Jury for the competition. To unfamiliar heights - along familiar steps

Municipal government educational institution

"Average comprehensive school Primalkinsky village"

Prokhladnensky municipal district

Kabardino-Balkarian Republic


District competition

"Teacher of the Year 2017"


Vera Alekseevna



(pedagogical credo)

To unfamiliar heights - along familiar steps

1.General information





Date of birth (day, month, year)

Place of Birth

G. Neustrelitz, Germany

2. Work

Position (by staffing table)

Teacher in English

Place of work (name of educational institution according to the charter)

MCOU "Secondary School s. Primalkinsky"

Full name of the director of the educational institution

Krokhmalev Alexander Nikolaevich

Year of hire

Classroom Guide (indicate current parallel)

Teaching experience ( full years at the time of filling out the form)

3. Education

Education (indicate the name and year of graduation of the educational institution, faculty)

Higher, 1998 KBSU

Knowledge of languages ​​(specify which ones and degree of proficiency)

English, German – both advanced level

Additional specialty (if available)

Awards (indicate the name and the year the award was received in brackets)

4. Family*

(to be filled in as desired)

Marital status (indicate your spouse's name and profession)


Children (please indicate the name and age of the children)

Son Daniil is 22 years old, daughter Oksana is 17 years old

5. Hobbies


Dancing, history

Sports you are interested in


What can you do to show off on stage?

Artistic data

6. Contacts

Work phone

Home phone

Mobile phone

7. Main publications*


Date of publication, title of publication

Key idea (no more than 50 words per post)

Publication on the website Lesson notes “Trip to Great Britain”


Training exercises for grade 9 “Indirect speech”

8. Availability of an Internet resource (website, blog, etc.) where you can get acquainted with the competition participant and the materials he publishes.


resource name

Publication titles


1 lotto “Transpolrt”

2. “Indirect speech”


Description (no more than 20 words about each program, method, technology)

Effectiveness (no more than 20 words about each program, method, technology)

“Indirect speech” distance learning course

The course includes adapted lectures on subtopics indirect speech, And test tasks. Training and testing of assignments takes place on the Internet. On the school website.

2014-2015 academic year

10. Forms of external evaluation of results*



Final results

11. Graduates, classmates, classmates, friends, colleagues, relatives who became famous

Full name

(no more than 10).

who accounts for

Place of real work

Yulia Vasilyeva, Candidate of Chemical Sciences


USA, Minnesota. University

Popova Marianna, Candidate of Medical Sciences



12. General issues

Yours cherished wish?

children - happy childhood, prosperity to the city, peace to Russia.

Your idols in the profession?

Chumavitskaya Lidiya Ivanovna

The winner of the “Teacher of the Year” competition is….(continue the sentence).

this is a favorite teacher for children, a professional in his field, worthy, informed, erudite, progressive

a person who realizes the nobility of his calling and creates conditions for comprehensive development personality.

Your wishes to the organizers of the “Teacher of the Year – 2013” ​​competition.

We are children of the 20th century...

But looking at today's age,

We believe in teaching a person -

There is no more important calling!

And wherever you are, teacher,

Giving love and warmth

You will always be a WINNER

If you value your calling!

And the jury will give points,
And this is not at all easy!
We believe that you should leave everyone,
But, alas, there are no conditions for that!
Let it be undisputed, fair
There will be a score
To make the competition happy
And success triumphed

I confirm my consent to participate in the Competition.

I confirm that the information provided in the application form is correct. I give permission to enter

information to the database and use of the questionnaire for non-commercial purposes for posting

on the website of the Educational Institution, in booklets and periodical educational publications with the opportunity

editorial processing.

Competition participant questionnaire

    Date of Birth.

    How to announce you at the competition (first name + last name or nickname).

    The city you represent.

    Height, weight, chest, waist, hips.

    Marital status, presence of children.

    What types of dances do you do? Where, from whom and for how long did you study dancing?

    Education. It is necessary to indicate the exact name of the educational institution and years of study there.

    Have you participated in beauty pageants before? Please indicate the name of the competitions and the places taken.

    Have you participated in dance competitions before? Please indicate the name of the competitions and the places taken.

    Modeling experience (if any).

    Your contact phone number with area code.

    Home address.

  1. Your photo

    Dance style in the intramural qualifying round and in the finals. Authors of productions and names of dances in the internal qualifying round and in the finals.

    What clubs did you work in?

    List the names of the shows you took part in (if any)

1. 1st degree diploma "Information technologies in education" in the nomination "Best Web site" http://mathematic.su/
2. Diploma for Active participation in the regional competition "Teacher of the Year 2009"
3. Diploma of the winner of the regional competition "Teacher of the Year -2010" in the nomination "Teacher of the science and mathematics cycle"
4. Diploma for active participation in the All-Russian “Youth Championship”, 2012.
5. Letter of thanks Spassky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan for dedicated and conscientious work, 2012.
6. Certificate from the Education Department of the Executive Committee of the Spassky Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan for high professionalism and fruitful work in the education system, 2013
7. Diploma "Teacher of the Digital Age" 2012-2013 academic year
8. Certificate of Education Department of the Executive Committee of the Spassky Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan for 2nd place in the competition methodological developments"My best lesson mathematics" 2015
9. Diploma of the Education Department of the Executive Committee of the Spassky Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan for 2nd place in the competition of methodological developments "Implementation of a system-activity approach in physics lessons" in the nomination "Methodological materials for the main general education", 2015

10. 2011 – Gratitude to the class teacher for creativity on unity children's group and active participation in the cluster meeting methodological training class teachers

11. 2011 – Gratitude to the manager school camp for organizing summer recreational activities for children

12. 2011 – Diploma to the class teacher for active participation in the regional stage Republican competition"Educate a Man"

13. 2011 - Certificate for high-quality training and revelation of musical talent. 1st place in the “vocal solo” category of the regional music festival.

14. 2012 – Letter of gratitude from the head of the Spassky municipal district

15. 2012 – Certificate “Methodology of preparation for a single state exam in mathematics in 11th grade"

16. 2012 – Diploma “Teacher of the Digital Age” for active use of modern technologies in work information technologies, effective use of digital subject-based teaching materials presented within the project.

17. Certificate of school organizer in the international mathematical competition-game “Kangaroo” (2011)

18. Letter of gratitude to the international mathematical competition-game “Kangaroo” for assistance in organizing “Kangaroo” events

19. Diploma of the International mathematical competition-game “Kangaroo” (2012)

20. Certificate of curator for conducting the All-Russian Distance Olympiad in Mathematics for grades 5-6, 2011.

21. Certificate of curator for conducting the All-Russian Distance Olympiad in Mathematics for grades 5-6, 7-8, March 2012.

22. Certificate of curator for conducting the All-Russian Distance Olympiad in Mathematics for grades 5-6, 7-8, November 2012.

23. Certificate No. 06553-0132 for the publication of copyright methodological material on the website of the Community of Subject Teachers “Teacher Portal”http://www.uchportal.ru , 2013

Competition for organizers educational process carried out among teachers of different educational institutions. By qualification it is class teachers, social educators, educators, educational psychologists, etc. Age category no restrictions, but at least 5 years of experience is required to participate. This participant profile all-Russian competition organizers of the educational process is mandatory when submitting documents for participation. An example of the drafting form and a sample form are given below.

Required documents

Along with the application form, anyone participating in the competition submits the following documents:

  1. Application for participation in the “Educate a Person” competition in accordance with the established form. It must be certified with a seal and signature by the head of the municipal education authority;
  2. Portfolio (attached to the application) along with the application form. It describes the experience in educational work, achievements and awards, author's developments and educational methods. Future projects in the field of education. Diagnostic materials for studying groups of children in schools;
  3. Final work on the development of methods in printed form, from 1 to 12 pages, and on electronic media, but not more than 12 pages of printed text;
  4. The participant provides color photo 6x4;
  5. A photograph showing the educational or educational process. Required format *jpg For electronic copies of documents on a compact disk. We also need an option on paper.

These requirements must be strictly observed. Documents and the application form of a participant in the All-Russian competition for organizers of the educational process, submitted to the commission in violation of the requirements, will not be accepted for consideration. All documents and materials provided for the competition cannot be returned.

Documents for the competition are sent with the obligatory clarification “For the competition “Educate a Person””.


The competition is held in absentia and in person with a difference of 2 weeks. Contestants are divided into three categories to participate:

  1. Deputy Director of Educational Work;
  2. Social teacher;
  3. Teacher of organizational activities.
  4. The applicant has the right to nominate no more than three competitors for each nomination. The order of performances is determined by drawing lots. Full-time stage begins with providing a portfolio to each jury member. You can arrange it in any form, booklet, album, etc.

Competition program

The full-time stage includes:

  1. Presentation of the participant (time limit: 10 minutes). The applicant must show his attitude towards pedagogical activity, to pupils (students), to close people. Talk about your priorities, goals, professional goals set and achieved;
  2. The name of the competition is “Pantry of Pedagogical Excellence” (time limit: 15 minutes – part 1; 30 minutes – part 2). The competition is divided into 2 parts. In the first part, the participant shows his skills from personal experience when organizing educational educational activities. The second part is practical. The competitor conducts an educational event with students (games, debates, educational talks and others). Classes cover an audience of primary school age.
  3. If the participant in the competition is the deputy director for educational affairs, his program includes organizing a meeting of teachers to resolve issues regarding the preparation and conduct of educational events. This is followed by questions from the jury to the contestant. This will take no more than 5 minutes.
  4. "Non-standard solution." The teacher is offered an unusual situation in educational process, so that he could make the right decision in such unusual conditions.
  5. The competition is organized and managed by the organizing committee. To prepare for a competition of local significance, appropriate local organizing committees are created. His task is to carry out qualifying round future all-Russian competition to select the most worthy candidates for the title.

Jury for the competition

The selection of jury members is carried out by the regional organizing committee. Its composition is formed and approved by the Department of Education.

The jury is divided into three sections:

  • Group 1 - evaluation of the contestants - deputy directors for educational affairs;
  • Group 2 – organizers-teachers;
  • Group 3 – social educators.

Each department consists of 5 people. The jury is represented by members of the governing bodies educational process, experts in scientific and pedagogical activities, directors educational institutions, teachers of secondary and higher educational institutions; general education teachers, workers educational organizations, nominees and winners of previous “Teacher of the Year” competitions, artists, scientists, representatives of the media.

Jury members are required to work closely together. Before the start of the competition, hold a meeting at which the evaluation criteria and program will be approved.