, writers, artists, performers, aviators. A vacation filled with impressions of Cimmerian nature, serious scientific and cultural discussions, humorous practical jokes and communication with Voloshin inspired the creativity of the guests.

In Koktebel. House of Maximilian Voloshin. Bogaevsky-1905. National Art Gallery named after I.K. Aivazovsky, Feodosia

Maximilian Voloshin: “I call Cimmeria eastern region Crimea from ancient Surozh (Pike perch) to the Cimmerian Bosphorus (Kerch Strait), in contrast to Taurida, its western part (the southern coast and Tauric Chersonese."

In Koktebel, on the very shore of a picturesque bay, between the oldest volcano on the planet Karadag and the Cimmerian hills, there is an extraordinary House that preserves many realities and legends of the 20th century. The house, open “towards all roads”, created by Maximilian Voloshin for communication and creativity, “is one of the most cultural centers not only in Russia, but also in Europe.” On the picture:
M. A. Voloshin and M. S. Voloshina at their house.

The village of Koktebel is located 25 km from Feodosia. "Koktebel" means a large bed and breakfast. This place is unique even for Crimea. The sea, mountains, steppes create an amazing climate, especially noticeable in the region. Maximilian Voloshin and Cimmeria are one of the most organic interactions between man and surrounding nature. “Koktebel is Voloshin, in the sense that the late poet saw, as it were, the very idea of ​​the area and gave it in a variety of modifications...” wrote Andrei Bely.

The inseparability of the aesthetics of the landscape, the historical richness of the south-eastern Crimea and the geologically determined, but incomprehensible energy of the Kara-Dag is heard in many of the works of Maximilian Voloshin. Central location in this “Cimmerian space” the House of M.A. Voloshin quite naturally occupies, since its very inception it has carried the stamp of significance, symbol, even museum-ness.

The Poet's House as a historical and cultural object includes not only a building with immediate museum territory, creative heritage And objective world the owner, but also the circumstances of his life, his circle of friends and interests, the surrounding buildings and landscape, i.e. everything that actualizes the personality of Maximilian Voloshin. It is this integral object that is cultural heritage and by its very existence demanded the creation of a form of reserve, which, following Homer, was called Cimmeria by M. Voloshin.

“At the end of the last century, the Koktebel Valley was a deserted, almost uninhabited place... Elena Ottobaldovna was one of the first to buy a plot of land near the sea, who came here from Moscow in the summer of 1893... Soon dachas were built in Koktebel... But the real center The established cultural colony of southeastern Crimea was the House of the Poet in Koktebel.”

September 2013 marks 100 years since the completion of the House of the Poet, a unique cultural symbol. A center of freethinking and creativity, it attracted many generations of creative intelligentsia to Koktebel. Innovation and originality have always been welcomed here. Since the beginning of the last century, the latest literary and musical works, disputes about the ways did not subside contemporary art and culture as a whole, ideas emerged that determined scientific and historical turns.

The house of Maximilian Voloshin occupies one of the first places among Koktebel excursions. The Literary and Memorial Museum of M. Voloshin is located on the Embankment of the village of Koktebel. Opposite the House - Museum there is a monument to the poet and artist Maximilian Voloshin.

At the end of the last century, Koktebel was little known not only for tourists, but also for residents of the Crimean peninsula. Everything changed when Voloshin moved to the village in 1911.

"Come in, my guest,
shake off the dust of life
And the mold of thoughts is at my doorstep” - these lines by M. Voloshin always come to mind when you come to Koktebel. While constructing his home on the southeastern coast of Crimea (according to his own plans and drawings), the writer dreamed that its doors would be open to welcome every guest

And on the rock that closed the swell of the bay, Fate and the winds sculpted my profile... This phenomenon - the distinct profile of Maximilian Voloshin on the cliff of the Karadag massif visible from almost everywhere towards the sea - seems like a miracle. But, if you know how much soul and creativity the poet invested in Koktebel, this miracle seems natural. And he mastered not only the eastern coast - Cimmeria, in his words, but also the entire peninsula.

They say there are no coincidences. The incredible similarity between Voloshin's profile and the contours of the Karadag cliff... The fact that the greatest figure of his time, Maximilian Voloshin, praising the beauty of the Crimea, settled here is undoubtedly a sign of Fate.

Since 1984, the memorial building has housed the M.A. House-Museum. Voloshin (1877–1932), wonderful poet, artist, translator, original critic, brilliant thinker and visionary - a unique museum, widely known internationally cultural environment. Historical building and the authentic collection allow us to put it in a short row European museums, who were lucky enough to withstand the storms of the twentieth century unbreakably.

View of M. Voloshin’s house in Koktebel. Kostyanitsyn V.N. 1935 Oil on canvas. 58.5x78.5.

“The summer of 1911 became the first “stupid” (Voloshin’s definition) summer in Koktebel... An indispensable condition in the rules of “stupid” was a focus on freedom and natural behavior. In particular, clothes should be worn extremely simple and comfortable, in contrast to “bourgeois type” suits.”

Among those with whom Maximilian Voloshin closely communicated were artists of brush and word, cultural and scientific figures: poets R. Gil, N. Gumilyov, K. Balmont, Andrei Bely, V. Bryusov, M. Tsvetaeva, I. Erenburg, A. Block; writers R. Rolland, A. Tolstoy, I. Bunin; playwright M. Maeterlinck, philosophers V. Solovyov, N. Berdyaev, founder of anthroposophy R. Steiner, theosophist A. Mintslova; artists O. Redon, F. Leger, A. Modigliani, P. Picasso, D. Rivera, V. Surikov, A. Benois, M. Kustodiev; dancer Isadora Duncan, composers V. Rebikov, G. Neuhaus, theatrical figure S. Diaghilev, aircraft designers S. Korolev and O. Antonov, and many others.

“The workshop was not only a place where the poet and artist worked, but also a place of meetings, communication and relaxation for the numerous inhabitants of the house... In the workshop, poetry and prose, reports and essays were read, and literary games were held.”

There were always a lot of guests here. Both during the life of Maximilian Alexandrovich and after his death. Perhaps because the house amazingly absorbed the features of his owner, a man of extraordinary talent and enormous spiritual generosity.
Today it is still as crowded. Atmosphere of high spirituality - attractive force unique museum.

“It is impossible to tell about all the guests of the House of the Poet, about those in whose life and work Voloshin left a noticeable mark. The exhibition contains many photographs and other documents that testify to the diversity of these meetings.”

The house-museum continues the glorious Voloshin traditions in Koktebel. Widely known in many countries scientific conferences“Voloshin Readings”, annual events of the International Creative Symposium “Voloshin September” - Voloshin Literary Competition, Literary festival them. M.A. Voloshin, Artistic plein air "Koktebel", presentation of the International Voloshin Prize, scientific and cultural conference "Cimmerian topos: myths and reality" and youth seminars.

Winter office

Winter office

Dining room

The Voloshin house-museum was officially opened on August 1, 1984. However, back in 1933, the famous writer and cultural critic Andrei Bely wrote: “Not a house, but a museum; and the museum is the only... whole only life...a plaster cast of his living, beautiful human face, eternal living memory about him; it will not be replaced by monuments.”

Upon entering the museum, you immediately find yourself in a special intellectual world. The first hall houses a literary and historical exhibition. Getting to know her, as it were, prepares you for a further tour of the house. Documents, photographs, letters tell in detail about life and creative destiny Maximilian Voloshin - an outstanding Russian poet and translator, a brilliant critic and subtle artist.

Of no less interest to visitors is the workshop located on the second floor of the building. After the renovation, the furnishings of this room did not change at all. All things took their places, as they did during the owner’s life. A desk, an easel, shelves with books... Racks for working tools, paints and brushes... There are dry mountain plants in clay vases.

The center of the workshop is the “Taiah cabin”. On the wall - sculptural portrait Egyptian queen, women of amazing beauty. Nearby are several paintings - watercolor works masters who capture the features of the art of East and West. And everywhere sea ​​shells, beads made of gems, figurines made of wood and stone.

Voloshin's house. Koktebel, P. Krylov, 1986 (Canvas on cardboard, oil 35x50).

The tragic and majestic ridge of the ancient Karadag volcano, which millions of years ago created a gigantic rock scenery - a portrait-monument to Genio loki (genius of the place) Maximilian Voloshin - from the southwest, the reviving Cape Chameleon and the frozen waves of the Cimmerian hills, raising the grave of the Poet to the sky - from the north -east framed extraordinary beauty a bay, on the very shore of which a three-story house looks like a light boat.

House with at different levels windows, surrounded by light blue terraces-decks, with a tower-bridge turned out amazingly
harmonious, forming a single whole with the Koktebel intersecting landscape.

It should be noted that the preservation of the authentic interiors of the Voloshin rooms, where almost every object occupies the place assigned to it by its owner a century earlier, is completely unique for European museums that have survived more than one war.

The pride of the museum's exhibition is the unique memorial authentic interiors of living rooms. Created by Voloshin with his own hands, these interiors reflect his worldview and create a special, unique atmosphere of the House of the Poet. All things have been in their place for about a hundred years and preserve the memory of all the guests who visited the House both during the life of the owner and after his departure.

The exhibition of the Voloshin House-Museum occupies three halls, in which about three hundred exhibits of various nature are presented, reflecting the biography and work of Maximilian Voloshin. These are mainly photographic materials, personal belongings, autographs, visual works, books by Voloshin and his closest family and friends.

The museum's stock collection is unique in its authenticity; for a century, museum objects have not left the building. The Voloshin House Museum contains 150 paintings and more than 1,500 graphic works by Voloshin, as well as about 350 works by other authors. The basis of the book fund is the Voloshin memorial library. Many publications can be classified as rare books, a considerable number of books with autographs and dedicatory inscriptions.

Voloshin's house-museum remains today cultural center-international scientific conferences on issues of cultural studies, philosophy, literature, international creative events are systematically held, exhibitions are created, exhibitions are exchanged with other museums, and publishing programs are conducted. International Voloshin Readings are held every two years, and collections of materials are published based on the results of the conferences.

The artist and poet was always hospitable and many writers of that time appreciated creativity and personal qualities Voloshin, and also his love for simplicity in everything (he even preferred simple attire over aristocratic costumes in clothing). Therefore, it is not surprising that Maximilian’s house was for him not only the birthplace of many masterpieces, but also a meeting place, literary evenings, communication and recreation of the intelligentsia. In the Voloshin Museum in Koktebel you can still see exhibitions depicting the ongoing meetings of that time (photos, various documents).

It is Voloshin who is considered the founder of the intelligentsia in Koktebel and it is not without reason that it is named after him main square village Voloshin Museum in Koktebel - a place to get acquainted with cultural era and the intelligentsia during the development of the village of Koktebel.

Guests of Voloshin

Numerous guests of a welcoming home.

M.A. Voloshin with guests. Among the guests is S.Ya. Efron (standing third from left)

Photo of Marina Tsvetaeva's tea party with Maximilian Voloshin.

Koktebel and Voloshin.

M. Voloshin with one of the house guests - poet Vsevolod Rozhdestvensky

“My shelter is wretched.
And times are harsh.
But the shelves of books rise like a wall.
Here at night they talk to me
historians, poets, theologians."

A number of problems during the restoration work The museum was connected with Voloshin's library, numbering more than nine thousand books. How was this wealth taken out, where to store it? And yet, the answer to these questions was found. Now the poet’s “pearls”, collected throughout his life, have been returned to the house: publications on history, philosophy, art, botany, physics, archeology, astronomy, medicine... Over three thousand books on French, as well as in German, English, Italian. It’s amazing to look at this collection, which testifies to the breadth of interests of its owner.

Currently, the reserve "Cimmeria M.A. Vlolshina" unites a complex of movable and immovable historical and cultural monuments: five museums with adjacent territories and a total museum fund of more than 70 thousand items, the grave of M.A. Voloshin on Mount Kuchuk-Yenishary, graves and tombstones in Koktebel and Starokrymsk cemeteries, a memorial sign on the site of the ruined crypt of the Junge family - the founders holiday village Koktebel.

Voloshin died in 1932 and was buried on Mount Kuchuk-Yenishar in accordance with his last will.

Photo: Maximilian Voloshin. Viktor Igumnov

"Oh Cimmeria! Wonderful country, You were created by the inspiration of God!..."