The face-to-face stage includes: The motto under which the participant performs at the competition

Competition for organizers educational process conducted among teachers from various educational institutions. By qualification, these are class teachers, social teachers, educators, teacher psychologists, etc. Age category no restrictions, but at least 5 years of experience is required to participate. This participant profile all-Russian competition organizers of the educational process is mandatory when submitting documents for participation. An example of the drafting form and a sample form are given below.

Required documents

Along with the application form, anyone participating in the competition submits the following documents:

  1. Application for participation in the “Educate a Person” competition in accordance with the established form. It must be certified with a seal and signature by the head of the municipal education authority;
  2. Portfolio (attached to the application) along with the application form. It describes the experience in educational work, achievements and awards, author's developments and educational methods. Future projects in the field of education. Diagnostic materials for studying groups of children in schools;
  3. Final work on the development of methods in printed form, from 1 to 12 pages, and on electronic media, but not more than 12 pages of printed text;
  4. The participant provides color photo 6x4;
  5. A photograph showing the educational or educational process. Required format *jpg For electronic copies of documents on a compact disk. We also need an option on paper.

These requirements must be strictly observed. Documents and the application form of a participant in the All-Russian competition for organizers of the educational process, submitted to the commission in violation of the requirements, will not be accepted for consideration. All documents and materials provided for the competition cannot be returned.

Documents for the competition are sent with the obligatory clarification “For the competition “Educate a Person””.


The competition is held in absentia and in person with a difference of 2 weeks. Contestants are divided into three categories to participate:

  1. Deputy Director of Educational Work;
  2. Social teacher;
  3. Teacher of organizational activities.
  4. The applicant has the right to nominate no more than three competitors for each nomination. The order of performances is determined by drawing lots. The face-to-face stage begins with the provision of a portfolio to each jury member. You can arrange it in any form, booklet, album, etc.

Competition program

The full-time stage includes:

  1. Presentation of the participant (time limit: 10 minutes). The applicant must show his attitude towards pedagogical activity, to pupils (students), to close people. Talk about your priorities, goals, professional goals set and achieved;
  2. The name of the competition is “Pantry of Pedagogical Excellence” (time limit: 15 minutes – part 1; 30 minutes – part 2). The competition is divided into 2 parts. In the first part, the participant shows his skills from personal experience when organizing educational educational activities. The second part is practical. The competitor conducts an educational event with students (games, debates, educational talks and others). Classes cover an audience of primary school age.
  3. If the participant in the competition is the deputy director for educational affairs, his program includes organizing a meeting of teachers to resolve issues regarding the preparation and conduct of educational events. This is followed by questions from the jury to the contestant. This will take no more than 5 minutes.
  4. "Non-standard solution." The teacher is offered an unusual situation in educational process, so that he could make the right decision in such unusual conditions.
  5. The competition is organized and managed by the organizing committee. To prepare for a competition of local significance, appropriate local organizing committees are created. Its task is to conduct the qualifying round of the future all-Russian competition to select the most worthy contenders for the title.

Jury for the competition

The selection of jury members is carried out by the regional organizing committee. Its composition is formed and approved by the Department of Education.

The jury is divided into three sections:

  • Group 1 - evaluation of the contestants - deputy directors for educational affairs;
  • Group 2 – organizers-teachers;
  • Group 3 – social educators.

Each department consists of 5 people. The jury is represented by members of the governing bodies educational process, experts in scientific and pedagogical activities, directors of educational institutions, teachers of secondary and higher educational institutions; general education teachers, workers educational organizations, nominees and winners of previous “Teacher of the Year” competitions, artists, scientists, representatives of the media.

Jury members are required to work closely together. Before the start of the competition, hold a meeting at which the evaluation criteria and program will be approved.

participant of the competition scientific projects schoolchildren

within the framework of the Small Academy of Sciences for schoolchildren of the Republic of Bashkortostan

1.Municipality MR Sterlibashevsky district

2. Last name, first name, patronymic of the participant _ Sinagulova Fanilya Flyurovna,

3. Educational institution(according to the Charter)

MBOU NOSH s. Sterlibashevo_________________

4th grade _4 “B” class_______________________________________________

5. Home address__ Bashkortostan, MR Sterlibashevsky district,

With. Sterlibashevo, st. Sadovaya_d. 6 sq. 1_____________________

_____phone 89373189432 email ___galiushka61@ rambler. ru

6. Nomination_ History and culture of Bashkortostan ___________________

7. Title of the work « Star Trek our fellow countryman"

8. Place at the school stage______________________________________________

9. Last name, first name, patronymic of the scientific supervisor _ ____________________________________________

place of work ___ MBOU NOSH s. Sterlibashevo_______________________

Academic title and degree __________no________________________________

Head teacher: ___________


I. Introduction…………………………………………………….1

Purpose of the study………………………………………….1

Research objectives………………………………………………………..1

Object of study………………………………………………………..1

Subject of research……………………………………1

Research methods……………………………………………………….1

Practical value……………………………………...1

II. Main part……………………………………………………...1-12

First steps into the profession…………………………….. 5-6

Theater everyday life, premieres, tours………………...6-12

III. Conclusion…………………………………………………….12

Used literature…………………………………12


“Good people are like the warm sun, which, having parted the clouds, comes out of the darkness” - says folk wisdom. In the history of our Sterlibashevsky district there are many people who, like the sun, warmed thousands of spectators with their talent and warmth, playing on stages the best theaters Bashkortostan and the country.

Purpose of the study: Study the life and work of the actor.


1. Study the literature on the research topic.

2. Collect and summarize materials: Sterlibashevsky local history museum, Salavatsky Museum drama theater and the Bashkir Drama Theater named after M. Gafuri;

3. Find the actor’s daughters, study the materials family archive;

4. Prove that the material collected during the research process has historical value

Object of study: Theater actor Gabdelkhai Gimadievich Fakhriev.

Subject of study: The life and work of actor Khai Fakhriev.

Research methods: Studying encyclopedic literature, archival materials of museums, the Fakhriev family archive, comparison and analysis of materials.

Practical significance: research into life and creativity is necessary for conservation theatrical traditions our area.

II.Main part

Can you imagine that in a small village located on the border of two districts of Miyakinsky and Sterlibashevsky in ordinary peasant family was a nationally known actor born in the 1920s?

2.2 First steps into the profession

In 1947, Fakhriev successfully completed 10th grade at Sterlibashevskaya high school and went to Ufa. The talented young man was immediately accepted into the second year of the Ufa Theater Theater - art school to the course of Galliam Sattarovich Sattarov. Our fellow countryman stood out among his peers for his diligence and perseverance in his studies, and his desire to learn the best from his teachers. Within the walls theater school Hai met his love and life partner Luza Gainanova.

Khai Gimadievich had a wide musical range, masterfully played the accordion and had beautiful voice. In 1950, after graduating from theater school, he was sent to the Moscow Conservatory. Having passed all the exams, Hai enters. Staying true to your dream to become theater actor, he is leaving his first year at the Moscow State Conservatory.

Soon young actor are invited to work at the Bashkir Academic Drama Theater. On family council it was decided to go to work at the Kiginsky collective farm and state farm theater, which was the first to be created in the republic in 1934.

2.3 Theater everyday life, tours, premieres

The Fakhriev family goes to the village of Verkhnie Kigi. Their choice was probably not random. Lyuza Magafurovna comes from the village of Arkaul, Salavat region of Bashkiria. In difficult conditions they begin their family and acting life at the Kiginsky Kolkhoz-State Farm Theater with the support of the theater director M. Lukmanov. In January 1951, their first child, daughter Guzel, was born. The times were difficult, the shelves of rural stores were empty, there weren’t even diapers, and parents weren’t around. In the house of the Lukmanovs, from whom the Fakhrievs rented, there were beautiful curtains with red flowers hanging on the windows. The director’s wife, also an actress, took down these curtains, washed them and made them into diapers for baby Luza and Khaya.

The actors of the collective farm and state farm theater constantly traveled with performances and concerts to the villages of Bashkiria. Little Guzel, who is only 1 month old, has always been with her parents. There was no transport in those days. They got to their destination on horseback, on oxen, and sometimes on foot. They tried not to think about difficulties. One winter we went to a neighboring village with a performance. The road was skidded and it was impossible to pass or pass. They harnessed the bull, there were snowdrifts everywhere, the bull wouldn’t move. Khai Gimadievich took the bull by the bridle and walked with him through the snowdrifts. Luza Magafurovna with a child in a sleigh. We walked through the snow for a long time and with difficulty. When the little daughter began to cry, the father took off his sheepskin coat and covered his wife and daughter with it in order to somehow warm him up. While we were making our way through the snowdrifts, Luza fell asleep from fatigue and frequent lack of sleep. She did not notice how little Guzel slipped out of her hands onto the side of the road. It's scary to imagine what could have happened. In such difficult times post-war years actors selflessly brought culture to the villages of our country.

In 1951, in connection with the liquidation of the Kiginsky collective farm and state farm theater, Hai and Lyuza Fakhrievs were transferred to the Aurgazinsky mobile collective farm and state farm theater. We visited hundreds of villages and towns with performances and concerts. Two years later, a second daughter, Nafisa, was born into the family of young actors. The nomadic life of the actors strengthened and united them. They lived in cramped conditions, there were no kindergartens. The whole family went on tours to the villages of Bashkiria. Khai Gimadievich recalled: “ They went to villages on horses and bulls; a truck was considered lucky. There were times when there was a storm or frost that you never got to your destination, but the children were always with us. You look at them - and it’s so pathetic, a lump comes to your throat... We arrive in the village, first of all we look for a grandmother who could sit with the girls. And the daughters got used to it, they didn’t cry, we’ll leave it and run to the rehearsal, and soon there will be an evening performance at the club" During these years, Khai Gimadievich achieved well-deserved success. He became recognizable and popular actor national theater. Fakhriev’s brilliant performance and diverse roles were loved by hundreds of grateful spectators.

Together with their colleagues in the mobile theater, the Fakhriev couple traveled hundreds of kilometers across off-road and muddy roads. They fully experienced all the hardships and complexities of a mobile lifestyle. The villagers treated the actors with love and respect. mobile theater. During the tour, we always tried to create comfortable conditions for each actor. One day we stopped for the night in a village. The hostess boiled chicken to treat the actors. The guests ate, drank and continued the conversation at the table. At this time, the mistress of the house collected chicken bones from the table and went out into the yard. After some time, the hostess’s voice reaches the artists: “Artist! Artist!". Khai Fakhriev thought that his name was his and went out into the yard. And only then did he realize that the owner was not calling him, but her dog. He laughed. Meanwhile, a dog named “Artist” was gnawing on chicken bones with gusto.

The stage, the theater, the audience were part of him. His love for his profession never allowed him to work half-heartedly. Fakhriev always treated any role, even the smallest one, with great responsibility.

In 1953, Khai Gimadievich joined the ranks of the Communist Party Soviet Union. In 1956, the Aurgazinsky collective farm and state farm theater was relocated to the city of Salavat, from which time it became the Salavat Bashkir Drama Theater. The Fakhriev couple worked at the Salavat Theater for more than 20 years, until 1969. Over the years of work in this theater, Hai Gimadievich played more than 60 roles. This is Yagafar Muratshin in the play “Country of Aigul” by M. Karim - director Lek Valeev, Kotloyar in “Irgiz” by Kh. Davletshina - director V. Saifullin, Yakim in the play “Salavat”. Many unforgettable images were created by Fakhriev on the stage of the Salavat Drama Theater.

At the request of the leadership of the Sterlibashevsky district and to improve the work of rural clubs, Fakhriev returns to his native region for a short time. Gabdelkhai Gimadievich was appointed artistic director department of culture. During this period his work intensified cultural life district and acquired new meaning. Amateur actors, inspired by a talented leader, performed with theatrical performances And concert programs, not only in the rural club, but also at field camps, farms and construction sites in front of workers and collective farmers.

The desire to create on the professional stage again brings the Fakhriev actors back to the Salavat Drama Theater. High art, the scene attracts them. Khai Gimadievich and Lyuza Magafurovna continue their creative path on the stage of the Salavat Drama Theater. At this time, our fellow countryman was working in the theater - actor, director, playwright and true friend Khaya Gimadievich - Shamil Lutfrakhmanovich Rakhmatullin. Shamil and Khai have been friends since childhood. At school we sat at the same desk. This is how Shamil Lutfrakhmanovich recalled: “I remember the summer of 1948. Hay and I sat all night long on a bench at the gate of our house and had a friendly conversation. By this time, Khai had already completed his second year at the Bashkir Theater School. He persistently persuaded me to enter this school and become an artist. I tell him: “Like you, I don’t know how to dance or sing.” Hai responded: “You know, this year the course is recruiting only those who can’t dance.” Shamil continues: “I don’t even know how to speak properly,” and Hai persistently continues: “And you stand there and be silent, don’t say anything! They’ll take it!” In those post-war years, we actively participated in the work of the circle amateur performances. But it never occurred to me that I might one day go on stage professional theater. I asked a friend about Ufa. And, he, angry at me, said menacingly: “Either you go to study, or I’ll beat you!” Perhaps because we were then living from hand to mouth, I asked him directly: “What am I going to eat there?” He grinned, turned his pockets out and said: “Here! Look! The pocket is all dirty with sweets.” I thought that Hai was probably the best happy man in the world and decided to enter drama school.

This was not the first time that Khai Gimadievich gave his fellow countrymen a ticket to the professional stage. During one of Khai Fakhriev’s visits to his native district, a performance based on Mazhit Gafuri’s novel “Black Faces” was staged on the stage of the district club in the village of Sterlibashevo. The role of Galima in the dramatization was played by a young actress who had just graduated from the Sterlitamak Art and Educational School, Flyura Khabibullina. The director of the play was her husband, our fellow countryman Rif Imamovich Muzagitov. Having finished the game, Flyura ran into the dressing room, followed by a tall man who entered and began to say with admiration: “Galima! Real Galima! This is what Galima should be like! We need such actors” and invited the married couple of actors Muzagitov to the Salavat Drama Theater.

And since 1960, our fellow countrymen Rif Muzagitov and his wife Flyura Khabibullina have been actors at the Salavat Drama Theater. Flura and Rif Muzagitov still remember Khai Gimadievich with gratitude.

In 1968, our fellow countryman, Fakhriev Gabdelkhai Gimadievich, was awarded the title “HONORED ARTIST OF THE BASHKIR ASSR” by the Decree of 01/01/01 for his high performing skills. In 1970, by order of the Ministry of Culture of the BASSR, Gadelkhai Gimadievich was transferred as an actor to the Bashkir State Academic Drama Theater named after M. Gafuri.

Even in small roles, Hai Fakhriev conveyed to the audience all the plans of the play's author and director, using his creative potential and accumulated experience. After the Bashkirsky tour academic theater drama named after M. Gafuri to Moscow, Moscow critics called Fakhriev “Russian Othello”. Loyalty to his profession and his native theater were his distinctive feature. After playing the role of Badri in M. Faizi’s play “Galiyabanu”, Hai Fakhriev refused an invitation to the Tatar Academic state theater named after Galiaskar Kamal.

For his outstanding contribution to the theatrical art of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of November 22, 1974, Khai Gimadievich Fakhriev was awarded the honorary title “People’s Artist of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.” In 1976 he was awarded the order Red Banner of Labor. For services in the field of Soviet theatrical arts By decree of February 5, 1979, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR awarded Fakhriev Khai Gimadievich the honorary Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

For each of your roles National artist approached responsibly. A striking example this role. In 1982, the play was staged on the stage of the Bashkir Drama Theater famous playwright, Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR Nazhib Asanbaev “Kyzyl Pasha”, about the talented diplomat and revolutionary Karim Khakimov. Khai Fakhriev played the role of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Hai Gimadievich worked on the image of the leader even when he worked at the Salavat Theater. He studied facial expressions, gestures, movements, and the intonation of Lenin’s voice. The actor often stayed in the theater at night, tried out makeup and rehearsed on his own. Many times he watched films about Lenin and studied the memories of movie actors who played the leader. Khai Gimadievich took this role very seriously. The actor was very worried and worried on the eve of the premiere of the play “Red Pasha”. The theater hall was completely sold out. Enthusiastic spectators gave a standing ovation to the actors. The storm of applause did not cease for a long time. Behind the scenes, Khaya’s faithful friend, fellow countryman and colleague, Shamil Rakhmatullin, was waiting and worried. The friends hugged each other tightly, tears shining in their eyes.

Life went on, new roles and new premieres awaited Fakhriev. Luza Magafurovna often said: “ Both in life and on stage, Khai Gimadievich was always talented, temperamental, enthusiastic, active person. Hai all my life - flame, fire, and all my life - water" The happy married couple of actors often played together on stage. In their acting baggage there were many roles performed together - this is the drama “Yambika” directed by Lek Akhriev in the role of Khuzhagol, Lyuza - Alsou, “Zimagorҙҙar” by S. Miftakhov directed by V. Saifullin, Fakhriev-Kinzyabai, Lyuza Fakhriyeva - Shavash, drama “Satkylar” T. Gizzata - The Fakhrievs played the roles of Ramai and Sarbi, in the drama "Galiyabanu" by M. Faizi, directed by R. Israfilova, the Fakhrievs - Badri and Galimaban. They will forever remain in the memory of grateful viewers. Over the years of work on the stage of the main theater of our republic, Fakhriev has created more than 60 images. On May 20, 1991, he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR.

On August 31, 1991, Khai Gimadievich Fakhriev died after a serious and long illness. Streets in the city of Blagoveshchensk and his native village of Sterlibashevo are named in honor of our fellow countryman, theater actor Gabdelkhai Gimadievich Fakhriev.

In the Sovetsky district of Ufa at 17 Podvoisky Street, on the house where Khai Gimadievich Fakhriev lived Memorial plaque. Articles in the magazine are devoted to the life and work of the outstanding actor. Concise Encyclopedia“Bashkortostan”, 7th volume of the Bashkir Encyclopedia, Wikipedia, Theater Encyclopedia.


French writer, philosopher, educator and playwright Denis Diderot said: “I don’t know of a profession that would require more refined forms and purer morals than the theater.” We collected a wealth of material and learned a lot. With our research we want to preserve the memory of famous and famous people Sterlibashevsky district.


1. Saitov Gabdelkhai Gimadievich // Bashkortostan: short. encycl. – 1996. – P. 603.

2. Saitov Gabdelkhai (Khai) Gimadievich // Bashkir Encyclopedia: in 7 volumes. T. 7. F–Y / ch. ed. – Ufa: Bashk. encycl. , 2011. – P. 25.

3. Makhmudov, I’m proud of your destiny!: History of the Sterlibashevsky district. – Ufa: White River, 2000.- pp. 154-155.

4. Talent and his fans: [People's Artist of the Russian Federation and Belarus] // The people of Kigin are proud of them. – Ufa, 2004. – pp. 305–307.

Competition participant questionnaire

    Date of Birth.

    How to announce you at the competition (first name + last name or nickname).

    The city you represent.

    Height, weight, chest, waist, hips.

    Marital status, presence of children.

    What types of dances do you do? Where, from whom and for how long did you study dancing?

    Education. The exact name must be specified educational institution and years of study there.

    Have you participated in beauty pageants before? Please indicate the name of the competitions and the places taken.

    Have you participated in dance competitions before? Please indicate the name of the competitions and the places taken.

    Modeling experience (if any).

    Your contact phone number with area code.

    Home address.

  1. Your photo

    Dance style in person qualifying round and in the final. Authors of productions and names of dances in the internal qualifying round and in the finals.

    What clubs did you work in?

    List the names of the shows you took part in (if any)

1. 1st degree diploma "Information technologies in education" in the nomination "Best Web site"
2. Diploma for Active participation in the regional competition "Teacher of the Year 2009"
3. Diploma of the winner of the regional competition "Teacher of the Year -2010" in the nomination "Teacher of the science and mathematics cycle"
4. Diploma for active participation in the All-Russian “Youth Championship”, 2012.
5. Letter of thanks Spassky municipal district RT for selfless and conscientious work, 2012.
6. Certificate from the Education Department of the Executive Committee of the Spassky Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan for high professionalism and fruitful work in the education system, 2013
7. Diploma "Teacher of the Digital Age" 2012-2013 academic year
8. Certificate of Education Department of the Executive Committee of the Spassky Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan for 2nd place in the competition methodological developments"My best lesson mathematics" 2015
9. Diploma of the Education Department of the Executive Committee of the Spassky Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan for 2nd place in the competition of methodological developments "Implementation of a system-activity approach in physics lessons" in the nomination "Methodological materials for the main general education", 2015

10. 2011 – Gratitude to the class teacher behind creativity on unity children's group and active participation in the cluster meeting methodological training class teachers

11. 2011 – Gratitude to the manager school camp for organizing summer recreational activities for children

12. 2011 – Diploma to the class teacher for active participation in the regional stage Republican competition"Educate a Man"

13. 2011 - Certificate for high-quality training and revelation of musical talent. 1st place in the “vocal solo” category of the regional music festival.

14. 2012 – Letter of gratitude from the head of the Spassky municipal district

15. 2012 – Certificate “Methodology of preparation for a single state exam in mathematics in 11th grade"

16. 2012 – Diploma “Teacher of the Digital Age” for active use of modern technologies in work information technologies, effective use of digital subject-based teaching materials presented within the project.

17. Certificate of school organizer in the international mathematical competition-game “Kangaroo” (2011)

18. Letter of gratitude to the international mathematical competition-game “Kangaroo” for assistance in organizing “Kangaroo” events

19. Diploma of the International mathematical competition-game “Kangaroo” (2012)

20. Certificate of curator for conducting the All-Russian Distance Olympiad in Mathematics for grades 5-6, 2011.

21. Certificate of curator for conducting the All-Russian Distance Olympiad in Mathematics for grades 5-6, 7-8, March 2012.

22. Certificate of curator for conducting the All-Russian Distance Olympiad in Mathematics for grades 5-6, 7-8, November 2012.

23. Certificate No. 06553-0132 for the publication of copyright methodological material on the website of the Community of Subject Teachers “Teacher Portal” , 2013