How is Aliana Gobozova’s mother feeling? Svetlana Ustinenko died after a long illness

Ex-participant of the well-known reality show “Dom-2” Svetlana Ustinenko was sick with cancer, She underwent many difficult operations, but she only got worse.

Svetlana Mikhailovna Ustinenko and all the latest news for today this is that she very often went to the doctor because of the constant feeling of fatigue and frequent headaches. The woman was diagnosed in the fall of 2014.

Relatives did their best to help Svetlana, they made many attempts to improve her condition. They went to the town of Djily-Su in the Elbrus region. It is known for having a very huge healing power and helps fight serious illnesses. That day, Svetlana Mikhailovna expressed gratitude to her son-in-law, daughter and all those who were with her and supported her for a long time.

Svetlana Ustinenko's relatives hoped until the last that she would get better (Photo).

Aliana Gobozova’s mother struggled with a very terrible disease for more than two years, but the disease turned out to be stronger. Svetlana Mikhailovna Ustinenko dies On October 14, 2016, Aliana herself informed everyone about this. The live broadcast presenter, a former participant in the project, turned to Instagram for help and asked everyone who cared to pray "for the repose of the soul of God's servant Fatinha."

Svetlana Ustinenko's condition deteriorated greatly in May of this year, this happened due to a repeat operation that was performed to remove a malignant tumor. Aliana’s young mother did not want to go under the surgeon’s knife again, she hoped that Traditional methods and chemotherapy can help her cope with cancer. In September, the eldest Ustinenko was transported to Volgograd from Moscow.

The deceased was accompanied on her last journey by Aliana Gobozova and her husband Alexander, also ex-participants of “House-2”. Her ex-husband also came to Volgograd for Svetlana’s funeral.


According to media reports, Aliana learned about her mother’s death while she was on set. Reality show producer Alexei Mikhailovsky gave Gobozova difficult news at the end of the broadcast.

A little later, Aliana shared her grief with subscribers on social networks. The inconsolable girl reported that her mother, who bravely fought brain cancer for two years, died on October 14. Gobozova published a photo of Svetlana with a mourning ribbon.

“Today your heart stopped... But you will forever be in our hearts and souls, my bright, gentle, kind, sincere mom... Mom, do you hear, I feel bad without you... I love you more than life itself, I love you like no one else... I’m always there, I feel you... I ask everyone who cares to read with me the “Prayer for the Repose of the Soul” by God’s servant Fatinha,” Aliana grieves.

Photo published by Aliana Ustinenko (@aliana1001) Oct 14, 2016 at 11:25 PDT

Until the last day, her daughter, Aliana’s husband Alexander Gobozov and his mother Olga were next to Ustinenko. Svetlana underwent several operations to remove a tumor (glioblastoma), underwent courses of chemotherapy and turned to traditional medicine. Gobozova’s mother tried not to lose her presence of mind, saying that she was determined to win and believed that she would be able to recover.

A few months ago, Svetlana suddenly became worse. Aliana took care of her mother, who complained of poor health. To be closer to Ustinenko, the girl returned to Volgograd, and flew to the capital only for filming. Gobozova was supported by her husband Alexander and mother-in-law Olga, who babysat their son Robert.

Svetlana’s death was a real blow for the family, because all the relatives of the deceased believed until the last that she would get better. According to the Starhit website, they hoped that Svetlana would be helped by the treatment she underwent in the summer in Djily-Su. Her whole family went to the mountains with Ustinenko.

“The most important thing is to support your family, spend more time with them, ask each other for forgiveness for everything and say how much we love them. This is very important and necessary,” Svetlana wrote two months ago. This post was the last in her microblog.

Let us remind you that Svetlana came to the Dom-2 project at the end of 2014 to visit her daughter Aliana Gobozova. However, health problems during the filming of the reality show forced her to leave the “perimeter”. Ustinenko fainted several times on the site, after which she turned to specialists for help.

The latest news about Aliana Gobozova’s mother is tragic. Svetlana Ustinenko died on October 14, without ever regaining consciousness.

The young woman (only 49 years old) had been seriously ill for the last two years. The disappointing diagnosis made by doctors after an examination gave practically no chance of recovery. However, the former participant in the show “Dom-2” did not give up and decided to fight for life.

These were difficult years of physical trials and mental anguish. During my illness, much was overestimated, understood, and done. The family couldn't afford the expensive treatment. We had to agree to procedures and operations that were provided according to the state quota.

Unfortunately, there were people who suspected the Ustinenko-Gobozov family of trying to feign their mother’s illness in order to lure money from gullible fans. Although outwardly Svetlana has changed so much that only a blind man could fail to notice her sickly appearance.

However, she did not like to talk about her illness, but tried to use all available methods to overcome the illness. She changed her usual diet, agreed to surgery, chemotherapy, and resorted to unconventional methods of treatment.

Willpower, optimism, and thirst for life helped the family believe in healing. Yes, fate has measured out too short a time. Glioblastoma of the brain- a disease that medicine has not learned to treat. Even for a lot of money, Israeli doctors did not help the singer Zhanna Friske, who suffered from a similar disease. Sveta’s relatives should not blame themselves for not being able to take her mother for treatment to the best clinic in the world.

They say that what matters is not how long you lived, but how. What he left behind. There was love, the happiness of motherhood. Left behind are children and a grandson. Until the very end, my family supported me morally and looked after me. Shortly before her death, already seriously ill, she was able to climb Elbrus while visiting healing springs in the Caucasus.

My sister, daughter, son, and even ex-husband brightened up the last months of my life with their presence and care. Her soul rested in peace with her loved ones and in harmony with herself.

Svetlana Mikhailovna passed away exactly two years ago. Aliana Ustinenko cannot come to terms with the passing of a loved one. The young woman admitted that she would feel pain for the rest of her days.

Aliana Ustinenko and her mother Svetlana Mikhailovna
​Photo: Instagram

Exactly two years ago, on October 14, the star of “HOUSE-2” Aliana Ustinenko was orphaned. Her mother Svetlana Mikhailovna Ustinenko, who was also a participant in the reality show, died. The woman died after battling a serious cancer; doctors gave her a terrible diagnosis - malignant brain cancer - in 2014.

Aliana Ustinenko was terribly worried about the untimely death of her mother, who at that time was only 48 years old. On the anniversary of Svetlana Mikhailovna’s death, Aliana dedicated poignant lines to her memory, publishing a heartbreaking post-address to her loved one on the microblog.

How I miss all this. How I need this, mommy. I will live with this pain for the rest of my life. My life will never be the same again. I love you. Thank you for always being there for me, I feel it, thank you for your help,” Aliana Ustinenko wrote on the microblog.

Al Iana Ustinenko with her mother on her wedding day
​Photo: Instagram

Subscribers of the reality show participant rushed to support Aliana. In the comments they remember what a kind and bright person her mother was. And many admit that they cannot help but cry when reading the poignant words written by Aliana.

“People, appreciate your parents! Alina, we have the same pain, my mother has also been gone for 3 years, but everything is like yesterday. Our loved ones, as long as we are alive, we love and remember you,” “I still can’t believe that this wonderful, young, beautiful woman is gone,” “She was a good woman, kind, calm, fair,” “Well, I burst into tears . I can’t even imagine life without my mother, I can’t even imagine how hard it is for you,” they say on the Internet.

Aliana supported her mother during her illness
​Photo: Instagram

Let us remember that Svetlana Ustinenko’s terrible diagnosis became known during the period when she was on the project. The woman became a participant in a reality show when her pregnant daughter was humiliated by Sasha Gobozov and Olga Vasilyevna. After it became known that Svetlana Mikhailovna was seriously ill, the entire Gobozov family helped her cope with the disease, Aliana took her mother to different clinics in the hope of curing her. However, the cancer turned out to be stronger.

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Despite the fact that the famous reality show “House 2” is a fun and scandalous show in concept, unfortunately, tragedies happen there, just like in life.

There were several such cases when former participants died for various reasons. Among them, the terrible death of Aliana’s mother, Svetlana Ustinenko, was unexpected.

Svetlana Ustinenko, a beautiful, sophisticated, educated woman, appeared on the famous television show when her daughter urgently needed help and moral support. At that time, the explosive girl was constantly quarreling with her, no less emotional, young man -.

All viewers, and even the participants themselves, almost immediately developed respect and even sympathy for this mother. By the way, it must be said that mothers appear on the project periodically and, unfortunately, almost none of them left pleasant, respectful impressions.

It’s ugly, and I don’t really want to write badly about adult women. But what if these women, coming to a youth project and realizing that they are being filmed by more than twenty video cameras around the clock, sometimes behave indecently.

Since they become full-fledged participants in a reality show, ALL the rules of a famous TV show, without exception to age and status, also apply to them. This is the Law. So, let's briefly recall the “adventures” of each of them.

For example, at that time she was still nicknamed “transformer grandmother” (due to the many successful and not so successful plastic surgeries performed “for free” at the expense of the project). She was exposed on a lie detector test for making advances and hinting at an intimate relationship with a young man, a participant in the project.

I embarrassed myself more than once on a TV project. Some of the most unforgettable moments are duck diving into the pool with other participants for some small prize. Not only did she just try to win this competition, but her “fifth point”, filmed at that moment, was walking around the Internet for a long time.

Mom was also seen “sympathizing” with the young people of the famous TV show. Fortunately, she quickly left the television project. And mother . She actually competed for a man with her own daughter, fought for a date with him and Maya.

Unforgettable is Tatyana Vladimirovna, mother, nicknamed “the national ladle”, even mother, who has proven herself on a youth television project not only as a wonderful, caring grandmother, but also as a brawler and a brawler. Just look at her brawl and verbal abusive arguments with her, and the constant “showdowns” with obscenities and fists with her own son-in-law.

Each of the mothers, unfortunately, in one way or another, unattractively “lit up” on the reality show “Dom-2”. Everyone except Aliana’s mother, Svetlana Ustinenko. The presenters of the television program tried to arrange her personal life as well., and at the same time “hype” at her expense. According to the instructions, almost by force, they organized a date between Svetlana Ustinenko and an equally intelligent and quiet participant in the reality show “Dom-2” - Vasily Toderik.

The young people sat modestly on a bench for about seven minutes and talked about abstract topics. All! The organizers of the TV show didn’t touch her anymore. Useless! Too correct. And, indeed, he is on the project only in order to preserve the precarious happiness of his Aliana.

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This quiet, modest and sophisticated young woman struggled to maintain such a nervous and unstable relationship between her beloved daughter and her hot boyfriend. Let us remember that the couple married three times and divorced the same number of times.

It’s a pity that poor mother spent her last years in a lot of hassle, in constant scandals and showdowns. It is not known for certain whether she knew that she was seriously ill. Svetlana Ustinenko began treatment for a serious illness only after she left the television set. But it was apparently already too late.

Never once, while still on the project, did she say a word about the terrible pain that tormented her.

Svetlana Ustinenko did not live long... She tried to fight a serious illness, but could not defeat it. The cancer turned out to be stronger. At the age of 48, in her prime, the young, beautiful, intelligent Svetlana died quietly in the hospital...

The grief of family and friends knew no bounds. Her daughter, Aliana Gobozaova, suffered the most. The farewell post included these words:

“You will forever be in our hearts and souls, my bright, gentle, kind, sincere mommy... Mom, do you hear, I feel bad without you... I love you more than life itself, I love you like no one else... I feel you!”

Her premature death was regretted by all the participants in the television project, with whom Svetlana Ustinenko lived for some time, and by the television viewers who fell in love with this beautiful and modest woman. The kingdom of heaven to this bright little man...