Make up a fairy tale about the dragonfly and the clover. Continuous educational activity “Clover” (Conversation, observations, drawing with non-standard techniques)

Once upon a time there lived a dragonfly. So cheerful.
She had a life bell - this is a flower that protects any insect - an insect should keep such a plant in secret place.
One day she was going to the market to buy a new hat. Well, the flood covered her village, she hid under a leaf and sat. She doesn't know that she is hiding behind the clover.
She looked and fell asleep an hour later. Clover suddenly moved, rolled her up and took her to a shelter, away from the village.
The dragonfly wakes up, looks and thinks:
“But clover is sacred! Let me break off a piece!”
The dragonfly broke off a piece, got to the house and began to tidy up the house and put everything in its place. When I cleaned up, I put a piece of clover on the shelf.
She went to the market again. It's coming, looks - the same clover, only without a petal...
She came up to him, looked and left.
He comes to the market and buys a hat.
He walks and walks home, but trips over a stone, right next to the clover.
Having lost consciousness, the next morning she found herself in the same hut, shabby and dusty. The dragonfly broke off a piece and went home.
He comes, puts the petal on the shelf and goes to bed.
So the months pass.
Soon the hat became frayed, and she put it on the floor. We need to go to the market again.
He comes from the market, but the hat is missing.
“Well,” he thinks, “it’s not a pity. I still have a new one, I don’t need the old one!”
With this thought she went to bed.
In the morning the dragonfly wakes up all sick, apparently infected at the market. She got scared - she looked at her bell, and it began to wither. She watered it and fertilized it - it didn’t help, it only made her sick worse.
The dragonfly lay down in the evening, without medicine, without anything, and looked at the photo of its ant father and dragonfly mother.
My mother lived in another city, very far from the dragonfly - contact was only through letters, and the post office was two kilometers away.
The dragonfly lies and thinks about his missing father. He lies and thinks.
Soon she fell asleep.
In the morning, the dragonfly discovered the third leaf - it was lying in a cup of boiling water.
She drank the tea and took out the petal.
Suddenly a thought came to mind:
“What is this? Maybe this clover is to blame for everything?!”
She got up and threw all the clover out the window. It flew apart.
Went to bed.
In the morning there was no dragonfly.
Her flower also withered.
The dragonfly lay in a hole next to that stunted house, the ant threw clover petals into the hole, and then threw her new hat. He was holding in his hands a stalk from a former clover.
There was one petal on the stem.
The ant covered the dragonfly with grass and earth.
Looking into the next hole, he tore off a petal and fell dead.
Only there was no one to bury it.
He lay with the stem in his hand and the petal covering his stomach.

I came up with it myself, I didn’t think it would turn out sad, you can change the ending.)

RumiYana Abdulova

Conversation on a walk

In addition to trees and mushrooms, many different herbs and colors: daisies, dandelions, cornflowers, bells, cloves. They make wreaths from them, beautiful bouquets put in vases. Some birds make nests in thick grass, raise their chicks there, and hide from enemies there; insects extract nectar from flowers; in the clearings the grass is mowed for domestic animals for the winter; All herbivorous wild animals eat grass.

Many herbs and flowers are considered medicinal: motherwort, plantain, St. John's wort, mint, etc. They are collected, dried and used in perfumery and for the preparation of medicines.

Guess the riddle and let's try to find this plant on our area:

Hungry shemale sighs hard:

I would gladly eat porridge.

The flowers were barely touched by the wind,

And the bumblebee noticed the shamrock. (Clover)


Plant name « clover» was given for special form leaves and is translated as "shamrock", and among our people they call it porridge.

Clover is not tall, creeps along the ground. It has slightly curved thin stems that extend from a long rhizome. At their top, like small propellers, three round or slightly elongated leaves grow together. On the stem next to it stretched a flower-ball - pink, white. It's like he assembled made of short tubes, and covered from below with a pair of small sheets.

Listen to the poem:

By the road clover

He opened his three-leaf fan,

bowed pink balls in the wind.

The smell of honey is subtle, a bumblebee buzzes to the side,

He obtained nectar from fragrant flowers.

In summer, meadows and forest clearings are dotted with colorful heads clover. Only bees and bumblebees can pollinate these flowers. This flower is a wonderful honey plant. By autumn, a bean with one or two seeds will appear in place of the flower. I suggest you watch the clover until autumn.

IN agriculture nutritious clover is used to feed livestock, used as fertilizer. In special root nodules clover stores minerals useful for plants. In medicine, decoctions and infusions from this plant are used in medicinal baths, for colds and internal pain.

I'll tell you a story "Dragonfly and clover"

One sunny summer day, Dragonfly went for a walk in a forest clearing. The day was miraculously nice and warm.

But, unfortunately, Dragonfly found himself alone. Her girlfriends and friends flew somewhere, her parents went to work. The saddened Dragonfly began to wander through the forest. She saw a ripe dandelion. “Helicopter!” flashed through her thoughts.

With a blow of warm wind, the dandelion flew, and the Dragonfly rushed after it. Unnoticed, evening came. Looking around, Dragonfly began to cry. "How will I find my way home?" - she asked herself in a whisper.

“Help!” someone shouted.

The dragonfly didn't know what to do. Either run, or go to help in an unknown direction. But Dragonfly’s noble upbringing did not allow him to leave anyone in trouble. And she shouted:

I see you through the leaves of the bush that stands in front of you. I - Clover.

The dragonfly looked into the leaves of the bush, but did not see anyone, but still decided to go.

Trembling from cold and fear, she saw the sluggish caller.

The dragonfly flew up to Clover and asked him, what's the matter.

It was warm here during the day. The huntsman's children stepped on me while playing tag.

Poor thing! How can I help you?

I don't even know. But you probably don’t know what a summer evening is. It's cold in the evening. I just might die.

The dragonfly touched the broken leaf Clover. From above, above the clearing, someone's calls were heard. The dragonfly happily said that these were her parents. Clover smiled.

We are here! - they shouted Clover and Dragonfly.

Dad Dragonfly was the first to discover his daughter. Soon Mother Dragonfly also flew up.

Let's fly home! Dragonfly, night is coming!

I can't! Look, this Clover.

Mom gasped when she saw the withering plant.

Fly home, I will help him!

Dragonfly said goodbye to Clover, promising to arrive in the morning. They became friends.

Papa Dragonfly and Dragonfly flew home.

This is how the Dragonfly family saved Clover.

Guys, I offer you draw a clover. In what ways do you offer draw? (Children's suggestions).

Drawing with non-standard techniques: imprinting with crumpled paper, fingers, brush.

The guys decided to print the flowers with crumpled paper and the leaves with their fingers.

Brush finished drawing the stems and grass

This is what happened!

Didactic games:

“Define the whole by the part” (A petal is a flower, a trunk is a tree, a stem is a plant, a flower)

“Describe the plant”(make a story about a plant based on plan: name, where it grows, parts of the plant, flower shape, color, benefits)

"Guess from the description" (White petals with a yellow eye - chamomile....)



2) Lozbyakova M.I. “We study correctly and clearly speak: A manual for speech therapists, educators and parents.” – M.: Ventana-Graff, 2003.

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Come up with a fairy tale called “Dragonfly and Clover” using the words, Made friends, helicopter, coolness, came, died, touched, saved, joyfully.

"Dragonfly and Clover"
One sunny summer day, Dragonfly went for a walk in a forest clearing. The day was miraculously nice and warm.
But unfortunately, Dragonfly found himself alone. Her girlfriends and friends flew somewhere, her parents went to work. The saddened Dragonfly began to wander through the forest. She saw a ripe dandelion. “Helicopter!” flashed through her thoughts.
With a blow of warm wind, the dandelion flew and the Dragonfly rushed after it. Unnoticed, evening came. Looking around, Dragonfly began to cry. “How will I find my way home?” she asked herself in a whisper.
“!” someone shouted.
The dragonfly didn't know what to do. Either run, or go to help in an unknown direction. But Dragonfly’s noble upbringing did not allow him to leave anyone in trouble. And she shouted:
-Who's there?
-I see you through the leaves of the bush that stands in front of you. I am Clover.
The dragonfly looked into the leaves of the bush, but did not see anyone, but still decided to go.
Trembling from cold and fear, she saw the sluggish caller.
The dragonfly flew up to Clover and asked him what was the matter.
-It was warm here during the day. The huntsman's children stepped on me while playing tag.
-Poor thing! How can I help you?
-I don't even know. But you probably don’t know what a summer evening is. It's cold in the evening. I just might die.
The dragonfly touched the broken Clover leaf. From above, above the clearing, someone's calls were heard. The dragonfly happily said that these were her parents. Clover smiled.
-We are here! Clover and Dragonfly shouted.
Dad Dragonfly was the first to discover his daughter. Soon Mother Dragonfly also flew up.
-Let's fly home! Dragonfly, night is coming!
-I can't! Look, it's Clover.
Mom gasped when she saw the withering plant.
-Fly home, I will help him!
The Dragonfly said goodbye to Clover, promising to fly back in the morning. They became friends.
Papa Dragonfly and Dragonfly flew home.
This is how the Dragonfly family saved Clover.